August 2002, Volume 29, Issue 8
- 675-684 The mountain of experience: how people learn in a complex, evolving environment
by Wilfred Dolfsma
July 2002, Volume 29, Issue 7
- 518-526 Economic growth and social indicators
by Wen‐jen Hsieh & Yu Hsing - 527-537 Re‐evaluating IMF involvement in low‐income countries: the case of Haiti
by Eirin Mobekk & Spyros I. Spyrou - 538-546 The economic impact of environmental regulation on the blue crab industry
by Kamal P. Upadhyaya & Janelle B. Larson & Franklin G. Mixon - 547-574 How social is European social policy?
by Horst Feldmann - 575-589 Regional disparities in China: an alternative view
by Yanrui Wu
June 2002, Volume 29, Issue 6
- 436-452 Experiences of economic transition in complex contexts
by Marina V. Rosser - 453-467 Employers and employees with disabilities in the UK
by Pauline Dibben & Phil James & Ian Cunningham & David Smythe - 468-479 Formation of desired values: the role of parents
by Selamah Abdullah Yusof & Ruzita Mohd Amin & Mohamed Aslam Mohamed Haneef & Hazizan & Noon - 480-490 Worsening income gaps and a sustainable future
by Richard J. Ward - 491-507 Examining international trade flows for Australian construction companies
by Faiza A. El‐Higzi
May 2002, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 346-355 In quest of profits: legal and ethical implications facing Microsoft
by Mona R. El Shazly & Ryan J. Butts - 356-369 Preferences for public health insurance: egotism or altruism?
by Alan Shiell & Janelle Seymour - 370-384 Income and social inequality in China: impact on consumption and shopping patterns
by Grace Khei‐Mie Wong & Lu Yu - 385-410 CEO profits: the Berle and Means thesis revisited
by Richard L. Brinkman & June E. Brinkman - 411-425 Inflation in Malaysia
by Ming‐Yu Cheng & Hui‐Boon Tan
April 2002, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 260-270 Wasting time and wasting the earth
by John P. Tiemstra - 271-281 Social economics: a perspective of diversity and community
by Glen Alexandrin - 282-298 A quadratic application in farm planning under uncertainty
by Sayed Hossain & Nik Hashim Nik Mustapha & Lee Tak Chen - 299-314 Transaction costs of collective action in Hong Kong high rise real estate
by Megan Walters - 315-334 Property rights in women’s empowerment in rural India: a review
by K.C. Roy & C.A. Tisdell
March 2002, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 172-186 An estimation of the productive efficiency of chaebols of Korea and their reform
by Joong‐Kwan Kim - 187-204 The mathematical language of academic finance: a paradigmatic look
by Kavous Ardalan - 205-217 Chinese cultural values and the Asian meltdown
by Steven Ward & Cecil Pearson & Lanny Entrekin - 218-237 An international comparison of attitudes to inequality
by Siobhan Austen - 238-250 Caveats concerning multi‐culturalism
by Daniel J. O’Neil
January 2002, Volume 29, Issue 1/2
- 10-25 What is a just economy in a globalized world?
by Denis Goulet - 26-44 Social economics, justice and the common good
by Mark A. Lutz - 45-53 Rescuing charitable duties
by Sheldon Wein - 54-72 Development, charity and poverty
by Ted Trainer - 73-86 Poverty and economically‐deprived women and children
by Clem Tisdell - 87-96 Allocative inefficiency and rural poverty in India
by B.N. Ghosh - 97-118 Metaphysics and economy – the problem of interest
by James B. Sauer - 119-134 Microenterprise development using Islamic financing and organizational instruments
by Masudul Alam Choudhury - 135-151 Waqf, perpetual charity and poverty alleviation
by AbulHasan M. Sadeq - 152-162 Growth and equity in microstates
by Ozay Mehmet & M. Tahiroglu
December 2001, Volume 28, Issue 10/11/12
- 782-799 On the norm of equality
by Mark A. Lutz - 800-814 Ethical foundations of the contemporary living wage movement
by Deborah M. Figart - 815-830 Microenterprise as a practical alternative to maquiladoras
by Barbara Kraemer - 831-851 Equitable allocations and the case for access
by Roger A. McCain - 852-860 Is there injustice in the international economy?
by Kishor Thanawala - 861-878 Poverty: a worldwide form of injustice
by Walter W. Haines - 879-898 Economic dimensions of telecommunications access
by Barry Keating - 899-910 Trade as if children mattered
by Brent McClintock - 911-926 An alternative safety net to patient dumping
by John J. Hisnanick - 927-941 Race, disability and assistive devices: sociodemographics or discrimination
by Rose M. Rubin & Shelley I. White‐Means - 942-958 Networks, culture, transaction costs and discrimination
by Petur O. Jonsson - 959-979 Salary compression and inversion in the university workplace
by Edward J. O’Boyle - 980-986 The functionality of market‐based discrimination
by William Darity - 987-1002 Discrimination, inequality and the competitive model of US education
by Bill Luker & Steven L. Cobb & William A. Luker - 1003-1024 Family structure, Afro‐Euro inequality and economic justice
by Steven Shulman - 1025-1045 Is discrimination disappearing? Residential credit market evidence, 1992‐98
by Gary A. Dymski - 1046-1063 Insider trading in financial markets: legality, ethics, efficiency
by Phillip Anthony O’Hara
November 2001, Volume 28, Issue 9
- 695-709 The role of employee‐generated externalities in explaining relative earnings for health‐service workers
by Michael White & Ciaran O’Neill - 710-724 A Veblenian‐inspired critique of the “quasi‐markets” concept
by Robert McMaster - 725-741 Lean production and disability
by A.H.G.M. Spithoven - 742-751 The social costs of media feeding frenzies
by Daniel Sutter - 752-766 Towards a theory of the entrepreneurial state
by Tony Fu‐Lai Yu
October 2001, Volume 28, Issue 8
- 605-622 Economic development and environment in Southeast Asia: an introductory note
by Toru Iwami - 623-647 On Rugina’s system of thought
by Florentin Smarandache - 648-666 Advocacy by environmental nonprofit organisations ‐ An optimal strategy for addressing environmental problems?
by Femida Handy - 667-680 Is it time to finally take DrKalecki’s rational planning medicine?
by Nick Potts
June 2001, Volume 28, Issue 5/6/7
- 409-425 Freud’s civilization revisited in the nuclear age
by John Conway O’Brien - 426-429 Freud’s civilization revisited in the nuclear age: commentary on O’Brien’s conclusions
by Lewis E. Hill - 430-438 O’Brien, civilisation and aggression
by Leslie Armour - 439-455 The collapse of the Soviet economy and the triumph of capitalism
by Thomas O. Nitsch - 456-475 The New Age movement and its societal implications
by Daniel J. O’Neil - 476-505 The business of the inner life: economics, communication, consciousness and civilisation
by Leslie Armour - 506-526 The new growth theories: a cultural and social addendum
by Richard L. Brinkman & June E. Brinkman - 526-561 Human development and economic systems: a unitary approach
by Li‐teh Sun & John C. O’Brien & Qi Jiang - 561-576 Social economist: St Antonino, Bishop of Florence, 1384‐1459
by Glen Alexandrin & Steven S. Poulatis - 577-590 Transitional economies and economic globalisation
by Clem Tisdell - 591-599 Adam Smith’s modes of social organization
by John E. Elliott & John E. Peters & Farideh Motamedi
May 2001, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 314-337 Islamic banking in Brunei Darussalam
by M. Shahid Ebrahim & Tan Kai Joo - 338-343 Welfare reform and caseload reductions
by Yu Hsing - 344-348 On the simple welfare economics of network externalities
by Demetrius Yannelis - 349-367 Socio‐political structures as determinants of global success
by Carolan McLarney & Ramakrishna Dastrala - 368-379 Perceived societal values of Indian managers
by C.A.L. Pearson & S.R. Chatterjee
April 2001, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 225-247 Family, economics and the information society ‐ How are they affecting each other?
by Maria Sophia Aguirre - 248-277 On differences between East and West Germany: 1970‐1990
by Magda Kandil - 278-294 An empirical investigation of development assistance and growth for the case of Fiji
by Rukmani Gounder - 295-307 Institutions and the imperfect market
by Jan B.D. Simonis
February 2001, Volume 28, Issue 1/2
- 19-67 A country and/or international organisation faced with a big disequilibrium
by Anghel N. Rugina - 71-116 Part I: The European Monetary and Economic Union, in its present form, exposed to insurmountable difficulties
by Anghel N. Rugina - 119-139 A plan for a free, just and stable European Monetary and Economic Union (1976)
by Anghel N. Rugina - 141-153 A reorganization plan of the International Monetary Fund
by Anghel N. Rugina - 155-175 The unending search for universal and lasting peace
by Anghel N. Rugina - 177-222 A monetary and economic dialogue with Lord Keynes
by Anghel N. Rugina
December 2000, Volume 27, Issue 12
- 1148-1179 Right to property
by Tomas J.F. Riha - 1180-1204 Corruption: theory and evidence through economies in transition
by Prateek Goorha - 1205-1230 An explanation for the rising share of services in employment
by A.H.G.M. Spithoven - 1231-1252 An introduction to economics as a moral science
by James E. Alvey - 1252-1269 Labor rights and labor power and welfare maximization in a market economy ‐ Revising the conventional wisdom
by Morris Altman
November 2000, Volume 27, Issue 11
- 1042-1062 Ontological (empirical) foundations of sociological economics
by Milan Zafirovski - 1063-1073 Progress, sustainable development and the biotechnological society
by Michael Szenberg - 1074-1097 Higher education financing and equality of educational opportunities in Swaziland
by Oluyele Akinkugbe - 1098-1131 A behavioral theory of economic welfare and economic justice
by Morris Altman
July 2000, Volume 27, Issue 7/8/9/10
- 669-698 Economics and university life: further reflections and experiences of Clem Tisdell
by Clem Tisdell - 699-708 Safety and socio‐economic issues raised by modern biotechnology
by Dayuan Xue & Clem Tisdell - 709-719 An economist conversant with management: Clem A. Tisdell
by Kyle Bruce - 720-738 How a natural scientist sees socio‐economic problems and their solution
by Anghel N. Rugina - 739-767 Full‐fledged and forthright social economists under‐acclaimed
by Thomas O. Nitsch - 768-787 A step to endorse sustainability
by Irmi Seidl - 788-801 Problems to agricultural sustainability in developing countries and a potential solution: diversity
by Punya P. Regmi & Karl E. Weber - 802-815 The “Asian economic miracle” unmasked
by Liam Ryan - 816-846 Environmental and human costs of commercial agricultural production in South Asia
by Clevo Wilson - 847-861 Concessional sales, open market demand and consumption of rice in Sri Lanka
by P.J. Gunawardana - 862-877 Is growth good for the poor? Thailand’s boom and bust
by Peter G. Warr - 878-893 Gram Bangla model for poverty alleviation and self‐reliance
by S.I. Khan - 893-906 Telecommunications and economic growth
by Gary Madden & Scott J. Savage - 907-916 Conflicts and paradoxes in economic development
by Parikshit K. Basu - 917-927 Customary marine tenure systems and sustainable fisheries management in Papua New Guinea
by John Asafu‐Adjaye - 927-943 A study of group lending and incentives in Bolivia
by Eric Van Tassel - 943-958 The competitive advantage of the transnational corporation as an institutional form
by Marc T. Jones - 959-967 Tourism demand and the nuisance of crime
by Theodore Levantis & Azmat Gani - 968-979 Economic efficiency and investment potential in the smallholder crop sector in Malawi
by Julius H. Mangisoni - 980-993 On values and their estimation
by Jeff Bennett - 994-1013 A new perspective on the role of the government in economic development
by Tony Fu‐Lai Yu - 1013-1019 The nature of optimal public policy
by Lok Sang Ho - 1020-1036 Water conveyance costs and conjunctive use
by Chieko Umetsu & Ujjayant Chakravorty
May 2000, Volume 27, Issue 5/6
- 339-391 An open dialogue in the world of new ideas
by Anghel N. Rugina - 395-467 Principia methodologica: a bridge from economics to all other natural sciences
by Anghel N. Rugina - 471-518 Two stabilization plans for a developed economy: West Germany and Israel
by Anghel N. Rugina - 521-562 A critique of pure reason and of practical reason in economics: on the threshold of a third revolution in economic thinking
by Anghel N. Rugina - 565-599 New times, new problems and new ideas: the fundamentals of a new research programme
by Anghel N. Rugina - 603-646 The theory of the cheating of the masses in modern times: the institutional roots of social immorality under capitalism, socialism‐communism and fascism
by Anghel N. Rugina
April 2000, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 259-271 The command economy cometh
by Donald C. Wellington - 272-285 Codifying the principles of a welfare state
by Franklin G. Mixon & James B. Wilkinson - 286-290 Beef taboo in Chinese society
by Cheng‐chung Lai - 291-307 Saint Mary of the Contra, Our Lady of Oliver North
by Andy Thorpe & Elizabeth Bennett
March 2000, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 173-193 A comparative analysis of China’s permanent and temporary migration during the reform period
by Hong Yang - 194-212 A social contractarian theory of markets: Neoclassicism, Rawls, Gauthier and the alternative
by Masudul Alam Choudhury - 213-226 Is length of service related to the level of job satisfaction?
by Titus Oshagbemi - 227-243 The politics of state, society and economy
by John M. Luiz
February 2000, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 99-113 Community values according to the I‐Ching
by Li‐teh Sun & Qi Jiang - 114-133 Tourism as a passport to development in small states: reflections on Cyprus
by Ron Ayres - 134-146 A reading of Hobbes’ Leviathan with economists’ glasses
by Jesus M. Zaratiegui Labiano - 147-159 Centering economic affairs on justice and the person
by Edward J. O’Boyle
January 2000, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 6-31 A brief theory of the market – ethically focused
by Ulrich Thielemann - 32-44 A theological economics
by Paul Oslington - 45-61 State, public sector and theoretical prerequisites to a model of an “economy without taxes”
by Vladimer Papava - 62-85 The nature of Islamic socio‐scientific inquiry Theory and application to capital markets
by Masudul Alam Choudhury
December 1999, Volume 26, Issue 12
- 1378-1388 Unemployment trends in Russia of the 1990s
by Ernest Raiklin - 1389-1417 Boris Yeltsin and Russia’s rocky road to capitalism: the early years
by John E. Elliott & Thomas Hall - 1418-1427 The ethical problems of personnel management in a transition economy
by A. Szalkowski & D. Jankowicz - 1428-1440 Testing the “natural rate of suicide” hypothesis
by Matti Virén - 1441-1454 Institutional change in UK health and local authorities
by Robert McMaster - 1455-1491 Economics and civilisation
by Leslie Armour - 1492-1505 Tax incentives, individual characteristics and charitable giving in Singapore
by Vincent C.H. Chua & Chung Ming Wong
October 1999, Volume 26, Issue 10/11
- 1199-1226 Morality, economics and life
by Leslie Armour - 1227-1249 Is there anything new to be said after Adam Smith, Marx, Walras and Keynes?
by Anghel N. Rugina - 1249-1284 Methodological controversies in economics and political economy
by Thomas W. Hall & John E. Elliott - 1285-1301 Essentialism and epochalism within the context of Irish state‐building
by Daniel J. O’Neil - 1302-1314 Social capital and the privatization of public goods
by Dell Champlin - 1315-1326 Beyond Adam Smith and Karl Marx: visions and versions of future society
by Thomas O. Nitsch - 1327-1343 Community based urban development: a strategy for improving social sustainability
by Sabine U. O’Hara - 1344-1353 Ancient futures: papal and Buddhist economics
by Glen Alexandrin & Charles E. Zech - 1354-1370 Augustinianism and the social service state
by Daniel J. O’Neil
July 1999, Volume 26, Issue 7/8/9
- 866-885 The modernization of Japan, as seen from the career of an enlightened Shishi (noble‐minded patriot)
by Hiroshi Ishida - 884-900 Promotion and development of Japan’s spinning industry as seen from a Japanese statesman’s life in the early Meiji era
by Hiroshi Ishida - 900-915 The fairness of minimum wages in South Africa
by R.A. Lotriet - 915-925 A framework for creating an export society in South Africa
by Wilma Viviers & Jonathan Calof - 925-947 Full social cost pricing in the energy sector
by Roger Lawrey - 945-955 New options for environmental policy in central and eastern Europe
by Maria Jolanta Welfens - 955-964 Complementarity of market and state intervention in the context of Australia’s structural reforms since the early 1980s
by Dilip Dutta & Marcus Heininger - 963-976 Aboriginal people, spirituality and the traditional ownership of land
by Bruce Rigsby - 974-1021 Value judgments and the choice of climate protection strategies
by Carsten Helm & Thomas Bruckner & Ferenc Tóth - 999-1014 Economics, extension and the adoption of land conservation innovations in agriculture
by David J. Pannell - 1013-1027 Jobs and environment: the “double dividend” of ecological modernisation?
by Kate Crowley - 1027-1055 Population and rural‐urban environmental interactions in developing countries
by K. Jegasothy - 1042-1062 The Swedish agricultural landscape – economic characteristics, valuations and policy options
by Lars Drake - 1061-1079 Property rights, “takings” and environmental management
by Andrew K. Dragun - 1078-1093 Ensuring a moral and social economy in Singapore
by Linda Low - 1091-1123 Economic transition: what can be learned from China’s experience
by Charles Harvie - 1120-1144 Reconciling “weak” and “strong” sustainability
by Werner Hediger - 1144-1161 Conservation of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture: main actors and the costs to bear
by Detlef Virchow - 1162-1185 Unequal federalism and regional inequalities: the case of the coffee policies in Brazil
by Olímpio J. de Arroxelas Galvão
June 1999, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 724-742 Consumer concerns about food safety in Australia and Japan
by Dominic Smith & Paul Riethmuller - 742-751 Ownership, responsibility and leadership – a historical perspective
by Tuomo Takala - 752-764 Capitalism, rivalry and solidarity
by P.K. Keizer - 763-778 The new traditional economy
by Marina V. Rosser & J. Barkley Rosser & Kirby L. Kramer - 779-802 The economic impacts of restricting UK arms exports
by Stephen Martin & Keith Hartley & Bernard Stafford - 802-811 Admired values: the case of teenagers in Malaysia
by Selamah Abdullah Yusof & Ruzita Mohd Amin - 811-818 Some random thoughts concerning the symbiotic relationship between social and institutional economics
by Lewis E. Hill
May 1999, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 590-596 The problem of social cost: the role of the state
by Max Gillman - 596-609 Entrepreneurship and ethics
by Tibor R. Machan - 609-641 Payment for health in Thailand
by D.A. Reisman - 642-660 Entry modes of multinational corporations into China’s market: a socioeconomic analysis
by Haishun Sun - 660-673 Ethics, community development and not‐for‐profit business
by Darryl Reed - 674-694 The dynamics of corporate culture: conception and theory
by Richard L. Brinkman - 695-707 Are patients really consumers?
by Michael Keaney
April 1999, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 482-486 A systems approach to education in the secondary sector
by Neil Richardson - 487-500 Extending corporate liability in New Zealand
by Max Gillman & James Hogan - 501-520 A Christian perspective on Neoclassical rational choice theory
by Clive Beed & Cara Beed - 521-536 Government investment in manufacturing
by Robert E. Looney - 537-544 The effect of age on the satisfaction of academics with teaching and research
by Charles Hickson & Titus Oshagbemi - 545-558 Dualism, duality and the complexity of economic institutions
by William A. Jackson - 559-569 Globalization, new production concepts and income distribution
by A.J.C. Manders & Y.S. Brenner