2024, Volume 68, Issue 3-4
- 145-150 Driving Change in Troubling Times: Security, Risk and the State in Global Production Networks
by Hess Martin & Horner Rory - 151-166 Friendshoring in global production networks: state-orchestrated coupling amid geopolitical uncertainty
by Kalvelage Linus & Tups Gideon - 167-181 Geopolitics and geospatial strategies: the rise of regulatory supply chain controls for semiconductor GPN in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan
by Aoyama Yuko & Song Eunyeong & Wang Shan-yu - 182-194 Military conflicts and the performance of state-owned enterprises: a study of Ukraine’s aerospace, defense, and electro-engineering industries before and after the 2014 Crimea and Donbas occupation
by Blažek Jiří & Lypianin Anton - 195-212 A “return of the state” in energy transitions? The making of a hydrogen economy in the European Union
by Vezzoni Rubén - 213-225 State power, Global Production Networks, and underdevelopment: examining South Carolina’s success in fostering strategic coupling
by Teixeira Tiago - 226-242 The resource-making state: liquefied natural gas production networks and state strategies for domestic market development in Indonesia
by Dodge Alexander Steven & Rye Ståle A.
2024, Volume 68, Issue 2
- 81-95 Towards a comprehensive agency-based resilience approach: Myopia and hypermetropia in the Turkish wine industry
by Evren Yiğit & Akdoğan-Odabaş Ezgi - 97-110 Institutional work and institutional entrepreneurship in the Ontario craft beer industry
by Roy Kevin - 111-123 Injecting climate finance into SME lending in Germany: Opportunities for and limitations of regional savings and cooperative banks
by Flögel Franz & Schepelmann Philipp & Zademach Hans-Martin & Zörner Michael - 125-143 The geography of eco-innovations and sustainability transitions: A systematic comparison
by Hansmeier Hendrik & Kroll Henning
2024, Volume 68, Issue 1
- 1-8 Family firms, hidden champions and regional development
by Suwala Lech & Ahrens Jan-Philipp & Basco Rodrigo - 9-39 Hidden champions as a determinant of regional development: An analysis of german districts
by Benz Lena & Block Jörn H. & Johann Matthias S. - 41-62 Institutional effects on family business internationalization: A systematic review
by Kalhor Elham - 63-78 Hidden Champions and their integration in rural regional innovation systems: Insights from Germany
by Rietmann Carsten - 79-79 Corrigendum to: Population age structure – An underlying driver of national, regional and urban economic development
by Malmberg Anders & Malmberg Bo & Maskell Peter
December 2023, Volume 67, Issue 4
- 173-176 Digitalization and Labor Restructuring
by Fuchs Martina & Cumbers Andrew - 177-188 Trucking (un)limited – the impact of digital platforms on labour in production networks of logistics
by Helwing Veronique & Verfürth Philip & Franz Martin - 189-201 Location-specific labour control strategies in online retail
by Fuchs Martina & Dannenberg Peter & López Tatiana & Wiedemann Cathrin & Riedler Tim - 202-216 Amazon’s distribution space: constructing a ‘labour fix’ through digital Taylorism and corporate Keynesianism
by Henaway Mostafa - 217-233 Population age structure – An underlying driver of national, regional and urban economic development
by Malmberg Anders & Malmberg Bo & Maskell Peter - 234-235 Mießner, M.; Naumann, M. (Hrsg.): Kritische Geographien ländlicher Enwicklung. Globale Transformationen und lokale Herausforderungen. (= Raumproduktionen: Theorie und gesellschaftliche Praxis, Band 33). Münster: Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot 2019. 296 Seiten. ISBN 978-3-89691-277-0. 33 Euro
by Mose Ingo - 235-236 Ingo Liefner & Sebastian Losacker: Nachhaltige Wirtschaftsgeographie
by Neise Thomas
August 2023, Volume 67, Issue 2-3
- 67-75 Seven Years of Brexit: Economic Geographies of Regional De- and Recoupling
by Glückler Johannes & Wójcik Dariusz - 76-91 Viewing the impact of Brexit on Britain’s financial centre through an historical lens: Can there be a third reinvention of the City of London?
by Dymski Gary & Gavris Maria & Huaccha Gissell - 92-104 Interlocking corporate and policy networks in financial services: Paris-London relations post Brexit
by Hall Sarah & Heneghan Martin - 105-126 Do they do as they say?: Analysing the Impact of Brexit on Relocation Intentions in the UK’s FinTech Industry
by Sohns Franziska & Wójcik Dariusz - 127-141 Post-Brexit: Do board interlocks make banks take similar relocation decisions?
by Panitz Robert & Glückler Johannes - 142-160 The impact of brexit on regional productivity in the UK
by Fingleton Bernard & Gardiner Ben & Martin Ron & Barbieri Luca - 161-171 Levelling Up and The Privileging of sub-national governance in England in the inter-Brexit space
by Nurse Alexander & Sykes Olivier
May 2023, Volume 67, Issue 1
- 1-4 China – International Linkages: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Liefner Ingo & Li Yingcheng - 5-19 An analysis of the evolution of Chinese cities in global scientific collaboration networks: Manuscript prepared for special issue on “China’s internationalization and changing role in the world”
by Cao Zhan & Derudder Ben & Dai Liang & Peng Zhenwei - 20-32 Impacts of the Belt and Road Initiative on regional outward FDI from China based on evidence from 2000 to 2015
by Li Yuanyuan - 33-46 Cross-Border knowledge pipelines and innovation performance of chinese firms: evidence from Zhangjiang in Shanghai
by Zeng Gang & Zhang Yi & Cao Xianzhong - 47-64 How outward FDIs affect income: experiences from Chinese city-regions
by Yang Ruilin & Bathelt Harald - 65-66 Corrigendum zu: Zum Stand der geographischen Handelsforschung: Handelsimmobilien und Handelstätigkeit – Ökonomisch-funktionaler Zusammenhang im Kontext der geographischen Handelsforschung
by Klein Kurt
November 2022, Volume 66, Issue 4
- 185-200 Innovation, scaling-up, and local development in peripheral regions: do establishments scale-up locally?
by Shearmur Richard & Doloreux David - 201-210 Ethnic networks in the internationalization of Turkish food producers
by Bagci Utku Eren & Franz Martin & Yavan Nuri - 211-227 Zum Stand der geographischen Handelsforschung: Handelsimmobilien und Handelstätigkeit – Ökonomisch-funktionaler Zusammenhang im Kontext der geographischen Handelsforschung: Eine Bestandsaufnahme
by Klein Kurt - 228-240 National identities and cross-strait relations: challenges to Taiwan’s economic development
by Wang Hao
October 2022, Volume 66, Issue 3
- 131-136 Spatial perspectives on migrant entrepreneurship
by David Alexandra & Schäfer Susann - 137-150 A Review of Transnational Migrant Entrepreneurship: Perspectives on Unequal Spatialities
by Sandoz Laure & Mittmasser Christina & Riaño Yvonne & Piguet Etienne - 151-171 Lost in space? Refugee Entrepreneurship and Cultural Diversity in Spatial Contexts
by Hartmann Carina & Philipp Ralf - 172-184 Study and work paving the way for Moroccan migrants: the entrepreneurial path to transnational and domestic business activities
by Alvarado Valenzuela Juan Francisco & Solano Giacomo
July 2022, Volume 66, Issue 2
- 65-80 Making history matter more in evolutionary economic geography
by Martin Ron & Sunley Peter - 81-95 The Tortoise and the Hare: Industry Clockspeed and Resilience of Production and Knowledge Networks in Montréal’s Aerospace Industry
by Li Pengfei & Turkina Ekaterina & Van Assche Ari - 96-110 Resilience and specialization – How German regions weathered the Great Recession
by Hundt Christian & Grün Lennart - 111-130 Der Zusammenhang zwischen sozialen Ungleichheiten und Covid-19 Fallzahlen auf Stadtteilebene – Eine Fallstudie für 46 Stadtteile der Stadt Duisburg
by Straßburger Max-Leon & Mewes Lars
May 2022, Volume 66, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial: ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography
by Bathelt Harald & Henn Sebastian - 3-17 Agency, sentiment, and risk and uncertainty: fears of job loss in 8 European countries
by Clark Gordon L. - 18-35 Urban-economic geographies beyond production: Nairobi’s sociotechnical system and the challenge of generative urbanization
by Murphy James T. - 36-48 Architectures of the commons: collaborative spaces and innovation
by Cohendet Patrick - 49-63 The geographical dispersion of inventor networks in peripheral economies
by Cano-Kollmann Marcelo & Mudambi Ram & Tavares-Lehmann Ana Teresa
December 2021, Volume 65, Issue 3-4
- 101-117 Regional Innovation Profiles: A Comparative Empirical Study of Four Chinese Regions Based on Expert Knowledge
by Liefner Ingo & Kroll Henning & Zeng Gang & Heindl Anna-Barbara - 118-131 How can R&D programs induce unplanned R&D collaborative networks in clusters?
by Belso-Martínez José A. & Díez-Vial Isabel & López-Sánchez María J. & Sánchez María D. - 132-146 Digitalization and City Center Resilience. Exploring Visitors’ Perceptions in Leipzig, Germany
by Schade Katrin & Müller Andre & Holdack Eric & Hübscher Marcus & Lurie Katja & Schulze Juana - 147-164 Intermediation, Disintermediation und Cybermediäre: Zum Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf Wertschöpfungsketten in der Schuhbranche
by Herb Christopher & Neiberger Cordula - 165-181 Stakeholders’ interactions in managing water resources conflicts: a case of Lake Naivasha, Kenya
by Renner Julia & Opiyo Francis - 182-195 The Party is over! Der Umgang mit der Nachtökonomie im Touristenort Newquay
by Dannenberg Peter & Kretschmer Holger & Ludwig Moritz & Scheulen Lauritz & Nielsen Max - 196-196 Karin Fischer, Christian Reiner und Cornelia Staritz (Hrsg.): Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung. Arbeit, Kapital, Konsum, Natur. Wien: Mandelbaum Verlag 2021. 400 Seiten. ISBN: 9783854769576. 25,00€
by Hesse Markus - 197-198 Rezension von Brandt, A.; Danneberg, M.; Krätke, S.; Polom, L., 2021: Wissensvernetzung und Metropolregionen: Eine Netzwerkanalyse des Innovationssystems der Metropolregion Hannover Braunschweig Göttingen Wolfsburg. Baden-Baden: Tectum
by Kiese Matthias - 199-200 Ouma, S. Farming as Financial Asset: Global Finance and the Making of Institutional Landscapes. Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing (2020). 208 pages
by Winder Gordon M. - 201-201 Rethinking Value Chains: Tackling the Challenges of Global Capitalism, herausgegeben von Florence Palpacuer und Alistair Smith (Policy Press, 2021). 204 Seiten. ISBN: 9781447359173
by Scholvin Sören
June 2021, Volume 65, Issue 2
- 43-44 Neoliberalismus und Austerität. Ansätze einer Zeitdiagnose
by Becker Sören & Oßenbrügge Jürgen - 45-57 Auf dem Weg zum austeritätspolitischen Föderalismus in Bayern? Eine historisch-materialistische Politikanalyse sparpolitischer Restrukturierungsprozesse in der Raumordnung
by Dudek Simon - 58-71 Der Staat als Adressat städtischer sozialer Bewegungen. Wohnungspolitische Kämpfe und postneoliberale Konstellationen
by Schipper Sebastian - 72-84 Die doppelte Fetischisierung der Staatsschulden
by Belina Bernd - 85-100 Sprung in die zweite Reihe? Zu den lokalen Bedingungen rent gap-getriebener immobilienwirtschaftlicher Aufwertung in Brandenburgs Mittelstädten
by Bůžek Richard & Mießner Michael
March 2021, Volume 65, Issue 1
- 1-11 Reconsidering the dynamics of local knowledge creation: Middlegrounds and local innovation commons in the case of FabLabs
by Cohendet Patrick & Grandadam David & Suire Raphaël - 12-27 The Significance of Financial Competence and Risk Tolerance in Home-Related Expenditure by Jurisdiction and Regime
by Clark Gordon L - 28-42 Models of Regional Economic Development: Illustrations Using U.S. Data
by Buchholz Maximilian & Bathelt Harald
November 2020, Volume 64, Issue 4
- 181-196 Zum Stand der geographischen Handelsforschung: Methoden und Techniken
by Rauh Jürgen & Hoffmann Oda Maria - 197-210 Geographische Handelsforschung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung: Eine Bestandsaufnahme
by Neiberger Cordula & Mensing Matthias & Kubon Jonas - 211-232 Cultural Tourism Routes as Incubators for Innovation and Economic Diversification: A Potential Analysis in the Framework of the New Silk Road Initiative in Azerbaijan
by Schuhbert Arne & Thees Hannes & Herbold Valentin & Weinreiter Johanna & Kantsperger Markus - 233-246 Startup Competitions and their Role in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Conceptual Attempt
by Stolz Lennard - 247-248 Neiberger, C./Hahn, B. (Hrsg.): Geographische Handelsforschung. Berlin: Springer Spektrum (2020). 314 S
by Wieland Thomas - 249-250 Karl Husa, Rüdiger Korff, Helmut Wohlschlägl (Hrsg.): Südostasien – Gesellschaften, Räume und Entwicklung. Buchreihe Edition Weltregionen, Band 25. Wien: new academic press (2018)
by Faust Heiko - 251-252 Karl Vorlaufer: Südostasien. Geographie – Geschichte – Wirtschaft – Politik. Buchreihe WBG-Länderkunden. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft (3. aktualisierte Auflage 2018), 255 S
by Schneider Helmut
November 2020, Volume 64, Issue 3
- 103-108 Building Better Methods in Economic Geography
by Bathelt Harald & Li Pengfei - 109-120 The politicization of research methods, illustrated in the case of plant closures
by Weller Sally A. - 121-133 SONA: A relational methodology to identify structure in networks
by Glückler Johannes & Panitz Robert & Hammer Ingmar - 134-148 Comparing causal logics: A configurational analysis of proximities using simulated data
by Rutten Roel - 149-164 Looking for causes of effects in cases: Evaluating intermunicipal collaboration in The Netherlands applying QCA
by Lagendijk Arnoud & Velde Martin van der & Kuijpers Mark - 165-179 Learning in Context: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach to Analyze Knowledge Acquisition at Trade Fairs
by Zhu Yi-wen & Bathelt Harald & Zeng Gang
June 2020, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 47-57 Does the Digitalization of Manufacturing Boost a ‘Smart’ Era of Capital Accumulation?
by Fuchs Martina - 58-73 Legitimation strategies in an emerging field: family firm succession consultancy in Germany
by Lenz Regina & Schormüller Claudia & Glückler Johannes - 74-87 Overcoming overtourism in Europe: Towards an institutional-behavioral research agenda
by Benner Maximilian - 88-102 Tourism and Terrorism: Economic impact of terrorist attacks on the tourism industry. The example of the destination of Paris
by Schmude Jürgen & Karl Marion & Weber Florian
March 2020, Volume 64, Issue 1
- 1-13 Die Vermarktlichung von Wildnis. Lebendige Waren, Companionability und Encounter Value beim Mustang Makeover Germany
by Pütz Robert - 1-13 Die Vermarktlichung von Wildnis. Lebendige Waren, Companionability und Encounter Value beim Mustang Makeover Germany
by Pütz Robert - 14-27 Recent Trends of Regional Development in China – Technological Portfolios and Economic Growth
by Kroll Henning & Neuhäusler Peter - 14-27 Recent Trends of Regional Development in China – Technological Portfolios and Economic Growth
by Kroll Henning & Neuhäusler Peter - 28-42 Shoppen, Surfen, Socializen – Aktuelle Konsumtrends hybrider Konsumenten in der Innenstadt
by Hilpert Markus & Völkening Niklas - 43-44 Stefano Ponte, Gary Gereffi, Gale Raj-Richert (Hrsg.): Handbook on Global Value Chains. Cheltenham: Elgar (2019), 611 S
by Scholvin Sören - 43-44 Stefano Ponte, Gary Gereffi, Gale Raj-Richert (Hrsg.): Handbook on Global Value Chains. Cheltenham: Elgar (2019), 611 S
by Scholvin Sören - 45-46 Sören Scholvin, Anthony Black, Javier Revilla Diez, Ivan Turok (Editors): Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa. Buchreihe: Advances in African Economic, Social and Political Development Basel: Springer Nature (2019). 284 S.
by Dannenberg Peter & Follmann Alexander - 45-46 Sören Scholvin, Anthony Black, Javier Revilla Diez, Ivan Turok (Editors): Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa. Buchreihe: Advances in African Economic, Social and Political Development Basel: Springer Nature (2019). 284 S.
by Dannenberg Peter & Follmann Alexander
November 2019, Volume 63, Issue 2-4
- 55-63 Entrepreneurial ecosystems: Founding figures and research frontiers in economic geography
by Schäfer Susann & Mayer Heike - 64-78 Entrepreneurial ecosystems as fields: Integrating meso-level institutional theory
by Auschra Carolin & Schmidt Thomas & Sydow Joerg - 79-102 Operationalising relational theory of entrepreneurial ecosystems at city-level in Africa, Asia and the Middle East
by Iacob Nadina & Friederici Nicolas & Lachenmayer Jan - 103-117 A new framework to measure entrepreneurial ecosystems at the regional level
by Sternberg Rolf & Bloh Johannes von & Coduras Alicia - 118-133 Beyond territorial conceptions of entrepreneurial ecosystems: The dynamic spatiality of knowledge brokering in seed accelerators
by Kuebart Andreas & Ibert Oliver - 134-145 Applying the concept of entrepreneurial ecosystems in Estonia
by Reidolf Merli & Küttim Merle & Michelson Aleksandr & Rozeik Helena & Kallaste Marianne - 146-148 Allan O’Connor, Erik Stam, Fiona Sussan and David B. Audretsch (eds): Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. Place-Based Transformations and Transitions. Springer (2018), 194 рр
by Cherkas Nataliia
March 2019, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 1-22 Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung über kommunale Ernährungssysteme: Marktakteursnetzwerke als Ansatzpunkte zur Gestaltung und Steuerung
by Sipple David & Schanz Heiner - 23-46 Synchronität der Büromarktzyklen? Dynamiken europäischer Metropolen im Kontext der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise
by Musil Robert & Reiner Christian - 47-47 Andreas Kallert: Die Bankenrettungen während der Finanzkrise 2007–2009 in Deutschland. Zur Kritik der Systemrelevanz. Münster: Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot (2017)
by Flögel Franz - 48-50 Trevor J. Barnes and Brett Christophers: Economic geography: a critical introduction. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons (2018)
by Hassink Robert - 51-52 Heike Mayer, Fritz Sager, David Kaufmann and Martin Warland: The political economy of capital cities. Regional Studies Association. London/New York: Routledge (2018). 182 pp
by Gerhard Ulrike - 53-53 Nachruf
by Thomi Walter & Sebastian Henn
September 2018, Volume 62, Issue 3-4
- 169-173 (Wirtschafts-)Geographien des Essens: transformatives Wirtschaften und alternative Ernährungspraktiken
by Rosol Marit & Strüver Anke - 174-186 Alternative Ernährungsnetzwerke als Alternative Ökonomien
by Rosol Marit - 187-200 Transformatives Wirtschaften in der urbanen Ernährungsbewegung: zwei Fallbeispiele aus Leipzig und München
by Kropp Cordula & Müller Christa - 201-216 Die Food Movements und ihre Forderungen: zur politischen Dimension alternativer Ernährungsgeographien
by Fladvad Benno - 217-232 Narrative der ‚guten Ernährung‘: Ernährungsidentitäten und die Aneignung öffentlicher Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurse durch Konsument*innen
by Krüger Timmo & Strüver Anke - 233-245 Die Gouvernementalität widerständiger Alltagspraktiken: eine konzeptionelle Annäherung an Postwachstum, Subjektivierung und alltägliches Gegen-Führen
by Linnemann Kirsten - 246-259 Ernährungsgerechtigkeit durch souveränen Konsum? Individuelle Bedürfnisse als ökonomische Praxis
by Idies Yusif - 260-260 Ulrich Ermann, Ernst Langthaler, Marianne Penker und Markus Schermer: Agro-Food Studies. Eine Einführung
by Wenzl Christine
May 2018, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 87-91 Dynamics in an unequal world
by Dannenberg Peter & Braun Boris & Fuchs Martina & Revilla Diez Javier - 92-107 International capital flows, stock markets, and uneven development: the case of Sub-Saharan Africa and the Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative (SSEI)
by Klagge Britta & Zademach Hans-Martin - 108-119 Othering practices toward new firm owners: empirical insights from South-North firm acquisitions in Germany
by Franz Martin & Fuchs Martina & Henn Sebastian - 120-134 Environmental economic geography and environmental inequality: challenges and new research prospects
by Braun Boris & Oßenbrügge Jürgen & Schulz Christian - 135-151 Spaces for integration or a divide? New-generation growth corridors and their integration in global value chains in the Global South
by Dannenberg Peter & Revilla Diez Javier & Schiller Daniel - 152-152 Research achievements in transition: German scholars’ contribution to economic geographies of knowledge, innovation and new technologies
by Fromhold-Eisebith Martina - 163-163 Graham Clarke, Rachel S. Franklin and Andy Newing: GIS and the Social Sciences: Theory and Applications
by Schäfer Susann - 164-164 Kerstin Bläser: Ermessensraum. Zur kalkulativen Hervorbringung von Investitionsobjekten im Immobiliengeschäft
by Werner Patrick - 165-165 Nicholas A. Phelps: Interplaces: An Economic Geography of the Inter-urban and International Economies
by Hassink Robert - 166-167 Maria Teküve und Theo Rauch: Alles neu, neu, neu! in Afrika. Vier Jahrzehnte Kontinuität und Wandel in der sambischen Provinz
by Thomi Walter
March 2018, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 1-13 America first! Donald Trump, the demise of the U.S. hegemony and chaos in the capitalist world-system
by Parnreiter Christof - 14-29 Producer organizations and contract farming: a comparative study of smallholders’ market strategies in South India
by Gersch Inka - 30-45 Lateinamerikanischer Neostrukturalismus: Sojaboom und wirtschaftliche Konzentration in Argentinien
by Berndt Christian & Bernhold Christin - 46-64 Einfluss von Windenergieanlagen auf die Entwicklung des Tourismus in Hessen
by Gardt Manuel & Broekel Tom & Gareis Philipp & Litmeyer Marie-Louise - 65-81 Analysing the effects of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on the integration of East African farmers in a value chain context
by Krone Madlen & Dannenberg Peter - 82-85 Richard Shearmur, Christophe Carrincazeaux and David Doloreux (eds): Handbook on the Geographies of Innovation
by Ibert Oliver & Kuebart Andreas & Brewig Steffi - 85-86 Benoît Godin and Dominique Vinck (eds.): Critical Studies of Innovation. Alternative Approaches to the Pro-Innovation Bias. Cheltenham and Northampton: Edward Elgar (2017)
by Fromhold-Eisebith Martina
November 2017, Volume 61, Issue 3-4
- 119-134 Regionalentwicklung in einem postkolonialen Inselstaat im Globalen Süden: eine empirische Analyse der Republik Mauritius mit Zensus- und Surveydaten
by Dirksmeier Peter - 135-155 Konzentrations- und Ungleichheitsindizes: ein methodischer Überblick sowie ein empirischer Vergleich anhand der Textilindustrie
by Palan Nicole - 156-173 Städte als regionale Knotenpunkte in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten: das Beispiel der Erdöl- und Erdgasindustrie in Südostasien
by Breul Moritz & Revilla Diez Javier - 174-190 Un-locking unsustainable tourism destination paths: the role of voluntary compliance of tourism businesses with sustainability certification on the island of Rügen
by Panzer-Krause Sabine - 191-192 Bob Jessop, Brigitte Young and Christoph Scherrer (eds.): Financial Cultures and Crisis Dynamics. Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy 189
by Scheuplein Christoph - 192-192 Tobias Chilla, Olaf Kühne und Markus Neufeld: Regionalentwicklung. Stuttgart: Verlag Eugen Ulmer (2016)
by Gans Paul
September 2017, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 61-64 Weltstädte des Globalen Südens in weltwirtschaftlichen Prozessen
by Diez Javier Revilla & Scholvin Sören - 65-79 Global Cities, globale Wertschöpfungsketten und wirtschaftliche Governance: konzeptionelle Überlegungen und eine Untersuchung der Rolle Mexico Citys
by Parnreiter Christof - 80-95 Das Tor nach Sub-Sahara Afrika? Kapstadts Potenzial als Gateway City für den Öl- und Gassektor
by Scholvin Sören - 96-114 Von Joburg nach Gauteng: Transformation der City of Gold zur Global City Region?
by Haferburg Christoph & Oßenbrügge Jürgen - 117-118 Neil M. Coe and Henry W. Yeung: Global Production Networks: Theorizing Economic Development in an Interconnected World
by Scholvin Sören & Revilla Diez Javier & Breul Moritz
May 2017, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-22 Wieviel Florida steckt in Niedersachsen? Zur empirischen Evidenz der „Kreativen Klasse“ in einem deutschen Flächenland
by Alfken Christoph & Vossen Daniel & Sternberg Rolf - 23-37 Unrelated und Related Variety im Kontext öffentlicher F&E: empirische Evidenz aus deutschen Arbeitsmarktregionen
by Mewes Lars & Broekel Tom - 38-55 Offene Werkstätten und Postwachstumsökonomien: kollaborative Orte als Wegbereiter transformativer Wirtschaftsentwicklungen?
by Lange Bastian
December 2016, Volume 60, Issue 4
- 155-170 Fashion industries on the move: spatial restructuring of the footwear sector in the enlarged European Union
by Schamp Eike W. - 171-185 Integration into global production networks and path-dependence: the footwear industry in post-socialist Hungary
by Molnár Ernő & Lengyel István Máté - 186-200 Understanding the transformation of the Polish footwear industry through firm’s strategies, trade geography and spatial heritage
by Kocaj Arkadiusz
November 2016, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 107-120 Mit Delegationsreisen Neuland betreten: Befunde und Reflexionen zu einer etablierten Praxis der Außenwirtschaftsförderung aus Bayern und China
by Zademach Hans-Martin & Rimkus Manuel - 121-133 Vietnam 30 years after Doi Moi: achievements and challenges
by Revilla Diez Javier - 134-148 The ambivalence of geographic origin effects: evidence from the globalizing pork industry
by Klein Oliver & Tamásy Christine - 153-154 Erratum zu: Makro- und mikroökonomische Folgen des Rohstoffbooms in der Mongolei
by Lagrange Manuela
June 2016, Volume 60, Issue 1-2
- 1-8 Ressourceninduzierter Strukturwandel : Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen und gesellschaftlicher Wandel
by Schneider Helmut & Thomi Walter - 9-24 Mehr Komplexität wagen: ein Plädoyer für eine differenzierte Analyse von Erdöl, Staat und Entwicklung im Globalen Süden
by Peters Stefan - 25-39 Ressourcenboom in Südamerika: alte Praktiken – neue Diskurse?
by Hafner Robert & Rainer Gerhard & Ruiz Peyré Fernando & Coy Martin - 40-56 The petro-political configuration: entanglements of Western and Chinese oil zones in Niger
by Schritt Jannik - 57-71 For better or worse: major developments affecting resource and conflict dynamics in northwest Kenya
by Schilling Janpeter & Weinzierl Thomas & Lokwang Augustine Ekitela & Opiyo Francis - 72-80 Makro- und mikroökonomische Folgen des Rohstoffbooms in der Mongolei
by Lagrange Manuela - 81-96 Interplay between structural change in Central Asian agriculture and institutional scarcity of land and water: evidence from Tajikistan
by Theesfeld Insa & Klümper Frederike
December 2015, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 205-213 (Post-)Konstruktivistische Perspektiven in der Finanzgeographie – Einführung zum Themenheft
by Scheuplein Christoph & Zademach Hans-Martin - 214-229 Räume der Kalkulation, Kalkulation des Raumes: Geographien der finanziellen Ökonomisierung
by Ouma Stefan & Bläser Kerstin - 230-242 The new realist ontology: Metatheoretical foundation for research of modern finance?
by Flögel Franz - 243-258 Performative Praktiken am Kapitalmarkt: Das Beispiel nachhaltige Geldanlagen in Deutschland
by Ilgaz Sabuha & Zademach Hans-Martin - 259-275 Entwicklungspfade des Finanzplatzes Wien: Transformation von der weak zur strong history?
by Musil Robert & Eder Jakob
December 2015, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 133-150 Die Treiber der räumlichen Emergenz und Konzentration der Photovoltaik- Industrie in Deutschland
by Breul Moritz & Broekel Tom & Brachert Matthias - 151-170 Rückwanderung nach Ostdeutschland: Räumliche Muster und Bedeutung für regionale Arbeitsmärkte
by Fuchs Michaela & Weyh Antje - 171-187 Zwei Erzählungen regionaler Entwicklung in Süddeutschland – vom Sektorenmodell zum Produktionssystem
by Glückler Johannes & Schmidt Anna Mateja & Wuttke Christian - 188-200 Quantification and monetary valuation of urban ecosystem services in Munich, Germany
by Aevermann Tim & Schmude Jürgen
October 2015, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-19 Imperialisten, Spione oder Retter?: Zur Charakterisierung von Direktinvestitionen aus Russland, Indien und China in deutschen Tageszeitungen
by Golinski Sophie & Henn Sebastian - 20-33 Beobachtung, Begegnung und Beziehung: Die Bildung von Marktintelligenz in der globalen Agenturfotografie
by Glückler Johannes & Panitz Robert - 34-50 Die Macht der Zahlen: Kalkulative Praktiken in der Immobilienwirtschaft
by Bitterer Nadine & Heeg Susanne - 51-64 Zur Diskussion. Deutsches Organisationstalent: Zu den wirtschaftshistorischen Wurzeln eines nationalen Stereotyps
by Leonhardt Holm Arno - 77-90 Leitbild Nachhaltigkeit – radikaler Wandel in Güterverkehr und Logistik?
by Neiberger Cordula - 91-101 Ökonomische und ökologische Wirkungen regionalisierter Produktionsstrukturen innerhalb der automobilen Zulieferkette
by Kühn André - 102-114 Standards als Steuerungsinstrumente: Prozesse und Wirkungen im Güterverkehr am Beispiel des carbon footprints
by Witting Hannah - 115-129 Einflussfaktoren bei der Einführung des Lastenrads im urbanen Wirtschaftsverkehr
by Gruber Johannes & Rudolph Christian & Kolarova Viktoriya
October 2014, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-17 Internationalisation of research and development activities of small and medium-sized enterprises in Austria: Strategic drivers for spatial organisation
by Meyer Susanne & Berger Martin - 18-32 Policy-Netzwerke als Instrumente zur Harmonisierung grenzüberschreitender Wirtschaftsräume?: Das Beispiel Luxemburg und die Großregion
by Dörry Sabine - 33-49 From smart specialisation to smart experimentation: Building a new theoretical framework for regional policy of the European Union
by Benner Maximilian - 50-65 Prognose der Anzahl der Erwerbspersonen: Eine Vorausberechnung auf Basis der Funktionalen Datenanalyse am Beispiel der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar
by Deschermeier Philipp - 73-97 The economics of protected areas – a European perspective
by Mayer Marius & Job Hubert - 98-114 Intergovernmental fiscal transfers to support local conservation action in Europe
by Schröter-Schlaack Christoph & Ring Irene & Koellner Thomas & Santos Rui & Antunes Paula & Clemente Pedro & Mathevet Raphaël & Borie Maud & Grodzińska-Jurczak Małgorzata - 115-126 Tourism labor market impacts of national parks: The case of Swedish Lapland
by Byström Joakim & Müller Dieter K. - 127-143 From sacred cow to cash cow: The shifting political ecologies of protected areas in Russia
by Müller Martin - 144-163 The role of protected areas in destination choice in the European Alps
by Pröbstl-Haider Ulrike & Haider Wolfgang - 164-180 Biosphere reserves and their contribution to sustainable development: A value-chain analysis in the Rhön Biosphere Reserve, Germany
by Kraus Felix & Merlin Cornelius & Job Hubert - 187-201 Geographies of field-configuring events
by Lange Bastian & Power Dominic & Suwala Lech - 202-215 Temporary events and spaces in the Swedish primary art market
by Jansson Johan - 216-231 Field configuration or field reproduction?: The dynamics of global trade fair cycles
by Gibson Rachael & Bathelt Harald - 232-247 Innovation and creativity labs in Berlin: Organizing temporary spatial configurations for innovations
by Schmidt Suntje & Brinks Verena & Brinkhoff Sascha
October 2013, Volume 57, Issue 1-2
- 1-14 Editorial. Reconceptualizing change: Path dependency, path plasticity and knowledge combination
by Strambach Simone & Halkier Henrik - 15-26 The balance of change and continuity in the German construction sector’s development path
by Butzin Anna & Rehfeld Dieter - 27-38 Creativity, plasticity, quality: on the emergence of a new food offering in Paris
by Kebir Leïla & Jeannerat Hugues - 39-51 Exploring tourism destination path plasticity: The case of coastal tourism in North Jutland, Denmark
by Halkier Henrik & Therkelsen Anette - 52-66 Path dependency and path plasticity in emerging industries: Two cases from Slovakia
by Rehák Štefan & Hudec Oto & Buček Milan