November 2015, Volume 46, Issue S1
- 83-102 Evaluating the long-term impacts of promoting “green” agriculture in the Amazon
by Erin O. Sills & Jill L. Caviglia-Harris - 103-117 Impact of Ghana's agricultural mechanization services center program
by Samuel Benin - 119-138 Examining gender inequalities in land rights indicators in Asia
by Caitlin Kieran & Kathryn Sproule & Cheryl Doss & Agnes Quisumbing & Sung Mi Kim - 139-155 Firm adoption of international standards: evidence from the Ethiopian floriculture sector
by Mulu Gebreeyesus - 157-171 Forecast performance of WASDE price projections for U.S. corn
by Linwood A. Hoffman & Xiaoli L. Etienne & Scott H. Irwin & Evelyn V. Colino & Jose I. Toasa
November 2015, Volume 46, Issue 6
- 703-713 Technical efficiency of Kansas arable crop farms: a local maximum likelihood approach
by Bouali Guesmi & Teresa Serra & Allen Featherstone - 715-728 The effects of direct storage subsidies under limited rationality: a general equilibrium analysis
by Fabienne Femenia - 729-737 Notes on farm-retail price transmission and marketing margin behavior
by Henry W. Kinnucan & Dengjun Zhang - 739-744 Crowding out, diversion, and benefit/cost assessments in fertilizer subsidy programs in sub-Saharan Africa: a comment on Jayne, T.S., Mather, D., Mason, N., Ricker-Gilbert, J., 2013. How do fertilizer subsidy programs affect total fertilizer use in sub-Saharan Africa? Crowding out, diversion, and benefit/cost assessments. Agric. Econ. 44(6), 687–703
by A. R. Dorward & E. W. Chirwa - 745-755 Rejoinder to the comment by Andrew Dorward and Ephraim Chirwa on Jayne, T. S., D. Mather, N. Mason, and J. Ricker-Gilbert. 2013. How do fertilizer subsidy program affect total fertilizer use in sub-Saharan Africa? Crowding out, diversion, and benefit/cost assessments. Agricultural Economics, 44(6), 687–703
by T. S. Jayne & David Mather & Nicole M. Mason & Jacob Ricker-Gilbert & Eric W. Crawford - 757-768 Does land registration and certification boost farm productivity? Evidence from Ethiopia
by Mequanint B. Melesse & Erwin Bulte
September 2015, Volume 46, Issue 5
- 595-601 The impact of grain self-sufficiency regime on regional welfare and agricultural productivity in China
by Sheikh Selim - 603-616 Off-farm labor market decisions and agricultural shocks among rural households in Kenya
by Mary K. Mathenge & David L. Tschirley - 617-628 Food quality in domestic markets of developing economies: a comparative study of two countries
by Anneleen Vandeplas & Bart Minten - 629-641 Migration and farm technical efficiency: evidence from Kosovo
by Johannes Sauer & Matthew Gorton & Sophia Davidova - 643-652 The impact of decoupled payments on U.S. cropland values
by Jennifer Ifft & Todd Kuethe & Mitch Morehart - 653-666 Evaluating the impact of rising fertilizer prices on crop yields
by T. Brunelle & P. Dumas & F. Souty & B. Dorin & F. Nadaud - 667-676 Global rice trade competitiveness: a shift-share analysis
by Prithviraj Lakkakula & Bruce L. Dixon & Michael R. Thomsen & Eric J. Wailes & Diana M. Danforth - 677-687 An endogenous growth model for the evolution of water rights systems
by Lawrence W. Costa III - 689-702 Innovation systems and technical efficiency in developing-country agriculture
by Dawit K. Mekonnen & David J. Spielman & Esendugue Greg Fonsah & Jeffrey H. Dorfman
July 2015, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 463-473 Geography of crop yield skewness
by Xiaodong Du & Cindy L. Yu & David A. Hennessy & Ruiqing Miao - 475-488 Market imperfections, access to information and technology adoption in Uganda: challenges of overcoming multiple constraints
by Bekele Shiferaw & Tewodros Kebede & Menale Kassie & Monica Fisher - 489-502 Price volatility in Niger millet markets
by Teresa Serra - 503-513 Asymmetric price volatility transmission between food and energy markets: The case of Spain
by Fadi Abdelradi & Teresa Serra - 515-526 Ex post impacts of improved maize varieties on poverty in rural Ethiopia
by Di Zeng & Jeffrey Alwang & George W. Norton & Bekele Shiferaw & Moti Jaleta & Chilot Yirga - 527-536 Promoting the role of farmer-based organizations for value chain integration: the tension between a program's targeting and an organization's investment strategy
by Gian Nicola Francesconi & Fleur Wouterse - 537-547 Tailored to the extremes: Quantile regression for index-based insurance contract design
by Sarah Conradt & Robert Finger & Raushan Bokusheva - 549-561 The impacts of information on returns from farming: evidence from a nationally representative farm survey in India
by Pratap S. Birthal & Shiv Kumar & Digvijay S. Negi & Devesh Roy - 563-577 The estimated ex ante economic impact of Bt cowpea in Niger, Benin and Northern Nigeria
by S. D. Gbègbèlègbè & J. Lowenberg-DeBoer & R. Adeoti & J. Lusk & O. Coulibaly - 579-593 Are we overestimating the negative impact of higher food prices? Evidence from Ghana
by Nicholas Minot & Reno Dewina
May 2015, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 281-284 Gender and agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa: introduction to the special issue
by Talip Kilic & Paul Winters & Calogero Carletto - 285-310 Explaining gender differentials in agricultural production in Nigeria
by Gbemisola Oseni & Paul Corral & Markus Goldstein & Paul Winters - 311-334 Decomposition of gender differentials in agricultural productivity in Ethiopia
by Arturo Aguilar & Eliana Carranza & Markus Goldstein & Talip Kilic & Gbemisola Oseni - 335-355 Gender differences in agricultural productivity: the case of Tanzania
by Vanya Slavchevska - 357-374 Gender and agricultural productivity: implications of the Farm Input Subsidy Program in Malawi
by R. Wendy Karamba & Paul C. Winters - 375-402 The nexus between gender, collective action for public goods and agriculture: evidence from Malawi
by Nancy McCarthy & Talip Kilic - 403-434 Gender inequalities in ownership and control of land in Africa: myth and reality
by Cheryl Doss & Chiara Kovarik & Amber Peterman & Agnes Quisumbing & Mara Bold - 435-448 Gender, control, and crop choice in northern Mozambique
by Alan Brauw - 449-462 Measuring agricultural knowledge and adoption
by Florence Kondylis & Valerie Mueller & S. Zhu
March 2015, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 139-148 Impact of off-farm income on food expenditures in rural Bangladesh: an unconditional quantile regression approach
by Ashok K. Mishra & Kh. A. Mottaleb & Samarendu Mohanty - 149-162 Economic impacts of integrated pest management (IPM) farmer field schools (FFS): evidence from onion farmers in the Philippines
by Santi Sanglestsawai & Roderick M. Rejesus & Jose M. Yorobe Jr. - 163-172 Dietary patterns and body mass indices among adults in Korea: evidence from pseudo panel data
by Chang Keun Kwock & Junhyung Park - 173-186 Effect of intergenerational asset transfers on land distribution in rural Cambodia: case studies of three rice-growing villages
by Kenjiro Yagura - 187-194 Agency costs of vertical integration—the case of family firms, investor-owned firms and cooperatives in the French wine industry
by Julien Cadot - 195-209 Price relationships between qualitatively differentiated agricultural products: organic and conventional wheat in Germany
by Nadine Würriehausen & Rico Ihle & Sebastian Lakner - 211-225 Does migration raise agricultural investment? An empirical analysis for rural Mexico
by Marcus H. Böhme - 227-243 Effects of treatment beyond the treated: a general equilibrium impact evaluation of Lesotho's cash grants program
by Mateusz J. Filipski & J. Edward Taylor & Karen E. Thome & Benjamin Davis - 245-257 Climate and agricultural risk: measuring the effect of ENSO on U.S. crop insurance
by Jesse B. Tack & David Ubilava - 259-280 Sectoral and poverty impacts of agricultural policy adjustments in Colombia
by Ricardo Argüello & Daniel Valderrama-Gonzalez
January 2015, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-10 Modeling skewness with the linear stochastic plateau model to determine optimal nitrogen rates
by Christopher N. Boyer & B. Wade Brorsen & Emmanuel Tumusiime - 11-24 Risk, learning, and technology adoption
by Bradford L. Barham & Jean-Paul Chavas & Dylan Fitz & Vanessa Ríos-Salas & Laura Schechter - 25-38 A dynamic adoption model with Bayesian learning: an application to U.S. soybean farmers
by Xingliang Ma & Guanming Shi - 39-52 Fish market integration and demand analysis: a Mediterranean case study
by Luca Mulazzani & Rosa Manrique & Giovanna Trevisan & Giulio Malorgio - 53-67 Will cotton make a comeback in Mali?
by Jeanne Y. Coulibaly & John H. Sanders & Paul V. Preckel & Timothy G. Baker - 69-79 Economic analysis of the introduction of agricultural revenue insurance contracts in Spain using statistical copulas
by Osama Ahmed & Teresa Serra - 81-97 Social capital, risk preference and adoption of improved farm land management practices in Ethiopia
by Tesfamicheal Wossen & Thomas Berger & Salvatore Di Falco - 99-112 The quantity and variety of households’ meat purchases: A censored demand system approach
by Diansheng Dong & Christopher G. Davis & Hayden Stewart - 113-123 Drivers of vertical intra-industry trade: the case of the Hungarian agri-food sector
by Imre Ferto & Attila Jambor - 125-137 Is the agricultural industry spared from the influence of the Australian carbon tax?
by Samuel Meng
November 2014, Volume 45, Issue S1
- 1-12 Geographical indication regulation and intra-trade in the European Union
by Zakaria Sorgho & Bruno Larue - 13-21 Co-movements in commodity prices: a note based on network analysis
by David Matesanz & Benno Torgler & Germán Dabat & Guillermo J. Ortega - 23-37 The effects of the Yuan-dollar exchange rate on agricultural commodity trade between the United States, China, and their competitors
by Stephen Devadoss & Amy Hilland & Ron Mittelhammer & John Foltz - 39-52 Smallholder cooperatives and agricultural performance in Rwanda: do organizational differences matter?
by Ellen Verhofstadt & Miet Maertens - 53-63 Persistence of firm-level profitability in the European dairy processing industry
by Stefan Hirsch & Monika Hartmann - 65-76 Agritourism and off-farm work: survival strategies for small farms
by Aditya R. Khanal & Ashok K. Mishra - 77-90 Milk sales and dietary diversity among the Maasai
by Tim K. Loos & Manfred Zeller - 91-105 The economics of quality in the specialty coffee industry: insights from the Cup of Excellence auction programs
by Adam P. Wilson & Norbert L.W. Wilson - 107-118 A new market for an old food: the U.S. demand for olive oil
by Bo Xiong & Daniel Sumner & William Matthews - 119-127 Can willingness-to-pay values be manipulated? Evidence from an organic food experiment in China
by Xiaohua Yu & Binjian Yan & Zhifeng Gao - 129-143 Vertical integration in West Africa's cotton industry: are parastatals a second best solution?
by Emmanuel Tumusiime & B. Wade Brorsen & Jeffrey D. Vitale - 145-156 The transformation of the Indian agricultural input industry: has it increased agricultural R&D?
by Carl E. Pray & Latha Nagarajan
November 2014, Volume 45, Issue 6
- 663-678 Fertilizer subsidies and private market participation: the case of Kano State, Nigeria
by Lenis Saweda O. Liverpool-Tasie - 679-692 Analyzing the welfare-improving potential of land in the former homelands of South Africa
by Stefania Lovo - 693-710 Inter- and intra-seasonal crop acreage response to international food prices and implications of volatility
by Mekbib G. Haile & Matthias Kalkuhl & Joachim Braun - 711-727 Childhood obesity in Mexico: the effect of international migration
by Amy Damon & Devon Kristiansen - 729-743 The impact of water price uncertainty on the adoption of precision irrigation systems
by Karina Schoengold & David L. Sunding - 745-756 Jointness through vessel capacity input in a multispecies fishery
by Lars Gårn Hansen & Carsten Lynge Jensen - 757-766 Perennial crops under stochastic water supply
by Eli Feinerman & Yacov Tsur - 767-792 The interaction of speculators and index investors in agricultural derivatives markets
by Benoît Guilleminot & Jean-Jacques Ohana & Steve Ohana
September 2014, Volume 45, Issue 5
- 525-535 Measuring the effect of risk attitude on marketing behavior
by Jason R.V. Franken & Joost M.E. Pennings & Philip Garcia - 537-553 The role of rural producer organizations for agricultural service provision in fragile states
by Catherine Ragasa & Jennifer Golan - 555-570 On the transferability of the Asian rice green revolution to rainfed areas in sub-Saharan Africa: an assessment of technology intervention in Northern Ghana
by Millicent deGraft-Johnson & Aya Suzuki & Takeshi Sakurai & Keijiro Otsuka - 571-588 Fertilizer subsidies and food self-sufficiency in Indonesia
by Peter Warr & Arief Anshory Yusuf - 589-599 A nonparametric analysis of the determinants of family farm efficiency dynamics in Lithuania
by Tomas Baležentis & Irena Kriščiukaitienė & Alvydas Baležentis - 601-612 Risk and marketing behavior: pricing fed cattle on a grid
by Scott W. Fausti & Zhiguang Wang & Bashir A. Qasmi & Matthew A. Diersen - 613-623 The theoretical structure of producer willingness to pay estimates
by Samuel D. Zapata & Carlos E. Carpio - 625-634 Aquaculture imports from Asia: an analysis of U.S. consumer demand for select food quality attributes
by David L. Ortega & H. Holly Wang & Nicole J. Olynk Widmar - 635-648 An experimental approach to valuing information
by Tyler J. Klain & Jayson L. Lusk & Glynn T. Tonsor & Ted C. Schroeder - 649-661 Water access, farm productivity, and farm household income: Sri Lanka's Kirindi Oya irrigation system
by Parakrama Weligamage & C. Richard Shumway & Keith A. Blatner
July 2014, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 393-407 Do vouchers improve government fertilizer distribution? Evidence from Nigeria
by Lenis Saweda O. Liverpool-Tasie - 409-420 Demand for maize hybrids and hybrid change on smallholder farms in Kenya
by Melinda Smale & John Olwande - 421-430 Irrigation water productivity in Cambodian rice systems
by Christopher Wokker & Paulo Santos & Ros Bansok - 431-442 O-Ring production on U.S. hog farms: joint choices of farm size, technology, and compensation
by Li Yu & Peter F. Orazem - 443-458 Structural transformation and smallholder agriculture: an information-theoretic analysis of the Nicaraguan case
by Heath Henderson - 459-475 A roller coaster ride: an empirical investigation of the main drivers of the international wheat price
by Bernardina Algieri - 477-487 The role of input vouchers in modernizing the fresh fruit and vegetable market in Turkey
by Sylvaine Lemeilleur - 489-500 Have coffee producers benefited from the new domestic cherry market? Evidence using panel data from Rwanda
by Abdoul Murekezi & Songqing Jin & Scott Loveridge - 501-512 The transmission of world maize price to South African maize market: a threshold cointegration approach
by Babatunde O. Abidoye & Marlene Labuschagne - 513-524 Toward a consumer economy in China: implications of changing wage policies for U.S. cotton exports
by Stephen Macdonald & Suwen Pan & Darren Hudson & Francis Tuan
May 2014, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 267-277 Feasibility of risk-based inspections in organic farming: results from a probabilistic model
by Danilo Gambelli & Francesco Solfanelli & Raffaele Zanoli - 279-290 Evaluating spatial and temporal variation in agricultural output elasticities in Turkey
by Tun-Hsiang “Edward” Yu & Seong-Hoon Cho & Ahmet Ali Koç & Gülden Bölük & Seung Gyu Kim & Dayton M. Lambert - 291-302 An optimal phased replanting approach for cocoa trees with application to Ghana
by Mahrizal & L. Lanier Nalley & Bruce L. Dixon & Jennie S. Popp - 303-312 Did the commodity price spike increase rural poverty? Evidence from a long-run panel in Bangladesh
by Joseph V. Balagtas & Humnath Bhandari & Ellanie R. Cabrera & Samarendu Mohanty & Mahabub Hossain - 313-325 Econometric analysis of noncompliance with organic farming standards in Switzerland
by Christian Lippert & Alexander Zorn & Stephan Dabbert - 327-336 The impact of decoupled subsidies on productivity in agriculture: a cross-country analysis using microdata
by Andrius Kazukauskas & Carol Newman & Johannes Sauer - 337-353 Wage and employment effects of Malawi's fertilizer subsidy program
by Jacob Ricker-Gilbert - 355-367 Should African rural development strategies depend on smallholder farms? An exploration of the inverse-productivity hypothesis
by Donald F. Larson & Keijiro Otsuka & Tomoya Matsumoto & Talip Kilic - 369-380 How does land fragmentation affect off-farm labor supply: panel data evidence from China
by Lili Jia & Martin Petrick - 381-391 Residual demand measures of market power of Russian wheat exporters
by Zsombor Pall & Oleksandr Perekhozhuk & Thomas Glauben & Sören Prehn & Ramona Teuber
March 2014, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 117-127 Demand for meat and dairy products by Turkish households: a Bayesian censored system approach
by Abdulbaki Bilgic & Steven T. Yen - 129-141 The producer welfare effects of trade liberalization when goods are perishable and habit-forming: the case of asparagus
by Peyton Ferrier & Chen Zhen - 143-158 Political competition and policy choices: the evidence from agricultural protection
by Jan Fałkowski & Alessandro Olper - 159-166 Structural change in urban Chinese food preferences
by Vardges Hovhannisyan & Brian W. Gould - 167-184 Reducing nutrient loads from dairy farms: a bioeconomic model with endogenous feeding and land use
by Janne Antero Helin - 185-198 Smallholder land ownership in Kenya: distribution between households and through time
by William J. Burke & T. S. Jayne - 199-212 Re-examination of production, cost, and restricted profit functions using quantile regression approach
by Saleem Shaik - 213-224 Do farm operators benefit from direct to consumer marketing strategies?
by Timothy Park & Ashok K. Mishra & Shawn J. Wozniak - 225-252 Extent and possible causes of intrayear agricultural commodity price volatility
by Hervé Ott - 253-265 Value elicitation for multiple quantities of a quasi-public good using open ended choice experiments and uniform price auctions
by Levan Elbakidze & Rodolfo M. Nayga Jr. & Hao Li & Chris McIntosh
January 2014, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-2 Modeling climate change and agriculture: an introduction to the special issue
by Gerald C. Nelson & Gerald E. Shively - 3-20 Why do global long-term scenarios for agriculture differ? An overview of the AgMIP Global Economic Model Intercomparison
by Martin Lampe & Dirk Willenbockel & Helal Ahammad & Elodie Blanc & Yongxia Cai & Katherine Calvin & Shinichiro Fujimori & Tomoko Hasegawa & Petr Havlik & Edwina Heyhoe & Page Kyle & Hermann Lotze-Campen & Daniel Mason d'Croz & Gerald C. Nelson & Ronald D. Sands & Christoph Schmitz & Andrzej Tabeau & Hugo Valin & Dominique Mensbrugghe & Hans Meijl - 21-35 Comparing supply-side specifications in models of global agriculture and the food system
by Sherman Robinson & Hans Meijl & Dirk Willenbockel & Hugo Valin & Shinichiro Fujimori & Toshihiko Masui & Ron Sands & Marshall Wise & Katherine Calvin & Petr Havlik & Daniel Mason d'Croz & Andrzej Tabeau & Aikaterini Kavallari & Christoph Schmitz & Jan Philipp Dietrich & Martin Lampe - 37-50 Projecting future crop productivity for global economic modeling
by Christoph Müller & Richard D. Robertson - 51-67 The future of food demand: understanding differences in global economic models
by Hugo Valin & Ronald D. Sands & Dominique van der Mensbrugghe & Gerald C. Nelson & Helal Ahammad & Elodie Blanc & Benjamin Bodirsky & Shinichiro Fujimori & Tomoko Hasegawa & Petr Havlik & Edwina Heyhoe & Page Kyle & Daniel Mason-D'Croz & Sergey Paltsev & Susanne Rolinski & Andrzej Tabeau & Hans van Meijl & Martin von Lampe & Dirk Willenbockel - 69-84 Land-use change trajectories up to 2050: insights from a global agro-economic model comparison
by Christoph Schmitz & Hans van Meijl & Page Kyle & Gerald C. Nelson & Shinichiro Fujimori & Angelo Gurgel & Petr Havlik & Edwina Heyhoe & Daniel Mason d'Croz & Alexander Popp & Ron Sands & Andrzej Tabeau & Dominique van der Mensbrugghe & Martin von Lampe & Marshall Wise & Elodie Blanc & Tomoko Hasegawa & Aikaterini Kavallari & Hugo Valin - 85-101 Agriculture and climate change in global scenarios: why don't the models agree
by Gerald C. Nelson & Dominique Mensbrugghe & Helal Ahammad & Elodie Blanc & Katherine Calvin & Tomoko Hasegawa & Petr Havlik & Edwina Heyhoe & Page Kyle & Hermann Lotze-Campen & Martin Lampe & Daniel Mason d'Croz & Hans Meijl & Christoph Müller & John Reilly & Richard Robertson & Ronald D. Sands & Christoph Schmitz & Andrzej Tabeau & Kiyoshi Takahashi & Hugo Valin & Dirk Willenbockel - 103-116 Impacts of increased bioenergy demand on global food markets: an AgMIP economic model intercomparison
by Hermann Lotze-Campen & Martin Lampe & Page Kyle & Shinichiro Fujimori & Petr Havlik & Hans Meijl & Tomoko Hasegawa & Alexander Popp & Christoph Schmitz & Andrzej Tabeau & Hugo Valin & Dirk Willenbockel & Marshall Wise
November 2013, Volume 44, Issue s1
- 1-5 The global bio-economy
by Johan Swinnen & Olivia Riera - 7-18 Food insecurity, income inequality, and the changing comparative advantage in world agriculture
by Keijiro Otsuka - 19-27 Options for African agriculture in an era of high food and energy prices
by Peter B. R. Hazell - 29-41 Commodity index investment and food prices: does the “Masters Hypothesis” explain recent price spikes?
by Scott H. Irwin - 43-52 Stocks-to-use ratios and prices as indicators of vulnerability to spikes in global cereal markets
by Eugenio Bobenrieth & Brian Wright & Di Zeng - 53-62 Time-series econometric analyses of biofuel-related price volatility
by Teresa Serra - 63-78 Climate change, weather shocks, and violent conflict: a critical look at the evidence
by Jeroen Klomp & Erwin Bulte - 79-84 Volatility, agricultural risk, and household poverty: micro-evidence from randomized control trials
by Karen Macours - 85-93 Food security, the labor market, and poverty in the Brazilian bio-economy
by Joaquim Bento Souza Ferreira Filho - 95-102 Technology and the future bioeconomy
by David Zilberman & Eunice Kim & Sam Kirschner & Scott Kaplan & Jeanne Reeves - 103-113 Public agricultural R&D over the past half century: an emerging new world order
by Philip G. Pardey & Julian M. Alston & Connie Chan-Kang - 115-127 Global land investments in the bio-economy: evidence and policy implications
by Klaus Deininger - 129-138 Competition for land in the global bioeconomy
by Thomas Hertel & Jevgenijs Steinbuks & Uris Baldos - 139-150 Water and food in the bioeconomy: challenges and opportunities for development
by Mark W. Rosegrant & Claudia Ringler & Tingju Zhu & Simla Tokgoz & Prapti Bhandary - 151-162 The human capital roots of the middle income trap: the case of China
by Linxiu Zhang & Hongmei Yi & Renfu Luo & Changfang Liu & Scott Rozelle - 163-171 Agricultural price distortions: trends and volatility, past, and prospective
by Kym Anderson - 173-182 Trade liberalization in the bio-economy: coping with a new landscape
by Jean-Christophe Bureau & Sébastien Jean - 183-187 Agriculture and development: revisiting the policy narratives
by Stefan Dercon
November 2013, Volume 44, Issue 6
- 545-546 Preface
by Thomas Jayne & Shahidur Rashid - 547-562 Input subsidy programs in sub-Saharan Africa: a synthesis of recent evidence
by T.S. Jayne & Shahidur Rashid - 563-579 What are the farm-level impacts of Malawi's farm input subsidy program? A critical review
by Rodney Lunduka & Jacob Ricker-Gilbert & Monica Fisher - 581-594 Input promotion within a complex subsector: fertilizer in Nigeria
by Lenis Saweda O. Liverpool-Tasie & Hiroyuki Takeshima - 595-611 Can modern input use be promoted without subsidies? An analysis of fertilizer in Ethiopia
by Shahidur Rashid & Nigussie Tefera & Nicholas Minot & Gezahegn Ayele - 613-628 Zambia's input subsidy programs
by Nicole M. Mason & T.S. Jayne & Rhoda Mofya-Mukuka - 629-646 The last mile(s) in modern input distribution: Pricing, profitability, and adoption
by Bart Minten & Bethlehem Koru & David Stifel - 647-658 The impact of seed vouchers on poverty reduction among smallholder rice farmers in Nigeria
by Bola Amoke Awotide & Aziz Karimov & Aliou Diagne & Tebila Nakelse - 659-670 Impacts of subsidized hybrid seed on indicators of economic well-being among smallholder maize growers in Zambia
by Nicole M. Mason & Melinda Smale - 671-686 What are the effects of input subsidy programs on maize prices? Evidence from Malawi and Zambia
by Jacob Ricker-Gilbert & Nicole M. Mason & Francis A. Darko & Solomon T. Tembo - 687-703 How do fertilizer subsidy programs affect total fertilizer use in sub-Saharan Africa? Crowding out, diversion, and benefit/cost assessments
by T.S. Jayne & David Mather & Nicole Mason & Jacob Ricker-Gilbert - 705-721 Modern input promotion in sub-Saharan Africa: insights from Asian green revolution
by Shahidur Rashid & Paul A. Dorosh & Mehrab Malek & Solomon Lemma - 723-734 Market concentration and pricing behavior in the fertilizer industry: a global approach
by Manuel A. Hernandez & Maximo Torero
July 2013, Volume 44, Issue 4-5
- 379-380 Challenges and policy options in the global bio-economy: introduction and overview
by Johan Swinnen & Alfons Weersink - 381-384 Weather index insurance for agricultural development: introduction and overview
by Alexander Sarris - 385-398 Adoption of weather-index insurance: learning from willingness to pay among a panel of households in rural Ethiopia
by Ruth Vargas Hill & John Hoddinott & Neha Kumar - 399-417 Productivity, credit, risk, and the demand for weather index insurance in smallholder agriculture in Ethiopia
by Craig McIntosh & Alexander Sarris & Fotis Papadopoulos - 419-431 Managing basis risk with multiscale index insurance
by Ghada Elabed & Marc F. Bellemare & Michael R. Carter & Catherine Guirkinger - 433-434 Introduction: rural diversification, secondary towns and poverty reduction: do not miss the middle
by Luc Christiaensen - 435-447 Urbanization and poverty reduction: the role of rural diversification and secondary towns
by Luc Christiaensen & Joachim Weerdt & Yasuyuki Todo - 449-459 Agriculture and small towns in Africa
by Paul Dorosh & James Thurlow - 461-473 Nonfarm diversification, poverty, economic mobility, and income inequality: a case study in village India
by Peter Lanjouw & Rinku Murgai & Nicholas Stern - 475-475 Biofuels policies and developing countries
by Harry Gorter - 477-486 The impact of OECD biofuels policies on developing countries
by Harry Gorter & Dusan Drabik & David R. Just & Erika M. Kliauga - 487-499 Land use and economic effects of alternative biofuel policies in Brazil and the United States
by Hector M. Nuñez & Hayri Önal & Madhu Khanna - 501-510 Biofuels and developing economies: is the timing right?
by Siwa Msangi & Martin Evans - 511-512 Consumer choice and the acceptance of production practice: introduction and overview
by Jutta Roosen - 513-521 Consumer preferences for new technology: apples enriched with antioxidant coatings in Uzbekistan
by Andrey A. Zaikin & Jill J. McCluskey - 523-536 Sparkling wine choice from supermarket shelves: the impact of certification of origin and production practices
by Mara Thiene & Riccardo Scarpa & Luigi Galletto & Vasco Boatto - 537-544 The role of certificate issuer on consumers’ willingness-to-pay for milk traceability in China
by Junfei Bai & Caiping Zhang & Jing Jiang
May 2013, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 255-273 Assessing farmers’ risk preferences and their determinants in a marginal upland area of Vietnam: a comparison of multiple elicitation techniques
by Thea Nielsen & Alwin Keil & Manfred Zeller - 275-286 The impact of agricultural policy on farm income concentration: the case of regional implementation of the CAP direct payments in Italy
by Simone Severini & Antonella Tantari - 287-295 The Economic impact of public agricultural research and development in the United States
by Matthew A. Andersen & Wenxing Song - 297-308 Contract farming and smallholder incentives to produce high quality: experimental evidence from the Vietnamese dairy sector
by Christoph Saenger & Matin Qaim & Maximo Torero & Angelino Viceisza - 309-321 Cooperative pricing and scale efficiency: The case of Korean rice processing complexes
by Chun-Kwon Yoo & Steven Buccola & Munisamy Gopinath - 323-335 Valuing financial, health, and environmental benefits of Bt cotton in Pakistan
by Shahzad Kouser & Matin Qaim - 337-347 The value of genetic information to livestock buyers: a combined revealed, stated preference approach
by Mallory K. Vestal & Jayson L. Lusk & Eric A. DeVuyst & J. Robert Kropp - 349-364 Cash crop choice and income dynamics in rural areas: evidence for post-crisis Indonesia
by Stephan Klasen & Jan Priebe & Robert Rudolf - 365-378 Cash transfer programs and agricultural production: the case of Malawi
by Ryan Boone & Katia Covarrubias & Benjamin Davis & Paul Winters
March 2013, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 141-159 Capturing zero-trade values in gravity equations of trade: an analysis of protectionism in agro-food sectors
by George Philippidis & Helena Resano-Ezcaray & Ana I. Sanjuán-López - 161-174 Prices, institutions, and determinants of supply in the Malian cotton sector
by Veronique Theriault & Renata Serra & James A. Sterns - 175-189 Water and growth in an agricultural economy
by Anita M. Chaudhry & Edward B. Barbier - 191-202 Welfare implications of reduced government subsidies to farm families: accounting for fringe benefits
by Jeremy M. D'Antoni & Ashok K. Mishra - 203-216 The effects of the Food Reserve Agency on maize market prices in Zambia
by Nicole M. Mason & Robert J. Myers - 217-230 Investigating the performance of different estimation techniques for crop yield data analysis in crop insurance applications
by Robert Finger - 231-239 Which farmers benefit the most from Bt corn adoption? Estimating heterogeneity effects in the Philippines
by Maria Mutuc & Roderick M. Rejesus & Jose M. Yorobe, Jr. - 241-251 China's regional agricultural productivity growth in 1985–2007: A multilateral comparison
by Sun Ling Wang & Francis Tuan & Fred Gale & Agapi Somwaru & James Hansen - 253-254 Why Poverty Persists: Poverty Dynamics in Asia and Africa edited by Bob Baulch
by Jan Willem Gunning
January 2013, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-13 Coping with systemic risk in index-based crop insurance
by Zhiwei Shen & Martin Odening - 15-23 Malaria incidence and agricultural efficiency in Uganda
by Ousmane Badiane & John Ulimwengu - 25-44 Pathways out of poverty in lagging regions: evidence from rural western China
by Luc Christiaensen & Lei Pan & Sangui Wang - 45-55 Determinants of herbicide use in rice production in the Philippines
by Jesusa C. Beltran & Benedict White & Michael Burton & Graeme J. Doole & David J. Pannell - 57-71 Quantifying rural livelihood strategies in developing countries using an activity choice approach
by Øystein Juul Nielsen & Santosh Rayamajhi & Patricia Uberhuaga & Henrik Meilby & Carsten Smith-Hall