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by Tarik Tazdaït & Moussa Larbani & Rabia Nessah - halshs-00271222 Emission trading and labor market rigidity inan international duopoly model
by Tarik Tazdaït & Alejandro Caparros & Jean-Chrsitophe Péreau - halshs-00271214 New Sufficient Conditions for the g-maximumInequality
by Tarik Tazdaït & Rabia Nessah & Moussa Larbani
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by Tarik Tazdaït & Moussa Larbani & Rabia Nessah - halshs-00123293 Heterogeneity, climate change and stability of international fiscal harmonization
by François Gusdorf & Abdelhakim Hammoudi - halshs-00096936 Behaviors and housing inertia are key factors in determining the consequences of a shock in transportation costs
by François Gusdorf & Stéphane Hallegatte - halshs-00009339 Why economic growth dynamics matter inassessing climate change damages: illustrationon extreme events
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by Philippe Ambrosi - halshs-00008712 Interactions d'échelles en économie : Application à l'évaluation intégré des dommages du changement climatique et des événements extrêmes
by Stéphane Hallegatte - halshs-00007211 Le capital social et les associations : Tests économétriques sur des données de commerçants de produits vivriers du Bénin
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by Jean Charles Hourcade & François Gusdorf - halshs-00004832 Adequate Moods for Non-EU Decision Making in a Sequential Framework
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by Nathalie Etchart-Vincent
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by Jean Charles Hourcade & Franck Lecocq - halshs-00000965 Viable Responses to the equity-responsability dilemna : a consequentialist view
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by Philippe Quirion