2010, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 925-938 Bank worker's suicide attempts in the context of productive reorganizations
by Marcelo Augusto Finazzi Santos & Marcus Vinícius Soares Siqueira & Ana Magnólia Mendes - 939-948 Suicide and work: conceptual and methodological problems surrounding the inquiry of this relationship
by Antonio Virgílio Bittencourt Bastos & Sônia Maria Guedes Gondim - 949-955 Response to article "bank workers' suicide attempts in the context of productive reorganizations"
by Maria Elizabeth Antunes Lima - 956-967 Relations between suicide and work: epistemological differences and the (im)possibility of dialogue
by Marcelo Augusto Finazzi Santos & Marcus Vinícius Soares Siqueira & Ana Magnólia Mendes - 968-982 Performance management in the public sector: the case of TI governo
by Maria Amélia Fetzner & Andrea Poleto Oltramari & Pelayo Munhoz Olea - 983-985 A encruzilhada da nanotecnologia: inovação, tecnologia e riscos
by Flávia Ferreira dos Santos - 986-988 Psicologia e trabalho: apropriações e significados
by Sílvia Patricia Cavalheiro de Andrade & Gabriela Cavalheiro & Karina Beatrice Kaufmann & Suzana da Rosa Tolfo - 989-989 Inovação organizacional e tecnológica
by Flávio José Buononato - 989-989 Inovação: quebrando paradigmas para vencer
by Luciano E. Vicenzi
2010, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 1-3 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 575-593 The development of organizational competences in different management models of subsidiaries of Brazilian multinationals companies
by Felipe Mendes Borini & Maria Tereza Leme Fleury - 594-614 The four faces of HR: analyzing the performance of Human Resource management in Brazilian companies
by Betania Tanure & Paul Evans & Vera L. Cançado - 615-632 The relationship between productive agglomeration and growth: the application of a multi-level model in the industrial sector of São Paulo State, Brazil
by Eliane Pereira Zamith Brito & Luiz Artur Ledur Brito & Elvio Corrêa Porto & Marcelo Erdei Szilagyi - 633-650 Identification or resistance? an analysis of the subjective constitution of policemen
by Lucilio Linhares Perdigão de Morais & Ana Paula Paes de Paula - 651-669 Scientific production on organizational culture in public organizations from 1997 to 2007: an invitation to rethink and reconsider
by Lindomar Pinto da Silva & Élvia Fadul - 670-683 To be or not to be favorable towards diversity practices? this is the question
by Jamille Barbosa Cavalcanti Pereira & Darcy Mitiko Mori Hanashiro - 684-702 Power relations and international post-acquisition changes in the relationship network of the acquired firm
by Luciedi Temporal Gomes Esper & Sérgio Fernando Loureiro Rezende & Ângela França Versiani & Humberto Elias Garcia Lopes & Liliane de Oliveira Guimarães & Roberto Gonzalez Duarte - 703-721 The impact of consumer behavior connectedness on television shows
by Valter Afonso Vieira & Jucelia Appio - 722-737 Alliances and cooperation: theoretical outlooks in the realm of strategic thought
by Gláucia Maria Vasconcellos Vale & Humberto Elias Garcia Lopes - 738-743 For more (and better) integration of strategic management theories
by Sandro Cabral & Sérgio G. Lazzarini - 744-751 The intellectual structure of strategic alliance scientific production: impressionism or realism?
by Jorge Ferreira da Silva & Ângela da Rocha - 752-760 Challenges and pitfalls in wonderland: approaching research paths on strategic alliances
by Gláucia Maria Vasconcellos Vale & Humberto Elias Garcia Lopes - 761-774 The opinion makers in child nourishment
by Luciene Nascimento de Almeida & José Roberto Ribas & Adilson dos Santos Leandro - 775-776 Práticas de Recursos Humanos: conceitos, ferramentas e procedimentos
by Karinne Nogueira Galinari & Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer - 777-778 Managing: desvendando o dia a dia da gestão
by Rita de Cássia Fucci Amato & Edmundo Escrivão Filho - 779-799 Gestão de idéias para inovação contínua
by Ligia Fiedler - 799-799 Inovação: estratégias e comunidades de conhecimento
by Edimeri Frá
2010, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 1-2 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 395-413 Impacts of private participation on prison services: evidence from the outsourcing of correctional activities in Paraná state, Brazil
by Sandro Cabral & Sergio G. Lazzarini - 414-433 The relationship between amendments to the federal budget Law and municipal corruption in Brazil: evidence from reports of the brazilian Internal Audit Agency
by Antonio Carlos de Azevedo Sodré & Maria Fernanda Colaço Alves - 434-457 Relationship dynamics and probable strategic answers of brazilian post graduate programs in administration to the Capes evaluation: institutional propositions starting from the analysis of co-authorship networks
by Cristiane Marques de Mello & João Marcelo Crubellate & Luciano Rossoni - 458-477 The field of studies of inter-organizational cooperation networks in Brazil
by Alsones Balestrin & Jorge Renato Verschoore & Edgar Reyes Junior - 478-494 Family snapshots through the eyes of successors: a study of the family organization
by Fernanda Tarabal Lopes & Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri - 495-515 Enabling and inhibiting factors of the strategic alignment between information technology strategy and entrepreneurial strategy in a situation of fusion of companies in a retail environment
by Christiane Maria Leite Pereira & Jairo Simião Dornelas - 516-531 Professional behavioral styles in science, technology and innovation (STI)
by Roberto Coda & Maria Filomena Fontes Ricco - 532-557 PhDs in accounting sciences: analysis in light of the human capital theory
by Jacqueline Veneroso Alves da Cunha & Edgard Bruno Cornachione Junior & Gilberto de Andrade Martins - 558-569 After all, how many companies are there in this town?
by Rosane Rivera Torres & Andréa Leite Rodrigues - 570-571 Gestão de pequenas e médias empresas de base tecnológica
by Sandra Tornieri - 572-573 O lado oculto das mudanças: a verdadeira inovação requer mudança de percepção
by Edemilson Messias dos Santos
2010, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 00 Marketing: gerenciamento e serviços
by Marcelo Esteves-Alves - 00 A encruzilhada da nanotecnologia: inovação, tecnologia e riscos
by Alvaro Augusto Dossa - 1-3 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 194-211 "Body and Soul" in organizations: a study of domination and the body's social construction in the military organization
by Alexandre Reis Rosa & Mozar José de Brito - 212-228 When decentralize is to concentrate power: state government role in the catarinense experience
by Eliane Salete Filippim & Fernando Luiz Abrucio - 229-250 Corporate reputation: formative constructs and implications for management
by José Carlos Thomaz & Eliane Pereira Zamith Brito - 251-267 Institutionalization as a marketing control mechanism
by André Luiz Maranhão de Souza Leão & Sérgio Carvalho Benício de Mello - 268-288 National and international scientific publication about franchising: analysis 1998-2007
by Pedro Lucas de Resende Melo & Tales Andreassi - 289-309 The importance of non-technological factors on CPFR implementation
by Mauro Vivaldini & Sílvio R. I. Pires & Fernando Bernardi de Souza - 310-332 The crossroads of organizational learning: a multiparadigmatic view
by Claudia Simone Antonello & Arilda Schmidt Godoy - 333-352 Determining factors of the default in processes of credit concession to micro and small businesses in the State of Minas Gerais
by Marcos Antônio de Camargos & Mirela Castro Santos Camargos & Flávio Wagner Silva & Fabiana Soares dos Santos & Paulo Junio Rodrigues - 353-359 Concerning mastery, professionalization and intellectual craftsmanship
by Tânia Fischer - 360-366 The dimensions and challenges of a professional master´s degree
by Flávio Carvalho de Vasconcelos & Isabella Freitas Gouveia de Vasconcelos - 367-371 Professional Masters, have you seen my credentials?
by Paulo Rogério Meira Menandro - 372-376 Reconceptualizing the postgraduate: recovering the missing link
by Tânia Fischer - 377-389 Focus empreendimentos: redeeming the credibility
by Lilian Aparecida Pasquini Miguel & Janette Brunstein - 390-391 Gestão da empresa familiar: conceitos, casos e soluções
by Luciana Teixeira & Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer - 392-393 Taylorismo e Fordismo na indústria paulista: o empresariado e os projetos de organização racional do trabalho, 1920 - 1940
by Thiago Alves Paiva
2010, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 1-19 The size of the Brazilian government: concepts and measures
by Vladimir Fernandes Maciel & Paulo Roberto Arvate - 20-39 Pointers in the spread of Postponement strategy: cases of Brazilian companies
by Mauro Sampaio & João Mario Csillag - 40-60 Conflicts between management practice and family relations: a complex and multidimensional approach
by Anielson Barbosa da Silva & Carlos Ricardo Rossetto - 61-79 The dynamics of national and international relationships in internationalisation processes: a case study of an north-american advertising agency in the Brazilian market
by Cynthia Gambogi Massote & Sérgio Fernando Loureiro Rezende & Ângela França Versiani - 80-99 Measuring the tourism destination image: a survey based on the Item response theory
by Amalia Raquel Pérez-Nebra & Cláudio V. Torres - 100-121 Management of company-university cooperation: a Brazilian Multinational case
by Priscila Rezende da Costa & Geciane Silveira Porto & Diogenes Feldhaus - 122-148 Information management papers' citation analysis: 10 years of enanpad digital proceedings (1997-2006)
by Alexandre Reis Graeml & Marie Anne Macadar - 149-171 Non-linear forecast of returns at BOVESPA: trading volume in a smooth transition auto regressive model
by Robert Aldo Iquiapaza & Aureliano Angel Bressan & Hudson Fernandes Amaral - 172-188 Symbolic death in organizational changes: the Banco do Brasil case
by Ana Maria Roux César - 189-190 Estratégias de comunicação em grupo: como se apresentar em eventos empresariais e acadêmicos
by Milton Jonas Monteiro - 191-192 Shopping center: a catedral das mercadorias
by Bruna de Souza Mendes - 193-193 Gestão e avaliação de políticas sociais no Brasil
by Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer - 193-193 Cultura organizacional e liderança
by Bruno Santos
2009, Volume 13, Issue spe
- 1-2 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 1-18 Technology as strategy to bring compatibility between economic development and environmental management in a local productive activity
by Maria Gracinda Carvalho Teixeira & Eliane da Silva Bessa - 19-38 The socio-environmental certification process in companies: the case of 'citizen company' certification
by André Luiz Bufoni & Natiara Penalva Muniz & Aracéli Cristina de Sousa Ferreira - 39-52 Stakeholder management and organizational sustainability: a Brazilian case study from the forestry sector
by Mariana Galvão Lyra & Ricardo Corrêa Gomes & Laércio Antônio Gonçalves Jacovine - 53-67 Microcredit and poverty: a possible dialogue?
by Claire Gomes dos Santos & Rosinha da Silva Machado Carrion - 68-86 A bibliometric approach to Brazilian scientific production on corporate social responsibility - CSR
by Sérgio Luiz do Amaral Moretti & Milton de Abreu Campanario - 87-104 Social network analysis in the health system: a study of interorganizacional relationships in HIV/AIDS units
by Otávio Neves da Silva Bittencourt & Francisco José Kliemann Neto - 105-120 Public service management and citizen participation: a study with the beneficiaries of the family allowance program
by Vera Lúcia Peixoto Santos Mendes & Angela Maria Gordilho Barbosa & Jorgas Marques Rodrigues - 121-138 Insertion and management of people with disabilities at work: a case study
by Maria Nivalda de Carvalho-Freitas
2009, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 1-2 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 525-544 Looking beyond the " first structuralism" for research in marketing
by Arcanjo Ferreira de Souza Neto & Sérgio Carvalho Benício de Mello - 545-563 Until costs tear them apart: why do customers and suppliers set relational practices for the joint development of software projects?
by Rita de Cássia de Faria Pereira & Fernando Bins Luce - 564-582 The Brazilian management graduate program network: analysis of academic relationships and the attributes of programs
by Tomás de Aquino Guimarães & Adalmir de Oliveira Gomes & Catarina Cecilia Odelius & Claudio Zancan & Ariane Agnes Corradi - 583-603 Advantages provided to small and medium-sized enterprises through cooperation networking in the context of venture capital
by Juliano Machado de Magalhães & Cláudio Gustavo Daudt & Patrícia Ross Phonlor - 604-625 Strategic alliances as conditioners of technological capacity development: five cases from the Brazilian electro-electronics sector
by Zandra Balbinot & Rosane Argou Marques - 626-646 Organizational practices and relationship structure in the field of metropolitan development
by José Bonfim Albuquerque Filho & Clóvis L. Machado-da-Silva - 647-662 Six sigma: critical success factors for its implementation
by Samir Trad & Antonio Cesar Amaru Maximiano - 663-682 Conceptual model of decisions in new venture creation stage: basis for modeling a simulator for business games
by André Rosenfeld Rosas & Antonio Carlos Aidar Sauaia - 683-699 The imported chocolate
by Dusan Schreiber & Leonardo Flach & Claudia Simone Antonello - 700-701 Administração com arte
by Elcemir Paço-Cunha - 702-703 Empreendedorismo além do Plano de Negócio
by Athos Oliveira Carvalho - 704-704 Responsabilidade social empresarial e empresa sustentável: da teoria à prática
by Marcelo Esteves Alves - 704-704 Mudança Organizacional: liderança, competitividade, teoria do caos, recursos humanos, logística integrada, inovações gerenciais, cultura organizacional, arquitetura organizacional
by Fábio Carvalho Pereira
2009, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 1-2 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 351-365 Disciplinary limits and possibilities of public administration and organizational studies
by Élvia Mirian Cavalcanti Fadul & Mônica de Aguiar Mac-Allister da Silva - 366-390 Scientific cooperation among graduate programs in the field of business in Brazil: structural evidence in four thematic areas
by Luciano Rossoni & Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho - 391-409 Information technology investments and impact on the productivity of firms: an empirical analysis in light of the productivity paradox
by Ivan Ricardo Gartner & Ronaldo Zwicker & Wilhelm Rödder - 410-429 Gee, what should I do with this tecnology? A multicase study about the possibilities of technology transfer at USP-RP
by Élcio Eduardo de Paula Santana & Geciane Silveira Porto - 430-449 Technological processes of communication in cooperation university-enterprise: studies of cases in Paraná federal universities
by Érika Mayumi Kato Cruz & Andréa Paula Segatto - 450-467 Entrepreneurial profile and organizational performance
by Serje Schmidt & Maria Cristina Bohnenberger - 469-486 Meta-evaluation of an operational audit of the brazilian court of audit
by Helga Cristina Hedler & Cláudio Vaz Torres - 487-503 Time and space in the contemporaneity: an analysis based on a popular business magazine
by Marcia Frezza & Carmem Ligia Iochins Grisci & Cristiano Keller Kessler - 505-519 Financial decisions in the Santa Cruz cookie company
by Douglas Wegner & Marcos Ferasso & Edi Madalena Fracasso - 520-521 Governança na empresa familiar: implementação e prática
by Thalita Pereira Barbosa - 522-523 Upgrading to compete: global value chains, clusters and smes in Latin America
by Rafael Almeida de Lima - 524-524 Expatriação de executivos
by Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer - 524-524 Gestão de pessoas e competência: teoria e pesquisa
by Camila Patrício Campos
2009, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 1-2 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 172-188 Practices of the management of external sources of technological information and innovative performance of brazilian companies
by Clandia Maffini Gomes & Isak Kruglianskas - 189-209 Business games and experimental economics: a study of organizational rationality in decision making
by Antonio Carlos Aidar Sauaia & Sabrina Arruda Zerrenner - 210-227 Management of people and its tools of seduction in an acquisition process
by Ivana Dolejal Homem & Andréa Poleto Oltramari & Vânia Gisele Bessi - 228-246 The maturity multi-Level models: a brief report of its history, dissemination and application on people management by People Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM)
by Victor Natanael Schwetter Silveira - 247-271 Sense of control empirical analysis: understanding overconfidence
by Wesley Mendes-da-Silva & Abraham Sin Oih Yu - 272-290 Cointegration and brazilian ADR price discovery
by Claudio Akira Kawamoto & Carlos Tadao Kawamoto - 291-309 Moving Average Convergence-Divergence as a tool for deciding on investments in the stock market
by Rodrigo Silva Vidotto & Antônio Luiz Tonissi Migliato & Antonio Carlos Zambon - 310-327 The customer value structure in the brazilian personal retail banking market: a specific summated rating scale
by João Carlos Neves de Paiva & Francisco Vidal Barbosa & Áurea Helena Puga Ribeiro - 328-345 RIPASA: sales and adjustments with minority stockholders
by Luiz Carlos Jacob Perera & Roberto Borges Kerr - 346-347 A Empresa Sustentável
by Jorge Alfredo Cerqueira Streit - 348-349 Negócios com Japão, Coréia do Sul e China: economia, gestão e relações com o Brasil
by Jean Barros e Silva - 350-350 O desafio da aposentadoria: o exemplo dos executivos do Brasil e da Nova Zelândia
by Érika Mayumi Kato - 350-350 Simbolismo organizacional no Brasil
by Fabrício Alves Farias
2009, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 1-16 Environmental protection theme at discourses of corporative social responsibility
by Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri & Alfredo Rodrigues Leite da Silva & Thiago Duarte Pimentel - 17-35 Social predictors influencing the attitudes of top executives towards retirement: a cross-cultural study
by Lucia Helena de Freitas Pinho França - 36-56 Organizational values and innovative organizational knowledge creation
by Lilian Aparecida Pasquini Miguel & Maria Luisa Mendes Teixeira - 57-71 Entrepreneurial culture: a comparative study of entrepreneurs in Brazil and Portugal
by Marco Antonio Oliveira Monteiro da Silva & Luiz Flavio Autran Monteiro Gomes & Manuela Faia Correia - 72-91 Trust within the organizations of the New Economy: an empirical analysis of the consequences of institutional uncertainty
by Marco Tulio F. Zanini & Edward J. Lusk & Birgitta Wolff - 92-116 Brand activities in the everyday life of consumers: discovering a new way of thinking brands?
by André Luiz Maranhão de Souza Leão & Sérgio Carvalho Benício de Mello - 117-135 Similarity and dissimilarity between superiors and subordinates and their implications for dyadic relationship quality
by Nereida Salette Paulo da Silveira & Darcy Mitiko Mori Hanashiro - 136-153 Opportunities for professional qualification in Brazil: reflections based on a quantitative study
by Luciana Mourão - 154-166 Sabor de Casa Restaurant
by Patrícia Whebber Souza de Oliveira & Nilda Maria de Clodoaldo Pinto Guerra Leone & Tereza de Souza - 167-168 Competências e desempenho organizacional: o que há além do balanced scorcard
by Rosemeri Rosalin Paulin & Yara Lúcia Mazziotti Bulgacov - 169-170 Liderança radical: como renovar seu entusiasmo pelo trabalho e dar um salto em sua carreira
by Priscila de Andrade Alves - 171-171 Gestão da Empresa Familiar: conceitos, casos e soluções
by Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer - 171-171 Organizações familiares: um mosaico brasileiro
by Poty Colaço Fonseca
2008, Volume 12, Issue spe
- 1-1 Editorial
by Carlos Alberto Vargas Rossi - 9-39 An empirical study of the determinants of Internet Banking adoption among Brazilians non-users
by José Mauro da Costa Hernandez & José Afonso Mazzon - 41-63 Virtual communities and market segmentation: an exploratory approach, using neural networks and virtual community's data
by Edar da Silva Añaña & Leandro Maurício Medeiros Vieira & Martin de La Martinière Petroll & Renan Petersen-Wagner & Ricardo Simm Costa - 65-87 A model of the loyalty antecedents in the eletronic retail
by Valter Afonso Vieira & Luiz Antonio Slongo - 89-118 The influence of retail format on relationship continuity among fashion retailers and their suppliers
by Elias Frederico & André Ricardo Robic - 119-146 Interpretations of the portrayals of african-descendents in mass media
by Claudia Rosa Acevedo & Jouliana Jordan Nohara - 147-174 The behavioral consequences of the customer dissatisfaction
by Daniel Von der Heyde Fernandes & Cristiane Pizzutti dos Santos - 175-192 Location factors of gas stations in Fortaleza
by João Adamor Dias Neves & Átila Mendes Costa
2008, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 1-3 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 907-930 Low income product innovation
by Paulo Tromboni de Souza Nascimento & Abraham Sin Oih Yu & Maria Cecília Sobral - 931-951 Critical success factors for the creation of an innovative sustainable recycling project: a case study
by Fabrizio Giovannini & Isak Kruglianskas - 953-974 Technological capability at the Brazilian official pharmaceutical laboratories
by Eduardo Rangel de Oliveira & José Vitor Bomtempo Martins & Cristiane Quental - 975-993 Entrepreneurship and economic growth: some empirical evidence
by Aluízio Antonio de Barros & Cláudia Maria Miranda de Araújo Pereira - 995-1018 Commitment and loyalty: are they two constructs or two constructs from the same concept? A reply to Prado and Santos (2003)
by Valter Afonso Vieira & Luiz Antonio Slongo - 1019-1041 Analysis of the liquidity risk in credit unions: a logit multinomial approach
by Rosiane Maria Lima Gonçalves & Marcelo José Braga - 1043-1069 Relevant factors for establishing inter-firm cooperation networks in Rio Grande do Sul
by Jorge Renato Verschoore & Alsones Balestrin - 1071-1105 Company value anatomy
by Vinícius Aversari Martins & Luiz Nelson Guedes de Carvalho & Alexandre Assaf Neto - 1107-1130 Rationality and organization: the multiple aspects of an enigma
by Victor Natanael Schwetter Silveira - 1131-1158 Strategy and strategic management of companies: a historical and critical review
by Taïeb Hafsi & Alain-Charles Martinet - 1159-1164 Reflections on the article strategy and strategic management of companies: a historical and critical review
by Carlos Osmar Bertero - 1165-1171 An overview of the development of studies in strategy in Brazil inspired by Hafsi and Martinet
by Luiz Paulo Bignetti - 1173-1177 Response to Bertero and Bignetti
by Taïeb Hafsi & Alain-Charles Martinet - 1179-1181 Todo marqueteiro é mentiroso! A verdade como um diferencial de vendas: O perigo dos exageros na comunicação
by Daniela Yoko Matsuzaki - 1183-1185 Os executivos das transnacionais e o espírito do capitalismo: capital humano e empreendedorismo como valores sociais
by Simone Meucci
2008, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 1-3 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 599-629 Information Technology and business performance on its projects management: a case study about a industry
by Alberto Luiz Albertin & Rosa Maria de Moura Albertin - 631-658 Participant or professor centered learning? A comparative study in Applied Social Sciences
by Waldemar Hazoff Júnior & Antonio Carlos Aidar Sauaia - 659-688 The ideality of the school in the view of faculty: pure subjectivity or structured cognition patterns in the business administration programs?
by Cristiano de Oliveira Maciel & Antonio João Hocayen-da-Silva & Marcos de Castro - 689-715 Environmental management in companies: an analysis of the scientific production on environmental management in companies published in the main journals on administration between 1996 and 2005
by Charbel José Chiappetta Jabbour & Fernando César Almada Santos & José Carlos Barbieri - 717-739 Strategic and Master Plans: references and purposes
by Clovis Ultramari & Denis Alcides Rezende - 741-761 Relationship-based financing models: experiences of chinese entrepreneurs in Brazil
by Hsia Hua Sheng - 763-788 Corporate Governance and determinants of capital structure: empirical evidence from Brazilian markets
by Alexandre Di Miceli da Silveira & Fernanda Finotti Cordeiro Perobelli & Lucas Ayres Barreira de Campos Barros - 789-809 Competitiveness models for tourist destinations into the sustainability context
by Rosana Mara Mazaro & Giovani Varzin - 811-834 Post-acquisition changes at the supplier network of the acquired firm
by Maria Amália de Marques de Freitas & Sérgio Fernando Loureiro Rezende & José Márcio de Castro - 835-853 The character of the internationalization of scientific production and its restricted accessibility
by Sueli Goulart & Cristina Amélia Carvalho - 855-860 Sociology is a combat sport: a response to Sueli and Cristina's text
by Paulo Prochno - 861-872 Free access: a pathway to maximizing the visibility of research
by Hélio Kuramoto - 873-881 Brazil is killing Brasil
by Sueli Goulart & Cristina Amélia Carvalho - 883-885 A revolução gerenciada: educação no Brasil, 1995-2002
by Eliane Maria Pires Giavina Bianchi - 887-890 O mosaico do trabalho na sociedade contemporânea: persistências e inovações
by Ivana Benevides Dutra Murta - 891-891 A empresa sustentável: como a sustentabilidade pode ajudar sua empresa
by Jorge Alfredo Cerqueira-Streit - 891-891 Decent working time: new trends, new issues
by Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer
2008, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 1-3 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 287-311 A discriminant analysis of the relationship between strategic factors, industry and performance in Brazilian manufacturing industry companies
by Carlos Alberto Gonçalves & Alexandre Teixeira Dias & Reynaldo Maia Muniz - 313-338 Effects of the diversification strategies on the performance of the Brazilian industrial companies: a study about companies listed in the São Paulo stock exchange in the period 1997-2001
by Pablo Rogers & Wesley Mendes-da-Silva & Germano Mendes de Paula - 339-368 Competencies, management of competencies and professions: perspectives of research
by Kely César Martins de Paiva & Marlene Catarina de Oliveira Lopes Melo - 369-394 Organizations, representations and syncretism: the experience of a family company facing changes and managerial successions
by Claudiani Waiandt & Eduardo Davel - 395-427 An exploratory study about a new kind of enterprise: the academic spin-offs
by Lucelia Borges da Costa & Ana Lúcia Vitale Torkomian - 429-456 Factor from technology readiness index (TRI) as antecedents of technology acceptance model (TAM)
by Péricles José Pires & Bento Alves da Costa Filho - 457-480 Trade-offs in customized services and the customer point of view
by Rafael Teixeira & Ely Laureano Paiva - 481-506 Overbooking, yield management and demand forecast: an empirical study of the arrivals in airline reservation systems
by Alessandro Vinícius Marques de Oliveira & Renée Baptista Ferraz - 507-531 The prisoner's dilemma and the inefficiency of the real options method
by André Barreira da Silva Rocha - 533-554 Patterns of productivity of Brazilian authors in accounting magazines and congress: a study bibliometric
by Geraldo Alemandro Leite Filho - 555-574 Beleza natural: growing in the bottom of the pyramid
by Maribel Carvalho Suarez & Letícia Moreira Casotti & Victor Manoel Cunha de Almeida - 575-577 Sustentabilidade: caminho ou utopia?
by Tânia Margarete Mezzomo Keinert - 579-581 Projetos culturais: técnicas de modelagem
by Luiz Alex Silva Saraiva - 583-583 International accounting and multinational enterprises
by De Lee H. Radebaugh & Sidney J. Gray & Ervin L. Black - 583-583 Práticas de recursos humanos: conceitos, ferramentas e procedimentos
by Ana Cristina Limongi França
2008, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 11-34 RH policies: instruments of consensus and ambiguities
by Alfredo Rodrigues Leite da Silva & Gelson Silva Junquilho & Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri - 35-58 People's management using holistic models
by Cristina Mori Maciel & Arlindo Fortunato da Silva - 59-81 Information asymmetry and trust in cooperative interactions
by Rosangela Violetti Bertolin & Antônio Carlos dos Santos & Juvêncio Braga de Lima & Marcelo José Braga