Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 25/02 One plus one makes less than two? Consolidation policies and mortality in the Italian NHS
by Balia, S.; & Brau, R.; & Pau, S.; - 25/01 Sick and Cold? Evidence on the dynamic interplay between energy poverty and health
by Budrìa, S.; & Li Donni, P.; & Zucchelli, E.;
- 24/21 Addictive Consumption, Imperfect Substitutes and Self Control: A Model and an Application to Slot Machines
by Deiana, C & Dragone, D & Giua, L - 24/20 Health Inequalities and the Progressivity of Old-Age Social Insurance Programs
by van der Vaart, J & Groneck, M & van Ooijen, R - 24/19 Two Stage Least Squares with Time-Varying Instruments: An Application to an Evaluation of Treatment Intensification for Type-2 Diabetes
by Tompsett, D & Vansteelandt, S & Grieve, R & Petersen, I Author Name: Gomes, M - 24/18 Do Peers Support or Subvert Recovery from Substance Use Disorders
by Rose, C.; & Williams, J.; & Bretteville-Jensen, A.L.; - 24/17 A Flexible, Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Difference-in-Differences Estimator for Repeated Cross-Sections
by Deb, P.; & Norton, E.C.; & Wooldridge, J.M.; & Zabel, J.E.; - 24/16 Consistent Estimation of Finite Mixtures: An Application to Latent Group Panel Structures
by Langevin, R.; - 24/15 Patient cost-sharing and redistribution in health insurance
by Klein, T.J.; & Salm, M.; & Upadhyay, S.; - 24/14 Disorderly queues: How does unexpected demand affect queue prioritisation in emergency care?
by Francetic, I.; & Meacock, R.; & Siciliani, L.; & Sutton, M.; - 24/13 Firm Quality and Health Maintenance
by BÃró, A.; & Elek, P.; - 24/12 Sweet dreams are made of this: The co-benefit of a pedestrianisation policy in Paris on sleep
by de Preux, L.; & Miraldo, M.; & Rizmie, D.; - 24/11 The market for life care annuities: using housing wealth to manage longevity and long-term care risk
by de Bresser, J.; & Knoef, M.; & van Ooijen, R.; - 24/10 The Anatomy of U.S. Sick Leave Schemes:Evidence from Public School Teachers
by Cronin, C.J.; & Harris, M. C.; & Ziebarth, N. R.; - 24/09 Entity embedding of high-dimensional claims data for hospitalized exacerbation prediction
by Cordier, J.; & Geissler, A.; & Vogel, J.; - 24/08 Building Health across Generations: Childbirth, Childcare and Maternal Health
by Barschkett, M.; & Bosque-Mercader, L.; - 24/07 Urban NO2 Pollution and Health Outcomes: Natural-Experiment Evidence on the Predicted Benefits of the EU Zero-Emission-Vehicles Resolution
by Bondonio, D.; & Chirico, P.; & Piacenza, M.; & Robbiano, S.; - 24/05 Prioritizing investments in public healthcare to address the COVID-19 outbreak: Evidence from Europe and the South Caucasus
by Perone, G.; - 24/04 Cash Transfers and Health Outcomes: Evidence from Italian Municipalities
by Fontana, S.; & Guccio, C.; & Pignataro, G.; & Romeo, D.; - 24/03 Does private supply drive personal health choices? A spatial approach of health tax detractions at municipal level
by Marè, M.; & Porcelli, F.; & Vidoli, F.; - 24/02 Intergenerational persistence of education, smoking and birth weight: evidence from three generations
by Costi, C.; & Migali, G.; & Zucchelli, E.; - 24/01 Uncertainty in Healthcare Policy Decisions: An Epidemiological Real Options Approach to COVID-19 Lockdown Exits
by de Mello-Sampayo, F.;
- 23/17 Subjective Gender-Based Patterns in ADHD Diagnosis
by Bertoni, M.; & Marin-Lopez, B.A.; & Sanz-de-Galdeano, A.; - 23/16 Use of compositional covariates in linear regression: problems and solutions
by Zhao, T.; & Sutton, M.; & Meacock, M.; - 23/15 Effectiveness of Population-Based Hypertension Screening: A Multidimensional Regression Discontinuity Design
by Kämpfen, F.; & Gómez-Olivé, X.; & O’Donnell, O.; & Riumallo Herl, C.; - 23/14 Multi-directional Robust Benefit of the Doubt model: a comprehensive measure for the quality of health care in OECD countries
by Vidoli, F.; & Fusco, E.; & Pignataro, G.; & Guccio, C.; - 23/13 Non-monetary interventions, workforce retention and hospital quality: evidence from the English NHS
by Moscelli, G.; & Sayli, M.; & Blanden, J.; & Mello, M.; & Castro-Pires, H.; & Bojke, C.; - 23/12 The Value of Patients: Heterogenous Physician Learning and Generic Drug Diffusion
by Zhu, Z.; - 23/11 Prenatal Sugar Consumption and Late-Life Human Capital and Health: Analyses Based on Postwar Rationing and Polygenic Indices
by van den Berg, G.J.; & von Hinke, S.; & Wang, R.A.H.; - 23/10 The Impact of a Disease-Specific Health Insurance Reform on Mortality
by Menares, F.; & Muñoz, P.; - 23/09 Cognitive Decline and Dynamic Selection
by Darden, M.E.; - 23/08 Is rapid recovery always the best recovery? - Developing a machine learning approach for optimal assignment rules under capacity constraints for knee replacement patients
by Cordier, J.; & Salvi, I.; & Steinbeck, V.; & Geissler, A.; & Vogel, J.; - 23/07 Drug Shortages: Empirical Evidence from France
by Dubois, P.; & Majewska, G.; & Reig, V.; - 23/06 Time Constraints and the Quality of Physician Care
by Alquezar-Yus, M.; - 23/05 For Better or Worse? Subjective Expectations and Cost-Benefit Trade-Offs in Health Behavior: An application to lockdown compliance in the United Kingdom
by Conti, G. & Giustinelli, P. - 23/04 Shutting Down to Save Lives: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis of Non-Essential Business Closure
by Pérez, A.F. & Pedrazas, A.M. & Gaggero, A. - 23/03 Working from home and mental health: before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Bilgrami, A. - 23/02 It never rains but it pours: Austerity and mortality rate in peripheral areas
by Guccio, C. & Pignatora, G. & Vidoli, F. - 23/01 Skin Color Gap within Couples and Intimate Partner Violence in Northeast, Brazil: Evidence from the PCSVDFMulher
by Carvalho, J.R. & de Oliveira, V.H. & Ferreira Soares, S.P.
- 22/29 An experimental analysis of patient dumping under different payment systems
by Castro, M.F.; & Lisi, D.; & Romeo, D.; - 22/28 Is austerity good for efficiency, at least? A counterfactual assessment for the Italian NHS
by Guccio, C.; & Pignataro, G.; & Romeo, D.; & Vidoli, F.; - 22/27 Regional Institutional Quality and Territorial Equity in LTC Provision
by Marenzi, A.; & Rizzi, D.; & Zanette, M.; & Zantomio, F.; - 22/26 An assessment of physicians’ risk attitudes using laboratory and field data
by Castro, M.F.; & Guccio, C.; & Romeo, D.; - 22/25 Staff engagement, coworkers’ complementarity and employee retention: Evidence from English NHS hospitals
by Moscelli, G.; & Sayli, M.; & Mello, M.; - 22/24 Selection on moral hazard in the Swiss market for mandatory health insurance: Empirical evidence from Swiss Household Panel data
by Francetic, I.N.; - 22/23 Timing Moral Hazard under Deductibles in Health Insurance
by Zabrodina, V.; - 22/22 Selecting Valid Instrumental Variables in Linear Models with Multiple Exposure Variables: Adaptive Lasso and the Median-of-Medians Estimator
by Liang, X.; & Sanderson, E.; & Windmeijer, F.; - 22/21 The short-run effects of unexpected job loss on health
by Been, J.; & Suari-Andreu, E.; & Knoef, M.; - 22/20 Spillovers of Pharmaceutical Price Regulations: evidence from the AMNOG Reform in Germany
by Gamba, S.; & Pertile, P.; & Righetti, G.; - 22/19 Team composition and productivity: evidence from nursing teams in the English National Health Service
by Kelly, E.; & Propper, C.; & Zaranko, B.; - 22/18 How does a local Instrumental Variable Method perform across settings with instruments of differing strengths? A simulation study and an evaluation of emergency surgery
by Moler-Zapata, S.; & Grieve, R.; & Basu, A.; & O'Neill, S.; - 22/17 Competition and quality in German ambulatory long-term care: Where labour supply matters more than prices
by Herr, A.; & Izhak, O.; & Luckemann, M.; - 22/16 Household Finance and Life-Cycle Economic Decisions under the Shadow of Cancer
by Kárpáti, D.; - 22/15 Static regulation and technological change: Prescribing cost-effective treatments under financial constraints in the English NHS
by Dimitrova, V.; & Sameen, H.; - 22/14 For Better or Worse? Subjective Expectations and Cost-Benefit Trade-Offs in Health Behavior: An Application to Lockdown Compliance in the United Kingdom
by Conti, G.; & Giustinelli, P.; - 22/13 Care for Elderly Parents: Do Children Cooperate?
by Bergeot, J.; - 22/12 Estimating the health value added by nursing homes
by Bar, M.; & Bakx, P.; & Wouterse, B.; & van Doorslaer, Eddy.; - 22/11 Sick and depressed? The causal impact of a diabetes diagnosis on depression
by Gaggero, A.; & Gil, J.; & Jiménez-Rubio, D.; & Zucchelli, E.; - 22/10 Medical Device Companies and Doctors: Do their interactions affect medical treatments?
by Amaral-Garcia, S.; - 22/09 “And Breathe Normally†: The Low Emission Zone impacts on health and well-being in England
by Beshir, H.A.; & Fichera, E.; - 22/08 The quicker the better: Fostering timely responses in public hospitals
by Verzulli, R.; & Lippi Bruni, M.; - 22/07 Accumulation and transmission of inequality of opportunity in the double burden of malnutrition: the case of Mexico
by Salas-Ortiz, A.; - 22/06 The Effect of a Universal Preschool Programme on Long-Term Health Outcomes: Evidence from Spain
by Bosque-Mercader, L.; - 22/05 Is inconsistent reporting of self-assessed health persistent and systematic? Evidence from the UKHLS
by Davillas, A.; & de Oliveira, V.H.; & Jones, A.M.; - 22/04 Job Satisfaction Among Healthcare Workers in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Barili, E. & Bertoli, P. & Grembi, V. & Rattini, V. - 22/03 The Role of Employment Protection Legislation Regimes in Shaping the Impact of Job Disruption on Older Workers’ Mental Health in Times of COVID-19
by Di Novi, C. & Paruolo, P. & Verzillo, S. - 22/02 Exposure in utero to Adverse Events and Health Late-in-life:Evidence from China
by Wang, J. & Alessi, R. & Angelini, V. - 22/01 Intimate partner violence and help-seeking:The role of femicide news
by Colagrossi, M. & Deiana, C. & Dragone, D. & Geraci, A. & Giua, L. & Iori, E.
- 21/21 Administrative border effects in Covid-19 related mortality
by Berta, P. & Bratti, M. & Fiorio, C.V. & Pisoni, E. & Verzillo, S. - 21/20 Explaining the ethnic gaps in COVID-19 outcomes in Mexico
by Salas-Ortiz, A. - 21/19 Divided We Survive? Multi-level Governance and policy uncertainty during the first wave of COVID-19
by Angelici, M. & Berta, P. & Costa-Font, J & Turati, G. - 21/18 Working the Weight Out? Working Time Reduction and Overweight
by Costa-Font, J.; & Saenz de Miera Juarez, B. - 21/17 Voting, contagion and the trade-off between public health and political rights: quasi-experimental evidence from the Italian 2020 polls
by Mello, M. & Moscelli, G. - 21/16 Does Devolution Alter the Choice of Public versus Private Health Care?
by Costa-Font, J. & Ferrer-i-Carbonell, A. - 21/15 Socioeconomic Health Inequalities: Differences Between and Within Individuals
by Parra-Mujica, F. & Robson, M. & Cookson, R. - 21/14 The impact of Covid-19 vaccination for mental health
by Chaudhuri, K & Howley, P. - 21/13 Getting warmer: fuel poverty, objective and subjective health and well-being
by Davillas, A & Burlinson, A. & Liu, H-H. - 21/12 The Effect of Heavy Smoking on Early Retirement: An Instrumental Variable Approach
by Gaggero, A. & Ajnakina, O. & Hackett, R.A - 21/11 Health, Retirement and Economic Shocks
by Martinez-Jimenez, M. & Hollingsworth, B. & Zucchelli, E. - 21/10 Locked down in distress: a causal estimation of the mental-health fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK
by Anaya, L. & Howley, P. & Waqas, M. & Yalonetzky, G. - 21/09 Do National Health Guidelines increase coordination level among physicians? An experimental investigation
by Castro, M.F. & Romeo, D. - 21/08 Do standardised workplace health and safety laws and increased enforcement activities reduce the probability of receiving workers' compensation?
by Bilgrami, A. & Cutler, H. & Sinha, K. - 21/07 Women in Distress: Mental Health and the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Barili, E. & Grembi, V. & Rosso, A.C. - 21/06 Depowering Risk: Vehicle Power Restriction and Teen Driver Accidents in Italy
by Balia, S. & Brau, R. & Nieddu, M.G. - 21/05 COVID Angels Fighting Daily Demons? Mental Health of Healthcare Workers and Religion
by Barili, E. & Bertoli, P. & Grembi, V. & Rattini, V. - 21/04 Hang Up on Stereotypes: Domestic Violence and Anti-Abuse Helpline Campaign
by Colagrossi, M. & Deiana, C. & Geraci, A. & Giua, L. - 21/03 Weather, psychological wellbeing and mobility during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic
by Burdett, A. & Davillas, A. & Etheridge, B. - 21/02 Health information and lifestyle behaviours: the impact of a diabetes diagnosis
by Gaggero, A. & Gil, J. & Jiménez-Rubio, D. & Zucchelli, E. - 21/01 The first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on socioeconomic inequality in psychological distress in the UK
by Davillas, A. & Jones, A.M.
- 20/23 Opium Price Shocks and Prescription Opioids in the US
by Deiana, C. & Giua, L. & Nisticò, R. - 20/22 Epidemics, Pandemics and Income Inequality
by Esseau-Thomas, C. & Galarraga, O. & Khalifa, S. - 20/21 Unmet health care need and income-related horizontal equity in access during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Davillas, A. & Jones, A.M. - 20/20 Economic Consequences of Road Traffic Injuries. Application of the Super Learner algorithm
by Sriubaite, I. & Harris, A. & Jones, A.M. & Gabbe, B. - 20/19 The Effect of Co-Payments on the Take-Up of Prenatal Tests
by Di Giacomo, M. & Piacenza, M. & Siciliani, L. & Turati, G. - 20/18 Comparison of ARIMA, ETS, NNAR and hybrid models to forecast the second wave of COVID-19 hospitalizations in Italy
by Perone, G. - 20/17 Incorporating quality in the efficiency assessment of hospitals using a generalized directional distance function approach
by Guccio, C. & Lisi, D. & Martorana, M.F. & Pignataro, G. - 20/16 Real Time Forecasting of Covid-19 Intensive Care Units demand
by Berta, P. & Lovaglio, P.G. & Paruolo, P. & Verzillo, S. - 20/15 Neighborhoods, Networks, and Delivery Methods
by Barili, E. & Bertoli, P. & Grembi, V. - 20/14 Inequality of opportunity in bodyweight among middle-aged and older Chinese: a distributional approach
by Nie, P. & Ding, L. & Jones, A.M. - 20/13 Cancer screening invitations in the developing world
by Antinyan, A. & Bertoni, M. & Corazzini, L. - 20/12 Mental health and employment: a bounding approach using panel data
by Bryan, M. & Rice, N. & Roberts, J. & Sechel, C. - 20/11 The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on inequality of opportunity in psychological distress in the UK
by Davillas, A. & Jones, A.M. - 20/10 Ex ante Inequality of Opportunity in Health among the Elderly in China: A Distributional Decomposition Analysis of Biomarkers
by Ding, L. & Jones, A.M. & Nie, P. - 20/09 Title: Fees equalization and Appropriate Health Care
by Barili, E; & Bertoli, P; & Grembi, V; - 20/08 The effect of education on health policy reform: Evidence from Japan
by Oikawa, M. - 20/07 An ARIMA model to forecast the spread and the final size of COVID-2019 epidemic in Italy
by Gaetano Perone - 20/06 Biomarkers, disability and health care demand
by Apostolos Davillas & Stephen Pudney - 20/05 : Does retirement affect secondary preventive care use? Evidence from breast cancer screening
by Peter Eibich & Léontine Goldzahl - 20/04 Understanding the role of inequality of opportunity in body mass index and waist circumference among Mexican adults
by Salas-Ortiz, A.; - 20/03 Modelling healthcare costs: a semiparametric extension of generalised linear models
by Chen, J.; & Gu, Y.; & Jones, A.M.; & Peng, B.; - 20/02 Who Has Benefited from Nursing Home Expansion in Japan?: The Effects of Government Supply-Side Intervention in the Elderly Care Market
by Nishimura, Y.; & Oikawa, M.; - 20/01 The Education-Health Nexus: A Meta-Analysis
by Xue, X.;
- 19/24 Reviewing the Existing Evidence of the Conditional Cash Transfer in India through the Partial Identification Approach
by Aizawa, T.; - 19/23 Should I Care or Should I Work? The Impact of Working in Older Age on Caregiving
by Carrino, L.; & Nafilyan, V.; & Avendaño Pabon, M.; - 19/22 A latent class approach to inequity in health using biomarker data
by Carrieri, V.; & Davillas, A.; & Jones, A.M.; - 19/21 The Effect of Freedom of Choice on Health System Responsiveness. Evidence from Spain
by Fernández-Pérez, A.; & Jiménez-Rubio, D.; & Robone, S.; - 19/20 Estimating and Decomposing Conditional Average Treatment Effects: The Smoking Ban in England
by Robson, M.; & Doran, T.; & Cookson, R.; - 19/19 Were there long-term economic effects of exposure to Polio Vaccination?: An analysis of migrants to Sweden 1946-2003
by Serratos-Sotelo, L.; - 19/18 Specification and testing of hierarchical ordered response models with anchoring vignettes
by Greene, W.H.; & Harris, M.N.; & Knott, R.; & Rice, N.; - 19/17 Long-run consequences of informal elderly care and implications of public long-term care insurance
by Korfhage, T.; - 19/16 Regression Discontinuity with Integer Running Variable and Non-Integer Cutoff: Dental Care Program Effect on Expenditure
by Lee, M-j.; & Park, S-s.; & Shim, H-c.; - 19/15 Abortion and mental health: The role of selection
by Janys, L.; & Siflinger, B.; - 19/14 The Effect of Mental Health on Employment:Accounting for Selection Bias
by Bryan, M.; & Roberts, J.; & Sechel, C.; - 19/13 Explaining the causal effect of adherence to medication on cholesterol through the marginal patient
by Depalo, D.; - 19/12 Does the framing of patient cost-sharing incentives matter? The effects of deductibles vs. no-claim refunds
by Hayen, A.P.; & Klein, T.J.; & Salm, M.; - 19/11 Competition Between Public and Private Maternity Care Providers in France: Evidence on Market Segmentation
by Herrera-Araujo, D.; & Rochaix, L.; - 19/10 Peer and network effects in medical innovation: the case of laparoscopic surgery in the English NHS
by Barrenho, E.; & Miraldo, M.; & Propper, C; & Rose, C.; - 19/09 Effects of Parental Job Loss and Insecurity on Children’s Health: Evidence from Korea
by Lee, Y-W.; - 19/08 Human capital consequences of missing out on a grammar school education
by Pastore, C.; & Jones, A.M.; - 19/07 Do-It-Yourself medicine? The impact of light cannabis liberalization on prescription drugs
by Carrieri,V.; & Madio,L.; & Principe, F.; - 19/06 Early Rainfall Shocks and Later-Life Outcomes: Evidence from Colombia
by Carrillo, B.; - 19/05 Education and life-expectancy and how the relationship is mediated through changes in behaviour: a principal stratification approach for hazard rates
by Bijwaard, G.E.; & Jones, A.M.; - 19/04 Incorporating Inequality Aversion in Health-Care Priority Setting
by Costa-Font, J.; & Cowell, F.; - 19/03 Vaccine Hesitancy and Fake News: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Italy
by Carrieri, V.; & Madio, L.; & Principe, F.; - 19/02 The strange case of appropriate C-sections:DRG-tariff regulation, hospital ownership, and market concentration
by Berta, P.; & Martini, G.; & Piacenza, M.; & Turati, G.;
- 18/33 Optimal Healthcare Contracts:Theory and Empirical Evidence from Italy
by Berta, P.; & De Fraja, G.; & Verzillos, S.; - 18/32 Tracking pupils into adulthood: selective schools and long-term well-being in the 1958 British cohort
by Jones, A.M.; & Pastore, C.; & Rice, N.; - 18/31 Distributional analysis of the role of breadth and persistence of multiple deprivation in the health gradient measured by biomarkers
by Sinha, K.; & Davillas, A.; & Jones, A.M.; & Sharma, A.; - 18/30 Ex ante inequality of opportunity in health,Decomposition and distributional analysis of biomarkers
by Davillas, A.; & Jones, A.M.; - 18/29 Reasons for unmet needs for health care: the role of social capital and social support in some Western EU countries
by Fiorillo, D.; - 18/28 Uncontrolled diabetes and health care utilisation: a bivariate Latent Markov model approach
by Gill, J.; & Li Donni, P.; & Zucchelli, E.; - 18/27 Heterogeneous moral hazard in Supplementary Health Insurance
by Péron, M.; & Dormont, B.; - 18/26 The effects of self-assessed health: Dealing with and understanding misclassification bias
by Cheny, L.; & Clarke, P.M.; & Petrie, D.J.; & Staub, K.E.; - 18/25 Do hospitals respond to decreasing prices by supplying more services?
by Salm, M.; & Wübker, A.; - 18/24 The effect of co-payments in Long Term Care on the distribution of payments,consumption, and risk
by Wouterse, B.; & Hussem, A.; & Wong, A.; - 18/23 Predicting fixed effects in panel probit models
by Kunz, J.S.; & Staub, K.E.; & Winkelmann, R.; - 18/22 The Impact of Paid Maternity Leave on Maternal Health
by Bütikofer, A.; & Riise, J.; & Skira, M.; - 18/21 External Medical Review in the Disability Determination Process
by Liebert, H.; - 18/20 Valuing Life as an Asset, as a Statistic and at Gunpoint
by Hugonnier, J.; & Pelgrin, F.; & St-Amour, P.; - 18/19 Testing for Peer Effects Using Genetic Data
by Cawley, J.; & Han, E.; & Kim, J.; & Norton, E.C.; - 18/18 Measurement Error in Discrete Health Facility Choice Models:an Example from Urban Senegal
by Cronin, C.J.; & Guilkey, D.K.; & Speizer, I.S.; - 18/17 Financial incentives and physician prescription behavior.Evidence from dispensing regulations
by Burkhard, D.; & Schmid, C.P.R.; & Wüthrich, K.; - 18/16 The impact of mental problems on mortality and how it is moderated by education
by Bijwaard, G.E.; & Tynelius, P.; - 18/15 Light cannabis and organized crime. Evidence from (unintended) liberalization in Italy
by Carrieri, V.; & Madio, L.; & Principe, F.; - 18/14 The disutility of commuting? The effect of gender and local labour markets
by Munford, L.; & Rice, N.; & Roberts, J.; & Jacob, N.; - 18/13 The Incidence of Soft-Drink Taxes on Consumer Prices and Welfare:Evidence from the French “Soda Taxâ€
by Etilé, F.; & Lecocq, S.; & Boizot-Szantaï, C.; - 18/12 Immigration and self-reported well-being in the UK
by Howley, P.; & Moro, M.; & Waqas, M.; & Delaney, L.; & Heron, T.; - 18/11 Medical Malpractice Liability and Physicians’ Behavior:Experimental Evidence
by Castro, M.F.; & Ferrara, P.; & Guccio, C.; & Lisi, D.; - 18/10 The effect of mandatory iodine fortification on cognitive test scores in rural India
by Tafesse, W.; - 18/09 Family Ties and Children Obesity in Italy
by Crudu, F.; & Neri, L.; & Tiezzi, S.; - 18/08 WHO and for how long? An empirical analysis of the consumers’ response to red meat warning
by Carrieri, V.; & Principe, F.; - 18/07 The effect of health shocks on financial risk preferences differs by personality traits
by Jones, A.M.; & Rice, N.; & Robone, S.; - 18/06 Infant Health, Cognitive Performance and Earnings: Evidence from Inception of the Welfare State in Sweden
by Bhalotra, S.; & Karlsson, M.; & Nilsson, T.; & Schwarz, N.; - 18/05 Parametric models for biomarkers based on flexible size distributions
by Davillas, A.; & Jones, A.M.; - 18/04 Hospital Choice in the NHS
by Dardanoni, V.; & Laudicella, M.; & Li Donni, P.; - 18/03 Does postponing minimum retirement age improve healthy behaviors before retirement? Evidence from middle-aged Italian workers
by Bertoni, M.; & Brunello, G.; & Mazzarella, G.; - 18/02 Taking pleasure from neighbours’ misfortune: Comparison effects, social norms and the well-being of the unemployed
by Howley, P.; & Knight, S.; - 18/01 Health shocks and labour market outcomes: evidence from professional football
by Carrieri, V.; & Jones, A.M.; & Principe, F.;
- 17/29 More Doctors, Better Health? Evidence from a Physician Distribution Policy
by Carrillo, B.; Feres, J.; - 17/28 Is owning your Home Good for your Health? Evidence from exogenous variations in subsidies in England
by Munford, L.A.; Fichera, E.; Sutton, M.; - 17/27 The Good Outcomes of Bad News. A Randomized Field Experiment on Formatting Breast Cancer Screening Invitations
by Bertoni, M.; Corazzini, L.; Robone, S.; - 17/26 Healthy Immigrant Effect or Over-Medicalization of Pregnancy? Evidence from Birth Certificates
by Bertoli, P.; Grembi, V.; Kazakis, P.; - 17/25 Mental Health, Human Capital and Labor Market Outcomes
by Cronin, C.J.; Forsstrom, M.P.; Papageorge, N.W.; - 17/24 Learning from failure in healthcare: dynamic panel evidence of a physician shock effect
by Van Gestel, R.; Müller, T.; Bosmans, J.; - 17/23 The Health Benefits of a Targeted Cash Transfer:The UK Winter Fuel Payment
by Crossley, T.F.; Zilio, F.; - 17/22 On the Use of the Lasso for Instrumental Variables Estimation with Some Invalid Instruments
by Windmeijer, F.; Farbmacher, H.; Davies, N.; Davey Smith, G.; - 17/21 Regional Purchasing Groups and Hospital Medicine Prices: Evidence from Group Creations
by Toulemon, L.; - 17/20 Long-term care reform and the labor supply of informal caregivers – evidence from a quasi-experiment
by Geyer, J.; Korfhage, T.; - 17/19 Two-Sided Matching in Physician-Insurer Networks: Evidence from Medicare Advantage
by Nosal, K.; - 17/18 Endogenous Health Groups and Heterogeneous Dynamics of the Elderly
by Amengual, D.; Bueren, J.; Crego, J.A.; - 17/17 Exploring the nexus between certainty in injury compensation and treatment selection
by Bertoli,P.; Grembi,V.; - 17/15 Is it good to be too light? Birth weight thresholds in hospital reimbursement systems
by Reif, S.; Wichert, S.; Wuppermann, A.; - 17/14 Medical Malpractice: How legal liability affects medical decisions
by Bertoli, P.; Grembi, V.; - 17/13 Does neighbour’s grass matter? Exploring spatial dependent heterogeneity in technical efficiency of Italian hospitals
by Cavalieri, M.; Di Caro, P.; Guccio, C.; Lisi, D.; - 17/12 Exploring the nexus between certainty in injury compensation and treatment selection
by Bertoli, P.; Grembi, V.; - 17/11 Economic Downturns and Babies’ Health
by Alessie, R.; Angelini, V.; Mierau, J.O.; Viluma, L.; - 17/10 Does more education always improve mental health? Evidence from a British compulsory schooling reform
by Avendano, M.; de Coulon, A.; Nafilyan, V.; - 17/09 The Externalities of a Deforestation Control Policy in Infant Health: Evidence from Brazil
by Carillo, B.; Branco, D.; Trujillo, J.; Lima, J.; - 17/08 Can clean air make you happy? Examining the effect of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on life satisfaction
by Knight, S.J; Howley, P.; - 17/07 Hospital interdependence in a competitive institutional environment: Evidence from Italy
by Lisi, D.; Moscone, F.; Tosetti, E.; Vinciotti, V.; - 17/06 Inequity in healthcare use among older people after 2008: The case of Southern European Countries
by Tavares, L.; Zantomio, F.; - 17/05 Rational addiction and time consistency:an empirical test
by Pierani, P.; Tiezzi, S.; - 17/04 The income-health gradient: Evidence from self-reported health and biomarkers using longitudinal data on income
by Davillas, A.; Jones, A.M.; Benzeval, M.; - 17/03 Intergenerational transmission of nicotine within families: have e-cigarettes had an impact?
by Carrieri, V.; Jones, A.M.; - 17/02 Effects of Informal Elderly Care on Labor Supply: Exploitation of Government Intervention on the Supply Side of Elderly Care Market
by Nishimura, Y.; Oikawa, M.; - 17/01 Not for everyone: Personality, mental health, and the use of online social networks
by Howley, P.; Boyce, C.;
- 16/34 The externality cost of neighbour’s at work: Social norm induced effects on well-being
by Howley, P. & Knight, S. - 16/33 The Political Economy of Diagnosis-Related Groups
by Bertoli, P. & Grembi, V. - 16/32 Social participation and self-rated psychological health
by Fiorillo, D. & Lavadera, G.L. & Nappo, N.