2025, Volume 17, Issue 4
- y:2025:id:1545 Civilisational Foundations of the State in Iran
by V. I. Belov - y:2025:id:1546 Eurasianism in Turkey: A Look at Russia and the Formation of Its Own Paradigm
by V. A. Avatkov & R. I. Guzaerov - y:2025:id:1547 The Graphic Basis of the Mongolian World: Language Policy and the Current Situation of Mongolian Vertical Writing
by D. D. Tregubova - y:2025:id:1550 China’s Initiatives Within the Framework of the Dialogue Among Civilizations
by Z. P. Rozhkova - y:2025:id:1552 Ethnoracial Composition of US Macroregions Population in the Early 21st Century: Quantitative Analysis of Intergroup Interaction
by R. I. Imangulov - y:2025:id:1553 On the “Catching Up†Model of Self-awareness of Russia as a Civilization
by V. V. Averianov - y:2025:id:1554 Environmental Protests and National Identity in a Multinational State: Green Nationalism in the USSR and Modern Russia
by E. N. Karatueva - y:2025:id:1555 The Concept of "Civilization State†as a Direction in the Development of Civilizational Theory
by K. A. Feofanov - y:2025:id:1556 The Civilizational Approach and the Study of Civilizations in Library and Scientometric Analysis
by S. V. Sokolov - y:2025:id:1557 Chinese Law and Its International Projection
by E. V. Alferova & E. V. Skurko
2025, Volume 17, Issue 3
- y:2025:id:1526 India in the Year of Parliamentary Elections: The Alignment of Socio-political Forces and the Peculiarities of the Electoral System. The Interests of Russia
by A. G. Volodin - y:2025:id:1527 Results and Peripeteia of the 2024 Presidential Elections in Indonesia
by A. V. Popov - y:2025:id:1528 The Role of Nuclear Power in Japan’s Energy Transition
by O. B. Rameev - y:2025:id:1529 Digital Currencies of Central Banks: Prospects and Challenges in the New Economy (Practical Experience of China)
by H. S. Umarov & E. S. Sokolova - y:2025:id:1530 Urbanization of the PRC: From Megacities to Supercities
by V. V. Petushkova - y:2025:id:1531 Exploring the Intricate Future of Bangladesh in the Context of Regional Geopolitical Dynamics
by M. Abul Hasan - y:2025:id:1532 The EAEU – Vietnam Free Trade Agreement: Expectations and Reality
by V. M. Mazyrin - y:2025:id:1533 Economic and Geographical Genesis of Poverty in Tajikistan: Potential for Economic Growth While Maintaining Social Disparities
by F. I. Arzhaev & V. E. Boriskin - y:2025:id:1534 The “Shi‘a Question†in the Political Development of Saudi Arabia
by V. D. Ostanin-Golovnya - y:2025:id:1535 New Aspects in Indian African Politics
by V. A. Usov - y:2025:id:1536 The Development of Railways on the African Continent: A Factor of International Cooperation or Competition?
by M. A. Volodina - y:2025:id:1537 Africa in the Face of Global Transformation
by D. V. Mikhel
2025, Volume 16, Issue 5
- y:2025:id:1516 Speech Act as a Factor of Socio-Political Change: Stating the Problem
by D. E. Kadyrov - y:2025:id:1517 Scientific Legacy of Marshal Boris Shaposhnikov and the Problems of Modern Strategy
by A. A. Krivopalov
2024, Volume 17, Issue 2
- y:2024:id:1462 Neural Network Algorithms in Current Processes of Transformation of Traditional Worldview and Ideological Systems
by S. V. Volodenkov - y:2024:id:1463 Risks for the Development of the Russian Human Capital in the Context of Geoeconomic Fragmentation
by I. M. Chernenko - y:2024:id:1464 Possible Contours of Developing International Trade in the Perimeter of Global Value Chains under the Conditions of New Reality
by A. A. Maltsev - y:2024:id:1465 Wholesale Central Banks Digital Currencies and New Opportunities for Interbank Settlements with the Prospect of Entering International Transactions
by V. Yu. Cherkasov - y:2024:id:1467 The Form of the Multinational Enterprises: The Evolution in the Context of the Functional Analysis of Law
by O. V. Novikova - y:2024:id:1468 The Transformation of International Relations in East Asia at the End of the XX – Early XXI Centuries
by S. A. Verkholomov - y:2024:id:1469 Risks of Institutionalization of the Central Asia-China Format for Solidarity and Political Trust in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
by I. V. Vakhrushin & N. A. Nikolaev - y:2024:id:1470 Ethnoeconomy of Europe: Turkish Segment
by A. I. Sbitneva - y:2024:id:1471 Potential for Cooperation between Russia and MERCOSUR under Sanctions
by V. N. Zuev & E. Ya. Ostrovskaya & V. A. Levina - y:2024:id:1472 Unique Features of the EAEU Interregional and Crossborder Cooperation
by A. Yu. Pliuiko - y:2024:id:1474 Dialogue with the World: Reflections on the Fate of Civilization and Personality in the Era of Global Transformations (Review)
by s. A. Levit
2024, Volume 17, Issue 1
- y:2024:id:1424 The Black Sea Region as a New Geopolitical Reality in the Materials of Western and Turkish Analytical Centers (2014–2023)
by N. E. Demeshko & A. A. Irkhin & O. A. Moskalenko - y:2024:id:1425 The Strategy of Information Confrontation of the Countries of the Collective West in the Arab Countries of the Middle East and North Africa
by N. S. Kuleshova & A. A. Khvaley - y:2024:id:1426 Italy: The Gaps in the Foreign Policy of the Meloni Government (between Atlanticism, Europeanism and the Search for Self-determination)
by Roberta Alonzi & V. P. Ljubin - y:2024:id:1427 Euroscepticism in Germany: Historical Review and Main Factors
by R. I. Blagovescenskij - y:2024:id:1428 The USA: Renaissance of Strike Forms of Struggle for Workers’ Rights
by N. M. Travkina - y:2024:id:1429 Features of Canada’s Sanctions Legislation and Trends in Sanctions Appeal Jurisprudence
by A. A. Lopushinskaya & A. S. Kudinov & E. Ya. Arapova - y:2024:id:1430 The Evolution of International Legal Regulation for the Activities of Private Military and Security Companies
by E. E. Korolkova - y:2024:id:1431 European Approaches to the Development of Conceptual Frameworks for ESG Policy
by T. K. Chernysheva - y:2024:id:1432 The Relationship between Immigrant Settlement and Housing Costs in Global German Cities
by D. P. Shatilo - y:2024:id:1433 Environmentalism as a Postideology: A Conceptual Framework of Postmodernity
by N. S. Skipin - y:2024:id:1434 “How to Survive in the Field†: Alternatives to a Scientific and Educational Career in the Field of Social Sciences
by M. V. Vilisov
2024, Volume 16, Issue 5
- y:2024:id:1505 The Right to Biological Safety: The Formation of the Concept and Prospects of Legislative Regulation
by I. A. Umnova-Koniukhova & I. A. Aleshkova - y:2024:id:1506 Measures of State Support of Nuclear Energy: The Experience of Foreign Countries
by M. S. Lizikova - y:2024:id:1507 Hype in the Communication of Science and Society
by E. G. Grebenshchikova - y:2024:id:1508 Polish Science and Higher Education in the Post-Socialist Period: The Development of the Reform Program and the Results
by S. A. Kuvaldin - y:2024:id:1509 Russian Studies in the US: Past Experience and Today’s Problems
by Yu. I. Nadtochey - y:2024:id:1510 Technological Cooperation and Equality as the Development of the Concept of Technological Sovereignty
by A. V. Polosin & D. Yu. Baydarov & E. M. Abakumov & D. Yu. Faikov - y:2024:id:1511 Russian Science Under Sanctions Pressure: New Risks and Development Opportunities
by M. A. Polozhikhina & N. A. Korovnikova - y:2024:id:1512 The Evolution of the Chinese Policy for the Development of the High-tech Sector: from New Technologies to New Actors?
by I. V. Danilin - y:2024:id:1514 Intellectual Environment as an Object for Research: Factors of Development and Points of Vulnerability
by A. G. Glinchikova - y:2024:id:1515 How Scholar Beginners Reflect Their Professional Activity
by L. R. Komalova
2024, Volume 16, Issue 1
- y:2024:id:1374 International Sanction Barriers to the Development of Science and International Scientific and Technological Cooperation: Political-Legal Aspect
by М. V. Shugurov & A. A. Vasiliev - y:2024:id:1375 The Accumulative Model of International Economic Integration
by Ð’. Ð . Kheyfets - y:2024:id:1376 From the Limits to Growth to Sustainable Development: to the 50th Anniversary of the Report to the Club of Rome “Limits to Growthâ€
by V. V. Petushkova - y:2024:id:1377 The Role of Green Electricity in European Steel Industry Decarbonization
by Ð . V. Zimakov - y:2024:id:1378 Cyclicality as a Pattern of Development of World Tourism
by Р. Ju. Рleksandrova & V. Е. Dombrovskaya - y:2024:id:1379 “All the Indo-Pacific Men†: The System of US Political and Military Pacts in the Indian Ocean and Asia Pacific
by К. V. Вabaev - y:2024:id:1380 Regional Development of China on the Eve of the Transition to Post-industrialization
by D. В. Кalashnikov & I. В. Мitrofanova - y:2024:id:1381 Are There Any Benefits? Results of Trade Agreements with India for Partner Countries in Terms of Trade in Services
by Е. V. Vasileva - y:2024:id:1382 Some Aspects of Russian-Africa Cooperation at the Present Stage
by Е. N. Кorendyasov & О. V. Konstantinova - y:2024:id:1383 National Image, Hybrid Warfare and Intellectual Warfare: Evolution and Disclosure of the Russian Concept of Soft Power
by Р. Хu & Q. Gао Yаn - y:2024:id:1384 Priority Value Orientations of the Moscow Student
by D. S. Мukhortov & I. Е. Strelets - y:2024:id:1385 The Concept of the Implementation of the European Neighborhood Policy and the Extension of EU Law to the Post-Soviet Countries
by Ð . F. Shishkova - y:2024:id:1386 The Impact of Digitalization for the Development of the Agricultural Machinery Industry in Kazakhstan (Legal Aspects)
by М. A. Sarsembayev & S. N. Sarsenova & B. S. Karazhan - y:2024:id:1387 Political Hypostases of Modern Hinduism: an Overview
by Ð . G. Volodin
2023, Volume 15, Issue 6
- y:2023:id:1295 Moscow – Delhi – Beijing Triangle in the System of India’s Foreign Policy
by A. G. Volodin - y:2023:id:1298 Crisisogenicity of the Global Monetary and Financial System: Fundamental Analysis
by A. V. Kuznetsov - y:2023:id:1299 Sustainable Development Goal in Education: History of Creation, Issues of Implementation and Russian Case
by E. V. Puchkov - y:2023:id:1300 The Dilemma of Inward FDI in the EU and U.S. Investment Policy: Ensuring Capital Inflows and/or Strengthening Control of Strategic Assets?
by V. N. Zuev & E. Y. Ostrovskaya & D. R. Gilmanova - y:2023:id:1301 Russia’s Pivot to the Global South as a Factor of Its Regional Development
by O. V. Kuznetsova & A. V. Kuznetsov - y:2023:id:1302 Technological Rivalry between the US and China in Southeast Asia: Network Analysis
by M. S. Ramich & D. A. Piskunov & I. V. Kitaev - y:2023:id:1303 Greenhouse Gas Emission Cap-and-Trade Programmes: the Chinese Incarnation
by M. A. Belyaeva & Yu. Y. Rovnov - y:2023:id:1304 Political Economy of Power and Governance in Afghanistan (2001–2021)
by D. P. Elagin - y:2023:id:1305 Periodization of the Development Legislation on Countering Extremism in Some Post-Soviet States
by A. V. Vereschagina - y:2023:id:1306 Current Issues of Digitalization in Tajikistan
by J. Z. Ikromi - y:2023:id:1309 Commodity Trade of Russia with the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 2012–2021
by M. V. Sviridova - y:2023:id:1310 The Budget of the Federal Republic of Germany as a Source for Library and Information Policy
by S. V. Sokolov
2023, Volume 15, Issue 5
- y:2023:id:1153 World Order Architecture and G. Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
by I. D. Komarov & M. L. Gorbunova - y:2023:id:1154 Methods of Analysis of Strategic Cultures
by V. K. Belozerov - y:2023:id:1155 Culture and Economy: Scientific Approaches to Interrelation
by V. Yu. Muzychuk - y:2023:id:1156 Mass Culture as a Symbolic Environment of the Younger Generation Political Socialization
by I. I. Kuznetsov & E. V. Kulikova & Iu. V. Petrova - y:2023:id:1157 Images of the Past, Present and Future of Russia: Symbolic Dimension
by N. V. Smulkina & N. N. Rogach - y:2023:id:1158 Urbanization and National Urban Policy in India and China: a Comparative Analysis
by A. I. Salitskii & I. G. Chubarov - y:2023:id:1159 Development of the “New Turkey†Media Image: Substantive Aspect
by N. E. Demeshko & V. A. Avatkov & A. A. Irkhin - y:2023:id:1160 The Belarusian National Culture and Its Dimensions in the Modern Belarus
by I. I. Barinov - y:2023:id:1161 The “Communist†Transformation and the Phenomenon of Soviet Patriotism among Orthodox Believers in the Late USSR
by A. V. Apanasenok - y:2023:id:1162 Patriotism as a Valuable Resource in the Development of Corporate Culture of Russian Companies: Assessment of Factors, Genesis of Concepts, Trends and Development Trends
by N. V. Grishanin & Ya. V. Minevich & T. D. Sokolova & D. A. Tidzhiev - y:2023:id:1163 The Formation of the Soviet Diplomatic Culture (1917–1939)
by A. A. Vershinin - y:2023:id:1164 International Art Exhibitions as a Form of Cultural and Political Dialogue
by N. P. Malyutina - y:2023:id:1165 The Role of National Culture in Politics and Economics (Review of Books)
by S. V. Sokolov
2023, Volume 15, Issue 4
- y:2023:id:1100 Africa’s Digital Economy Development and China’s Participation
by T. L. Deych & N. N. Tsvetkova & K. S. Kravtsov - y:2023:id:1101 Development of Smart Cities in North Africa
by V. K. Mitina - y:2023:id:1102 China and Modeling of the “New Geopolitical Reality†in Africa
by E. I. Zelenev & M. A. Soloshcheva - y:2023:id:1104 Russia’s Relations with African Countries in the Light of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine
by D. V. Efremenko - y:2023:id:1105 Constitutional Models of the Principle of Social Justice in African Countries: Comparative Legal Analysis
by I. A. Umnova-Koniukhova - y:2023:id:1106 West Africa: Development of Scientific and Technical Education and Challenges of Introducing New Technologies (on the Examples of Nigeria and Ghana)
by T. S. Denisova & S. V. Kostelyanets - y:2023:id:1107 Turning to the South: African Think Tanks as Potential Partners for the EAEU Think Tanks
by M. V. Vilisov - y:2023:id:1108 Luxury Tourism Industry in Africa: History, Development, Challenges and Prospects after the COVID-19 Pandemic
by L. Ya. Prokopenko - y:2023:id:1109 Food Security of West African Countries at the Present Stage: Trends, Problems and Solutions
by N. G. Gavrilova - y:2023:id:1110 Ethiopia: Socio-Economic Development and Potential for Cooperation with Russia in Scientific and Production Spheres
by E. V. Morozenskaya & L. N. Kalinichenko - y:2023:id:1112 Urbanization on the African Continent: Main Challenges and Opportunities for Overcoming Them (Review)
by O. N. Pryazhnikova
2023, Volume 15, Issue 3
- y:2023:id:1070 Technological Leapfrogging: Theory and International ICT Practices
by I. G. Dezhina & S. V. Egerev - y:2023:id:1071 Central-peripheral Structuring in Maritime Transborder Regionalization (on the Example of the Baltic, the Caspian and the Black Sea Region)
by A. G. Druzhinin & D. A. Volkhin & N. V. Gontar & Р. Р. Mikhaylova - y:2023:id:1072 The United States’ Hegemony and the Problem of Legitimizing Dominance in International Politics: Reframing the Western Theories
by A. N. Bogdanov - y:2023:id:1073 The Dichotomy of Regional and Global leadership in Modern International Relations on the Example of Russia and Turkey
by M. A. Mayorova - y:2023:id:1074 Cooperation of Russian Regions with International Organizations: Formats and Opportunities on the Example of the Republic of Tatarstan
by I. R. Nasyrov - y:2023:id:1075 Growing Up Trends of Modern Russian Youth: A Regional Aspect
by M. A. Yadova - y:2023:id:1076 Promotion of Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure and Russia’s Interests in the Global Scientific Information Space
by A. V. Kuznetsov & S. V. Sokolov - y:2023:id:1077 Inner Asia as the Periphery of Two Empires, or the Paradoxes of the Political Imagination
by A. V. Mikhalev - y:2023:id:1078 QUAD and AUKUS and the Balance of Power in the Asia-Pacific Region: Prospects for Russia, China and ASEAN
by E. S. Martynova - y:2023:id:1079 On the Typologization of Sub-regional Forms of Cooperation in the European Union and the Role in International Processes in the Region
by V. V. Tolkachev & A. A. Ashmarina - y:2023:id:1080 Social Differentiation in the “New†Immigration Centers (on the Immigrants Settlement Pattern Example)
by D. P. Shatilo - y:2023:id:1081 Impact of Emerging International Order on Security in Middle East
by D. S. Krylov - y:2023:id:1082 The Deby Clan and the Role of the Army in Chadian Politics
by T. S. Denisova & S. V. Kostelyanets
2023, Volume 15, Issue 2
- y:2023:id:1045 Energy Transformation in China: Perspectives and Obstacles
by Yu. A. Makeev & A. I. Salitskii & N. K. Semenova & Xin Zhao - y:2023:id:1046 Long-term Scenarios of Global Power Industry Development: Main Tendencies and Uncertainties
by O. B. Reznikova & M. V. Sinitsyn & I. Z. Gakhokidze - y:2023:id:1048 The Role of China and India in Global Action to Prevent Climate Change
by N. G. Rogozhina - y:2023:id:1049 The Eastern Path of Global Finance
by Ya. M. Mirkin - y:2023:id:1050 Competition Protection Issues of the Banking System in the Republic of Armenia
by A. G. Hakobyan - y:2023:id:1052 Military-political Strategy of J. Biden’s Administration
by V. I. Batyuk - y:2023:id:1053 On Deploying German Military Presence in the Pacific
by Ph. O. Trunov - y:2023:id:1054 Arms Market of India: History and Prospects
by G. D. Vlasov - y:2023:id:1055 Analytical Centers and Scientific Policy of Turkey
by V. A. Avatkov - y:2023:id:1056 Through Hardship to the Stars: Turkey's National Space Program
by A. I. Sbitneva - y:2023:id:1057 Pivot to the Middle East: the Factor of the “Islamic Awakeningâ€
by V. D. Ostanin-Golovnya - y:2023:id:1058 Ruining Syria and Iraq as a Way to Undermine Identity
by O. P. Bibikova & I. Yu. Zhilina - y:2023:id:1059 The Struggle between the Qatari-Turkish and Saudi-Emirati Bloc for the Infl uence in Afghanistan
by T. R. Khayrullin & A. V. Korotayev - y:2023:id:1060 Codification of Civil Law in China: Contours of the Regional Legal Order
by P. N. Dudin - y:2023:id:1061 Oceania in the Foreign Policy of China
by I. S. Vinogradov
2022, Volume 15, Issue 1
- y:2022:id:1000 The Limits of New Renewable Energy Sources Integration in Electricity Sector in the EU Countries: Economic Aspects
by S. V. Zhukov & I. A. Kopytin & A. M. Popadko - y:2022:id:1001 Avoiding Sovereign Debt Crisis in the US and EU by Creative Changes in Key Budgetary Indicators and Inflation
by S. V. Anureev - y:2022:id:1002 Normative Regulation of Blokchain Using in the System of Labor Relations
by R. A. Dolzhenko - y:2022:id:1003 The WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement: Modern Challenges for Russia
by A. G. Koval & N. Yu. Belenets - y:2022:id:1004 Organization of Elections and the Level of Democracy: Cross-national Aspect
by Yu. G. Korgunyuk & O. S. Morozova - y:2022:id:1005 Expropriation in the 21st Century – New Challenge for Political Risk Analysis
by A. N. Bordovskikh - y:2022:id:991 On the Methodology of Studying Long-Term World Development: The Shadow of the Past or the Role of Individuals?
by A. M. Libman - y:2022:id:992 Military and Political Aspects of Balance of Power in East Asia: Japan, Republic of Korea and ASEAN Capacity
by A. V. Gubin - y:2022:id:993 COVID-19: From Short Term National Resilience to Medium Term Multilateral New Normal
by M. SvetliÄ iÄ - y:2022:id:994 The Trends Changing the Economies of Latin America
by P. P. Yakovlev - y:2022:id:995 Battery Energy Storage Systems as a Game Changer in the Transformation of Global Power Industry
by A. O. Maslennikov - y:2022:id:996 Modern Dynamics of Employment in Agriculture in the Counties and Regions of the World
by A. S. Naumov & A. A. Potapova & M. A. Topnikov - y:2022:id:997 Changing Food Security Strategies in the Developed Countries
by B. A. Kheifets & V. Y. Chernova - y:2022:id:998 Global Trends in the Transition to a Carbon-free Economy
by S. A. Kodaneva - y:2022:id:999 Nuclear Decommisioning in the EU: Financing Issues
by A. V. Zimakov
2022, Volume 14, Issue 6
- y:2022:id:911 The Crisis of Country Studies in Russia amid the Growing Demand for Knowledge about Foreign Countries and Regions
by A. V. Kuznetsov - y:2022:id:912 Country Studies: A Team with No Coach? Problems of Composition, Methodology and Development
by A. I. Treivish - y:2022:id:914 Legal Comparative Studies in Russia: History and Current Situation
by A. A. Malinovsky & E. N. Trikoz - y:2022:id:915 Russian Sinology: Current Stage and Main Problems
by A. V. Vinogradov & A. R. Kobzev - y:2022:id:916 Japanese Studies in Russia: From Its Classical Origins to the Winds of Changing Trends
by A. V. Philippov - y:2022:id:917 Indian Studies in Soviet Social Studies
by A. G. Volodin - y:2022:id:918 The Study Features of the Southeast Asian Countries at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
by D. V. Mosyakov & E. M. Astafieva - y:2022:id:920 Exploring France in Post-Soviet Russia
by A. V. Gordon & N. Yu. Lapina - y:2022:id:921 Contemporary Britain in the Works of Russian Scholars
by E. V. Ananieva & Al. Ð . Gromyko & E. Ð . Susloparova - y:2022:id:922 Maturity Exam: Germanic Regional Studies in Modern Russia
by A. V. Belinsky - y:2022:id:923 Country Studies of Central and Eastern Europe: How to Get Out of the Dive?
by M. M. Lobanov & N. V. Kulikova - y:2022:id:925 Russian Arabic Studies
by A. M. Vasiliev & E. I. Zelenev & V. A. Isaev & N. S. Kirabayev & A. B. Kudelin - y:2022:id:926 African Studies in Russia: History and the Current State
by I. O. Abramova & M. N. Amvrosova & D. M. Bondarenko & S. N. Volkov & V. V. Gribanova & T. L. Deych & E. V. Morozenskaya - y:2022:id:927 Latin American Studies in Russia: Themes, Achievements and Problems (To the 60th anniversary of the ILA RAS)
by P. P. Yakovlev & N. M. Yakovleva - y:2022:id:928 American Studies in Russia
by I. I. Ivanov
2021, Volume 14, Issue 5
- y:2021:id:854 “Evidence-based Policy†and “Policy of Evidence†: The Dilemma of Post-Soviet Societies
by A. I. Soloviev - y:2021:id:855 Transformation of the “Soviet Ideology†in the Discursive Practices of the Russian Government
by V. S. Avdonin - y:2021:id:856 Social Consequences of Economic Reforms: Subjective Perception vs Statistical Data
by S. N. Smirnov - y:2021:id:857 Financial Sector of Russia: 30 Years of High Volatility Inside Global Finance
by Ya. M. Mirkin - y:2021:id:858 On the Political Aspects of Development of the System of State and Municipal Management in Ukraine
by A. N. Vavilov - y:2021:id:859 The Post-Soviet Space and Turkey: The Results of 30 Years
by V. A. Avatkov - y:2021:id:860 Caspian Vector of the EAEU Transport and Logistics Policy
by I. B. Mamedov - y:2021:id:861 RAND Looks at Moscow: Russia`s Strategic Capabilities and the Post-Soviet Space in the Assessments of American Experts
by A. A. Krivopalov - y:2021:id:862 Thirty Years from the End of the USSR
by C. C. Gourdon - y:2021:id:863 FDI in the Post-Soviet Space Three Decades after the Disintegration of the Soviet Union
by K. Kalotay & A. Sulstarova - y:2021:id:864 Outcomes of 30 Years of Economic Transformation in the Post-Soviet Space: Light and Shadows
by M. Yu. Golovnin & R. S. Grinberg - y:2021:id:865 The Perception of Russia by Young People in Post-Soviet Countries: the Experience of Sociological Assessment
by M. V., Vilisov & E. V. Batovrina & O. V. Mikhaylova - y:2021:id:866 “Nostalgia Not for the Past but Nostalgia for the Present†: Post-Soviet Youth on USSR’s Collapse
by M. A. Yadova
2021, Volume 14, Issue 4
- y:2021:id:808 Constructing the “New†Arctic: The Future of the Circumpolar North in a Changing Global Order
by O. R. Young - y:2021:id:809 The Economy of the Arctic in the Modern Coordinate System
by V. A. Kryukov & Y. V. Kryukov - y:2021:id:810 Natural Resource Economy and Territorial Organization of the Economy of the Arctic and the North of Russia
by V. N. Lazhentsev - y:2021:id:811 Russian Arctic: The Logic and Paradoxes of Changes
by V. N. Leksin & B. N. Porfiryev - y:2021:id:812 Arctic Offshore Oil in Russia: Optimism, Pessimism and Realism
by N. N. Poussenkova - y:2021:id:813 Development of Transit Potential of the Northern Sea Route
by M. N. Grigoryev - y:2021:id:814 Opportunities and Challenges of Jointly Building of the Polar Silk Road: China’s Perspective
by J. Yang & L. Zhao - y:2021:id:815 Сlimate Change in the Arctic: Adaptation to New Challenges
by E. N. Nikitina - y:2021:id:824 The Transformation of Analytical Centers as an Element of Chinese “Soft Power†in the 2010–2020
by A. A. Maslov - y:2021:id:825 University Cities in Europe: Concept, Development Specifics and Urban Planning Patterns
by D. P. Shatilo - y:2021:id:826 Trends in the Transformation of Modern Law under the Influence of a New Stage of Scientific and Technological Progress
by I. A. Umnova-Koniukhova - y:2021:id:827 On the Rules of Fair Play and Legal Conflicts in High Performance Sports
by I. V. Ushankov & N. V. Zaytseva - y:2021:id:828 Russia in the Global Process of Scientific and Technological Development
by E. B. Lenchuk - y:2021:id:829 Accelerating Digitalization during the Pandemic: Global and Russian Cases
by Z. A. Mamedyarov - y:2021:id:830 South Korean Science and Technology Policy
by V. G. Samsonova - y:2021:id:831 ICT as a Direction for Diversifying the Economy of Saudi Arabia
by A. A. Rogozhin - y:2021:id:832 Military-Technical Cooperation of South-East Asian States with the United States and EU Countries (2011–2020)
by M. G. Yevtodyeva - y:2021:id:833 Hybrid War as a Part of the Post-global World
by D. G. Evstafiev & A. V. Manoilo - y:2021:id:834 The Process of Equipping the Bundeswehr: Determination, “Narrow Places†and Results with Drones by the Early 2020s
by Ph. O. Trunov - y:2021:id:835 Chained Together: National Populism and the Working Class in the Era of Globalization
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2021, Volume 14, Issue 3
- y:2021:id:795 “Geopolitical Disorder†in the World and Russia
by V. N. Chernega - y:2021:id:796 Strategic Triangles and Balancing in World Politics
by D. A. Degterev & M. S. Ramich