November 2000, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 253-254 Special issue on small‐scale investment in natural resources
by M. Brewster Editor‐in‐chief - 255-261 Private participation and sustainability in small‐scale natural resources investments: selected issues
by Russell J. DeLucia - 263-271 The small‐scale water provider in Paraguay: bringing private sector efficiency to water resource use and the provision of drinking water to the poor
by Peter W. Loach & Silvio Melgarejo & Manuel Lombardo - 273-284 Private micro‐hydro power and associated investments in Nepal: the Barpak village case and broader issues
by Bir Bahadur Ghale & Ganesh Ram Shrestha & Russell J. DeLucia - 285-295 Collective action: an alternative institutional arrangement for reducing water pollution in an industrial estate in India
by Smita Misra - 297-311 Golden Genesis and the Teotonio Vilela Foundation: commercializing PV residential electrification with a not‐for‐profit partner
by Patrick J. D'Addario - 313-323 Private participation in isolated grids in Mozambique
by Yuriko Sakairi - 325-335 Fostering sustainable small‐scale investments: lessons from experience and ideas for intervention and innovation
by Russell J. DeLucia
August 2000, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 173-184 Not by nutrients alone: a call to broaden the soil fertility initiative
by Arnoud Budelman & Toon Defoer - 185-195 Use of seasonal precipitation forecasting to improve agricultural production in the Sudano‐Sahel: an institutional analysis of Burkina Faso
by Paul H. Kirshen & Ian D. Flitcroft - 197-209 Mobilising social energy against environmental challenge: understanding the groundwater recharge movement in western India
by Tushaar Shah - 211-223 Pond management in rural Bangladesh: problems and possibilities in the context of the water supply crisis
by Irène Kränzlin - 225-235 Water supply and sanitation services for all: global progress during the 1990s
by Frederico Neto & Håkan Tropp - 237-246 Restitution of forest property in post‐communist Bulgaria
by Caedmon Staddon
May 2000, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 67-68 Special issue on integrated land‐use management
by Manuel Dengo - 69-81 Land resources potential and sustainable land management: an overview
by A. Parviz Koohafkan - 83-95 Nesting biodiversity conservation into landscape management
by Eduardo R. Fuentes‐Quezada & Nikhil Sekhran & Arundhati Kunte‐Pant - 97-105 Developing sustainable agricultural systems for small farmers in Latin America
by Miguel A. Altieri - 107-121 The promising spread of sustainable agriculture in Asia
by Jules Pretty & Rachel Hine - 123-136 Land and water systems: managing the hydrological risk
by Jacob J. Burke - 137-151 Agroforestry as alternative land‐use production systems for the tropics
by B. T. Kang & F. K. Akinnifesi - 153-164 Corporate strategy and viable future land use: planning for closure from the outset of mining
by Alyson Warhurst & Ligia Noronha
February 2000, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-9 The stone forum: Implementing a consensus building methodology to address impacts associated with small mining and quarry operations
by C. Peiter & R.C. Villas Boas & W. Shinya - 11-19 Choice of stakeholder groups and members in multicriteria decision models
by Steve R. Harrison & M. Ejaz Qureshi - 21-30 Rethinking the management of transboundary freshwater resources: a critical examination of modern international law and practice
by Jeffrey Albert - 31-37 Towards a sustainable Russian forest sector
by Lars Carlsson - 39-48 Climate change in Asia: issues and policy options
by Jamie Sanderson & Sardar M.N. Islam - 49-52 Mining and public policy: an alternative view
by J.E. Tilton
November 1999, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 275-286 Sustainable coastal resources management: principles and practice
by R.K. Turner & W.N. Adger & S. Crooks & I. Lorenzoni & L. Ledoux - 287-302 Private sector participation in urban water and sanitation: Realising social and environmental objectives in developing countries
by Nick Johnstone & Libby Wood & Robert Hearne - 303-313 Groundwater management and socio‐economic responses
by Jacob J. Burke & Claude Sauveplane & Marcus Moench - 315-322 The mining industry and the community: joining forces for sustainable social development
by Béatrice Labonne - 323-334 Environmental regulation of exploration and mining operations in Asian countries
by James Otto & Koh Naito & George (Rock) Pring - 335-346 The political economy of power generation in Zimbabwe since 1980
by Patrik Söderholm - 347-350 Recent books on water issues
by Thayer Scudder
August 1999, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 185-186 Special issue on small island developing states
by Tuiloma Neroni Slade - 187-193 Small island developing states and global climate change: overcoming the constraints
by John W. Ashe - 195-207 Coastal issues for oceanic islands: implications for human futures
by Patrick D. Nunn & Joeli Veitayaki & Vina Ram‐Bidesi & Aliti Vunisea - 209-220 The role of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) in the negotiation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
by John W. Ashe & Robert Van Lierop & Anilla Cherian - 221-233 The challenge of sustainable development in small island developing states: case study on tourism in the Caribbean
by Dennis A. Pantin - 235-244 Small island developing states and sustainable development of ocean resources
by Carlyle L. Mitchell & Lennox O. Hinds - 245-260 Water resources issues of small island developing states
by Tony Falkland - 261-270 The vulnerability and resilience of small island developing states in the context of globalization
by Pierre Encontre
February 1999, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-1 Dedication to Kenneth A. (Tony) Edwards
by Marcia Brewster - 3-30 Criteria for equitable allocations: the heart of international water conflict
by Aaron T. Wolf - 31-42 Experiences in the water resources development and management for sustainable use in Zimbabwe
by Sibekile Mtetwa - 43-55 Harnessing the bonanza: economic liberalization and capacity building in the mineral sector
by Gavin Bridge - 57-63 Environmental impact assessment and management in the mining industry
by Knud Sinding - 65-77 Utility of non‐timber forest products in a small watershed in the Indian Himalayas: the threat of its degradation
by Gopal S. Singh - 79-80 The role of restoration in sustainable bio‐resources management
by Eduardo R. Fuentes - 81-84 The Narmada Valley Project: displacement of local populations and impact on women
by Bipasha Baruah - 85-88 Strengthening Agricultural Research in Africa
by Kim W. Atkinson & Collins Kwabena‐Osei & James L. Gulley
November 1998, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 233-243 Engaging the community at the Tampakan Copper Project: a community case study in resource development with indigenous people
by Stephen L. Davis - 245-251 Cogeneration potential in Indian sugar mills: a case study
by Anindita Roy Saha - 253-261 Water as an economic good
by Desmond McNeill - 263-269 Property rights regimes and the management of resources
by Mehmet Bac - 271-277 Environmental, developmental and financial risks of tropical timber plantation investment funds
by L. J. R. Scholtens - 279-292 Planning and development strategy for effective management of community forestry: lessons from the Thai experience
by Jintana Amornsanguansin & Jayant K. Routray
August 1998, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 155-163 Playing chicken on the Nile? The implications of microdam development in the Ethiopian highlands and Egypt's New Valley Project
by John Waterbury & Dale Whittington - 165-184 Large‐scale baseload wind power in China
by Debra J. Lew & Robert H. Williams & Xie Shaoxiong & Zhang Shihui - 185-192 New strategy in urban water management in Mexico: the case of Mexico's Federal District
by Lilian Saade Hazin - 193-199 Sustainable public/private partnerships for public service delivery
by Anthony Bennett - 201-213 Restructuring the arrangements between government and state enterprises in the oil and mining sectors
by Yair Aharoni & William Ascher - 215-223 Renewable energy and sustainable development in the Pacific Islands: an issue of international aid
by Xiaojiang Yu & Ros Taplin
May 1998, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 73-74 The United Nations and the private sector: a new era
by Kofi A. Annan - 75-76 Public‐private partnerships in natural resources management
by Beatrice Labonne - 77-85 Making private capital flows to developing countries environmentally sustainable: the policy challenge
by Hilary French - 87-94 Public‐private partnerships: spreading the three Rs
by Steve McCoy‐Thompson - 95-105 Regulation and private participation in the water and sanitation sector
by Judith A. Rees - 107-117 Water privatization and regulation in England and France: a tale of two models
by Frederico Neto - 119-126 Emerging trends in mining industry partnerships
by Craig B. Andrews - 127-130 Environmental and community issues and the mining industry
by Phillip Crowson - 131-140 Availability and access of financial support for renewables: issues and an illustrative innovation
by Russell J. DeLucia - 141-145 Innovative models of power generation: the captive‐collective experience of consumer participation in power development in India
by T. L. Sankar
February 1998, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-13 The dilemma of the mining royalty: contractual or realty interest
by Karl J. C. Harries - 15-25 Policy issues pertaining to the oil and gas sector in India
by Raghavendra D. Rao - 27-36 Natural gas pricing policies in Southeast Asia
by Romeo B. Pacudan - 37-51 Towards water security: political determination and human adaptation crucial
by Malin Falkenmark & Jan Lundqvist - 53-61 Support services for lift irrigation in Bangladesh
by S. H. Johnson III & M. A. Bashar & M. T. H. Miah & D. E. Parker - 63-66 An assessment of the economic benefits of biodiversity in Saudi Arabia
by S. Faizi
November 1997, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 231-238 Mining during the next 25 years: issues and challenges
by Phillip Crowson - 239-245 The completion of the preparatory work for the UN Convention on the Law of International Watercourses
by Attila Tanzi - 247-256 The sustainable intensification of agriculture
by Jules N. Pretty - 257-271 Plants, people, politics and management
by Madhu Ramnath - 273-280 Energy taxation and the environment: a developing country perspective
by Subhes C. Bhattacharyya - 281-289 Scope of fossil energy resources in Mexico and the Andean Group
by Francisco Figueroa de la Vega & Bernhard Bösl
August 1997, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 161-167 Towards viable drinking water services
by Jarmo J. Hukka & Tapio S. Katko - 169-179 The draft articles on the law of international watercourses adopted by the International Law Commission: an overview and some remarks on selected issues
by Maurizio Arcari - 181-190 Sustainable water future with global implications: everyone's responsibility
by Johan L. Kuylenstierna & Gunilla Björklund & Pierre Najlis - 191-200 Reflections on the meaning of sustainable development in the water sector
by W. Richard Dubourg - 201-207 Energy and environmental issues in Vietnam
by Nguyen Anh Tuan - 209-219 Particulate and lead air pollution control in Cairo: benefits valuation and cost‐effective control strategies
by Roger K. Raufer
May 1997, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 83-84 Cooperation on transboundary waters
by Yves Berthelot - 85-90 Changing the course of transboundary water management
by Sandra Postel - 91-100 Management of transboundary water resources for water security; principles, approaches and State practice
by Bo Appelgren & Wulf Klohn - 101-108 Troubled waters in the Middle East: the process towards the first Regional Water Declaration between Jordan, Palestinian Authority, and Israel
by Jon Martin Trolldalen - 109-117 Codifying the minimum standards of the law of international watercourses: remarks on part one and a half
by Attila Tanzi - 127-137 Joint institutional arrangements for addressing transboundary water resources issues—lessons for the GEF
by Alfred M. Duda & David La Roche - 139-145 Political‐ideological constraints on intra‐basin cooperation on transboundary waters
by Ilter Turan & Gün Kut - 147-156 Integrated water management for the Rhine river basin, from pollution prevention to ecosystem improvement
by Koos Wieriks & Anne Schulte‐Wülwer‐Leidig - 157-157 Shoreham and the Rise and Fall of the Nuclear Power Industry Kenneth F. McCallion
by Derek Lovejoy
February 1997, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-12 Economic liberalisation, innovation, and technology transfer: opportunities for cleaner production in the minerals industry
by Alyson Warhurst & Gavin Bridge - 13-22 Comparing theoretical and actual feasibility of transferring management of river lift irrigation systems in Sudan
by S. G. Narayanamurthy & M. Samad & Sam H. Johnson III - 23-38 Reducing conflict over the Danube waters: equitable utilization and sustainable development
by Rhoda Margesson - 39-50 Creating sustainable environmental health conditions by redefining municipal roles and responsibilities: experiences from Tunisia and Ecuador
by May Yacoob & Margo Kelly - 51-60 Why institutional reforms in forestry? Lessons from international experience
by Emmanuel D'Silva - 61-67 The role of electricity in sustainable development
by Julian Roy Spradley & William L. Fang - 69-71 Regional priorities for wetlands conservation in West Asia and North Africa
by S. Faizi & Yousuf Al‐Wetaid
November 1996, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 263-279 Sustainable development in Asia: the current state and policy options
by Sardar M N Islam & Ainsley Jolley - 281-291 Deregulation of petroleum product prices: the case of India
by Subhes C Bhattacharyya - 293-303 Sustainable energy development in rural Asia
by Kui‐Nang Mak & Walter Shearer - 305-317 The regional impacts of small‐scale gold mining in Amazonia
by Oswaldo Bezerra & Adalberto Veríssimo & Christopher Uhl - 319-332 Implications of environmental degradation in Nigeria
by J‐F K Akinbami & I O Akinwumi & A T Salami - 333-341 Alternatives for private participation in the provision of water services
by Terence R Lee
August 1996, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 175-187 Planning for change and sustainability in water development in Lao PDR and the Mekong River basin
by Jeffrey W Jacobs - 189-197 Implementing gender policy in the water and sanitation sector
by Susan Schaefer Davis - 199-213 Joint mineral ventures in the former Soviet Union: prospects, problems and realities
by James P Dorian & Peter S Kort
May 1996, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial
by Marcia Brewster - 85-90 Beijing and beyond: women's leadership in sustainable natural resource management
by Bella Abzug & Inji Islam - 91-103 Gender aspects in the management of water
by Christine van Wijk & Esther de Lange & David Saunders - 105-109 Water resources and development of women in arid regions in northern China
by Zhou Wei‐wen - 111-116 Donor policies and gender in the water and sanitation sector
by Frances Cleaver & Katja Jobes - 117-122 Artisanal mining: an economic stepping stone for women
by Béatrice Labonne - 123-134 Impact of mining on Nauruan women
by Nancy J Pollock - 135-144 Integrating gender and environment in NGO training
by Samia Galal Saad - 145-152 Women and energy resources management
by Ilse Marks - 153-161 Gender analysis and international financial institutions
by Eric Griffin - 163-165 Financing Agenda 21: the insurance market and the environment
by Ashok Nigam
February 1996, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-15 Water and sustainability
by Paul D Raskin & Evan Hansen & Robert M Margolis - 17-26 The Palestinian water crisis
by Jad Isaac & Jan Selby - 27-35 Environmental issues for developing countries arising from liberalized trade in the mining industry
by Alyson Warhurst & Richard Isnor - 37-48 The investment climate for gold mining
by C Linda Slater - 49-57 Suggested policies to encourage coalbed methane development in China
by Sun Maoyuan & Huang Shengchu - 59-68 Utilization of coalbed methane
by John B Gustavson - 69-72 Observations on enviironmental sustainability, environmental politics and environmental diplomacy
by Jaroslav Balek - 73-77 Are there limits to growth? The need for a transition to a solar‐based economy
by Derek Lovejoy
November 1995, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 259-259 Editorial
by Boutros Boutros‐Ghali - 261-267 At the 50th anniversary of the UN
by Ayesha K Dias - 269-273 Multilayer thin film silicon solar cells
by Martin A Green & With an introduction by Derek Lovejoy - 275-283 Financing investments in water supply and sanitation
by Terence R Lee - 285-296 Natural resource degradation in a small watershed in Nepal
by Gopal B Thapa & Karl E Weber - 297-307 The mine permitting process
by Wade E Martin & Azócar H Felipe - 309-319 Mining disasters caused and controlled by mankind: The case for coal mining and other minerals
by Raja V Ramani - 321-330 Energy pricing and groundwater use
by Sanjay Mohanty & Alnoor Ebrahim - 331-337 Analysis of cooking energy in developing countries
by Shaligram Pokharel & Muthu Chandrashekar - 339-340 Comments on: ‘Financing water supply and sanitation under Agenda 21’ by John Briscoe and Harvey A Garn, February 1995 and on the comments by Gourisankar Ghosh and Ashok Nigam, May 1995
by Terence R Lee
August 1995, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 179-191 Market‐based mechanisms for controlling global emissions of greenhouse gases
by Frederico Neto - 193-201 A model of costs and resources for rural and peri‐urban water supply and sanitation in the 1990s
by Ashok Nigam & Gourisankar Ghosh - 203-214 Sustainable rural development in Sokoto State, Nigeria
by Wendy Cridland & Peter Adeniyi & Ronald Bullock & Bruce Mitchell - 215-221 Privatizing the minerals sector
by Neal S Zank - 223-231 Renewable energy rural electrification
by J M Huacuz & A M Martínez - 233-242 Mining disasters caused and controlled by mankind: the case for coal mining and other minerals
by Raja V Ramani - 243-248 Changes in water resources administration in Latin America
by Terence R Lee - 249-252 Sustainable development and technology transfer: business as usual?
by Lowell L Flanders
May 1995, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 99-106 Legal and regulatory aspects of financing commodity exporters and the provision of bank hedging line credit in developing countries
by Nicholas Budd - 107-112 The illegal trading of high unit value minerals in developing countries
by Stephens M Kambani - 113-124 Stakeholder analysis for natural resource management in developing countries
by Robin Grimble & Man‐Kwun Chan - 125-132 Urban household energy use patterns in Nigeria
by A O Adegbulugbe & J F K Akinbami - 135-142 Estimation of subsidies on coal in India
by Subhes C Bhattacharyya - 143-152 Forestry policy and woodfuel markets in Malawi
by Peter A Dewees - 153-160 Environmental regulatory measures and their economic impact on the Indian leather industry
by V K Sharma - 161-164 Comments on ‘Financing water supply and sanitation under Agenda 21’ by John Briscoe and Mike Garn
by Gourisankar Ghosh & Ashok Nigam
February 1995, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 3-3 Editorial
by Ji Chaozhu - 5-14 Beyond conservation ideology and the wilderness
by Jules N Pretty & Michel P Pimbert - 15-29 International mining taxation issues and comparisons
by Dale L Hull & Gilles Bergevin & James Lauer - 31-37 Analysis of optimal recycling policy in a market economy
by Fidel Ezeala‐Harrison - 39-46 Facing limits in oceanic fisheries
by Peter Weber - 47-58 China
by Frank C Tang & Fereidun Fesharaki - 59-70 Financing water supply and sanitation under Agenda 21
by John Briscoe & Harvey A Garn - 71-83 The impact of small farm reservoirs on urban water supplies in Botswana
by Jeremy Meigh
November 1994, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 243-246 The challenge of sustainable production and consumption patterns
by Gro Harlem Brundtland - 247-249 The Commission on Sustainable Development
by Joke H Waller‐Hunter - 251-262 Sustainable forestry management in developing countries
by Emmanuel D'Silva & S Appanah & Dayananda Kariyawasam - 263-274 Sustainability implications for water resources planning and management
by Daniel P Loucks - 275-286 Environmental policy for sustainable development of natural resources
by Ayesha K Dias & Mary Begg - 287-292 The Energy Efficiency 2000 Project and energy‐efficiency demonstration zones in Eastern and Central Europe
by Frederic Romig - 293-303 Facing limits in oceanic fisheries
by Peter Weber
August 1994, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 171-180 Protection and use of transboundary watercourses and international lakes in Europe
by Secretariat of the United Nations Commission for Europe - 181-192 Approaches to integrated water resource development and management
by Jacob J. Burke - 193-206 Government environmental regulations and implementation in the mining sector
by Peter C. Acquah - 207-212 Constraints on small‐scale mining in Africa
by Pierre A. Traore - 213-224 Renewable energy programmes in India
by Chandra Shekhar Sinha - 225-230 Biomass resources as energy in Nepal
by S. Pokharel & M. Chandrashekar
May 1994, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 83-90 Development finance in the 1990s for Latin American resource exporting countries
by Ira Sohn - 91-100 Fog collection's role in water planning for developing countries
by Robert S. Schemenauer & Pilar Cereceda - 101-113 Recent experiences with river basin development in the tropics and subtropics
by Thayer Scudder - 115-123 Issues in natural resources management in developing countries
by Gopal B. Thapa & Karl E. Weber - 125-142 Efficient energy use and well being
by Lee Schipper & Lynn Price - 143-151 Minerals and the Common Fund for Commodities
by Werner Gocht & Ulrich Petersen - 153-160 A framework for integrated resource planning in the electric power sector
by Saifur Rahman & Arnulfo de Castro
February 1994, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 3-11 Survey of issues in government policy and public management of state oil and mining companies in developing countries
by William Ascher - 13-16 Small‐ and medium‐scale mining
by Beatrice Labonne - 17-29 Economic impacts of mining
by James P. Dorian & H. Brett Humphreys - 31-47 Energy and environment scenarios for Senegal
by Michael Lazarus & Souleymane Diallo & Youba Sokona - 49-54 Assessing hygiene and health related improvements of a rural water supply and sanitation programme in northern Ghana
by Augustine Akuoko‐Asibey & Harry J. McPherson - 55-62 Urban water demand and climate change
by Suzanne Hartley & Robert C. Harriss & Tom Blanchard - 63-68 Legal aspects of natural resource projects in the CIS
by Robert Starr
November 1993, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 251-261 CO2 emissions reduction from the power system in India
by Debabrata Chattopadhyay & Jyoti K. Parikh