2007, Volume 89, Issue Nov
- 549-570 Open market operations and the federal funds rate
by Daniel L. Thornton
2007, Volume 89, Issue May
- 143-152 The GSEs: where do we stand?
by William Poole - 153-182 Milton Friedman and U.S. monetary history: 1961-2006
by Edward Nelson - 183-194 The lower and upper bounds of the Federal Open Market Committee's long-run inflation objective
by Daniel L. Thornton - 195-206 Granger causality and equilibrium business cycle theory
by Yi Wen
2007, Volume 89, Issue Mar
- 77-84 Data dependence
by William Poole - 85-90 Data, data, and yet more data
by William Poole - 91-122 Stock market booms and monetary policy in the twentieth century
by Michael D. Bordo & David C. Wheelock - 123-142 Trends in neighborhood-level unemployment in the United States: 1980 to 2000
by Christopher H. Wheeler
2007, Volume 89, Issue Jul
- 207-208 President's message
by William Poole - 209-214 Editor's introduction
by William T. Gavin - 215-232 An estimated DSGE model for the United Kingdom
by Riccardo DiCecio & Edward Nelson - 233-240 Commentary on \\"An estimated DSGE model for the United Kingdom\\"
by Martin Fukac & Adrian R. Pagan - 241-270 Macroeconomic implications of changes in the term premium
by Glenn D. Rudebusch & Brian P. Sack & Eric T. Swanson - 271-282 Commentary on \\"Macroeconomic implications of changes in the term premium\\"
by John H. Cochrane - 283-300 Long-run risks and financial markets
by Ravi Bansal - 301-304 Commentary on \\"Long-run risks and financial markets\\"
by Thomas J. Sargent - 305-326 Arbitrage-free bond pricing with dynamic macroeconomic models
by Michael F. Gallmeyer & Burton Hollifield & Francisco J. Palomino & Stanley E. Zin - 327-330 Commentary on \\"Arbitrage-free bond pricing with dynamic macroeconomic models\\"
by Pamela Labadie - 331-342 Monetary policy as equilibrium selection
by Gaetano Antinolfi & Costas Azariadis & James B. Bullard - 343-348 Commentary on \\"Monetary policy as equilibrium selection\\"
by Peter N. Ireland - 349-360 Model fit and model selection
by Narayana R. Kocherlakota - 361-370 Commentary on \\"Model fit and model selection\\"
by Lee E. Ohanian
2007, Volume 89, Issue Jan
- 1-2 Milton Friedman, 1912-2006: some personal reflections
by William Poole - 3-14 Understanding the Fed
by William Poole - 15-38 The rise in personal bankruptcies: the Eighth Federal Reserve District and beyond
by Thomas A. Garrett - 39-60 The varying effects of predatory lending laws on high-cost mortgage applications
by Giang Ho & Anthony Pennington-Cross - 61-80 Regional business cycle phases in Japan
by Howard J. Wall
2006, Volume 88, Issue Sep
- 397-412 Recent trends in homeownership
by Carlos Garriga & William T. Gavin & Don E. Schlagenhauf - 413-430 What happens to banks when house prices fall? U.S. regional housing busts of the 1980s and 1990s
by David C. Wheelock - 431-450 Do inflation targeters outperform non-targeters?
by Michael J. Dueker & Andreas M. Fischer - 451-470 A close look at model-dependent monetary policy design
by Miguel Casares
2006, Volume 88, Issue Nov
- 471-484 Chinese growth: a source of U.S. export opportunities
by William Poole - 485-510 Money and monetary policy for the twenty-first century
by Jerry L. Jordan - 511-526 Rising natural gas prices and real economic activity
by Kevin L. Kliesen - 527-542 The transition to electronic communications networks in the secondary treasury market
by Bruce Mizrach & Christopher J. Neely - 543-562 What are the odds? option-based forecasts of FOMC target changes
by William R. Emmons & Aeimit K. Lakdawala & Christopher J. Neely
2006, Volume 88, Issue May
- 155-164 Inflation targeting
by William Poole - 165-180 The geography, economics, and politics of lottery adoption
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Thomas A. Garrett & Ruben Hernandez-Murillo - 181-202 The 1990s acceleration in labor productivity: causes and measurement
by Richard G. Anderson & Kevin L. Kliesen - 203-217 The learnability criterion and monetary policy
by James B. Bullard
2006, Volume 88, Issue Mar
- 95-112 Entrepreneurship and the policy environment
by Yannis Georgellis & Howard J. Wall - 113-132 Human capital growth in a cross section of U.S. metropolitan areas
by Christopher H. Wheeler - 133-144 Macroeconomic news and real interest rates
by Kevin L. Kliesen & Frank A. Schmid - 145-154 Using cyclical regimes of output growth to predict jobless recoveries
by Michael J. Dueker
2006, Volume 88, Issue Jul
- 219-220 President's message
by William Poole - 221-234 Editor's introduction
by William R. Emmons & Anthony Pennington-Cross - 235-250 Is the United States bankrupt?
by Laurence J. Kotlikoff - 251-258 Commentary on \\"Is the United States bankrupt? \\"
by Anjan V. Thakor - 259-272 On the importance of the plumber : the intersection of theory and practice in policymaking for federal financial institutions
by Douglas J. Elliott - 273-280 Commentary on \\"On the importance of the plumber: the intersection of theory and practice in policymaking for federal financial institutions\\"
by George J. Benston - 281-310 Federal credit and insurance programs: housing
by John M. Quigley - 311-322 Commentary on \\"Federal credit and insurance programs: housing\\"
by John C. Weicher - 323-330 On asset-liability matching and federal deposit and pension insurance
by Zvi Bodie - 331-336 Commentary on \\"On asset-liability matching and federal deposit and pension insurance\\"
by Deborah Lucas - 337-380 Should the government provide insurance for catastrophes?
by J. David Cummins - 381-386 Commentary on "Should the government provide insurance for catastrophes?"
by Dwight M. Jaffee - 387-396 Panel discussion: what is the appropriate role of the federal government in the private markets for credit and insurance? what is the outlook?
by Robert E. Litan & Joseph E. Stiglitz
2006, Volume 88, Issue Jan
- 1-12 The Fed's monetary policy rule
by William Poole - 13-30 On the size and growth of government
by Thomas A. Garrett & Russell M. Rhine - 31-56 The evolution of the subprime mortgage market
by Souphala Chomsisengphet & Anthony Pennington-Cross - 57-80 Are the causes of bank distress changing? can researchers keep up?
by Thomas B. King & Daniel A. Nuxoll & Timothy J. Yeager - 81-93 Replicability, real-time data, and the science of economic research: FRED, ALFRED, and VDC
by Richard G. Anderson
2005, Volume 87, Issue Sep
- 589-596 Understanding the term structure of interest rates
by William Poole - 597-612 Targeting versus instrument rules for monetary policy
by Bennett T. McCallum & Edward Nelson - 613-626 Targeting versus instrument rules for monetary policy: what is wrong with McCallum and Nelson?
by Lars E. O. Svensson - 627-632 Commentary on \\"targeting versus instrument rules for monetary policy: what is wrong with McCallum and Nelson?\\"
by Bennett T. McCallum & Edward Nelson - 633-658 The monetary instrument matters
by William T. Gavin & Benjamin D. Keen & Michael R. Pakko
2005, Volume 87, Issue Nov
- 659-668 How predictable is Fed policy?
by William Poole - 669-684 Oil price volatility and U.S. macroeconomic activity
by Hui Guo & Kevin L. Kliesen - 685-718 An analysis of recent studies of the effect of foreign exchange intervention
by Christopher J. Neely - 719-734 Discrete monetary policy changes and changing inflation targets in estimated dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models
by Anatoliy Belaygorod & Michael J. Dueker - 735-750 Revisions to user costs for the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis monetary services indices
by Richard G. Anderson & Jason J. Buol
2005, Volume 87, Issue May
- 359-374 An introduction to two-rate taxation of land and buildings
by Jeffrey P. Cohen & Cletus C. Coughlin - 375-393 Evidence on wage inequality, worker education, and technology
by Christopher H. Wheeler - 395-405 Monetary policy and commodity futures
by Michelle T. Armesto & William T. Gavin - 407-425 Using implied volatility to measure uncertainty about interest rates
by Christopher J. Neely
2005, Volume 87, Issue Mar
- 65-83 Communication, transparency, accountability: monetary policy in the twenty-first century
by Otmar Issing - 85-91 GSE Risks
by William Poole - 93-101 The FOMC: preferences, voting, and consensus
by Ellen E. Meade - 103-121 Social security versus private retirement accounts: a historical analysis
by Thomas A. Garrett & Russell M. Rhine - 123-135 Does consumer sentiment predict regional consumption?
by Thomas A. Garrett & Ruben Hernandez-Murillo & Michael T. Owyang - 137-138 Chairman's remarks
by Alan Greenspan - 145-176 Origins of the Great Inflation
by Allan H. Meltzer - 177-186 Commentary on \\"Origins of the Great Inflation\\"
by Christina D. Romer - 187-236 The reform of October 1979: how it happened and why
by David E. Lindsey & Athanasios Orphanides & Robert H. Rasche - 237-242 Commentary on \\"the reform of October 1979: how it happened and why\\"
by Stephen H. Axilrod - 243-262 The monetary policy debate since October 1979: lessons for theory and practice
by Marvin Goodfriend - 263-268 Commentary on \\"the monetary policy debate since October 1979: lessons for theory and practice\\"
by Laurence Ball - 269-276 The international implications of October 1979: toward a long boom on a global scale
by John B. Taylor - 277-292 Panel discussion I: what have we learned since October 1979?
by Ben S. Bernanke & Alan S. Blinder & Bennett T. McCallum - 293-306 Panel discussion II: safeguarding good policy practice
by Roger W. Ferguson & Charles A. E. Goodhart & William Poole - 307-310 Reflections on the October 6, 1979, meeting of the FOMC
by Robert P. Black - 311-312 Personal recollections
by Philip E. Coldwell - 313-316 Reflection on the FOMC meeting of October 6, 1979
by Joseph H. Coyne - 317-322 Reflections on October 6, 1979, and its aftermath
by Charles Freedman - 323-328 What remains from the Volcker experiment?
by Benjamin M. Friedman - 329-336 Why did the Great Inflation not happen in Germany?
by Otmar Issing - 337-342 The international consequences of the 1979 U.S. monetary policy switch: the case of Switzerland
by Georg Rich - 343-348 The changing role of the Federal Reserve
by Frederick H. Schultz - 349-352 Aftermath of the monetarist clash with the federal reserve before and during the Volcker era
by Anna J. Schwartz - 353-358 Reflections
by Edwin M. Truman
2005, Volume 87, Issue Jul
- 427-428 President's message
by William Poole - 429-434 Editor's introduction
by Michael T. Owyang - 435-452 What's real about the business cycle?
by James D. Hamilton - 453-458 Commentary on \\"what's real about the business cycle?\\"
by Mark W. Watson - 459-486 Trends in hours, balanced growth, and the role of technology in the business cycle
by Jordi Gali - 487-492 Commentary on \\"trends in hours, balanced growth, and the role of technology in the business cycle\\"
by Christopher A. Sims - 493-508 The cyclicality of hires, separations, and job-to-job transitions
by Robert Shimer - 509-512 Commentary on \\"the cyclicality of hires, separations, and job-to-job transitions\\"
by Randall Wright - 513-530 Reexamining the monetarist critique of interest rate rules
by Robert G. King & Mau-Ting Lin - 531-536 Commentary on \\"reexamining the monetarist critique of interest rate rule\\"
by Julio J. Rotemberg - 537-550 Productivity and the post-1990 U.S. economy
by Ellen R. McGrattan & Edward C. Prescott - 551-554 Commentary on \\"productivity and the post-1990 U.S. economy\\"
by Ricardo J. Caballero - 555-580 Organizational dynamics over the business cycle: a view on jobless recoveries
by Kathryn Koenders & Richard Rogerson - 581-587 Commentary on "organizational dynamics over the business cycle: a view on jobless recoveries"
by Fernando Alvarez
2005, Volume 87, Issue Jan
- 1-9 FOMC transparency
by William Poole - 11-34 The diffusion of electronic business in the United States
by Emin M. Dinlersoz & Ruben Hernandez-Murillo - 35-48 Stock return and interest rate risk at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
by Frank A. Schmid - 49-63 Controlling for heterogeneity in gravity models of trade and integration
by I-Hui Cheng & Howard J. Wall
2004, Volume 86, Issue Sep
- 1-6 Free trade: why are economists and noneconomists so far apart?
by William Poole - 7-20 Trends in the efficiency of Federal Reserve check processing operations
by David C. Wheelock & Paul W. Wilson - 21-40 Testing the expectations hypothesis: some new evidence for Japan
by Daniel L. Thornton - 41-60 Asymmetric effects of monetary policy in the United States
by Morten O. Ravn & Martin Sola
2004, Volume 86, Issue Nov
- 1-18 The increasing importance of proximity for exports from U.S. states
by Cletus C. Coughlin - 19-44 Monetary policy and asset prices: a look back at past U.S. stock market booms
by Michael D. Bordo & David C. Wheelock - 45-60 What does the Federal Reserve's economic value model tell us about interest rate risk at U.S. community banks?
by Gregory E. Sierra & Timothy J. Yeager - 61-72 Discrete policy changes and empirical models of the federal funds rate
by Michael J. Dueker & Robert H. Rasche
2004, Volume 86, Issue May
- 1-8 Best guesses and surprises
by William Poole - 9-22 Monetary policy actions, macroeconomic data releases, and inflation expectations
by Kevin L. Kliesen & Frank A. Schmid - 23-34 A rational pricing explanation for the failure of CAPM
by Hui Guo - 35-68 How costly is sustained low inflation for the U.S. economy?
by James B. Bullard & Steven Russell
2004, Volume 86, Issue Mar
- 1-8 A perspective on U.S. international trade
by William Poole - 9-25 State government finances: World War II to the current crises
by Thomas A. Garrett & Gary A. Wagner - 27-42 The Federal Reserve responds to crises: September 11th was not the first
by Christopher J. Neely - 43-56 Timeless perspective vs. discretionary monetary policy in forward-looking models
by Bennett T. McCallum & Edward Nelson
2004, Volume 86, Issue Jul
- 15-42 Inflation targeting and optimal monetary policy
by Michael Woodford - 43-50 Commentary on Inflation targeting and optimal monetary policy
by Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe - 51-80 The macroeconomic effects of inflation targeting
by Andrew T. Levin & Fabio M. Natalucci & Jeremy M. Piger - 81-88 Commentary on The macroeconomic effects of inflation targeting
by Harald Uhlig - 89-112 The role of policy rules in inflation targeting
by Kenneth N. Kuttner - 113-116 Commentary on The role of policy rules in inflation targeting
by Monika Piazzesi - 117-144 Is inflation targeting best-practice monetary policy?
by Jon Faust & Dale W. Henderson - 145-150 Commentary on Is inflation targeting best-practice monetary policy?
by Benjamin M. Friedman - 151-160 Practical problems and obstacles to inflation targeting
by Laurence H. Meyer - 161-164 Commentary on Practical problems and obstacles to inflation targeting
by Lars E. O. Svensson - 165-183 Panel discussion: inflation targeting
by Ben S. Bernanke & Otmar Issing & Donald L. Kohn
2004, Volume 86, Issue Jan
- 1-8 A perspective on U.S. international capital flows
by William Poole - 9-22 Casino gaming and local employment trends
by Thomas A. Garrett - 23-32 U. S. regional business cycles and the natural rate of unemployment
by Howard J. Wall & Gylfi Zoega - 33-48 Subjective probabilities: psychological theories and economic applications
by Abbigail J. Chiodo & Massimo Guidolin & Michael T. Owyang & Makoto Shimoji - 49-60 The efficient market hypothesis and identification in structural VARs
by Lucio Sarno & Daniel L. Thornton
2003, Volume 85, Issue Sep
- 1-6 Institutions for stable prices: how to design an optimal central bank law
by William Poole - 7-22 How banks can self-monitor their lending to comply with the equal credit opportunity act
by Peggy D. Dwyer & James H. Gilkeson & Drew B. Winters - 23-38 The 2001 recession: how was it different and what developments may have caused it?
by Kevin L. Kliesen - 39-69 A reconstruction of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis adjusted monetary base and reserves
by Richard G. Anderson & Jeffrey Loesel & Robert H. Rasche
2003, Volume 85, Issue Nov
- 1-8 Fed transparency: how, not whether
by William Poole - 9-28 Burgernomics: a big MacT guide to purchasing power parity
by Michael R. Pakko & Patricia S. Pollard - 29-52 Banking antitrust: are the assumptions still valid?
by R. Alton Gilbert & Adam M. Zaretsky - 53-66 The use of long-run restrictions for the identification of technology shocks
by Neville Francis & Michael T. Owyang & Athena T. Theodorou
2003, Volume 85, Issue May
- 1-8 Housing in the macroeconomy
by William Poole - 9-26 Congestion at airports: the economics of airport expansions
by Jeffrey P. Cohen & Cletus C. Coughlin - 27-46 FOMC forecast: is all the information in the central tendency?
by William T. Gavin - 47-56 Strategic interaction in tax policies among states
by Ruben Hernandez-Murillo
2003, Volume 85, Issue Mar
- 1-12 Darryl Francis and the making of monetary policy, 1966-1975
by Rik Hafer & David C. Wheelock - 13-26 NAFTA and the geography of North American trade
by Howard J. Wall - 27-46 On the pervasive effects of Federal Reserve settlement regulations
by Ken B. Cyree & Mark D. Griffiths & Drew B. Winters - 47-61 Identifying business cycle turning points in real time
by Marcelle Chauvet & Jeremy M. Piger
2003, Volume 85, Issue Jul
- 7-26 Monetary policy and financial market evolution
by Valerie R. Bencivenga & Bruce Smith - 27-30 Commentary on Monetary policy and financial market evolution
by Franklin Allen - 31-46 More on finance and growth: more finance, more growth?
by Ross Levine - 47-52 Commentary on More on finance and growth: more finance, more growth?\\"
by Luigi Zingales - 53-74 Equity market liberalization in emerging markets
by Geert Bekaert & Campbell Harvey & Christian T. Lundblad - 75-80 Commentary on Equity market liberalization in emerging markets
by Peter Blair Henry - 81-106 Historical perspectives on financial development and economic growth
by Peter L. Rousseau - 107-110 Historical perspectives on financial development and economic growth - commentary
by Eugene White - 111-128 The real effects of U.S. banking deregulation
by Philip E. Strahan - 129-134 Commentary on The real effects of U.S. banking deregulation
by David C. Wheelock - 135-148 Life-cycle dynamics in industrial sectors: the role of banking market structure
by Nicola Cetorelli - 149-150 Commentary on Life-cycle dynamics in industrial sectors: the role of banking market structure
by Raghuram G. Rajan
2003, Volume 85, Issue Jan
- 1-10 The impact of changes in FOMC disclosure practices on the transparency of monetary policy: are markets and the FOMC better "synched"?
by William Poole & Robert H. Rasche - 11-30 A look inside two central banks: the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve
by Patricia S. Pollard - 31-42 Was Y2K behind the business investment boom and bust?
by Kevin L. Kliesen - 43-56 The financial condition of U.S. banks: how different are community banks?
by R. Alton Gilbert & Gregory E. Sierra
2002, Volume 84, Issue Sep
- 1-8 Financial stability
by William Poole - 9-24 Aviation security and terrorism: a review of the economic issues
by Jeffrey P. Cohen & Cletus C. Coughlin & Sarosh R. Khan - 25-36 Has Japan been left out in the cold by regional integration?
by Howard J. Wall - 37-50 The FOMC's balance-of-risks statement and market expectations of policy actions
by Robert H. Rasche & Daniel L. Thornton - 51-74 How well do monetary fundamentals forecast exchange rates?
by Christopher J. Neely & Lucio Sarno - 75-86 Stock market returns, volatility, and future output
by Hui Guo
2002, Volume 84, Issue Nov
- 1-6 Flation
by William Poole & Robert H. Rasche - 7-18 A case study of a currency crisis: the Russian default of 1998
by Abbigail J. Chiodo & Michael T. Owyang - 19-28 Asset mispricing, arbitrage, and volatility
by William R. Emmons & Frank A. Schmid - 29-36 Regime-dependent recession forecasts and the 2001 recession
by Michael J. Dueker - 37-48 Investment-specific technology growth: concepts and recent estimates
by Michael R. Pakko
2002, Volume 84, Issue May
- 1-14 Conducting monetary policy without government debt: the Fed's early years
by David C. Wheelock - 15-28 Unemployment insurance claims and economic activity
by William T. Gavin & Kevin L. Kliesen - 29-42 Did \\"right-to-work\\" work for Idaho?
by Emin M. Dinlersoz & Ruben Hernandez-Murillo