September 2018, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 681-683 Beyond $15: Immigrant Workers, Faith Activists, and the Revival of the Labor Movement, by Jonathan Rosenblum. Beacon Press, Boston, MA, 2017, 208 pp., ISBN: 978‐080709812‐7, $16, paperback
by Johnnie Kallas - 683-685 An Introduction to U.S. Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations, by Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan and Alexander J.S. Colvin. ILR Press, Ithaca, NY, 2017, 496 pp., ISBN: 9781501713866, $189.95, hardback
by Martin Risak - 685-686 Rights, Not Interests: Resolving Value Clashes under the National Labor Relations Act, by James A. Gross, ILR Press, Ithaca, NY, 2017, 248 pp., ISBN: 978‐1501714252, Price £34.00
by Gary Chaison - 686-688 A New Theory of Industrial Relations: People, Markets and Organizations after Neoliberalism, by Conor Cradden. Routledge, London, 2017, 208 pp., ISBN: 9781138124615, £105.00, hardback
by Danat Valizade - 688-690 Karl Polanyi: A Life on the Left, by Gareth Dale. Columbia University Press, New York, 2017, 400 pp., ISBN: 9780231176095, $27.00, paperback
by David Hollanders
June 2018, Volume 56, Issue 2
- 245-291 An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Employee Ownership and Employment Stability in the US: 1999–2011
by Fidan Ana Kurtulus & Douglas Kruse - 292-319 Do Employee†Owned Firms Produce More Positive Employee Behavioural Outcomes? If Not Why Not? A British†Spanish Comparative Analysis
by Imanol Basterretxea & John Storey - 320-341 Work in Britain's Informal Economy: Learning from Road†Side Hand Car Washes
by Ian Clark & Trevor Colling - 342-369 Safeguards against Opportunism in Freelance Contracting on the Internet
by Andrey Shevchuk & Denis Strebkov - 370-394 How Can New Players Establish Themselves in Highly Institutionalized Labour Markets? A Belgian Case Study in the Area of Project†Based Work
by Virginie Xhauflair & Benjamin Huybrechts & François Pichault - 395-417 Extra†Institutional Changes under Pressure from Posting
by Jens Arnholtz & Søren Kaj Andersen - 418-441 The Political Effects of Accounting Normalization on Trade Unions: An Analysis of Financial Transparency Reform in France
by Rémi Bourguignon & Karel Yon - 442-444 Being a Judge in the Modern World, edited by Jeremy Cooper. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017, 240 pp., ISBN: 9780198796602, Price £24.99, paperback
by Iyiola Solanke - 445-446 Blackstone's Employment Law Practice 2017, edited by Gavin Mansfield QC, Lydia Banerjee, Damian Brown QC, Simon Forshaw, Anthony Korn, Eleena Misra, David Reade QC, Catherine Taylor, and John Bowers QC. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017, 928 pp., ISBN: 9780198793472, Price £85.00, paperback
by Sophie Gamwell - 446-448 Migration and Domestic Work: The Collective Organisation of Women and their Voices from the City, edited by Gaye Yilmaz and Sue Ledwith. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2017, 270 pp., ISBN: 978†3†319†51648†6, £86.00, hardback
by Fenella Porter - 448-450 Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment in Globalizing India, edited by Ernesto Noronha and Premilla D'Cruz. Springer, London, 2017, 303 pp., ISBN: 978 981 10 3490 9, £82.00, hardback
by Debashish Bhattacherjee - 450-452 Labour and Development in East Asia: Special Forces and Passive Revolution, by Kevin Gray. Routledge, London, 2015, 186 pp., ISBN: 978†0†415†68184†1, $140.00, hardback
by Henry Hailong Jia - 452-454 Policy Implications of Virtual Work, edited by Pamela Meil and Vassil Kirov. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2017, 301 pp., ISBN: 9783319520568, £66.99, hardback
by John Michael Roberts - 454-456 Demand for Labor: The Neglected Side of the Market, by Daniel S. Hamermesh. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017, 464 pp., ISBN: 9780198791379, $136.50, hardback
by Rahul Suresh Sapkal - 456-458 How Did Employee Ownership Firms Weather the Last Two Recessions? Employee Ownership, Employment Stability, and Firm Survival: 1999–2011, by Fidan AnaKurtulus and Douglas L.Kruse. W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Kalamazoo, MI, 2017, 167 pp., ISBN: 978†0880995252, $18.00, paperback
by Simon Fietze - 458-460 Handbook of Research on Comparative Human Resource Management (Research Handbooks in Business and Management Series), edited by Chris Brewster and Wolfgang Mayrhofer. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2013, 704 pp., ISBN: 978†1781002940, Price £46.00, paperback
by Dragos Adascalitei
March 2018, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 3-13 Corporate Social Responsibility and Labour Standards: Bridging Business Management and Employment Relations Perspectives
by Gregory Jackson & Virginia Doellgast & Lucio Baccaro - 14-42 When Industrial Democracy Meets Corporate Social Responsibility — A Comparison of the Bangladesh Accord and Alliance as Responses to the Rana Plaza Disaster
by Jimmy Donaghey & Juliane Reinecke - 43-74 Leveraging the Vertical: The Contested Dynamics of Sustainability Standards and Labour in Global Production Networks
by Maja Tampe - 75-98 CSR Participation Committees, Wildcat Strikes and the Sourcing Squeeze in Global Supply Chains
by Mark Anner - 99-127 The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Gender Diversity in the Workplace: Econometric Evidence from Japan
by Takao Kato & Naomi Kodama - 128-163 Might Corporate Social Responsibility Hollow Out Support for Public Assistance in Europe?
by Brian Burgoon & Luc Fransen - 164-188 Government Regulation of International Corporate Social Responsibility in the US and the UK: How Domestic Institutions Shape Mandatory and Supportive Initiatives
by Jette Steen Knudsen - 189-222 Short†Time Work and Employment Stability: Evidence from a Policy Change
by José M. Arranz & Carlos GarcÃa†Serrano & Virginia Hernanz - 223-225 No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age, by Jane F. McAlevey. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, 272 pp., ISBN: 9780190624712, £22.99, hardback
by Heather Connolly - 225-226 Globalization and Labour in the Twenty†First Century, by Verity Burgmann. Routledge, Oxford, 2016, 262 pp., ISBN: 9780415528535, Price £100, hardback
by Joseph Choonara - 227-228 Public Service Management and Employment Relations in Europe: Emerging from the Crisis, edited by Stephen Bach and Lorenzo Bordogna. Routledge, New York and London, 2016, 328 pp, ISBN: 978†1†138†85146†7, $144, hardback
by Laust Høgedahl - 228-229 Sex Worker Unionization: Global Developments, Challenges and Possibilities, edited by Gregor Gall. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2016, 226 pp., ISBN: 978†1†137†32013†1, $120.00, hardback
by Tracy Walsh - 229-231 Developing Positive Employment Relations: International Experiences of Labour Management Partnership, edited by Stewart Johnstone and Adrian Wilkinson. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2016, 334 pp., ISBN: 978†1†137†42770†0, £67.99, hardback
by Jo Cutter - 231-233 Employment Relations in Financial Services: An Exploration of the Employee Experience After the Financial Crash, by Gregor Gall. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2017, 257 pp., ISBN: 978†1†137†39537†5, Price £86, Hardback
by Chris Rimell - 233-234 Virtue at Work: Ethics for Individuals, Managers, and Organizations, by Geoff Moore. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017, 240 pp., ISBN: 9780198793441, Price £30, paperback
by Gary Chaison - 234-236 European Social Models From Crisis to Crisis: Employment and Inequality in the Era of Monetary Integration, edited by Jon Erik Dølvik and Andrew Martin. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017, 464 pp., ISBN: 9780198798866, £25, paperback
by Martà López†Andreu - 236-238 Auto†Industrialism: DIY Capitalism and the Rise of the Auto†Industrial Society, by Peter Murphy. Sage, London, 2017, 136 pp., ISBN: 9781473961715, Price $77.00, hardback
by Brian Garvey - 238-241 Yearning to Labor: Youth, Unemployment, and Social Destiny in Urban France, by John P. Murphy. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE, 2017, 294 pp., ISBN: 9780803294974, Price £39.00, hardback
by Sylvie Contrepois
December 2017, Volume 55, Issue 4
- 687-687 Editorial
by John Godard - 688-715 Ownership and Pay in Britain
by Andrew Pendleton & Alex Bryson & Howard Gospel - 716-750 The Impact of Acquiring EU Status on the Earnings of East European Migrants in the UK: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment
by Martin Ruhs - 751-777 The Extent of Rent Sharing along the Wage Distribution
by Alessia Matano & Paolo Naticchioni - 778-801 Who Fared Better? The Fortunes of Performance Pay and Fixed Pay Workers through Recession
by Lucy Stokes & Alex Bryson & John Forth & Martin Weale - 802-830 Collective Bargaining and Technological Investment: The Case of Nurses’ Unions and the Transition from Paper-Based to Electronic Health Records
by Adam Seth Litwin - 831-858 In Unions We Trust! Analysing Confidence in Unions across Europe
by Lorenzo Frangi & Sebastian Koos & Sinisa Hadziabdic - 859-878 Blocked and New Frontiers for Trade Unions: Contesting ‘the Meaning of Work’ in the Creative and Caring Sectors
by Charles Umney & Genevieve Coderre-LaPalme - 879-881 Alternatives to State-Socialism in Britain: Other Worlds of Labour in the Twentieth Century , edited by Peter Ackers and Alastair J. Reid . Palgrave Macmillan , London , 2016 , 374 pp., ISBN: 978-3319341613, Price £66.99, hardback
by Dave Lyddon - 881-883 Left-of-Centre Parties and Trade Unions in the Twenty-First Century , edited by Elin Haugsgjerd Allern and Tim Bale . Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2017 , 432 pp., ISBN: 9780198790471, $136.50, hardback
by Mark Bergfeld - 883-885 New Worlds of Work: Varieties of Work in Car Factories in the BRIC Countries by Ulrich Jürgens and Martin Krzywdzinski . Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2016 , 368 pp., ISBN: 9780198722670, £55.00, hardback
by Marco Hauptmeier - 885-887 Surviving Job Loss: Papermakers in Maine and Minnesota , by Kenneth A. Root and Rosemarie J. Park . Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Kalamazo , MI, 2016 , 251 pp., ISBN: 9780880995085, $19.99, paperback
by Stevie Marsden - 887-889 Bob Crow: Socialist, Leader, Fighter: A Political Biography , by Gregor Gall . Manchester University Press , Manchester , 2017, ISBN: 978-1526100290, Price £20, hardback
by Ralph Darlington - 889-891 Living Wages around the World , by Richard Anker and Martha Anker . Edward Elgar , Cheltenham , 2017 , 392 pp., ISBN: 978-1786431479, £29.95, paperback
by Calum Carson
September 2017, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 463-499 We Want Them All Covered! Collective Bargaining and Firm Heterogeneity: Theory and Evidence from Germany
by Florian Baumann & Tobias Brändle - 500-526 Contract Innovation in Germany: An Economic Evaluation of Pacts for Employment and Competitiveness
by John T. Addison & Paulino Teixeira & Katalin Evers & Lutz Bellmann - 527-550 Instability and Change in Collective Bargaining: An Analysis of the Effects of Changing Institutional Structures
by Bernd Brandl & Christian Lyhne Ibsen - 551-576 Unions and Collective Bargaining in the Wake of the Great Recession: Evidence from Portugal
by John T. Addison & Pedro Portugal & Hugo Vilares - 577-601 Transnational Collective Agreements and the Development of New Spaces for Union Action: The Formal and Informal Uses of International and European Framework Agreements in the UK
by Stephen Mustchin & Miguel Martínez Lucio - 602-625 The Developing Role of Unions in China's Foreign-Invested Enterprises
by Andy W. Chan & Ed Snape & Michelle S. Luo & Yujuan Zhai - 626-647 (Re-)Locating the Local and National in the Global: Multi-Scalar Political Alignment in Transnational European Dockworker Union Campaigns
by Katy Fox-Hodess - 648-671 Conglomerate Unions and Transformations of Union Democracy
by Adrien Thomas - 672-675 Waving not Drowning: British Industrial Relations in the Twenty-First Century
by Peter Ackers - 676-678 A Gedenkschrift to Randy Hodson: Working with Dignity , edited by Lisa A. Keister and Vincent J. Roscigno . Emerald , Bingley , 2016 , 237 pp., ISBN: 978-1-78560-727-1, £72.95, hardback
by Tessa Wright - 678-680 A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Employment Relations , by Tony Dundon , Niall Cullinane and Adrian Wilkinson . Sage Publications , London , 2017 , 154 pp., ISBN: 978-1-44629-410-9, $21, paperback
by Stan Spiegelaere - 680-682 Job Quality in Australia: Perspectives, Problems and Proposals , edited by Angela Knox and Chris Warhurst . The Federation Press , Annandale, NSW , 2015 , 208 pp., ISBN: 9781862879669, $60.00, hardback
by Tui McKeown - 682-683 The Labour of Subjectivity: Foucault on Biopolitics, Economy, Critique , by Andrea Rossi . Rowman & Littlefield , Lanham , MD, 2015 , 208 pp., ISBN: 9781783486007, £80.00, hardback
by Toby Applegate
June 2017, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 225-273 Off the Waterfront: The Long-Run Impact of Technological Change on Dockworkers
by Zouheir El-Sahli & Richard Upward - 274-294 False Self-Employment, Autonomy and Regulating for Decent Work: Improving Working Conditions in the UK Stripping Industry
by Katie Cruz & Kate Hardy & Teela Sanders - 295-320 From Towns to Hotels: Changes in Mining Accommodation Regimes and Their Effects on Labour Union Strategies
by Omar Manky - 321-346 Accounting for Cross-Country Differences in Employee Involvement Practices: Comparative Case Studies in Germany, Brazil and China
by Martin Krzywdzinski - 347-371 Employer Organizations and Labour Immigration Policy in Australia and the United Kingdom: The Power of Political Salience and Social Institutional Legacies
by Chris F. Wright - 372-395 The Dynamic Effects of Works Councils on Labour Productivity: First Evidence from Panel Data
by Steffen Mueller & Jens Stegmaier - 396-420 Levels of Employee Share Ownership and the Performance of Listed Companies in Europe
by Ansgar Richter & Susanne Schrader - 421-449 Short Notice, Big Difference? The Effect of Temporary Employment on Firm Competitiveness across Sectors
by Romina Giuliano & Stephan Kampelmann & Benoît Mahy & François Rycx - 450-452 On Gender, Labor, and Inequality , by Ruth Milkman . University of Illinois Press , Champaign , 2016 , 328 pp., ISBN: 978-0-252-08177-4, $28.00, paperback
by Fenella Porter - 453-455 The Politics of Work-Family Policies. Comparing Japan, France, Germany and the United States , by Patricia Boling . Cambridge University Press , Cambridge , 268 pp., ISBN: 978-1-107-09812-1
by Valeria Pulignano - 455-457 Reimagining Pensions: The Next 40 Years , edited by Olivia S. Mitchell and Richard C. Shea . Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2016 , 384 pp., ISBN: 97580198755449, £55.00, hardback
by Gary Chaison - 457-459 Neoliberal Capitalism and Precarious Work. Ethnographies of Accommodation and Resistance , edited by Rob Lambert and Andrew Herod . Edward Elgar , Cheltenham , 2016 , 335 pp., ISBN: 9781781954942, £81, hardback
by Martin Seeliger
March 2017, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 3-33 Determinants of the Wage Share: A Panel Analysis of Advanced and Developing Economies
by Engelbert Stockhammer - 34-57 Work or Schooling? On the Return to Gaining In-School Work Experiences
by Sofie J. Cabus & Carla Haelermans - 58-82 Computer Use, Job Tasks and the Part-Time Pay Penalty
by Ahmed Elsayed & Andries Grip & Didier Fouarge - 83-111 Evaluating the Illegal Employer Practice of Under-Reporting Employees’ Salaries
by Colin C. Williams & Ioana A. Horodnic - 112-136 International Evidence on the Perception and Normative Valuation of Executive Compensation
by Andreas Kuhn - 137-164 Workplace Characteristics and Working Class Vote for the Old and New Right
by Christoph Arndt & Line Rennwald - 165-186 Does Strike Action Stimulate Trade Union Membership Growth?
by Andy Hodder & Mark Williams & John Kelly & Nick McCarthy - 187-214 Injunctions as a Legal Weapon in Collective Industrial Disputes in Britain, 2005–2014
by Gregor Gall - 215-217 Temporary Labour Migration in the Global Era: The Regulatory Challenges , edited by Joanna Howe and Rosemary Owens . Oñati International Series in Law and Society , Hart Publishing , Oxford and Portland, Oregon , 2016 , 427 pp., ISBN: 978 1 50990 628 4, $94.99, hardback
by Sonia McKay - 217-219 Labour, State and Society in Rural India: A Class-Relational Approach , by Jonathan Pattenden . Manchester University Press , Manchester , 2016 , 216 pp., ISBN: 978-0-7190-8914-5, £75.00, hardback
by Anita Hammer - 219-221 Unequal Britain at Work , edited by Alan Felstead , Duncan Gallie , and Francis Green . Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2015 , 240 pp., ISBN: 978-0-19-871284-8, £50.00, hardback
by Danat Valizade - 221-222 Gendering and Diversifying Trade Union Leadership , edited by Sue Ledwith and Lise Lotte Hansen . Routledge , London , 2012 , 338 pp., ISBN: 9780415884853, Price £90.00, hardback
by Sue Abbott
December 2016, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 681-684 The Nuts-and-Bolts of Publishing in the BJIR III: Reasons for Rejection and Concluding Words
by John Godard - 685-708 Happier with the Same: Job Satisfaction of Disadvantaged Workers
by Francisco Perales & Wojtek Tomaszewski - 709-741 A Meta-Analysis of the Union–Job Satisfaction Relationship
by Patrice Laroche - 742-767 Job Anxiety, Work-Related Psychological Illness and Workplace Performance
by Melanie K. Jones & Paul L. Latreille & Peter J. Sloane - 768-789 A ‘Problem of Fairness’ in the Making: The Transformation of Public Services from the Perspective of Postal Workers
by Jörg Flecker & Franz Schultheis & Berthold Vogel - 790-814 ‘Fair Work’ and the Modernization of Australian Labour Standards: A Case of Institutional Plasticity Entrenching Deepening Wage Inequality
by John Buchanan & Damian Oliver - 815-845 Owner-Managers and the Failure of Newly Adopted Works Councils
by Uwe Jirjahn & Jens Mohrenweiser - 846-869 What Explains the Union Membership Gap between Migrants and Natives?
by Maria Kranendonk & Paul Beer - 870-871 Chinese Workers in Comparative Perspective , edited by Anita Chan . ILR Press , Ithaca, NY , 2015 , 296 pp., ISBN: 978 0 8014 5349 6, $79.95, hardback
by Gary Chaison - 872-873 Building China: Informal Work and the New Precariat , by Sarah Swider . Cornell University Press , Ithaca , 2015 , 208 pp ., ISBN: 9780801456930, $22.95, paperback
by Thomas Cowan - 873-875 Contradictions of Employee Involvement in Organizational Change: The Transformation Efforts in NCJM, An Indian Industrial Cooperative , by George M. Kandathil . Lexington Books , Washington, DC , 2015 , 192 pp. , ISBN: 978-1-4985-0567-3, $80.00, hardback
by Ally R. Memon - 875-877 Inside the Ford-UAW Transformation: Pivotal Events in Valuing Work and Delivering Results , by Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld , Dan Brooks and Martin Mulloy . MIT Press , London , 2015 , 408 pp., ISBN: 9780262029162, £20.95, hardback
by Jason Russell - 877-879 Invisible in Austin: Life and Labor in an American City , edited by Javier Auyero . University of Texas Press , Austin, TX , 2015 , 280 pp., ISBN: 9781477303641, £52.00, hardback
by Jennifer Mateer - 879-881 Private Equity at Work: When Wall Street Manages Main Street , by Eileen Appelbaum and Rosemary Batt . Russell Sage Foundation , New York , 2014 , 396 pp., ISBN: 978 0 87154 039 3, $35.00, paperback
by Geoff Wood - 881-883 Business Model Innovation: The Organizational Dimension , edited by Nicolai Foss and Tina Saebi . Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2015 , 336 pp. , ISBN: 9780198701873, £60.00, hardback
by John Bryson - 883-884 Migrants at Work: Immigration and Vulnerability in Labour , edited by C. Costello and M. Freedland . Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2015 , 512 pp., ISBN: 978-0-19-871410-1, £70.00, hardback
by Ines Wagner - 884-886 Workers and Trade Unions for Climate Solidarity: Tackling Climate Change in a Neoliberal World , by Paul Hampton . Routledge , London , 2015 , 212 pp., ISBN: 978-1-13-884142-0, $140.00, hardback
by Eleanor Tighe
September 2016, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 461-472 The Nuts-and-Bolts of Publishing in the BJIR II: Evaluation Criteria
by John Godard - 473-495 The Setback in Political Entrepreneurship and Employment Dualization in Japan, 1998–2012
by Ji-Whan Yun - 496-521 Resisting Japan's Neoliberal Model of Capitalism: Intensification and Change in Contemporary Patterns of Class Struggle
by Saori Shibata - 522-551 Employment Systems in Japan's Financial Industry: Globalization, Growing Divergence and Institutional Change
by Mari Yamauchi - 552-573 From ‘Entering into a Firm’ to ‘Entering into a Profession’: An Anthropological Approach to Changing Personhood in Japan
by Huiyan Fu - 574-596 Union Strategies, National Institutions and the Use of Temporary Labour in Italian and US Plants
by Valeria Pulignano & Andrea Signoretti - 597-622 Liberalization Only at the Margins? Analysing the Growth of Temporary Work in German Core Manufacturing Sectors
by Chiara Benassi - 623-646 Work-Related Training and the Probability of Transitioning from Non-Permanent to Permanent Employment
by Duncan McVicar & Mark Wooden & Felix Leung & Ning Li - 647-672 Improving Working Conditions in Garment Supply Chains: The Role of Unions in Cambodia
by Chikako Oka - 673-675 Unknotting the Heart: Unemployment and Therapeutic Governance in China , by Jie Yang . ILR Press , Ithaca, NY , 2015 , 288 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8014-5660-2, Price $89.95, hardback
by Andrew Law - 675-677 The Egyptian Labor Market in an Era of Revolution , edited by Ragui Assaad and Caroline Krafft . Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2015 , 304 pp., ISBN: 9780198737254, Price £55.00, hardback
by Jonathan Preminger - 677-678 The Europeanization of Industrial Relations in the Service Sector: Problems and Perspectives in a Heterogeneous Field , by Stefan Rüb and Hans-Wolfgang Platzer (trans. P. Burgess). Peter Lang , New York , 2015 , 244 pp ., ISBN: 978-3-0343-1967-6, $64.95, paperback
by Stan De Spiegelaere
June 2016, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 257-260 The Nuts-and-Bolts of Publishing in the BJIR I: The Process
by John Godard - 261-284 Pro-Social or Pro-Management? A Critique of the Conception of Employee Voice as a Pro-Social Behaviour within Organizational Behaviour
by Michael Barry & Adrian Wilkinson - 285-310 The Role of Mediation Institutions in Sweden and Denmark after Centralized Bargaining
by Christian Lyhne Ibsen - 311-333 The Implications of the Value Chain and Financial Institutions for Work and Employment: Insights from the Video Game Industry in Poland, Sweden and Germany
by Christina Teipen - 334-357 The Foundations of Social Partnership
by Martin Behrens & Markus Helfen - 358-384 Economic Citizenship and Workplace Conflict in Anglo-American Industrial Relations Systems
by Denise Currie & Paul Teague - 385-408 Inclusion or Dualization? The Political Economy of Employment Relations in Italian and Greek Telecommunications
by Andreas Kornelakis - 409-421 The Impact of Employees' and Managers' Training on the Performance of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Experiment in the UK Service Sector
by Andreas Georgiadis & Christos N. Pitelis - 422-448 The Declining Volume of Workers’ Training in Britain
by Francis Green & Alan Felstead & Duncan Gallie & Hande Inanc & Nick Jewson - 449-450 Blacklisted: The Secret War between Big Business and Union Activists , by Dave Smith and Phil Chamberlain . New Internationalist , Oxford , 2015 , 272 pp. , ISBN: 978 1 78026 257 4, £9.99, paperback
by Linda Clarke - 451-453 The Autonomy of Labour Law , edited by Alan Bogg , Cathryn Costello , A.C.L. Davies and Jeremias Prassl . Hart, Oxford , 2015 , 442 pp., ISBN: 9781849466219, £60.00, hardback. New Frontiers in Empirical Labour Law Research , edited by Amy Ludlow and Alysia Blackham . Hart, Oxford , 2015 , 224 pp., ISBN: 9781849466783, £50.00, hardback
by Andrew Morton - 453-455 Market Expansion and Social Dumping in Europe , edited by Magdalena Bernaciak . Routledge , London , 2015 , 272 pp., ISBN: 978-1-13-878714-8, Price $145.00, hardback
by Stefanie Hürtgen - 455-457 Minimum Wage, Collective bargaining and Economic Development in Asia and Europe: A Labour Perspective , edited by Maarten Van Klaveren , Denis Gregory and Thorsten Schulten . Palgrave Macmillan , Basingstoke , 2015 , 365 pp., ISBN: 978-1-137-51240-6, Hardback
by Geoff White - 457-458 Capitalism and the Political Economy of Work , by Christoph Hermann . Routledge , London , 2015 , 236 pp., ISBN: 9780415810234, $145.00, hardback
by Michael Huberman
March 2016, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 3-29 Financial Participation: Does the Risk Transfer Story Hold in France?
by Leila Baghdadi & Rihab Bellakhal & Marc-Arthur Diaye - 30-54 The Effects of Non-Expensed Employee Stock Bonus on Firm Performance: Evidence from Taiwanese High-Tech Firms
by Nien-Chi Liu & Ming-Yuan Chen & Mei-Ling Wang - 55-82 Do Broad-based Employee Ownership, Profit Sharing and Stock Options Help the Best Firms Do Even Better?
by Joseph Blasi & Richard Freeman & Douglas Kruse - 83-113 Disability and Perceptions of Work and Management
by Melanie K. Jones - 114-135 Climbing the Ladder: Gender-Specific Career Advancement in Financial Services and the Influence of Flexible Work-Time Arrangements
by Inge Noback & Lourens Broersma & Jouke Dijk - 136-159 Age and Work-Related Health: Insights from the UK Labour Force Survey
by Rhys Davies & Melanie Jones & Huw Lloyd-Williams - 160-191 Employer Association Responses to the Effects of Bargaining Decentralization in Australia and Italy: Seeking Explanations from Organizational Theory
by Peter Sheldon & Raoul Nacamulli & Francesco Paoletti & David E. Morgan - 192-213 Collective Bargaining in the Canadian Public Sector, 1978–2008: The Consequences of Restraint and Structural Change
by Michele Campolieti & Robert Hebdon & Benjamin Dachis - 214-236 What Sort of Collective Bargaining Is Emerging in China?
by Chang-Hee Lee & William Brown & Xiaoyi Wen - 237-238 Young Workers and Trade Unions: A Global View , edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos . Palgrave Macmillan , London, UK , 2015 , 224 pp., ISBN: 978 1 13742 951 3, £67.00, hardback
by Melanie Simms - 239-240 Worker Resistance and Media: Challenging Global Corporate Power in the 21st Century , by Lina Dencik and Peter Wilkin . Peter Lang , New York , 2015 , 260 pp., ISBN 9781433124990, £98.00, hardback
by Torsten Geelan - 241-242 Finding a Voice at Work? New Perspectives on Employment Relations , edited by Stewart Johnstone and Peter Ackers . Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2015 , 336 pp ., ISBN 978-0-19-966801-4, £24.99, hardback
by Niall Cullinane - 243-244 What Does the Minimum Wage Do ?, by Dale Belman and Paul Wolfson . W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research , Kalamazoo, MI , 2014 , 471 pp., ISBN: 9780880994569, $35.00, paperback
by Damian Grimshaw - 245-247 Non-Standard Employment in Post-Industrial Labour Markets: An Occupational Perspective , edited by Werner Eichhorst and Paul Marx . Edward Elgar , Cheltenham , 2015 , 435 pp ., ISBN 978-1-78100-171-4, £105, hardback
by Chiara Benassi - 247-249 European Social Models from Crisis to Crisis: Employment and Inequality in the Era of Monetary Integration , edited by Jon Erik Dølvik and Andrew Martin . Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2015 , 464 pp. , ISBN 978-0-19-871796-6, £60.00, hardback Governing Social Risks in Post-Crisis Europe , edited by Colin Crouch . Edward Elgar , Cheltenham , 2015 , 320 pp. , ISBN 978 1 78100 400 5, $135.00, hardback
by Jean-Claude Barbier - 250-251 Labor Standards in International Supply Chains: Aligning Rights and Incentives , by Daniel Berliner , Anne Regan Greenleaf , Milli Lake , Margaret Levi and Jennifer Noveck . Edward Elgar , Cheltenham , 2015 , 224 pp., ISBN 978 1 78347 035 8, $110.00, hardback
by Arianna Rossi - 252-253 Labour and Transnational Action in Times of Crisis , edited by Andreas Bieler , Roland Erne , Darragh Golden , Idar Helle , Knut Kjeldstadli , Tiago Matos and Sabina Stan . Rowman & Littlefield International , London , 2015 , 268 pp. , ISBN: 9781783482771, £80, hardback and 9781783482788, £27.95, paperback
by Richard Hyman
December 2015, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 645-663 Evaluating Industrial Relations Systems of OECD Countries from 1993 to 2005: A Two-Dimensional Approach
by Dong-One Kim & Yoon-Ho Kim & Paula Voos & Hiromasa Suzuki & Young Doo Kim - 664-691 Globalized Labour Markets? International Rent Sharing Across 47 Countries
by Pedro S. Martins & Yong Yang - 692-710 Rule Enactment in a Pan-European Labour Market: Transnational Posted Work in the German Construction Sector
by Ines Wagner - 711-735 How Does China's New Labour Contract Law Affect Floating Workers?
by Xiaoying Li & Richard B. Freeman - 736-759 The Impact of Recession on Adult Training: Evidence from the United Kingdom in 2008–2009
by Geoff Mason & Kate Bishop - 760-788 Sharp Teeth or Empty Mouths? European Institutional Diversity and the Sector-Level Minimum Wage Bite
by Andrea Garnero & Stephan Kampelmann & François Rycx - 789-815 Paid and Unpaid Labour in Non-Profit Organizations: Does the Substitution Effect Exist?
by Benjamin Bittschi & Astrid Pennerstorfer & Ulrike Schneider - 816-818 The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity, and the Secret Joys of Bureaucracy , by David Graeber . Melville House , New York , 2014 , 261 pp., ISBN: 9781612193748, $21.55, hardback
by Charles Umney - 818-819 Workers and Labour in a Globalised Capitalism , edited by Maurizio Atzeni. Palgrave Macmillan , Basingstoke , 2013 , 264 pp., ISBN: 978 0 23030 317 1, £28.99, paperback
by Martin Upchurch - 820-821 Just Work: Narratives of Employment in the 21st Century , by Grant Michelson and Shaun Ryan . Palgrave Macmillan , Basingstoke , 2014 , 190 pp., ISBN: 978 1 137 35015 2
by Ian Greenwood - 821-823 New Labor in New York: Precarious Workers and the Future of the Labor Movement , edited by Ruth Milkman and Ed Ott . Ithaca, NY : ILR Press , 2014 , 352 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8104-7937-3, paperback
by John Krinsky - 824-825 If We Can Win Here: The New Front Lines of the Labor Movement , by Fran Quigley . ILR Press , Ithaca , NY, 2015 , 224 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8014-5655-8, $79.95, hardback
by Bruce Nissen - 825-827 Gender and Leadership in Unions , by Gill Kirton and Geraldine Healy . Routledge , New York , 2013, 290 pp., £90.00, hardback
by Rae Cooper - 827-828 The Unfolding of American Labor Law: Judges, Workers and Public Policy across Two Political Generations, 1790–1850 , by Jeffrey Kahana . LFB Scholarly Publishing , El Paso , TX, 2014 , 350 pp., ISBN: 978-1-59332-580-0, $85.00, hardback
by Christopher Tomlins - 828-830 Social Security and Pension Reform: International Perspectives , edited by Marek Szczepanski and John A. Turner . Upjohn Institute , Kalamazoo , 2014 , 345 pp., ISBN: 9780880994682, Price $40.00, hardback
by Teresa Ghilarducci - 831-832 Firm Commitment: Why the Corporation Is Failing Us and How to Restore Trust in It , by Colin Mayer . Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2013 , 320 pp. , ISBN: 978 0 19 966993 6, £16.99, paperback
by Shinichi Hirota - 832-834 What Works for Workers? Public Policies and Innovative Strategies for Low Wage Workers , edited by Stephanie Luce , Jennifer Luff , Joseph A. McCartin and Ruth Milkman . Russell Sage Foundation , New York , 2014, 362 pp., ISBN: 978-0-87154-571-8, $47.50, paperback
by Jill Rubery
September 2015, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 397-422 Accounting for Greenfield Union Organizing Outcomes
by Melanie Simms - 423-459 Are Unions Good or Bad for Organizations? The Moderating Role of Management's Response
by Dionne Pohler & Andrew Luchak - 460-483 An International Study of Trade Union Involvement in Community Organizing: Same Model, Different Outcomes
by Jane Holgate - 484-507 Progress Towards Gender Democracy in UK Unions 1987–2012
by Gill Kirton - 508-532 Social Media in Union Communications: An International Study with UNI Global Union Affiliates
by Panagiotis Panagiotopoulos & Julie Barnett - 533-555 Straight to the Core — Explaining Union Responses to the Casualization of Work: The IG Metall Campaign for Agency Workers
by Chiara Benassi & Lisa Dorigatti - 556-579 Reconsidering Union Activism and Its Meaning
by Jack Fiorito & Irene Padavic & Philip S. DeOrtentiis - 580-600 Dissatisfied Union Workers: Sorting Revisited
by Colin P. Green & John S. Heywood - 601-627 Beyond the Union-Centred Approach: A Critical Evaluation of Recent Trade Union Elections in China
by Elaine Sio-ieng Hui & Chris King-chi Chan - 628-630 Songs of the Factory: Pop Music, Culture and Resistance , by Marek Korczynski . ILR Press, Ithaca , 2015, 240pp., ISBN: 978-0-8014-5154-6, $75.00, hardback. Rhythms of Labour: Music at Work in Britain , by Marek Korczynski , Michael Pickering and Emma Robertson . Cambridge University Press , Cambridge , 2014, 354pp., ISBN: 9781107000179, £69.99, hardback
by Tim Strangleman - 630-632 Gender Equality in Public Services: Chasing the Dream, by Hazel Conley and Margaret Page . Routledge , London , 2014, 148pp., ISBN: 978-0-415-62776-4, $125.00, hardback
by Susan Corby - 632-634 Studying Organisations Using Critical Realism: A Practical Guide , edited by Paul K. Edwards , Joe O'Mahoney and Steve Vincent . Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2014 , 416 pp., ISBN: 978-0-19-966553-2, £24.99, paperback
by Jamie Morgan - 634-635 Foucault, Governmentality, and Organization , by Alan McKinlay and Philip Taylor . Routledge , London , 2014 , 174 pp., ISBN: 978-0-415-74905-3 , $135.00, hardback
by Michael Bruch - 635-637 Financialization, New Investment Funds and Labour: An International Comparison , edited by Howard Gospel , Andrew Pendleton and Sigurt Vitols . Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2014, 416pp., ISBN: 978-0-19-965358-4, £55.00, hardback
by Engelbert Stockhammer - 637-639 Multinational Companies and Domestic Firms in Europe: Comparing Wages, Working Conditions and Industrial Relations , by Maarten van Klaveren , Kea Tijdens and Denis Gregory . Palgrave Macmillan , London , 2013 , 440 pp., ISBN: 978 1 137 37590 2 , £79.00, hardback
by Stefanie Hürtgen - 639-641 Trade Unions: Past, Present and Future Vol. 24: Paths to Transnational Solidarity , by Hermann Kotthoff and Michael Whittall . Peter Lang , Pieterlen , 2014, 275 pp., ISBN: 978-3-0343-1775-7, Price £43.00, paperback
by Markus Hertwig - 641-643 The European Social Model in Crisis: Is Europe Losing Its Soul ? edited by Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead . Edward Elgar , Cheltenham and ILO, Geneva , 2015 , xii + 627 pp., ISBN: 978 1 78347 655 8, £125.00, hardback
by Richard Hyman
June 2015, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 181-203 Subcontracting and Labour Standards: Reassessing the Potential of International Framework Agreements
by Glynne Williams & Steve Davies & Crispen Chinguno - 204-230 Global Labour-Standards Advocacy by European Civil Society Organizations: Trends and Developments
by Luc Fransen & Brian Burgoon - 231-253 European Integration and Pension Policy Change: Variable Patterns of Europeanization in Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium
by Karen M. Anderson & Michael Kaeding - 254-277 Accounting for National and Sectoral Variance in the Implementation of European Social Partner ‘Soft’ Law: The Cases of the Implementation of the Telework and Work-Related Stress Agreements
by Thomas Prosser - 278-307 The Effects of the EU Equal-Treatment Directive for Fixed-Term Workers: Evidence From the UK
by Andrea Salvatori - 308-325 Works Councils and Labour Productivity: Looking beyond the Mean
by Steffen Mueller - 326-349 European Works Councils and the Crisis: Change and Resistance in Cross-Border Employee Representation at Honda and Toyota
by Markus Hertwig - 350-375 Trade Union Approaches towards the ICE Regulations: Defensive Realism or Missed Opportunity?
by Mark Hall & John Purcell & Michael Terry & Sue Hutchinson & Jane Parker - 376-377 Trade Unions in Western Europe: Hard Times, Hard Choices , by Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick and Richard Hyman . Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2013 , 272 pp ., ISBN: 978 0 19 964441 4, £55.00, hardback
by Horen Voskeritsian - 378-379 Comparative Political Economy of Work , edited by Marco Hauptmeier and Matt Vidal . Palgrave Macmillan , Basingstoke , 2014 , 384 pp., ISBN: 978-1-137-32227-2 , £34.99, paperback
by Chiara Benassi - 380-381 Law and Fair Work in China , by Sean Cooney , Sarah Biddulph and Ying Zhu. Routledge , London , 2013, 194 pp., ISBN: 978-0-415-67407-2, £85.00, hardback
by Tim Pringle - 382-384 Insurgency Trap , by Eli Friedman . Cornell University Press , Ithaca, NY , 2014 , 232 pp., ISBN: 978 0 8014 5269 7, $24.95 paperback
by Chunyun Li - 384-386 Inequality in the Workplace: Labor Market Reform in Japan and Korea , by Jiyeoun Song , Cornell University Press , Ithaca, NY , 2014 , 248 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8014-5215-4 , $49.95, hardback
by Hiroaki Richard Watanabe - 386-387 Ties that Bind: Cultural Identity, Class, and Law in Vietnam's Labor Resistance , by Tran Ngoc Angie , Cornell University Press , Ithaca, NY , 2014 , 354 pp., ISBN: 978-0-877-27762-0 , $51.95, hardback
by Suhong Chae