- WORMS/25/02 PostForecasts.jl: A Julia package for probabilistic forecasting by postprocessing point predictions
by Arkadiusz Lipiecki & Rafal Weron - WORMS/25/01 Cost-benefit analysis of a municipal waste management project: Using a survey of professional forecasters to provide reliable projections until 2035
by Yash Chawla & Katarzyna Chojnacka & Michal Paca & Anna Pudelko & Rafal Weron & Przemyslaw Zaleski
- WORMS/24/04 Extrapolating the long-term seasonal component of electricity prices for forecasting in the day-ahead market
by Katarzyna Chec & Bartosz Uniejewski & Rafal Weron - WORMS/24/03 Loss functions in regression models: Impact on profits and risk in day-ahead electricity trading
by Tomasz Serafin & Rafal Weron - WORMS/24/02 Insights into Renewable Energy Communities in Poland: A PESTEL Framework Analysis and Expert Interviews
by Ewa Neska & Maksymilian Bielecki & Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska - WORMS/24/01 Why Would I Bother? A Qualitative Study on Perceptions of Renewable Energy Communities by Polish Photovoltaic Installation Owners
by Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska & Ewa Neska & Maksymilian Bielecki
- WORMS/23/02 Rigorous agent-based modeling is critical: Modeling the diffusion of green products and practices
by Angelika Abramiuk-Szurlej & Mikolaj Szurlej & Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron - WORMS/23/01 Trading on short-term path forecasts of intraday electricity prices. Part II -- Distributional Deep Neural Networks
by Grzegorz Marcjasz & Tomasz Serafin & Rafal Weron
- WORMS/22/02 Success of research projects in prediction and assessment from the point of view of project stakeholders thereby taking into account a sustainability approach
by Agata Klaus-Rosinska - WORMS/22/01 Purchasing decisions on alternative fuel vehicles within the agent-based model
by Arkadiusz Jędrzejewski & Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron & Jakub Pawłowski & Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska
- WORMS/21/13 Emojis to conversion on social media: Insights into online consumer engagement and reactions
by Dušan Mladenović & Kamil Koštiál & Nikolina Ljepava & Ondřej Částek & Yash Chawla - WORMS/21/12 Erratum to 'Forecasting day-ahead electricity prices: A review of state-of-the-art algorithms, best practices and an open-access benchmark' [Appl. Energy 293 (2021) 116983]
by Jesus Lago & Grzegorz Marcjasz & Bart De Schutter & Rafal Weron - WORMS/21/11 Vector and triangular representations of project estimation uncertainty: effect of gender on usability
by Dorota Kuchta & Jerzy Grobelny & Rafal Michalski & Jan Schneider - WORMS/21/10 Success Factors in Sustainable Management of IT Services Projects: Exploratory Factor Analysis
by Szymon Zaleski & Rafal Michalski - WORMS/21/09 Modeling human thinking about similarities by neuromatrices in the perspective of fuzzy logic
by Jerzy Grobelny & Rafal Michalski & Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber - WORMS/21/08 Hidden Markov models for visual processing of marketing leaflets
by Jerzy Grobelny & Rafal Michalski - WORMS/21/07 Neural basis expansion analysis with exogenous variables: Forecasting electricity prices with NBEATSx
by Kin G. Olivares & Cristian Challu & Grzegorz Marcjasz & Rafal Weron & Artur Dubrawski - WORMS/21/06 Forecasting Electricity Prices: Autoregressive Hybrid Nearest Neighbors (ARHNN) method
by Weronika Nitka & Tomasz Serafin & Dimitrios Sotiros - WORMS/21/05 Simulation modeling of epidemic risk in supermarkets: Investigating the impact of social distancing and checkout zone design
by Tomasz Antczak & Bartosz Skorupa & Mikolaj Szurlej & Rafal Weron & Jacek Zabawa - WORMS/21/04 Importance of the long-term seasonal component in day-ahead electricity price forecasting revisited: Parameter-rich models estimated via the LASSO
by Arkadiusz Jedrzejewski & Grzegorz Marcjasz & Rafal Weron - WORMS/21/03 Success of SME enterprises in the era of pandemics
by Kamila Urbańska & Agnieszka Parkitna - WORMS/21/02 Consumer preferences towards alternative fuel vehicles. Results from the conjoint analysis
by Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska & Rafał Michalski & Marek Kott & Anna Skowrońska-Szmer & Joanna Kott - WORMS/21/01 Predictors and outcomes of individual knowledge on early-stage pandemic: Social media, information credibility, public opinion, and behaviour in a large-scale global study
by Yash Chawla & Agnieszka Radziwon & Laurent Scaringella & Ewa Lazarczyk Carlson & Marco Greco & Paulo Duarte Silveira & Eduardo Pestana de Aguiar & Qing Yang Shen & Markus Will & Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska
- WORMS/20/17 Trading on short-term path forecasts of intraday electricity prices
by Tomasz Serafin & Grzegorz Marcjasz & Rafal Weron - WORMS/20/16 Data-driven simulation modeling of the checkout process in supermarkets: Insights for decision support in retail operations
by Tomasz Antczak & Rafal Weron & Jacek Zabawa - WORMS/20/15 Identification of risks of investments into residential premises for rent in Poland
by Arkadiusz Górski & Kamila Urbańska & Agnieszka Parkitna - WORMS/20/14 How much Polish consumers know about alternative fuel vehicles?
by Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska & Marek Kott & Joanna Kott - WORMS/20/13 Impact of urban transport innovation on the quality of life: what do passengers say?
by Magdalena Gądek & Rafał Miśko - WORMS/20/12 Effects of scatter plot initial solutions on regular grid facility layout algorithms in typical production models
by Jerzy Grobelny & Rafal Michalski - WORMS/20/11 Application of hidden Markov models to eye tracking data analysis of visual quality inspection operations
by Berna Ulutas & Firat Ozkan & Rafal Michalski - WORMS/20/10 Eye-tracking examination of the anthropological race, gender and verbal-pictorial relative positions on ergonomics of visual information presentation
by Rafal Michalski & Joanna Koszela-Kulinska - WORMS/20/09 Investigating human visual behavior by hidden Markov models in the design of marketing information
by Jerzy Grobelny & Rafal Michalski - WORMS/20/08 Energy forecasting: A review and outlook
by Tao Hong & Pierre Pinson & Yi Wang & Rafal Weron & Dazhi Yang & Hamidreza Zareipour - WORMS/20/07 Determinants of small enterprise efficiency
by Agnieszka Parkitna - WORMS/20/06 Internet in purchase processes of Polish SMEs
by Ewa Pralat - WORMS/20/05 The use of ICT tools in the communication between students and academic teachers
by Ewa Pralat - WORMS/20/04 Why Polish market of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) is the smallest in Europe? SWOT analysis of opportunities and threats
by Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska & Joanna Kott & Marek Kott - WORMS/20/03 Social Media Marketing for Businesses: Organic Promotions of Web-Links on Facebook
by Yash Chawla & Grzegorz Chodak - WORMS/20/02 PCA forecast averaging - predicting day-ahead and intraday electricity prices
by Katarzyna Maciejowska & Bartosz Uniejewski & Tomasz Serafin - WORMS/20/01 Beating the naive: Combining LASSO with naive intraday electricity price forecasts
by Grzegorz Marcjasz & Bartosz Uniejewski & Rafal Weron
- WORMS/19/08 Averaging predictive distributions across calibration windows for day-ahead electricity price forecasting
by Tomasz Serafin & Bartosz Uniejewski & Rafal Weron - WORMS/19/07 The Yellow organization as an integrative stage in the F. Laloux' organization model
by Aldona M. Deren & Jan Skonieczny - WORMS/19/06 Model of the impact of legal regulations on management processes in power companies
by Joanna Kott & Jagoda Mrzyglocka-Chojnacka & Marek Kott - WORMS/19/05 Communication management model- case study in the project of energy efficiency improvement using the RASCI matrix
by Jagoda Mrzyglocka-Chojnacka & Joanna Kott & Marek Kott - WORMS/19/04 The green management in the context of regional development
by Małgorzata Rutkowska & Adam Sulich - WORMS/19/03 The Logic of Value Creation of an Innovative Enterprise – Case Study
by Zbigniew Malara & Janusz Kroik - WORMS/19/02 The innovativeness of green sector enterprises
by Adam Sulich & Małgorzata Rutkowska & Jerzy Tutaj - WORMS/19/01 Reliability of information systems in organization as a factor shaping organizational culture
by Katarzyna Tworek
- WORMS/18/10 Information presentation compatibility in a simple digital control panel design: eye-tracking study
by Rafal Michalski - WORMS/18/09 Simulated annealing based on linguistic patterns: experimental examination of properties for various types of logistic problems
by Jerzy Grobelny & Rafal Michalski - WORMS/18/08 Subjective preferences towards various conditions of self-administered questionnaires: AHP and conjoint analyses
by Rafal Michalski & Marta Staniow - WORMS/18/07 Marketing model of a university: assessment of the concept and suggestion for implementation
by Zbigniew Malara & Radoslaw Rynca & Yasmin Ziaeian - WORMS/18/06 Evaluation of student satisfaction and service quality: case study of university education in Poland
by Anna Borkowska & Anna Dobrowolska & Jagoda Mrzyglocka-Chojnacka & Radoslaw Rynca - WORMS/18/05 The role of measuring the efficiency of marketing e-tool brand management
by Agnieszka Parkitna, & Jerzy Tutaj & Anna M. Kamińska - WORMS/18/04 Smart cities and challenges for European integration
by Robert Rothe & Małgorzata Rutkowska & Adam Sulich - WORMS/18/03 The Green Jobs and the Industry 4.0
by Grzegorz Michalski & Małgorzata Rutkowska & Adam Sulich & Robert Rothe - WORMS/18/02 The level of eco-innovations in the EU Member States
by Małgorzata Rutkowska & Jolanta Pakulska - WORMS/18/01 Consumer Behaviour in the Aspect of Sustainable Development
by Małgorzata Rutkowska & Jerzy Tutaj & Jarosław Jezierski & Anna Kamińska
- WORMS/17/07 A novel version of simulated annealing based on linguistic patterns for solving facility layout problems
by Jerzy Grobelny & Rafal Michalski - WORMS/17/06 Applying hidden Markov models to visual activity analysis for simple digital control panel operations
by Jerzy Grobelny & Rafal Michalski - WORMS/17/05 The Polish managers' perception of intellectual resources in management of SMEs
by Aldona M.Deren & Jan Skonieczny - WORMS/17/04 Social acceptance of renewable energy sources in Poland - guidelines for education process
by Edyta Ropuszynska-Surma & Magdalena Weglarz - WORMS/17/03 Green jobs and changes in modern economy on the labour market
by Adam Sulich & Małgorzata Rutkowska - WORMS/17/02 Debt capacity of social economy nonprofit entities : young people’s jobs on the green economy background case
by Adam Sulich & Małgorzata Rutkowska & Grzegorz Michalski - WORMS/17/01 Analysis and evaluation of capital expenditures on environmental protection in Poland
by Małgorzata Rutkowska & Magdalena Węglarz
- WORMS/16/15 The effects of background color, shape and dimensionality on purchase intentions in a digital product presentation
by Rafal Michalski & Jerzy Grobelny - WORMS/16/14 An eye tracking based examination of visual attention during pairwise comparisons of a digital product’s package
by Rafal Michalski & Jerzy Grobelny - WORMS/16/13 Eye tracking based experimental study on basic digital control panel usability
by Rafal Michalski - WORMS/16/12 Experimental examination of facilities layout problems in logistics systems including objects with diverse sizes and shapes
by Jerzy Grobelny & Rafal Michalski - WORMS/16/11 A concept of a flexible approach to the facilities layout problems in logistics systems
by Jerzy Grobelny & Rafal Michalski - WORMS/16/10 Concept of organizational creativity
by Aldona M. Deren & Jan Skonieczny - WORMS/16/09 Business model taking into account intellectual property protection
by Aldona M. Deren - WORMS/16/09 Business model taking into account intellectual property protection
by Aldona M. Deren - WORMS/16/08 Intellectual Property Protection Paths In Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises Of Lower Silesia
by Aldona M. Deren - WORMS/16/07 The idea of a creative workshop in the project - enterpreneurial management higher school
by Aldona M. Dereń & Agnieszka Parkitna & Jan Skonieczny - WORMS/16/06 Factors determining the course of research projects, in the opinion of different groups of stakeholders
by Jagoda Mrzyglocka-Chojnacka & Radoslaw Rynca - WORMS/16/05 Statistical evaluation of payment system development in Poland
by Anna Czarnecka (Kiłyk) & Paulina Magierska & Agnieszka Parkitna - WORMS/16/04 Wroclaw University of Technology Graduates' Career Paths
by Zbigniew Malara & Rafał Miśko & Adam Sulich - WORMS/16/03 Bancassurance as a Source of Financing Eco-investments: The Polish Case within the European Context
by Małgorzata Rutkowska & Nina Szczygieł - WORMS/16/02 Green jobs
by Małgorzata Rutkowska & Adam Sulich & Nina Szczygieł - WORMS/16/01 Eco-innovative Sustainable Investments and a Potential of Environmental Insurance
by Małgorzata Rutkowska & Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska & Nina Szczygieł
- WORMS/15/05 The role of background color, interletter spacing, and font size on preferences in the digital presentation of a product
by Jerzy Grobelny & Rafal Michalski - WORMS/15/04 Is Human Visual Activity in Simple Human-Computer Interaction Search Tasks a Lévy Flight?
by Jerzy Grobelny & Rafal Michalski & Rafal Weron - WORMS/15/03 Comparative analysis of regular grid based algorithms in the design of graphical control panels
by Jerzy Grobelny & Rafal Michalski - WORMS/15/02 Subjective perception of the background color and layout in the design of typical graphical control panels
by Rafal Michalski & Jerzy Grobelny - WORMS/15/01 The effects of the anthropological race, gender and location of verbal-pictorial stimuli on the usability of visual information conveyance
by Joanna Koszela-Kulinska & Rafal Michalski