1996, Volume 78, Issue May
- 62-64 Inflation, growth, and financial intermediation - commentary
by Alan C. Stockman - 65-74 Discretion, rules and volatility
by Costas Azariadis & Vincenzo Galasso - 75-79 Discretion, rules and volatility - commentary
by Robert A. Becker - 80-82 Discretion, rules and volatility - commentary
by Russell W. Cooper - 83-107 Inflation targeting in a St. Louis model of the 21st century
by Robert G. King & Alexander L. Wolman - 108-111 Inflation targeting in a St. Louis model of the 21st century - commentary
by Julio J. Rotemberg - 112-117 Inflation targeting in a St. Louis model of the 21st century - commentary
by Edward C. Prescott - 117-132 Search-theoretic models of international currency
by Alberto Trejos & Randall Wright - 133-135 Search-theoretic models of international currency - commentary
by Joseph A. Ritter - 136-138 Search-theoretic models of international currency - commentary
by Neil Wallace - 139-146 Inflation and growth: in search of a stable relationship
by Michael Bruno & William Easterly - 147-149 Inflation and growth: in search of a stable relationship - commentary
by Jon Faust - 150-152 Inflation and growth: in search of a stable relationship - commentary
by Kenneth D. West - 153-169 Inflation and growth
by Robert J. Barro - 170-172 Inflation and growth - commentary
by Narayana R. Kocherlakota - 173-178 Inflation and growth - commentary
by Christopher A. Sims - y:1996:i:may:n:v.78no.3 Price stability and economic growth: proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Economic Policy Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
by James B. Bullard
1996, Volume 78, Issue Mar
- 3-13 A revised measure of the St. Louis adjusted monetary base
by Richard G. Anderson & Robert H. Rasche - 15-21 Opening Pandora's box: the measurement of average wages
by Joseph A. Ritter - 23-38 The costs and benefits of price stability: an assessment of Howitt's rule
by Daniel L. Thornton
1996, Volume 78, Issue Jul
- 3-18 A question of measurement: is the dollar rising or falling?
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Patricia S. Pollard - 19-32 Monetary policy and financial market expectations: what did they know and when did they know it?
by Michael R. Pakko & David C. Wheelock - 33-48 The giant sucking sound: did NAFTA devour the Mexican peso?
by Christopher J. Neely - 49-54 Nominal stylized facts of U. S. business cycles
by David Krause & Apostolos Serletis
1996, Volume 78, Issue Jan
- 3-22 For here or to go? Purchasing power parity and the Big Mac
by Michael R. Pakko & Patricia S. Pollard - 23-36 Are some agricultural banks too agricultural?
by R. Alton Gilbert & Kevin L. Kliesen - 37-44 The tax man cometh: consumer spending and tax payments
by Peter S. Yoo - 45-51 Are federal funds rate changes consistent with price stability? Results from an indicator model
by Michael J. Dueker & Andreas M. Fischer
1996, Issue Sep
- 3-27 Clearing and settlement of U.S. dollar payments: back to the future?
by R. Alton Gilbert & Bruce J. Summers - 29-47 The FOMC in 1995: a step closer to inflation targeting?
by William T. Gavin - 49-61 Price stability and the efficiency of the retail payments system
by William R. Emmons - 69-82 Are prices countercyclical? Evidence from East Asian countries
by Yang-Woo Kim
1996, Issue Nov
- 3-37 Measuring the adjusted monetary base in an era of financial change
by Richard G. Anderson & Robert H. Rasche - 38-44 Measuring the adjusted monetary base in an era of financial change - commentary
by Edward J. Stevens - 45-49 Measuring the adjusted monetary base in an era of financial change - commentary
by Donald L. Kohn - 51-69 The sensitivity of empirical studies to alternative measures of the monetary base and reserves
by Michael J. Dueker & Apostolos Serletis - 70-72 The sensitivity of empirical studies to alternative measures of the monetary base and reserves - commentary
by Ben S. Bernanke - 73-75 The sensitivity of empirical studies to alternative measures of the monetary base and reserves - commentary
by Bennett T. McCallum - 77-88 Does the Fed's new policy of immediate disclosure affect the market?
by Daniel L. Thornton - y:1996:i:nov Revised St. Louis adjusted monetary base: new measures in old theories: proceedings of a symposium held at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, March 29, 1996
by anonymous
1995, Issue Sep
- 3-14 Performance contracts for central bankers
by Christopher J. Waller - 15-26 Capacity utilization and prices within industries
by Peter S. Yoo - 27-37 Deflation and real economic activity under the gold standard
by Christopher J. Neely & Geoffrey E. Wood
1995, Issue Nov
- 1-3 Antitrust issues and payment systems networks: introduction
by R. Alton Gilbert - 5-17 Shared ATM networks - the antitrust dimension
by Donald I. Baker - 19-40 Payment systems and antitrust: can the opportunities for network competition be recognized?
by David A. Balto - 41-54 Antitrust and payment technologies
by Dennis W. Carlton & Alan S. Frankel - 55-59 Antitrust and payment technologies: commentary
by James J. McAndrews - 60-63 Antitrust and payment technologies: commentary
by Nicholas Economides - y:1995:i:nov Antitrust issues and payment systems networks: Proceedings of a Symposium held at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, March 30, 1995
by anonymous
1995, Issue May
- 1-1 Channels of monetary policy : conference introduction
by Daniel L. Thornton & David C. Wheelock - 3-25 Theoretical issues of liquidity effects
by Lee E. Ohanian & Alan C. Stockman - 26-32 Theoretical issues of liquidity effects: commentary
by Kevin D. Hoover - 33-54 Resolving the liquidity effect
by Adrian R. Pagan & John C. Robertson - 55-62 Resolving the liquidity effect: commentary
by Lawrence J. Christiano - 63-77 Is there a \\"credit channel\\" for monetary policy?
by R. Glenn Hubbard - 78-82 Is there a \\"credit channel\\" for monetary policy? (commentary)
by Bruce Smith - 83-97 Distinguishing theories of the monetary transmission mechanism
by Stephen G. Cecchetti - 98-100 Distinguishing theories of the monetary transmission mechanism: commentary
by Mark Gertler - 101-118 Information, sticky prices and macroeconomic foundations
by Allan H. Meltzer - 119-124 Information, sticky prices and macroeconomic foundations : commentary
by Randall Wright - 125-126 Information, sticky prices and macroeconomic foundations : reply to Wright's commentary
by Allan H. Meltzer - 127-141 What do we know about how monetary policy affects the economy: a conference panel discussion
by Ben S. Bernanke & Thomas F. Cooley & Manfred J. M. Neumann - y:1995:i:may Channels of monetary policy. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Economic Policy Conference held October 20-21, 1994
by Daniel L. Thornton & David C. Wheelock
1995, Issue Mar
- 3-25 The FOMC in 1993 and 1994: monetary policy in transition
by Michael R. Pakko - 27-38 Regulation, market structure and the bank failures of the Great Depression
by David C. Wheelock - 39-47 U.S. official forecasts of G-7 economies, 1976-90
by James B. Bullard & William G. Dewald & Michael Ulan - 49-60 An outsider's guide to real business cycle modeling
by Joseph A. Ritter
1995, Issue Jul
- 3-16 EMU: will it fly?
by Patricia S. Pollard - 17-26 Changes in inventory management and the business cycle
by Donald S. Allen - 27-38 Is there a case for \\"moderate\\" inflation?
by Alvin L. Marty & Daniel L. Thornton - 39-52 Evaluating the efficiency of commercial banks: does our view of what banks do matter?
by David C. Wheelock & Paul W. Wilson
1995, Issue Jan
- 5-23 Changes in the distribution of wealth: increasing inequality?
by John C. Weicher - 25-39 The effects of fair value accounting on investment portfolio management: how fair is it?
by Anne Beatty - 41-51 Narrow vs. broad measures of money as intermediate targets: some forecast results
by Michael J. Dueker - 53-65 An introduction to the theory and estimation of a job-search model
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Adam M. Zaretsky
1994, Issue Sep
- 3-12 Job creation and destruction: the dominance of manufacturing
by Joseph A. Ritter - 13-22 Boom or bust? the economic effects of the baby boom
by Peter S. Yoo - 23-34 Realignment of target zone exchange rate systems: what do we know?
by Christopher J. Neely - 35-58 A case study in monetary control, 1980-82
by R. Alton Gilbert
1994, Issue Nov
- 3-6 Mutual funds and monetary aggregates - introduction
by Richard G. Anderson - 7-29 An alternative monetary aggregate: M2 plus household holdings of bond and equity mutual funds
by Sean Collins & Cheryl L. Edwards - 31-51 The empirical properties of a monetary aggregate that adds bond and stock funds to M2
by Athanasios Orphanides & Brian K. Reid & David H. Small - 53-78 Symposium on mutual funds and monetary aggregates - commentary
by William A. Barnett & Ge Zhou - 79-83 Replication and scientific standards in applied economics a decade after the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking project
by Richard G. Anderson & William G. Dewald - y:1994:i:nov Symposium on Mutual Funds and Monetary Aggregates, held March 29, 1994
by anonymous
1994, Issue May
- 3-10 On the way to a new monetary union: the European Monetary Union
by Helmut Schlesinger - 11-29 The P-star model in five small economies
by Clemens J. M. Kool & John A. Tatom - 31-55 Is the discount window necessary? a Penn Central perspective
by Charles W. Calomiris - 57-71 Can deposit insurance increase the risk of bank failure? Some historical evidence
by David C. Wheelock & Paul W. Wilson
1994, Issue Mar
- 1-1 Money stock measurement: history, theory and implication - introduction
by Richard G. Anderson - 1-31 A historical perspective on the Federal Reserve's monetary aggregates: definition, construction and targeting
by Richard G. Anderson & Kenneth A. Kavajecz - 32-66 The evolution of the Federal Reserve's monetary aggregates: a timeline
by Kenneth A. Kavajecz - 67-71 The evolution of the Federal Reserve's monetary aggregates: a timeline (commentary)
by Charles W. Calomiris - 73-109 Empirical evidence on the recent behavior and usefulness of simple-sum and weighted measures of the money stock
by K. Alec Chrystal & Ronald MacDonald - 110-116 Empirical evidence on the recent behavior and usefulness of simple-sum and weighted measures of the money stock (commentary)
by Charles R. Nelson - 117-128 Money demand in a flexible dynamic Fourier expenditure system
by Douglas Fisher & Adrian Fleissig - 129-131 Money demand in a flexible dynamic Fourier expenditure system (commentary)
by James L. Swofford - 133-165 Financial firm's production and supply-side monetary aggregation under dynamic uncertainty
by William A. Barnett & Ge Zhou - 166-168 Financial firm's production and supply-side monetary aggregation under dynamic uncertainty: commentary
by William C. Brainard - 169-174 Financial firm's production and supply-side monetary aggregation under dynamic uncertainty: response to commentary
by William A. Barnett & Ge Zhou - 175-203 Can the central bank achieve price stability?
by Jerome L. Stein - 204-207 Can the central bank achieve price stability? (commentary)
by Frederic S. Mishkin - 209-212 The role of rules in monetary policy (conference panel discussion)
by Michael J. Boskin - 213-215 What is the Fed's decision problem? (conference panel discussion)
by Philip H. Dybvig - 216-218 Monetary policy without monetary aggregates (conference panel discussion)
by Bennett T. McCallum - y:1994:i:mar Money stock measurement: history, theory and implication. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Economic Policy Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
by anonymous
1994, Issue Jul
- 3-24 Explanations for the increased riskiness of banks in the 1980s
by Sangkyun Park - 25-46 Trade between the United States and Eastern Europe
by Patricia S. Pollard - 47-65 The new structure of the housing finance system
by John C. Weicher - 67-71 The inflation tax and the marginal welfare cost in a world of currency and deposits
by Alvin L. Marty
1994, Issue Jan
- 3-18 Federal Reserve lending to banks that failed: implications for the Bank Insurance Fund
by R. Alton Gilbert - 19-30 Measures of money and the quantity theory
by James B. Bullard - 31-49 Financial innovation, deregulation and the \\"credit view\\" of monetary policy
by Daniel L. Thornton
1993, Issue Sep
- 3-22 Is the banking industry in decline? Recent trends and future prospects from a historical perspective
by David C. Wheelock - 23-40 Indicators of monetary policy: the view from implicit feedback rules
by Michael J. Dueker - 41-56 The vulnerability of pegged exchange rates: the British pound in the ERM
by Mathias Zurlinden
1993, Issue Nov
- 3-21 Is an infrastructure crisis lowering the nation's productivity?
by John A. Tatom - 23-38 The determinants of consumer installment credit
by Sangkyun Park - 39-57 Measuring labor market dynamics: gross flows of workers and jobs
by Joseph A. Ritter
1993, Issue May
- 3-13 Rules and discretion in monetary policy
by Gerald P. Dwyer - 15-29 Can nominal GDP targeting rules stabilize the economy?
by Michael J. Dueker - 31-49 The FOMC in 1992: a monetary conundrum
by Joseph A. Ritter
1993, Issue Mar
- 1-35 Monetary aggregates, monetary policy and economic activity
by Robert H. Rasche - 43-55 Views on monetary policy
by W. Lee Hoskins - 61-67 Financial regulation and the competitiveness of the large U.S. corporation
by Harold Demsetz - 71-94 Assessing applied econometric results
by Carl F. Christ - 103-117 Real exchange rates: some evidence from the postwar years
by Allan H. Meltzer - 123-191 The gold standard, Bretton Woods and other monetary regimes: a historical appraisal
by Michael D. Bordo - y:1993:i:mar Dimensions of monetary policy: essays in honor of Anatol B. Balbach. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Economic Policy Conference
by anonymous
1993, Issue Jul
- 3-20 Does the exchange rate regime affect the economy?
by Terence C. Mills & Geoffrey E. Wood - 21-36 Central bank independence and economic performance
by Patricia S. Pollard - 37-48 Hypothesis testing with near-unit roots: the case of long-run purchasing-power parity
by Michael J. Dueker - 49-63 The effect of mortgage refinancing on money demand and the monetary aggregates
by Richard G. Anderson
1993, Issue Jan
- 3-34 The government's role in deposit insurance
by Steven Russell - 35-52 Implications of annual examinations for the Bank Insurance Fund
by R. Alton Gilbert - 53-66 On the macroeconomics of private debt
by Keith M. Carlson
1992, Issue Sep
- 3-17 Two faces of financial innovation
by Mark D. Flood - 18-36 The recent credit crunch: the neglected dimensions
by Kevin L. Kliesen & John A. Tatom - 37-57 Structural approaches to vector autoregressions
by John W. Keating - 58-69 The misuse of the Fed's discount window
by Anna J. Schwartz
1992, Issue Nov
- 3-18 Seasonal accommodation and the financial crises of the Great Depression: did the Fed \\"furnish an elastic currency?\\"
by David C. Wheelock - 19-34 Is the United States losing its dominance in high-technology industries?
by Alison Butler - 35-52 An extended series of divisia monetary aggregates
by Daniel L. Thornton & Piyu Yue
1992, Issue May
- 3-16 Environmental protection and free trade: are they mutually exclusive?
by Alison Butler - 17-31 Foreign-owned companies in the U.S.: malign or benign?
by Cletus C. Coughlin - 32-51 Foreign exchange intervention by the United States: a review and assessment of 1985-89
by Michael T. Belongia - 52-66 Are small rural banks credit constrained? A look at the seasonal borrowing privilege in the Eighth Federal Reserve District
by Michelle A. Clark - 67-82 Samuelson's model of money with n-period lifetimes
by James B. Bullard
1992, Issue Mar
- 3-28 Monetary policy in the Great Depression: what the Fed did and why
by David C. Wheelock - 29-40 Seigniorage in the United States: how much does the U.S. government make from money production?
by Manfred J. M. Neumann - 41-61 The FOMC in 1991: an elusive recovery
by James B. Bullard - 62-77 How the 1992 legislation will affect European financial services
by K. Alec Chrystal & Cletus C. Coughlin
1992, Issue Jul
- 3-22 The effects of legislating prompt corrective action on the Bank Insurance Fund
by R. Alton Gilbert - 23-35 Targeting M2: the issue of monetary control
by Daniel L. Thornton - 36-50 Understanding the term structure of interest rates: the expectations theory
by Steven Russell - 51-77 The great deposit insurance debate
by Mark D. Flood - 78-91 The response of market interest rates to discount rate changes
by Michael J. Dueker
1992, Issue Jan
- 3-16 Implications of netting arrangements for bank risk in foreign exchange transactions
by R. Alton Gilbert - 17-30 Institutional developments in the globalization of securities and futures markets
by Jodi G. Scarlata - 31-45 Data envelopment analysis and commercial bank performance: a primer with applications to Missouri banks
by Piyu Yue
1991, Issue Sep
- 3-18 The U.S. balance sheet: what is it and what does it tell us?
by Keith M. Carlson - 19-33 Divisia monetary services indexes for Switzerland: are they useful for monetary targeting?
by Robert Fluri & Piyu Yue - 34-61 The U.S. currency system: a historical perspective
by Steven Russell
1991, Issue Nov
- 3-18 The 1990 oil price hike in perspective
by John A. Tatom - 19-35 Alternative measures of the monetary base: what are the differences and are they important?
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Daniel L. Thornton - 36-51 A microeconomic approach to estimating demand: the asymptotically ideal model
by Piyu Yue - 52-70 Microstructure theory and the foreign exchange market
by Mark D. Flood
1991, Issue May
- 3-15 Public capital and private sector performance
by John A. Tatom - 16-30 Supervision of undercapitalized banks: is there a case for change?
by R. Alton Gilbert - 31-53 The FOMC in 1990: onset of recession
by James B. Bullard - 54-83 U.S. policy in the Bretton Woods era
by Allan H. Meltzer
1991, Issue Mar
- 3-15 Should government spending on capital goods be raised?
by John A. Tatom - 16-31 Trade imbalances and economic theory: the case for a U.S.-Japan trade deficit
by Alison Butler - 32-57 An introduction to complete markets
by Mark D. Flood - 58-78 A primer on cointegration with an application to money and income
by David A. Dickey & Dennis W. Jansen & Daniel L. Thornton
1991, Issue Jul
- 3-18 U.S. trade-remedy laws: do they facilitate or hinder free trade?
by Cletus C. Coughlin - 19-29 The behavior of retail gasoline prices: symmetric or not?
by Jeffrey D. Karrenbrock - 30-46 Monetary policy and the farm/nonfarm price ratio: a comparison of effects
by Michael T. Belongia - 47-64 The multiplier approach to the money supply process: a precautionary note
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Daniel L. Thornton - 65-79 Measuring state exports: is there a better way?
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Thomas B. Mandelbaum
1991, Issue Jan
- 3-18 Do bank holding companies act as "sources of strength" for their bank subsidiaries?
by R. Alton Gilbert - 19-32 A consumer's guide to regional economic multipliers
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Thomas B. Mandelbaum - 33-49 The future of Social Security: an update
by Keith M. Carlson - 50-60 Learning, rational expectations and policy: a summary of recent research
by James B. Bullard
1990, Issue Sep
- 3-14 Accounting for changes in manufactured exports at the state level: 1976-86
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Thomas B. Mandelbaum - 15-24 The pitfalls of exchange rate targeting: a case study from the United Kingdom
by Michael T. Belongia & K. Alec Chrystal - 25-39 Do government deficits matter?
by Daniel L. Thornton - 40-58 What do economic models tell us about the effects of the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement?
by Cletus C. Coughlin - 59-65 Monetary policy on the 75th anniversary of the Federal Reserve System: summary of conference proceedings
by Michael T. Belongia
1990, Issue Nov
- 3-19 The internationalization of the beer brewing industry
by Jeffrey D. Karrenbrock - 20-33 Alternative measures of money as indicators of inflation: a survey and some new evidence
by Michael T. Belongia & James A. Chalfant - 34-46 The trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights: what is at stake?
by Alison Butler - 47-58 The economic consequences of reducing military spending
by Michelle R. Garfinkel
1990, Issue May
- 3-17 Eighth District banks in 1989: in the eye of the storm?
by Michelle A. Clark - 18-30 The Eighth District business economy in 1989: exiting the eighties with vigor
by Thomas B. Mandelbaum - 31-43 The U. S. and Eighth District agricultural economies in 1989: building on past strength
by Jeffrey D. Karrenbrock
1990, Issue Mar
- 3-16 On maintaining a rising U.S. standard of living into the mid-21st century
by Keith M. Carlson