2015, Volume 8, Issue 5
- y:2015:id:202 «The flow of the market in society» as a political issue
by S. G. Kara-Murza & I. A. Tugarinov - y:2015:id:203 The problem of quality control from the perspective of civil society: some questions for reflection
by I. N. Gavrilova - y:2015:id:204 The contradictions in the development of international industrial relations
by N. Y. Sopilko - y:2015:id:205 Urban agglomeration: the formation and prospects of development (on the example of the Barnaul agglomeration)
by V. V. Mishchenko & I. V. Mishchenko - y:2015:id:206 Urban agglomeration of Krasnodar: development and management
by T. G. Lavrova - y:2015:id:207 The development of the state civil service of the Russian Empire in the second half of the XVIII century. The career management of classroom officials
by V. A. Voropanov - y:2015:id:208 The mechanism of decision-making in the U.S. foreign policy: between national and private interest
by E. A. Bezrukov - y:2015:id:209 Legal analysis of the nature of the coordination rules in constitutions of the countries of Northern Europe
by A. A. Maksurov - y:2015:id:210 The pathological psychological dependence as an interdisciplinary problem
by I. L. Andreev & L. N. Nazarova - y:2015:id:211 The need for security of «the person consuming»: the ways to satisfy
by D. V. Tombu - y:2015:id:212 Requirements for Manuscripts
by Editorial article
2015, Volume 8, Issue 4
- y:2015:id:183 Liberation theology in Latin America: social ideals and political practice
by P. V. Krylov - y:2015:id:184 Secular world and new man in modern Western theology
by S. A. Konacheva - y:2015:id:185 Catholic Church: wealth, poverty and cult of consumption
by I. V. Lupandin - y:2015:id:186 Is a social ideal possible: W. Rauschenbusch and R. Niebuhr
by O. V. Zelenova - y:2015:id:187 Protestant theology of liberation
by G. G. Khachatryan - y:2015:id:188 Formation of the model of school management in changing external conditions
by V. N. Volkov - y:2015:id:189 Special legal regimes for attraction private investment and modern technologies to the development of territories
by A. N. Shvetsov - y:2015:id:190 The development of international relations of regions-donors in the context of the implementation of the state regional policy of Russia
by I. M. Ignatenko - y:2015:id:191 The role of strategic planning in development of municipalities
by O. M. Roy - y:2015:id:192 Ecological and economic aspects of development of strategic partnership between Russia and Mongolia in the context of joint use of transboundary waters
by A. V. Makarov - y:2015:id:193 The split in the ideology of «the Possessors» and the establishment of the Institute of Oprichnina (to the 450th anniversary of this event)
by N. V. Asonov - y:2015:id:194 The value of the «nationality» in the concept of Slavophiles
by E. V. Bobrovskih - y:2015:id:195 The role of the Asian Bureau in the development of Soviet Central Asian policy in 1920-1930 (based on materials of RGASPI)
by O. D. Talskaya - y:2015:id:196 Ratings: World and Russia
by V. N. Leksin - y:2015:id:197 Requirements for manuscripts
by Editorial article
2015, Volume 8, Issue 3
- y:2015:id:170 The military economy of the USSR during the Patriotic War
by N. A. Voznesenskiy - y:2015:id:171 The factor of lend-lease
by N. I. Ryzhkov - y:2015:id:172 The truth about lend-lease
by E. M. Primakov - y:2015:id:173 The Russian Orthodox Church during the Great Patriotic War
by O. V. Zelenova - y:2015:id:174 Great culture of the Great War
by V. N. Leksin - y:2015:id:175 The index of the effective number of parties as a tool for analysis of party and electoral systems
by A. A. Shurov - y:2015:id:176 Political values in modern Russia: unconscious aspects
by I. V. Bogdan - y:2015:id:177 Evolution and current problems of the legal status of the state scientific centers in the Russian Federation
by I. A. Monahov - y:2015:id:178 About the influence of the current state of human capital of the state scientific centers in the Russian Federation on the results of its activities
by A. A. Maltseva & A. A. Serov & L. K. Titova & I. N. Veselov - y:2015:id:179 Analysis of the level and dynamics of prices in the pharmaceutical market in Russia and its use to assess the effectiveness of state regulation of prices for medicines
by A. S. Orlov - y:2015:id:180 Altai province in the years of new economic policy (history, experience, problems)
by D. V. Voronin - y:2015:id:181 The problem of defect correction of normative legal acts
by G. A. Marzak & D. A. Machinskaya - y:2015:id:182 The Great Russian Revolution through the eyes of intellectuals
by G. I. Ignatenko
2015, Volume 8, Issue 2
- y:2015:id:156 About the evaluation of the role of mass media as a political and social institution in scientific texts
by S. G. Kara-Murza - y:2015:id:157 The conceptualization of theoretical approaches to the study of political propaganda
by A. A. Porezkova - y:2015:id:158 Technologies of Internet-manipulation in the politics’ network space
by L. H. Ibragimov - y:2015:id:159 Media effects of protest movements in the context of nonlinear dynamic
by D. A. Popov & S. N. Bolshakov - y:2015:id:160 Methodological basics of system analysis of the current situation and problems in the Arctic zone of Russia
by V. N. Leksin & B. N. Porfiriev - y:2015:id:161 Genesis of the theories of urban housing policy
by K. N. Babichev - y:2015:id:162 Reference points of corporate monetary policy
by C. I. Lutsenko - y:2015:id:163 The influence of political elite on the transformation of the institutions of power in modern Russia
by V. E. Abelinskayte - y:2015:id:164 The transformation of the electoral behavior of Russians in the changing electoral legislation in the 2000s
by A. O. Ahiev - y:2015:id:165 Management of general education institution: functioning features at the present stage of the development of Russian education
by A. Y. Shkurov & O. N. Ponomaryova - y:2015:id:166 St. Vladimir and Yaroslav the Wise: The choice of the pole of attraction civilization
by N. V. Asonov - y:2015:id:167 Legal analysis of the consequences of the party reform of 2012
by G. G. Aminova - y:2015:id:168 About the role of the media in the positioning of a resort town
by G. D. Avdgyan - y:2015:id:169 View of the world from the Russian world
by L. V. Makarova
2015, Volume 8, Issue 1
- y:2015:id:143 Western Russophobia
by S. G. Kara-Murza - y:2015:id:144 «Internal» Russophobia and «Polish Issue» in Russia in the 19th century
by A. A. Shirinyants & A. V. Myrikova - y:2015:id:145 The role of «soft power» technology in formation of the branding strategy of Russia
by I. A. Vasilenko - y:2015:id:146 Business communication and cultural distance among Russian and foreign professionals
by V. V. Karacharovsky - y:2015:id:147 Deliberative democracy as a trend in modern theory of democracy: the analysis of the main approaches
by A. N. Linde - y:2015:id:148 On the question of methodology of geo-ecological zoning
by O. A. Klimanova - y:2015:id:149 Factors and efficiency of political participation of citizens in process of democratization in the modern Russia
by M. V. Gurylina - y:2015:id:150 The problems of interaction between the state and the Muslim community: the case of the Republic of Bashkortostan
by A. T. Berdin - y:2015:id:151 Religion and power: the legitimation of power in medieval Armenia
by G. G. Khachatryan - y:2015:id:152 Instrumental capacity of «smart power»: modern practice
by E. A. Surkova - y:2015:id:153 Conceptual model of the energy supply companies strategic management in terms of the process-oriented analysis of customer profitability
by A. V. Krupskiy - y:2015:id:154 Relevance and quality of the public and municipal services in the Republic of Komi: sociological analysis
by Y. M. Bolshakova - y:2015:id:155 Origins and Prospects of the American global project
by V. K. Belozyorov
2014, Volume 7, Issue 6
- y:2014:id:130 Arctic megaproject in the system of national interests and state administration
by V. V. Ivanter & V. N. Lexin & B. N. Porfiriev - y:2014:id:131 The Arctic Urals in the system of congruous areas: scientific approaches and economic practice
by A. I. Tatarkin & M. B. Petrov & V. V. Litovskiy - y:2014:id:132 The Arctic Region. What priorities should be preferred?
by V. A. Kryukov - y:2014:id:133 Analysis and regulation of development of the Arctic sea communications
by V. S. Selin - y:2014:id:134 Entrepreneurial Universities in the educational strategy of government
by A. A. Sidorova - y:2014:id:135 Volunteering is a factor of the civil society development and social innovation
by A. S. Avtonomov - y:2014:id:136 Public control in Russia within the framework of basic democracy
by I. N. Gavrilova - y:2014:id:137 New trends in the development of closed administrative-territorial entities (for example, the nuclear industry CATF)
by D. Y. Faykov & D. Y. Baydarov - y:2014:id:138 Sergius of Radonezh in the ideological confrontation of the Russian past and present
by N. V. Asonov - y:2014:id:139 Some approaches to the assessment of the socio-economic consequences of restructuring of regional transport infrastructure
by M. V. Zhukov - y:2014:id:140 On the elaboration of the transfer of the housing co-operative management functions of an apartment house
by L. S. Kolpakova & E. V. Bobrov - y:2014:id:141 On the way toward mutual agreement
by G. B. Faizov
2014, Volume 7, Issue 5
- y:2014:id:117 Development of corporate training under the modern conditions
by A. V. Kirillov - y:2014:id:118 High-level candidate pool
by V. N. Vinichenko - y:2014:id:119 Project management of regional human resources policy
by Zh. Y. Dankova & Y. N. Malek - y:2014:id:120 Quality management of human resources in a commercial bank with an extensive branch network
by O. Y. Myasnikova & N. Y. Sopilko - y:2014:id:121 Tendencies and contradictions of the city’s economic space: methodological aspects of the study
by A. S. Ivanov - y:2014:id:122 Conceptual and methodological aspects of the regional systems’ spatial development
by N. G. Yushkova - y:2014:id:123 The role of the Bundesrat as an institutional accounting mechanism of the states’ interests
by E. Marquart - y:2014:id:124 Problems of the water management of cross-border Selenga River Basin
by B. O. Gomboev & E. M. Zomonova & A. B. Zandakova - y:2014:id:125 Opportunities and issues of the Moscow public services portal
by Y. V. Irkhin - y:2014:id:126 Social activity is a factor of the Russian ecovillages’ self-organization
by M. Y. Shchukina - y:2014:id:128 The past, present and future of Russia’s cities
by V. N. Leksin - y:2014:id:129 Requirements for manuscripts
by Editorial article
2014, Volume 7, Issue 4
- y:2014:id:102 New development strategy of the Russian Far East: assessment and prospects
by P. A. Minakir - y:2014:id:103 Socioeconomic transformation of Siberia
by V. V. Kuleshov - y:2014:id:104 Russian regional policy and its «eastern vector»
by V. N. Leksin - y:2014:id:105 Three vectors of Siberia and the Far East space configuration and China's role in the Russian East
by V. E. Seliverstov - y:2014:id:106 Energy component of the Program of cooperation between the regions of the Far East and Eastern Siberia of the Russian Federation and the northeast area of China People's Republic (2009-2018)
by B. G. Saneev & M. N. Lopatina - y:2014:id:107 Investment strategy development of the Siberian Federal District within the framework of implementation of the regional investment standards
by E. A. Fedulova - y:2014:id:108 Civil society theory: Myth or Reality? (problem statement)
by N. V. Asonov - y:2014:id:109 Public and latent structures in the formation of the modern Russian state policy in the sphere of education
by E. V. Andryushina & N. O. Lutsenko - y:2014:id:110 Legal regulation of records management in Russia
by S. V. Bandakov - y:2014:id:111 Comparative analysis of the financing of political parties and their electoral funds in the foreign countries of pure democracy
by S. A. Tesluk - y:2014:id:112 The state arbitrage in the period of economic reforms and counter-reforms in the sixties
by D. V. Voronin - y:2014:id:113 Suicide prevention in Russia with a glance to the socio-demographic aspects of suicide mortality
by I. G. Aminov - y:2014:id:114 Faces of power in the modern world
by D. A. Chernyshev - y:2014:id:115 Requirements for manuscripts
by Editorial article
2014, Volume 7, Issue 3
- y:2014:id:87 Political leadership: the criterion of effectiveness
by Y. V. Irkhin - y:2014:id:88 Image of politicians in terms of the voters’ perception (the case of the Russian presidential election, 2012)
by A. A. Papush - y:2014:id:89 Political values in modern Russia: cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects
by I. V. Bogdan - y:2014:id:90 Sacralization and limitation of the power in religious systems
by O. V. Kuropatkina & G. G. Ghachatryan - y:2014:id:91 Pluralism of truths in pragmatic political discourse
by A. I. Setova - y:2014:id:92 «Digital» inequality of the Russian cities and regions: evaluation methods and adequation policy
by A. N. Shvetsov - y:2014:id:93 Innovation development territory: features of legislative environment
by I. A. Monahov - y:2014:id:94 Sociodynamics of interaction between government and business: the analysis of Russian practices
by Y. M. Bolshakova - y:2014:id:95 To reconcile the contraries: discretion of management and owners activity
by S. I. Lutsenko - y:2014:id:96 Spatial proportions of the future-oriented transport and infrastructural development of the Russian Federation
by M. V. Ghukov - y:2014:id:97 Strategic partnership as a form of bilateral relations
by Y. G. Zheglova - y:2014:id:98 TV in the Russian media: history, features and prospects of development
by V. G. Abramov - y:2014:id:99 On the question of the formation of civic identity and ideology in a multiethnic region
by D. Sh. Muftahutdinova - y:2014:id:100 The conception of religious and political syncretism: philosophical and methodological analysis
by T. V. Bespalov
2014, Volume 7, Issue 2
- y:2014:id:75 Civil Society and Legal State: Dialectics and Dynamics of Interaction
by V. K. Levashov - y:2014:id:76 Civil Society in Russia in the Context of the Global Crisis of Non-Governmental Organizations
by A. N. Domrin - y:2014:id:77 Development of Civil Society in the West: History and Interpretation
by A. A. Vershinin - y:2014:id:78 Using the Analysis of Public Opinion on the Situation, System Diagnostics Problem Areas
by L. Y. Zemlyanskaya - y:2014:id:79 Prospects of Application of Socio-Anthropological Approach to the Study of the Trajectory of Institutional Change in Contemporary Russia
by V. E. Abelinskayte - y:2014:id:80 Political and Legal Framework of the Latin American Concept of «Socialism of the XXI Century»
by M. G. Abramova - y:2014:id:81 The Impact of Government Debt on the Country's Economic Security
by O. A. Nikolaichuk - y:2014:id:82 Problems of Formation and Development Trend of Bank Management in Russia
by N. Y. Sopilko & O. Y. Myasnikova - y:2014:id:83 Status and Tasks of Ordering Payment of Compensation for Loss of Life
by M. A. Bychkova - y:2014:id:84 Practice of Personnel Matters in 1949 (for Example, the State Arbitration under the Council of Ministers of the USSR)
by D. V. Voronin - y:2014:id:85 Brand «Sochi-2014» as a Tool of Modern Public Policy at the Federal and Regional Levels
by L. V. Kazimirchik - y:2014:id:86 Sociological Theory as a Guide to Biography
by L. V. Makarova
0000, Volume 7, Issue 1
- y::id:61 Nationalism as Ideology
by S. G. Kara-Murza - y::id:62 Russian language in nation building modern Russia
by V. N. Leksin - y::id:63 The role of religion in modern Russian nation building
by O. V. Kuropatkina - y::id:64 The problem of political socialization in ethnic groups
by G. G. Khachatryan - y::id:65 Nation building or empire building: fork approaches
by V. E. Bagdasaryan - y::id:66 Socio-economic development of knowledge in the context of globalization
by O. M. Roy - y::id:67 System performance and effectiveness of municipal expenditures as an instrument of social differentiation smoothing territories
by A. V. Remzhov - y::id:68 Formation of strategy for transboundary waters in Lake Baikal
by A. V. Makarov - y::id:69 Environmental consequences of Russian reforms
by N. N. Kliuev - y::id:70 Directions for improving the legal framework for innovation in the regions (for example, the Tver region)
by A. A. Maltseva - y::id:71 Socio-economic challenges of urban systems created for the integrate development of territories for the purpose of housing
by D. A. Shishov - y::id:72 New trends in the global rebranding of experience: Lessons for Russia
by I. A. Vasilenko - y::id:73 Electoral behavior of the Russian youth
by K. G. Ustinkin - y::id:74 Reading-book of the New Social Science: Revial of Forgotten Genre
by A. A. Vershinin