September 2024, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 24-42 Top management team regulatory focus and technological diversification: evidence from China’s high-technology firms
by Weiqi Zhang & Lu Yu & Xiaobo Wu & Shuyu Zhang - 43-63 Psychometric evaluation of technology adoption propensity (TAP) index within independent samples of Turkish individuals
by Hakan Celik & Meryem Aybas
July 2024, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-23 Implementing organizational ambidexterity using the balanced scorecard in Puebla City’s hotel industry, Mexico
by Hassir Lastre Sierra & Antonio Ruiz Molina & Diana Barrón Villaverde
June 2024, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 193-210 Examining the impact of consumers’ showrooming behavior on sales staff job conditions: insights from the Indian apparel retail sector
by Manoj Kumar & Neha Gahlawat & Sumanjeet Singh & Pankaj Chamola & Devkant Kala & Minakshi Paliwal
July 2024, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 211-227 Employee-customer identification and service quality in the hospitality industry
by Charles H. Schwepker Jr & Christina K. Dimitriou - 228-246 Consumer sovereignty: a systematic literature review
by Shaheen Borna & Samer Elhajjar & Qiannong Gu
May 2024, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 137-157 Central bank digital currencies: a comprehensive systematic literature review on worldwide research emergence and methods used
by Shah Fahad & Mehmet Bulut
June 2024, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 158-177 Impact of ownership concentration on stock returns: a case of developed economies
by Asif Ali & Omar Masood - 178-192 Revisiting the evaluation of IT ethical scenarios using a multidimensional scale
by Julia Graham & Kristen Brewer Wilson & Shelly Rodrigue
May 2024, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 115-135 Framework of managerial wisdom: an analysis using the TOPSIS and MICMAC process
by Hasan Valiyan & Mohammadreza Abdoli & Mehdi Ashrafi & Hadi Barati
January 2024, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 96-114 Effects and mechanisms of board faultlines on decision quality
by Yaowei Zhang & Tiantian Cao & Siqi Liu & Shuqi Chen
December 2023, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 65-95 Deep pockets or empty coffers? Functional expenses, contribution revenue and the ability of nonprofits to pivot during COVID-19
by Cari Burke-Kolehmainen & Melissa Intindola
October 2023, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-28 Supply and demand for gender diversity in corporate leadership – the critical mass: evidence from Greece
by Maretno Harjoto - 29-39 Investor attention during soccer World Cups
by Manuel Lobato & Mario Jordi Maura & Javier Rodriguez & Herminio Romero-Perez
November 2023, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 40-63 CEO political ideology and credit risk assessment
by Wang Dong & Weishi Jia & Shuo Li & Yu (Tony) Zhang
October 2023, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 229-247 A critical review of cost-benefit analysis for business software investments
by Sachidanandam Sakthivel
June 2023, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 173-192 Which sustainable growth rate is best at forecasting actual growth?
by Gary Moore & Marc William Simpson - 193-210 Goods and Service Tax and its implications on revenue efficiency of sub-national governments in India: an empirical analysis
by Shubham Garg & Priyanka & Karam Pal Narwal & Sanjeev Kumar - 211-228 Global brands or local heroes? A comparative study of Egyptian consumer perceptions and behaviors in the fashion and apparel industry
by Iman Boseila & Abeer A. Mahrous & Ehab Abouaish
May 2023, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 91-111 A bibliometric analysis of digital financial literacy
by Mansi Yadav & Priyanka Banerji
June 2023, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 112-128 Application of ethical AI requirements to an AI solution use-case in healthcare domain
by Zohreh Pourzolfaghar & Marco Alfano & Markus Helfert - 129-151 Exploring factors influencing the adoption of mobile healthcare technologies: perspectives from designers, consultants and users’ preferences
by Sepehr Namirad & Mehdi Deiranlou & Seyed Mojtaba Sajadi
August 2023, Volume 38, Issue 3
April 2023, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 41-61 Predicting stock market using natural language processing
by Karlo Puh & Marina Bagić Babac - 62-88 Gender differences in the association between job characteristics, and work satisfaction and retention
by Stefani Milovanska-Farrington
January 2023, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-21 Psychosocial safety climate and psychological capital for positive customer behavioral intentions in service organizations
by Sahar Siami & Mohammadbagher Gorji & Angela Martin - 22-37 Examining the impact of gender power and gender diversity within the top management team on firm performance and firm risk
by Richard Walton & Mark A. Tribbitt
August 2022, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 153-172 The integrated effect of Kaizen and innovation culture on the police performance: an empirical investigation
by Mohammed Saleh Alosani & Hassan Saleh Al-Dhaafri
November 2022, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 173-195 I am more inclined to buy online–novel social media engagement stimulated purchase intentions post-COVID-19: a case of Pakistani market
by Tehreem Fatima & Ahmad Raza Bilal & Shahid Iqbal Khan - 196-213 An examination of the effects of financial and process innovation on the sustainability of businesses under the influence of entrepreneurial leadership: a research in energy companies
by Fatma Sonmez Cakir & Zafer Adiguzel
July 2022, Volume 37, Issue 3
October 2021, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 109-119 Investment returns from reputation investing: do good firms provide good returns?
by Kristine L. Beck & James Chong & Bruce D. Niendorf
December 2021, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 120-138 Corporate sustainability performance and informativeness of earnings
by Jagjit Singh Saini & Mingming Feng & Jim DeMello
May 2021, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 89-107 The relationship between restrictive human resource practices and salary among working professionals
by Stephen Baglione & Louis Tucci & William Smith & Joanne Snead
June 2021, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 53-75 Supply chain dynamics, big data capability and product performance
by Canchu Lin & Anand Kunnathur & Jeffrey Forrest - 76-88 A framework for stakeholder management ecosystem
by Sanchal Tarode & Sanjeev Shrivastava
April 2021, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 34-49 Does board structure impact a firm's financial performance? Evidence from the Indian software sector
by Deepika Bansal & Shveta Singh
March 2021, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-13 Capability of web-based survey software: an empirical review
by Alan Rea & Kaitlin Marshall & Dan Farrell - 14-33 Toward an Egyptian managerial framework based on crowdsourcing for open innovation
by Ahmed Metwaly & Ali ElKattan & Menatalla Kaoud
January 2021, Volume 36, Issue 3/4
- 169-189 Financial market efficiency: global and regional financial market perspective
by Rexford Abaidoo
February 2021, Volume 36, Issue 3/4
- 190-207 Strategic adaptation: leadership lessons for small business survival and success
by Emmanuel Quansah & Dale E. Hartz
January 2021, Volume 36, Issue 2
January 2021, Volume 36, Issue 1
March 2021, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 3-19 Computation of sales performance score and key cross-functional factors: a performance dynamics in IT/ITES
by Sumit Saha & Subhasree Kar - 35-61 A study on digital learning, learning and development interventions and learnability of working executives in corporates
by Nandeesh V. Hiremath & Amiya Kumar Mohapatra & Anil Subbarao Paila
December 2020, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 128-149 The influence of personality and social traits on the importance of brand design of luxury brands and brand loyalty
by Amirreza Konjkav Monfared & Arefeh Mansouri & Negar Jalilian
November 2020, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 109-127 Have changes in audit standards altered client perceptions of auditors?
by Marcus Doxey & Robert Ewing
December 2020, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 62-83 Workplace bullying, human resource management practices, and turnover intention: the mediating effect of work engagement: evidence of Nigeria
by Paul Dung Gadi & Daisy Mui Hung Kee - 84-102 Does bureaucracy affect the outcome of logistics performance? Empirical evidence from South Asia
by Mamta Kumari & Nalin Bharti
June 2020, Volume 35, Issue 3/4
- 105-127 Exchange Traded Funds and the likelihood of closure
by Aigbe Akhigbe & Bhanu Balasubramnian & Melinda Newman
August 2020, Volume 35, Issue 3/4
- 129-151 Firm receptivity regarding marketplace vs political ties
by Jessica Zeiss & Les Carlson & Elise Johansen Harvey
October 2020, Volume 35, Issue 3/4
- 153-173 Organisational cultures and the evoked effects of leader ability on employee creativity
by Samuel Ogbeibu & Abdelhak Senadjki & James Gaskin - 175-190 The stewardship organization: essential characteristics and conditions of feasibility
by Mark Lehrer & Lydia Segal - 191-210 A moderated mediation model for the relationship between inclusive leadership and job embeddedness
by Mervat Mohamed Elsaied
May 2020, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 61-81 Examining the effectiveness of compensatory adaptation from a consumer's perspective in evaluating products online
by Jaejoo Lim & Jim R. Wollscheid & Ramakrishna Ayyagari - 83-101 Retail Apocalypse? Maybe blame accounting. Investigating inventory valuation as a determinant of retail firm failure
by Gregory G. Kaufinger & Chris Neuenschwander
April 2020, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-23 The effect of innovative food products on shaping the image of their offerors
by Agnieszka Izabela Baruk & Sebastian Białoskurski - 45-59 Reorienting business education through the lens of Ernest Boyer
by K. Doreen MacAulay & Mark J. Mellon & Walter R. Nord
March 2020, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 25-44 A comparison of bank and credit union growth around the financial crisis
by Wenling Lu & Judith Swisher
November 2019, Volume 34, Issue 3/4
- 118-133 A community-based strategy for department stores
by Susan Krug Friedman - 134-147 What does board capital really bring to the table?
by Whitney Douglas Fernandez & Yannick Thams & Mark Lehrer - 148-168 The effects of intangible assets on firm performance
by Jannatul Ferdaous & Mohammad Mizanur Rahman - 169-188 When is the atypical design not penalized? Moderating role of product innovativeness and technological sophistication in consumer’s evaluation of new products
by Sangwon Lee
July 2019, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 58-74 The effects of work experience on interpretations of recruitment advertisements and organizational attraction
by Mark Yockey - 75-92 Firm response, action visibility and consumers’ legitimacy judgment
by Zhimei Yuan & Yi Guo & Xingdong Wang - 93-115 CEO power and corporate social responsibility
by Joel Harper & Li Sun
April 2019, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 2-18 Supportive leadership, proactive personality and employee voice behavior
by Mervat Mohamed Elsaied - 19-36 Change management overlooked: physician perspectives on EHR implementation
by Michele Heath & Tracy H. Porter - 37-56 Effectiveness of incentivized social media campaigns for a Fortune 500 company’s brand
by Muhammad Razi & J. Michael Tarn & Alhassan G. Mumuni
October 2018, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 134-156 Overview of the leading countries in marketing research between 1990 and 2014
by Leslier Valenzuela-Fernández & Carolina Nicolas & Jose M. Merigo - 157-178 Exploring the impact of technology capabilities on trust in virtual teams
by Dawn Owens & Deepak Khazanchi - 179-202 An organisational culture and trustworthiness multidimensional model to engender employee creativity
by Samuel Ogbeibu & Abdelhak Senadjki & Tan Luen Peng
August 2018, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 82-95 Loan delinquency and macroeconomic conditions
by Rexford Abaidoo - 96-119 Business volatility and employee performance
by Wen-Chyuan Chiang & Li Sun & Brian R. Walkup - 120-132 Do financial development and law enforceability effect the relationship between net working capital and firm value? Empirical evidence from Asia
by Nufazil Altaf
April 2018, Volume 33, Issue 1/2
- 2-17 Getting rid of a heavy shield: downsizing the in-house legal department?
by Marcelo J. Alvarado-Vargas & Qi Zou - 18-60 Persistence of calendar anomalies: insights and perspectives from literature
by Meher Shiva Tadepalli & Ravi Kumar Jain - 61-80 Audit fee trends from 2000 to 2014
by R. Mithu Dey & Lucy Lim
August 2017, Volume 32, Issue 3-4
- 106-133 Corporate social responsibility and firm financial performance
by Mingming Feng & Xiaodan Wang & Jerry Glenn Kreuze - 134-151 Executive influence on invention and commercialization
by Barton M. Sharp & Dinesh N. Iyer & Thomas H. Brush - 152-170 Assurance of learning: moving from a compliance to an improvement culture
by Misty M. Bennett & Karl L. Smart & Anil Kumar
June 2017, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 82-92 Explaining the expense ratio of international equity funds
by Soo-Wah Low - 93-103 The influence of price and promotion on package size propensity
by Amit K. Ghosh
April 2017, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 2-23 Has Sarbanes-Oxley standardized audit quality?
by Matthew Hoag & Mark Myring & Joe Schroeder - 24-41 Literature review and research opportunities on credibility of corporate social responsibility reporting
by John Abernathy & Chad Stefaniak & Anne Wilkins & Jacqueline Olson - 42-57 Antecedents of consumer animosity and the role of product involvement on purchase intentions
by Ji Eun Park & Sung-Joon Yoon - 58-79 Optimal diversification, stochastic dominance, and sampling error
by Mourad Mroua & Fathi Abid & Wing Keung Wong
October 2016, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 166-186 Supplier selection in small- and medium-sized firms
by Jin Su & Vidyaranya B. Gargeya - 187-205 Spatial relativism in multinationality and performance research
by Keith J. Kelley - 206-226 The greening of organizational culture: revisited fifteen years later
by Tracy H. Porter & Vickie Coleman Gallagher & Diane Lawong - 227-239 Benchmarking mutual fund alpha
by Qiang Bu
August 2016, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 102-122 Does managerial myopia explain Bowman’s Paradox?
by Anthony Dewayne Holder & Alexey Petkevich & Gary Moore - 123-145 Changes in information environment and merger announcements
by Bhanu Balasubramnian & Kathleen Fuller & Tanja Steigner - 146-163 Liabilities of regionalization and the emerging market firm
by Keith J. Kelley
June 2016, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 50-65 An investigation of financial expertise improvement among CFOs hired following restatements
by Yang Xu & Lijuan Zhao - 66-84 Work environment and employee motivation to lead
by Tracy H Porter & Kelly Diane Riesenmy & Dail Fields - 85-97 Have changes in business practices and reporting standards changed the taxonomy of financial ratios?
by Thomas L. Zeller & John Kostolansky & Michail Bozoudis
April 2016, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 4-16 Reexamining the influence of large clients on office-level auditor reporting decisions
by Lucy Lim - 17-40 Do financial blogs serve an infomediary role in capital markets?
by Laura K. Rickett
October 2015, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 218-230 The effect of perceived risk dimensions on purchase intention
by Ramulu Bhukya & Sapna Singh - 231-246 Do ETFs outperform CEFs in fixed income investing?
by C. Edward Chang & Thomas M. Krueger & H. Doug Witte
August 2015, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 178-195 Testing the concepts of market mavenism and opinion leadership in China
by Jie Zhang & Wei-Na Lee - 196-215 Monetary compensation, workforce-oriented corporate social responsibility, and firm performance
by Mingming Feng & Xiaodan Abby Wang & Jagjit S. Saini
June 2015, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 114-146 The January effect anomaly: effect on the returns-earnings association
by Kathryn E. Easterday - 147-174 A proposed framework for renewable energy technology commercialization and partnership synergy
by Agassy Manoukian & Hassan R. HassabElnaby & Vahe Odabashian
April 2015, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 8-21 The relationship between firm resources and joint ventures: revisited
by Vivien E. Jancenelle - 22-48 Accrual reliability, earnings persistence, and stock prices: revisited
by R. Mithu Dey & Lucy Lim - 49-71 The impact of banks’ entrepreneurial orientation on strategic control systems
by Stephen K. Callaway & Sandeep B. Jagani - 72-91 The mediating roles of psychological safety and employee voice on the relationship between conflict management styles and organizational identification
by Hakan Erkutlu & Jamel Chafra - 92-110 Schedule preferences, congruence and employee outcomes in unionized shift workers
by Jenell L.S. Wittmer & Agnieszka K Shepard & James E. Martin
September 2014, Volume 29, Issue 3/4
- 202-222 Followers’ reactions to self-serving leaders: the influence of the organization's budget policy
by Stijn Decoster & Jeroen Stouten & Thomas M. Tripp - 223-236 Influence of financial distress on foreign exchange exposure
by Aigbe Akhigbe & Anna D. Martin & Laurence J. Mauer - 237-260 Psychological influences on customer willingness to pay and choice in automated retail settings
by Ashutosh Dixit & Kenneth D. Hall & Sujay Dutta - 261-275 Predicting public or private feedback-seeking behaviors
by Robin A. Cheramie - 276-292 Team interdependence and turnover: evidence from the NFL
by Justin L. Davis & Andy Fodor & Michael E. Pfahl & Jason Stoner - 293-311 Are earnings quality attributes reflected in financial strength ratings?
by Daniel Ames & Chris S. Hines & Jomo Sankara
May 2014, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 125-145 Strengthening reliability in high hazard industries: reconciling tensions for impact
by Evan H. Offstein & Raymond Kniphuisen & D. Robin Bichy & J. Stephen Childers Jr - 146-163 Intergenerational recruiting: the impact of sales job candidate perception of interviewer age
by Concha Allen & Stacey Schetzsle & Michael L. Mallin & Ellen Bolman Pullins - 164-177 Feeling dissimilar and helping others? A conceptual analysis
by Shih Yung Chou & Tree Chang & Bo Han - 178-188 E-service quality: a study of online shoppers in India
by Suresh Kandulapati & Raja Shekhar Bellamkonda
April 2014, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 5-25 Something old, something new: culture and CEO compensation revisited
by Katalin Takacs Haynes - 26-42 The relationship between organizational slack and innovation: revisited
by Fariss Terry Mousa & Jaideep Chowdhury - 43-60 Mirror, mirror on the wall… Who's the most opportunistic and compliant of them all?
by Yi-Su Chen & Young Ro & Hung-Chung Su - 61-75 The mediating role of LMX between abusive supervision and work behaviors
by Stijn Decoster & Jeroen Camps & Jeroen Stouten - 76-94 Spatial density and ambient scent: effects on consumer anxiety
by Tina Poon & Bianca Grohmann - 95-111 Industry classification and the efficiency of intra-industry information transfers
by Dennis Y. Chung & Karel Hrazdil & Kim Trottier
October 2013, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 123-146 Corporate financial policies in emerging markets: the role of financial market development
by Charles Amo-Yartey & Joshua Abor - 147-191 Commercialization of innovations: an overarching framework and research agenda
by Avimanyu Datta & Richard Reed & Len Jessup - 192-209 Benefiting from your buddy
by Dev K. Dutta - 210-232 Lessons learned from a part-time worker typology applied to full-timers
by Jenell Lynn-Senter Wittmer & James E. Martin - 233-251 Political skill as a moderator of the relationship between subordinate perceptions of interactional justice and supervisor ratings of interpersonal facilitation
by Darren C. Treadway & L.A. Witt & Jason Stoner & Sara Jansen Perry & Brooke A. Shaughnessy
April 2013, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 7-18 The US cap and trade initiative: current status and potential impact on business
by Bruce W. McClain & Heidi Hylton Meier - 19-37 Characteristics of the information content in business sentiment surveys
by Daniel Friesner & Mohammed Khayum & Timothy Schibik - 38-63 Alliance portfolio R&D intensity and new product introduction
by Turanay Caner & Beverly B. Tyler - 64-85 Revisiting the role of communication quality in ERP project success
by Benoit Aubert & Val Hooper & Alexander Schnepel - 86-105 Human resource management practices in mid‐sized enterprises
by Glenn M. McEvoy & Paul F. Buller
October 2012, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 113-132 Six Sigma sales and marketing: application to NCAA basketball
by Peter A. Salzarulo & Timothy C. Krehbiel & Stephen Mahar & Lance S. Emerson - 133-153 Contrasting continuous quality improvement, Six Sigma, and lean management for enhanced outcomes in US hospitals
by Charles R. Gowen & Kathleen L. McFadden & Sriranjita Settaluri - 154-173 Extreme return correlation and volatility: a two‐threshold approach
by Harikumar Sankaran & Anh Nguyen & Jayashree Harikumar - 174-194 Social media usage: an investigation of B2B salespeople
by Roberta J. Schultz & Charles H. Schwepker & David J. Good
April 2012, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 10-26 Undocumented immigration and the business of farm labor contracting in the USA
by Anita Alves Pena - 27-39 Latino informal immigrant entrepreneurs in South Texas
by Michael J. Pisani - 40-57 Thewebnovelaand immigrants in the United States
by Tomás A. López‐Pumarejo - 58-79 Arab American entrepreneurship in Detroit, Michigan
by Ola Marie Smith & Roger Y.W Tang & Paul San Miguel - 79-90 Efficient labor reallocation and the liability of localness
by Luis A. Perez‐Batres
October 2011, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 92-117 Sales manager training practices in small and large firms
by C. David Shepherd & Geoffrey L. Gordon & Rick E. Ridnour & Dan C. Weilbaker & Brian Lambert - 118-128 Salesperson preference among Hispanic and Asian immigrants
by Lynn Eunjung Kwak & Jane Z. Sojka - 129-144 The role of shopping sophistication in creating satisfying purchase outcomes
by Stephen J. Newell & Bob T. Wu & Philip A. Titus & Susan M. Petroshius - 145-160 Examining the differences in salesperson motivation among different cultures
by Christopher R. Moberg & Megan Leasher - 161-182 Creative managers and managing creativity: a hermeneutic exploration
by Elad Granot
April 2011, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 12-25 Internet banking and performance
by Stephen K. Callaway - 26-39 The key characteristics of different types of employees: a summary of six studies
by Chong W. Kim & Harlan M. Smith & Andrew Sikula & Lorraine P. Anderson - 40-49 An analysis of Lehman Brothers bankruptcy and Repo 105 transactions
by Charles Hines & Jerry Kreuze & Sheldon Langsam - 50-64 A success versus failure prediction model for small businesses in Singapore
by Harold Siow Song Teng & Gurpreet Singh Bhatia & Sajid Anwar - 65-79 Consumer evaluation of continuous and discontinuous innovation
by Bashar S. Gammoh & Kevin E. Voss & Ryan Skiver
October 2010, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 9-10 BP: Social Responsibility and the Easy Life of the Monopolist
by Michael J. Hicks - 11-24 Twenty‐Five Years of the (Mid‐)American Journal of Business
by Joshua Doane & Judy A. Lane & Michael J. Pisani - 25-40 RFID Technology: Implications for Healthcare Organizations
by Amelia S. Carr & Man Zhang & Inge Klopping & Hokey Min - 41-54 Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Managerial Power
by Justin L. Davis & R. Greg Bell & G. Tyge Payne & Patrick M. Kreiser - 55-70 Procedural Justice and Work Outcomes in a Unionized Setting: The Mediating Role of Leader‐Member Exchange
by Jenell L.S. Wittmer & James E. Martin & Amanuel G. Tekleab
April 2010, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 9-24 Performance Evaluation of U.S. Socially Responsible Mutual Funds: Revisiting Doing Good and Doing Well
by C. Edward Chang & H. Doug Witte - 25-34 An Empirical Examination of the Relationship Between Adult Attention Deficit, Cooperative Conflict Management and Efficacy for Working in Teams
by Graeme H. Coetzer & Richard Trimble - 35-44 The Influence of Political Orientation on Financial Risk Taking
by Jeremy Moore & James Felton & Colby Wright - 45-52 Cost Center Practices in Germany and the United States: Impact of Country Differences on Managerial Accounting Practices
by Kris Portz & John C. Lere - 53-64 To Play or Not to Play: An Exploratory Content Analysis of Branded Entertainment in Facebook
by Jie Zhang & Yongjun Sung & Wei‐Na Lee
October 2009, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 15-22 Why Does Emerging Media Matter?
by Michael J. Hicks - 23-32 Time‐User Preference and Technology Acceptance: Measure Development of Computer Polychronicity
by Joshua M. Davis & Lorraine S. Lee & Mun Y. Yi - 33-40 The Renaissance of Outdoor Advertising: From Harlem to Hong Kong
by Tomas A. Lopez‐Pumarejo & Myles Bassell - 41-52 Spyware and Adware: How Do Internet Users Defend Themselves?
by Rajendran Sriramachandramurthy & Siva K. Balasubramanian & Monica Alexandra Hodis - 53-64 Third‐Person Effect and Social Networking: Implications for Online Marketing and Word‐of‐Mouth Communication
by Jie Zhang & Terry Daugherty
April 2009, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 7-14 Developing an Effective Mentor‐Business School Relationship in the AACSB Initial Accreditation Process
by Michael Bryant & Robert F. Scherer - 19-32 Charting Supply Chain Management Integration and Initiatives: A Framework to Guide Implementation
by W. Rocky Newman & Mark D. Hanna & Thomas Gattiker & Xiaowen Huang - 33-46 Bear Market Behavior of Institutional Investors in Sweden
by David Burnie & Adri De Ridder - 47-56 Determinants of Audit/Tax Separation Decisions
by Brad Cripe & Brian McAllister - 57-66 The Association Between Audit Committee Characteristics, the Contracting Process and Fraudulent Financial Reporting
by Lisa A. Owens‐Jackson & Diana Robinson & Sandra Waller Shelton - 67-73 Intra‐Industry Effects of Stock Splits: Focus on Insurance Companies
by Anna D. Martin & Takeshi Nishikawa & Rong Qi
October 2008, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 17-28 Testing Market Efficiency for Different Market Capitalization Funds
by Hossein Varamini & Svetlana Kalash - 27-36 Synergistic Ideation Through Pairing Participants in Facilitated Group Support Systems Sessions
by John D. Murphy & Deepak Khazanchi - 37-42 Information Systems Service Quality: An Examination of User Expectations
by Robert E. Miller & Nita G. Brooks & Thomas W. Jones & Lee Winick - 43-52 Assessing Economic Literacy of Indian MBA Students
by Rajindar K. Koshal & Ashok K. Gupta & Anita Goyal & Vimal Navin Choudhary - 53-62 Celebrity Endorsements: An Examination of Gender and Consumers’ Attitudes
by Nathan Klaus & Ainsworth Anthony Bailey
April 2008, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 13-22 Stock Buybacks and Their Association with Stock Options Exercised in the IT Industry
by David N. Hurtt & Jerry G. Kreuze & Sheldon A. Langsam - 23-36 Using Electronic Procurement to Facilitate Supply Chain Integration: An Exploratory Study of US‐based Firms
by Dawn H. Pearcy & Delvon B. Parker & Larry C. Giunipero - 37-52 The Informational Value of Earnings Whispers
by Michaël Dewally - 53-64 Size, Target Performance and European Bank Mergers and Acquisitions
by Sergio Sanfilippo Azofra & Myriam Garcia Olalla & Begoña Torre Olmo - 65-70 Group Style Differences Between Virtual and F2F Teams
by Leonard Branson & Thomas S. Clausen & Chung‐Hsein Sung
October 2007, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 7-18 Changing Behavior by Improving Codes of Ethics
by John C. Lere & Bruce R. Gaumnitz - 19-32 Audit Committees Oversight Responsibilities Post Sarbanes‐Oxley Act
by Hassan R. HassabElnaby & Amal Said & Glenn Wolfe - 33-44 Volatility Clustering within Industries: An Empirical Investigation
by Manfen W. Chen & Jianzhou Zhu - 45-56 Shoppers’ Perceptions of the State Sales Tax Holiday: A Case Study from Texas
by John W. Mogab & Michael J. Pisani - 57-66 Does Mutual Knowledge Affect Virtual Team Performance? Theoretical Analysis and Anecdotal Evidence
by Alanah Davis & Deepak Khazanchi
April 2007, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 11-20 Valuation of Stock Options of Non‐Publicly Traded Companies
by William R. Cron & Randall B. Hayes - 21-30 Do Investors Benefit from 12b‐1 Fees?
by Richard J. Dowen & Thomas Mann - 31-44 B2B E‐Marketing Strategies of Multinational Corporations: Empirical Evidence from the United States and Australia
by Tanuja Singh & Geoffrey Gordon & Sharon Purchase - 45-58 Consumer Grudgeholding: Does Age Make a Difference?
by David Aron & Kimberly Judson & Timothy Aurand & Geoffrey Gordon - 59-68 Influence of Gender and Social Networks on Organizational Learning within Technology Incubators
by Mari W. Buche & Joanne L. Scillitoe
October 2006, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 13-20 Federal Reserve Bank Policy and Influence of US Excessive Current Consumption on International Equity Returns
by Steven L. Beach & Kenneth R. Beller - 21-32 An Analysis of the Effects of Specific Promotion Types on Attendance at Major League Baseball Games
by Thomas C. Boyd & Timothy C. Krehbiel - 33-42 Modeling Tool Impact on Defect Identification in IS Design
by Michael A. Eierman & Bruce C. Hungerford