June 1983, Volume 10, Issue 6/7
- 45-66 The Institutional Crisis of the Corporate‐Welfare State
by J.R. Stanfield - 67-75 The Attacks on Welfare: A European Viewpoint
by Brian Abel‐Smith - 76-94 La Reconnaissance du Droit à la Protection Sociale comme Droit de l'Homme
by Guy Perrin
May 1983, Volume 10, Issue 5
- 3-13 Bureaucracy and the Social Services: A Comparative Study of English Social Service Departments
by Andrew Kakabadse - 14-26 Insurance and Investment in Islamic Perspective
by Masudul Alam Choudhury - 27-37 Toward an Ecological Economics
by J.R. Stanfield - 38-51 On the Determinants of Infant Mortality in Underdeveloped Countries
by A.T. Flegg - 52-62 Health Education as a Demand Concept
by David R. Cohen
April 1983, Volume 10, Issue 4
March 1983, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 3-17 The Economic Theory of Conspicuous Consumption
by R.S. Mason - 18-33 Forecasting Cigarette Consumption: The Causal Model Approach
by Stephen F. Witt & Christopher L. Pass - 34-39 Socio‐Economic Determinants of UK Alcohol Consumption, 1956–79
by Paul Duncan Kitchin - 40-65 International Commodity Agreements
by P.N. Kirthisingha
February 1983, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 3-11 Aid to Charities
by P.R. Jones - 12-21 The Economic Theory of Politics: A Re‐appraisal
by B. Burkitt & M. Spiers - 22-31 Classical Economists and the Corporation
by William M. Dugger - 32-43 Dissent from Value, Preference and Choice Theory in Economics
by C.A. Tisdell - 44-61 Reforming the International Monetary System
by A.N. McLeod - 62-71 About the Doctrine of “Solidarism” in Social Economics
by Anghel N. Rugina
January 1983, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 3-45 Toward a Third Revolution in Economic Thinking:
by Anghel N. Rugina
June 1982, Volume 9, Issue 6/7
- 5-19 Social Economics and Values
by Arnold F. McKee - 20-49 Economic Man, Socio‐economic Man andHomo‐economicus Humanus
by Thomas O. Nitsch - 50-62 Economic Planning in a Mixed Economy: The Indian Experience
by J.S. Uppal - 63-71 Malthusian Paradigm and the Issue of Compulsion in Family Planning
by Vasant P. Pethe - 72-89 Regulation of Transnational Corporations (TNCs) by Host Developing Countries (HDCs)
by Neil Dias Karunaratne - 90-104 Delay as a Rationing Device
by Roger A. Bowles - 105-124 Aspects of Economic and Social Policies in Integrated Economies
by A.G. Malliaris - 125-138 The Household Income Distribution of Disabled People in the UK
by Yvonne Brittan - 139-154 Wages and Employment: Some Analytical Aspects of Income Distribution Policies in Less Developed Countries
by Somnath Sen - 155-166 ELL (The Equivalent Length of Life); or, Another Attempt at Measuring Development
by Jacques Silber
May 1982, Volume 9, Issue 5
- 3-35 The Resource Costs of Global Poverty
by Vincent Ferraro & Elizabeth Doherty & Barbara Cassani
March 1982, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 3-40 Leon Walras: The Pure Scientist versus the Social Reformer
by Anghel N. Rugina
February 1982, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 3-31 The Theory of Bargaining and Strike Activity
by David Sapsford - 32-49 Industrial Training in Canada: An International Perspective
by Klaus Weiermair - 50-65 The Economics of Decision Making in the Social Services
by Kenneth Lee
January 1982, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 3-39 The Economics of Social Measurement Processes
by Anthony M. Endres
July 1981, Volume 8, Issue 7
- 8-13 Economic Synthesis: A Review of the Work of Boris Ischboldin
by John A. Sharp - 14-23 On Being Responsibly out of One's Sociological Depth
by James R. Kelley - 24-41 A Century of Human Capital Development by On‐the‐Job Training
by Paul Bolino - 42-49 Toward Qualitative Economic Analysis
by Desider Vikor - 50-55 Some Remarks on Accounting
by Erich E. Kosiol - 56-59 The Kibbutz: An Applied Socio‐economic Experiment
by Joseph Chary - 60-62 Education and Economic Synthesis
by Alexandra Teploff - 63-69 Structural Changes in United States Foreign Trade in the 1970s
by Beverly Kitching - 70-72 The Federal Reserve System Furnished the Money for World War II
by Beverly Kitching - 73-86 Heinrich Pesch's Solidarism and Boris Ischboldin's Scientific Reformism
by Rupert J. Ederer - 87-111 A Yearning for Synthesis: Organic Thought since 1945
by John Haag - 112-116 Kriterien einer soziologischen Führertypologie
by Johannes Stemmler - 117-123 The Long‐Wave Cycles and Re‐industrialisation
by Ghalib M. Baqir
June 1981, Volume 8, Issue 6
- 2-66 Karl Marx, the Social Theorist
by John C. O'Brien
May 1981, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 3-20 The Social Economics of Karl Polanyi
by J. Ron Stanfield - 21-30 Welfare as Work's Handmaiden
by D. Macarov - 31-35 Some Socio‐Economic Determinants of Alcohol Consumption: A Research Note
by Paul Duncan Kitchin
April 1981, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 1-20 The Role of Economics and Ethics in Civilisation and Progress
by John Conway O'Brien - 21-30 Inflation: The Moral‐Behavioural Aspect
by Arnold F. McKee - 31-39 The Artist's Perception of the Typical Businessman: Selfish, Greedy, Conniving and Thoroughly Amoral
by R.F. O'Neil - 40-49 Solidarity: From Dogma to Economic System: Juan Donoso Cortes and Heinrich Pesch, S.J
by Rupert J. Ederer - 50-69 The Economic Consequences of Altruism
by Walter W. Haines - 70-84 Exchange Value in the Value Hierarchy
by Peter L. Danner - 85-99 Ethics and the Capitalist‐Liberal Organisation: Implications for a Social Economy in the United States
by James W. Evans
March 1981, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 3-25 Social Economics: A Budding Scientific Research Programme?
by R.J. Stephens - 26-46 The Economist's Quandary: Ethical Values
by John Conway O'Brien - 47-61 Malthus Revisited — Population, Poverty and Pollution
by Priyatosh Maitra
February 1981, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 3-46 What is the Alternative for the West? Neither Capitalism nor Socialism but “Social Liberalism”
by Anghel N. Rugina
August 1980, Volume 7, Issue 8
- 419-460 Social Indicators: Meaning, Methods & Applications
by R.V. Horn
July 1980, Volume 7, Issue 7
- 341-352 Disincentives to Work under the UK Industrial Injuries Scheme
by N.A. Doherty - 353-365 The Structure of Unemployment in Britain
by Chris Pond - 366-375 The Pareto Optimum: Reconcilable with Social Thought?
by Arnold F. McKee - 376-411 Theoretical Approaches to Segmented Labour Markets
by Raymond Loveridge & Albert Mok
June 1980, Volume 7, Issue 6
- 309-338 Economic Synthesis
by Boris Ischboldin & John A. Sharp
May 1980, Volume 7, Issue 5
- 241-259 On the History of Social Economics: the British Contribution
by M.A. Lutz - 260-272 The Estimation of Costs and Effectiveness of Community — Based Family Planning Services
by Ann Chamberlain - 274-285 Comprehensive versus Piecemeal Approaches to Environmental Control
by Julian Lowe & David Lewis - 286-295 Industrial Democracy, Economic Democracy, and the Ownership of British Industry: Scenarios for the 1980s
by Norman H. Cuthbert & Richard Dobbins - 296-300 Research Note: Stoppage of Work Incidence in the United Kingdom, 1913 –1977
by S.S. Creigh
April 1980, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 169-178 The Need for Anti‐Discrimination Policies in the Labour Market
by Barrie O. Pettman - 179-193 Wages Councils, The Equal Pay Act and Retail Distribution
by Olive Robinson & John Wallace - 194-205 Racial Minority Group Unemployment: Trends and Characteristics
by Brian Showler - 206-223 Religious Discrimination and Disadvantage in the Northern Ireland Labour Market
by Robert D. Osborne - 224-237 Age Limits on Job Vacancies
by James Jolly & Stephen Creigh & Alan Mingay
March 1980, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 95-121 The Structure of Labour Markets, Minority Workers and Equal Employment Opportunity Legislation
by H.C. Jain & P.J. Sloane - 122-131 The Sources of Economic Power
by B. Burkitt - 132-136 Early Education, Ability and Earning Capacity
by G. Psacharopoulos & P. Wiles - 137-148 Values and Modes of Rationality in Economic Science
by J.D. Wisman - 149-150 A Note on Some Socio‐Economic Perspectives on the Quality of Working Life
by David Macarov
February 1980, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 60-92 Political Advertising and the Growth of Social Welfare Expenditures
by Ken Judge & Roger Hampson
January 1980, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-12 The Natural History of Humanity: Past, Present and Future
by Tom Stonier - 13-23 Developments in Microelectronics Technology and the Economics of the Semiconductor Industry
by John Monk - 24-36 Technology and Employment: The Prospects to 1990
by Peter Thornton & Verner Wheelock - 37-46 Necessary and Contingent Aspects of Technical Practice
by Tom Kitwood - 47-54 Microelectronics and Policy: Who's Running the Revolution?
by Russell Moseley
June 1979, Volume 6, Issue 6
- 457-491 Impact of Government Sponsored Training
by B.O. Pettman & B. Showler & M. Maguire
May 1979, Volume 6, Issue 5
- 241-258 Causes and Effects of Changes in Bank Rate
by André Gabor - 259-267 The Economics of the Welfare State in Britain
by André Gabor - 268-277 Neo‐Marxian Social Accounting
by André Gabor - 278-281 Comparative Growth Rates: A Note
by André Gabor - 282-282 Comparative Growth Rates
by André Gabor - 283-290 The State of Economic Research in the Soviet Union
by André Gabor - 291-303 A New Approach to the Theory of the Firm
by André Gabor & I.F. Pearce - 304-321 The Place of Money Capital in the Theory of Production
by André Gabor & I.F. Pearce - 322-329 The Role of Price in Investment Decisions
by André Gabor - 330-390 An Essay on the Mathematical Theory of Freedom
by Dennis & André Gabor - 391-399 Freedom and Utility
by André Gabor - 400-414 The Concept of Statistical Freedom and Its Application to Social Mobility
by André Gabor - 415-428 The Application of Entropy to the Measurement of Social and Economic Freedom
by Dennis & André Gabor - 429-439 The Measurement of Freedom
by André Gabor - 440-456 On Measuring Utility
by André Gabor & Stanley F. James
April 1979, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 197-234 The Quality of Working Life
by Keith Newton & Norman Leckie & Barrie O. Pettman
March 1979, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 121-127 Pareto Optimality and Pollution Abatement:A Pedagogic Note
by Robin Pratt & David Pearce - 128-150 Observation and Assessment Centres for Children
by Martin R.J. Knapp & Sarah Curtis & Ernestini Giziakis - 151-163 The Keynesian Revolution
by Ghanshyam Mehta - 164-176 Determinants of Canadian Social Assistance Participation Rates
by Z.A. Spindler & W.S. Gilbreath - 177-188 Is Quiet a Luxury Good?
by Anthony H. Harris
February 1979, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 77-117 An Evaluation of Job Creation in Germany
by Victor J. Hanby & Michael P. Jackson
January 1979, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 3-17 The Neoclassical Synthesis in Crisis
by J. Ron Stanfield - 18-32 Cost‐Effectiveness as a Method of Evaluating Social Objectives Among Countries
by R. Lynn Rittenoure & Joseph E. Pluta - 33-44 Social Theory and Models in Social Indicator Research
by Michael J. Carley - 45-62 Towards the Wage‐Earner State
by Martin Paldam - 63-70 The British Employment Service and Submissions to Registered Vacancies
by P.B. Beaumont
March 1978, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 136-147 Research into Attitudes to Inflation and Incomes Policy
by Hilde Behrend - 148-157 Social Economics and Political Change in South Africa
by John Nieuwenhuysen - 158-168 The Effectiveness of British Government Skillcentres: A Case Study
by Brian Showler & Barrie O. Pettman & Malcolm J. Maguire - 169-178 Assessment of Living Levels—The Social Indicator Approach
by Robert V. Horn - 179-187 Some Socio‐Economic Perspectives on the Quality of Working Life
by Keith Newton
February 1978, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 71-80 Worker Adjustment to Import Competition: The United States Experience
by Malcolm D. Bale - 81-92 Economies of Scale in Residential Care
by Martin R.J. Knapp - 93-111 Some Labour Aspects of the New International Economic Order
by Barrie O. Pettman - 112-123 Social Economics: A Place in the Sun
by J. Ron Stanfield
January 1978, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 3-21 National Defence and Social Welfare Budget Trends in Ten Nations of Postwar Western Europe
by Joseph E. Pluta - 22-41 Income Inequality in some Western Countries: Patterns and Trends
by Paolo Roberti - 42-50 Within‐Set and Between‐Set Income Inequalities in a Developing Country
by F.M. Andic & A.J. Mann - 51-62 Youth Unemployment: An International Perspective
by John Fyfe
March 1977, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 150-158 What British Economists think of their Journal
by Ken Button & David Pearce - 159-191 Discrimination within the Labour Market: Theory with Evidence from Britain and the United States
by W.S. Siebert & J.T. Addison - 192-201 Cost‐Benefit Analysis and the Location of Government Training Centres
by James J. Hughes - 202-206 Cost Benefit Analysis and the Location of GTC Capacity; A Rejoinder
by Adrian Ziderman - 207-224 A Socio‐Economic Approach To Water Pollution Law Enforcement in England and Wales
by D.J. Storey
February 1977, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 78-100 Institutional Skill Training among American Manpower Programmes: Lessons from the Experiences
by Garth Magnum & John Walsh - 101-119 Socio‐Economic Systems
by Barrie O. Pettman - 120-136 Manpower Training in the United Kingdom: Some Aspects of the Government's Role
by N.J. Adnett
January 1977, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 2-24 Training in Canada: Progress and Problems
by Morley Gunderson - 25-31 Depression Unemployment Union Wage Rigidity and Employment Subsidies
by John Burton - 32-49 The Regional Location of Training Centres in Britain: A Cost‐Benefit Approach
by Adrian Ziderman - 50-71 Economic Determinants of Training and the Debate over Training Policy Options in West Germany
by Klaus Weiermair
March 1976, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 146-166 The Demand for Higher Education in Taiwan: A Case Study 1950–1969
by A.J. Kondonassis & S.C. Tseng - 167-178 The Economic Return to Preventive Social Work
by J.A. Schofield - 179-197 The Household Economy and Social Security Policy
by M.A. Tribe - 198-213 Social Quality of Life Indicators for Small Metropolitan Areas in America
by Ben‐chieh Liu - 214-215 A Note on the New Home Economics: Comment
by Ivy Papps - 216-216 A Note on the New‐Home Economics: Reply
by R.P. Kinsella
February 1976, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 74-88 Manpower Aspects of Technical Progress
by W.K. Norris - 89-108 Economic Analysis and Productive Efficiency in the Personal Social Services: The Differential Use of Manpower
by Ken Judge - 109-134 The American Anti‐Discrimination Legislation and its Impact on the Utilisation of Blacks and Women
by Harish C. Jain & Barrie O. Pettman - 135-137 NOTE: The Costs and Benefits of Growth
by D.J. Parish
January 1976, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 2-13 Some Notes on the Quantity Objective of the British Industrial Training Act
by Nicholas Woodward - 14-23 Urban Deprived Youth and Labour Force in Peru and Developing Countries
by John P. Walter & William H. Leahy - 24-38 Institutional versus On‐The‐Job Training: Some Canadian Evidence
by Keith Newton - 39-44 Reciprocity Between Self‐Actualisation and Hard Work
by David Macarov - 45-62 The Current Inflation: Causation and Mechanics
by D.G. Rhys & D. Barry
March 1975, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 146-171 Social Economics: An Innovative Practical Approach
by Avrom Bendavid‐Val - 172-182 Is the Money Value of a Man Zero?
by H.V. Muhsam - 183-205 The Location of Government Training Centres
by James J. Hughes - 206-214 Measuring Unemployment and Vacancies
by K. Holden & D.A. Peel
February 1975, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 74-86 Economic Aspects of Low Income Housing Policy in the Urban Economy
by R.K. Wilkinson - 87-105 Equal Pay and Equality of Opportunity
by Olive Robinson & John Wallace - 106-114 Work Without Pay: Work Incentives and Patterns in a Salaryless Environment
by D. Macarov - 115-130 The Wage‐Income Ratio in France, 1949–1973
by Gilbert Benhayoun - 131-136 A Note on the New Home Economics
by R.P. Kinsella
January 1975, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 2-15 Education and the Role of Urban Deprived Youth in Economic Development
by John P. Walter & William H. Leahy - 16-25 A Management Information System for Evaluating Social Service Programs
by Mitchel F. Bloom - 26-42 The Tourist as an Agent for Development and Wildlife Conservation: The Case of Kenya
by Norman Myers - 43-51 On the Interpretation of Labour Market Earnings Dispersion: A Comment
by John T. Addison - 52-59 Did the UK Trend towards Equality really come to an end by 1957?
by Paulo Roberti - 60-64 Social Security Systems and Benefits and Migrants in the EEC
by John Fyfe
March 1974, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 204-212 Social Economics Further Considered
by R.B. Davison - 213-242 SOCIOECONOMIC WELFARE CRITERIA:Theoretical Reconsideration and an Attempt at Quantification
by W. Pfaffenberger - 243-260 PROSPECTS FOR EQUAL PAY INBRITAIN:Retail Distribution and the Equal Pay Act 1970
by Olive Robinson & John Wallace - 261-267 What Price Consumerism?
by C.P. Harris - 268-279 Equal Pay And Low Pay In Britain
by Barrie O. Pettman & John Fyfe
February 1974, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 124-145 Inflation, Employment And Incomes Policies
by Mahmood A. Zaidi - 146-159 Economic And Ecological Approaches To The Optimal Level Of Pollution
by D.W. Pearce - 160-171 GROWTH, EXTERNALITIES AND SATISFACTIONS— A reply to Beckerman
by J. Richard C. Lecomber - 172-183 Wage Structure In France: The Problem Of Wage Hierarchy
by J.J. Silvestre & J. Bouteiller - 184-196 Government Vocational Training Schemes In Great Britain
by Barrie O. Pettman & Brian Showler
January 1974, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 4-12 “Social Economics: A Branch Or New Roots?”
by Brian Showler - 13-39 Interpretations Of Pay Structure
by G.G.C. Routh - 40-62 The Human Capital Approach To Occupational Differentials
by Malcolm R. Fisher - 63-83 Industrial Training In Great Britain
by Barrie Pettman - 84-95 Equal Pay: Progress And Problems (America)
by John E. Buckley - 96-110 Equal Pay For Women In Australia
by J.P. Nieuwenhuysen - 111-117 Disease And Economic Development
by Burton A. Weisbrod & Ralph L. Andreano & Robert E. Baldwin & Erwin H. Epstein & Allen C. Kelley & Thomas W. Helminiak