1990, Issue May
- 31-43 The U. S. and Eighth District agricultural economies in 1989: building on past strength
by Jeffrey D. Karrenbrock
1990, Issue Mar
- 3-16 On maintaining a rising U.S. standard of living into the mid-21st century
by Keith M. Carlson - 17-35 The FOMC in 1989: walking a tightrope
by Michelle R. Garfinkel - 36-48 A methodological approach to chaos: are economists missing the point?
by Alison Butler - 49-64 The legacy of the monetarist controversy
by David Laidler
1990, Issue Jul
- 3-16 Strategic considerations in monetary policy with private information: can secrecy be avoided?
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Seonghwan Oh - 17-36 The German monetary unification (Gmu): converting marks to d-marks
by Peter Bofinger - 37-57 The effects of financial innovations on checkable deposits, M1 and M2
by John A. Tatom
1990, Issue Jan
- 3-18 Market discipline of bank risk: theory and evidence
by R. Alton Gilbert - 19-35 On the use of option pricing models to analyze deposit insurance
by Mark D. Flood - 36-48 What do we know about the long-run real exchange rate?
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Kees G. Koedijk
1989, Issue Sep
- 1-3 In memorium: Karl Brunner, 1916-1989
by A. B. Balbach - 4-22 The role of money and monetary policy
by Karl Brunner - 23-34 The causes and consequences of leveraged buyouts
by Michelle R. Garfinkel - 35-52 The link between M1 and the monetary base in the 198O's
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Daniel L. Thornton - 53-69 Monetary targeting with exchange rate constraints: the Bundesbank in the 1980's
by Jurgen Von Hagen
1989, Issue Nov
- 3-11 The cost of restricting corporate takeovers: a lesson from Switzerland
by Werner Hermann & G. J. Santoni - 12-30 Do price indexes tell us about inflation? A review of the issue
by Keith M. Carlson - 31-40 Understanding nominal GNP targeting
by Michael D. Bradley & Dennis W. Jansen
1989, Issue May
- 3-13 The 1988 drought: its impact on district agriculture
by Jeffrey D. Karrenbrock - 14-22 Eighth District banks: back in the black
by Lynn M. Barry - 23-32 The Eighth District business economy in 1988: still expanding, but more slowly
by Thomas B. Mandelbaum - 33-42 Comparing futures and survey forecasts of near-term Treasury bill rates
by Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein - 43-61 Bank runs and private remedies
by Gerald P. Dwyer & R. Alton Gilbert
1989, Issue Mar
- 3-15 U.S. investment in the 1980s: the real story
by John A. Tatom - 16-33 The FOMC in 1988: uncertainty's effects on monetary policy
by Michelle R. Garfinkel - 34-46 Interest rates and economic announcements
by Gerald P. Dwyer & Rik Hafer - 47-64 Is America being sold out?
by Mack Ott - 65-71 Money and the international monetary system
by H. Robert Heller
1989, Issue Jul
- 3-15 What is an \\"acceptable\\" rate of inflation?--a review of the issues
by Michelle R. Garfinkel - 16-28 Does dollar depreciation cause inflation?
by Rik Hafer - 29-42 Have federal spending and taxation contributed to the divergence of state per capita incomes in the 1980s?
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Thomas B. Mandelbaum - 43-54 Does inflation uncertainty affect output growth? Further evidence
by Dennis W. Jansen - 55-66 Tests of covered interest rate parity
by Daniel L. Thornton
1989, Issue Jan
- 3-17 Payments system risk: what is it and what will happen if we try to reduce it?
by R. Alton Gilbert - 18-31 Federal budget trends and the 1981 Reagan economic plan
by Keith M. Carlson - 32-46 An introduction to non-tariff barriers to trade
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Geoffrey E. Wood - 47-55 Can a central bank influence its currency's real value? The Swiss case
by Michael T. Belongia & Werner Hermann
1988, Issue Sep
- 3-23 Have U.S. exports been larger than reported?
by Mack Ott - 24-36 Why have state per capita incomes diverged recently?
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Thomas B. Mandelbaum - 37-45 Testing the expectations model of the term structure: some conjectures on the effects of institutional changes
by Michael T. Belongia & Kees G. Koedijk - 46-60 The puzzling growth of the monetary aggregates in the 1980's
by Albert E. Burger
1988, Issue Nov
- 3-14 Are national stock markets linked?
by Gerald P. Dwyer & Rik Hafer - 15-23 Are economic forecasts by government agencies biased? Accurate?
by Michael T. Belongia - 24-37 The link between the value of the dollar, U.S. trade and manufacturing output: some recent evidence
by John A. Tatom - 38-47 The dubious success of export subsidies for wheat
by Kenneth C. Carraro & Cletus C. Coughlin - 48-60 The macroeconomic effects of deficit spending: a review
by K. Alec Chrystal & Daniel L. Thornton
1988, Issue May
- 3-17 Is money irrelevant?
by Gerald P. Dwyer & Rik Hafer - 18-33 The October crash: some evidence on the cascade theory
by G. J. Santoni - 34-42 The competitive nature of state spending on the promotion of manufacturing exports
by Cletus C. Coughlin - 43-52 Money demand and inflation in Switzerland: an application of the Pascal technique
by Tobias F. Rotheli - 53-72 The effect of monetary policy on short-term interest rates
by Daniel L. Thornton
1988, Issue Mar
- 3-16 The FOMC IN 1987: the effects of a falling dollar and the stock market collapse
by Rik Hafer & Joseph H. Haslag - 17-28 The district business economy in 1987: the expansion continues
by Thomas B. Mandelbaum - 29-38 The 1987 agricultural recovery: a district perspective
by Kenneth C. Carraro - 39-48 District bank performance in 1987: bigger is not necessarily better
by Lynn M. Barry
1988, Issue Jul
- 3-18 Monetarism is dead; long live the quantity theory
by William G. Dewald - 19-29 Prospects for international policy coordination: some lessons from the EMS
by Michael T. Belongia - 30-43 International linkages in the term structure of interest rates
by Clemens J. M. Kool & John A. Tatom - 44-57 How much lower can the unemployment rate go?
by Keith M. Carlson - 58-75 A comparison of proposals to restructure the U.S. financial system
by R. Alton Gilbert
1988, Issue Jan
- 3-11 Are trade deficits a problem?
by K. Alec Chrystal & Geoffrey E. Wood - 12-29 Protectionist trade policies: a survey of theory, evidence and rationale
by K. Alec Chrystal & Cletus C. Coughlin & Geoffrey E. Wood - 30-54 The borrowed-reserves operating procedures: theory and evidence
by Daniel L. Thornton - 55-64 Farm policy and mandatory supply controls - the case of tobacco
by Kenneth C. Carraro
1987, Issue Oct
- 5-12 Farm policy: justifications, failures and the need for reform
by Thomas Gale Moore - 13-19 Changes in financial markets and their effects on agriculture
by C. B. Baker - y:1987:i:oct U.S. farm policy: an Australian perspective
by Geoff Edwards
1987, Issue Nov
- 5-15 Is Eighth District manufacturing endangered?
by Thomas B. Mandelbaum - 16-30 The great bull markets 1924-29 and 1982-87: speculative bubbles or economic fundamentals?
by G. J. Santoni
1987, Issue May
- 5-17 Do the new exchange rate indexes offer better answers to old questions?
by Dallas S. Batten & Michael T. Belongia - 18-29 Has programmed trading made stock prices more volatile?
by G. J. Santoni - 30-37 Agricultural banks: causes of failures and the condition of survivors
by Michael T. Belongia & R. Alton Gilbert
1987, Issue Mar
- 5-8 Confronting monetary policy dilemmas: the legacy of Homer Jones
by Beryl W. Sprinkel - 9-15 Predicting interest rates: a comparison of professional and market- based forecasts
by Michael T. Belongia - 16-26 Changes in wealth and the velocity of money
by G. J. Santoni
1987, Issue Jun
- 5-22 The growing share of services in the U. S. economy - degeneration or evolution?
by Mack Ott - 23-33 Tax reform and investment: blessing or curse?
by Steven Fazzari - 34-45 The macroeconomic effects of the recent fall in oil
by John A. Tatom
1987, Issue Jan
- 5-14 Does U. S. money growth determine money growth in other nations?
by Richard G. Sheehan - 15-27 Tax reform and investment: how big an impact?
by Steven Fazzari
1987, Issue Feb
- 5-14 The dollar's effective exchange rate: assessing the impact of alternative weighting schemes
by Mack Ott - 15-29 The FOMC in 1986: flexible policy for uncertain times
by Philip A. Nuetzel
1987, Issue Dec
- 5-13 Risk aversion, efficient markets and the forward exchange rate
by Kees G. Koedijk & Mack Ott - 14-29 Federal fiscal policy since the Employment Act of 1946
by Keith M. Carlson
1987, Issue Aug
- 5-23 Solving the 1980s' velocity puzzle: a progress report
by Courtenay C. Stone & Daniel L. Thornton - 24-29 A revision in the monetary base
by R. Alton Gilbert
1987, Issue Apr
- 5-15 A review of the Eighth District's agricultural economy in 1986
by Kenneth C. Carraro - 16-21 A review of the Eighth District's banking economy in 1986
by Lynn M. Barry - 22-31 A review of the Eighth District's business economy in 1986
by Thomas B. Mandelbaum
1986, Issue Oct
- 5-8 The Andersen-Jordan approach after nearly 20 years
by Jerry L. Jordan - 9-17 The monetary-fiscal policy debate and the Andersen-Jordan equation
by Dallas S. Batten & Daniel L. Thornton - 18-28 A monetarist model for economic stabilization: review and update
by Keith M. Carlson - 29-44 Monetary and fiscal actions: a test of their relative importance in economic stabilization
by Leonall C. Andersen & Jerry L. Jordan - 45-66 A monetarist model for economic stabilization
by Leonall C. Andersen & Keith M. Carlson
1986, Issue Nov
- 5-16 The Employment Act of 1946: some history notes
by G. J. Santoni - 17-25 The farm sector in the 1980s: sudden collapse or steady downturn?
by Michael T. Belongia
1986, Issue May
- 5-17 Central bank behavior and credibility: some recent theoretical developments
by Alex Cukierman - 18-29 Adjusting to high inflation: the Israeli experience
by Zalman F. Shiffer
1986, Issue Mar
- 5-14 The response of stock prices to changes in weekly money and the discount rate
by Rik Hafer - 15-26 The effects of inflation on commercial banks
by G. J. Santoni
1986, Issue Jun
- 5-15 Forward exchange rates in efficient markets: the effects of news and changes in monetary policy regimes
by Mack Ott & Paul T. W. M. Veugelers - 16-22 How federal farm spending distorts measures of economic activity
by John A. Tatom
1986, Issue Jan
- 5-16 Estimating exchange rate effects on exports: a cautionary note
by Michael T. Belongia - 17-24 Recent revisions of GNP data
by Keith M. Carlson
1986, Issue Feb
- 5-21 The FOMC in 1985: reacting to declining M1 velocity
by Rik Hafer - 22-37 Requiem for Regulation Q: what it did and why it passed away
by R. Alton Gilbert
1986, Issue Dec
- 5-14 Coping with bank failures: some lessons from the United States and the United Kingdom
by R. Alton Gilbert & Geoffrey E. Wood - 15-24 Why has manufacturing employment declined?
by John A. Tatom
1986, Issue Aug
- 5-21 The discount rate and market interest rates: theory and evidence
by Daniel L. Thornton - 22-33 A microeconomic system-wide approach to the estimation of the demand for money
by Salam K. Fayyad
1986, Issue Apr
- 5-18 Domestic vs. international explanations of recent U.S. manufacturing developments
by John A. Tatom - 19-27 The cost of checkable deposits in the United States
by Kenneth C. Carraro & Daniel L. Thornton
1985, Volume 67, Issue Oct
- 5-16 Two views of the effects of government budget deficits in the 1980s
by John A. Tatom - 17-27 The status of farm lenders: an assessment of Eighth District and national trends
by Michael T. Belongia & Kenneth C. Carraro
1985, Volume 67, Issue Nov
- 5-19 Would lower federal deficits increase U.S. farm exports?
by Michael T. Belongia & Courtenay C. Stone - 20-30 Monthly economic indicators: a closer look at the coincident index
by Keith M. Carlson
1985, Volume 67, Issue May
- 5-11 Rational expectations and the effects of monetary policy: a guide for the uninitiated
by A. Steven Holland - 12-20 The new bank capital adequacy standards
by R. Alton Gilbert & Courtenay C. Stone & Michael E. Trebing - 21-26 Monetary stabilization policy: evidence from money demand forecasts
by Rik Hafer - 27-35 Money, income and currency substitution: evidence from three countries
by Dallas S. Batten & Rik Hafer
1985, Volume 67, Issue Mar
- 5-13 Why the big rise in business loans at banks last year?
by R. Alton Gilbert & Mack Ott - 14-23 Money demand dynamics: some new evidence
by Daniel L. Thornton - 24-33 The federal reserve reaction function: does debt growth influence monetary policy?
by Richard G. Sheehan
1985, Volume 67, Issue Jun
- 5-11 Controlling federal outlays: trends and proposals
by Keith M. Carlson - 12-20 The monetary control act, reserve taxes and the stock prices of commercial banks
by G. J. Santoni - 21-28 Recent changes in handling bank failures and their effects on the banking industry
by R. Alton Gilbert - 29-40 Are weighted monetary aggregates better than simple-sum M1?
by Dallas S. Batten & Daniel L. Thornton
1985, Volume 67, Issue Jan
- 5-13 Cash flow or present value: what's lurking behind that hedge?
by Michael T. Belongia & G. J. Santoni - 14-23 A descriptive analysis of economic indicators
by Ronald A. Ratti
1985, Volume 67, Issue Feb
- 5-12 Federal income tax reform in 1985: indexation
by John A. Tatom - 22-30 The discount rate, interest rates and foreign exchange rates: an analysis with daily data
by Dallas S. Batten & Daniel L. Thornton - y:1985:i:feb:n:v.67no.2 Operating procedures for conducting monetary policy
by R. Alton Gilbert
1985, Volume 67, Issue Dec
- 5-15 The farm credit crisis: will it hurt the whole economy?
by Michael T. Belongia & R. Alton Gilbert - 16-28 Mergers and takeovers -the value of predators' information
by Mack Ott & G. J. Santoni - 29-33 New seasonal factors for the adjusted monetary base
by R. Alton Gilbert
1985, Volume 67, Issue Aug
- 5-17 The president's proposed corporate tax reforms: a move toward tax neutrality
by Dallas S. Batten & Mack Ott - 18-24 Factors behind the rise and fall of farmland prices: a preliminary assessment
by Michael T. Belongia - 25-34 Weekly money announcements: new information and its effects
by Richard G. Sheehan
1985, Volume 67, Issue Apr
- 5-14 Local area labor statistics- a phantom army of the unemployed?
by G. J. Santoni - 15-37 The FOMC in 1983-84: setting policy in an uncertain world
by Rik Hafer
1984, Volume 66, Issue Oct
- 5-14 The recent decline in agricultural exports: is the exchange rate the culprit?
by Dallas S. Batten & Michael T. Belongia - 15-25 Hedging interest rate risk with financial futures: some basic principles
by Michael T. Belongia & G. J. Santoni - 26-32 An early look at the volatility of money and interest rates under CRR
by Daniel L. Thornton
1984, Volume 66, Issue Nov
- 5-16 Money growth and the size of the federal debt
by Keith M. Carlson - 17-30 Depreciation, inflation and investment incentives: the effects of the tax acts of 1981 and 1982
by Mack Ott - 31-47 Interest rate variability: its link to the variability of monetary growth and economic performance
by John A. Tatom
1984, Volume 66, Issue May
- 5-15 Has the deregulation of deposit interest rates raised mortgage rates?
by R. Alton Gilbert & A. Steven Holland - 16-26 What can central banks do about the value of the dollar?
by Dallas S. Batten & Mack Ott - 27-37 Dutch disease or monetarist medicine?: The British economy under Mrs. Thatcher
by K. Alec Chrystal
1984, Volume 66, Issue Mar
- 5-18 A guide to foreign exchange markets
by K. Alec Chrystal - 19-27 The money-GNP link: assessing alternative transaction measures
by Rik Hafer
1984, Volume 66, Issue Jun
- 5-17 A perspective on the federal deficit problem
by John A. Tatom - 18-25 Money, debt and economic activity
by Rik Hafer - y:1984:i:jun:n:v.66no.6 How robust are the policy conclusions of the St. Louis equation?: some further evidence
by Dallas S. Batten & Daniel L. Thornton
1984, Volume 66, Issue Jan
- 5-13 Are options on treasury bond futures price efficiently?
by Michael T. Belongia & Thomas H. Gregory - 14-19 Employment trends in St. Louis: 1954-82
by G. J. Santoni
1984, Volume 66, Issue Feb
- 5-14 The dairy price support program: a study of misdirected economic incentives
by Michael T. Belongia - 15-26 Does higher inflation lead to more uncertain inflation?
by A. Steven Holland - 27-32 Calculating the adjusted monetary base under contemporaneous reserve requirements
by R. Alton Gilbert
1984, Volume 66, Issue Dec
- 5-17 The 1981 personal income tax cuts: a retrospective look at their effects on the federal tax burden
by John A. Tatom - 18-29 Real interest rates: what accounts for their recent rise?
by A. Steven Holland - 30-43 Monetizing the debt
by Daniel L. Thornton
1984, Volume 66, Issue Aug
- 5-11 Currency substitution: a test of its importance
by Dallas S. Batten & Rik Hafer - 12-20 Interest rate risk and the stock prices of financial institutions
by G. J. Santoni - 21-28 The impact of inflation uncertainty on the labor market
by A. Steven Holland - 29-39 Examining the recent behavior of inflation
by Rik Hafer
1984, Volume 66, Issue Apr
- 5-11 International banking facilities
by K. Alec Chrystal - 12-22 A private central bank: some olde English lessons
by G. J. Santoni - 23-31 Money growth variability and GNP
by Michael T. Belongia
1983, Volume 65, Issue Oct
- 5-14 The critical role of economic assumptions in the evaluation of federal budget programs
by Keith M. Carlson - 15-21 Concentration in local commercial banking markets: a study of the Eighth Federal Reserve District
by Patrick J. Welch - 22-33 Forecasting the money multiplier: implications for money stock control and economic activity
by Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein & Clemens J. M. Kool - 34-43 Predicting velocity growth: a time series perspective
by Scott E. Hein & Paul T. W. M. Veugelers
1983, Volume 65, Issue Nov
- 5-15 Five common myths about floating exchange rates
by Dallas S. Batten & Mack Ott - 16-25 Seasonal adjustment of the money supply
by Scott E. Hein & Mack Ott - 26-33 Lagged and contemporaneous reserve accounting: an alternative view
by Daniel L. Thornton
1983, Volume 65, Issue May
- 5-16 Are monetarists an endangered species?
by Dallas S. Batten & Courtenay C. Stone - 17-21 The prime rate and the cost of funds: is the prime too high?
by Rik Hafer
1983, Volume 65, Issue Mar
- 5-16 Money market deposit accounts, super-NOWs and monetary policy
by John A. Tatom - 17-25 The wayward money supply: a post-mortem of 1982
by Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein - 26-34 Bank holding company performance studies and the public interest: normative uses for positive analysis
by Donald M. Brown
1983, Volume 65, Issue Jun
- 5-15 Commodity options: a new risk management tool for agricultural markets
by Michael T. Belongia - 16-25 Two measures of reserves: why are they different
by R. Alton Gilbert - 26-35 The FOMC in 1982: de-emphasizing M1
by Daniel L. Thornton - 36-42 M1 or M2: which is the better monetary target?
by Dallas S. Batten & Daniel L. Thornton
1983, Volume 65, Issue Jan
- 5-12 The relative impact of monetary and fiscal actions on economic activity: a cross-country comparison
by Dallas S. Batten & Rik Hafer - 13-23 Four econometric models and monetary policy: the longer-run view
by Keith M. Carlson & Scott E. Hein
1983, Volume 65, Issue Feb
- 5-13 Monetary policy and the price rule: the newest odd couple
by Rik Hafer - 14-24 Outlook for agriculture in 1983
by Michael T. Belongia
1983, Volume 65, Issue Dec
- 5-13 Why does velocity matter?
by Daniel L. Thornton - 14-21 Business cycles and the Eighth District
by G. J. Santoni - 22-30 Government loan and guarantee programs
by John Fried
1983, Volume 65, Issue Aug
- 5-15 Was the 1982 velocity decline unusual?
by John A. Tatom - 16-25 Monetary growth and the timing of interest rate movements
by W. W. Brown & G. J. Santoni - 26-35 The effect of state banking laws on holding company bank
by Donald M. Brown - 36-41 Inflation: assessing its recent behavior and future prospects
by Rik Hafer
1983, Volume 65, Issue Apr
- 5-12 Why do food prices increase?
by Michael T. Belongia