- 10/17 Risk Preference Heterogeneity And Multiple Demand For Insurance
by Li Donni, P. - 10/16 Death by lung cancer or by diabetes? The unintended consequences of quitting smoking
by Todeschini, F. & Labeaga, J. & Jiménez-Martín, S. - 10/15 Access to Abortion, Investments in Neonatal Health, and Sex-Selection: Evidence from Nepal
by Valente, C. - 10/14 Adverse Selection, Moral Hazard and the Demand for Medigap Insurance
by Keane, M. & Stavrunova, O. - 10/13 Ex Ante Moral Hazard and Anticipatory Behaviour: Some Evidence
by de Preux, L - 10/12 Low-income self-employed GPs: a preference for leisure?
by Samson, A-L - 10/11 Long-term effects of cognitive skills, social adjustment and schooling on health and lifestyle: Evidence from a reform of selective schooling
by Jones, A. & Rice, N. & Rosa Dias, P. - 10/10 Happy House: Spousal weight and individual well-being
by Clark, A. & Etilé, F. - 10/09 The effect of waiting time and distance on hospital choice for English cataract patients
by Peter Sivey - 10/08 Inequality in the Utilization of Maternal Care and the Impact of a Macroeconomic Policy: Evidence from Bangladesh
by Hossain, M. I. - 10/07 The Impact of Macroeconomic Policies on the Anthropometric Measures of Children: Evidence from Bangladesh
by Hossain, M. I. - 10/06 A Profile of Obesity in Ireland, 2002-2007
by Madden, D. - 10/05 Waiting Times and Socioeconomic Status: Evidence from England
by Laudicella, M. & Siciliani, L. & Cookson, R. - 10/04 Conditional Cash Transfers to Improve Education and Health: An Ex ante Evaluation of Red de Proteccion Social, Nicaragua
by Thomas R. - 10/03 The evaluation of health policies through microsimulation methods
by Zucchelli, E & Jones, A.M & Rice, N - 10/02 Schooling and smoking among the baby boomers and evaluation of the impact of educational expansion in France
by Jones, A.M & Etile, F - 10/01 Models For Health Care
by Jones, A.M
- 09/35 The effects of expanding the generosity of the statutory sickness insurance system
by Ziebarth N & Karlsson M - 09/34 A Natural Experiment on Sick Pay Cuts, Sickness Absence, and Labor Costs
by Ziebarth N & Karlsson M - 09/33 Time To Drop Time-To-Death? –Unravelling The Determinants of LTC Spending In The Netherlands
by de Meijer C & Koopmanschap M & Bago d & Uva T & van Doorslaer E - 09/32 Copula-based Measurement of Dependence Between Dimensions of Well-being
by Decancq K - 09/31 Self-perceived health and longevity: do dynamics matter?
by Erdogan Ciftci E & Bago d'Uva T & van Doorslaer E & van Lenthe J - 09/30 Slipping Anchor? Testing the Vignettes Approach to Identification and Correction of Reporting Heterogeneity
by Bago d'Uva T & Lindeboom M & O'Donnell O & van Doorslaer E - 09/29 Vignettes and health systems responsiveness in crosscountry comparative analyses
by Nigel Rice & Silvana Robone & Peter Smith - 09/28 Analysis of the Validity of the Vignette Approach to Correct for Heterogeneity in Reporting Health System Responsiveness
by Nigel Rice & Silvana Robone & Peter Smith - 09/27 “Do I really need to go to rehab? I’d say no, no, no.” Estimating Price Elasticities of Convalescent Care Programs
by Ziebarth N - 09/26 The costs of new organisational and financial freedom: The case of English NHS trusts
by Marini G & Miraldo M - 09/25 Genetic Markers as Instrumental Variables: An Application to Child Fat Mass and Academic Achievement
by von Hinke Kessler Scholder S - 09/24 Measuring income-related inequalities in health using a parametric dependence function
by Quinn C - 09/23 *** Article withdrawn *** Management Practices in Hospitals
by Bloom N & Propper C & Seiler S & Van Reenen J - 09/22 Incentives and Selection Effects of Drug Coverage on Total Drug Expenditure: a Finite Mixture Approach
by Munkin M & Trivedi P. K - 09/21 Double coverage and demand for health care: Evidence from quantile regression
by Moreira S & Pita Barros P - 09/20 Critical Periods During Childhood and Adolescence: A Study of Adult Height Among Immigrant Siblings
by van den Berg, G. J & Lundborg P & Nystedt P & Rooth D - 09/19 Lose Weight for Money Only if Over-Weight: Marginal Integration for Semi-Linear Panel Models
by Kan K & Lee M - 09/18 Quantile Regression Analysis of the Rational Addiction Model: Making unobservable heterogeneity observable
by Laporte A & Karimova A & Ferguson B - 09/17 The effect of private health insurance on medical care utilization and self-assessed health in Germany
by Hullegie P & Klein TJ - 09/16 The geography of hospital admission in a National Health Service with patient choice: Evidence from Italy
by Fabbri D & Robone S - 09/15 Dynamic Cost-offsets of Prescription Drug Expenditures: Panel Data Analysis Using a Copula-based Hurdle Model
by Deb P & Trivedi PK & Zimmer DM - 09/14 Insurance Search and Switching Behaviour at the time of the Dutch Health Insurance Reform
by Bolhaar J & Lindeboom M & van der Klaauw B - 09/13 Gradients of the Intergenerational Transmission of Health in Developing Countries
by Bhalotra S & Rawlings S - 09/12 Estimating Lifetime or Episode-of-illness Costs
by Basu A & Manning WG - 09/11 How Does Retirement Affect Health?
by Behncke S - 09/10 The geography of hospital admission in a National Health Service with patient choice: Evidence from Italy
by Fabbri D & Robone S - 09/09 Econometric Evaluation of Health Policies
by Jones A.M & Rice N - 09/08 Catching the habit: a study of inequality of opportunity in smoking-related mortality
by Balia S & Jones A.M - 09/07 Do the poor still cost more? The relationship between small area income deprivation and length of stay for elective hip replacement in the English NHS from 2001/2 to 2006/7
by Cookson R & Laudicella M - 09/06 Why Does the Utilization of Pharmaceuticals Vary So Much Across Europe? Evidence from Micro Data on Older Europeans
by Lambrelli D & O’Donnell O - 09/03 The Effect Of Supplemental Insurance On Health Care Demand With Multiple Information: A Latent Class Analysis
by Dardanoni V & Li Donni P - 09/02 Re-visiting the Health Care Luxury Good Hypothesis: Aggregation, Precision, and Publication Biases?
by Costa-Font, J & Gemmill M & Rubert G - 09/01 Part-Time Sick Leave as a Treatment Method?
by Andrén D & Andrén T
- 08/29 The geography of hospital admission in a National Health Service with patient choice: evidence from Italy
by Fabbri, D & Robone, S - 08/28 International Comparison of Public Sector Performance: The Use of Anchoring Vignettes to adjust Self-Reported Data
by Rice, N & Robone, S & Smith, P.C - 08/27 Early retirement and inequality in Britain and Germany: How important is health?
by Roberts, J & Rice, N & Jones, A.M - 08/26 Testing For Asymmetric Information In Insurance Markets With Unobservable Types
by Dardanoni, V & Li Donni, P - 08/25 Urbanization and the spread of diseases of affluence in China
by Van de Poel, E & O'Donnell, O & van Doorslaer, E - 08/24 Inequality in Opportunities in Health in France: A first pass
by Trannoy, A & Tubeuf, S & Jusot, F & Devaux, M - 08/23 Labour and income effects of caregiving across Europe: an evaluation using matching techniques
by David Casado-Marín & Pilar García-Gómez & Ángel López-Nicolás - 08/22 A comparison of the health status and health care utilisation patterns between foreigners and the national population in Spain: new evidence from the Spanish National Health Survey
by Hernández Quevedo, C & Jiménez Rubio, D - 08/21 Record rewards: the effect on risk factor monitoring of new financial incentives for UK general practices
by Matt Sutton & Ross Elder & Bruce Guthrie & Graham Watt - 08/20 Using propensity score methods to analyse individual patient-level cost-effectiveness data from observational studies
by Manca, A & Austin, P. C - 08/19 Contractual Conditions, Working conditions, Health and Well-Being in the British Household Panel Survey
by Robone, S & Jones, A. M & Rice, N - 08/18 Modelling and Measuring Inequality of Opportunity in Health: Evidence from a Cohort Study
by Rosa Dias, P - 08/17 Impact of Private Health Insurance on the Choice of Public versus Private Hospital Services
by Srivastava, P & Zhao, X - 08/16 Job loss does not cause ill health
by Salm, M - 08/15 The Effects of Financial Incentives on Quality of Care: The Case of Diabetes
by Scott, A & Schurer, S & Jensen, P H & Sivey, P - 08/14 Health and Income Poverty in Ireland, 2003-2006
by Madden, D - 08/13 Trade-off between formal and informal care in Spain
by Jimenez-Martin, S & Prieto, C. V - 08/12 The Impact of Universal Health Insurance on Catastrophic and Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures in Mexico: a Model with an Endogoenous Treatment Variable
by Galarrága, O & Sosa-Rubí, S. G & Salinas, A & Sesma, S - 08/11 Use of propensity scores in non-linear response models: The case for health care expenditures
by Basu, A & Polsky, D & Manning, W G - 08/10 Food Price Policies and the Distribution of Body Mass Index: Theory and Empirical Evidence from France
by Etilé, F - 08/09 Ordinal and Cardinal Measures of Health Inequality: An Empirical Comparison
by Madden, D - 08/08 Gender Differences in Mental Well- Being: A Decomposition Analysis
by Madden, D - 08/07 An Analysis of Mental Stress in Ireland, 1994-2000
by Madden, D - 08/06 Health care deprivation profiles in the measurement of inequality and inequity: an application to GP fundholding in the English NHS
by Laudicella, M & Cookson, R & Jones, A.M & Rice, N - 08/05 The measurement and comparison of health system responsiveness
by Rice, N & Robone, S & Smith, P.C - 08/04 Income-related inequalities in self-assessed health: comparisons of alternative measurements of health
by Tubeuf, S - 08/03 Health effects on labour market exits and entries
by García-Gómeza, P & Jones, A.M & Rice, N - 08/02 Decomposing Bodymass Index gaps between Mediterranean countries: A Counterfactual Quantile Regression Analysis
by Costa-Font, J & Fabbri, D & Gil, J - 08/01 New prospects in the analysis of inequalities in health: a measurement of health encompassing several dimensions of health
by Sandy Tubeuf & Marc Perronnin
- 07/28 Health care deprivation profiles in the measurement of inequality and inequity: an application to GP fundholding in the English NHS
by Mauro Laudicella & Richard Cookson & Andrew Jones & Nigel Rice - 07/27 Health Care Utilization and Self-Assessed Health Specification of Bivariate Models Using Copulas
by José M. R. Murteira & Óscar D. Lourenço - 07/26 Why the Econometrician is in Good Spirits – a workshop through the looking glass
by Carl Hampus Lyttkens - 07/25 Using copulas to estimate reduced-form systems of equations
by Casey Quinn - 07/24 Using copulas to measure association between ordinal measures of health and income
by Casey Quinn - 07/23 Improving precision in cost-effectiveness analysis using copulas
by Casey Quinn - 07/22 The health-economic applications of copulas: methods in applied econometric research
by Casey Quinn - 07/21 Inter-DRG Resource Allocation in a Prospective Payment System: A Stochastic Kernel Approach
by Anurag Sharma - 07/20 Evaluation of the introduction of a pay for performance contract for UK family doctors using participant perceptions
by Matt Sutton & Divine Ikenwilo & Diane Skatun - 07/19 Health and Retirement among Older Workers
by Eugenio Zucchelli & Anthony Harris & Nigel Rice & Andrew M. Jones - 07/18 Panel data methods and applications to health economics
by Andrew M. Jones - 07/17 Measurement of horizontal inequity in health care utilisation using European Panel data
by Teresa Bago d’Uva & Andrew M. Jones & Eddy van Doorslaer - 07/16 Dental Insurance and Dental Care: the Role of Insurance and Income
by Murat K. Munkin & Pravin K. Trivedi - 07/15 Genetic Information, Obesity, and Labor Market Outcomes
by Edward C Norton & Euna Han - 07/14 The Quantile Regression Approach to Efficiency Measurement: Insights from Monte Carlo Simulations
by ChunpingLiu & Audrey Laporte & Brian Ferguson - 07/13 Expenditure Dispersion and Dietary Quality: Evidence from Canada
by Timothy K.M. Beatty - 07/12 Maternal Employment and Overweight Children: Does Timing Matter?
by Stephanie Von Hinke Kessler Scholder - 07/11 Restrictions on the number of physicians and Intergenerational Inequalities : Experience, Time and Vintage effects in GPs’ earnings
by Brigitte Dormont & Anne-Laure Samson - 07/10 Reporting expected longevity and smoking: evidence from the SHARE
by Silvia Balia - 07/09 Looking for private information in self-assessed health
by James Banks & Thomas Crossley & Simo Goshev - 07/08 Measuring efficiency in health care: an application to out of hours primary care services in the island of Ireland
by Grace Lordan - 07/07 Use of instrumental variables in the presence of heterogeneity and self-selection: An application in breast cancer patients
by Anirban Basu & James J. Heckman & Salvador Navarro-Lozano & Sergio Urzua - 07/06 Unravelling the influence of smoking initiation and cessation on premature mortality using a common latent factor model
by Silvia Balia & Andrew M. Jones - 07/05 How does heterogeneity shape the socioeconomic gradient in health satisfaction?
by Andrew M. Jones & Stefanie Schurer - 07/04 Award errors and permanent disability benefits in Spain
by Sergi Jimenez-Martin & Jose M. Labeaga & Cristina Vilaplana Prieto - 07/03 Persistence in health limitations: a European comparative analysis
by Cristina Hernández-Quevedo & Andrew M. Jones & Nigel Rice - 07/02 Matching estimators of average treatment effects: a review applied to the evaluation of health care programmes
by Rodrigo Moreno-Serra - 07/01 Is cannabis a gateway to hard drugs?
by Hans Olav Melberg & Anne Line Bretteville-Jensen & Andrew M. Jones
- 06/14 Rationing the Public Provision of Health Care in the Presence of Private Supplements: Evidence from the Italian NHS
by Daniele Fabbri & Chiara Monfardini - 06/13 Sick of work or too sick to work? Evidence on health shocks and early retirement from the BHPS
by Nigel Rice & Jennifer Roberts & Andrew M. Jones - 06/12 Sample Selection Versus Two-Part Models Revisited: the Case of Female Smoking and Drinking
by David Madden - 06/11 Body Mass Index and the Measurement of Obesity
by David Madden - 06/10 Health and retirement in Europe
by Ronald Hagan & Andrew M. Jones & Nigel Rice - 06/09 Health care utilisation in Europe: new evidence from the ECHP
by Teresa Bago d’Uva & Andrew M. Jones - 06/08 Socioeconomic and Health Determinants of Health Care Utilization Among Elderly Europeans: A New Look at Equity, Intensity and Responsiveness in Ten European Countries
by Jürgen Maurer - 06/07 Gender Differences in Smoking Behavior
by Thomas Bauer & Silja Göhlmann & Mathias Sinning - 06/06 A Semiparametric Derivative Estimator in Log Transformation Models
by Chunrong Ai & Edward Norton - 06/05 Alternative methods for estimating systems of (health) equations
by Casey Quinn - 06/04 Small-sample properties of tests for heteroscedasticity in the conditional logit model
by Arne Risa Hole - 06/03 Does reporting heterogeneity bias the measurement of health disparities?
by Teresa Bago d’Uva & Eddy Van Doorslaer & Maarten Lindeboom & Owen O’Donnell & Somnath Chatterji - 06/02 Solidarity in competitive markets for supplementary health insurance: an empirical analysis
by Francesco Paolucci & Femmeke Prinsze & Pieter JA Stam & Wynand PMM van de Ven - 06/01 Why do patients bypass the nearest hospital? An empirical analysis for orthopaedics care and neurosurgery in the Netherlands
by Marco Varkevisser & Stéphanie van der Geest
- 05/14 Health shocks, employment and income in the Spanish labour markets
by Pilar García Gómez & Angel López Nicolás - 05/13 Generalisable regression methods for costeffectiveness using copulas
by Casey Quinn - 05/12 Socioeconomic inequalities in health: a comparative longitudinal analysis using the European Community Household Panel
by Cristina Hernández Quevedo & Andrew M Jones & Ángel López Nicolás & Nigel Rice - 05/11 The labour supply of nurses in the UK: evidence from the British Household Panel Survey
by Partha Deb & Sandra G Sosa-Rubi - 05/10 The labour supply of nurses in the UK: evidence from the British Household Panel Survey
by Nigel Rice - 05/09 Sequential patterns of drug use initiation – can we believe in the gateway theory?
by Anne Line Bretteville-Jensen & Hans Olav Melberg & Andrew M Jones - 05/08 Why would upward trends in schooling make a nation healthier? The case of smoking in Twentieth Century France
by Fabrice Etilé & Andrew M Jones - 05/07 Disentangling the relationship between health and income
by Andrew M Jones & John Wildman - 05/06 Panel data analysis of dentists’ activity under global budgeting in the presence of activityrelated non-response
by Miaw-Chwen Lee & Andrew M Jones - 05/05 Health-related non-response in the BHPS and ECHP: using inverse probability weighted estimators in nonlinear models
by Andrew M Jones & Xander Koolman & Nigel Rice - 05/04 Reporting bias and heterogeneity in selfassessed health. Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey
by Cristina Hernández-Quevedo & Andrew M Jones & Nigel Rice - 05/03 The impact of health on wages in Europe – does gender matter?
by Lynn M Gambin - 05/02 Mortality, lifestyle and socio-economic status
by Silvia Balia & Andrew M Jones - 05/01 Latent class models for utilisation of health care
by Teresa Bago d’Uva
- 17/16 Consumer Price Sensitivity and Health Plan Choice in a Regulated Competition Setting
by Bischof, T.; Schmid, C.P.R.; - 12/16 Collateral effects of a pension reform in France
by Helene Blake; & Clementine Garrouste - 09/05 Health Programme Evaluation by Propensity Score Matching: Accounting for Treatment Intensity and Health Externalities with an Application to Brazil
by Moreno-Serra R - 09/04 Does Cost Sharing Affect the Quality of Pharmaceutical Care for the Elderly?
by Gemmill-Toyama M & Costa-Font J