- y:2019:id:477 The Strategic Value of Africa as the New Market and Korea’s Economic Cooperation with Africa
by Y. Park & Y. Kim
2018, Volume 11, Issue 6
- y:2018:id:368 The Peculiarities of the National Missile Defense
by A. G. Arbatov - y:2018:id:369 “Tailored†Country Strategies in the U.S. Nuclear Posture Review
by N. I. Bubnova - y:2018:id:370 The “Nuclear Confrontation†in South Asia
by A. G. Volodin & V. Shukla - y:2018:id:371 Donald Trump’s anti-Iranian Strategy
by A. I. Shumilin & I. V. Shumilina - y:2018:id:372 The Nuclear-Weapons Complex and Denuclearization of North Korea
by A. S. Diyakov - y:2018:id:373 The Nuclear Forces and Nuclear Strategy of the People’s Republic of China
by K. V. Bogdanov - y:2018:id:374 Israel’s Nuclear Programme
by T. A. Karasova - y:2018:id:375 Argentina and Brazil: from Military Nuclear Programs to National Atomic Energy
by P. P. Yakovlev - y:2018:id:376 Nuclear Weapons in Europe: around the Status Quo
by A. V. Zagorski - y:2018:id:377 France, Implementation of the Israeli Nuclear Program and the Discussion on this Issue
by D. A. Mar’jasis
2018, Volume 11, Issue 5
- y:2018:id:350 Africa in the Modern Model of the World Order: a Powerful Player or an Outsider?
by I. O. Abramova - y:2018:id:351 International Economic Strategy of Small African Countries in a Globalizing World
by M. A. Volodina - y:2018:id:352 Factors of Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Current Trends
by G. V. Podbiralina & J. C. Asiagba - y:2018:id:353 Chinese Infrastructure Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa: Credit Financing
by K. A. Gemueva - y:2018:id:354 Algeria: a Regional Leader or a Potentially Unstable State?
by A. M. Vasiliev & N. A. Zherlitsina - y:2018:id:355 The Role of the Electricity Sector in the Economic Development of Egypt
by S. N. Volkov & A. Yu. Sharova - y:2018:id:356 Transport Infrastructure in Ethiopia
by A. K. Barinov - y:2018:id:357 China in Africa: Neo-Colonial Power or “Win-Win†Strategy?
by T. L. Deych - y:2018:id:358 The EU’s Humanitarian Policy in Africa and Migration Crisis
by M. A. Kukartseva - y:2018:id:359 Partnership of the USA and African Countries in the Fight Against Terrorism under the Administrations of J.W. Bush and Barack Obama
by D. S. Magomedov - y:2018:id:360 India – Africa: Trade and Investments in the XXI Century
by E. A. Bragina - y:2018:id:361 Southeast Asia and Africa – Trade and Investment Relations in the XXIst Century
by A. A. Rogozhin - y:2018:id:362 Strategic Synergy between Egypt “Vision 2030†and China’s “Belt and Road†Initiative
by J. Chen - y:2018:id:363 The Strategic Value of Africa as the New Market and Korea’s Economic Cooperation with Africa
by Y. Park & Y. Kim
2018, Volume 11, Issue 4
- y:2018:id:338 Civilizational Dimension of World Politics: Problems and Opportunities
by A. I. Yakovlev - y:2018:id:339 Desecularization of the World Community as Tension Source in the International Relations and World Politics
by I. V. Sledzevskiy - y:2018:id:340 The Social and Political Role of Religion in Europe: the Demand for Christian Identity
by R. N. Lunkin - y:2018:id:341 Russian Orthodoxy Nowadays
by V. N. Leksin - y:2018:id:342 Socio-economic Issues in the Theory and Practice of Institutional Christianity
by V. V. Simonov - y:2018:id:343 International Activity of the Russian Orthodox Church during the “New Deal†Between the State and the Church. Periodization and the Elements of Crisis
by A. L. Beglov - y:2018:id:344 Religious Diplomacy of the Soviet Unionduring the Cold War (the Time of N.S. Khrushchev and L.I. Brezhnev)
by N. A. BELYAKOVA & N. Yu. PIVOVAROV - y:2018:id:345 “Oriental†Churches of Levant and Mesopotamia in Continuing Social Fragmentation
by A. V. Sarabiev - y:2018:id:346 Shiite Clergy in Iran’s Political Life
by E. V. Dunaeva - y:2018:id:347 Islam and Islamism: a Case Study of the Religion Transforming into the Politics
by M. F. Murtazin - y:2018:id:348 Migration Flows of the “Southern†Christians from the Countries of Tropical Africa to Secular Europe at the Beginning of the 21st Century: The Meeting of “Northern†and “Southern†Christianity
by L. A. Andreeva - y:2018:id:349 The Rise of the Hindu Religious Factor in Indian Politics and State Theory
by Côme Carpentier de GOURDON
2018, Volume 11, Issue 3
- y:2018:id:310 Introduction
by V. I. Yakunin & A. V. Kuznetsov - y:2018:id:311 Communist Party in the Power System of the USSR
by A. Ya. LIVSHIN - y:2018:id:312 Political Processes in the Republics of post-Soviet Central Asia
by D. B. Malysheva - y:2018:id:313 Freedom Party of Austria: between Rightwing Populism, Austrian Patriotism and German Nationalism
by A. S. Badaeva - y:2018:id:314 Left-wing populism in Western countries. The Phenomenon of J.-L. Mélenchon
by D. V. Shmelev - y:2018:id:315 The Metabolism of the Right Populism in France of the 21st Century
by G. N. Kaninskaya - y:2018:id:316 Political Parties of Thailand – Examination for Democratic Stability
by N. G. Rogozhina - y:2018:id:317 The Party System in Contemporary Japan: from the LDP Dominance to a Real Multiparty System
by D. V. Streltsov - y:2018:id:318 The Formation of Civil Society and Party-Political system: the Experience of India
by A. G. Volodin - y:2018:id:319 Political System of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Its Features & the Upside for Transformation
by N. M. Mamedova - y:2018:id:320 Latin America: Presidential Power and the Opposition in the Twenty-first Century
by N. M. Yakovleva - y:2018:id:321 Evolution of Party Systems: New Point of Bifurcation?
by E. G. Solovyev - y:2018:id:322 Euroscepticism Level of French Parties Determined by the Content-analysis of Their Pre-election Manifestos
by A. O. Domanov - y:2018:id:323 Legal Regulation of Political Party Financing in the Kingdom of Spain and the Russian Federation: Comparative Analysis
by N. I. Plð Tonovð & G. N. Mitin - y:2018:id:324 Europe’s Anti-immigrant Parties: False Start or Second Wind?
by A. E. Yashlavskii
2018, Volume 11, Issue 2
- y:2018:id:325 Introduction
by V. I. Yakunin & A. V. Kuznetsov - y:2018:id:326 Alive American History: Сivil War of Monuments
by N. M. Travkina - y:2018:id:327 Metamorphoses of the African American Identity in Post-segregation Era and the Theory of Afrocentrism
by D. M. Bondarenko & N. E. Khokholkova - y:2018:id:328 Budget Innovations at the Period of Trump’s Presidency: Social Dimension
by L. F. Lebedeva - y:2018:id:329 Das Kind Mit Dem Bade Ausschütten? U.S. Federal School Reform in Early 21ST Century
by D. A. Lanko - y:2018:id:330 External effects of US monetary policy
by M. Yu. GOLOVNIN - y:2018:id:331 The US Role in the World Manufacturing and Trade as a Global Issue
by V. G. Varnavskiy - y:2018:id:332 Predictably Unpredictable Trade Policy – the United States versus All Others
by S. S. Dmitriev - y:2018:id:333 The Deterioration of Reproduction Conditions in the U.S. Economy
by V. S. Vasiliev - y:2018:id:334 Public-Private Partnership as Timely Innovation Factor of the USA
by A. V. Frolov - y:2018:id:335 NASA, Astropreneurs and future markets: new models of the U.S. innovation policy for space industry
by I. V. Danilin
2018, Volume 11, Issue 1
- y:2018:id:266 Introduction
by V. I. Yakunin & A. V. Kuznetsov - y:2018:id:267 Globalization does not End, it Becomes Another
by Boris A. Kheyfets - y:2018:id:268 The Role of Business in Transforming the Political Organization of the World
by Marina M. Lebedeva & Maxim V. Kharkevich - y:2018:id:269 The Subjects of Transnational Business and the Processes of Global Economic Governance
by Sergey A. Afontsev - y:2018:id:270 Arctic Transformations: Multinational Companies Facing the New Challenges of Sustainable Development
by Elena N. Nikitina - y:2018:id:271 Illicit Transnational Enterprises and the State
by Anna I. Efimova - y:2018:id:272 The Role of State Policy in Attracting of Foreign Direct Investment to the Far East of Russia
by Olga V. Kuznetsova - y:2018:id:273 Transnational Recreation Industry and the Modern State
by Igor B. Orlov & Vera E. Abelinskaite - y:2018:id:274 Cooperation of Russia and France: Regional Level
by Anna S. Chetverikova & Yulia A. Baronina - y:2018:id:275 The Phenomenon of Related Dynamics in Global Finances (Russia, Brazil)
by Yakov M. Mirkin & Karina M. Lebedeva - y:2018:id:276 The Republic of Cyprus as a Transit Point for Foreign Capital
by Yury D. Kvashnin - y:2018:id:277 A Lesson from two Failed Foreign Investments: the Foreign (Ad)Venture of two Finnish State-Owned Enterprises
by Kari Liuhto
2018, Volume 10, Issue 6
- y:2018:id:255 Introduction
by V. I. Yakunin & A. V. Kuznetsov - y:2018:id:256 Charismic Legitimacy In The Era Of Donald Trump
by B. V. Mezhuev - y:2018:id:257 Russian Liberal of the Beginning of the 20th Century in Politics
by F. A. Gayada - y:2018:id:258 The Practice of Russian Conservatism of the Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries
by M. M. Shevchenko - y:2018:id:259 Political Leadership in Modern France
by N. Yu. Lapina - y:2018:id:260 The Monarchy and the Transition to Democracy in Spain
by S. M. Khenkin - y:2018:id:261 Brexit: Reasons, Political Background, Implications
by E. V. Ananieva - y:2018:id:262 Charismatic Leadership as a Factor of Power in Venezuela
by A. V. Korolkov & T. Yu. Rusakova - y:2018:id:263 R.T. Erdogan as an Example of a Charismatic Politician
by V. A. Nadein-Raevskiy - y:2018:id:264 Party System of the Netherlands: between Pillarization and European Integration
by P. V. Oskolkov & E. A. Sergeev - y:2018:id:265 View of Polish and Russian Media on Euro 2012: Comparing and Contrasting
by L. A. Tsyganova & L. Bieszke
2018, Volume 9, Issue 6
- y:2018:id:304 The Celestial Empire looks to the West
by I. E. Denisov - y:2018:id:305 Bound by One Belt
by S. G. Luzyanin - y:2018:id:306 The Future of US-Chinese Relations under the Administration of Donald Trump
by V. Y. Vorobiev - y:2018:id:307 Internal Сivilizational Content – Civilizational
by W. Yiwei - y:2018:id:308 “One Belt, One Road†Project as a new foreign policy strategy of China. Short analysis of the discussion inside China
by M. S. Mikhalev - y:2018:id:309 Silk Road Economic Belt Project in the complex space of the Central Asia Region
by K. L. Syroezhkin
2018, Volume 9, Issue 5
- y:2018:id:288 25 Years of the Baltic States Independence: from the Soviet to the European Union
by V. V. Vorotnikov - y:2018:id:289 «The Last Ally»: Russian-Belarusian Relations at the Present Stage
by O. B. Nemensky - y:2018:id:290 Russian Military Opportunities in the Context of Ukrainian Crisis
by A. A. Krivopalov - y:2018:id:291 Transcaucasia: Towards a New Explosion?
by V. M. Mukhanov - y:2018:id:292 Elections in Georgia in 2016 and the Perspectives of the Russian-Georgian Relations
by V. M. Mukhanov & A. Y. Skakov - y:2018:id:293 Formation of the Post-Soviet Statehood in Central Asia
by M. T. Laumulin
2018, Volume 9, Issue 4
- y:2018:id:280 It’s geopolitics, stupid: explaining Russia’s Ukraine policy
by Elias Götz - y:2018:id:281 Assessing the danger of war: parallels and differences between Europe in 1914 and East Asia in 2014
by Joachim Krause - y:2018:id:282 Power Fields of the modern world Politics
by A. A. Vershinin & A. V. Korolkov - y:2018:id:283 The Development of Chinese Nuclear Forces: Start of a Deep Transformation
by V. B. Kashin - y:2018:id:284 Factor of force at the declining phase of the scientific and technical revolution
by A. A. Krivopalov - y:2018:id:285 Taiwan Crisis – New Hope
by A. V. Gubin
2017, Volume 10, Issue 5
- y:2017:id:49 Introduction
by V. I. Yakunin & A. V. Kuznetsov - y:2017:id:50 Limits Of Interaction Of Russian And Chinese Business In The Countries Of Eurasian Economic Union
by A. V. Kuznetsov - y:2017:id:51 Strengthening Of €Œpower Vertical†: Allocation And Promotion Of Regional Leaders In Modern China
by I. Yu. Zuenko - y:2017:id:52 Xi Jinping And The New Generation Of The Leaders Of The Chinese Communist Party
by E. N. Rumyantsev - y:2017:id:53 Chinese Diaspora In Russia
by A. G. Larin - y:2017:id:54 Chinese Foreign Policy Under Xi Jinping: Continuity And Innovation
by I. E. Denisov - y:2017:id:55 U.S. And Its €Œone China†Policy
by Ya. V. Leksyutina - y:2017:id:56 Will The South-Chinese Sea Become The Chinese Mare Nostrum? Military Strategic And Foreign Policy Aspect Of The Territorial Claims Of China In The South-Chinese Sea
by A. V. Gubin - y:2017:id:57 Prc’S Military-Industrial Complex Under Xi Jinping
by P. B. Kamennov - y:2017:id:58 China And Global Leadership
by V. V. Mikheev & S. A. Lukonin & S. V. Ignatev - y:2017:id:59 China And Japan: Territorial Conflict Or Regional Cooperation?
by A. D. Dikarev
2017, Volume 10, Issue 4
- y:2017:id:37 Introduction
by V. I. Yakunin & A. V. Kuznetsov - y:2017:id:38 Metamorphosis of Regionalization: from Regional Trade Agreements to Megaregional Projects
by Andrey N. Spartak - y:2017:id:39 Economic Regionalism as a Planetary Phenomenon. Theory And Methodology of Comparison
by Andrey A. Baykov - y:2017:id:40 Transcontinental Partnerships at the Crossroads: Factors, Risks, Consequences
by Liudmila F. Lebedeva - y:2017:id:41 Regionalization of Migration
by Irina Pavlovna Tsapenko - y:2017:id:42 Integration in Latin America: centripetal and centrifugal trends
by Petr P. Yakovlev - y:2017:id:43 Influence of Macroeconomic Factors in the Capital Structure of Foreign Subsidiarie
by João Paulo Martins Linhares & Hsia Hua Sheng & Daniela Verzola Vaz & Nilton Deodoro Moreira Cardoso Junior - y:2017:id:44 Brazil: From Successes to the Systemic Crisis
by Victor A. Krasilshchikov - y:2017:id:45 Position of the Countries of the Visegrad Group in Conditions of the Worsening European Migration Crisis
by Anna S. Chetverikova - y:2017:id:46 Priorities of the Republic of Korea in Integration Projects
by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Fedorovskii - y:2017:id:47 Economical Transformation of Shadow Economy of Arab Countries in the Modern World
by Svetlana Yu. Babenkova - y:2017:id:48 India in the World of Regionalization
by Andrei G. Volodin
2017, Volume 10, Issue 3
- y:2017:id:17 Introduction
by V. I. Yakunin & A. V. Kuznetsov - y:2017:id:18 Army, Society And State In Search Of A Preferable Model Of Cooperation
by A. A. Krivopalov - y:2017:id:19 The Development Of The Practice And The Theory Of Civil-Military Relations In Post-Soviet Russia
by V. K. Belozerov - y:2017:id:20 American Civil-Military Relations Since George Washington: Has Donald Trump Changed The Dynamic?
by J. W. Matisek - y:2017:id:21 From Guardianship To Civilian Control: How Did The Turkish Military Get Here?
by Acar KUTAY - y:2017:id:22 The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Of Iran: A State Whithin A State
by V. I. Sazhin - y:2017:id:23 Army And Society In Israel: Past, Present And Vectors Of The Future
by A. D. Epstein - y:2017:id:24 Army And Society In Africa: History And Modernity
by G. M. Sidorova
2017, Volume 10, Issue 2
- y:2017:id:25 Introduction
by Editorial article - y:2017:id:26 The Impact Of Structural And Macroeconomic Imbalances On The Fundamental Trends Of The Socio-Economic Development In The Middle East And North Africa
by I. O. Abramova & L. L. Fituni - y:2017:id:27 Can Turkish And Us Co-Operation In The Black Sea Region Increase Efficiency Gains?
by Sedat AYBAR - y:2017:id:28 Some Non-Financial Aspects Of €Œislamic†Finances
by S. Y. Babenkova - y:2017:id:29 Iran In Situation Of The Sanction Regime Transformation
by V. I. Yurtaev - y:2017:id:30 Local Reflection Of Global Streams: Syria And Lebanon On The Ideological Frontier (The Beginning Of The 60th Of The 20th Century)
by A. V. Sarabiev - y:2017:id:31 Sovereignty And Statehood In The Middle East €“ The Unbearable Fragility Of Being
by I. D. Zvyagelskaya - y:2017:id:32 Through The Prism Of Predictive Ð Nalytics: Cultural And Ideological Trends In The Middle East And The Problem Of Terrorism
by L. L. Fituni - y:2017:id:33 New Page In U.S.-Israel Relations. D. Trump: Expectations, Hopes And Fears
by T. A. Karasova - y:2017:id:34 Middle East: Morphology Of And Post-Conflict Design
by K. M. Truevtsev - y:2017:id:35 Political Transformation Of Turkey In The Context Of The Referendum On 16 April
by D. B. Malysheva - y:2017:id:36 Turkey: Turn To The East
by V. A. Avatkov
2017, Volume 10, Issue 1
- y:2017:id:4 Introduction
by A. V. Kuznetsov - y:2017:id:5 The Concept Of New Democratic Legitimacy And The Future Of The European Union
by Adrian Pabst - y:2017:id:6 Germany In The European Union: From The Economic Locomotive To Political Leadership
by F. A. Basov - y:2017:id:7 French Euroscepticism: History And The Present Time
by P. P. Timofeev - y:2017:id:8 French Political Thought About The Crisis Of The Modern Model Of Eurointegration
by A. A. Vershinin - y:2017:id:9 The Roots Of Brexit: Conflict Of Identities In The United Kingdom
by N. V. Eremina - y:2017:id:12 The Baltic States In The Context Of Brexit: Euro-Optimism Vs Euroscepticism
by V. V. Vorotnikov - y:2017:id:14 Eurosceptism And Populism In Italy: The Example Of €Œfive Stars†Movement
by E. A. Maslova - y:2017:id:15 Civil Society And The European Union In Times Of Crisis: From Partnership To Threat?
by Raffaele Marchetti - y:2017:id:16 Europeanism Vs Euroscepticism In The Countries Of Central And Eastern Europe
by Georgy T. Georgiev
2016, Volume 9, Issue 3
- y:2016:id:244 Right of use of water objects: analysis of courts practice
by Yuliya Babanina - y:2016:id:245 U.S. Strategy in Syria: decision-making process
by Alexey Bezrukov - y:2016:id:246 Ukrainian policy of Russia: between hard and soft power
by Alexander Vershinin - y:2016:id:247 How institutional reforms (don’t) work in Russia
by Maksim Vilisov - y:2016:id:248 Business-government relations as a factor of democratization
by Andrey Degtev - y:2016:id:249 The role of political and administrative networks in public decision-making: the illusion of "capture" of the state
by Tatiana Zhuravleva - y:2016:id:250 Moral values and their role in the standards of conduct of state and municipal employees
by Oleg Zabuzov - y:2016:id:251 US military doctrine in the contemporary conditions
by Alexey Krivopalov - y:2016:id:252 Political infantry as a tool for establishing new world order
by Igor Manokhin - y:2016:id:253 The efficiency of international criminal court in resolving the problem of genocide from the point of institutional liberalism
by Anastasiya Poretskova
2016, Volume 9, Issue 2
- y:2016:id:234 Ideology as an instrument of foreign policy
by Vardan Bagdasaryan - y:2016:id:235 Bitcoin as a new stage financial liberalization
by Anna Shestopalova - y:2016:id:236 Non-commercial organizations as a symbol of modern civil society
by Nikita Y. Molchakov - y:2016:id:237 The feature of neoconservative foreign policy: the case of the USA
by Alexey A. Bezrukov - y:2016:id:238 Political risk management as corporate responsibility
by Anastasia N. Bordovskikh - y:2016:id:239 Present-day bureaucratic organization: managerial analysis
by Dmitry S. Vitashov - y:2016:id:240 Shine and poverty Strategic Forecasting in intelligence activities
by Gennady Lesnikov - y:2016:id:242 Contents
by Editorial article - y:2016:id:243 List of authors
by Editorial article
2016, Volume 9, Issue 1
- y:2016:id:225 Presidency of Germany at OSCE in 2016 in the context of Russian-German relations
by Angelina Bezrukova - y:2016:id:226 The problem of legitimacy of political power in modern Russia
by Alexander Vershinin & Nikita Molchakov - y:2016:id:227 The bifurcations of modern globalization
by Sergey Kara-Murza - y:2016:id:228 The realization of security policy in the system of executive power of the Russian Federation
by Dmitry Sokolov - y:2016:id:229 Comparative analysis of statistics and methodology of the world high school rankings
by Anna Shestopalova - y:2016:id:230 New forms of confrontation in international conflicts in assessments of Russian scientists
by Dmitry Tsybakov - y:2016:id:232 Contents
by Editorial article - y:2016:id:233 List of authors
by Editorial article
2015, Volume 8, Issue 6
- y:2015:id:215 The Impact of self-organization and external regulatory controls on transformation of territorial system
by V. N. Leksin - y:2015:id:216 Precarization: conceptual bases, factors and evaluation. The world and Russia
by E. N. Gasyukova - y:2015:id:217 Accumulated foreign investments in Russian regions: the territorial structure and the role of offshore capital
by O. V. Kuznetsova - y:2015:id:218 On the issue of the management of political and administrative networks
by T. A. Zhuravleva - y:2015:id:219 The main contradictions of ideology of liberalism
by N. U. Matveeva - y:2015:id:220 N.M. Karamzin and the ideological confrontation between «Westerners» and «Exceptionalists»
by V. N. Asonov - y:2015:id:221 The Eurasian idea as a factor of formation of image of modern Russia
by I. A. Vasilenko - y:2015:id:222 System analysis and synthesis of the factors of depletion of mineral raw materials
by U. A. Chernegov & D. V. Shchyolokova - y:2015:id:223 Nutritionas a socio-medical problem of the globalization era
by I. L. Andreev & L. N. Nazarova - y:2015:id:224 Requirements for manuscripts
by Editorial article
2015, Volume 8, Issue 5
- y:2015:id:198 Communicative, political and managerial capacity of the blogosphere
by Y. V. Irkhin - y:2015:id:199 «New media» and the development of journalism in the digital era
by A. S. Chernavskii - y:2015:id:200 The tools of strategic planning of innovative activity of industrial enterprise
by A. L. Bikmullin & M. F. Safargaliev - y:2015:id:201 Sectoral strategies as the main element of industrial policy of the Government of the Russian Federation and ensuring of economic security
by O. O. Smirnova & Y. V. Simonova