July 2018, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 409-421 The impact of the use of new technologies on farmers’ wheat yield in Ethiopia: evidence from a randomized control trial
by Gashaw Tadesse Abate & Tanguy Bernard & Alan de Brauw & Nicholas Minot - 423-434 The role of intellectual property rights in seed technology transfer through trade: evidence from U.S. field crop seed exports
by Minyu Zhou & Ian Sheldon & Jihyun Eum - 435-454 Storage losses, liquidity constraints, and maize storage decisions in Benin
by Didier Kadjo & Jacob Ricker‐Gilbert & Tahirou Abdoulaye & Gerald Shively & Mohamed N. Baco - 455-462 Spatial dispersion of retail margins: evidence from Turkish agricultural prices
by Hakan Yilmazkuday - 463-479 The economic impacts of technology and climate change: New evidence from U.S. corn yields
by Wallace E. Huffman & Yu Jin & Zheng Xu - 481-495 Matching food security and malnutrition indicators: evidence from Southeast Asia
by Dorothee Bühler & Rebecca Hartje & Ulrike Grote - 497-509 Does mixed crop‐livestock farming lead to less diversified diets among smallholders? Evidence from Laos
by Priyanka Parvathi - 511-520 Industrial mining land use and poverty in regions of Burkina Faso
by Youmanli OUOBA - 521-531 Renters, landlords, and farmland stewardship
by B. James Deaton & Chad Lawley & Karthik Nadella - 533-545 Effects of subsidized crop insurance on crop choices
by Jisang Yu & Daniel A. Sumner
May 2018, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 279-288 Contract farming: opportunity cost and trade†offs
by Marc F. Bellemare - 289-299 Energy†milk price transmission at the product brand level
by Xun Li & Rigoberto Lopez & Shuai Yang - 301-312 Spatial dependency and technical efficiency: an application of a Bayesian stochastic frontier model to irrigated and rainfed rice farmers in Bohol, Philippines
by Valerien O. Pede & Francisco J. Areal & Alphonse Singbo & Justin McKinley & Kei Kajisa - 313-323 Neighbors follow early adopters under stress: panel data analysis of submergence†tolerant rice in northern Bangladesh
by Takashi Yamano & Maria Luz Malabayabas & Md. Ashraful Habib & Subrata Kumar Das - 325-338 Implications of the global growth slowdown for rural poverty
by David Laborde Debucquet & Will Martin - 339-351 Inducing value and institutional learning effects in stated choice experiments using advanced disclosure and instructional choice set treatments
by Tenaw G. Abate & Morten R. Mørkbak & Søren B. Olsen - 353-362 The impact of deal†proneness on WTP estimates in incentive†aligned value elicitation methods
by Lijia Shi & Jing Xie & Zhifeng Gao - 363-380 Price premiums, payment delays, and default risk: understanding developing country farmers’ decisions to market through a cooperative or a private trader
by Tina L. Saitone & Richard J. Sexton & Benoît Malan - 381-393 The components of the bid†ask spread: Evidence from the corn futures market
by Quanbiao Shang & Mindy Mallory & Philip Garcia - 395-406 Evaluating research and education performance in Indian agricultural development
by Nicholas Rada & David Schimmelpfennig
March 2018, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 147-156 Nontraded food commodity spatial price transmission: evidence from the Niger millet market
by Mahamadou Roufahi Tankari & Anatole Goundan - 157-169 Effects of scale economies and production seasonality on optimal hub locations: the case of regional fresh produce aggregation
by Houtian Ge & Patrick Canning & Stephan Goetz & Agnes Perez - 171-181 How financial investment distorts food prices: evidence from U.S. grain markets
by Sophie van Huellen - 183-192 Increasing agricultural productivity while reducing greenhouse gas emissions in sub†Saharan Africa: myth or reality?
by Eucabeth Majiwa & Boon L. Lee & Clevo Wilson - 193-202 Impact of training on the intensification of rice farming: evidence from rainfed areas in Tanzania
by Yuko Nakano & Yuki Tanaka & Keijiro Otsuka - 203-212 Efficiency in wine grape production: comparing long†established and newly developed regions of South Africa
by Jenifer Piesse & Beatrice Conradie & Colin Thirtle & Nick Vink - 213-223 Spatial determinants of productivity growth on agri†food Spanish firms: a comparison between cooperatives and investor†owned firms
by MCarmen MartÃnez†Victoria & Mariluz Maté Sánchez†Val & Narciso Arcas†Lario - 225-235 Dynamics of smallholder participation in horticultural export chains: evidence from Ecuador
by Cristina Romero Granja & Meike Wollni - 237-250 Evaluating irrigation investments in Malawi: economy†wide impacts under uncertainty and labor constraints
by Franziska Schuenemann & James Thurlow & Stefan Meyer & Richard Robertson & Joao Rodrigues - 251-263 The impact of EU trade preferences on the extensive and intensive margins of agricultural and food products
by Margherita Scoppola & Valentina Raimondi & Alessandro Olper - 265-276 Knowledge diffusion and agricultural development
by Md. Rabiul Islam & Jakob B. Madsen
January 2018, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 3-12 Are farms in less favored areas less efficient?
by Lajos Baráth & Imre Fertő & Štefan Bojnec - 13-24 The impact of safety nets on technology adoption: a difference†in†differences analysis
by Yonas Alem & Nzinga H. Broussard - 25-39 Threshold cointegration and spatial price transmission when expectations matter
by Sergio H. Lence & GianCarlo Moschini & Fabio Gaetano Santeramo - 41-53 Does willingness to pay increase with the number and strictness of sustainability labels?
by Eva Tebbe & Korbinian von Blanckenburg - 55-69 Impact of the 2014 Suspension Agreement on sugar between the United States and Mexico
by Troy G. Schmitz - 71-82 Why does on†farm storage fail to mitigate price volatility?
by Elodie Maître d'Hôtel & Tristan Le Cotty - 83-95 Analysis of food demand in Vietnam and short†term impacts of market shocks on quantity and calorie consumption
by Hoa K. Hoang - 97-109 Harmonization of food trade standards and regulations in ASEAN: the case of Malaysia's food imports
by Evelyn S. Devadason & VGR Chandran & Kaliappa Kalirajan - 111-118 Maximum residual levels of pesticides and public health: best friends or faux amis?
by Myriam Carrère & Federica DeMaria & Sophie Drogué - 119-129 Do U.S. citizens support government intervention in agriculture? Implications for the political economy of agricultural protection
by Wanki Moon & Gabriel Pino - 131-143 Heterogeneity of commercialization gains in the rural economy
by Natalia Radchenko & Paul Corral & Paul Winters
November 2017, Volume 48, Issue S1
- 5-10 The structural transformation of African agriculture and rural spaces: introduction to a special section-super-†
by Christopher B. Barrett & Paul Christian & Bekele A. Shiferaw - 11-26 Designing and evaluating sustainable development pathways for semi-subsistence crop–livestock systems: lessons from Kenya
by Roberto O. Valdivia & John M. Antle & Jetse J. Stoorvogel - 27-41 Human health and pesticide use in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Megan Sheahan & Christopher B. Barrett & Casey Goldvale - 43-57 Finding default? Understanding the drivers of default on contracts with farmers’ organizations under the World Food Programme Purchase for progress pilot
by Joanna Upton & Erin Lentz - 59-72 Nonfarm employment, agricultural intensification, and productivity change: empirical findings from Uganda
by Mulubrhan Amare & Bekele Shiferaw - 73-86 Diet transformation in Africa: the case of Ethiopia
by Ibrahim Hassen Worku & Mekdim Dereje & Bart Minten & Kalle Hirvonen - 87-100 The fourth industrial revolution, agricultural and rural innovation, and implications for public policy and investments: a case of India
by Uma Lele & Sambuddha Goswami - 101-111 Information sharing as a safeguard against the opportunistic behavior of South African Karoo Lamb farmers
by Melissa der Merwe & Johann F. Kirsten & Jacques H. Trienekens
November 2017, Volume 48, Issue 6
- 671-681 Poverty analysis using small area estimation: an application to conservation agriculture in Uganda
by Jarrad Farris & Catherine Larochelle & Jeffrey Alwang & George W. Norton & Caleb King - 683-691 Modeling regime-dependent agricultural commodity price volatilities
by Na Li & Alan Ker & Abdoul G. Sam & Satheesh Aradhyula - 693-706 Can smallholder farmers adapt to climate variability, and how effective are policy interventions? Agent-based simulation results for Ethiopia
by Thomas Berger & Christian Troost & Tesfamicheal Wossen & Evgeny Latynskiy & Kindie Tesfaye & Sika Gbegbelegbe - 707-717 International research on vegetable improvement in East and Southern Africa: adoption, impact, and returns
by Pepijn Schreinemachers & Teresa Sequeros & Philipo Joseph Lukumay - 719-729 Cereal price shocks and volatility in sub-Saharan Africa: what really matters for farmers’ welfare?
by Emiliano Magrini & Jean Balié & Cristian Morales-Opazo - 731-741 The declining price anomaly in sequential auctions of identical commodities with asymmetric bidders: empirical evidence from the Nephrops norvegicus market in France
by Frédéric Salladarré & Patrice Guillotreau & Patrice Loisel & Pierrick Ollivier - 743-753 Testing for spatial market integration: evidence for Colombia using a pairwise approach
by Ana María Iregui & Jesús Otero - 755-768 Commodity price bubbles and macroeconomics: evidence from the Chinese agricultural markets
by Jian Li & Jean-Paul Chavas & Xiaoli L. Etienne & Chongguang Li - 769-780 Price shock transmission: evidence from the wheat-bread market value chain in Ethiopia
by Mekbib G. Haile & Matthias Kalkuhl & Bernardina Algieri & Samuel Gebreselassie - 781-791 The effects of Mongolia's booming mining industry on its agricultural sector: A test for Dutch disease
by Wei Ge & Henry W. Kinnucan - 793-803 Demand for collective food-safety standards
by John Bovay
September 2017, Volume 48, Issue 5
- 537-548 Can flexible agricultural microfinance loans limit the repayment risk of low diversified farmers?
by Ron Weber & Oliver Musshoff - 549-560 Incentives and moral hazard: plot level productivity of factory-operated and outgrower-operated sugarcane production in Ethiopia
by Mengistu Assefa Wendimu & Arne Henningsen & Tomasz Gerard Czekaj - 561-571 The impact of the 2008 financial crisis on dynamic productivity growth of the Spanish food manufacturing industry. An impulse response analysis
by Magdalena Kapelko & Alfons Oude Lansink & Spiro E. Stefanou - 573-586 Agricultural technology adoption and child nutrition enhancement: improved maize varieties in rural Ethiopia
by Di Zeng & Jeffrey Alwang & George W. Norton & Bekele Shiferaw & Moti Jaleta & Chilot Yirga - 587-596 Decent rural employment and farm production efficiency: empirical evidence from Tanzania and Ethiopia
by Habtamu Yesigat Ayenew & Elisenda Estruch & Johannes Sauer & Getachew Abate-Kassa & Lena Schickramm & Peter Wobst - 597-611 Mobile money, agricultural marketing, and off-farm income in Uganda
by Haruna Sekabira & Matin Qaim - 613-627 Determinants and impact of sustainable land management (SLM) investments: A systems evaluation in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
by Emily Schmidt & Paul Chinowsky & Sherman Robinson & Kenneth Strzepek - 629-638 The linkage between the U.S. ethanol market and developing countries’ maize prices: a panel SVAR analysis
by Na Hao & Peter Pedroni & Gregory Colson & Michael Wetzstein - 639-653 Differential livelihood impacts of oil palm expansion in Indonesia
by Vijesh Krishna & Michael Euler & Hermanto Siregar & Matin Qaim - 655-667 Valuation of ecosystem services provided by irrigated rice agriculture in Thailand: a choice experiment considering attribute nonattendance
by Damien Jourdain & Somsak Vivithkeyoonvong
July 2017, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 413-424 The impact of TPP and RCEP on tea exports from Vietnam: the case of tariff elimination and pesticide policy cooperation
by Bo Xiong - 425-435 Food versus fuel: examining tradeoffs in the allocation of biomass energy sources to domestic and productive uses in Ethiopia
by Dawit Mekonnen & Elizabeth Bryan & Tekie Alemu & Claudia Ringler - 437-448 The Swiss payment for milk processed into cheese: ex post and ex ante analysis
by Robert Finger & Giulia Listorti & Axel Tonini - 449-458 You get what you pay for: the link between price and food safety in Kenya
by Vivian Hoffmann & Christine Moser - 459-467 The influence of proximity to market on bean producer prices in Nicaragua
by Ayako Ebata & Pamela Alejandra Velasco Pacheco & Stephan Cramon-Taubadel - 469-480 Agricultural production and children's diets: evidence from rural Ethiopia
by Kalle Hirvonen & John Hoddinott - 481-490 Cocoa pricing options and their implications for poverty and industrialization in Ghana
by Francis M. Mulangu & Mario J. Miranda & Eugenie W.H. Maïga - 491-500 Decompositions of corn price effects: implications for feed grain demand and livestock supply
by Dong Hee Suh & Charles B. Moss - 501-511 Demand for a labor-based drought insurance scheme in Ethiopia: a stated choice experiment approach
by Million A. Tadesse & Frode Alfnes & Olaf Erenstein & Stein T. Holden - 513-522 Women's empowerment in agriculture: Implications for technical efficiency in rural Bangladesh
by Greg Seymour - 523-533 Estimating product-specific and multiproduct economies of scale with data envelopment analysis
by Bryon J. Parman & Allen M. Featherstone & Brian K. Coffey
May 2017, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 263-277 Motivations to grow energy crops: the role of crop and contract attributes
by Madhu Khanna & Jordan Louviere & Xi Yang - 279-289 Wheat variety yield data: Do commercial and public performance tests provide the same information?
by Frank Kyekyeku Nti & Andrew Barkley - 291-299 Modeling farmers’ decisions on tea varieties in Vietnam: a multinomial logit analysis
by Phu Nguyen-Van & Cyrielle Poiraud & Nguyen To-The - 301-315 Leveling the field for biofuels: comparing the economic and environmental impacts of biofuel and other export crops in Malawi
by Franziska Schuenemann & James Thurlow & Manfred Zeller - 317-326 Targeting, bias, and expected impact of complex innovations on developing-country agriculture: evidence from Malawi
by Beliyou Haile & Carlo Azzarri & Cleo Roberts & David J. Spielman - 327-339 The effect of intellectual property rights on agricultural productivity
by Mercedes Campi - 341-361 Erosion mitigation in the Waikato District, New Zealand: economic implications for agriculture
by Mario Andres Fernandez & Adam Daigneault - 363-372 Custom-hired tractor services and returns to scale in smallholder agriculture: a production function approach
by Hiroyuki Takeshima - 373-386 The heterogeneous farm-level impact of the 2005 CAP-first pillar reform: A multivalued treatment effect estimation
by Roberto Esposti - 387-396 “Resistance is futile”: estimating the costs of managing herbicide resistance as a first-order Markov process and the case of U.S. upland cotton producers
by Dayton M. Lambert & James A. Larson & Roland K. Roberts & Burton C. English & Xia “Vivian” Zhou & Lawrence L. Falconer & Robert J. Hogan Jr. & Jason L. Johnson & Jeanne M. Reeves - 397-408 Do the EU countries import at the same price? The case of coffee
by Andrea Cerasa & Daniela Buscaglia
March 2017, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 129-141 The importance of the savings device in precautionary savings: Empirical evidence from rural Bangladesh
by Jeffrey D. Michler & Joseph V. Balagtas - 143-152 Impacts of terrain attributes on economics and the environment: costs of reducing potential nitrogen pollution in wheat production
by Cory G. Walters & C. Richard Shumway & David R. Huggins - 153-164 Is late really better than never? The farmer welfare effects of pineapple adoption in Ghana
by Aurélie P. Harou & Thomas F. Walker & Christopher B. Barrett - 165-174 Quota prices as indicators of comparative advantage in supply-managed industries
by Predrag Rajsic & Glenn Fox - 175-185 Revisiting the determinants of futures contracts success: the role of market participants
by Anton Bekkerman & Hernan A. Tejeda - 187-196 Rice demand in Tanzania: an empirical analysis
by Edith Lazaro & Abdoul G. Sam & Stanley R. Thompson - 197-205 Are local market relationships undermining organic fruit and vegetable certification? A bivariate probit analysis
by Ariana P. Torres & Maria I. Marshall & Corinne E. Alexander & Michael S. Delgado - 207-218 Effect of off-farm income on smallholder commercialization: panel evidence from rural households in Ethiopia
by Tesfaye Woldeyohanes & Thomas Heckelei & Yves Surry - 219-239 Asset-based poverty transition and persistence in rural China
by Jing You - 241-259 Improving the speed of adoption of agricultural technologies and farm performance through farmer groups: evidence from the Great Lakes region of Africa
by John Herbert Ainembabazi & Piet Asten & Bernard Vanlauwe & Emily Ouma & Guy Blomme & Eliud Abucheli Birachi & Paul Martin Dontsop Nguezet & Djana Babatima Mignouna & Victor M. Manyong
January 2017, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 3-13 Using a functional approach to test trending volatility in the price of Mexican and international agricultural products
by Santiago Guerrero & Gerardo Hernández†del†Valle & Miriam Juárez†Torres - 15-27 Monetary policy shocks and the dynamics of agricultural commodity prices: evidence from structural and factor†augmented VAR analyses
by Md Rafayet Alam & Scott Gilbert - 29-39 Estimating the environmental effects and recreational benefits of cultivated flower land for environmental quality improvement in Taiwan
by Chin†Huang Huang - 41-50 Risk attitudes and the structure of decision†making: evidence from the Illinois hog industry
by Jason R.V. Franken & Joost M.E. Pennings & Philip Garcia - 51-60 An evaluation of extension services in Sweden
by Martin Nordin & Sören Höjgård - 61-76 Self†protection from weather risk using improved maize varieties or off†farm income and the propensity for insurance
by Sebastain N. Awondo & Octavio A. Ramirez & Gregory J. Colson & Esendugue G. Fonsah & Genti Kostandini - 77-89 Occupational diversification as an adaptation to rainfall variability in rural India
by Emmanuel Skoufias & Sushenjit Bandyopadhyay & Sergio Olivieri - 91-103 Internal and contextual drivers of dairy restructuring: evidence from French mountainous areas and post†quota prospects
by Marie Dervillé & Gilles Allaire & Élise Maigné & Éric Cahuzac - 105-114 Cotton farmers’ willingness to pay for pest management services in northern Benin
by Cokou Patrice Kpadé & Edouard Roméo Mensah & Michel Fok & Jupiter Ndjeunga - 115-126 Factors explaining the low and variable profitability of fertilizer application to maize in Zambia
by William J. Burke & Thom. S. Jayne & J. Roy Black
November 2016, Volume 47, Issue S1
- 3-6 Agriculture in an interconnected world
by Will Martin - 7-19 Economics and politics of food standards, trade, and development
by Johan Swinnen - 21-33 Will digital technologies transform agriculture in developing countries?
by Uwe Deichmann & Aparajita Goyal & Deepak Mishra - 35-48 The promise (and pitfalls) of ICT for agriculture initiatives
by Jenny C. Aker & Ishita Ghosh & Jenna Burrell - 49-59 A text message away: ICTs as a tool to improve food security
by Eduardo Nakasone & Maximo Torero - 61-71 Human behavior and the use of experiments to understand the agricultural, resource, and environmental challenges of the XXI century
by Juan Camilo Cárdenas - 73-83 Food and consumer behavior: why the details matter
by David R. Just & Gnel Gabrielyan - 85-96 What farmers want: the “gustibus multiplier” and other behavioral insights on agricultural development
by Michael R. Carter - 97-114 The nutrition transition and agricultural transformation: a Preston curve approach
by William A. Masters & Anaya Hall & Elena M. Martinez & Peilin Shi & Gitanjali Singh & Patrick Webb & Dariush Mozaffarian - 115-134 Trends and patterns in the triple burden of malnutrition in India
by J. V. Meenakshi - 135-147 Food security as resilience: reconciling definition and measurement
by Joanna B. Upton & Jennifer Denno Cissé & Christopher B. Barrett - 149-157 Climate change: scenarios, impacts, policy, and development opportunities
by Carlo Carraro - 159-171 Recent weather fluctuations and agricultural yields: implications for climate change
by Anthony Louis D'Agostino & Wolfram Schlenker - 173-184 Payments for environmental services to promote “climate-smart agriculture”? Potential and challenges
by Stefanie Engel & Adrian Muller - 185-196 The evolution of global farming land: facts and interpretations
by Derek D. Headey - 197-214 Africa's changing farm size distribution patterns: the rise of medium-scale farms
by T.S. Jayne & Jordan Chamberlin & Lulama Traub & Nicholas Sitko & Milu Muyanga & Felix K. Yeboah & Ward Anseeuw & Antony Chapoto & Ayala Wineman & Chewe Nkonde & Richard Kachule - 215-225 The evolving role of large and medium farms on Brazilian agriculture
by Joaquim Bento de Souza Ferreira Filho & Carlos Eduardo de Freitas Vian - 227-237 Institutional innovation and policy support to facilitate small-scale farming transformation in China
by Jikun Huang & Jiping Ding
November 2016, Volume 47, Issue 6
- 599-608 Consumer preferences for organic production methods and origin promotions on ornamental plants: evidence from eye-tracking experiments
by Alicia Rihn & Hayk Khachatryan & Benjamin Campbell & Charles Hall & Bridget Behe - 609-619 Primary and secondary pest management in agriculture: balancing pesticides and natural enemies in potato production
by Lianxin Yang & Levan Elbakidze & Thomas Marsh & Christopher McIntosh - 621-632 Formation and adaptation of reference prices in grain marketing: an experimental study
by Fabio L. Mattos & Jamie Zinn - 633-643 Demand for improved fish feed in the presence of a subsidy: a double hurdle application in Kenya
by Akuffo Amankwah & Kwamena K. Quagrainie & Paul V. Preckel - 645-659 Exploring the widening food gap: an international perspective
by Jakob B. Madsen & Md. Rabiul Islam - 661-670 Disaggregated trade and disaggregated currency unions: a ranking of common currency effects
by Gregory W. Whitten - 671-681 The political economy of agriculture for development today: the “small versus large” scale debate revisited
by Jochen Dürr - 683-695 Do rice prices follow a random walk? Evidence from Markov switching unit root tests for Asian markets
by Harold Glenn A. Valera & Jim Lee - 697-707 Enhancing food security in South Sudan: the role of markets and regional trade
by Paul A. Dorosh & Shahidur Rashid & Joanna Asselt - 709-718 Out-of-sample testing price discovery in commodity markets: the case of soybeans
by Hildegart Ahumada & Magdalena Cornejo - 719-727 Farmer's willingness to participate in wetland restoration: a hurdle model approach
by Xuan Wei & Zhengfei Guan & Honggen Zhu - 729-741 Impact of conservation agriculture technology on household welfare in Zambia
by Abdul Nafeo Abdulai
September 2016, Volume 47, Issue 5
- 479-492 Cattle sharing and rental contracts in an Agrarian economy: evidence from Ethiopia
by Million A. Tadesse & Stein T. Holden & Ragnar A. Øygard & John McPeak - 493-504 Information processing strategies and framing effects in developing country choice experiments: results from rice farmers in India
by David L. Ortega & Patrick S. Ward - 505-512 Farm share of the food dollar: an IO approach for the United States and Canada
by Patrick Canning & Alfons Weersink & Jessica Kelly - 513-522 Resource saving and productivity enhancing impacts of crop management innovation packages in Ethiopia
by Moti Jaleta & Menale Kassie & Kindie Tesfaye & Tilaye Teklewold & Pradyot Ranjan Jena & Paswel Marenya & Olaf Erenstein - 523-531 Agricultural price transmission elasticity: importance of controlling for unobserved common factors
by Jagath Dissanayake - 533-545 Technical efficiency, herd size, and exit intentions in U.S. dairy farms
by Fengxia Dong & David A. Hennessy & Helen H. Jensen & Richard J. Volpe - 547-557 Vertical coordination and farm performance: evidence from the catfish sector in Vietnam
by Neda Trifković - 559-569 Pricing a rural development program: uncertainty, indifference, and protest behaviors
by Marcos Domínguez-Torreiro & Mario Soliño - 571-580 What drives stock market integration? An analysis using agribusiness stocks
by Rodrigo Valdes & Stephan Cramon-Taubadel & Alejandra Engler - 581-595 Using an economic experiment to estimate willingness-to-pay for a new maternal nutrient supplement in Ghana
by Katherine P. Adams & Travis J. Lybbert & Stephen A. Vosti & Emmanuel Ayifah
July 2016, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 365-374 Economic valuation of climate-change-induced vinery landscape impacts on tourism flows in Tuscany
by Paulo A.L.D. Nunes & Maria L. Loureiro - 375-386 Pseudo panel data estimation technique and rational addiction model: an analysis of cigarette, alcohol and coffee demands
by Aycan Koksal & Michael Wohlgenant - 387-398 Using proportional modeling to evaluate irrigator preferences for market-based water reallocation
by Adam Loch & Peter Boxall & Sarah Ann Wheeler - 399-409 The productivity of agricultural credit in India
by Sudha Narayanan - 411-421 Farmers’ risk preferences and pesticide use decisions: evidence from field experiments in China
by Yazhen Gong & Kathy Baylis & Robert Kozak & Gary Bull - 423-433 The impact of the 2005–2010 rice price increase on consumption in rural Bangladesh
by Syed Abul Hasan - 435-444 Price transmission, asymmetric adjustment and threshold effects in the cotton supply chain: a case study for Vidarbha, India
by Aditya Shrinivas & Miguel I. Gómez - 445-455 Adoption of farm-based irrigation water-saving techniques in the Guanzhong Plain, China
by Jianjun Tang & Henk Folmer & Jianhong Xue - 457-464 A retrospective review of the economic impact of the food and drug administration's proposed egg rule
by Travis Minor & Matt Parrett - 465-476 On the nature and magnitude of cost economies in hog production
by Sabine Duvaleix-Tréguer & Carl Gaigné
May 2016, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 261-271 Yield and income effects of rice varieties with tolerance of multiple abiotic stresses: the case of green super rice (GSR) and flooding in the Philippines
by Jose M. Yorobe Jr. & Jauhar Ali & Valerien O. Pede & Roderick M. Rejesus & Orlee. P. Velarde & Huaiyu Wang - 273-284 Rice mountain: assessment of the Thai rice pledging program
by Risti Permani & David Vanzetti - 285-294 The capitalization of coupled and decoupled CAP payments into land rental rates
by Stephen O'Neill & Kevin Hanrahan - 295-307 The effects of China's Sloping Land Conversion Program on agricultural households
by Zhen Liu & Arne Henningsen - 309-317 Rising wages, mechanization, and the substitution between capital and labor: evidence from small scale farm system in China
by Xiaobing Wang & Futoshi Yamauchi & Jikun Huang - 319-328 The efficiency of composite weather index insurance in hedging rice yield risk: evidence from China
by Hong Shi & Zhihui Jiang - 329-339 Estimating the impact of farmer field schools in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of cocoa
by Francis Tsiboe & Bruce L. Dixon & Lawton L. Nalley & Jennie S. Popp & Jeff Luckstead - 341-350 India's post-green-revolution agricultural performance: what is driving growth?
by Nicholas Rada - 351-362 Tradeoffs and complementarities in the adoption of improved seeds, fertilizer, and natural resource management technologies in Kenya
by Priscilla Wainaina & Songporne Tongruksawattana & Matin Qaim
March 2016, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 141-155 Market interdependence and volatility transmission among major crops
by Cornelis Gardebroek & Manuel A. Hernandez & Miguel Robles - 157-168 How has microcredit supported agriculture? Evidence using panel data from Bangladesh
by Shahidur R. Khandker & Gayatri B. Koolwal - 169-179 Energy price reform and food markets: the case of bread supply chain in Iran
by Seyed Habibollah Mosavi - 181-191 Consumers’ preferences for fresh broccolis: interactive effects between country of origin and organic labels
by Jing Xie & Zhifeng Gao & Marilyn Swisher & Xin Zhao - 193-203 Modeling price transmission between farm and retail prices: a soft switches approach
by William Hahn & Hayden Stewart & Donald P. Blayney & Christopher G. Davis - 205-213 Country of origin labeling for complex supply chains: the case for labeling the location of different supply chain links
by Jason M. Bienenfeld & Elizabeth R. Botkins & Brian E. Roe & Marvin T. Batte - 215-233 Information and consumer willingness to pay for biofortified yellow cassava: evidence from experimental auctions in Nigeria
by Adewale Oparinde & Abhijit Banerji & Ekin Birol & Paul Ilona - 235-245 Effects of microcredit and other loans on female empowerment in Bangladesh: the borrower's gender influences intra-household resource allocation
by Maria Porter - 247-258 Are French consumers ready to pay a premium for eco-labeled seafood products? A contingent valuation estimation with heterogeneous anchoring
by Frédéric Salladarré & Dorothée Brécard & Sterenn Lucas & Pierrick Ollivier
January 2016, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 3-14 University licensing of patents for varietal innovations in agriculture
by Bradley J. Rickard & Timothy J. Richards & Jubo Yan - 15-31 Measuring public agricultural research and extension and estimating their impacts on agricultural productivity: new insights from U.S. evidence
by Yu Jin & Wallace E. Huffman - 33-45 Measuring rural consumers’ willingness to pay for quality labels using experimental auctions: the case of aflatoxin-free maize in Kenya
by Hugo Groote & Clare Narrod & Simon C. Kimenju & Charles Bett & Rosemarie P. B. Scott & Marites M. Tiongco & Zachary M. Gitonga - 47-57 The Importance of taste in experimental auctions: consumers’ valuation of calorie and sweetener labeling of soft drinks
by Karen E. Lewis & Carola Grebitus & Rodolfo M. Nayga Jr - 59-70 Evaluating price transmission between global agricultural markets and consumer food price indices in the European Union
by Sol García-Germán & Isabel Bardají & Alberto Garrido - 71-79 Chinese consumers’ willingness to pay for pork traceability information—the case of Wuxi
by Linhai Wu & Hongsha Wang & Dian Zhu & Wuyang Hu & Shuxian Wang - 81-90 The firm size, farm size, and transaction costs: the case of hazelnut farms in Turkey
by Ibrahim Demir - 91-103 Consumer sorting and hedonic valuation of wine attributes: exploiting data from a field experiment
by Christopher R. Gustafson & Travis J. Lybbert & Daniel A. Sumner - 105-116 Reassessing marketing boards as hybrid arrangements: evidence from Canadian experiences
by Annie Royer & Claude Ménard & Daniel-Mercier Gouin - 117-127 The role of common pool problems in irrigation inefficiency: a case study in groundwater pumping in Mexico
by Shanxia Sun & Juan P. Sesmero & Karina Schoengold - 129-137 Pricing to market behaviour of India's high value agri-food exporters: an empirical analysis of major destination markets
by Poornima Varma & Akash Issar
November 2015, Volume 46, Issue S1
- 1-11 Do Vietnamese upland farmers benefit from high world market prices for maize?
by Jonas Luckmann & Rico Ihle & Ulrich Kleinwechter & Harald Grethe - 13-28 Crossbred cow adoption and its correlates: Countable adoption specification search in Sri Lanka's small holder dairy sector
by Jagath C. Edirisinghe & Garth J. Holloway - 29-39 The effects of fair trade on coffee growers: a framework and analysis
by Vahid Omidvar & Konstantinos Giannakas - 41-52 Modernizing wholesalers and guava farmers in Mexico
by Ricardo Hernandez & Julio A. Berdegué & Thomas Reardon - 53-68 Buffer stock savings by portfolio adjustment: evidence from rural India
by Katsushi S. Imai & Bilal Malaeb - 69-81 Is there a slowdown in agricultural productivity growth in South America?
by Federico José Trindade & Lilyan Estela Fulginiti