2015, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 266-285 Understanding and breaking innovation lock-in effects
by Markus Spiegel & Christian Marxt - 286-307 What determines a successful business incubator? Introduction to an incubator guide
by Sophia Gerlach & Alexander Brem
2015, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 103-127 Growth in international new ventures: facilitating and redundant components beyond start-up
by Urban Ljungquist & Navid Ghannad - 128-151 Start-up consulting in the German language realm
by Reinhard Schulte & Norbert Kailer & Sascha Kraus - 152-172 Beyond traditional developmental models: a fresh perspective on entrepreneurial new venture creation
by Alexander Becker & Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufseß & Alexander Brem - 173-193 The impact of pre-startup planning on the strength of planning assumptions and the mode of processing
by Philipp Thiele & Katharina Fellnhofer - 194-210 Psychometrical testing of entrepreneurial creativity
by Carolin Palmer & Beate Cesinger & Petra Gelléri & Daniela Putsch & Julia Winzen
2015, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-23 The influence of online social networks on performance of small and medium enterprises: an empirical investigation of the online business to business network XING
by Melanie E. Zaglia & Martin K.J. Waiguny & Dagmar Abfalter & Julia Müller - 24-46 International new ventures localised in incubators - markets, resources and dynamic environment
by Lise Aaboen & Hans Löfsten - 47-64 How specialised and integrated relationship management responsibilities foster new ventures' network development
by Thorsten Semrau & Michael Beier - 65-83 The emergence of a competitiveness cluster: from embeddedness to ambidexterity
by Karim Messeghem & Agnès Paradas - 84-101 Towards a construct of entrepreneurial strategising: the case of private equity
by Michael Hilb & Tomas Casas
2014, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 299-330 Growth persistence and profile robustness of high-growth firms
by Yannick Dillen & Eddy Laveren & Rudy Martens & Sven De Vocht & Eric Van Imschoot - 331-347 New perspectives on innovative entrepreneurship and path dependence - a regional approach
by Sabrina Fredin - 348-366 What does the owner-manager want and get out of a business? Are family firms different?
by Helena Sjögrén & Pasi Syrjä & Kaisu Puumalainen & Sascha Kraus - 367-390 The relations between governance and the internationalisation of SMEs: evidence from medium-sized Austrian firms
by Christine Mitter & Christine Duller & Birgit Feldbauer-Durstmüller
2014, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 201-219 Improving the communications strategies of health-focused social entrepreneurial organisations: guidance from the literature
by Lauren Trabold & Paul N. Bloom & Lauren G. Block - 220-241 Exploration-exploitation dilemmas of venture capital funds: the role of organisational slack and horizons
by Shmuel Ellis & Tamar Sagiv & Israel Drori - 242-276 The use of global entrepreneurship monitor data in academic research: a critical inventory and future potentials
by Heiko Bergmann & Susan Mueller & Thomas Schrettle - 277-298 Start-ups and small scale industry growth in India: do institutional credit and start-ups make a difference?
by Subhash V. Kasturi & M.H. Bala Subrahmanya
2014, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 101-117 The role of familiness for family business innovativeness
by Daniela Weismeier-Sammer - 118-139 Integrative entrepreneurship research - bridging the gap between sociological and economic perspectives
by Dieter Bögenhold & Matthias Fink & Sascha Kraus - 140-161 What ties resources to entrepreneurs? - activating social capital
by Andreas Strobl - 162-178 Antecedents, prevalence and manifestations of social entrepreneurship
by Bjørn Willy Åmo - 179-200 Antecedents of academics' entrepreneurial intentions - developing a people-oriented model for university entrepreneurship
by Marc Grünhagen & Christine K. Volkmann
2014, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 6-21 Theorising and strategising with models: generative models of social enterprises
by Christian Seelos - 22-36 A developmental and constructionist perspective on social entrepreneur mobilisation
by Kenneth Wm. Kury - 37-50 Exploring the motivation to create social ventures: a model of moral engagement
by Constant D. Beugré - 51-68 Social entrepreneurs and social change: tracing impacts of social entrepreneurship through ideas, structures and practices
by Steven Ney & Markus Beckmann & Dorit Graebnitz & Rastislava Mirkovic - 69-84 Substantiating social entrepreneurship research: exploring the potential of integrating social capital and networks approaches
by Christian Busch - 85-99 The financing structure of social enterprises: conflicts and implications
by Ann-Kristin Achleitner & Wolfgang Spiess-Knafl & Sarah Volk
2013, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 327-344 Education through entrepreneurship: conditions for enhanced learning and reduced dropout
by Bjørn Willy Åmo & Willy K. Åmo - 345-368 Linking prefunding venture structure and venture capital exit performance
by Jan-Georg Streletzki - 369-390 Consolidation period in new ventures: how long does it take to establish a start-up?
by Stefanie Lambertz & Reinhard Schulte - 391-405 Credit guarantee schemes and their impact on SME lending: existing literature and research gaps
by Anke Valentin & Birgit Wolf - 406-430 Crisis and turnaround management in SMEs: a qualitative-empirical investigation of 30 companies
by Sascha Kraus & Petra Moog & Susanne Schlepphorst & Margit Raich
2013, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 217-239 Social entrepreneurship, social networks and social value creation: a quantitative analysis among social entrepreneurs
by Christiana Weber & Jan Kratzer - 240-256 Co-investment networks of business angels and the performance of their start-up investments
by Jochen Christian Werth & Patrick Boeert - 257-271 The aggregation of information qualities in collaborative software
by Désirée I. Christofzik & Christian Reuter - 272-291 Supporting entrepreneurial venturing of SMEs in collaborative cloud computing environments: a dependency-driven construction of scenario maps
by Novica Zarvić & Benedikt Martens & Oliver Thomas & Frank Teuteberg - 292-309 Repatriates as entrepreneurs? - A theoretical analysis
by Elizabeth C. Burer & Susanne Schlepphorst & Arndt Werner & Petra Moog - 310-326 International market diversification of innovative European SMEs - what role do various innovation strategies play?
by Christian Hauser & Jens Hogenacker & Kerstin Wagner
2013, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 105-119 Linking network, human capital and the extended competence network to business start-up: a multilevel approach
by Bjørn Willy Åmo - 120-152 Ten years of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: accomplishments and prospects
by José Ernesto Amorós & Niels Bosma & Jonathan Levie - 153-167 'In search of excellence' or 'stuck in the middle'? The quest to build a (more) entrepreneurial third-generation university
by Håkan Ylinenpää - 168-194 A comprehensive literature review of effectuation theory from 1999 to 2011
by Faiez Ghorbel & Younes Boujelbène - 195-211 Modelling regional start-up activity in Austria and Germany: a comparison of traditional and spatial econometric methods
by Robert J. Breitenecker & Antje Weyh
2013, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 9-27 Entrepreneurship education in policy and practice
by Karin Berglund & Carina Holmgren - 28-47 Fostering the competence of science students in identifying business opportunities: a design research approach
by Jan Nab & Astrid M.W. Bulte & Albert Pilot - 48-67 The making of an intercultural learning context for entrepreneuring
by Leona Achtenhagen & Bengt Johannisson - 68-83 Effectuation and causation in entrepreneurship education
by Soili Mäkimurto-Koivumaa & Vesa Puhakka - 84-103 The relationship between firm start-up rates and the local development of an entrepreneurship education system
by Laura Curiel-Piña & José Luis González-PernÃa & Andrés Jung & Miguel Angel López-Trujillo & Iñaki Peña-Legazkue
2012, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 330-350 The costs of entrepreneurship
by Simon C. Parker - 351-373 Identifying sources of occupational stress in entrepreneurs for measurement
by Sharon Grant & Kate Ferris - 374-390 Entrepreneurs' health - the importance of psychosocial working conditions and individual factors
by Stig Vinberg & Kjell Terje Gundersen & Mikael Nordenmark & Johan Larsson & Bodil J. Landstad - 391-408 Corruption and the ethical context of country-level entrepreneurship
by Sergey Anokhin & William Acar - 409-426 Entrepreneurship policy as institutionalised and powerful myths
by Kim Klyver & Torben E. Bager
2012, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 199-213 Quality signals in early-stage venture capital markets
by Dave Valliere - 214-238 Financial covenants and their restrictiveness in European LBOs - an assessment in the aftermath of the financial crisis
by Ann-Kristin Achleitner & Carolin Bock & Florian Tappeiner - 239-256 Valuation of entrepreneurial businesses
by Gerrit Brösel & Manfred J. Matschke & Michael Olbrich - 257-275 Financial valuation of start-up businesses with and without venture capital
by Michael Lerm & Roland Rollberg & Peter Kurz - 276-289 The role of investors for early-stage companies
by Pascal Gantenbein & Jens Engelhardt - 290-308 Micro enterprises and microfinance for business women in rural areas of South Africa - a case study of Ga-Rankuwa at the interface between first and third world
by Heinz Eckart Klingelhöfer & Philip Olukayode Aiyepola & Ayodele Olatunji Adewunmi - 309-326 Franchising - a key to success in times of financial and economic crises?!
by Heinz Kußmaul & Gerd Waschbusch & Jessica Knoll & Christoph Ruiner & Nadine Staub
2012, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 97-110 Factors related to the capital structure of small new ventures
by Rainer Harms & Robert J. Breitenecker & Erich J. Schwarz & Malgorzata A. Wdowiak - 111-131 Classifying the strategic capability of farmers: a segmentation framework
by Gerard McElwee & Rob Smith - 132-147 The socially-dynamic entrepreneurial process: an anthropological approach
by Toke Bjerregaard & Jakob Lauring - 148-167 Change of entrepreneurial agenda in a core competence context: exploring the transformation from technology focus to market focus
by Navid Ghannad & Urban Ljungquist - 168-180 On the nature of technological opportunities: concept, origin and evolution
by MarÃa-Teresa Aceytuno & F. Rafael Cáceres - 181-193 Factors that affect small business performance in Canada
by Amarjit Gill & Nahum Biger
2012, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-17 Guest editor's introduction: Sports entrepreneurship: towards a conceptualisation
by Vanessa Ratten - 18-31 Still playing the game?
by Helle Neergaard & Norris Krueger - 32-41 Calgary Flames: a case study in an entrepreneurial sport franchise
by David Legg & Vance Gough - 42-57 Click clack: examining the strategic and entrepreneurial brand vision of Under Armour
by Kimberly S. Miloch & Jason Lee & Patrick M. Kraft & Vanessa Ratten - 58-64 Branding the elite professional athlete through use of new media and technology: an interview with Ash De Walt
by Khalid Ballouli & Michael Hutchinson - 65-76 Sport entrepreneurship: challenges and directions for future research
by Vanessa Ratten - 77-95 Opening the black box: a comparative case study on international prospectors
by Beate Cesinger & Claudius Habisreutinger & Adriana Danko
2011, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 324-343 An entrepreneurship policy framework for high-growth firms: navigating between policies for picking winners and market failure
by Kevin Hindle & John Yencken & Allan O'Connor - 344-358 Rapidly-growing firms and their main characteristics: a longitudinal study from the USA
by Christian Keen & Hamid Etemad - 359-374 Personal happiness and employment growth in new technology-based firms
by Arndt Lautenschläger - 375-391 High performance work systems, technological innovations and firm performance in SME: evidences from Italy
by Edoardo Della Torre & Luca Solari - 392-419 Developing innovation support services for small high-growth technology firms in Eastern Finland
by Jukka Siikonen & Tomi Heimonen & Jarkko Pellikka - 420-434 Open innovation strategies in the UK biopharmaceutical sector
by Călin Gurău & Frank Lasch - 435-455 Strategic coopetition of global brands: a game theory approach to 'Nike + iPod Sport Kit' co-branding
by Flávio Rodrigues & Victoria Souza & João Leitão
2011, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 212-230 Enhancing process innovations: the role of cognitions, and power-based leadership
by Diana Eva Krause - 231-247 The influence of advergames on consumers' attitudes and behaviour: an empirical study among young consumers
by Martin K.J. Waiguny & Ralf Terlutter & Melanie E. Zaglia - 248-261 Competence development in start-ups and SMEs: what is the role of higher education institutions as cooperation partners?
by Norbert Kailer & Monika Thum-Kraft - 262-280 How to turn public networks into clubs? The challenge of being a cluster manager
by Carola Jungwirth & Daniel Grundgreif & Elisabeth Muller - 281-300 Management accounting and controlling in German SMEs – do company size and family influence matter?
by Wolfgang Becker & Patrick Ulrich & Michaela Staffel - 301-314 Examining SME performance: the role of innovation, R&D and internationalisation
by Timothy L. Pett & James A. Wolff
2011, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 101-124 The succession scorecard, a tool to assist family business's trans-generational continuity
by Ilse Matser & Jozef Lievens - 125-148 Corporate venturing in family firms: a strategic management approach
by Nathan S. Greidanus - 149-167 The role of knowledge in entrepreneurial marketing
by Roland Zs. Szabo & Lilla Hortovanyi & David F. Tarody & Adrienn Ferincz & Miklos Dobak - 168-182 Family business background, perceptions of barriers, and entrepreneurial intentions in Cyprus
by Athanasios Hadjimanolis & Panikkos Poutziouris - 183-207 What determines the growth ambition of Dutch early-stage entrepreneurs?
by Ingrid Verheul & Linda Van Mil
2011, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 5-25 Role of networks in emergence of international new ventures
by Tuija Mainela & Vesa Puhakka - 26-43 Political entrepreneurship in new small ventures: the case of IMS
by Anna Bengtson & Amjad Hadjikhani & Cecilia Pahlberg - 44-62 Inertia in business relationships: the case of a designer furniture manufacturer
by Anu Norrgrann & Karita Luokkanen-Rabetino - 63-83 ERP selection through business relationships – adaptations or connections
by Peter Ekman & Peter Thilenius - 84-100 Performance in strategic alliances: an analysis of objective and subjective measures
by Mario Franco
2010, Volume 2, Issue 3/4
- 222-245 Resources supporting entrepreneurial orientation in multigenerational family firms
by Wayne Irava & Ken Moores - 246-261 Factors influencing the stocks and flows of bonding social capital in family firms
by Daniela Montemerlo & Pramodita Sharma - 262-275 The definitional dilemma in family business research: outlines of an ongoing debate
by Paolo Di Toma & Stefano Montanari - 276-290 Family small businesses: definition, 'essence' and 'true' prevalence
by Calvin Wang - 291-307 Small family business performance: comparison between family and non-family enterprises
by Antti Kirmanen & Juha Kansikas - 308-319 Toward a better understanding of family enterprising
by Mervyn J. Morris & Justin B. Craig - 320-346 Father-daughter succession issues in family business among regional economies of Asia
by Daphne Halkias & Paul W. Thurman & Nicholas Harkiolakis & Marios Katsioloudes & Eleni T. Stavrou & Paul M. Swiercz & Mirka Fragoudakis - 347-365 Strategic renewal after ownership transfers in SMEs: do successors' actions pay off?
by Lex Van Teeffelen & Lorraine Uhlaner - 366-380 Are family firms fit for innovation? Towards an agenda for empirical research
by Dietmar Roessl & Matthias Fink & Sascha Kraus - 381-399 Innovation in family and non-family businesses: a resource perspective
by Josep Llach & Mattias Nordqvist - 400-418 Internationalisation of family-owned businesses in the Czech Republic
by Hamid Moini & Frantisek Kalouda & George Tesar - 419-420 Book Review: Entrepreneurship in a European Perspective: Concepts for the Creation and Growth of New Ventures by C.K. Volkmann, K.O. Tokarski and M. Gruenhagen
by Ulla Hytti
2010, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 114-128 The Sarimner effect and three types of ever-abundant business opportunities
by Kent Thoren & Terrence E. Brown - 129-143 Challenges of quantitative research on internal corporate venturing
by Robert P. Garrett - 144-158 Corporate entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship related to innovation behaviour among employees
by Bjorn Willy Amo - 159-184 Conjuring the entrepreneurial spirit in small and medium-sized enterprises: the influence of management on corporate entrepreneurship
by Ralf Schmelter & Rene Mauer & Andreas Engelen & Malte Brettel - 185-200 Trial by market: the Brightstar incubation experiment
by Simon Ford & David Probert - 201-216 Gone corporate? The changing face of entrepreneurship in contemporary universities
by Tim Vorley & Jen Nelles
2010, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-22 Evaluation of entrepreneurial teams: early-stage investment decisions in new technology-based firms
by Kirsti Dautzenberg & Guido Reger - 23-39 International entrepreneurship in Japan: an extended model
by Paul Gaspari & Parissa Haghirian - 40-55 Firm size, bank relational strategy and credit: the mediating role of bank knowledge in small firm access to debt finance
by Patrick Saparito & Kenneth Colwell - 56-71 Entrepreneurial marketing over the internet: an explorative qualitative empirical analysis
by Kati Schmengler & Sascha Kraus - 72-87 The role of HRM in networking SMEs
by Tuija Oikarinen & Mirva Hyypia & Timo Pihkala - 88-105 Managing entrepreneurial opportunism and marketing discipline in firm performance: empirical application
by Michel Soto Chalhoub
2010, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 352-366 Quantitative valuation of platform technology based entrepreneurial ventures
by Ann-Kristin Achleitner & Eva Lutz & Stephanie Schraml - 367-981 The influence of intangible assets on external succession decisions in small and medium-sized enterprises
by Susanne Durst & Stefan Guldenberg - 382-397 Trust-based cooperation relationships between SMEs – are family firms any different?
by Matthias Fink - 398-413 Family business in family ownership portfolios
by Marita Rautiainen & Timo Pihkala & Markku Ikavalko - 414-431 The identification and research of product and service innovations: a microanalysis approach
by Ari Serkkola & Jaakko Ikavalko & Seppo Hanninen & Ilkka Kauranen - 432-448 Creating entrepreneurial opportunities: an organisational and social constructive phenomenon in the creation of new businesses
by Antti Kauppinen & Vesa Puhakka
2010, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 221-226 Venture growth – new findings from a multilevel perspective – Guest Editors' introduction to the focus issue on growth
by Rainer Harms & Joanne L. Scillitoe - 227-244 Grow with the flow: entrepreneurial marketing and thriving young firms
by Fabian Eggers - 245-263 Assessing the role of strategy and socioeconomic heritage for rapidly growing firms: evidence from Germany
by Michael Wyrwich - 264-290 New environmental stimuli, challenges of entrepreneurial firms and growth leaps: evidences from multisector case studies
by Mukund R. Dixit & Sunil Sharma & Amit Karna - 291-308 Regional determinants of technology entrepreneurship
by Jianhong Xue & Peter G. Klein - 309-326 How venture capital investors view radical strategic change in high technology new ventures
by Eli Gimmon & Eyal Benjamin & Liora Katzenstein - 327-345 Market concentration and new venture survival in static v dynamic industries
by Andrew Burke & Aoife Hanley - 346-347 Book Review: Success Factors of Fast Growing Companies by Holger Ernst, Stefan Glanzer and Peter Witt (Eds.)
by Sascha Kraus
2009, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 112-130 Business ecosystem perspective on value co-creation in the Web 2.0 era: implications for entrepreneurial opportunities
by Thuong T. Le & Monideepa Tarafdar - 131-146 The building blocks of a relational capability – evidence from the banking industry
by Wojciech Czakon - 147-163 Do direct or indirect relations between incumbent firms and corporate spin-offs affect the performance of spin-offs?
by Majbritt Rostgaard Evald & Ann Hojbjerg Clarke & Kent Wickstrom Jensen - 164-184 Supporting value creation in SMEs through capacity building and innovation initiatives: the danger of provoking unsustainable rapid growth
by Carmine Bianchi & Graham W. Winch - 185-204 Firm-level entrepreneurship and performance for German Gazelles
by Rainer Harms & Thomas Ehrmann - 205-219 Supporting value creation by reducing cultural distance as a barrier to exporting
by Thomas M. Cooney & Amanda Ratcliffe & Jane A.K. Silver
2009, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 5-21 SME opportunity for growth or profit: what is the role of product and process improvement?
by Timothy L. Pett & James A. Wolff - 22-40 Opportunity spin-offs and necessity spin-offs
by Guido Buenstorf - 41-56 'That seems to be promising!' – Predicting opportunity evaluation by means of situational characteristics and individual cognitions
by Matthias Spoerrle & Nicola Breugst & Isabell Welpe - 57-71 The conceptualisation of 'opportunity' in strategic management research
by Rainer Harms & Anja Schulz & Sascha Kraus & Matthias Fink - 72-87 Understanding business success through the lens of SME founder-owners in Australia and Malaysia
by Noor Hazlina Ahmad & Pi-Shen Seet - 88-107 Strategic marketing planning for opportunity exploitation in young entrepreneurial companies
by Bernadette Sager & Michael Dowling