October 1991, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 31-47 Managing multiple international risks simultaneously with an optimal hedging model
by Gboroton F. Sarassoro & Raymond M. Leuthold - 49-66 Empirical testing of alternative price spread models in the South African maize market
by Merle D. Faminow & J.M. Laubscher - 67-78 An econometric analysis of rice consumption in the People's Republic of China
by E. Wesley F. Peterson & Lan Jin & Shoichi Ito - 79-89 Price and quantity adjustment in a dual character market The case of the Greek poultry sector
by George Alogoskoufis & Nicholas Baltas
August 1991, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 311-324 Impact and implications of price policy and land degradation on agricultural growth in developing countries
by Fengkun Zhao & Fred Hitzhusen & Wen S. Chern - 325-339 Food subsidies and market interdependence: the case of the Moroccan soft wheat subsidy
by Azzeddine M. Azzam - 341-359 Role of education and extension in the adoption of technology: a study of upland rice and soybean farmers in Central‐West Brazil
by John Strauss & Mariza Barbosa & Sonia Teixeira & Duncan Thomas & Raimundo Gomes Junior - 361-383 Pests and pesticides, risk and risk aversion
by David J. Pannell - 385-399 Application of replacement theory in dairy cows and its use in disease treatment
by Peter K. Ngategize & Stephen B. Harsh & John B. Kaneene
July 1991, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 187-192 Multidisciplinary Problem‐solving and Subject‐matter Work
by Glenn L. Johnson - 193-209 Citrus blackfly in Florida: Eradication or bio‐control?
by Kenneth R. Tefertiller & Vernon C. McKee & Vernon G. Perry - 211-222 The Alberta hog industry problem of the 1960s: its definition and resolution
by M.H. Hawkins & M.L. Lerohl - 223-235 Toward farm‐based policy analysis: concepts applied in Haiti
by Juan Carlos Martinez & Gustavo Sain & Michael Yates - 237-251 Production and uses of subject‐matter research in federal service: observations from research on Farmer Mac
by Stephen W. Hiemstra - 253-262 The zip (postal) code difference: methods to improve identification of rural subgroups
by Adela de la Torre & Kevin Fickenscher & Harold Luft - 263-277 Modelling to support animal health control
by A.A. Dijkhuizen & J.A. Renkema & J. Stelwagen - 279-286 On‐farm computers for farm management in Sweden: potentials and problems
by Bo Öhlmér - 287-310 Concept and implementation of an integrated decision support system (IDSS) for capital‐intensive farming
by P. Wagner & F. Kuhlmann
June 1991, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 101-120 Economic issues in tariffication: an overview
by Giancarlo Moschini - 121-133 Inefficiency due to tenancy protection: a new tenure problem in Taiwan
by Chung‐Huang Huang - 135-151 Effects of pricing policy on seasonal storage of wheat in Pakistan
by Thomas C. Pinckney - 153-167 The West Bank olive market
by Mahmoud El‐Jafari - 169-172 Free Trade In Agriculture
by Ulrich Koester - 173-174 Farm Policy Analysis
by O. Bolin - 174-178 Multiple Criteria Analysis
by P.L. Nuthall - 178-180 Social Sciences In International Agricultural Research
by J. Górecki - 180-181 Common Wine Policy And Price Stabilization
by S.C. Thompson - 181-184 Milk Quotas In The European Community
by D.R. Harvey
January 1991, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-19 An Analysis of U.S. Aggregate Output Response by Farm Size
by Shida Rastegari Henneberry & Luther Tweeten & Kaman Nainggolan - 21-38 Peasant farmer behavior and cereal technologies: Stochastic programming analysis in Niger
by Akinwumi A. Adesina & John H. Sanders - 39-58 Risk preference and optimal crop combinations in upland Java, Indonesia: an application of stochastic programming
by Teruaki Nanseki & Yoshinori Morooka - 59-73 Econometric analysis of expected price formation
by Minoru Tada - 75-82 The Calculation of returns to research in distorted markets: Comment
by Jan P. Voon & Geoff W. Edwards - 83-88 The Calculation of Returns to Research in Distorted Markets: Reply
by James F. Oehmke - 89-90 Agricultural trade and natural resources
by Steve Thompson - 90-93 Agricultural policies and world markets
by David R. Harvey
December 1990, Volume 4, Issue 3-4
- 209-228 A test of the underinvestment, myopia and commodity bias hypotheses for U.S. agricultural research
by Glenn Fox & A.K. Enamul Haque - 229-238 An econometric choice for extension‐teaching methods: the Ilorin and Oyo North Agricultural Development Projects' experience
by J. Chinedu Umeh - 239-253 Changes needed in agricultural policy for female‐headed farm families in tropical Africa
by Jean M. Due & F. Magayane - 255-266 Transfer of sustainable technology in dryland agriculture: Lessons from the Sahel in the 1980's
by Robert R. Deuson & John C. Day - 267-285 Developing country debt: implications for agricultural trade
by H. Don B.H. Gunasekera & Bruce Bowen & Neil Andrews - 287-296 A test of whether millet acreage in Niger is determined by official or private market prices
by B. Wade Brorsen & Akinwumi A. Adesina - 297-314 Modern rice technology and regional wage differentials in the Philippines
by Keijiro Otsuka & Violeta G. Cordova & Cristina C. David - 315-333 Modeling international trade flows and market shares for agricultural commodities: a modified Armington procedure for rice
by Shoichi Ito & Dean T. Chen & E. Wesley F. Peterson - 335-349 An application of optimal control theory to agricultural policy analysis
by C.T. Ennew & A.J. Rayner & G.V. Reed & B. White - 351-364 Short‐run dynamics of feed ingredient prices facing the EC: a causal analysis
by Yves Dronne & Christophe Tavéra - 365-379 Predictive performance of the World Bank's commodity price projections
by Peter G. Warr - 381-394 Variability in wheat export demand elasticity: Policy implications
by S. Devadoss & William H. Meyers
June 1990, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 117-143 Building African Scientific Capacity for Agricultural Development
by Carl K. Eicher - 145-163 Analysis of Uncertainty as Opposed to Risk: An Experimental Approach
by Paul Anand - 165-177 Empirically Testing the Law of One Price in an International Commodity Market: A Rational Expectations Application to the Natural Rubber Market
by Barry K. Goodwin - 179-192 Welfare Effects of Selected Food‐grain Policies in India
by V.K. Chetty & P.V. Srinivasan - 193-208 Small‐Ruminant Marketing in Southwest Nigeria
by Paul A. Francis
April 1990, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-12 Productivity of Agricultural Labour and Land: An International Comparison
by Kailash C. Sharma & D.S. Prasada Rao & W.F. Shepherd - 13-25 Role of Tractors, Tubewells and Plant Breeding in Increasing Cropping Intensity in Pakistan's Punjab
by Khaleel Tetlay & Derek Byerlee & Zulfiqar Ahmad - 27-43 Adoption of New Technologies in Ethiopian Agriculture: The Case of Tegulet‐Bulga District, Shoa Province
by Yohannes Kebede & Kisan Gunjal & Garth Coffin - 45-58 Regional Cooperation in the Use of Irrigation Water: Efficiency and Income Distribution
by D. Yaron & A. Ratner - 59-71 Risk‐Efficient Irrigation Strategies for Wheat
by Sushil Pandey - 73-89 Influence of Trade Policies on Price Integration in the World Beef Market
by Mark A. Dries & Laurian J. Unnevehr - 91-98 Multiple Leasing under Cropshare Tenancy — A Note
by M.A. Taslim - 99-101 Management Accounting for the Sugar Cane Industry
by P.L. Nuthall - 102-103 Farm and Ranch Financial Records
by Mark Darroch - 103-106 Japanese Agriculture under Siege
by David Blandford - 106-109 Soviet Agriculture
by Günther H. Schmitt
December 1989, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 257-260 International Agricultural Research Systems
by Jock R. Anderson & John L. Dillon - 261-278 Structure of Public Support for National Agricultural Research Systems: A Political Economy Perspective
by Philip G. Pardey & M. Sandra Kang & Howard Elliott - 279-292 Agricultural Research Problems in Small Developing Countries: Case Studies from the South Pacific Island Nations
by J. Brian Hardaker & Euan M. Fleming - 293-307 Development Assistance and Exports: The Case of the United States
by Ralph W. Cummings & Dana G. Dalrymple - 309-321 Does Agricultural Growth in Poor Countries Harm Agricultural‐Exporting Rich Countries?
by Kym Anderson - 323-332 Spillover Effects of International Agricultural Research: CIMMYT‐based Semi‐Dwarf Wheats in Australia
by John P. Brennan - 333-343 Market Price Response of World Rice Research
by Yujiro Hayami & Masao Kikuchi & Kazuko Morooka - 345-364 Agricultural Technology and Farm–Nonfarm Growth Linkages
by Steven Haggblade & Peter Hazell - 365-380 Value of External Reviews of Research at the International Agricultural Research Centers
by Keith Fuglie & Vernon W. Ruttan - 381-398 Sense and Sustainability: Sustainability as an Objective in International Agricultural Research
by John K. Lynam & Robert W. Herdt
October 1989, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 169-186 Developing Country Interests in Agricultural Trade Reform
by Rod Tyers - 187-198 Evaluating Agricultural Energy Policies Under Uncertainty: The Case of Electricity in South India
by Suresh Chandra Babu & Arne Hallam - 199-212 Measuring Benefits to Operation and Maintenance Expenditure in the Canal Irrigation System of Pakistan: A Simulation Analysis
by Muhammad A. Chaudhry & Mubarik Ali - 213-230 Derivation of Long‐run Factor Demands from Short‐run Responses
by Hervé Guyomard & Dominique Vermersch - 231-248 Expected Economic Effects of BST in The Netherlands
by G.W.J. Giesen & A.J. Oskam & P.B.M. Berentsen - 249-250 Technological Change in Illinois Agriculture
by Heinrich Hockmann - 251-253 Technological Change in Illinois Agriculture: A Reply
by R. Grabowski & S. Kraft & S. Mehdian & C. Pasurka
May 1989, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 83-98 Agricultural Trade Liberalization in a Multi‐sector World Model
by Barry Krissoff & Nicole Ballenger - 99-113 Malawi's Agricultural Development: A Success Story?
by Andrew J. Sofranko & Frederick C. Fliegel - 115-129 Wheat Policy Options in Sub‐Saharan Africa: The Case of Zimbabwe
by Michael L. Morris - 131-146 Effect of Sugar Price Policy on U.S. Imports of Processed Sugar‐containing Foods
by Cathy L. Jabara - 147-159 United States Demand for Coffee Imports
by E.W. Goddard & T. Akiyama - 161-162 World Coffee Market and ICA
by Geraldo Sant'Ana de Camargo Barros - 162-163 Agricultural Marketing Enterprises for the Developing World
by Geraldo Sant'Ana de Camargo Barros - 164-166 Marketing Improvement in the Developing World
by Uma Lele - 166-168 Agricultural Marketing Strategy and Pricing Policy
by Ingemar Haraldsson
March 1989, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-22 Agricultural Supply Response: A Survey
by J. Mohan Rao - 23-48 Welfare Implications of a Preferential Tariff Reduction for Agricultural Exports from Less Developed Countries vs. a Generalized Tariff Reduction
by Giovanni Anania - 49-68 Fertilizer in Indonesian Agriculture: the Subsidy Issue
by Douglas D. Hedley & Steven R. Tabor - 69-76 Evaluation of the Influence of Agricultural Price Policy on Cotton Production in Côte‐d'Ivoire
by Kama Berte & Francis M. Epplin
December 1988, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 291-302 The Calculation of Returns to Research in Distorted Markets
by James F. Oehmke - 303-318 Technological Change in Illinois Agriculture, 1982‐1984
by Richard Grabowski & Steven Kraft & Seyed Mehdian & Carl Pasurka - 319-334 Crop Selection and Implications for Profits and Wind Erosion in a Semi‐Arid Environment
by John G. Lee & John R. Ellis & Ronald D. Lacewell - 335-343 A Note on Private Farm Management Consulting Services: The Case of Argentina
by Marcos Gallacher - 345-364 Household Food Demand in Burkina Faso: Implications for Food Policy
by Kimseyinga Savadogo & Jon A. Brandt - 365-374 International Supply Response
by Willis Peterson
November 1988, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 185-195 The Agricultural Trade Confrontation between the United States and the European Community: a Challenge to our Profession
by Michel Petit - 197-208 Cereal Technology Interventions for the West African Semi‐Arid Tropics
by J.G. Nagy & J.H. Sanders & H.W. Ohm - 209-222 Soil and Moisture Management in Mali: A Case Study Analysis for West Africa
by John C. Day & Marcel P. Aillery - 223-230 Linkages between Regulated and Unregulated Markets: the Case of Milk Supply in Kenya
by Wayne H. Howard & Ian McDonald - 231-245 Collateral, Guaranties and Rural Credit in Developing Countries: Evidence from Asia
by Gershon Feder & Tongroj Onchan & Tejaswi Raparla - 247-258 Toward a Behavioral Model of Multiple‐Job‐Holding Farm Families
by Maria G. Eboli & Enrico Turri - 259-272 Examining the Leontief Paradox in U.S. Agricultural Trade
by Chinkook Lee & Darryl Wills & Gerald Schluter - 273-285 A Linear Programming Algorithm for Determining Mean‐Gini Efficient Farm Plans
by John Okunev & John L. Dillon - 287-288 MIDAS ‐ Model of an Integrated Dryland Agricultural System
by Valter Johansson - 288-289 Research Methodology: Philosophy and Practice
by Kevin A. Parton
October 1988, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 101-122 Biased Technological Change and Factor Demand in Postwar Japanese Agriculture, 1958‐84
by Yoshima Kuroda - 123-137 A Dynamic Adjustment Model for U.S. Agriculture: 1948‐79
by Utpal Vasavada & V. Eldon Ball - 139-157 What do Agricultural Income and Productivity Measurements Really Mean?
by Günther H. Schmitt - 159-166 Link between Agricultural Assistance and International Trade
by James P. Houck - 167-178 Impact of Risk on HYV Adoption in Bangladesh
by Ashok Parikh & Andrew Bernard - 179-180 Economics of Oil Palm
by Colin Barlow - 181-183 Milk Quotas in the European Community
by D.R. Harvey - 183-184 Agriculture's Future: America's Food System
by S. Lane
June 1988, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-18 Groundwater Management: Efficiency and Equity Considerations
by Eli Feinerman - 19-37 Issues relating to Agricultural Pricing Policies and their Analysis in Developing Countries
by Ernst Lutz & Yasmin Saadat - 39-56 Grain Production and Food Security in Arab Countries
by Mieczystaw Adamowicz - 57-72 Principles of Dynamic Optimization in Resource Management
by John O.S. Kennedy - 73-88 On the Reform of Rural Supply and Marketing Cooperatives in China
by Guang H. Wan & Zhang Y. Zhou & John L. Dillon - 89-94 Agricultural Protection in East Asia: A Practioner's Perspective
by Bryant H. Wadsworth
January 1987, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 291-307 Macroeconomic Policy Impacts on United States Agriculture: A Simulation Analysis
by Tom Barclay & Luther Tweeten - 309-326 The U.S. Demand for Imported and Domestically Produced Foods: An Investigation of Intertemporal and Substitution Effects
by Peter Isard & Barbara Lowrey & P.A.V.B. Swamy & Roger Conway - 327-339 Income and Employment Generation from Agricultural Processing and Marketing: The Case of Soybean in Indonesia
by Yujiro Hayami & Toshihiko Kawagoe & Yoshinori Morooka & Musdjidin Siregar - 341-354 Some Lessons from the Modelling of the Spanish Rice Market
by E. Wesley & F. Peterson - 355-364 An Evaluation of Indian Government Rice Policy in Tamil Nadu
by G. Chellaraj & B. Wade Brorsen - 365-380 Labour on the Family Farm: a Theory under Uncertainty
by P.J. Dawson - 381-390 Simplified Risk Analysis in Agricultural Extension
by Elmar Rodrigues da Cruz & Vitor Hugo da Fonseca Porto
October 1987, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 195-207 On Why Agriculture Declines with Economic Growth
by Kym Anderson - 209-227 Spatial Organization of Marketing Facilities in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Oilseeds in Sudan
by E. Dean Baldwin & Babiker I. Babiker & Donald W. Larson - 229-239 A Risk Responsive Acreage Response Function for Millet in Niger
by Akinwumi A. Adesina & B. Wade Brorsen - 241-258 Labour‐Related Structural Trends in South African Maize Production
by J. Van Zyl & N. Vink & T.I. Fényes - 259-272 Effects of the Energy Crisis on French Agriculture between 1974 and 1984
by Sylvie Bonny - 273-290 Wheat and Maize Price Policies in Hungary: Tradeoffs between Foreign Exchange and Government Revenue
by Avishay Braverman & Jeffrey S. Hammer & Jonathan J. Morduch
June 1987, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 97-112 Changing Agricultural Comparative Advantage
by Philip C. Abbott & Robert L. Thompson - 113-125 Structural Variations of Agriculture in the Pacific
by Hiroshi Yamauchi - 127-142 Risk‐Taking Preferences of Farmers in Northern Thailand: Measurements and Implications
by William Grisley & Earl Kellog - 143-157 Institutional Reform of Marketing and Related Services to Agriculture, With Particular Reference to Africa
by John C. Abbott - 159-174 Structural Change and its Impact on Traditional Agricultural Sectors of Rapidly Developing Countries: The Case of Natural Rubber
by Colin Barlow & S.K. Jayasuriya - 175-190 The Evolution and Implications of the U.S. Food Security Act of 1985
by R.G.F. Spitze - 191-192 Elements of agricultural trade policies
by Ewa Rabinowicz - 192-193 Economics of tropical farm management
by M.P. Collinson
December 1986, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Douglas D. Hedley - 1-18 Market Analysis, Technical Change and Income Distribution in Semi‐Subsistence Agriculture: the Case of Bangladesh
by Mohammad Alauddin & Clem Tisdell - 19-34 Agricultural Policy in Tropical Africa: is a Turnaround Possible?
by Jean M. Due - 35-52 Appraising Alternatives for Allocating and Cost Recovery for Irrigation Water in Egypt
by Richard L. Bowen & Robert A. Young - 53-65 Persistent Underinvestment in Public Agricultural Research
by James F. Oehmke - 67-85 Effects of Increasing Agricultural Productivity in a Multisectoral Model for the Philippines
by Romeo M. Bautista - 87-89 Subjective equilibrium theory of the farm household
by Kailash Sharma