2010, Volume 95, Issue Q I
- 95-119 Will the rural economy rebound in 2010?
by Jason Henderson
2009, Volume 94, Issue Q IV
- 5-42 Is the Great Moderation over? an empirical analysis
by Todd E. Clark - 43-68 Are the energy states still energy states?
by Mark C. Snead - 69-91 Attracting the power cohort to the Tenth District
by Kelly D. Edmiston - 93-110 Can the Ag Credit Survey predict national credit conditions?
by Brian C. Briggeman & Christopher Zakrzewicz
2009, Volume 94, Issue Q III
- 5-33 How will unemployment fare following the recession?
by Edward S. Knotek & Stephen J. Terry - 35-64 Beyond inflation targeting: should central banks target the price level?
by George A. Kahn - 65-90 Coming home to rural America: demographic shifts in the Tenth District
by Maria Akers & Jason Henderson - 67-98 Was monetary policy optimal during past deflation scares?
by Roberto M. Billi
2009, Volume 94, Issue Q II
- 5-24 Recession and recovery across the nation: lessons from history
by Chad R. Wilkerson - 5-50 Financial stress: what is it, how can it be measured, and why does it matter?
by Craig S. Hakkio & William R. Keeton - 51-75 Characteristics of high foreclosure neighborhoods in the Tenth District
by Kelly D. Edmiston - 77-102 Do state corporate income taxes reduce wages?
by Alison Felix
2009, Volume 94, Issue Q I
- 5-35 Has multi-market banking changed the response of small business lending to local economic shocks?
by William R. Keeton - 37-63 Do U.S. consumers really benefit from payment card rewards?
by Fumiko Hayashi - 65-87 Recession catches rural America
by Maria Akers & Jason Henderson - 89-113 Developing a liquid market for inflation-indexed government securities: lessons from earlier experiences
by Pu Shen
2008, Volume 93, Issue Q IV
- 5-33 Detecting recessions in the Great Moderation: a real-time analysis
by Troy Davig - 35-63 The Federal Reserve's role in retail payments: adapting to a new environment
by Stuart E. Weiner - 65-95 The affordability of homeownership to middle-income Americans
by Jordan Rappaport - 97-117 Can markets improve water allocation in rural America?
by Maria Akers & Jason Henderson
2008, Volume 93, Issue Q III
- 7-34 Monetary policy transparency and private sector forecasts: evidence from survey data
by Gordon H. Sellon - 35-62 Can smart cards reduce payments fraud and identity theft?
by Richard J. Sullivan - 63-88 The growth and volatility of state tax revenue sources in the Tenth District
by Alison Felix - 89-115 Is commercial real estate reliving the 1980s and early 1990s?
by C. Alan Garner
2008, Volume 93, Issue Q II
- 5-28 What is the optimal inflation rate?
by Roberto M. Billi & George A. Kahn - 29-48 Understanding the effects of the merger boom on community banks
by Julapa Jagtiani - 49-79 How is the rise in national defense spending affecting the Tenth District economy?
by Chad R. Wilkerson & Megan D. Williams - 81-104 Will farmland values keep booming?
by Jason Henderson
2008, Volume 93, Issue Q I
- 5-16 Maintaining stability in a changing financial system: some lessons relearned again?
by Thomas M. Hoenig - 17-50 Has the behavior of inflation and long-term inflation expectations changed?
by Todd E. Clark & Taisuke Nakata - 51-68 PCE and CPI inflation differentials: converting inflation forecasts
by Craig S. Hakkio - 69-86 Will rural prosperity prevail in 2008?
by Maria Akers & Jason Henderson
2007, Volume 92, Issue Q IV
- 5-40 Risks of identity theft: Can the market protect the payment system?
by Stacey L. Schreft - 41-71 Industrial loan companies: a growing industry sparks a public policy debate
by Eric Robbins & Kenneth Spong - 73-103 How useful is Okun's law?
by Edward S. Knotek - 105-113 Booms and busts: the case of subprime mortgages
by Edward M. Gramlich - 115-145 Rising foreclosures in the United States: a perfect storm
by Kelly D. Edmiston & Roger Zalneraitis
2007, Volume 92, Issue Q III
- 5-36 The role of money in monetary policy: why do the Fed and ECB see it so differently?
by Scott Benolkin & George A. Kahn - 37-58 Work and taxes: allocation of time in OECD countries
by Lee E. Ohanian & Andrea Raffo & Richard Rogerson - 59-81 The Tenth District's defining industries: how are they changing?
by Chad R. Wilkerson & Megan D. Williams - 83-106 Nonbanks in the payments system: innovation, competition, and risk - a conference summary
by Richard J. Sullivan & Zhu Wang
2007, Volume 92, Issue Q II
- 5-40 Risk management and nonbank participation in the U.S. retail payments system
by Richard J. Sullivan - 41-71 A guide to aggregate house price measures
by Jordan Rappaport - 73-97 The role of small and large businesses in economic development
by Kelly D. Edmiston
2007, Volume 92, Issue Q I
- 5-23 What happened to the gains from strong productivity growth?
by Jonathan L. Willis & Julie Wroblewski - 25-51 Communicating a policy path: the next frontier in central bank transparency?
by George A. Kahn - 53-74 Will energy markets refuel the rural economy?
by Maria Akers & Jason Henderson
2006, Volume 91, Issue Q IV
- 5-30 Middle-income tax rates: trends and prospects
by Troy Davig & C. Alan Garner - 31-59 Minority workers in the Tenth District: rising presence, rising challenges
by Chad R. Wilkerson & Megan D. Williams - 61-85 Shifts in economic geography and their causes
by Anthony J. Venables
2006, Volume 91, Issue Q III
- 5-32 Going global : the changing pattern of U.S. investment abroad
by Marcela Meirelles Aurelio - 33-74 Migration in the Tenth District : long-term trends and current developments
by William R. Keeton & Geoffrey B. Newton - 75-112 Interchange fees in Australia, the UK, and the United States : matching theory and practice
by Fumiko Hayashi & Stuart E. Weiner
2006, Volume 91, Issue Q II
- 5-28 Should the decline in the personal saving rate be a cause for concern?
by C. Alan Garner - 29-54 Liquidity risk premia and breakeven inflation rates
by Pu Shen - 55-83 A new perspective on rising nonbusiness bankruptcy filing rates : analyzing the regional factors
by Kelly D. Edmiston
2006, Volume 91, Issue Q I
- 7-41 Social Security and Medicare : the impending fiscal challenge
by Craig S. Hakkio & Elisha J. Wiseman - 43-85 The trend growth rate of employment : past, present, and future
by Todd E. Clark & Taisuke Nakata - 87-113 Interchange fees in credit and debit card markets : what role for public authorities
by Barbara Pacheco & Richard J. Sullivan - 115-142 Rethinking federal policy for regional economic development
by Mark Drabenstott - 143-159 A robust rural economy in 2006?
by Jason Henderson
2005, Volume 90, Issue Q IV
- 35-45 The Greenspan era : lessons for the future : a summary of the Bank's 2005 Economic Symposium
by George A. Kahn - 81-99 Jobless recoveries and the wait-and-see hypothesis
by Ashley Hodgson & Stacey L. Schreft & Aarti Singh
2005, Volume 90, Issue Q III
- 5-32 What caused the Great Moderation? : some cross-country evidence
by Peter M. Summers - 33-60 The shared fortunes of cities and suburbs
by Jordan Rappaport - 61-89 Gauging a region's entrepreneurial potential
by Jason Henderson & Sarah Low & Stephan Weiler
2005, Volume 90, Issue Q II
- 5-29 Consumption taxes : macroeconomic effects and policy issues
by C. Alan Garner - 31-57 Do only big cities innovate? : technological maturity and the location of innovation
by Michael J. Orlando & Michael Verba - 59-93 What do expected changes in U.S. job structure mean for states and workers in the Tenth District?
by Chad R. Wilkerson
2005, Volume 90, Issue Q I
- 5-32 How long is a long-term investment?
by Pu Shen - 33-57 Recent evolution of large-value payment systems : balancing liquidity and risk
by Antoine Martin - 59-82 A resurgent rural economy spurs farmland values
by Jason Henderson & Nancy Novack
2005, Issue Q IV
- 5-33 Longer-term perspectives on the yield curve and monetary policy
by Sharon Kozicki & Gordon H. Sellon - 47-79 Does immigration reduce imbalances among labor markets or increase them? : evidence from recent migration flows
by William R. Keeton & Geoffrey B. Newton
2004, Volume 89, Issue Q IV
- 5-41 Expectations and the monetary policy transmission mechanism
by Gordon H. Sellon - 43-53 Impact of population aging on financial markets in developed countries
by James M. Poterba - 55-70 New governance for a new rural economy : reinventing public and private institutions : a conference summary
by Mark Drabenstott & Nancy Novack & Stephan Weiler
2004, Volume 89, Issue Q III
- 5-37 Offshoring in the service sector : economic impact and policy issues
by C. Alan Garner - 39-70 What can regional manufacturing surveys tell us? lessons from the Tenth District
by William R. Keeton & Michael Verba - 71-96 Can rural America support a knowledge economy?
by Bridget Abraham & Jason Henderson - 97-104 New approaches to rural policy : lessons from around the world : a conference summary
by Mark Drabenstott & Nancy Novack & Stephan Weiler
2004, Volume 89, Issue Q II
- 5-17 Exploring the macro-prudential aspects of financial sector supervision
by Thomas M. Hoenig - 19-51 An evaluation of the decline in goods inflation
by Todd E. Clark - 53-71 What impact will E-commerce have on the U.S. economy?
by Jonathan L. Willis
2004, Volume 89, Issue Q I
- 5-38 How do data revisions affect the evaluation and conduct of monetary policy?
by Sharon Kozicki - 39-64 Economic policy implications of world demographic change
by Richard L. Johnson - 65-80 Will the farm rebound lead a rural recovery?
by Jason Henderson
2003, Volume 88, Issue Q IV
- 5-43 Monetary policy and the zero bound : policy options when short-term rates reach zero
by Gordon H. Sellon - 45-78 Globalization and global disinflation
by Kenneth S. Rogoff - 81-98 A new era for rural policy
by Mark Drabenstott
2003, Volume 88, Issue Q III
- 5-14 Should more supervisory information be publicly disclosed?
by Thomas M. Hoenig - 15-44 U.S. urban decline and growth, 1950 to 2000
by Jordan Rappaport - 73-85 Main streets of tomorrow : growing and financing rural entrepreneurs : a conference summary
by Bridget Abraham & Mark Drabenstott & Nancy Novack
2003, Volume 88, Issue Q II
- 5-14 Community banks and the Federal Reserve
by Thomas M. Hoenig - 45-73 A closer look at jobless recoveries
by Stacey L. Schreft & Aarti Singh
2003, Volume 88, Issue Q I
- 5-27 Implications of structural changes in the U.S. economy for pricing behavior and inflation dynamics
by Jonathan L. Willis - 29-54 A guide to deposit insurance reform
by Antoine Martin - 55-76 Why has the nonfinancial commercial paper market shrunk recently?
by Pu Shen - 77-96 Will rains and a national recovery bring rural prosperity?
by Jason Henderson & Nancy Novack
2003, Issue Q III
- 45-72 Travel and tourism : an overlooked industry in the U.S. and Tenth District
by Chad R. Wilkerson
2003, Issue Q II
- 15-43 The role of community banks in the U.S. economy
by George A. Kahn & William R. Keeton & Linda Schroeder & Stuart E. Weiner
2002, Volume 87, Issue Q IV
- 5-14 Central bank perspectives on stabilization policy
by Alan Greenspan - 15-36 Central bank perspectives on stabilization policy
by Otmar Issing - 37-68 Central bank perspectives on stabilization policy
by Guillermo Ortiz - 69-78 Central bank perspectives on stabilization policy
by Yutaka Yamaguchi - 79-87 Central bank perspectives on stabilization policy
by David A. Dodge
2002, Volume 87, Issue Q III
- 5-26 The puzzle of later male retirement
by Richard L. Johnson - 27-44 Do primary energy resources influence industry location?
by Jason P. Martinek & Michael J. Orlando - 45-70 Building the rural economy with high-growth entrepreneurs
by Jason Henderson
2002, Volume 87, Issue Q II
- 1-27 How high tech is the Tenth District?
by Chad R. Wilkerson - y:2002:i:qii:n:v.87no.2:x:1 The new power of regions : a policy focus for rural America : a conference summary
by Mark Drabenstott & Katharine Sheaff - y:2002:i:qii:n:v.87no.2 Consumer confidence after September 11
by C. Alan Garner
2002, Volume 87, Issue Q I
- 5-35 The changing U.S. financial system : some implications for the monetary transmission mechanism
by Gordon H. Sellon - 37-64 Clicking with dollars : how consumers can pay for purchases from E-tailers
by Stacey L. Schreft - 65-83 Will the rural economy rebound with the rest of the nation?
by Jason Henderson
2001, Volume 86, Issue Q IV
- 5-27 Economic policy for the information economy : a summary of the Bank's 2001 Economic Symposium
by Craig S. Hakkio - 29-59 The 'new economy' : background, historical perspective, questions, and speculations
by J. Bradford DeLong & Lawrence H. Summers - 61-87 Can TIPS help identify long-term inflation expectations?
by Jonathan Corning & Pu Shen
2001, Volume 86, Issue Q III
- 5-42 Why do central banks monitor so many inflation indicators?
by Sharon Kozicki - 43-64 Is state fiscal policy asymmetric over the business cycle?
by Bent E. Sorensen & Oved Yosha - 65-77 Exploring policy options for a new rural America : a conference summary
by Mark Drabenstott & Katharine Sheaff
2001, Volume 86, Issue Q II
- 5-31 Comparing measures of core inflation
by Todd E. Clark - 33-56 The new U.S. meat industry
by Alan Barkema & Mark Drabenstott & Nancy Novack - 57-87 Why invest in rural America and how? : a critical public policy question for the 21st century
by Karl N. Stauber
2001, Volume 86, Issue Q I
- 5-23 Is the large U.S. current account deficit sustainable?
by Jill A. Holman - 25-53 The transformation of banking and its impact on consumers and small businesses
by William R. Keeton - 55-86 What are the benefits of hosting a major league sports franchise?
by Jordan Rappaport & Chad R. Wilkerson
2000, Volume 85, Issue Q IV
- 5-15 Global economic integration : opportunities and challenges : a summary of the Bank's 2000 Symposium
by George A. Kahn - 17-22 How should monetary policymakers respond to the new challenges of global integration?
by Donald T. Brash - 23-36 The P/E ratio and stock market performance
by Pu Shen - 37-49 The farm slump eases
by Alan Barkema & Nancy Novack
2000, Volume 85, Issue Q III
- 5-9 Monetary policy in a changing world
by Thomas M. Hoenig - 11-37 Monetary policy and asset prices
by Andrew J. Filardo - 39-45 Beyond agriculture : new policies for rural America : a conference summary
by Mark Drabenstott - 47-57 Rural policy lessons from OECD countries
by Mario Pezzini
2000, Volume 85, Issue Q II
- 1-20 The discount window : time for reform?
by Craig S. Hakkio & Gordon H. Sellon - 21-32 The role of forecasts in monetary policy
by Jeffery D. Amato & Thomas Laubach - 33-47 Is risk sharing in the United States a regional phenomenon?
by Bent E. Sorensen & Oved Yosha
2000, Volume 85, Issue Q I
- 5-20 An inflation report for 1999
by C. Alan Garner - 21-41 Are mergers responsible for the surge in new bank charters?
by William R. Keeton - 43-55 The farm slump continues
by Alan Barkema
1999, Volume 84, Issue Q IV
- 5-15 New challenges for monetary policy : a summary of the Bank's 1999 Symposium
by Charmaine R. Buskas & Gordon H. Sellon - 17-51 Monetary policy and asset price volatility
by Ben S. Bernanke & Mark Gertler - 53-64 Electronic payments in the U.S. economy : an overview
by Stuart E. Weiner - 65-83 The outlook for the U.S. banking industry : what does the experience of the 1980s and 1990s tell us?
by Kenneth Spong & Richard J. Sullivan
1999, Volume 84, Issue Q III
- 7-13 Financial industry megamergers and policy challenges
by Thomas M. Hoenig - 15-29 A comparison of the CPI and the PCE price index
by Todd E. Clark - 31-45 Do consumers really want credit card reform?
by Kathryn L. Combs & Stacey L. Schreft - 47-64 The value of interest rate smoothing : how the private sector helps the Federal Reserve
by Jeffery D. Amato & Thomas Laubach - 65-82 Where have all the packing plants gone? : the new meat geography in rural America
by Mark Drabenstott & Mark Henry & Kristin Mitchell
1999, Volume 84, Issue Q II
- 5-33 How useful are Taylor rules for monetary policy?
by Sharon Kozicki - 35-55 How reliable are recession prediction models?
by Andrew J. Filardo - 57-75 Does faster loan growth lead to higher loan losses?
by William R. Keeton - 77-85 Equity for rural America : from Wall Street to Main Street : a conference summary
by Mark Drabenstott & Larry G. Meeker
1999, Volume 84, Issue Q I
- 5-20 Progress toward price stability : a 1998 inflation report
by C. Alan Garner - 21-49 Monetary policy and the well-being of the poor
by Christina D. Romer & David Romer - 51-62 Can U.S. oil production survive the 20th century?
by Russell L. Lamb & Chad R. Wilkerson - 63-71 Consolidation in U.S agriculture : the new rural landscape and public policy
by Mark Drabenstott - 73-91 U.S. agriculture at the crossroads in 1999
by Russell L. Lamb - 93-109 The District economic outlook : responding to labor shortages and overseas problems
by Ricardo C. Gazel & Chad R. Wilkerson
1998, Volume 83, Issue Q IV
- 5-8 Income inequality : a summary of the Bank's 1998 Symposium
by Stephen A. Monto & Stuart E. Weiner - 13-34 The longevity of expansions
by Joseph H. Haimowitz - 35-47 How important is the inflation risk premium?
by Pu Shen - 49-66 From the Plains to the plate : can the beef industry regain market share?
by Michelle Beshear & Russell L. Lamb - 67-80 Will tightness in Tenth District labor markets result in economic slowdown?
by Ricardo C. Gazel & Chad R. Wilkerson
1998, Volume 83, Issue Q III
- 5-32 Conducting monetary policy with inflation targets
by George A. Kahn & Klara Parrish - 63-78 A closer look at the employment cost index
by C. Alan Garner - 79-97 This little piggy went to market : will the new pork industry call the Heartland home?
by Mark Drabenstott - y:1998:i:qiii:n:v.83no.3 New evidence on the output cost of fighting inflation
by Andrew J. Filardo
1998, Volume 83, Issue Q II
- 5-7 The international community's response to the Asian financial crisis
by Thomas M. Hoenig - 9-26 Will the Tenth District catch the Asian flu?
by Ricardo C. Gazel & Russell L. Lamb - 27-42 Has the surge in computer spending fundamentally changed the economy?
by Joseph H. Haimowitz - 43-67 Are rural banks facing increased funding pressures? : evidence from Tenth District states
by William R. Keeton
1998, Volume 83, Issue Q I
- 5-21 Progress toward price stability : a 1997 inflation report
by Todd E. Clark - 23-38 Features and risks of Treasury Inflation Protection Securities
by Pu Shen - 39-54 Tenth District economic developments
by Ricardo C. Gazel - 55-74 U.S. agriculture : another solid year in 1998?
by Mark Drabenstott & Russell L. Lamb
1997, Volume 82, Issue Q IV
- 5-22 Why is financial stability a goal of public policy?
by Andrew D. Crockett - 23-35 Maintaining financial stability in a global economy : a summary of the Bank's 1997 Symposium
by Charles S. Morris & Klara Parrish - 39-57 Predicting real growth and inflation with the yield spread
by Sharon Kozicki - 59-84 Looking forward : the role for government in regulating electronic cash
by Stacey L. Schreft - 85-101 How will the 1996 Farm Bill affect the outlook for District farmland values?
by Russell L. Lamb
1997, Volume 82, Issue Q III
- 5-20 What long-run returns can investors expect from the stock market?
by David G. Bishop & John E. Golob - 21-36 Social Security privatization: balancing efficiency and fairness
by C. Alan Garner - 37-53 Does the yield spread predict real economic activity? : a multicountry analysis
by Catherine Bonser-Neal & Timothy R. Morley - 55-76 Changes in the depository industry in Tenth District states
by William R. Keeton & Anne D. McKibbin
1997, Volume 82, Issue Q II
- 5-30 Monetary policy without reserve requirements : case studies and options for the United States
by Gordon H. Sellon & Stuart E. Weiner - 31-43 Are we living in the middle of an Industrial Revolution?
by Joel Mokyr - 45-62 Settlement risk in large-value payments systems
by Pu Shen - 63-87 Cyclical implications of the declining manufacturing employment share
by Andrew J. Filardo - 89-98 Financing rural America : a conference summary
by Mark Drabenstott & Larry G. Meeker
1997, Issue Q I
- 5-10 Bank regulation: asking the right questions
by Thomas M. Hoenig - 11-30 U.S. inflation developments in 1996
by Todd E. Clark - 31-46 The productivity growth slowdown: diverging trends in the manufacturing and service sectors
by Sharon Kozicki - 47-62 Tenth District economic developments
by Tim R. Smith - 63-78 Will the wild ride for U.S. agriculture continue in 1997?
by Mark Drabenstott
1996, Volume 81, Issue Q IV
- 5-24 Monetary policy without reserve requirements: analytical issues
by Gordon H. Sellon & Stuart E. Weiner