2021, Volume 14, Issue 3
- y:2021:id:797 Requirements for Foreign Economic Relations in the Context of Achieving the Development Goals of the Russian Economy
by A. A. Shirov & M. S. Gusev - y:2021:id:798 The EAEU Free Trade Agreements as a New Viable Format for the Russian Trade Policy
by V. N. Zuev & E. Ya. Ostrovskaya & V. Yu. Skryabina - y:2021:id:799 GUAM Activity in the Post-Soviet Space: Intentions, Results, Prospects
by D. A. Belashchenko & V. V. Tolkachev & A. P. Shmelev & I. F. Shodzhonov - y:2021:id:800 The Union State and the Union Economy: Political Economy of Russian-Belarusian Cooperation
by M. V. Vilisov - y:2021:id:801 The Historical Perspective of Russian Turn to the East: How Russia Became an Eastern Power in XXI Century
by R. Loreto Cecioni - y:2021:id:802 Russia and Turkey in Regional and Geopolitical Space
by B. V. Dolgov - y:2021:id:803 Russian-Greek Relations: Is There a Light at the End of the Tunnel?
by Yu. D. Kvashnin - y:2021:id:804 Contemporary Foreign Economic Relations of Russia with the Countries of Northern Europe
by A. M. Volkov - y:2021:id:805 Crisis in Bilateral Economic Cooperation between Russia and Spain
by K. A. Nikulin - y:2021:id:806 Russia and Latin America: Constants and Variables in Trade and Economic Relations
by P. P. Yakovlev - y:2021:id:807 Russia Trade with Africa: The Current State of Affairs
by O. V. Konstantinova
2021, Volume 14, Issue 2
- y:2021:id:752 Global South: Conceptual Approaches and SocioEconomic Processes
by P. P. Yakovlev - y:2021:id:753 Direct Investment Exports and Emigration: The Experience of Modern India
by A. G. Volodin - y:2021:id:754 Political Culture of Transforming Countries: The Experience of China in the Past 40 Years since Reform and Opening Up
by F. Haiting - y:2021:id:755 Changing Geopolitics and Negotiating Postures in the India-China Border Dispute
by Z. Daulet Singh - y:2021:id:756 Post-Soviet Central Asia in the Focus of Interests of Major Asian States (2019-2020)
by D. B. Malysheva - y:2021:id:757 Assessment of Factors and Indicators Influencing the Cyclical Development of the Economy of Azerbaijan
by E. M. Ahmadova - y:2021:id:758 Assessment of the Competitiveness of the Diamond Cutting Industry in India (Case Study: The Gujarati Diamond Cutting Cluster)
by N. V. Galistcheva & N. G. Khromova - y:2021:id:759 Chinese Export to the African Countries: Links with Chinese Energy Projects
by K. A. Gemueva - y:2021:id:760 How Peculiar Are South Korean OFDI to Russia?
by S. F. Sutyrin & I. A. Korgun - y:2021:id:761 Chinese Aid to the Industrial Development of the South: Input into Post-Industrialization of China
by D. B. Kalashnikov - y:2021:id:762 The Split in Boko Haram and Its Impact for the Lake Chad Basin Region
by T. S. Denisova & S. V. Kostelyanets - y:2021:id:763 Image Transformation of Frederick Chiluba, Ex-President of Zambia (Attitude to Former Presidents in African Countries)
by L. Ya. Prokopenko - y:2021:id:764 Clusters in Africa's Economy as a Perspective Model of Production
by L. N. Kalinichenko & E. V. Morozenskaya
2021, Volume 14, Issue 1
- y:2021:id:716 Double Standards Regarding the Attitude of the Contemporary States towards Secession: The Legal Aspect
by G. N. Andreeva - y:2021:id:717 Uncontrolled Territories in the Contemporary World: Theory, Genesis, Types and Dynamics
by V. A. Kolosov & A. B. Sebentsov & N. L. Turov - y:2021:id:718 Legal Acts on the Independence of the Baltic Republics 1988–1990 As a Basis for Modeling the Secession Prevention Mechanism
by E. E. Haschina - y:2021:id:719 Identity and Secession: The Case of the Secession of Slovenia and Croatia from Yugoslavia
by D. V. Efremenko - y:2021:id:720 The Anatomy of Brexit: Separatism, Populism and the Social Transformation of British Society
by S. I. Kodaneva - y:2021:id:721 Greenland and Denmark: Arctic Secessionism in a Global Powerplay
by A. A. Krivorotov - y:2021:id:722 Hong Kong’s Stand-off: Indigenous Dynamics and International Perspective
by A. I. Salitskii & A. V. Vinogradov - y:2021:id:723 Inter-Korean Relations: Factors and Prospects
by O. S. Pugacheva - y:2021:id:724 The Problem of the Deep South of Thailand – Separatism of the Malay Muslims
by N. G. Rogozhina - y:2021:id:725 Separatism in South Cameroon: Sources and Prospects
by T. S. Denisova & S. V. Kostelyanets - y:2021:id:726 Azawad As a Self-proclaimed Tuareg State
by V. R. Filippov - y:2021:id:727 Kosovo: Secession as a Nation-building Project
by I. V. Kudryashova & E. Yu. Meleshkina - y:2021:id:728 The Approaches of Presidents P. Poroshenko and V. Zelensky to the Settlement of the Conflict in the Donbass: Comparative Analysis
by M. Е. Semenov
2020, Volume 13, Issue 6
- y:2020:id:699 Foreign Capital in Africa: Theories, Strategies and Novations
by L. L. Fituni - y:2020:id:700 Global Value Chains: How to Enhance Resilience under Sudden Shocks?
by N. V. Smorodinskaya & D. D. Katukov - y:2020:id:701 Multinational Corporations and Local Content Policy: Towards a New Equilibrium
by A. Crowley-Vigneau - y:2020:id:702 Central Bank Responsibility Area taking Russian Example: Exchange Rate as the Financial Stability Indicator
by V. V. Arkhipova & S. A. Nikitina - y:2020:id:703 European Oil & Gas and Energy MNCs in Russia: Innovation Factor
by I. A. Meshkov - y:2020:id:704 Activities of Multinational Military Companies in the Post-Soviet Space
by A. A. Krivopalov - y:2020:id:705 Global Cities of External Europe as FDI Objects
by A. S. Bulatov & A. A. Habarta & E. A. Sergeev - y:2020:id:706 Spanish Transnational Business: Economics and Geopolitics
by P. P. Yakovlev - y:2020:id:707 Latin America Debt Market: Sources of Risks
by A. V. Kuznetsov & S. A. Morozov - y:2020:id:708 Investment in the Electricity Sector of Africa and Its Role in Overcoming the Continent’s Energy Poverty
by A. Yu. Sharova - y:2020:id:709 Transformation of the Socio-economic Model of China in the Context of a Pandemic
by S. A. Lukonin & E. O. Zakliazminskaia
2020, Volume 13, Issue 5
- y:2020:id:681 The Pandemic and the Crisis in the System of International Relations
by Al. A. Gromyko - y:2020:id:682 The Corona Virus Pandemic and Global Transformations: Making or Breaking International Orders?
by G. Simons - y:2020:id:683 Coronavirus in Africa: Social, Economic and Political Consequences
by I. O. Abramova - y:2020:id:684 China and Africa in the Fight against COVID-19
by T. L. Deych - y:2020:id:685 Latin America: The Road to Coronacrisis
by N. M. Yakovleva & P. P. Yakovlev - y:2020:id:686 The Pandemic Strategies of the Far-Right Parties in Western Europe
by A. S. Badaeva - y:2020:id:687 European Right-Wing Centrism in the Face of the Coronavirus Crisis
by A. N. Smirnov - y:2020:id:688 India’s Economy under Pressure from COVID-19
by E. A. Bragina - y:2020:id:689 United States: “National Egoism†Policy under the COVID-19 Pandemic
by L. F. Lebedeva - y:2020:id:690 The Middle East in the Second Wave of the Coronavirus Crisis
by A. S. Bogacheva & I. E. Ibragimov & N. A. Kozhanov & S. O. Lazovskii & L. M. Samarskaia & I. A. Svistunova & N. Yu. Surkov - y:2020:id:691 COVID-19 in Southeast Asia Problems and Solutions
by A. A. Rogozhin & N. G. Rogozhina - y:2020:id:692 Сhallenge of COVID-19 and Priorities of Economic Development of the Republic of Korea
by A. N. Fedorovsky - y:2020:id:693 Human Rights in a Pandemic
by A. Zhebit - y:2020:id:694 Turbulence of the Modern World through the Prism of the Coronavirus Pandemic
by K. S. Gadzhiev
2020, Volume 13, Issue 4
- y:2020:id:661 The Post-Soviet State Systems’ Resilience: An Outline of the Theoretical Model
by V. V. Yakunin & I. I. Kuznetsov & M. V. Vilisov - y:2020:id:663 The New Global Economic Crisis: How Will Globalization Change?
by B. A. Kheifets & V. Yu. Chernova - y:2020:id:664 Geopolitical Triangles in the Context of International Security
by A. V. Khudaykulova - y:2020:id:665 Transformation of the Global Financial System in the First Two Decades of the Twenty-first Century
by M. Yu. Golovnin - y:2020:id:666 Transformation of the Economic and Financial Structures of the World: the Impact of Growing Shocks of Catastrophes
by Ya. M. Mirkin - y:2020:id:667 Trade Reorientation and Restructuring towards Fast-growing Emerging Economies: Crisis Response of the EU Member States
by Yu. Shang & M. SvetliÄ iÄ & K. Zajc Kejžar - y:2020:id:668 The EU Economic System under the Pressure of a Pandemic: Opportunities and Limits of Transformation
by O. V. Butorina - y:2020:id:669 Resilience in the European Neighborhood Policy
by N. N. Gudalov & E. Yu. Treshchenkov - y:2020:id:670 A Challenge to the Modern Constitutional System of Germany: The Activities of the Muslim Brotherhood
by L. A. Andreeva - y:2020:id:671 German Approach towards the Struggle against Separatism in Fragile States of the Middle East and Africa: the Сases of Iraq and Mali
by Ph. O. Trunov - y:2020:id:672 The Second Wave of Pension Reforms (2009–2019): Transformation of Pension Systems Projection
by T. V. Zhukova - y:2020:id:673 The Phenomenon of “New Populism†: the American Dimension
by A. G. Volodin - y:2020:id:674 American Conservatism and US Foreign Policy Challenges in the XXI Century: Between Interventionism and Isolationism
by L. M. Sokolshchik - y:2020:id:675 Tonality of Showing Russian Position in English Speaking Mass Media during Sanction Period
by L. E. Khrustova & E. A. Fedorova & F. Yu. Fedorov - y:2020:id:676 Human and the State before the Alternative Kantian or Hegelian Idea of Law
by S. Ye. Yachin & I. V. Kruglova
2020, Volume 13, Issue 3
- y:2020:id:633 Is It Possible to Repeat the Experience of East Asia? The External Factors of East Asian ‘Miracle’
by V. A. Krasilshchikov - y:2020:id:634 The Emergence of China as a “Great Maritime Powerâ€
by V. L. Larin & S. K. Pestsov - y:2020:id:635 The Concept of the Indo-Pacific Region in the Works of Indian Political Scientists
by A. V. Kupriyanov - y:2020:id:636 China and Asian Neighbors: A Crisis Test
by A. I. Salitskii - y:2020:id:637 What Have We Learnt of Joint Ventures in the Internationalization Process of Chinese Multinationals (MNCs)? Evidence from Central Africa
by T. Dzaka-Kikouta - y:2020:id:638 Shanghai Experimental Free Trade Zone
by V. Ya. Portyakov - y:2020:id:639 Fundamentals of the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the Present Stage
by V. A. Avatkov - y:2020:id:640 Problems of Regionalization in Post-Soviet Central Asia
by D. B. Malysheva - y:2020:id:641 Integration Projects of Russia and EAEU: Chance for Extension Export?
by V. P. Obolenskiy - y:2020:id:642 Forgotten Integration: The Failure and Lessons of the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance
by L. B. Vardomskiy - y:2020:id:643 The Role of G5 Sahel States in German Political-Military Strategy in Africa
by Ph. O. Trunov - y:2020:id:644 Warlords to Politicians: The Transformation of Rebel Leaders in Africa (on the Example of Sierra Leone)
by T. S. Denisova & S. V. Kostelyanets - y:2020:id:645 On the Issue of the Berber Written Tradition
by E. N. Fursova
2020, Volume 13, Issue 2
- y:2020:id:615 The Contemporary Political Processes Transformation in the Context of Society Digitalization: Key Scenarios
by S. V. Volodenkov - y:2020:id:616 Formation of Digital Society and Geopolitical Competition
by D. V. Efremenko - y:2020:id:617 “Hybrid Threats†to Russia’s Security: Identification and Counteraction
by S. I. Kodaneva - y:2020:id:618 Trends of Government Communications in Digital Public Sphere of Russia: 2011-2020
by O. G. Filatova - y:2020:id:619 INION’s Library as a “Mirror†of the Social Sciences Development in Russia: From the First Socialist Experiments to the Modern Digital Age
by A. V. Kuznetsov & L. V. Yurchenkova - y:2020:id:620 Digital Economy and Trends of Political Development in Modern Societies
by V. D. Nechaev & S. Yu. Belokonev - y:2020:id:621 Digital Monitoring of Socio-political Life: Main Directions of Development and Opportunities for Public Control
by Yu. D. Artamonova - y:2020:id:622 Features of Functioning and Development of Network Scientific Journals in the Modern Digital Landscape System: Russian and Bulgarian Experience Comparative Analysis
by A. F. Yakovleva & I. T. Mavrodieva & V. A. Boldin - y:2020:id:623 International Political Communication in The Context of Digitalization of World Development
by V. K. Belozerov - y:2020:id:624 Synthesis of Consumer Society and Information Society
by V. N. Leksin - y:2020:id:625 Political Hologram: Technology Analysis and Scenarios for the Development of the Digital Phenomenon
by S. N. Fedorchenko - y:2020:id:626 The Concept of the “Truth Decay†in a Digital Society (an Analytical Review)
by M. N. Grachev & R. V. Evstifeev - y:2020:id:627 Quantitative Indicators of Text Style as a Factor of the Post Promotion in a Social Media Protest Communication
by I. B. Philippov - y:2020:id:628 Self-organization of Citizens in the Age of Digital Communications
by I. A. Bronnikov
2020, Volume 13, Issue 1
- y:2020:id:591 Economic Activities of African Migrants in Major EU Countries: New Approaches
by A. V. Kuznetsov - y:2020:id:592 Migration Processes and Identity of the EU
by R. Alonzi - y:2020:id:593 Chinese Migrants in Italy: A Socio-economic Portrait
by E. A. Maslova & R. Loreto Cecioni - y:2020:id:594 Immigration as a Social Stratification Factor in Paris: A Territorial Differentiation Analysis
by D. P. Shatilo - y:2020:id:595 Modern Athens: Migration Processes and Paradigms of Urban Development
by Y. D. Kvashnin - y:2020:id:596 Environmental Challenges of Urbanization in Southeast Asia
by N. G. Rogozhina - y:2020:id:597 Latin America: Demographic Dynamics and the Migration Processes Transformation
by N. Yu. Kudeyarova - y:2020:id:598 Relationship between National and City Policies in the Field of Migration
by F. V. Sleznov - y:2020:id:599 The Dynamics of the Day and Night Population as an Indicator of Structural and Functional Changes in the Territory of the City in the Zone of Influence of the Moscow Central Ring Using Data from Mobile Operators
by A. G. Makhrova & R. A. Babkin & E. E. Kazakov - y:2020:id:600 Urban Agglomerations: Approaches to the Allocation and Delimitation
by E. V. Antonov - y:2020:id:601 Global Cities as the Hubs of New Transnational Actors
by N. A. Sluka & V. V. Karyakin & E. F. Kolyasev
2019, Volume 12, Issue 6
- y:2019:id:541 Digitalization in Political Relations: Planes for Perception and Mechanisms for Transformation
by A. E. Konkov - y:2019:id:543 North–South International Transport Corridor Project as a Factor for Possible Strengthening of Russia’s Foreign Economic Relations
by A. G. Volodin & M. A. Volodina - y:2019:id:544 Factors of Global Competitiveness of American LNG
by S. V. Zhukov & A. О. Maslennikov & M. V. Sinitsyn - y:2019:id:545 “Shale Revolution†in the United States as the Main Driver of the World Oil Market Transformation
by S. A. Zolina & I. A. Kopytin & O. B. Reznikova - y:2019:id:546 Motivations, Preferences, and Barriers to Going Abroad: Russian High-tech Start-ups and Small Innovative Enterprises
by N. U. Seniuk & Zachary de Groot - y:2019:id:547 Wavelike Character of Pension Reforms. First-wave 1994–2008
by T. V. Zhukova - y:2019:id:548 Chinese Investment in Transport Infrastructure in the EU: a Stimulus for Development of Bilateral Trade?
by K. A. Gemueva - y:2019:id:549 Impact of Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions on the Development of Chinese Pharmaceutical Exports and Imports
by O. A. Klochko & A. V. Chugunova - y:2019:id:550 The Role of Electric Power Sector in China’s Global Economic Expansion
by R. A. Epikhina - y:2019:id:551 Opposition to Nuclear Power as a Driver of Austrian State Policy
by A. V. Zimakov - y:2019:id:552 Formation of Common Electricity and Gas Markets in the EAEU: Market Models, Barriers and Solutions
by A. A. Migranyan & E. V. Shavina - y:2019:id:553 Development of the Digital Economy in the USA and China: Factors and Trends
by I. V. Danilin - y:2019:id:554 State-private Partnership’s Experience in Infrastructure Development in Southeast Asian Countries
by A. A. Rogozhin
2019, Volume 12, Issue 5
- y:2019:id:524 Constructing the “New†Arctic: The Future of the Circumpolar North in a Changing Global Order
by O. R. Young - y:2019:id:525 The Economy of the Arctic in the Modern Coordinate System
by V. A. Kryukov & Yu. V. Kryukov - y:2019:id:526 Natural Resource Economy and Territorial Organization of the Economy of the Arctic and the North of Russia
by V. N. Lazhentsev - y:2019:id:527 Russian Arctic: The Logic and Paradoxes of Changes
by V. N. Leksin & B. N. Porfiryev - y:2019:id:528 Arctic Offshore Oil in Russia: Optimism, Pessimism, Realism
by N. N. Poussenkova - y:2019:id:529 Development of Transit Potential of the Northern Sea Route
by M. N. Grigoryev - y:2019:id:530 Opportunities and Challenges of Jointly Building of the Polar Silk Road: China’s Perspective
by Yang Jian & Zhao Long - y:2019:id:531 Polar Views on the Arctic: Arctic Policies of Russia and Circumpolar Countries
by E. A. Korchak & N. A. Serova - y:2019:id:532 Arctic Port State Control as a Tool of Enforcement of the Polar Code
by A. A. Todorov - y:2019:id:533 Сlimate Change in the Arctic: Adaptation to New Challenges
by E. N. Nikitina - y:2019:id:534 Economic Transformation of Regions of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation
by V. V. Gamukin
2019, Volume 12, Issue 4
- y:2019:id:500 The Formation of the Polycentric World Order as a Continuation of the Geopolitical Processes of the Twentieth Century
by A. G. Volodin - y:2019:id:501 From Integrity to the New Split and Rivalry? (World-System and World Order in Changing Realities)
by A. V. Ryabov - y:2019:id:502 Provincial Echo of the Russian Civil War
by A. B. Krylov - y:2019:id:503 Spain: Controversy around Historical Memory
by S. M. Khenkin - y:2019:id:504 The Far Right in Sweden: from Neo-nazism to Centrism
by A. S. Badaeva - y:2019:id:505 The Features of Strengthening of German Military Potential by Adenauer and Merkel
by Ph. O. Trunov - y:2019:id:506 Ethnopolitical Dynamics in the CEE EU Member-states: Trends and Prospects
by A. I. Tevdoy-Bourmouli - y:2019:id:508 “The Restless History of an Unstable World†: the 100th Anniversary of the Versailles Peace Treaty
by A. A. Vershinin - y:2019:id:509 Against Anarchy and Hitler: French Nationalism and Spanish Civil War
by V. E. Molodiakov - y:2019:id:512 Patience as Art to Hide Intolerance, or the Muslim Brotherhood’s Long-term Strategy to Change the Middle East
by A. I. Sarabiev - y:2019:id:513 ‘New Regionalism’ in Africa: Form of the Adaptation to Globalization or the Attempt of Opposition to Modern Neocolonialism?
by E. V. Morozenskaya - y:2019:id:514 Trajectory and Key Factors of the Transformation Process in Latin America
by N. M. Yakovleva & P. P. Yakovlev - y:2019:id:515 The Twilight of the Big Battalions. Historical Study of the Military Conflicts of the Future
by A. A. Krivopalov
2019, Volume 12, Issue 3
- y:2019:id:487 Towards a Neo-bipolar Model of the World Order: Scouting Game in Africa
by L. L. Fituni - y:2019:id:488 Concepts of South-South Economic Cooperation
by A. V. Kuznetsov - y:2019:id:489 Sources of Legitimacy in Global Governance
by J. A. Scholte - y:2019:id:490 New Cold War and the Crisis of the Liberal Global Order
by G. Simons & M. A. Glaser (Kukartseva) - y:2019:id:491 Origins of the New International (Dis)order
by M. Beeson - y:2019:id:492 Russia’s Export Specialization in Africa
by Z. S. Podoba & M. M. Smirnova - y:2019:id:493 Policy Coordination between China and Latin American Countries under the Framework of the Belt and Road Initiative
by Wenhong Xu - y:2019:id:494 Britain and the European Union: a Difficult Path to Post-Brexit
by I. G. Kovalev - y:2019:id:495 The Emerging New Global (Dis)Order
by P. Magri - y:2019:id:496 Models of a New World: towards a Synthesis
by R. Väyrynen - y:2019:id:497 USA and Military Security of Europe: Evolution of Approaches
by V. I. Batyuk - y:2019:id:498 Trump Administration Is Ready to Carry “The Burden of Leadership†in the WTO
by S. S. Dmitriev
2019, Volume 12, Issue 2
- y:2019:id:437 Dilemmas of the European Defence Union
by A. A. Gromyko - y:2019:id:438 Eurasian Economic Union - Time for Modernization
by B. A. Kheyfets - y:2019:id:439 The EU-Russia Geopolitical Contradictions and Participation of the Post-Soviet States in Regional Economic Integration
by A. S. Skriba & A. O. Altukhov - y:2019:id:440 Byelorussia's Relations with the European Union and the United States (1992-2018): from Distancing to Drift to the West
by A. D. Gronsky - y:2019:id:441 Political Interaction between the Central Asian Participants of the EAEU and the European Union
by D. B. Malysheva - y:2019:id:442 The Republic of Belarus: the Evolution of the Policy of Balancing between East and West
by A. I. Suzdaltsev - y:2019:id:443 Diversifying away from Russian Gas: The Сase of Poland
by Csaba Weiner - y:2019:id:444 Russia - Britain: Economic Relations under Sanctions and Brexit
by E. S. Khesin - y:2019:id:445 Evolution of Sub-Regional Associations within the EU (the Visegrad Group)
by T. V. Zvereva - y:2019:id:446 Foreign Trade Relations of the Visegrad Group: the Transformation of the Role of the Russian Federation
by A. S. Chetverikova - y:2019:id:447 The EAEU as Perceived by the Western Scientific and Expert Community (Bibliographic Essay)
by Yu. D. Kvashnin - y:2019:id:448 Russia in Eurasia: between China and the West. Identity, Ideology and Geopolitics
by A. V. Vinogradov - y:2019:id:449 Learning from the European Union? Eurasian Regionalism and the "Global Script"
by A. M. Libman
2019, Volume 12, Issue 1
- y:2019:id:401 Crisis of Regional Leadership and Stagnation of Mega-projects in Asia-Pacific: Consequences for Russia
by A. N. Fedorovsky - y:2019:id:402 Greater Eurasia, Indo-Pacific Region and Russia-ASEAN Relations
by E. A. Kanaev & A. S. Korolev - y:2019:id:403 Policy of Foreign Economic Openness in the People’s Republic of China: Main Results and Prospects
by V. Ya. Portyakov - y:2019:id:404 Eurasian Economic Union and Integration Process in the Asia-Pacific
by A. B. Likhacheva - y:2019:id:405 The Future of the Korean Peninsula: Topical Issues and Possible Solutions
by V. I. Denisov & A. S. Pyatachkova - y:2019:id:406 Russia-Japan Security Dialogue
by O. G. Paramonov - y:2019:id:407 Rise of China and Russian-Chinese Rapprochement
by A. I. Salitsky & N. K. Semenova - y:2019:id:408 Russia-Australia Relations before and after the Ukrainian Crisis
by I. V. Krivushin - y:2019:id:409 A Missed Partnership: Russia and the US at the Pacific
by D. V. Suslov - y:2019:id:410 South East Asia – In the Priorities of Russian Policy “Pivot to Asiaâ€
by A. A. Rogozhin & N. G. Rogozhina - y:2019:id:411 The Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace: an Outdated Concept or Format for the Future?
by A. V. Kupriianov - y:2019:id:412 Russia between Two Systems: Transit from The Atlantic World into the Eurasian- Pacific One
by M. V. Bratersky & G. I. Kutyrev - y:2019:id:414 Russia, China and the Pacific Countries of Latin America: Opportunities for Multilateral Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region
by D. P. Novikov
- y:2019:id:469 Africa in the Modern Model of the World Order: A Powerful Player or an Outsider?
by I. O. Abramova - y:2019:id:470 Towards a Neo-bipolar Model of the World Order: Scouting Game in Africa
by L. L. Fituni - y:2019:id:471 International Economic Strategy of Small African Countries in a Globalizing World
by M. A. Volodina - y:2019:id:472 The EU’s Humanitarian Policy in Africa and Migration Crisis
by M. A. Kukartseva - y:2019:id:473 China in Africa: A Case of Neo-Colonialism or a Win-Win Strategy?
by T. L. Deych - y:2019:id:474 India – Africa: Trade and Investments in the 21st Century
by E. A. Bragina - y:2019:id:475 Algeria: a Regional Leader or a Potentially Unstable State?
by A. M. Vasiliev & N. A. Zherlitsina - y:2019:id:476 Strategic Synergy between Egypt “Vision 2030†and China’s “Belt and Road†Initiative
by J. Chen