2002, Volume 84, Issue Mar.
- 3-18 The high-tech investment boom and economic growth in the 1990s: accounting for quality
by Michael R. Pakko - 19-34 Why are stock market returns correlated with future economic activities?
by Hui Guo - 35-42 Why the Fed should ignore the stock market
by James B. Bullard & Eric Schaling - 43-50 The monetary policy innovation paradox in VARs: a \\"discrete\\" explanation
by Michael J. Dueker
2002, Volume 84, Issue Jul
- 15-36 Are contemporary central banks transparent about economic models and objectives and what difference does it make?
by Alex Cukierman - 37-46 Are contemporary central banks transparent about economic models and objectives and what difference does it make? - commentary
by Carl E. Walsh - 47-60 Central bank structure, policy efficiency, and macroeconomic performance: exploring empirical relationships
by Stephen G. Cecchetti & Stefan Krause - 61-64 Central bank structure, policy efficiency, and macroeconomic performance: exploring empirical relationships - commentary
by K. Alec Chrystal - 65-94 Market anticipations of monetary policy actions
by William Poole & Robert H. Rasche & Daniel L. Thornton - 95-98 Market anticipations of monetary policy actions - commentary
by Mark W. Watson - 99-118 Does it pay to be transparent? international evidence form central bank forecasts
by Georgios Chortareas & David Stasavage & Gabriel Sterne - 119-126 Does it pay to be transparent? international evidence form central bank forecasts - commentary
by Adam S. Posen - 127-148 Does inflation targeting matter?
by Manfred J. M. Neumann & Jurgen Von Hagen - 149-154 Does inflation targeting matter? - commentary
by Frederic S. Mishkin - 155-166 Transparency in the practice of monetary policy; panel discussion
by Alfred Broaddus & Charles Freedman & Vaclav Klaus
2002, Volume 84, Issue Jan.
- 1-22 The controversy over free trade: the gap between economists and the general public
by Cletus C. Coughlin - 23-34 Not your father's pension plan: the rise of 401K and other defined contribution plans
by Leora Freidberg & Michael T. Owyang - 35-46 Voting rights, private benefits, and takeovers
by Frank A. Schmid - 47-63 Could a CAMELS downgrade model improve off-site surveillance?
by R. Alton Gilbert & Andrew P. Meyer & Mark D. Vaughan
2001, Volume 83, Issue Nov.
- 1-14 Inflation targets and inflation targeting
by Laurence H. Meyer - 15-28 Equity financing of the entrepreneurial firm
by Frank A. Schmid - 29-40 Dollarization as a monetary arrangement for emerging market economies
by Gaetano Antinolfi & Todd Keister - 41-52 Persistence, excess volatility, and volatility clusters in inflation
by Michael T. Owyang
2001, Volume 83, Issue May
- 1-10 The practice of central bank intervention: looking under the hood
by Christopher J. Neely - 1-16 Does money matter?
by Laurence H. Meyer - 11-20 Forecasting inflation and growth: do private forecasts match those of policymakers?
by William T. Gavin & Rachel J. Mandal - 17-36 The creation of the Euro and the role of the dollar in international markets
by Patricia S. Pollard - 21-36 Toward a new paradigm in open economy modeling: where do we stand?
by Lucio Sarno - 37-46 Reconsidering the trade-creating effects of a currency union
by Michael R. Pakko & Howard J. Wall - 37-47 A simple model of limited stock market participation
by Hui Guo - 47-56 The mechanics of a successful exchange rate peg: lessons for emerging markets
by Michael J. Dueker & Andreas M. Fischer - 57-66 New economy-new policy rules
by James B. Bullard & Eric Schaling
2001, Volume 83, Issue Mar
- 1-10 Expectations
by William Poole - 11-24 The expected federal budget surplus: how much confidence should the public and policymakers place in the projections?
by Kevin L. Kliesen & Daniel L. Thornton - 25-38 Are small rural banks vulnerable to local economic downturns?
by Andrew P. Meyer & Timothy J. Yeager - 39-49 Forecasting recessions: can we do better on MARS?
by Peter Sephton
2001, Volume 83, Issue Jul
- 17-22 Darryl Francis: maverick in the formulation of monetary policy
by Jerry L. Jordan - 23-32 Money and monetary policy: an essay in honor of Darryl Francis
by Allan H. Meltzer - 33-58 Expectations, open market operations, and changes in the federal funds rate (commentary)
by Athanasios Orphanides - 33-58 Expectations, open market operations, and changes in the federal funds rate
by John B. Taylor - 59-82 Identifying the liquidity effect at the daily frequency
by Daniel L. Thornton - 59-82 Identifying the liquidity effect at the daily frequency (commentary)
by Simon Gilchrist - 83-112 Assessing simple policy rules: a view from a complete macroeconomic model
by Eric M. Leeper & Tao Zha - 83-112 Assessing simple policy rules: a view from a complete macroeconomic model (commentary)
by Kenneth D. West - 113-144 Measuring systematic monetary policy
by Kevin D. Hoover & Òscar Jordà - 113-144 Measuring systematic monetary policy (commentary)
by Valerie A. Ramey - 145-164 Monetary policy analysis in models without money
by Bennett T. McCallum - 145-164 Monetary policy analysis in models without money (commentary)
by John V. Leahy - 165-186 Monetary transmission lags and the formulation of the policy decision on interest rates
by Charles A. E. Goodhart - 165-186 Monetary transmission lags and the formulation of the policy decision on interest rates (commentary)
by Laurence H. Meyer
2001, Volume 83, Issue Jan
- 1-24 The rise and fall of a policy rule: monetarism at the St. Louis Fed, 1968-1986
by Rik Hafer & David C. Wheelock - 25-40 Comparing manufacturing export growth across states: what accounts for the differences?
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Patricia S. Pollard - 41-50 Membership structure, competition, and occupational credit union deposit rates
by William R. Emmons & Frank A. Schmid - 51-72 Retail sweep programs and bank reserves, 1994-1999
by Richard G. Anderson & Robert H. Rasche
2000, Volume 82, Issue Sep
- 1-16 A history of the asymmetric policy directive
by Daniel L. Thornton & David C. Wheelock - 17-32 Are changes in foreign exchange reserves well correlated with official intervention?
by Christopher J. Neely - 33-40 Are prime rate changes asymmetric?
by Michael J. Dueker - 41-56 International bond markets and the introduction of the Euro
by Clemens J. M. Kool
2000, Volume 82, Issue Nov
- 1-14 What should central banks do?
by Frederic S. Mishkin - 15-24 Who are the self-employed?
by Yannis Georgellis & Howard J. Wall - 25-38 The information content of Treasury inflation-indexed securities
by William R. Emmons - 39-61 The nominal facts and the October 1979 policy change
by William T. Gavin & Finn E. Kydland
2000, Volume 82, Issue May
- 1-12 Agriculture outcomes and monetary policy actions: Kissin' cousins?
by Kevin L. Kliesen & William Poole - 13-28 Nationwide branch banking and the presence of large banks in rural areas
by R. Alton Gilbert - 29-42 Bank competition and concentration: do credit unions matter?
by William R. Emmons & Frank A. Schmid - 43-70 Real output in Switzerland: new estimates for 1914-47
by Richard G. Anderson & Felix Andrist & Marcela M. Williams
2000, Volume 82, Issue Mar
- 1-10 The revealed cost of unemployment
by Stratford Douglas & Howard J. Wall - 11-20 Feeding the national accounts
by Joseph A. Ritter - 21-30 What do New-Keynesian Phillips Curves imply for price-level targeting?
by Robert Dittmar & William T. Gavin - 31-40 The evolution of monetary policy in transition economies
by Josef C. Brada & Ali M. Kutan
2000, Volume 82, Issue Jul
- 11-30 Toward WTO 2000: a Seattle odyssey
by Jeffrey J. Schott - 11-30 Toward WTO 2000: a Seattle odyssey; commentary
by T. N. Srinivasan - 31-52 The next round of services negotiations: identifying priorities and options
by Bernard Hoekman - 31-52 The next round of services negotiations: identifying priorities and options; commentary
by Wendy Dobson - 53-76 The agricultural negotiations: an overflowing agenda; commentary
by Bruce L. Gardner - 53-76 The agricultural negotiations: an overflowing agenda
by Timothy Josling - 77-104 Potential gains from reducing trade barriers in manufacturing, services and agriculture; commentary
by Geoffrey Reed - 77-104 Potential gains from reducing trade barriers in manufacturing, services and agriculture
by Thomas W. Hertel - 105-114 International labor standards in the world trade organization and the international labor organization
by Drusilla K. Brown - 105-114 International labor standards in the world trade organization and the international labor organization, commentary
by James Harrigan - 115-130 The WTO and market-supportive regulation: a way forward on new competition, technological and labor issues, commentary
by Keith E. Maskus - 115-130 The WTO and market-supportive regulation: a way forward on new competition, technological and labor issues
by J. David Richardson
2000, Volume 82, Issue Jan
- 3-14 State exports and the Asian crisis
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Patricia S. Pollard - 15-34 The Asian crisis and the exposure of large U.S. firms
by William R. Emmons & Frank A. Schmid - 35-60 Money in a theory of exchange
by Daniel L. Thornton
1999, Volume 81, Issue Sep
- 3-10 Measuring monetary policy inertia in target Fed funds rate changes
by Michael J. Dueker - 11-20 The U.S. trade deficit and the "new economy"
by Michael R. Pakko - 21-40 Seasonal production smoothing
by Donald S. Allen - 41-64 Credit unions and the common bond
by William R. Emmons & Frank A. Schmid
1999, Volume 81, Issue Nov
- 3-12 Recent developments in the analysis of monetary policy rules
by Bennett T. McCallum - 13-30 An introduction to capital controls
by Christopher J. Neely - 31-56 The role of supervisory screens and econometric models in off-site surveillance
by R. Alton Gilbert & Andrew P. Meyer & Mark D. Vaughan - 57-77 Testing long-run monetary neutrality propositions: lessons from the recent research
by James B. Bullard
1999, Volume 81, Issue Jul
- 3-10 Is inflation too low?
by William Poole - 11-22 The FOMC in 1998: can it get any better than this?
by David C. Wheelock - 23-34 Price-level uncertainty and inflation targeting
by Robert Dittmar & William T. Gavin & Finn E. Kydland - 35-49 Can market-clearing models explain U.S. labor market fluctuations?
by Victor E. Li
1999, Issue May
- 13-27 Job characteristics, wages, and the employment contract
by W. Bentley MacLeod & Daniel Parent - 29-34 Job characteristics, wages, and the employment contract - commentary
by James B. Rebitzer - 35-49 Work motivation
by Truman Bewley - 51-54 Work motivation, commentary
by Lowell J. Taylor - 55-68 Contract-theoretic approaches to wages and displacement
by Wouter J. Den Haan & Garey Ramey & Joel Watson - 69-72 Contract-theoretic approaches to wages and displacement, commentary
by Christopher L. Foote - 73-87 Assessing the political viability of labor market reform : the case of employment protection
by Gilles Saint-Paul - 89-92 Assessing the political viability of labor market reform : the case of employment protection - commentary
by Christopher J. Waller - 93-111 Firms' wage adjustments: a break from the past
by Erica L. Groshen & Mark E. Schweitzer - 113-115 Firms' wage adjustments: a break from the past - commentary
by John Haltiwanger - 117-132 Are nominal wage changes skewed away from wage cuts?
by Kenneth J. McLaughlin - 133-136 Are nominal wage changes skewed away from wage cuts? commentary
by Richard Startz - 3 Labor markets and macroeconomics. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Economic Policy Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
by Joseph A. Ritter
1999, Issue Mar
- 3-12 Monetary policy rules?
by William Poole - 13-32 Wages and risk-taking in occupational credit unions: theory and evidence
by William R. Emmons & Frank A. Schmid - 33-46 Going down: the Asian crisis and U.S. exports
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Patricia S. Pollard - 46-58 Inflation-target design: changing inflation performance and persistence in industrial countries
by Pierre L. Siklos
1999, Issue Jan
- 3-22 Eighty years of observations on the adjusted monetary base: 1918-1997
by Richard G. Anderson & Robert H. Rasche - 23-32 The inflation-output variability tradeoff and price-level targets
by Robert Dittmar & William T. Gavin & Finn E. Kydland - 33-40 Using the gravity model to estimate the costs of protection
by Howard J. Wall - 41-46 The welfare cost of inflation: a critique of Bailey and Lucas
by Alvin L. Marty
1998, Issue Sep
- 3-8 A policymaker confronts uncertainty
by William Poole - 9-26 Monetary theory in the laboratory
by John Duffy - 27-40 The FOMC in 1997: a real conundrum
by Peter S. Yoo - 41-62 Price stability and financial stability: the historical record
by Michael D. Bordo & David C. Wheelock
1998, Issue Nov
- 3-12 Monetary policy and the long boom
by John B. Taylor - 13-24 Historical U.S. money growth, inflation, and inflation credibility
by William G. Dewald - 25-36 Tests of the market's reaction to federal funds rate target changes
by Daniel L. Thornton - 37-50 Shoe-leather costs of inflation and policy credibility
by Michael R. Pakko
1998, Issue May
- 13-32 Were banks special intermediaries in late nineteenth century America?
by Eugene White - 33-36 Were banks special intermediaries in late nineteenth century America? commentary
by Naomi Lamoreaux - 37-48 Banking systems and economic growth: lessons from Britain and Germany in the pre-World War I era
by Caroline Fohlin - 49-51 Banking systems and economic growth: lessons from Britain and Germany in the pre-World War I era - commentary
by Peter Temin - 53-76 The financial crisis of 1825 and the restructuring of the British financial system
by Larry Neal - 77-82 The financial crisis of 1825 and the restructuring of the British financial system - commentary
by Michael D. Bordo - 83-98 U.S. securities markets and the banking system, 1790-1840
by Richard Sylla - 99-103 U.S. securities markets and the banking system, 1790-1840 - commentary
by Kenneth A. Snowden - 105-116 Lessons from a laissez-faire payments system: the Suffolk Banking System, 1825-58
by Arthur J. Rolnick & Bruce Smith & Warren E. Weber - 117-120 Lessons from a laissez-faire payments system: the Suffolk Banking System, 1825-58 - commentary
by Randall S. Kroszner - 121-142 Did the Fed's founding improve the efficiency of the U.S. payments system?
by R. Alton Gilbert - 143-150 Did the Fed's founding improve the efficiency of the U.S. payments system? - commentary
by John A. James - 151-152 American banks during the Great Depression: a new research agenda
by Joseph R. Mason - y:1998:i:may Lessons from financial history. Proceedings of the twenty-second annual Economic Policy Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis
by David C. Wheelock
1998, Issue Mar
- 7-10 Mending but not ending Social Security: the individual accounts plan
by Edward M. Gramlich - 11-13 The personal security system: a framework for reforming Social Security
by Laurence J. Kotlikoff & Jeffrey D. Sachs - 15-18 Social security reform in Latin America
by Olivia S. Mitchell - 19-30 Reforming Social Security: a welfare analysis
by Rowena A. Pecchenino & Patricia S. Pollard - 31-37 Privatizing U.S. Social Security: some possible effects on intergenerational equity and the economy
by Laurence J. Kotlikoff - y:1998:i:mar Reforming Social Security in theory and practice: proceedings of a Symposium held at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, April 11, 1997 ; edited by Patricia S. Pollard
by Patricia S. Pollard
1998, Issue Jul
- 3-17 Technical analysis and the profitability of U.S. foreign exchange intervention
by Christopher J. Neely - 19-42 Universal banking, control rights, and corporate finance in Germany
by William R. Emmons & Frank A. Schmid - 43-54 How closely do banks manage vault cash?
by Donald S. Allen - 55-63 A guide to nominal feedback rules and their use for monetary policy
by Michael J. Dueker & Andreas M. Fischer
1998, Issue Jan
- 3-18 Measuring real investment: trends in the United States and international comparisons
by Milka Kirova & Robert E. Lipsey - 19-27 Still charging: the growth of credit card debt between 1992 and 1995
by Peter S. Yoo - 29-35 Inflation, real interest tax wedges, and capital formation
by William G. Dewald - 37-45 What has become of the \\"stability-through-inflation\\" argument?
by James B. Bullard & Alvin L. Marty
1997, Issue Sep
- 3-21 Economic models of employee motivation
by Joseph A. Ritter & Lowell J. Taylor - 23-38 Technical analysis in the foreign exchange market: a layman's guide
by Christopher J. Neely - 39-49 The business cycle and chain-weighted GDP: has our perspective changed?
by Michael R. Pakko - 51-60 The demand for divisia money in a core monetary union
by Katrin Wesche
1997, Issue Nov
- 3-7 To conclude: keep inflation low and, in principle, eliminate it
by Thomas C. Melzer - 9-21 The new risk management: the good, the bad, and the ugly
by Philip H. Dybvig & William J. Marshall - 23-43 Recent developments in wholesale payments systems
by William R. Emmons - 45-53 Using federal funds futures rates to predict Federal Reserve actions
by John C. Robertson & Daniel L. Thornton
1997, Issue May
- 9-42 Measuring consumption: the post-1973 slowdown and the research issues
by Jack E. Triplett - 43-46 Measuring consumption: the post-1973 slowdown and the research issues - commentary
by Peter J. Klenow - 47-53 On defining real consumption
by Edward C. Prescott - 55-78 Measuring and analyzing aggregate fluctuations: the importance of building from microeconomic evidence
by John Haltiwanger - 79-82 Measuring and analyzing aggregate fluctuations: the importance of building from microeconomic evidence - commentary
by Alan Heston - 83-86 Measuring and analyzing aggregate fluctuations: the importance of building from microeconomic evidence - commentary
by Jeffrey R. Campbell - 87-100 Quality change in the CPI
by Charles R. Hulten - 101-106 Quality change in the CPI - commentary
by Robert J. Gordon - 107-111 Quality change in the CPI - commentary
by Per Krusell - 113-125 Alternative strategies for aggregating prices in the CPI
by Matthew D. Shapiro & David W. Wilcox - 127-138 Alternative strategies for aggregating prices in the CPI - commentary
by W. Erwin Diewert - 139-141 Alternative strategies for aggregating prices in the CPI - commentary
by Peter Howitt - 143-155 Measuring short-run inflation for central bankers
by Stephen G. Cecchetti - 157-160 Measuring short-run inflation for central bankers - commentary
by Alan S. Blinder - 161-167 Measuring short-run inflation for central bankers - commentary
by Mark A. Wynne - 169-173 The Commission Report on the Consumer Price Index (panel discussion)
by Zvi Griliches - 175-178 A Bureau of Labor Statistics perspective on bias in the consumer price index (panel discussion)
by John S. Greenlees - 179-185 Inflation measurement and inflation targets: the UK experience
by William A. Allen - y:1997:i:may Measuring inflation and real growth : proceedings of the 21st annual Economic Policy Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
by anonymous
1997, Issue Mar
- 3-13 Charging up a mountain of debt: accounting for the growth of credit card debt
by Peter S. Yoo - 15-25 Where's the productivity growth (from the information technology revolution)?
by Donald S. Allen - 27-40 Why does bank performance vary across states?
by Michelle Clark Neely & David C. Wheelock - 41-51 Strengthening the case for the yield curve as a predictor of U.S. recessions
by Michael J. Dueker
1997, Issue Jul
- 1-5 Credible monetary policy to sustain growth
by Thomas C. Melzer - 7-23 The FOMC in 1996: \\"watchful waiting\\"
by Michael J. Dueker & Andreas M. Fischer - 25-37 The rich and the poor: demographics of the U.S. wealth distribution
by John C. Weicher - 39-50 Do inventories moderate fluctuations in output?
by Donald S. Allen
1997, Issue Jan
- 3-23 Wealth and its distribution, 1983-1992: secular growth, cyclical stability
by John C. Weicher - 25-30 Special report: The monetary services index project of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis: introduction to the St. Louis monetary services index project
by Richard G. Anderson & Barry E. Jones & Travis D. Nesmith - 31-52 Special report: The monetary services index project of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis: monetary aggregation theory and statistical index numbers
by Richard G. Anderson & Barry E. Jones & Travis D. Nesmith - 53-82 Special report: The monetary services index project of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis: building new monetary services indexes: concepts, data and methods
by Richard G. Anderson & Barry E. Jones & Travis D. Nesmith
1996, Volume 78, Issue May
- 9-35 Inflation, financial markets and capital formation
by John H. Boyd & Sangmok Choi & Bruce Smith - 36-37 Inflation, financial markets and capital formation - commentary
by Pamela Labadie - 38-40 Inflation, financial markets and capital formation - commentary
by Satyajit Chatterjee - 41-58 Inflation, growth, and financial intermediation
by V. V. Chari & Larry E. Jones & Rodolfo E. Manuelli - 59-61 Inflation, growth, and financial intermediation - commentary
by Gary D. Hansen