November 1993, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 262-272 Mining investment in Africa
by Dennis O'Neill - 273-287 The political economy of export processing zones (EPZs) in developing countries
by Voxi Heinrich S. Amavilah - 288-293 The role of new technologies in reducing energy demand
by E.W. Lees - 294-301 Management strategies for rural water development
by Andrew Livingstone & Harry J. McPherson - 302-309 The supply and demand outlook for energy in the Asia—Pacific region
by David Fridley - 310-314 The political economy of transnational oil
by Zuhayr Mikdashi - 315-326 The transformation and successful development of small‐scale mining enterprises in developing countries
by Jeffrey Davidson
August 1993, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 170-180 The role of environmental impact assessment in coal production and utilization
by Tim Jones - 181-190 World energy future: the demand side challenge
by Robert G. Skinner - 191-197 Financing energy development in the 1990s
by Gerald Pollio - 198-206 Chile's resource sectors
by Ira Sohn - 207-215 Environmental legislation, economic growth and risk in minerals development The Bolivian case
by William P. Blacutt‐Mercado - 216-227 Application of multiple objective models to water resources planning and management
by Ronald M. North - 228-234 Information needs for water resources decision‐making
by Jackie Sellers - 235-238 Lead/zinc exploration update
by Beatrice Labonne & John Guy‐Bray & Henri Maire - 247-247 Letter to the Editor
by B. S. Ahuja
May 1993, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 83-103 Energy use in Denmark
by Lee Schipper & Richard Howarth & Bo Andersson & Lynn Price - 105-108 A critical look at residential electricity conservation campaigns in a developing country environment
by Gilberto De Martino Jannuzzi & Vanice Ferreira dos Santos & Marcello de Moura Campos Filho & José Kogi Fugiwara - 109-116 Rationalization of imports, refineries and distribution of petroleum in Sub‐Saharan Africa
by Eleodoro Mayorga‐Alba - 117-131 The value of cooperation in resolving international river basin disputes
by Peter Rogers - 133-141 The application of charging schemes for the management of water pollution
by Hilary Sunman - 143-150 Market transparency in the international aluminium industry
by Dennis E. Morrison - 151-155 Changing patterns in aluminium production costs
by Anthony Bird - 157-163 Mining economics and the environment
by R. Poulin & K. Sinding
February 1993, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 3-14 Determinants of state mining enterprise resilience in Latin America
by R.M. Auty - 15-32 Impact of market reforms on future patterns of non‐ferrous metal consumption of the former Soviet Union
by Istvan Dobozi - 33-42 Integrated urban water resources management
by Peter Rogers - 43-49 Climate targets and comprehensive greenhouse gas emissions trading
by Robert J. Swart - 51-57 Tradeable permits and the comprehensive approach to climate change
by Michael Grubb - 59-64 Water, environment and development
by K. A. Edwards
November 1992, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 250-260 The metal mining industry in Eastern Europe
by Olivier Bomsel & Christian von Hirschhausen - 261-270 Regulation of the environmental impacts of coal mining in the USA
by Patrick C. McGinley - 271-276 Influence of production costs and inventories on mineral prices
by David L. Moison & D. Robert Sperry - 277-290 Water and sustainable development
by Rob Koudstaal & Frank R. Rijsberman & Hubert Savenije - 291-297 Guidelines for flood disaster prevention and preparedness
by Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) - 298-304 Enhancing biomass energy use in Kenya
by Peter S. Banwell & Robert C. Harriss - 305-314 Renewable energy programmes in India
by Chandra Shekhar Sinha - 315-315 Letter to the editor
by Allen L. Hammond & Eric Rodenburg
August 1992, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 178-191 Dynamics of state mining enterprises during the 1980s and the outlook for the 1990s
by Magnus Ericsson & Andreas Tegen - 192-201 Electricity planning and environmental issues in selected Asian countries
by Ram M. Shrestha & Mahesh P. Acharya - 202-211 Water management since the adoption of the Mar del Plata Action Plan
by Terence Lee - 212-220 Mineral sector technologies: policy implications for developing countries
by Craig B. Andrews - 221-225 Constraints to improved energy efficiency in agricultural pumpsets: the case of India
by P. M. Sadaphal & Bhaskar Natarajan - 226-231 Groundwater and pollution of water resources
by Miguel Solanes - 232-234 The Amazon between economy and ecology
by Andreas Hoppe - 235-237 Conference report on United Nations Interregional Seminar on Applied Finance for Natural Resources
by Simon D. Handelsman & Dai Dong Cheng
May 1992, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 91-101 Finding local answers to fuelwood problems
by John Soussan & Phil O'Keefe & D. Evan Mercer - 102-110 Electrification of rural areas by solar PV
by Derek Lovejoy - 111-116 Market‐based environmental development
by Roger K. Raufer - 117-125 Administration of water resources
by Ramón Martín Mateo - 126-131 Survey of water use behaviour in rural North Ghana
by Stephen B. Kendie - 132-140 Government participation in mining projects
by Gerald Padmore - 141-145 Non‐South African ferrochrome prospects
by Jim Lennon - 146-150 Alumina market trends in the 1990s
by M. A. Oosterbeek - 151-153 Mineral potential and scope of investment in the Republic of Yemen
by Ali Jabr Alawi - 154-157 Options for mining development in Africa
by John Hollaway
February 1992, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-10 Natural resources and environmentally sound sustainable development
by Dunja Pastizzi‐Ferencic - 11-17 Energy and environmental challenges for developed and developing countries
by Richard L. Ottinger - 19-26 The contribution of energy efficiency to sustainable development in developing countries
by Mark D. Levine & Stephen Meyers - 27-31 China's dual‐thrust energy strategy
by Qu Geping - 33-38 A reappraisal of WRI's estimates of greenhouse gas emissions
by R. K. Pachauri & Sujata Gupta & Meeta Mehra - 39-48 Environmental management in mining and mineral processing in developing countries
by Alyson Warhurst - 49-53 Environmental impact of mining in Ghana: issues and answers
by Kwabena Mate - 55-63 Water management problems in economies in transition
by Zbigniew Bochniarz - 65-70 Integrated water resources planning
by A. S. Goodman & K. A. Edwards - 71-75 Preliminary observations of environmental damage due to the Gulf War
by Farouk El‐Baz - 77-84 Environmental accounting and statistics
by Peter L. P. Bartelmus
November 1991, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 258-269 International renegotiations: the case of the Dominican Republic and Falconbridge
by Roger L. M. Dunbar - 270-275 Seaborne iron ore trade in the 1990s
by Eduardo B. Faria - 276-281 Bauxite and alumina: trends and prospects
by Gerald Clark - 282-286 Petroleum exploration in a resource management perspective
by Farouk Al‐Kasim - 287-291 Petroleum prospects and the need for international cooperation
by C. Constantinou - 292-301 Price prospects in Western Europe for internationally traded fossil fuels until 2000
by Marian Radetzki - 302-312 Groundwater resource management and environmental protection
by Mohan Munasinghe - 313-321 Economic degradation, conservation and allocation of water resources
by Armando Llop - 322-325 Developments and prospects of world lead and zinc mining
by Edward M. Yates
August 1991, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 178-184 The use of constructed wetlands in the treatment of acid mine drainage
by Allen Perry & Robert L. P. Kleinmann - 185-189 Key strategic issues for the development of CODELCO in the 1990s
by Jorge Bande - 190-201 Alternative natural gas contract and pricing structures and incentives for the LNG industry
by Emil D. Attanasi - 202-214 Oil and gas reserves of the Middle East and North Africa
by D. Champlon & C. Girard & T. Daubignard - 215-219 Electric power and the environment: an analysis of pollutant emissions at Argentine state‐owned electric power stations
by Daniel Carnevali & Carlos E. Suarez - 220-227 Libya's Great Manmade River Project
by Peter F. M. McLoughlin - 228-234 Operation and maintenance of water projects and services in Latin America
by Andrés Planas - 235-238 Conference Report on United Nations Interregional Seminar on Computerized Mineral Title Management and Associated Databases
by Simon D. Handelsman & Glenn Gemerts - 239-242 The Ethiopian mining sector
by Grantley W. Walrond & Girma Hailu & Wondemagegnehu G. Selassie
May 1991, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 90-99 Managing mineral dependence: Papua New Guinea 1972–89
by Richard M. Auty - 100-109 The worldwide availability of cobalt
by D. G. Willard & D. I. Bleiwas - 110-117 The International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade in retrospect and implications for the future
by Pierre Najlis & Anthony Edwards - 118-122 The Global Consultation on Safe Water and Sanitation for the 1990s
by Martin G. Beyer - 123-131 Green taxes, blue taxes
by Christopher L. Shaw - 132-139 Surveying and mapping of natural resources by remote sensing
by Farouk El‐Baz - 140-153 The Asia‐Pacific petroleum market
by Fereidun Fesharaki & David Isaak & Nancy Yamaguchi - 154-161 Electric load management in developing countries
by Alberto J. Sabadell & Alain Streicher - 162-165 Fuelwood use by different tribal and non‐tribal communities in north‐east India
by R. K. Maikhuri & A. K. Gangwar
February 1991, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 2-14 Petroleum taxation in West Africa
by Victor Rodriguez Padilla - 15-25 Can developing countries benefit from innovative pricing in the power sector?
by Lawrence J. Hill - 26-40 Mineral development prospects of the Indochina area
by Allen L. Clark & James P. Dorian & Wayne A. Hudders - 41-49 Investment policies in the base metal mining industries and their impact on price cycles
by Christopher Stobart - 50-58 Mining investment promotion
by Craig B. Andrews - 59-65 Wastewood as a source of woodfuel
by W. Teplitz‐Sembitzky - 66-73 Aquacultural development in tropical Asia
by Conner Bailey & Mike Skladany - 74-79 Scarcity of natural resources and the implications for sustainable development
by Peter H. Pearse
November 1990, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 258-270 The USSR, China, India and the world metals industry to 2010
by James P. Dorian & Allen L. Clark & Gyoo J. Jeon & Daniel E. Snowden - 271-279 Mine infrastructure financing and the subsidy debate
by David L. Anderson - 280-285 International oil market – new directions
by Charles Constantinou - 286-295 Hydrocarbon exploration and production in sub‐Saharan Africa
by Jean‐Luc Gadon - 296-301 Review of world sulphur demand and supply
by E. R. Boonstra - 302-311 Economic incentives to protect water quality in market and planned economies
by Zbigniew Bochniarz - 312-318 The use of economic measures for water management in France
by Bernard Kaczmarek - 319-325 Energy efficiency in developing countries Policy options and the poverty dilemma
by Rajendra K. Pachauri - 326-327 United Nations mineral exploration activities in developing countries
by Beatrice Labonne - 328-330 The International Lead and Zinc Study Group and the metals market
by Rolf W. Boehnke - 331-333 On the process of negotiating a joint venture
by Paul Fortin - 334-335 SOJUZKARTA offers geodesy and cartography services
by V. A. Piskulin - 340-340 Letter to the Editor
by P. C. F. Crowson
August 1990, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 178-186 Ranking countries for minerals exploration
by Charles J. Johnson - 187-192 The prospects for nickel What price new capacity?
by Jim Lennon - 193-209 The pricing of water services in developing countries
by Mohan Munasinghe - 210-221 Institutional arrangements for managing water conflicts in lake basins
by James E. Nickum & K. William Easter - 222-226 The outlook for oil
by Pierre Desprairies - 227-239 The African electric power sector in the context of an acute financial crisis
by Philippe Menanteau & Anjali Shunker - 240-243 Rehabilitation of the Ghanaian mining sector
by Kofi Ansah - 244-246 UN Department of Technical Co‐operation for Development regional seminar activities in 1989
by Beatrice Labonne
May 1990, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 90-96 Restructuring of the aluminium industry
by Robin G. Adams - 97-105 Mining development in sub‐Saharan Africa
by Peter M. Fozzard - 106-119 Irrigation activities and institutions in Kenya's Lake Victoria Basin
by C. O. Okidi - 120-124 Water resources management in small island countries Cost recovery and demand management
by Marcia Brewster - 125-134 Research needs for improving biofuel burning cookstove technologies
by Dilip R. Ahuja - 135-142 Refinery deregulation in developing countries
by Peter Meier - 143-154 Energy planning and wood balances
by Richard H. Hosier & Jill Boberg & Matthew Luhanga & Mark Mwandosya - 155-157 Bauxite and alumina ‐ Jamaica's reach for the future
by The Hon Hugh Small - 158-162 Energy consumption trends in high growth Asian economies before and after 1986
by William E. James & Fereidun Fesharaki - 163-167 Oil to 2000
by Antoine Ayoub
February 1990, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 2-13 The availability of primary nickel from the market economy countries
by Donald I. Bleiwas - 14-21 The evolving structure of the European mining industry
by Magnus Ericsson & Andreas Tegen - 22-32 Water quality management for sustainable agricultural development
by A. Kandiah - 33-48 Water supply policies and issues in developing countries
by Mohan Munasinghe - 49-57 Small stand‐alone windpower systems
by Peter L. Fraenkel - 58-63 The CUSO‐Togo village water supply project and lucrative micro‐projects (LMPs)
by Zoumaro Ikpindi - 64-69 Coal and peat in the sub‐Saharan region of Africa
by J. N. Weaver & E. R. Landis - 70-75 Comparison of the cost effectiveness of industrial energy conservation
by Jan Jasiewicz - 76-77 The role of FIDEICOMISO of non‐metallic minerals
by Alejandro Trejo
November 1989, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 258-267 Macro‐scale water scarcity requires micro‐scale approaches
by Malin Falkenmark & Jan Lundqvist & Carl Widstrand - 268-274 The agricultural development of sub‐Saharan Africa
by Jose Olivares - 275-284 Government fiscal strategy for mining to 2000
by Raj Kumar - 285-293 Competitiveness and prospects for the African mining industry
by Oliver Bomsel - 294-302 Strategies for meeting Tanzania's future cement needs
by D. F. Stewart & B. Muhegi - 303-309 Renewable energy projects
by Daniel B. Waddle & Robert D. Perlack & H. Mike Jones - 310-318 Potential use of oil shale for direct production of power in Jordan
by Lawrence J. Hill & Carl H. Petrich - 319-321 Women as managers of village water resources
by Scholastique Kompaore - 322-324 Advances in materials science and changes in the metal industry
by Robert C. Drury - 325-329 Road transport fuel demand in the LDCs
by Bjorn Brochmann - 330-332 International coal prices
by Pierre‐Noel Giraud - 340-340 Letter to the editor
by K. Goldsmith
August 1989, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 178-190 World phosphate supply
by R. J. Fantel & R. J. Hurdelbrink & D. J. Shields - 191-197 Bolivia's strategy for restructuring the state's mining sector and promoting private investment in mining
by Jaime Villalobos - 198-203 Metals demand in the Pacific Rim countries of Asia
by John E. Tilton - 204-208 African river basin development
by Richard Perritt - 209-215 The multidonor approach in large river and lake basin development in Africa
by Roger Berthelot - 216-226 Energy transition in South and South‐East Asia
by Denise Cavard - 227-232 World coal outlook: 1990s
by Manfred G. Raschke - 233-237 Global oil: some key issues and challenges
by Zuhayr Mikdashi - 238-241 Economic development and environmental protection
by Jeremy J. Warford - 242-244 Copper: after the boom
by Robert H. Lesemann - 245-248 Sources of funds for developing country petroleum development
by Gerald Pollio - 253-253 Colombian coal
by K. E. Baylis
May 1989, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 90-106 World diamond industry: 1970–2000
by Charles J. Johnson & Martyn Marriott & Michael von Saldern - 107-115 Natural zeolites
by Walter Parham - 116-126 Petroleum exploitation and contract terms in developing countries after the oil price collapse
by Alexander G. Kemp - 127-138 Developing river and lake basins for sustained economic growth and social progress
by David Le Marquand - 139-148 The African experience with river basin development
by Thayer Scudder - 149-159 From the erosion of crude oil prices to reorganization of the oil industry
by Jean‐Marie Martin - 160-165 Copper smelting and refining
by Michael A.L. Cook - 166-168 A banker's view of aluminium projects and their financing
by Jerry Johnson
February 1989, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 2-10 Understanding fuelwood
by Phil O'Keefe & Barry Munslow - 11-19 Understanding fuelwood
by Phil O'Keefe & Barry Munslow - 20-32 The global greenhouse effect
by Edward B. Barbier - 33-35 The world energy situation
by Pierre Desprairies - 36-43 A technical and investment analysis of intermediate‐scale rice residue conversion systems
by Daniel B. Waddle & Marcia M. Gowen - 44-52 Large‐scale v small‐scale mining
by D. F. Stewart - 53-58 Beyond ‘coverage’
by Charles G. Chandler - 59-70 The planning and management of African river and lake basin development and conservation
by T. H. Mather - 71-74 Anatomy of downstream integration by oil‐producing countries
by M. S. Robinson - 75-77 Moving the tin mountain
by Peter G. Kettle
November 1988, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 311-312 Introducing this Issue
by Raymond R. Knowles - 315-337 Structural Change in the Metals Industry: A Quantitative Assessment
by John Soladay - 339-344 Household Energy Resources: Whose Priority?
by Arja Vainio‐Mattila - 345-352 The Export Potential of Colombian Coal
by Oscar Mejia - 353-367 Institutional Aspects of Water Supply and Sanitation in Africa
by N. B. Ayibotele - 369-373 National Oil Companies: Issues and Prospects
by Philippe Bourcier - 375-381 State Oil Companies in Latin America: Performance and Outlook
by Gustavo Coronel - 383-392 The Debt Crisis and Minerals‐exporting Developing Countries: Problems and Prospects
by Ira Sohn - 393-396 The Zinc Industry: A European Perspective
by Gerard Munera - 397-401 Evolving International Mineral Trade Patterns
by Phillip Crowson - 403-407 Investments in Petroleum Exploration and Production in Developing Countries
by C. Constantinou - 409-413 Wind Technologies and Their Market Potential in Africa
by Derek Lovejoy
August 1988, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 205-206 Introducing this Issue
by Raymond Knowles - 207-219 Impact of Technological Concepts on the Economics of Deep‐Sea Petroleum Development
by D. Champlon & J.‐L. Gadon