March 1993, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 117-120 Review Article: East‐Central Europe and the EC
by Martyn Rady
December 1992, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 383-402 Integration v. Regulation? On the Dynamics of Regulation in the European Community
by Renaud Dehousse - 403-418 The Professions in the Single European Market: A Case Study of Architects in the UK
by Kenneth Button & Michael Fleming - 419-436 Sovereign or Confused? The ‘Great Debate’ about British Entry to the European Community 20 Years On
by Christopher Lord - 437-454 Trade Performance of the Main EC Economies Relative to the USA and Japan in 1992‐Sensitive Sectors
by Kirsty S. Hughes - 477-478 Book Notes
by Margaret Blunden
September 1992, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 271-298 The Intergovernmental Conference on Political Union
by Richard Corbett - 299-310 The Maastricht Road to Monetary Union
by M.J. ARTlS - 311-328 The Deepening and Widening of the European Community: Recent Evolution, Maastricht, and Beyond
by Neill Nugent - 329-368 Annual Review of the Activities of the European Community in 1991
June 1992, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 115-124 Regionalism and the Integration of the World Economy
by Robert C. Hine - 125-142 CUSTA and NAFTA: Can WHFTA Be Far Behind?
by John Whalley - 143-156 Estimating the International Trade Effects of ‘1992’: West Germany
by Paul A. Brenton & L. Alan Winters - 157-174 European Economic Integration and the Nordic Countries' Trade
by Lars Lundberg - 175-194 Economic Integration and Foreign Direct Investment: Japanese Investment in the EC
by V.N. Balasubramanyam & David Greenaway - 195-210 Regionalism and the Pacific Rim
by Alan Bollard & David Mayes - 211-232 The Developing Countries and Regionalism
by Rolf J. Langhammer - 233-252 Africa and the Unimportance of Being Preferred
by Michael Davenport
March 1992, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-21 ESPRIT and the Politics of International Collective Action
by Wayne Sandholtz - 23-52 The Future of the ‘Social Dimension’: Labour Market Regulation in Post 4992 Europe
by Martin Rhodes - 53-76 The Single European Energy Market: The Politics of Realization
by Stephen Padgett - 77-100 European Integration and the Left in Britain and Denmark
by Jens Henrik Haahr
December 1991, Volume 29, Issue 6
- 575-601 The European Community Between Three Ways of Life: A Cultural Analysis
by Michael Shackleton - 603-622 Intra‐Industry Specialization, Trade Expansion and Adjustment in the European Economic Space
by David Greenaway & Robert C. Hine - 623-633 What is the Secret of the EMS's Longevity?
by Richard Pomfret - 635-643 Can Protectionism Explain Direct Investment?
by Phedon Nicolaides & Stephen Thomsen
September 1991, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 457-480 Facing the True ‘Fortress Europe’: Immigrant and Politics in the EC
by Patrick R. Ireland - 481-504 Choosing a Money for Europe
by Maxwell J. Fry - 505-526 Harmonization of Social Security in the EC Revisited
by Jørn Henrik Petersen - 527-552 Economic Integration and Intra‐Industry Trade: The Case of the Argentine‐Brazilian Free Trade Agreement
by Jaime Behar
June 1991, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 347-362 Industrial Collaborative Activity and the Completion of the Internal Market
by Neil Kay - 363-383 European Monetary Integration: A Survey of Recent Literature
by David Cobham - 385-430 Annual Review of the Activities of the European Community in 1990
March 1991, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 255-267 Issue Linkage in the European Community
by Shlomo Weber & Hans Wiesmeth - 269-290 Technology Policy in Europe: Explaining the Framework Programme and Eureka in Theory and Practice
by John Peterson - 291-315 EC‐Eastern Europe: A Case Study of Hungary
by Alfred Tovias - 317-325 Efficiency Effects of the Accession of Spain and Portugal to the EC
by Michael G. Plummer
December 1990, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 111-131 Europe 1992 and the Developing Countries: An Overview
by Ad Koekkoek & Arie Kuyvenhoven & Willem Molle - 133-155 Fuelling a New Engine of Growth or Separating Europe from Non‐Europe?
by Rolf J. Langhammer - 157-180 LDC Primary Exports to the EC: Prospects Post‐1992
by ALAN MATTHEWS & DERMOT McALEESE - 181-200 The External Policy of the Community and its Effects upon the Manufactured Exports of the Developing Countries
by Michael W. S. Davenport - 201-215 Responding to European Integration: Developing Countries and Services
by Phedon Nicolaides - 217-241 The Impact of Europe 1992 on the Maghreb and Sub‐Saharan Africa
by Christopher Stevens - 243-254 Europe 1992 and the Developing Countries: Conclusions
by Louis J. Emmerij
September 1990, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-15 Japanese Direct Investments in the EC ‐ Response to the Internal Market 1993?
by Bernhard Heitger & Jürgen Stehn - 17-36 Economic Cohesion in Europe: The Impact of the Delors Plan
by A. J. Marques Mendes - 37-52 Does Germany Dominate the EMS?
by Heinz‐Dieter Smeets - 53-73 New International Trade Theories and Europe 1992: Some Results Relevant for EFTA Countries
by Nicolas Schmitt - 75-85 Decision‐making Speed in the European Community1
by Thomas Sloot & Piet Verschuren
June 1990, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 303-325 The Community's Policy Towards EFTA: Regime Formation in the European Economic Space (EES)
by Finn Laursen - 327-358 EFTA in the 1990s: The Search for a New Identity
by Philippe G. Nell - 359-377 The European Free Trade Association: The Problems of an All‐European Role
by Iver B. Neumann - 379-400 Assessing the Effects of EC Integration on EFTA Countries: the Position of Norway and Sweden
by Jan I. Haaland - 401-430 The Politics of Change: EFTA and the Nordic Countries' Responses to the EC in the Early 1990s
by Clive Church - 431-449 Austria and the European Community
by T. Wieser & E. Kitzmantel - 451-496 Annual Review of the Activities of the European Community in 1989
March 1990, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 201-217 Europe 1992 and Gaps in the EC's Common Commercial Policy
by Séamus Ó'Cléireaċáain - 219-233 The Specialization of Financial Institutions: The EC Model
by Jean Dermine - 235-259 Foreign Direct Investment and European Integration: The Evidence from the Formative Years of the European Community
by George N. Yannopoulos - 261-277 The European Community and the Protection of the Ozone Layer
by Markus Jachtenfuchs
December 1989, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 95-117 West Germany's Role in Europe: ‘Man‐Mountain’ or ‘Semi‐Gulliver’?
by Simon Bulmer & William Paterson - 119-137 The Permanent Representations of the Member States to the European Communities
by Fiona Hayes‐Renshaw & Christian Lequesne & Pedro Mayor Lopez - 139-153 The Implications of European Monetary Union for African Countries
by Patrick Guillaumont & Sylviane Guillaumont - 155-186 The European Semiconductor Industry Resurgence and Rationalization
by Mike Hobday
September 1989, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-27 Customs Union Enlargement and Adjustment: Spain's Accession to the European Community
by Robert C. Hine - 29-52 Renegotiating Dependency: the Case of the Southern African Customs Union
by Jon Walters - 53-67 Strategies of Firms and Structural Environments in the Large Internal Market
by Pierre Buigues & Alexis Jacquemin - 68-81 Agriculture and the EC Environmental Assessment Directive: Lessons for Community Policy‐Making
by W.R. Sheate & R. B. Macrory
June 1989, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 259-282 European Community Airlines ‐Deregulation and its Problems
by Kenneth Button & Dennis Swann - 283-301 The Management of Trade‐Induced Structural Adjustment: An Evaluation of the EC's Integrated Mediterranean Programmes
by George N. Yannopoulos - 303-322 The Common Agricultural Policy and the Politics of European Decision Making
by Alan Swinbank - 323-357 Annual Review of the Activities of the European Communities in 1988
by Christopher Brewin & Richard Mcallister - 359-372 Testing the New Procedures: The European Parliament's First Experiences with its New ‘Single Act’ Powers
by Richard Corbett
March 1989, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 183-202 The European Monetary System: Towards 1992 and Beyond
by Frank Mcdonald & George Zis - 203-218 Strategies for Monetary Integration Revisited
by David Cobham - 219-230 Paradigms for the Monetary Union of Europe
by Daniel Gros - 231-248 The European Monetary System and the International Monetary System
by Horst Ungerer
December 1988, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 97-112 The Common Agricultural Policy, Customs Unions and the Mediterranean Basin
by Alan Swinbank & Christopher Ritson - 113-145 The Effects of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Community: A Survey of the Literature
by Dimitrios G. Demekas & Kasper Bartholdy & Sanjeev Gupta & Leslie Lipschitz & Thomas Mayer - 147-160 Excise Duties and the Internal Market
by Stephen Smith - 161-169 The Long March of the EC's 1988 Budget
by William Nicoll
September 1988, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-25 Regional Co‐operation and National Security: External Forces in Caribbean Integration
by W. Andrew Axline - 27-44 Indirect Taxation and the Completion of the Internal Market of the EC
by Marko Bos & Hans Nelson - 45-62 International Labour Migration within a Common Market: Some Aspects of EC Experience
by Thomas Straubhaar - 63-84 European Community Action on Behalf of Women: The Limits of Legislation
by Sonia Mazey
June 1988, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 361-388 Denmark at the Crossroads: The Danish Referendum of 28 February 1986 on the EC Reform Package
by Torben Worre - 389-400 An Analysis of the European Community's Co‐operation Procedure
by John Fitzmaurice - 401-429 The National Incidence of the European Community Budget
by Brian Ardy - 430-467 Annual review of the Activities of the European Communities in 1987
by Christopher Brewin & Richard Mcallister
March 1988, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 273-285 Facing European Integration: The Case of Switzerland
by François Saint‐Ouen - 287-315 Production Specialization in the CMEA — Concepts and Empirical Evidence
by Jozef M. Van Brabant - 317-340 International Movements of Labour under Conditions of Economic Integration: The Case of Western Europe
by Willem Molle & Aad Van Mourik
December 1987, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 103-125 Multinational Corporate Integration and Regional Economic Integration
by John H. Dunning & Peter Robson - 127-151 The Reorganization of European Industries After Integration: Selected Evidence on the Role of Multinational Enterprise Activities
by John Cantwell - 153-172 Intra‐Industry Trade, Intra‐Firm Trade and European Integration: Evidence, Gains and Policy Aspects
by David Greenaway - 173-192 Regional‐Level Competition in a Mature Industry: the Case of European Domestic Appliances
by John M. Stopford & Charles Baden‐Fuller - 193-206 Inward Investment and the EC: UK Evidence on Corporate Integration Strategies
by Neil Hood & Stephen Young - 207-230 Policy issues of intra‐EC direct investment: British, French and German multinationals in Greece, Portugal and Spain, with special reference to employment effects
by Peter J. Buckley & Patrick Artisien - 231-253 The Alliance Strategies of European Firms in the Information Technology Industry and the Role of ESPRIT
by Lynn Krieger Mytelka & Michel Delapierre - 255-272 Multinationals, the European Community and Belgium: Recent Developments
by Leo Sleuwaegen
September 1987, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-23 The European Community: a Union of States without unity of government
by Christopher Brewin - 25-38 The Reform of the European Regional Development Fund: A Preliminary Assessment
by G. J. Croxford & M. Wise & B. S. Chalkley - 39-60 The Single European Act and Ireland: Implications for a Small Member State
by Dermot Mcaleese & Alan Matthews - 61-77 Reform of the CAP: Shadow or Substance?
by Rosemary Fennell - 79-86 Testing the Factor Price Equalization Theorem in the EC: An Alternative Approach: A Comment
by Aad Van Mourik
June 1987, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 271-294 European Political Co‐operation and the United States
by Anastasia Pardalis - 295-313 Three Approaches for Understanding European Political Co‐operation: A Case‐Study of EC — South African Policy
by Martin Holland - 315-335 Britain in Europe: a Survey of Quantitative Trade Studies
by L. Alan Winters - 337-372 Annual Review of the Activities of the European Communities in 1986
by Christopher Brewin & Richard Mcallister
March 1987, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 181-192 The Aspirations of the White Paper
by Jacques Pelkmans & Peter Robson - 193-207 The Luxembourg Patent Convention, The Best Option for the Internal Market
by Alfons Schäfers - 209-222 Completion of the Internal Market and Indirect Taxation
by Pierre Guieu & Claire Bonnet - 223-235 The Community Trademark; Its Role in Making the Internal Market Effective
by Peter J. Kaufmann - 237-247 Public Procurement and Competitiveness: A Community Market for Military Hardware and Technology?
by Keith Hartley - 249-269 The New Approach to Technical Harmonization and Standardization
by Jacques Pelkmans
December 1986, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 89-107 The Economic Relations Agreement Between Australia and New Zealand: A Tentative Appraisal
by Alan Bollard - 109-117 The Trade‐Diverting Bias of Preferential Trading Arrangements
by Richard Pomfret - 119-132 Greece in the EC: Inter‐Country Income Transfers
by Theodore A. Georgakopoulos - 133-155 The European Community and China: New Horizons
by John Redmond & Zou Lan
September 1986, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-14 The Political Economy of Integration in Europe: Policies and Institutions in East and West
by John Pinder - 15-30 Patterns of Response to EC Tariff Preferences: An Empirical Investigation of Selected Non‐ACP Associates
by George N. Yannopoulos - 31-49 From Rejection to Repudiation: EC Budgetary Affairs in 1985
by William Nicoll - 51-73 Agro‐Industrial Co‐operation Between the European Community and the ACP Countries
by Ansgar Eussner
June 1986, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 261-277 The Contribution of the European Community to Economic Growth An Assessment of the First 25 Years
by A. J. Marques Mendes - 279-296 European Elections, Political Parties and Trends of Internalization in Community Affairs
by Geoffrey Pridham - 297-312 Smuggling under the Common Agricultural Policy: Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland
by Desmond Norton - 313-345 Annual Review of the Activities of the European Communities in 1985
by Christopher Brewin & Richard Mcallister
March 1986, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 171-186 Small Firms, Regional Development and The European Investment Bank
by D. A. Pinder - 187-201 Britain and the E.M.S.: An Appraisal of the Report of the Treasury and Civil Service Committee
by Andrew Scott - 203-223 The Single European Act: Towards a New Euro‐Dynamism?
by Juliet Lodge - 225-246 EC Environmental Policy and the Control of Water Pollution: the Implementation of Directive 76/464 in Perspective
by D. Taylor & G. Diprose & M. Duffy
December 1985, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 89-104 The European Council's First Decade: Between Interdependence and Domestic Politics
by Simon Bulmer - 105-119 Declining Competitiveness of EC Suppliers in ASEAN Markets: Singular Case or Symptom?
by Rolf J. Langhammer & Ulrich Hiemenz - 121-136 The Scope of Community Competence—Its Recognition and Enforcement
by J.A. Usher - 137-147 Common Market Competition Policy: The EC‐IBM Settlement
by J. Patrick Raines
September 1985, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-20 Costs, Benefits and the Future of the Common Agricultural Policy
by D. R. Harvey & K. J. Thomson - 21-38 EC External Commercial Policies and East‐West Trade in Europe
by George N. Yannopoulos - 39-59 Five Years of the Directly Elected European Parliament: Performance and Prospects
by R. Bourguignon‐Wittke & E. Grabitz & O. Schmuck & S. Steppat & W. Wessels - 61-75 Crisis in the Machine Tool Industry: A Policy Dilemma for the European Community
by Jeffrey Harrop
June 1985, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 299-318 The Impact of a Canada‐US Free Trade Area
by A. J. Sarna - 319-343 The Reform of the European Community Regional Policy
by H. W. Armstrong - 345-355 Voluntary Export Restraints and Trade Diversion
by Carl Hamilton - 357-372 Discriminatory Public Procurement, Economic Integration and the Role of Bureaucracy
by D. L. Mclachlan - 373-384 The Enforcement and Effects of European Competition Policy: Results of a Survey of Legal Opinion
by Robert M. Feinberg
March 1985, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 185-197 Graduated Integration: A Modest Path Towards Progress: A contribution to the debate about the future development of the European Community
by Bernd Langeheine & Ulrich Weinstock - 199-206 Paths to European Unity
by William Nicoll - 207-228 Crisis and Adjustment in European Steel: Beyond Laisser‐Faire
by Loukas Tsoukalis & Robert Strauss - 229-255 International Integration and Regional Economic Development: The Finnish Experience
by Heikki Eskelinen - 257-276 A Reconsideration of the Objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy
by ROSEMARY FENNELLy - 277-286 Testing The Factor Price Equalization Theorem in the EC: An Alternative Approach
by Hans J. Gremmen
December 1984, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 95-115 The Lomé Conventions: Entering a Second Decade
by Adrian Hewitt - 117-140 Re‐Structuring the EC Budget: Implications of the Fontainebleau Agreement
by Geoffrey Denton - 141-167 EC Social Policy in Practice: Community Action on behalf of Women and its Impact in the Member States
by Harriet Warner - 169-173 “Europe: The Case for Unsustainable Growth” A Comment
by Michael Emerson
September 1984, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-13 The European Community and East‐West Economic Relations
by Peter Marsh - 15-34 Some economic aspects of Turkey's accession to the EC: resource shifts, comparative advantage, and static gains
by Tercanbaysan - 35-43 The Luxembourg Compromise
by W. Nicoll - 45-72 The European Monetary System 1979–84: An Assessment
by George Zis - 83-94 Book Reviews
by R. Harrison
June 1984, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 293-294 Editorial Note
by Loukas Tsoukalis - 295-313 Europe and the Falkland Islands Crisis 1982
by Geoffrey Edwards - 315-331 Information Technology: the challenge to Europe
by Stephen Woolcock - 333-349 National Versus Supranational Interests and the Problem of Establishing an Effective EC Energy Policy
by Ali M. El‐Agraa & Yao‐Su Hu - 351-376 The EC‐Cyprus Association Agreement: Ten Years of a Troubled Relationship, 1973–1983
by Charalambos Tsardanidis - 377-402 European Union and the First Elected European Parliament: The Spinelli Initiative
by Drjuliet Lodge
March 1984, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 199-226 Progress and Future Development of Establishment and Services in the EC in Relation to Banking
by Paolo Clarotti - 227-243 Europe's Decline is not Irreversible
by Michel Richonnier - 245-267 The European Communities Industrial Policy Revisited: The Case of Aerospace
by Joseph Rallo - 269-282 Looking towards the 1984 European Elections: Problems of Political Integration
by Niels Sonntag & Kevin Featherstone
December 1983, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 107-124 Northern Ireland and Irish Integration: The Role of the European Communities
by Seamus C. M. O'Cleireacain - 125-146 Europe, the United States and the Middle East: a Case Study in Comparative Policy Making
by David Allen & Michael Smith - 147-172 Industrial Policy and Southward Enlargement of the European Community: The Case of Shipbuilding and Repairs
by Ansgar Eussner - 173-190 The Legal, Political and Institutional Implications of the Isoglucose Judgments 1980
by EMIL KIRCHNER & Karen Williams
September 1983, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-16 A Trade Strategy for the United Kingdom1
by A. P. Thirlwall - 17-45 The Textile Policy of the European Community towards the Mediterranean Countries: Effects and Future Options
by Gui Do Ashoff - 47-70 From ‘Euro Beer’ to ‘Newcastle Brown’, A Review of European Community Action to Dismantle Divergent ‘Food’ Laws
by Diana Welch - 71-100 The Development and Impact of an EEC Directive: The Control of Discharges of Mercury to the Aquatic Environment†
by L. D. Guruswamy & I. Papps & D. J. Storey
June 1983, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 349-364 Domestic Politics and European Community Policy‐Making
by Simon Bulmer - 365-388 The Selectivity of Economic Integration Theories: A Comparison of Some Traditional and Marxist Approaches
by W.G.C.M. Haack - 389-408 ‘Policy Implementation in the European Community: The European Social Fund as a Case study*’
by Brigid Laffan - 409-428 Andean Multinational Enterprises: A New Approach to Multinational Investment in the Andean Group
by Rachelle L. Cherol & José Nuñez Del Arco
March 1983, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 245-260 Danish EC Decision‐Making: An Insider's View
by J. Ørstrøm Møller - 261-282 Economic Effects of Monetary Compensatory Amounts
by Robert Strauss - 283-312 Northern Actors in a South‐South Setting: External Aid and East African Integration
by Thomas S. Cox - 313-328 Policies to Correct Cyclical Imbalance Within a Monetary Union
by Polly Reynolds Allen
December 1982, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 97-126 The Assignment of Public Functions in Economic Integration
by Jacques Pelkmans - 127-148 Internationalization of Capital, International Division of Labour and the Role of the European Community
by Gilbert Ziebura - 149-170 Civilian Power Europe: A Contradiction in Terms?
by Hedley Bull - 171-198 Little Europe, Wider Europe and Western Economic Cooperation
by Wolfgang Hager - 199-226 Europe and its “Privileged Partners” in Africa and the Middle East
by Miles Kahler - 229-244 Looking into the Crystal Ball
by Loukas Tsoukalis
September 1982, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-18 The European Community — Past, Present and Future
by Pieter Dankert - 21-38 Reflections on the Nation‐State in Western Europe Today
by Stanley Hoffmann - 39-56 Community, Member States and European Integration: Is the Law Relevant?
by Joseph Weilee - 57-68 Europe as a Confederation: the Community and the Nation‐State
by William Wallace - 69-93 Political Elites, Popular Indifference and Community Building
by Martin Slater
June 1982, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 301-319 Fifteen Years of ASEAN
by Stuart Drummond - 321-331 Intra‐ASEAN Trade Liberalisation: An empirical analysis
by Gerald Tan