- halshs-04685420 Impacts of repetitive droughts and the key role of experience : evidence from Nigeria
by Mélanie Gittard - halshs-04685409 Droughts, Migration and Population in Kenya
by Mélanie Gittard - halshs-04685390 MiningLeaks Water Pollution and Child Mortality in Africa
by Mélanie Gittard & Irène Hu - hal-04683709 Power system planning in the energy transition era: the case of Vietnam's Power Development Plan 8
by Minh Ha-Duong - hal-04682824 Optimal business model adaptation plan for a company under a transition scenario
by Elisa Ndiaye & Antoine Bezat & Emmanuel Gobet & Céline Guivarch & Ying Jiao - hal-04658788 Guilty or scapegoat? Land consolidation and the hedgerow decline
by Valentin Cocco & Raja Chakir & Lauriane Mouysset - hal-04625026 Transiger sur l'artificialisation
by Charles Claron & Vincent Jalabert & Olivier Coutard & Harold Levrel - halshs-04619188 Credible climate policy commitments are needed for keeping long-term climate goals within reach
by Briera Thibault & Julien Lefevre - hal-04579457 Line Ride-Sharing as a bi-sided mobility service with price schedule, transactional protocol and waiting policy: a Time&Money traffic assignment model and its equilibrium
by Fabien Leurent - hal-04573796 POLLUM : Création d’un outil d’aide à la définition de la trame noire à partir d’images satellites nocturnes à très haute résolution
by Sarah Potin & Julie Chaurand & Chloé Beaudet & Léa Tardieu - hal-04538870 Phasing out fossil fuel in the residential sector: Should new gas boilers be banned ?
by Célia Escribe & Lucas Vivier - hal-04534079 Taxing the carbon content of consumed goods
by Aude Pommeret & Antonin Pottier - hal-04510798 Energy efficiency policy in an n-th best world: Assessing the implementation gap
by Lucas Vivier & Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet - hal-04412457 Just Energy Transition Partnerships at two: doctrine, executions and way forward
by Minh Ha-Duong & Christophe Cassen - hal-04384918 Macroéconomie des transitions énergétiques Explorations dans le cas français par la mise en oeuvre d'un modèle réduit
by Frédéric Ghersi & Adam Poupard & Julien Lefevre
- hal-04483042 MatMat: Extensions et développements du modèle de prospective intégrée énergie-matière-économie - Evaluation des empreintes matières et carbone de scénarios de transitions bas-carbone en France
by Bruno Fontaine & Antoine Teixeira & Fanny Vicard - hal-04248556 Les incidences économiques de l'action pour le climat. Compétitivité
by Antoine Bouët & Erica Perego & Vincent Vicard & Mathieu Fouquet & Alexandre Godzinski & Frédéric Ghersi & Sébastien Jean & William l'Heudé & Vincent Aussilloux & Romain Schweizer & Christophe C. Gouel & Paul Malliet & François Langot & Aude Pommeret & Fabien Tripier - hal-04232407 Is urban wastewater treatment effective in India? Evidence from water quality and infant mortality
by Claire Lepault - hal-04196749 Robustness of the evaluation of indirect costs of natural disasters: example of the ARIO model
by Samuel Juhel & Adrien Delahais & Vincent Viguie - halshs-04173183 International Attitudes Toward Global Policies
by Adrien Fabre & Thomas Douenne & Linus Mattauch - halshs-04158009 Opposite ethical views converge under the threat of catastrophic climate change
by Aurélie Méjean & Antonin Pottier & Stéphane Zuber & Marc Fleurbaey - hal-04094268 Vietnam’s Just Energy Transition Partnership: a background report
by Minh Ha-Duong - hal-04088100 Vietnam's energy security in 2023 global coal and LNG markets
by Minh Ha-Duong
- hal-04104190 Simultaneous Decision Making of Juries: Evidence From the Paris Labor Court
by Claudine Desrieux & Romain Espinosa & Michael Visser - hal-03805030 On the ratios of urban mobility, Part 1: the HoTer model of travel demand and network flows
by Fabien Leurent - hal-03793826 Opciones de la agricultura y los cambios del uso del suelo para alcanzar cero emisiones netas en América Latina y el Caribe
by Patrice Dumas & Stefan Wirsenius & Timothy Searchinger & Adrien Vogt-Schilb & Nadine Andrieu - hal-03763653 How reducing synthetic nitrogen in Europe affects ecosystem carbon and biodiversity: two perspectives of the same policy
[Comment la réduction de l'azote synthétique en Europe affecte le carbone et la biodiversité des écosystèmes : deux perspectives d'une même politique]
by N. Devaraju & Rémi Prudhomme & Anna Lungarska & Xuhui Wang & Zun Yin & Nathalie de Noblet-Decoudré & Raja R. Chakir & Pierre-Alain Jayet & Thierry Brunelle & Nicolas Viovy & Adriana De Palma & Ricardo Gonzalez & Philippe Ciais - hal-03761774 Halving mineral nitrogen use in European agriculture: insights from multi-scale land-use models
[Réduire de moitié l'utilisation de l'azote minéral dans l'agriculture européenne : aperçu des modèles multi-échelles d'utilisation des sols]
by Anna Lungarska & Thierry Brunelle & Raja Chakir & Pierre-Alain Jayet & Rémi Prudhomme & Stéphane de Cara & Jean-Christophe Bureau - hal-03702627 IMpact Assessment of CLIMate policies with IMACLIM-R 1.1. Model documentation version 1.1
by Ruben Bibas & C. Cassen & Renaud Crassous & Céline Guivarch & Meriem Hamdi-Cherif & Jean Charles Hourcade & Florian Leblanc & Aurélie Méjean & Eoin Ó Broin & Julie Rozenberg & Olivier Sassi & Adrien Vogt-Schilb & Henri-David Waisman - hal-03655013 Évaluation des coûts du réseau Natura 2000 pour les habitats marins Rapport final
by Pierre Scemama & Charlène Kermagoret & Alexia Rivallin & Fanny Le Fur & Frédérique Alban & Harold Levrel & Rémi Mongruel - hal-03321706 Combining economics and psychology: Does CO2 framing strengthen pro-environmental behaviors?
by Charles Collet & Pascal Gastineau & Benoit Chèze & Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu & Frederic Martinez - hal-03127376 Dataset of wind power projects in Vietnam, 2022-05
by Minh Ha-Duong
- hal-03834734 Ecological Accounting : How to organize information for biodiversity conservation decision and action at the national, business and ecosystem levels?
by C. Feger & Harold Levrel & Alexandre Rambaud - hal-03410398 Prise en compte des services écosystémiques dans les décisions d’aménagement urbain. Méthodologie et retour d'expérience du projet IDEFESE mené en Île-de-France
by Vincent Viguie & Perrine Hamel & Aude Lemonsu & Cécile S. de Munck & Yann Kervinio & Lana Coste & Charles Claron & Emmanuel Faure & Emile Geoffroy & Charlotte Liotta & Mehdi Mikou & Mai-Thi Ta - halshs-03265636 Carbon Pricing and Power Sector Decarbonisation: Evidence from the UK
by Marion Leroutier - halshs-03265053 Who Are the Citizens of the French Convention for Climate?
by Adrien Fabre & Bénédicte Apouey & Thomas Douenne & Jean-Michel Fourniau & Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & Jean-François Laslier & Solène Tournus - hal-03262187 Estimating discrete choice experiments : theoretical fundamentals
by Benoit Chèze & Charles Collet & Anthony Paris - hal-03252026 Input use and output price risks: the case of maize in Burkina Faso
[Utilisation d'intrants et risques de prix : le cas du maïs au Burkina Faso]
by Tristan Le Cotty & Elodie Maître d'Hôtel & Moctar Ndiaye & Sophie S. Thoyer - hal-03197064 Decentralized renewable energy broke Vietnam’s power planning logic
by Minh Ha-Duong - hal-02329698 Planning, policy and integration for sustainable development of offshore wind energy in Vietnam 2022 - 2030
by Minh Ha-Duong & Sven Teske & Dimitri Pescia & Mentari Pujantoro
- hal-03143043 The multi-level economic impacts of deep decarbonization strategies for the energy system
by Gaëlle Le Treut & Julien Lefevre & Francisco Lallana & Gonzalo Bravo - hal-03143038 Economic and social effectiveness of carbon pricing schemes to meet Brazilian NDC targets
by William Wills & Emilio Lebre La Rovere & Carolina Grottera & Giovanna Naspolini & Gaëlle Le Treut & F. Ghersi & Julien Lefevre & Carolina Dubeux - hal-03099334 The IMACLIM-SAU model Version 1.0
by Salaheddine Soummane & F. Ghersi - hal-03059625 Biomass co-firing and renewable portfolio standard scenarios to 2030
[Đồng Đốt Sinh Khối Và Các Kịch Bản Tiêu Chuẩn Tỉ Lệ Năng Lượng Tái Tạo Đến 2030]
by Minh Ha-Duong & an Ha Truong & Hoang Anh Tran - halshs-03029883 Intergenerational equity under catastrophic climate change
by Aurélie Méjean & Antonin Pottier & Stéphane Zuber & Marc Fleurbaey - hal-02976915 Improving nature’s visibility in financial accounting
by C. Feger & Alexandre Rambaud - hal-02949396 Description of the IMACLIM-Country model: A country-scale computable general equilibrium model to assess macroeconomic impacts of climate policies
by Gaëlle Le Treut - hal-02945775 Forecasting impacts of Agricultural Production on Global Maize Price
[Prévision des impacts de la production agricole sur les prix mondiaux du maïs]
by Rotem Zelingher & David Makowski & Thierry Brunelle - halshs-02919695 Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat : Les citoyens de la Convention comparés à des échantillons représentatifs de la population française. Note de travail
by Adrien Fabre & Bénédicte Apouey & Thomas Douenne & Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & Jean-François Laslier & Antonin Macé - hal-02463082 Rapport du Projet de recherche ANC « Le capital : analyse croisée comptable, économique et historique »
by Alexandre Rambaud & Richard Jacques - hal-01123355 Wait and sell: farmers' individual preferences and crop storage in Burkina Faso
by Tristan Le Cotty & Elodie Maître d'Hôtel & Raphael Soubeyran & Julie Subervie
- hal-03403204 Taxe carbone, le retour, à quelles conditions ?
by Audrey Berry & Eloi Laurent - hal-03088132 Renewable Energy Law and Auctions in Vietnam
by Minh Ha-Duong & Ngo To Nhien - hal-02408904 Social Cost of Carbon under stochastic tipping points: when does risk play a role?
by Nicolas Taconet & Céline Guivarch & Antonin Pottier - halshs-02263898 Three scenarios for coal power in Vietnam
by Minh Ha-Duong - hal-02080392 Impact of climate change on agriculture: determination of the existence of a price bias in Ricardian studies
[Impact du changement climatique sur l'agriculture : détermination de l'existence d'un biais de prix dans les études ricardiennes]
by Fabrice Essé Ochou & Philippe Quirion - halshs-02080285 Impacts of extreme events on technical efficiency in Vietnamese agriculture
by Yoro Diallo & Sébastien Marchand & Etienne Espagne - hal-02018715 Inventory credit to enhance food security in Africa
by Tristan Le Cotty & Elodie Maître d'Hôtel & Julie Subervie - hal-01985269 An ex post evaluation of energy-efficiency policies across the European Union
by Eoin Ó Broin & Jens Ewald & Franck Nadaud & Érika Mata & Magnus Hennlock & Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & Thomas Sterner
- hal-03128619 Modeling the Socioeconomic Impacts of the Adoption of a Carbon Pricing Instrument – Literature review
by Julien Lefevre - hal-01960318 Asymmetric impacts and over-provision of public goods
by Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & Céline Guivarch - hal-01955954 Evaluation prospective des politiques de réduction de la demande d'énergie pour le chauffage résidentiel
by Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & Cyril Bourgeois & Philippe Quirion & David Glotin - hal-01947421 Inventory credit as a commitment device to save grain until the hunger season
by Tristan Le Cotty & Elodie Maître d'Hôtel & Raphaël Soubeyran & Julie Subervie - hal-01896838 Measuring energy poverty: uncovering the multiple dimensions of energy poverty
by Audrey Berry - halshs-01777499 Optimal Policy and Network Effects for the Deployment of Zero Emission Vehicles
by Jean Pierre Ponssard & Guy Meunier - hal-01695083 Buses, Houses or Cash? Socio-Economic, Spatial and Environmental Consequences of Reforming Public Transport Subsidies in Buenos Aires
by Paolo Avner & Shomik Raj Mehndiratta & Vincent Viguie & Stéphane Hallegatte - hal-01692879 Did the Paris Agreement Plant the Seeds of a Climate Consistent International Financial Regime?
by Dipak Dasgupta & Etienne Espagne & Jean Charles Hourcade & Irving Mintzer & Seyni Nafo & Baptiste Perrissin Fabert & Nick Robins & Alfredo Sirkis - hal-01692453 Is electricity affordable and reliable for all in Vietnam?
by Minh Ha-Duong & Hoai Son Nguyen - hal-01692449 Le droit à l'énergie : dangereuse chimère ou juste exigence ?
by Minh Ha-Duong - hal-01691764 The IMACLIM-P Model Version 3.4
by Frédéric Ghersi - hal-01691740 Macroeconomic modelling of electrified mobility systems in 2030 European Union
by Frédéric Ghersi - hal-01691088 Compensating households from carbon tax regressivity and fuel poverty: a microsimulation study
by Audrey Berry - hal-01420872 Moral Hazard and the Energy Efficiency Gap: Theory and Evidence
by Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & Sébastien Houde & Joseph Maher
- hal-03231281 Environmental effects of land use changes related to agricultural, forestry, or territorial scale reorientations: a critical review of the scientific literature
[Effets environnementaux des changements d'affectation des sols liés à des réorientations agricoles, forestières, ou d'échelle territoriales : une revue critique de la littérature scientifique]
by Antonio Bispo & Benoit Gabrielle & David Makowski & Monia El Akkari & Laure Bamière & Aude Barbottin & Valentin Bellassen & Cécile Bessou & Patrice Dumas & Sabrina Gaba & Julie Wohlfahrt & Mélanie Sandoval & Sophie Le Perchec & Olivier Rechauchère - hal-01688931 Pathways to deep decarbonization of the passenger transport sector in France
by Yann Briand & Julien Lefevre & Jean-Michel Cayla - hal-01684032 Group farming in France. Why are some regions more conducive to cooperation than others?
by Bina Agarwal & Bruno Dorin - halshs-01557657 On the benefits of set-asides
by Philippe Jehiel & Laurent Lamy - halshs-01557585 A mechanism design approach to the Tiebout hypothesis
by Philippe Jehiel & Laurent Lamy - hal-01429099 Linking risk aversion, time preference and fertilizer use in Burkina Faso
by Tristan Le Cotty & Elodie Maître d'Hôtel & Raphael Soubeyran & Julie Subervie
- hal-01695230 Implicações Econômicas E Sociais De Cenários De Mitigação De Gases De Efeito Estufa No Brasil Até 2030 Sumário Técnico
by Emilio Lebre La Rovere & William Wills & Amaro O Pereira & C.B. Dubeux & S.H.F. Cunha & B.C.P. Oliveira & M.M.R. Moreira, & Shigeru Watanabe & S.M. Loureiro & Carolina Grottera & L. Harfuch, & M. Weiss, & P.T. Carvalho, & L.A.S. Santos & R. Kishinami, & V. Zveibil, & L. Santos & R.N. Ely & L.S.S.C. Moreira & W. Kimura, & T. Santos, & A. Toni & Julien Lefevre & L.C. Bachion & R. Lima & W. Zambianco & A. Nassar & M.K.C Walter & I. Zicarelli & L.D.B. Oliveira - hal-01685947 A description of the IMACLIM-BR model: a modeling framework to assess climate and energy policy in Brazil
[Une description du modèle IMACLIM-BR: un outil de modélisation pour évaluer les politiques énergétiques et climatiques au Brésil]
by Julien Lefevre - hal-01579189 Deep decarbonisation towards 1.5°C-2°C stabilisation
by Gunnar Luderer & Elmar Kriegler & Laura Delsa & O. Y. Edelenbosch & Johannes Emmerling & Volker Krey & David Mccollum & Shonali Pachauri & Keywan Riahi & Bert Saveyn & M. Tavoni & Zoi Vrontisi & Detlef P. Van Vuuren & Douglas Arent & Anders Arvesen & Shinichiro Fujimori & Gokul Iyer & Ilkka Keppo & Katerina Kermeli & Silvana Mima & Eoin Ó Broin & Robert Pietzcker & Fuminori Sano & Yvonne Scholz & B. van Ruijven & Charlie Wilson - hal-01441737 Power Sector Vision Towards 100% Renewable Electricity by 2050 In Greater Mekong Region - Vietnam Report Part A
by Thu Trang Nguyen & Thanh Binh Hoang & Lee Poston & Kelsey Hartman & Shoon So Oo & Aung Myint & David Allan & Pierre-Marc Blanchet & Richard De Ferranti & John Mcginley & Cam Nhung Pham & Khanh Nguy Thi & Decharut Sukkumnoed & Trine Glue Doan & Hoang Anh Nguyen Trinh & Minh Ha-Duong & Hai Long Nguyen & Hoai-Son Nguyen - hal-01441680 Synthesis Report on Socio-environmental Impacts of Coal and Coal-fired Power Plants in Vietnam
by Minh Ha-Duong & an Ha Truong & Hong Nam Nguyen & Hoang Anh Nguyen Trinh - hal-01422206 Biomass gasification in Southeast Asia: Factors influencing technology adoption in Cambodia
by Hong Nam Nguyen & Hoai-Son Nguyen & Minh Ha-Duong & Laurent van de Steene - halshs-01387121 L'économicisation de la nature, réalités historiques et mythes contemporains
by Harold Levrel & Antoine Missemer - hal-01275593 Two historical changes in the narrative of energy forecasts
by Minh Ha-Duong & Franck Nadaud & Martin Jegard - hal-01264985 Clean Energy and Sustainable Development lab activity report, 2014-09-31 to 2015-12-31
by Minh Ha-Duong & Hoang Anh Tran
- hal-01564602 A vision and action plan for a low-carbon Europe
by Olav Øye & Laura Aelenei & Line Barkved & Stan Beaubien & Teresa Bertrand & Miriame Cherbib & Sirin Engen & Emily Creamer & Anna Ernst & Marie Gastine & Vasiliki Gemeni & Minh Ha-Duong & Ales Havlin & Vit Hladik & Lucia Hrivnakova & Nikolaos Koukouzas & Carly Maynard & Ron Overgoor & Ana Picado & Stefano Pirrotta & Melanie Provoost & Sandra Ramos & Stijn Santen & Konstantinos Sfetsioris & Simon Shackley & Camilla Svendsen Skriung & Robert van Der Lande & Gert-Jan van Der Panne & Vong Chan Quang & Samuela Vercelli - hal-01564600 European Dialogue Report. Lessons from ten low-carbon dialogues
by Olav Øye & Laura Aelenei & Line Barkved & Stan Beaubien & Teresa Bertrand & Miriame Cherbib & Emily Creamer & Sirin Engen & Anna Ernst & Vasiliki Gemeni & Minh Ha-Duong & Lucia Hrivnakova & Vit Hladik & Nikolaos Koukouzas & Carly Maynard & Ron Overgoor & Ana Picado & Stefano Pirrotta & Melanie Provoost & Sandra Ramos & Stijn Santen & Konstantinos Sfetsioris & Simon Shackley & Camilla Svendsen Skriung & Robert van Der Lande & Gert-Jan van Der Panne & Samuela Vercelli - hal-01260907 Double Moral Hazard and the Energy Efficiency Gap
by Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & Sébastien Houde - hal-01245354 The INDC counter, aggregation of national contributrions and 2°C trajectories
by Hélène Benveniste & Patrick Criqui & Olivier Boucher & Francois-Marie Breon & Céline Guivarch & Emmanuel Prados & Sandrine Mathy & Laetitia Chevallet & Laureline Coindoz & Hervé Le Treut - hal-01136199 Urban Infrastructure Investment and Rent-Capture Potentials
by Vincent Viguie & Stéphane Hallegatte - hal-01108944 Carbon price instead of support schemes : Windpower investments by the electricity markets
by Dominique Finon & Tanguy Janssen & Marie Petitet - hal-01108443 Carbon price instead of support schemes : Windpower investments by the electricity markets
by Marie Petitet & Dominique Finon & Tanguy Janssen - hal-01108414 Capacity Mechanisms and Cross-Border Participation: The EU wide approach in question
by Dominique Finon
- hal-01300545 Globis final report on Integrated Scenarios D30
by Florian Leblanc & C. Cassen & Thierry Brunelle & Patrice Dumas & Aurélie Méjean - hal-01107615 Rice husk gasification for electricity generation in Cambodia in December 2014
by Hong Nam Nguyen & Minh Ha-Duong - hal-01079837 Pathways toward Zero-Carbon Electricity Required for Climate Stabilization
by Richard Audoly & Adrien Vogt-Schilb & Céline Guivarch - hal-01072736 EU ETS, Free Allocations and Activity Level Thresholds. The devil lies in the details
by Frédéric Branger & Jean-Pierre Ponssard & Oliver Sartor & Misato Sato - hal-01057241 Optimal Transition from Coal to Gas and Renewable Power under Capacity Constraints and Adjustment Costs
by Oskar Lecuyer & Adrien Vogt-Schilb - hal-01016399 Sensitivity analysis of an energy-economy model of the residential building sector
by Frédéric Branger & Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & Céline Guivarch & Philippe Quirion - hal-01016110 European experiences with white certificate obligations: A critical review of existing evaluations
by Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & D. Finon - hal-01016109 Double moral hazard and the energy efficiency gap
by Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & Sébastien Houde - hal-00946582 Carbon Taxation and Social Progress
by Emmanuel Combet - hal-00672907 Carbon Leakage and Capacity-Based Allocations. Is the EU right?
by Guy Meunier & Jean-Pierre Ponssard & Philippe Quirion
- hal-03148601 Sciences Humaines et Sociales & Énergie : rapport du groupe Énergie de l'alliance Athéna
by Pierre Charbonnier & Patrick Criqui & Alain Dollet & Patrick-Paul Duval & Pierre Fournier & Claude Gilbert & Bernd Grambow & Olivier Labussiere & Sandra Laugier & Elisabeth Le Net & Catherine Locatelli & Alain Nadaï & Sébastien Velut - hal-02805382 Should marginal abatement costs differ across sectors? The effect of low-carbon capital accumulation
by Adrien Vogt-Shilb & Guy Meunier & Stephane Hallegate - hal-01685990 Building Input-Output tables in physical units and in money value for hybrid energy-economy CGE models: application to the Brazilian economy
[Construction de matrices entrées-sorties en indicateurs physiques et en valeur monétaire pour les modèles d’équilibre général hybrides : application à l’économie brésilienne]
by Julien Lefevre & Emmanuel Combet & Jean Charles Hourcade - hal-01137914 New representations of energy consumption
by Carine Barbier & Prabodh Pourouchottamin & Lucas Chancel & Michel Colombier - halshs-01053741 A post-growth society for the 21st century
by Damien Demailly & Lucas Chancel & Henri-David Waisman & Céline Guivarch - halshs-00944615 rapport "SHS et énergie"
by Sandra Laugier & Sébastien Velut & Alain Nadaï & Olivier Labussiere - halshs-00870689 Would Border Carbon Adjustments prevent carbon leakage and heavy industry competitiveness losses? Insights from a meta-analysis of recent economic studies
by Frédéric Branger & Philippe Quirion - hal-00866450 Les véhicules électrifiés réduisent-ils les émissions de carbone ? Un raisonnement prospectif
by Adrien Vogt-Schilb & Céline Guivarch & Jean Charles Hourcade - hal-00866447 L'effet net sur l'emploi de la transition énergétique en France : Une analyse input-output du scénario négaWatt
by Philippe Quirion - hal-00866445 Heavy subsidization reduces free-ridership : Evidence from an econometric study of the French dwelling insulation tax credit
by Marie-Laure Nauleau - hal-00866442 Assessing and ordering investments in polluting fossil-fueled and zero-carbon capital
by Oskar Lecuyer & Adrien Vogt-Schilb - hal-00866413 A World without Farmers ? The Lewis Path Revisited
by Bruno Dorin & Jean Charles Hourcade & Michel Benoit-Cattin - hal-00866408 The European Union Emissions Trading System : should we throw the flagship out with the bathwater ?
by Frédéric Branger & Oskar Lecuyer & Philippe Quirion - hal-00850682 Should marginal abatement costs differ across sectors? The effect of low-carbon capital accumulation
by Adrien Vogt-Schilb & Guy Meunier & Stéphane Hallegatte - hal-00850680 Assessing and ordering investments in polluting fossil-fueled and zero-carbon capital
by Oskar Lecuyer & Adrien Vogt-Schilb - halshs-00849948 Transitions énergétiques en France: Enseignements d'exercices de prospective
by Ruben Bibas & Jean Charles Hourcade - halshs-00835669 The Environmental Violence of Volatility
by Nicolas Bouleau - halshs-00823520 Dommages et intérêt de la spéculation
by Nicolas Bouleau - halshs-00822986 L'environnement providence
by Nicolas Bouleau - hal-00796528 Price vs. weather shock hedging for cash crops: ex ante evaluation for cotton producers in Cameroon
by Antoine Leblois & Philippe Quirion & Benjamin Sultan - hal-00788427 Social aspects of Total's Lacq CCS pilot project
by Minh Ha-Duong & Michèle Gaultier & Benoît de Guillebon & Gilles Mardon - hal-00626261 When Starting with the Most Expensive Option Makes Sense On Marginal Abatement Cost Curves and Optimal Abatement Pathways
by Adrien Vogt-Schilb & Stéphane Hallegatte
- hal-00866558 Correcting the 'self-trade' issue in the GTAPAgg software - Technical paper
by Meriem Hamdi-Cherif & Frédéric Ghersi - hal-00866440 Can Uncertainty Justify Overlapping Policy Instruments to Mitigate Emissions ?
by Oskar Lecuyer & Philippe Quirion - hal-00866439 Combining climate and energy policies : synergies or antagonism ? Modeling interactions with energy efficiency instruments
by Oskar Lecuyer & Ruben Bibas - hal-00866419 L'économie du nucléaire revisitée - Leçons de l'apprentissage d'une technologie complexe par des accidents majeurs
by Dominique Finon - hal-00866417 Institutions and Electricity Systems Transition towards Decarbonisation : The hidden change of the market regime
by Dominique Finon - hal-00866414 Comprehensive Description of RESPONSE
by Patrice Dumas & Etienne Espagne & Baptiste Perrissin-Fabert & Antonin Pottier - hal-00866407 Potential and limitations of bioenergy options for low carbon transitions
by Ruben Bibas & Aurélie Méjean - hal-00801931 Meeting Report of the Workshop on The Nature and Use of New Socioeconomic Pathways for Climate Change Research
by B.C. O'Neill & T Carter & Kl Ebi & J. Edmonds & Stéphane Hallegatte & E. Kemp-Benedict & E. Kriegler & L. Mearns & R. Moss & K. Riahi & B. van Ruijven & D. van Vuuren - hal-00801411 Rapport final du projet de recherche ANASPAT / RéGES
by Franck Nadaud - halshs-00800492 Evaluer Les Interactions entre Politique climatique et Sécurité énergétique en Europe (ELIPSE)
by Céline Guivarch & Stephanie Monjon & Julie Rozenberg & Adrien Vogt-Schilb - halshs-00800481 Scenarios to investigate the interplay between energy, environment and sustainable globalisation
by Céline Guivarch & Julie Rozenberg & C. Cassen & Jean Charles Hourcade - halshs-00800477 Scenario analysis: perspectives for energy, emissions and mitigation of climate change
by Céline Guivarch & Julie Rozenberg & C. Cassen - halshs-00800393 Impact macroéconomique du rythme de déclassement des centrales nucléaires sur la période 2010-2050
by Ruben Bibas & Sandrine Mathy & Jean Charles Hourcade - halshs-00797980 Un scénario bas carbone "acceptable" pour la France: Élaboration participative et analyse macroéconomique
by Ruben Bibas & Sandrine Mathy & Meike Fink - halshs-00797976 An "acceptable" low carbon scenario for France: Participatory scenario design and economic assessment
by Ruben Bibas & Sandrine Mathy & Meike Fink - hal-00797420 COLLENER : Collectifs socio-techniques et transition énergétique
by Alain Nadaï & Olivier Labussiere - hal-00797417 VAETII - Vers l'Autonomie Énergétique des Territoires Isolés/Insulaires - Rapport Final
by Sandrine Mathy & Elsa Mosseri - hal-00797416 RnDialogue project's "Initial Inventory" Questionnaire Starting point of the low carbon dialogue for France
by Minh Ha-Duong & Jean-Jacques Perrier & Naceur Chaabane & Marie Gastine & Jean-Marc Laperrelle & M. Cherbib - hal-00797415 Engaging Civil Society and Stakeholders in Low-carbon Scenarios - Synthesis Report of the ENCI-LowCarb Project
by Olesen Gunnar Boye & Meike Fink & Ruben Bibas & Sandrine Mathy & Eva Schmid & Brigitte Knopf - hal-00797414 Building Socially and Economically Acceptable Energy Scenario - A Participatory Approach Applied to France - Scientific report
by Meike Fink & Ruben Bibas & Sandrine Mathy - hal-00797413 Expert & Stakeholder Meetings in France within a Collaborative Scenario Creation Process
by Ruben Bibas & Sandrine Mathy & Meike Fink - hal-00797412 Building a Low Carbon Scenario for France: How a Participatory Approach Can Enhance Social and Economic Acceptability
by Ruben Bibas & Sandrine Mathy & Meike Fink - hal-00797410 Élaboration d'un scénario bas carbone pour la France Une approche participative pour intégrer l'acceptabilité sociale et économique
by Ruben Bibas & Sandrine Mathy & Meike Fink - hal-00793927 Building SSPs for Climate Policy Analysis : A Scenario Elicitation Methodology to Map the Space of Possible Future Challenges to Mitigation and Adaptation
by Julie Rozenberg & Céline Guivarch & R.J. Lempert & Stéphane Hallegatte - halshs-00008089 Review of risk and uncertainty concepts for climate change assessments including human dimensions
by Minh Ha-Duong
- hal-00866438 Weather-index drought insurance : an ex ante evaluation for millet growers in Niger
by Antoine Leblois & Philippe Quirion - hal-00866435 The environment and directed technical change : comment
by Jean Charles Hourcade & Antonin Pottier & Etienne Espagne - hal-00866434 Venturing into Uncharted Financial Waters : an Essay on Climate-Friendly Finance
by Jean Charles Hourcade & Baptiste Perrissin-Fabert & Julie Rozenberg - hal-00866427 The establishment of the High Level Panel of Experts on food security and nutrition (HLPE). Shared, independent and comprehensive knowledge for international policy coherence in food security and nutrition
by Vincent Gitz & Alexandre Meybeck - hal-00866425 Exploring the potential for energy conservation in French households through hybrid modelling
by Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & Céline Guivarch & Philippe Quirion - hal-00866424 Comparing and combining energy saving policies : Will proposed residential sector policies meet French official targets ?
by Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & Céline Guivarch & Philippe Quirion - hal-00866422 White certificate schemes : the static and dynamic efficiency of an adaptive policy instrument
by Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & Dominique Finon - hal-00866420 The costs and benefits of white certificates schemes
by Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & Luc Bodineau & Dominique Finon - hal-00866416 La recomposition de l'industrie nucléaire française serait-elle nécessaire ?
by Dominique Finon - hal-00866412 Sub-Saharan African Cotton Policies in Retrospect
by Claire Delpeuch & Antoine Leblois - halshs-00800473 Main challenges for the role of Europe in global governance on energy and environmental issues: prospective analyses and scenarios
by Julie Rozenberg & Céline Guivarch & C. Cassen & Jean Charles Hourcade - halshs-00782120 Limites de la valuation économique des risques
by Nicolas Bouleau
- hal-00866451 Peak Oil through the lens of a general equilibrium assessment
by Henri Waisman & Julie Rozenberg & Olivier Sassi & Jean Charles Hourcade - hal-00866449 Climate policies as a hedge against the uncertainty on future oil supply
by Julie Rozenberg & Stéphane Hallegatte & Adrien Vogt-Schilb & Olivier Sassi & Céline Guivarch & Henri Waisman & Jean Charles Hourcade - hal-00866446 Improving the Clean Development Mechanism Post-2012 : A Developing Country Perspective
by Nhan-T Nguyen & Minh Ha-Duong & Sandra Greiner & Michael Mehling - hal-00866444 Addressing leakage in the EU ETS : Border adjustment or output-based allocation ?
by Stéphanie Monjon & Philippe Quirion - hal-00866437 Socio-economic Scenario Development for Climate Change Analysis
by Elmar Kriegler & Brian-C O'Neill & Stéphane Hallegatte & Tom Kram & Richard-H Moss & Robert Lempert & Thomas J Wilbanks - halshs-00800464 Methodology to solve the aggregation problem between energy and trade and macro economic data in global models - AUGUR EUFP7
by C. Cassen & Céline Guivarch & Jean Charles Hourcade & Julie Rozenberg - halshs-00464675 Barriers to the adoption of renewable and energy-efficient technologies in the Vietnamese power sector
by Nhan, T. Nguyen & Minh Ha-Duong & Thanh C. Tran & Ram M. Shrestha & Franck Nadaud
- hal-01466552 Prospective territoriale en pays de Haha, Province d'Essaouira
by Sébastien Treyer & Pierre-Marie Aubert & Maya Leroy & Khadidja Amine & Xavier Bonnard & Jean-Baptiste Gratecap & Clotilde Herbillon & Alexandre Jaecque & Léa Ménard & Lucie Roux & Alice Triquenot & Jeremy Vendé - hal-00866448 Integrated Modelling of Economic-Energy-Environment Scenarios - The Impact of China and India's Economic Growth on Energy Use and CO2 Emissions
by Fabien Roques & Olivier Sassi & Céline Guivarch & Henri Waisman & Renaud Crassous & Jean Charles Hourcade - hal-00866443 What if energy decoupling of emerging economies were not so spontaneous ? An illustrative example on India
by Sandrine Mathy & Céline Guivarch - hal-00866429 The costs of climate policies in a second best world with labour market
by Céline Guivarch & Renaud Crassous & Olivier Sassi & Stéphane Hallegatte - hal-00866410 Need a Carbon Tax be Socially Regressive ? True Challenges and Wrong Debates
by Emmanuel Combet & Frédéric Ghersi & Jean Charles Hourcade & Daniel Théry - hal-00866409 Taxe carbone, une mesure socialement régressive ? Vrais problèmes et faux débats
by Emmanuel Combet & Frédéric Ghersi & Jean Charles Hourcade - halshs-00480509 Cournot et Lacan sur la mathématisation et les risques
by Nicolas Bouleau - halshs-00435959 Mathematization of risks and economic studies in global change modelling
by Nicolas Bouleau - halshs-00403244 Conclusions principales du projet SOCECO2 sur l'économie et la sociologie du captage et du stockage du CO2
by Minh Ha-Duong & Naceur Chaabane - halshs-00366276 Climate policies : what if emerging country baseline were not so optimistic? - a case study related to India
by Sandrine Mathy & Céline Guivarch
- hal-01466564 Prospectives environnementales de territoire dans le Moyen Atlas (Maroc). Protection de la cédraie marocaine et changement socio-spatial
by Maya Leroy & Sébastien Treyer & Pierre-Marie Aubert & Georges Smektala & A. Augé-Sabatier & S. Conche & P. Demougeot & S. Dutrey & A. Frayer & C. Lebreton & M. Martinet & J. Tsoumbou & B. Yguel - hal-00866570 La mise aux enchères universelle de droits de tirage sur le nucléaire, une voie de sortie équitable des tarifs réglementés sur le marché de masse
by Dominique Finon & Elliot Romano - hal-00866436 Using Maps of City Analogues to Display and Interpret Climate Change scenarios and their uncertainty
by Sebastian Kopf & Minh Ha-Duong & Stéphane Hallegatte - hal-00866431 The Resilience of the Indian Economy to Rising Oil Prices as a Validation Test for a Global Energy-Environment-Economy CGE Model
by Céline Guivarch & Stéphane Hallegatte & Renaud Crassous - hal-00866415 L'inadéquation du mode de subvention du photovoltaïque à sa maturité technologique
by Dominique Finon - halshs-00441487 Quotas allocation rules in Romania assessed by a dynamic CGE model
by Rodica Loisel - hal-00395939 Cooperation in a Game of Chicken with Heterogeneous Agents: An Experimental Study
by Marie-Laure Cabon-Dhersin & Nathalie Etchart-Vincent - halshs-00374576 Du pluralisme dans la science
by Nicolas Bouleau - halshs-00275386 Mutual Aid: An Indirect Evolution Analysis
by Tarik Tazdaït & Alejandro Caparros & Jean-Chrsitophe Péreau - halshs-00114042 L'évolution climatique des villes européennes
by Sebastian Kopf & Stéphane Hallegatte & Minh Ha-Duong
- hal-00866557 A survey on the public perception of CCS in France
by Minh Ha-Duong & Ana Sofia Campos & Alain Nadaï - hal-00522404 Time and space matter: how urban transitions create inequality
by Francois Gusdorf & Stéphane Hallegatte & Alain Lahellec - halshs-00271464 Strong Berge and Pareto Equilibrium Existence for a Noncooperative Game
by Tarik Tazdaït & Moussa Larbani & Rabia Nessah - halshs-00271452 On Berge Equilibrium
by Tarik Tazdaït & Moussa Larbani & Rabia Nessah - halshs-00271222 Emission trading and labor market rigidity inan international duopoly model
by Tarik Tazdaït & Alejandro Caparros & Jean-Chrsitophe Péreau - halshs-00271214 New Sufficient Conditions for the g-maximumInequality
by Tarik Tazdaït & Rabia Nessah & Moussa Larbani
- hal-00866433 Coordination internationale des politiques climatiques : quelle efficacité ?
by Khalil Helioui