September 2005, Volume 32, Issue 9
- 814-826 China's ethnic minorities and the middle classes: an overview
by Colin Mackerras - 827-851 The relevance of Marx to all students of economics, no matter the level
by Nick Potts
August 2005, Volume 32, Issue 8
- 656-666 Code of ethics and employee governance
by Patrick A. McNutt & Charlie A. Batho - 667-681 Thomas Hobbes and the displacement of political philosophy
by Thea Vinnicombe - 682-703 Social responsibility: the most important, and neglected, problem of all?
by Ted Trainer - 704-716 Farmer strategies and forest conservation: a case study from south‐western Madagascar
by Thorkil Casse & Uffe Nielsen & Socrate Ranaivoson & Jean Romuald Randrianamarivo - 717-734 A model of human behaviour for sustainability
by Hans‐Ulrich Zabel
July 2005, Volume 32, Issue 7
- 576-589 Enhancing a competitive intelligence culture in South Africa
by Wilma Viviers & Andrea Saayman & Marié‐Luce Muller - 590-601 Neoclassicism, artificial intelligence, and the marginalization of ethics
by John B. Davis - 602-615 Social market economics revisited
by Siegfried G. Karsten - 616-638 Globalization and financial instability
by Helmut Wagner - 639-647 Economic growth and income inequality: the case of the US
by Yu Hsing
June 2005, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 492-509 Family size, economics and child gender preference: a case study in the Nyeri district of Kenya
by Tabitha W. Kiriti & Clem Tisdell - 510-519 A cross country analysis of outward foreign direct investment patterns
by Pantelis Pantelidis & Dimitrios Kyrkilis - 520-540 John Paul II's vision of the social economy
by Edward J. O'Boyle - 541-553 Prejudice against female children: economic and cultural explanations, and Indian evidence
by Clem Tisdell & Gopal Regmi - 554-569 Economics, social justice and the common good: Roman‐Catholic perspectives
by Thomas O. Nitsch
May 2005, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 388-407 An inquiry into the disposition of Chinese agriculture
by Dongxue Zhang - 408-423 Corporate social responsibility and the bottom line
by Nicholas Capaldi - 424-438 Transparency: a two‐way mirror?
by Dominique Bessire - 439-453 Closing the gender gap in Bangladesh: inequality in education, employment and earnings
by Mohammad A. Hossain & Clement A. Tisdell - 454-482 Technology revolutions and social development
by Peter L. Daniels
April 2005, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 276-290 Mathematics and academic finance: the role of paradigms
by Kavous Ardalan - 291-306 The impact of alternative styles of policy leadership on the direction of local government reform
by Joe Wallis & Brian Dollery - 307-324 Alternative paths to the transition process
by John Marangos - 325-338 Paul A. Samuelson: philosopher and theorist
by Michael Szenberg & Aron A. Gottesman & Lall Ramrattan - 339-383 Union duopoly with heterogeneous labour
by Ana Paula Martins
March 2005, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 184-202 The “advantage of latecomer” in abating air‐pollution: the East Asian experience
by Toru Iwami - 203-217 A paradigm of Islamic money and banking
by Masudul Alam Choudhury & Mostaque Hussain - 218-227 Are political principles stable?
by Tibor R. Machan - 228-248 Cultural lag: a relevant framework for social justice
by Richard L. Brinkman & June E. Brinkman - 249-267 Economics and religion
by James E. Alvey
January 2005, Volume 32, Issue 1/2
- 5-16 M.L. Weitzman vs J.M. Buchanan
by Umberto Romani & Giovanni Tondini - 17-33 Rural development in China
by Colin G. Brown & Scott A. Waldron & John W. Longworth - 34-59 Major issues relating to end‐of‐life care
by Robert F. Rizzo - 60-76 Neglected dimensions of development: inequality, conflict and aid
by Rukmani Gounder - 77-97 On the theory of post‐Communist economic transition to market
by Vladimer Papava - 98-120 Socio‐economic factors determining adult literacy in developing countries
by Krishna Mazumdar - 121-132 Financial support systems: the student experience in England and France
by Susan Curtis & Rita Klapper - 133-154 Distribution of income and the structure of economy and society
by A.H.G.M. Spithoven - 155-173 A socio‐economic framework of interpretation and analysis
by Pieter Keizer
November 2004, Volume 31, Issue 11/12
- 996-1004 Interest groups and government growth in Spain during Franco's dictatorship (1939‐1975)
by Jesus M. Zaratiegui - 1005-1013 Socioeconomic analysis of the determinants of TANF recipients in the USA and policy implications
by Yu Hsing - 1014-1028 The Malthusian physiognomy of Nazi economics
by Guido Giacomo Preparata - 1029-1049 The “new” economy: complexity, coordination and a hybrid governance approach
by Wolfram Elsner - 1050-1060 Child income poverty and child deprivation: an essay on measurement
by Amélia Bastos & Graça Leão Fernandes & José Passos - 1061-1070 Globalization and inequality according to Veblen
by Donald C. Wellington & Sourushe Zandvakili - 1071-1088 On making human development more humane
by Humayon A. Dar - 1089-1108 Political implications of cultural evolution
by Horst Feldmann - 1109-1119 The formation of conventional expectations in Keynesian fundamental uncertainty
by Theodore T. Koutsobinas
October 2004, Volume 31, Issue 10
- 890-902 Empirical study in finite correlation coefficient in two phase estimation
by M. Khoshnevisan & F. Kaymarm & H.P. Singh & R. Singh & F. Smarandache - 903-922 Distributional implications of contemporary Judeo‐Christian economics
by Clive Beed & Cara Beed - 923-954 Free‐economics: The vision of reformer Silvio Gesell
by Guido Giacomo Preparata & John E. Elliott - 955-973 Historical path dependence, institutional persistence, and transition to market economy
by Ryszard Zukowski - 974-987 The effects of neoliberal structural adjustment on women's relative employment in Latin America
by Jennifer A. Ball
September 2004, Volume 31, Issue 9
- 818-831 Retirement entitlement and monetary‐fiscal policy
by G.A. Swanson - 832-839 The logic of collective consuming
by Wilfred Dolfsma - 840-854 The role of institutions in the development process of African countries
by Asfaw Kumssa & Isaac M. Mbeche - 855-867 The bureaucracy of murder: empirical evidence
by Franklin G. Mixon & W. Charles Sawyer & Len J. Treviño - 868-878 Social economy as political practice
by J.J. McMurtry - 879-886 The persistence of weeds and their social impact
by Bruce A. Auld
August 2004, Volume 31, Issue 8
- 740-752 Developing economy banking: the case of Islamic banks
by Farhad F. Ghannadian & Gautam Goswami - 753-766 Determinants of household food security
by Uzma Iram & Muhammad S. Butt - 767-772 Fiscal and monetary multipliers under imperfect competition
by Demetrius C. Yannelis - 773-789 Global capitalism and the question of global governance
by Kenneth B. Taylor - 790-807 Ethics and economic theory
by Masudul Alam Choudhury & Mohammad Ziaul Hoque
July 2004, Volume 31, Issue 7
- 643-654 Microcredit and the Third World
by Khandakar Q. Elahi & Constantine P. Danopoulos - 655-666 Frank H. Knight's thought revisited
by Tony Fu‐Lai Yu - 667-683 Variances in social partnership
by Kamel Mellahi & Geoff T. Wood - 684-705 On the theory and practice of finance
by Kavous Ardalan - 706-720 Teaching economics in a changing university environment
by Mohammad Alauddin & James E. Butler - 721-731 South Africa
by Frank W. Agbola & Maylene Y. Damoense & Yvonne K. Saini
May 2004, Volume 31, Issue 5/6
- 457-468 What determines private investment in Iran?
by Abbas Valadkhani - 469-486 Politics of race and poverty in Fiji
by Sunil Kumar & Biman Prasad - 487-500 The foundations of marriage: are they crumbling?
by Ian Smith - 501-535 A reconsideration on the method of economic and social sciences
by Angelo Fusari - 536-543 Edge cities, urban corridors and beyond
by David L. McKee & Yosra A. McKee - 544-560 Prices and subsidies for Australian psychiatric services
by D.P. Doessel & Ruth F.G. Williams - 561-571 Motivational needs and interdependent utilities
by Katherine B. Freeman - 572-581 The relationship between religion and earnings: recent evidence from the NLS Youth Cohort
by Todd P. Steen - 582-592 Moral considerations in outsourcing to foreign labor
by Matthew F. Pierlott - 593-613 Factors explaining the choice of an economics major
by Andrew Worthington & Helen Higgs - 614-622 Business behaviors in Brazil and the USA
by Hsu O'Keefe & William M. O'Keefe - 623-636 Economic reform and the transmission of growth impulses across Indian states
by Kaliappa Kalirajan
April 2004, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 325-364 Gender, human capabilities and culture within the household economy
by Morris Altman & Louise Lamontagne - 365-369 Will the Euro be passé or handmaiden to global growth and development?
by Thamir M. Salih - 370-383 The distributional role of small business in development
by Amin Amini - 384-388 Economic theory as a human tool
by Donald C. Wellington - 389-416 The influence of ideas and the problem of a social science
by Leslie Armour - 417-429 International trade and sustainable development in Sub‐Saharan Africa
by John Asafu‐Adjaye - 430-442 Towards unitary economics
by Dodo J. Thampapillai & Shandre M. Thangavelu
March 2004, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 218-238 Socioeconomic and environmental determinants of child‐care patterns of preschoolers in Pakistan
by Uzma Iram & Muhammad Sabihuddin Butt - 239-258 Social economics and social capital
by Joe Wallis & Paul Killerby & Brian Dollery - 259-274 Rejections and the importance of first response times
by Ofer H. Azar - 275-286 Libertarianism, positive obligations and property abandonment: children's rights
by Walter Block - 287-299 The Taylorization of Lenin: rhetoric or reality?
by Daniel A. Wren & Arthur G. Bedeian - 300-314 The evolution of development economics and globalization
by Ryszard Piasecki & Miron Wolnicki
January 2004, Volume 31, Issue 1/2
- 9-11 Introduction
by Emmanuel Cleeve & Tidings Ndhlovu - 12-29 Tracking the Millennium Development Goals in sub‐Saharan Africa
by Allam Ahmed & Emmanuel Cleeve - 30-55 Acts of entrepreneurial creativity for business growth and survival in a constrained economy
by Charles Jabani Mambula & Frank E. Sawyer - 56-66 Determinants of capital structure
by Agyenim Boateng - 67-77 The common market for Eastern and Southern Africa and Kenya's export trade
by Jacob Wanjala Musila - 78-93 Female entrepreneurs in a transitional economy
by Atsede Woldie & Adebimpe Adersua - 94-110 Furthering export participation in less performing developing countries
by Kevin I.N. Ibeh - 111-130 Institutional paradigm and the management of transitions
by Sonny Nwankwo & Darlington Richards - 131-142 International apparel trade and developing economies in Africa
by Dinesh Kumar Hurreeram & David Little - 143-158 Towards best practices for micro finance institutional engagement in African rural areas
by Kenneth Kaoma Mwenda & Gerry Nkombo Muuka - 159-172 Small firms' internationalization for development in Tanzania
by Lettice Rutashobya & Jan‐Erik Jaensson - 173-194 Trademarks or trade barriers?
by Zenobia Ismail & Tashil Fakir - 195-207 Income inequality and health: a multi‐country analysis
by John Asafu‐Adjaye
December 2003, Volume 30, Issue 12
- 1210-1232 Personal correlates of job satisfaction: empirical evidence from UK universities
by Titus Oshagbemi - 1233-1248 Greenhouse emission reduction and sustainable development
by R. Sathiendrakumar - 1249-1265 Performance of Islamic and mainstream banks in Malaysia
by Saiful Azhar Rosly & Mohd Afandi Abu Bakar - 1266-1287 Evolving and implementing a social economics: the American Catholic experience
by Daniel J. O'Neil - 1288-1305 Trade liberalization and environment in Pacific island countries (FICs): is it a case of “two gains for one”?
by Biman Chand Prasad & John Asafu‐Adjaye
November 2003, Volume 30, Issue 11
- 1118-1130 Income inequality between skilled individuals
by Serge Svizzero & Clem Tisdell - 1131-1161 Diversity in entrepreneurship: ethnic and female roles in urban economic life
by Tüzin Baycan Levent & Enno Masurel & Peter Nijkamp - 1162-1176 Measuring the quality of life in European Union
by Baris K. Yoruk & Osman Zaim - 1177-1191 Regional income divergence: a test of the endogenous growth theory
by Nozar Hashemzadeh & Douglas Woolley - 1192-1206 Form or contents? On the concept of social economy
by Hans Westlund
October 2003, Volume 30, Issue 10
- 1038-1048 On clinical research in finance
by Kavous Ardalan - 1049-1069 An economic study: should we sell human organs?
by Heather R. Kolnsberg - 1070-1083 Housing quality differentials in urban China 1988‐1995
by Zhenfeng Pan - 1084-1094 The implications of tipping for economics and management
by Ofer H. Azar - 1095-1109 Trust in countries in transition: empirical evidence from agriculture
by Louis H.G. Slangen & Pavel Suchánek & G. Cornelis van Kooten
September 2003, Volume 30, Issue 9
- 934-941 The allocation of death in the Salem witch trials: a public choice perspective
by Franklin G. Mixon & Len J. Treviño - 942-966 The autonomy of economics from Judeo‐Christian thought: a critique
by Clive Beed & Cara Beed - 967-984 Sustaining cultural vitality in a globalizing world: the Balinese example
by Bernard Lietaer & Stephen De Meulenaere - 985-999 Moral sentiments and equilibrium moral codes
by Chin Lim - 1000-1033 The multiple dimensions of mental health services: a conceptual framework
by Ruth F.G. Williams & D.P. Doessel
August 2003, Volume 30, Issue 8
- 854-866 Social performance of free markets: issues, analysis and appraisal
by Chenchuramaiah Bathala & Appa Rao Korukonda - 867-882 The rising number of uninsured Americans: how adequate is our health system?
by Saundra H. Glover & Karl J. McCleary & Patrick A. Rivers & Raymond A. Waller - 883-892 Measuring socioeconomic health inequalities: fiction or reality?
by Joan Costa & Jaume Garcia - 893-905 Plans, commitments and practical norms of reason
by Keiran Sharpe - 906-923 Sustainable human resource strategy
by Sugumar Mariappanadar
July 2003, Volume 30, Issue 7
- 770-787 The welfare interpretation of consumer equivalence scales
by Bruce Bradbury - 788-797 Of biblical interest, brotherhood and charity
by Andrew Schein - 798-826 Orthodoxy and heterodoxy in analyzing institutions
by Milan Zafirovski - 827-836 Macroeconomic determinants of outward foreign direct investment
by Dimitrios Kyrkilis & Pantelis Pantelidis - 837-848 A family of estimators of population mean using multiauxiliary information in presence of measurement errors
by Jack Allen & Housila P. Singh & Florentin Smarandache
June 2003, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 666-678 Aid type and its relationship with human well being
by Azmat Gani & Michael D. Clemes - 679-699 The productivity paradox and the business cycle
by A.H.G.M. Spithoven - 700-719 Global structural change and its de‐materialization implications
by Mariano Torras - 720-740 Money and academic finance: the role of paradigms
by Kavous Ardalan - 741-762 Institutional economics and economic development
by Biman C. Prasad
May 2003, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 598-612 The good society: the Illuminated, Karl Marx and Adam Smith
by John Conway O'Brien - 613-618 Impact of institutional and socioeconomic changes on marital relationship
by Yu Hsing - 619-632 Fuzziness and funds allocation in portfolio optimization
by Jack Allen & Sukanto Bhattacharya & Florentin Smarandache - 633-650 Public pension privatization
by John Dixon & Mark Hyde - 651-662 The economic impact of landmines on developing countries
by Gregory L. Bier
April 2003, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 337-387 Introduction New contributions to the science of economics: a new research program of a simultaneous equilibrium versus disequilibrium approach and some basic results
by Anghel N. Rugina - 389-409 1. Nobel Laureate: Ragnar A.K. Frisch (1895‐1973)
by Anghel N. Rugina - 410-423 2. Nobel Laureate: Jan Tinbergen (1903‐1994)
by Anghel N. Rugina - 424-452 3. Nobel Laureate: Paul A. Samuelson (1915‐ )
by Anghel N. Rugina - 453-478 4. Nobel Laureate: Simon Kuznets (1901‐1985)
by Anghel N. Rugina - 479-526 5. Nobel Laureate: Kenneth J. Arrow (1921‐ )
by Anghel N. Rugina - 527-547 6. Nobel Laureate: Sir John R. Hicks (1904‐1989)
by Anghel N. Rugina - 548-558 7. Nobel Laureate: Wassily Leontief (1906‐1999)
by Anghel N. Rugina - 559-580 8. Nobel Laureate: Friedrich A. Hayek (1899‐1992)
by Anghel N. Rugina - 581-590 9. Nobel Laureate: Gunnar Myrdal (1898‐1987)
by Anghel N. Rugina
March 2003, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 219-235 The socio‐economics of niche market creation
by Efthalia Dimara & Anastasia Petrou & Dimitris Skuras - 236-254 Institutions interact with economic actors: plea for a general institutional economics
by Martin J. Held & Hans G. Nutzinger - 255-274 Legal responsiveness: a contribution to a structural theory of economic crime
by Joan Hoffman - 275-301 Natural‐resource institutions and property rights in inland African fisheries
by C. Béné & A. Neiland & T. Jolley & B. Ladu & S. Ovie & O. Sule & M. Baba & E. Belal & K. Mindjimba & F. Tiotsop & L. Dara & A. Zakara & J. Quensiere - 302-319 Quality of life of the elderly in Singapore's multi‐racial society
by Grace K.M. Wong
January 2003, Volume 30, Issue 1/2
- 8-33 Buddhist economics and the environment
by Peter L. Daniels - 34-72 Knowledge, values and ideas: rethinking the notion of a social science
by Leslie Armour - 73-94 Future employment promises as rent seeking in representative government
by M. Troy Gibson - 95-118 Norms for evaluating economic globalization
by Giuseppe Gaburro & Edward J. O'Boyle - 119-142 Transfers targeting the global environment – benefits for whom?
by Uffe Nielsen - 143-152 Evaluating a credit guarantee agency in a developing economy: a non‐parametric approach
by Hway‐Boon Ong & Muzafar Shah Habibullah & Alias Radam & M. Azali - 153-162 Sustainable economic development and the environment
by Thamir M. Salih - 163-181 Why are Kalecki's rentiers so boom tired?
by Nick Potts - 182-198 The right to a living in the international economy
by Donald G. Richards - 199-208 Theories and controversies in finance: a paradigmatic overview
by Kavous Ardalan
December 2002, Volume 29, Issue 12
- 902-922 Globalisation, development and poverty in the Pacific Islands
by Clem Tisdell - 923-945 Sustainable development: why the focus on population?
by Maria Sophia Aguirre - 956-962 Politicians as utility maximizing agents
by Franklin G. Mixon & Len J. Treviño - 963-988 Politics, society and financial sector reform in Bangladesh
by Anis Chowdhury
November 2002, Volume 29, Issue 11
- 830-848 Development ethics: a research agenda
by David A. Clark - 849-860 Racism and ethics in the globalized business world
by Teppo M. Sintonen & Tuomo Takala - 861-875 Trade‐offs in social health insurance systems
by Rowena Jacobs & Maria Goddard - 876-886 A model for the Smarandache anti‐geometry
by Roberto Torretti - 887-897 Interests sharing and responsibilities bearing of human resource
by Zhang Wenxian & Ko Chenhung & Gao Weifu
October 2002, Volume 29, Issue 10
- 766-780 Risk and reward in the Thai sex industry
by Yardfon Booranapim & YLynn Mainwaring - 781-795 Crime and society
by Reza Fadaei‐Tehrani & Thomas M. Green - 796-805 Necroeconomics – the theory of post‐Communist transformation of an economy
by Vladimer Papava - 806-812 Inventions, capitalist wealth and liberal think
by Donald C. Wellington - 813-821 Bangladesh: building for a better future?
by Sayed Hossain & Ming‐Yu Cheng
September 2002, Volume 29, Issue 9
- 690-705 John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and the development of political economy
by Thea Vinnicombe & Richard Staveley - 706-721 Gender inequality in India: evidence from a survey in rural West Bengal
by Clem Tisdell - 722-729 Ona’ah
by Walter Block - 730-752 Corporate power and the globalization process
by Richard L. Brinkman & June E. Brinkman - 753-762 Factors influencing physician participation in Medicaid in the USA
by Jessie L. Tucker
August 2002, Volume 29, Issue 8
- 594-614 South African state capacity and post‐apartheid economic reconstruction
by John M. Luiz - 615-651 Economics, civilisation, and knowledge
by Leslie Armour - 652-662 Green business or community economy?
by Laszlo Zsolnai - 663-674 Reflections on private market economy and social market economy
by Kishor Thanawala