January 2009, Volume 36, Issue 1/2
- 138-181 Bangladesh's economy: surrounded by deadly threats
by Ahmed Salman - 182-198 Tracing out the U‐shape relationship between female labor force participation rate and economic development for Pakistan
by Ambreen Fatima & Humera Sultana - 199-211 Appraisal of a rural co‐operative with the thrust on rural development: an empirical study
by Amit K. Chakrabarty & Krishnamay Ghosh
October 2008, Volume 35, Issue 12
- 889-903 Global warming and the future of Pacific Island countries
by Clem Tisdell - 904-918 Institutions, good governance and economic growth in the Pacific Island countries
by Biman Chand Prasad - 919-929 Cultural and economic tensions in Pacific Islands' futures
by Ron Duncan - 930-950 Growth and social development in the Pacific Island countries
by Naren Prasad - 951-962 Moving beyond “ethnic” conflict in Fiji: from colonization to the coup of 2006
by Ajnesh Prasad - 963-984 Unit roots and structural breaks in PNG macroeconomic time series
by Seema Narayan & Russell Smyth - 985-1004 Exchange market pressure in a small Pacific Island country: a study of Fiji: 1975‐2005
by T.K. Jayaraman & Chee‐Keong Choong - 1005-1016 Forecasting Fiji's exports and imports, 2003‐2020
by Paresh Kumar Narayan & Seema Narayan & Biman Chand Prasad - 1017-1031 An econometric model of the determinants of private investment and a CGE model of the impact of democracy on investment and economic growth in Fiji
by Paresh Kumar Narayan
September 2008, Volume 35, Issue 11
- 769-782 What determines the duration of stay of immigrants in Germany?
by Sebastian Gundel & Heiko Peters - 783-808 An empirical survey of individual consumer, business firm and financial institution attitudes towards Islamic methods of finance
by Alsadek Gait & Andrew Worthington - 809-822 International trade, foreign direct investment and the phenomenon of child labor
by Uzma Iram & Ambreen Fatima - 823-845 Macro‐, Meso‐ and Microeconomic considerations in the delivery of social services
by Ben Freyens - 846-856 Evaluating Stephen Zarlenga's treatment of historical monetary thought
by Simon Mouatt - 857-877 Gender, HIV‐AIDS, land restitution and survival strategies in the Capricorn district of South Africa
by O.A. Akinboade
August 2008, Volume 35, Issue 10
- 704-716 Selling sex in the shadow economy
by Teela Sanders - 717-728 Drugs, the informal economy and globalization
by Toby Seddon - 729-738 The antiquity art market: between legality and illegality
by Laurence Massy - 739-750 Legitimate businesses and crime vulnerabilities
by Tom Vander Beken & Stijn Van Daele - 751-762 Real estate and serious forms of crime
by Hans Nelen
August 2008, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 644-650 Does the informal economy link to organised crime?
by Paul Ponsaers & Joanna Shapland & Colin C. Williams - 651-665 A matrix approach to informal markets: towards a dynamic conceptualisation
by Gudrun Vande Walle - 666-678 Workplace crime and the informal economy in Ukraine
by Peter Rodgers & Colin C. Williams & John Round - 679-690 Economic organized crime networks in emerging democracies
by Bojan Dobovšek - 691-702 A case study on the misuse ofhawalabanking
by Henk van de Bunt
July 2008, Volume 35, Issue 8
- 561-568 Replacing incomplete markets with a complete mess: Katrina and the NFIP
by Andrew T. Young - 569-578 Hurricane Katrina and the levees: taxation, calculation, and the matrix of capital
by William Anderson & Scott A. Kjar - 579-589 The finance of Katrina
by J. Stuart Wood - 590-602 Who's to blame for all the heartache?
by Daniel J. D'Amico - 603-614 Taking advantage of disaster: misrepresentation of housing shortage for political gain
by Vedran Vuk - 615-626 Signaling effects of commercial and civil society in post‐Katrina reconstruction
by Emily Chamlee‐Wright - 627-638 The futile fight against (human) nature
by Jennifer Dirmeyer
June 2008, Volume 35, Issue 7
- 480-489 The broken trailer fallacy
by Edward P. Stringham & Nicholas A. Snow - 490-500 What is seen and unseen on the Gulf coast
by Max Raskin & Scott A. Kjar & Robert Rahm - 501-511 Institutions, incentives, and disaster relief
by Christopher Westley & Robert P. Murphy & William L. Anderson - 512-520 Price gouging in the Katrina aftermath: free markets at work
by Dreda Culpepper & Walter Block - 521-530 Market‐based “disaster relief”: Katrina and the casino industry
by Douglas M. Walker & John D. Jackson - 531-545 Beliefs, bias, and regime uncertainty after Hurricane Katrina
by Art Carden - 546-557 An economic and ethical analysis of the Katrina disaster
by Robert W. McGee
May 2008, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 400-416 Cross‐country determinants of satisfaction with life
by Elia Kacapyr - 417-422 Triumphant capitalism and the future of human, social and economic progress in the post‐Cold War era
by Wilfred I. Ukpere & Andre D. Slabbert - 423-434 New public management and the corporatisation of the public sector in peripheral capitalist countries
by Motsomi Marobela - 435-448 Human rights of migrant women workers in janitorial services and night clubs
by Fatma Güven‐Lisaniler & Sevin Uğural & Leopoldo Rodríguez - 449-465 Combining faith and CSR: a paradigm of corporate sustainability
by Loi Teck Hui - 466-471 International Year of Planet Earth: four reports on status and trends
by Udo E. Simonis
April 2008, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 313-325 Thomas Paine (1737‐1809) and Thomas Spence (1750‐1814) on land ownership, land taxes and the provision of citizens' dividend
by John Marangos - 326-337 From friendly turns towards trade – on the interplay between cooperation and markets
by Stefan Mann - 338-343 Have “European politics” and EU policy making replaced the politics of member state countries?
by David Floyd - 344-363 Globalization of small islands: the case of Curaçao
by Miguel Goede - 364-379 Redefining Maori economic development
by John O'Sullivan & Teresa Dana - 380-395 A survey of alternative livelihood options for Hong Kong's fishers
by Louise Teh & William W.L. Cheung & Andy Cornish & Clarus Chu & U. Rashid Sumaila
March 2008, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 226-238 Globalization, growth, and poverty: the missing link
by Ibrahim F. Akoum - 239-268 Islam versus liberalism: contrasting epistemological inquiries
by Masudul Alam Choudhury - 269-282 Challenging trickle‐down approach
by Muhammad Azeem Qureshi - 283-297 Should we replace the environment?
by Angelo Antoci & Simone Borghesi & Marcello Galeotti - 298-307 Can education affect pro‐social behavior?
by Ali Ahmed
February 2008, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 140-158 Micro‐level determinants of poverty reduction in Sri Lanka: a multivariate approach
by Indunil De Silva - 159-173 Can interaction contribute to the explanation of business cycles?
by Orlando Gomes - 174-187 A wellbeing index based on an enabling environment
by Maria Cornachione Kula & Priniti Panday & Brandon Parrish - 188-201 The effect of abortion costs on adoption in the USA
by Marshall H. Medoff - 202-221 An empirical investigation of relationships between official development assistance (ODA) and human and educational development
by Tun Lin Moe
January 2008, Volume 35, Issue 1/2
- 5-14 Valuing human organs: an application of contingent valuation
by Alper Altinanahtar & John R. Crooker & Jamie B. Kruse - 15-34 The philosophical foundation of the lecture‐versus‐case controversy
by Kavous Ardalan - 35-48 Norms and values of the various microfinance institutions
by Marek Hudon - 49-62 A comparative analysis of mandated private pension arrangements
by Mark Hyde & John Dixon - 63-76 Socioeconomic determinants of child mortality in Pakistan
by Uzma Iram & Muhammad S. Butt - 77-98 Child labour and school attendance: evidence from Bangladesh
by Rasheda Khanam - 99-110 Trends in literacy rates and schooling among the scheduled tribe women in India
by Aparna Mitra & Pooja Singh - 111-124 Carbon capture and storage in the light of circulation economics
by Heidi Rapp Nilsen - 125-132 The formation of conventional expectations under strong uncertainty: a reply
by Theodore T. Koutsobinas
October 2007, Volume 34, Issue 12
- 904-913 Towards a rural post‐work society
by Stefan Mann & Daniel Erdin - 914-922 Economic science: what it is and what the scientists do not tell us
by Ioannis A. Kaskarelis - 923-942 Economics of access in a developing country: an analysis of firm‐conduct in financial services
by Charles Okeahalam - 943-960 Markets: a paradigmatic look
by Kavous Ardalan - 961-976 Portuguese public collections and the economic cycle: a seminal study
by Paulo Reis Mourão
October 2007, Volume 34, Issue 11
- 788-810 Economic factors and psychiatric hospital beds – an analysis of historical trends
by Alfonso Ceccherini‐Nelli & Stefan Priebe - 811-827 Governance and CEO pay and performance in non‐profit organizations
by Carlos Pestana Barros & Francisco Nunes - 828-882 Ideals in sequential bargaining structures
by Ana Paula Martins - 883-898 Is relative income of overriding importance for individuals?
by Kenneth V. Greene & Phillip J. Nelson
September 2007, Volume 34, Issue 10
- 714-734 The economic function in the Hindu worldview: its perennial social relevance
by S.K. Chakraborty & D. Chakraborty - 735-740 Exogenous technological change and wage inequality in rural India: a theoretical note
by Arindam Banik & Pradip K. Bhaumik & Sundayo Iyare - 741-753 The nexus between stock market and economic activity: an empirical analysis for India
by Purna Chandra Padhan - 754-771 A case of inappropriately targeted vulnerability reduction initiatives in Andhra Pradesh, India?
by Lee Bosher - 772-780 Commonweal vs. free market capitalism: the case of India and China
by Appa Rao Korukonda
August 2007, Volume 34, Issue 9
- 577-585 Ethics and values in Indian economy and business
by P. Kanagasabapathi - 586-598 Financial development, trade and growth triangle: the case of India
by Salih Turan Katircioglu & Neslihan Kahyalar & Hasret Benar - 599-611 Economic size and performance of dispersed and clustered small scale enterprises in India
by M.R. Narayana - 612-636 Empirical analysis of the relationship between total consumption‐GDP ratio and per capita income for different metals
by Antonio Focacci - 637-663 Social responsibility in India towards global compact approach
by Aruna Das Gupta - 664-677 Critical evaluation of growth strategies: India and China
by Parikshit K. Basu - 679-712 Enhancing competitiveness of India Inc
by Sanjib K. Dutta
July 2007, Volume 34, Issue 8
- 506-524 Corporate governance: a paradigmatic look
by Kavous Ardalan - 525-537 Human capital vs social capital
by Peter Nisbet - 538-553 Green community entrepreneurship: creative destruction in the social economy
by Travis Gliedt & Paul Parker - 554-565 Gender differences in occupational status in the South Korean labor market: 1988‐1998
by Charlie G. Turner & Elizabeth Monk‐Turner
June 2007, Volume 34, Issue 7
- 436-448 Rent‐seeking and economic valuation of environmental quality
by Femida Handy & Joyce Gleason - 449-471 Poverty profile and correlates of poverty in Ghana
by Charles K.D. Adjasi & Kofi A. Osei - 472-484 Person: an economic agent for the electronic age
by Edward J. O'Boyle - 485-501 Measuring performance: differences between capitalist and labour‐owned enterprises
by Zuray Melgarejo & Francisco J. Arcelus & Katrin Simon
May 2007, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 374-387 Human resource management and Native people: a checklist of concerns and responses
by Alf H. Walle - 388-401 Understanding the success factors of micro‐finance institution in a developing country
by Rusdy Hartungi - 402-414 Beyond the formal/informal economy binary hierarchy
by Colin C. Williams & John Round & Peter Rodgers - 415-424 Why do we ignore the best solution for improving unequal income distribution?
by Ben‐David Nissim - 425-432 Karl Marx and Milton Friedman: bedfellows in thought
by Donald C. Wellington & Sourushe Zandvakili
April 2007, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 297-309 Principles of administration revisited
by John Donaldson & Irene Fafaliou - 310-319 Food security and human development
by Azmat Gani & Biman Chand Prasad - 320-344 Co‐operation and conflict between firms, communities, new social movements and the role of government v. Cerro De San Pedro case
by José G. Vargas‐Hernández - 345-360 Do government expenditures increase private sector productivity?
by Reino Hjerppe & Pellervo Hämäläinen & Jaakko Kiander & Matti Viren - 361-365 Veblen on globalization: further clarification
by Charles G. Leathers & J. Patrick Raines
March 2007, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 220-236 Labour manoeuvrability and economic performance
by Eelco Modderman & Cees Gorter & Jasper Dalhuisen & Peter Nijkamp - 237-248 Rural poverty alleviation through NGO interventions in Bangladesh: how far is the achievement?
by A.K.M. Ahsan Ullah & Jayant K. Routray - 249-267 How culture evolves: an institutional analysis
by Leslie Kathleen Williams - 268-275 Social attitudes and the gender pay gap in the USA in recent years
by Sumati Srinivas - 276-289 The social and economic impact of the call center industry in Ireland
by Charles Jobs & Deena Burris & David Butler
February 2007, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 136-146 Tourism and the general agreement on trade in services
by Babu P. George & Tony L. Henthorne - 147-158 An empirical investigation of the relationship between government revenue and expenditure
by Neelesh Gounder & Paresh Kumar Narayan & Arti Prasad - 159-187 Housing and superannuation: social security in Singapore
by David Reisman - 188-196 GM crops in sub‐Saharan Africa
by J. Ram Pillarisetti & Roger Lawrey & Kylie Radel - 197-217 Corruption, firm growth and export propensity in Kenya
by Peter Kimuyu
January 2007, Volume 34, Issue 1/2
- 6-18 Goods and persons, reasons and responsibilities
by Des Gasper - 19-36 Public goods, global public goods and the common good
by Séverine Deneulin & Nicholas Townsend - 37-52 Destabilising identity structures
by Jérôme Ballet & François‐Régis Mahieu & Katia Radja - 53-65 Education in pre‐ and post‐conflict contexts: relating capability and life‐skills approaches
by Jean‐Luc Dubois & Milène Trabelsi - 66-87 A deliberative ethic for development
by John Cameron & Hemant Ojha - 88-102 Sustainable livelihood approaches and soil erosion risks
by Tim Forsyth - 103-126 Allocating responsibilities in multi‐level governance for sustainable development
by Sylvia I. Karlsson
December 2006, Volume 33, Issue 12
- 796-807 A phenomenological conception of private sector responsibility in socioeconomic development
by Bayu Silvia & Masudul Alam Choudhury - 808-831 Some economic dimensions of the mental health jigsaw in Australia
by Ruth F.G. Williams & D.P. Doessel & Roman W. Scheurer & Harvey Whiteford - 832-857 Russian attitudes toward paying taxes – before, during, and after the transition
by James Alm & Jorge Martinez‐Vazque & Benno Torgler - 858-859 The Veblen reply
by Donald C. Wellington & Sourushe Zandvakili
November 2006, Volume 33, Issue 11
- 728-743 Could developing countries take the benefit of globalisation?
by Rusdy Hartungi - 744-765 Knowledge‐induced technological change
by Masudul Alam Choudhury & Toseef Azid & Mushtaq Ahmad Klasra - 766-780 Consumers' expenditures and perceived price fairness
by Irene Daskalopoulou & Anastasia Petrou - 781-788 Aging population, emigration and growth in Barbados
by Arindam Banik & Pradip K. Bhaumik - 789-794 The creativity of retarding speed
by Fritz Reheis
October 2006, Volume 33, Issue 10
- 666-676 A case study in the globalization of jobs in Ireland
by Charles Jobs & David Butler - 677-697 Human agency and free will: choice and determinism in economics
by Morris Altman - 698-709 GDP per capita and its challengers as measures of happiness
by William R. Dipietro & Emmanuel Anoruo - 710-722 A hermeneutic of Amartya Sen's concept of capability
by Nebel Mathias & Herrera Rendon Teresa
September 2006, Volume 33, Issue 9
- 604-614 Rationality and the language of decision making
by Mark S. Peacock - 615-624 The entrepreneurial myth, globalization and American economic dominance
by Donald C. Wellington & Sourushe Zandvakili - 625-648 The wealth of some and the poverty of Sub Saharan Africa
by John M. Luiz - 649-663 Information and communications technology: a non‐income influence on economic well being
by Azmat Gani & Michael D. Clemes
August 2006, Volume 33, Issue 8
- 534-546 Conscience as a deterrent to free riding
by Joseph G. Eisenhauer - 547-564 Factors that influence choice of major: why some students never consider economics
by Lindsay Noble Calkins & Andrew Welki - 565-579 A democratic view on prosperity
by Valentin Cojanu - 580-593 Circulation economics – a turn towards sustainability
by Stig Ingebrigtsen & Ove Jakobsen - 594-600 Is child labour a substitute for adult labour?
by Augendra Bhukuth & Jérôme Ballet
July 2006, Volume 33, Issue 7
- 468-480 Savings behaviour in Fiji: an empirical assessment using the ARDL approach to cointegration
by Paresh Kumar Narayan & Seema Narayan - 481-490 Paul Craig Roberts on empirical measures of economic freedom: a rejoinder
by Walter Block - 491-511 Revitalizing the contribution non‐profit organizations can make to the provision of human services
by Joe Wallis & Brian Dollery - 512-528 A putative East Asian business model
by Linda Low - 529-532 Veblen and globalization: a comment on Wellington and Zandvakili
by Ken McCormick
May 2006, Volume 33, Issue 5/6
- 361-375 The diverse world of social enterprise
by John Thompson & Bob Doherty - 376-385 A framework for the governance of social enterprise
by Chris Low - 386-398 Corporate social responsibility: the 3C‐SR model
by John Meehan & Karon Meehan & Adam Richards - 399-410 Social entrepreneurship: a different model?
by Roger Spear - 411-431 Applying sustainability indicators to the social enterprise business model
by Lauren Darby & Heledd Jenkins - 432-445 Social enterprise in the public sector. MetService: thinking beyond the weather
by Belinda Luke & Martie‐Louise Verreynne - 446-462 Assessing sustainability of faith‐based enterprises in Kenya
by Elijah Bitange Ndemo
April 2006, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 284-297 Beyond the market: representing work in advanced economies
by Colin C. Williams - 298-315 Food policy in Bangladesh 2010: impacts of domestic wheat productivity growth
by Mohd. Kamruzzaman & Basil Manos & A. Psychoudakis & M. Martika - 316-330 Funding and managing agricultural research in a developing country
by E. Omuru & R. Kingwell - 331-343 Causality between agriculture and economic growth in a small nation under political isolation
by Salih Turan Katircioglu - 344-353 ARIMA model and forecasting with three types of pulse prices in Bangladesh: a case study
by Zakir Hossain & Quazi Abdus Samad & Zulficar Ali
March 2006, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 192-206 Jobless growth: a new challenge for the transition economy of Poland
by Miron Wolnicki & Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski & Ryszard Piasecki - 207-220 Barriers to health care access for Latino immigrants in the USA
by Patrick A. Rivers & Fausto G. Patino - 221-240 Were the Chinese reforms a feasible alternative for transition economies?
by John Marangos - 241-260 Epstein on alienation: a rejoinder
by Walter Block - 261-281 The philosophical foundation of the lecture‐versus‐case controversy
by Kavous Ardalan
February 2006, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 102-110 Distributive justice
by Erica Kilchrist & Walter Block - 111-131 Understanding the health and nutritional status of children in Pakistan
by Uzma Iram & Muhammad S. Butt - 132-159 Payment for health in Singapore
by David Reisman - 160-186 Islamic macroeconomics?
by Masudul Alam Choudhury
January 2006, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 4-10 Constrained discretion: New Labour's third way for economic and social policy?
by Brian Burkitt - 11-32 The evolving roles of the clubs in the management of international debt
by Richard P.C. Brown & Timothy J. Bulman - 33-53 “The Captain”: the travelogues and twisted science of Thorstein Veblen
by Guido Giacomo Preparata - 54-76 Democratic development: a comprehensive concept of comparative assessment
by Jennifer S. Holmes & Sheila Amin Gutiérrez de Piñeres - 77-100 Which policies effectively enable smoking cessation? Evidence from the European Union
by Joan Costa & Elias Mossialos
December 2005, Volume 32, Issue 12
- 1020-1034 Exposure to pesticides, ill‐health and averting behaviour: costs and determining the relationships
by Clevo Wilson - 1035-1050 Sustainable development and environmental accounting: the challenge to the economics and accounting profession
by Gamini Herath - 1051-1062 Liang Qichao, Sun Yat‐sen, and the 1905‐1907 debate on socialism
by Cheng‐chung Lai & Paul B. Trescott - 1063-1068 The formation of conventional expectations under strong uncertainty: a comment
by David Dequech
November 2005, Volume 32, Issue 11
- 924-938 The death ofhomo economicus: is there life after welfare economics?
by John M. Gowdy & Raluca Iorgulescu Polimeni - 939-950 Brain drains and brain gains: causes, consequences, policy
by Peter Hall - 951-967 Historical pattern of India's economic growth: salient features
by K.C. Roy - 968-1010 Pre‐Soviet, Soviet and post‐Soviet models of economic growth and development
by Ernest Raiklin
October 2005, Volume 32, Issue 10
- 857-867 Economic development and geopolitics: a tale of two regions
by Thamir M. Salih - 868-876 Towards a conceptual framework in unitary economics
by Dodo J. Thampapillai & Bo Öhlmer & Boon Tiong Lim - 877-892 Analysis of the potential and problems of new institutional economics for third world development
by Gamini Herath - 893-898 “Should we sell human organs?” Correction of a faulty analysis
by David L. Kaserman - 899-915 Did US labor's post‐World War II successes lead to its subsequent woes?
by Jon D. Wisman
September 2005, Volume 32, Issue 9
- 740-766 The speed of adjustment and the sequencing of economic reforms
by Saleh M. Nsouli & Mounir Rached & Norbert Funke - 767-782 Economic analysis of food‐borne diseases control program in Australia
by Shahjahan Ali Khandaker & Mohammad Alauddin - 783-813 Hindered growth: the ideology and implications of population assistance
by Maria Sophia Aguirre & Cecilia A. Hadley