May 2011, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 122-133 The value of open ocean ecosystems: A case study for the Spanish exclusive economic zone
by Arantza Murillas‐Maza & Jorge Virto & María Carmen Gallastegui & Pilar González & Javier Fernández‐Macho - 134-144 Towards sustainable community‐based natural resource management in the indigenous Meqmegi community in Taiwan: Rethinking impacts of local participation
by Pei‐Shan Lin & Chang‐Yi Chang - 145-146 Sustainability Education: Perspectives and Practices across Higher Education – Edited by Paula Jones, David Selby, and Stephen Sterling
by Peggy F. Barlett - 146-147 Governing Africa's Forests in a Globalized World – Edited by Laura A German, Alain Karsenty, and Anne‐Marie Tiani
by Sadie Jane Ryan
February 2011, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-8 Putting the cart before the horse: Water governance and IWRM
by Jonathan Lautze & Sanjiv de Silva & Mark Giordano & Luke Sanford - 9-20 Marine gold and atoll livelihoods: The rise and fall of the bêche‐de‐mer trade on Ontong Java, Solomon Islands
by Andreas Egelund Christensen - 21-31 Eco‐efficiency, self‐sufficiency and sustainability in transport: The limits for Brazilian sugarcane ethanol policy
by Peter Wells & Thaisa Faro - 32-48 Sustainability under siege: Transport costs and corruption on West Africa's trade corridors
by Daniel Bromley & Jeremy Foltz - 49-62 Projections of highway vehicle population, energy demand, and CO2 emissions in India to 2040
by Salil Arora & Anant Vyas & Larry R. Johnson - 63-72 “Is the concept of a green economy a useful way of framing policy discussions and policymaking to promote sustainable development?”
by Sheng Fulai & Gary Flomenhoft & Timothy J. Downs & MaÁngeles Grande‐Ortiz & Dana Graef & Bert Scholtens & Arthur P.J. Mol & David A. Sonnenfeld & Gert Spaargaren & Rajeev K. Goel & Edward W.T. Hsieh & Serban Scrieciu & Reinhard Steurer & Christine Polzin & Genia Kostka & Tiho Ancev & Elke Pirgmaier & Frank Boons & Karl‐Henrik Robèrt & Christopher Bryant & Ke Zhou & Surya Raj Acharya & David Huberman & Denis J. Sonwa & Michelle Mycoo & Dabo Guan & Klaus Hubacek & U. Rashid Sumaila & Hector G. Lopez‐Ruiz & G. Jason Jolley & Michael L. Dougherty & André Francisco Pilon & Ravi Prakash & Tulus Tambunan & Sebastian Hermann - 73-74 Markets, Marketing and Developing Countries: Where We Stand and Where We are Heading – Edited by Hans van Trijp and Paul Ingenbleek
by Emmanuel Yujuico - 74-75 Water Policy in the Netherlands: Integrated Management in a Densely Populated Delta – Edited by Stijn Reinhard and Henk Folmer
by Erik Mostert
November 2010, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 233-235 Special issue on transport
by David Le Blanc & Ralph Wahnschafft - 236-254 Sustainable transport: A case study of Rhine navigation
by Gernot Pauli - 255-265 Review of transportation choice research in Australia: Implications for sustainable urban transport design
by Sayed Iftekhar & Sorada Tapsuwan - 266-274 Climate protection and motor vehicle regulations: Evaluation of motor vehicle regulations in China in the context of greenhouse gas management
by Mingde Cao & Yixiang Xu - 275-288 From sustainable transport development to active citizenship and participatory democracy: The experience of Living City in Chile
by Lake Sagaris - 289-302 Sustainable transport indicators for Cape Town, South Africa: Advocacy, negotiation and partnership in transport planning practice
by Lisa Kane - 303-313 Governance of sustainability at airports: Moving beyond the debate between growth and noise
by Frank Boons & Arwin Van Buuren & Geert Teisman - 314-326 Making climate instruments work for sustainable transport in developing countries
by Stefan Bakker & Cornie Huizenga - 327-331 “How can the stigma of public transport as the ‘poor man's vehicle’ be overcome to enhance sustainability and climate change mitigation?”
by Daniel W. Bromley & Ralph Buehler & Tom Godefrooij & Mark Kirkels & Nuno Quental & Kyoko Kusakabe & Ashwani Vasishth & Jorge Diaz Tejada & Benny Geys & Merethe D. Leiren & M. Sohail Khan & Emmanuel Mwendera & Steve Melia & Mark Brussel & Mark Zuidgeest & Flavia De Souza & Surya Raj Acharya & Dr. Puspita Dirgahayani & Mari Martiskainen - 332-333 Carbon Markets: An International Business Guide– By Arnaud Brohé, Nick Eyre and Nicholas Howarth
by Frank A. Wolak - 333-335 The Vanishing Face of Gaia – By James Lovelock
by Chantal Line Carpentier - 335-336 An Introduction to Sustainable Transportation: Policy, Planning and Implementation – By Preston L. Schiller, Eric C. Bruun and Jeffrey R. Kenworthy
by Ralph Wahnschafft
August 2010, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 175-187 Vulnerability of the South African farming sector to climate change and variability: An indicator approach
by Glwadys A. Gbetibouo & Claudia Ringler & Rashid Hassan - 188-199 Overcoming growing water scarcity: Exploring potential improvements in water productivity in India
by Upali A. Amarasinghe & R.P. S. Malik & Bharat R. Sharma - 200-210 Facilitating substance phase‐out through material information systems and improving environmental impacts in the recycling stage of a product
by Daniel Paska - 211-221 Migration and animal husbandry: Competing or complementary livelihood strategies. Evidence from Kyrgyzstan
by Nadia Schoch & Bernd Steimann & Susan Thieme - 222-230 Pashmina production and socio‐economic changes in the Indian Changthang: Implications for natural resource management
by Tsewang Namgail & Sipke E. Van Wieren & Herbert H.T. Prins - 231-232 Book Review: Reinventing the Automobile – By William J. Mitchell, Christopher E. Borroni‐Bird, and Lawrence D. Burns
by Ira Sohn
May 2010, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 93-105 Building the role of local government authorities towards the achievement of the human right to water in rural Tanzania
by Alejandro Jiménez & Agustí Pérez‐Foguet - 106-123 Shellfish aquaculture and First Nations' sovereignty: The quest for sustainable development in contested sea space
by Alyssa L. Joyce & Terre A. Satterfield - 124-139 Fast Track Land Reform Programme, tenure security and investments in soil conservation: Micro‐evidence from Mazowe District in Zimbabwe
by Precious Zikhali - 140-154 Cross‐sectoral and participatory approaches to combating desertification: The Iranian experience
by Farshad Amiraslani & Deirdre Dragovich - 155-164 A theory of chemicals regulation and testing
by Silke Gabbert & Hans‐Peter Weikard - 165-174 New public policy proposal for the management of industrial toxic substances in São Paulo State, Brazil
by Flávio De Miranda Ribeiro & Rúbia Kuno
February 2010, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-3 Sustainable consumption and production: Policy efforts and challenges
by David Le Blanc - 4-15 Sustainable consumption and production: Trends, challenges and options for the Asia‐Pacific region
by Wei Zhao & Patrick Schroeder - 16-23 Linking sustainable consumption and production: The government role
by Candice Stevens - 24-38 Green procurement in the Asian public sector and the Hong Kong private sector
by Linda W.P. Ho & Nicholas M. Dickinson & Gilbert Y.S. Chan - 39-50 Policies to promote sustainable consumption: Innovative approaches in Europe
by Gerd Scholl & Frieder Rubik & Harri Kalimo & Katja Biedenkopf & Ólöf Söebech - 51-62 Sustainable consumption in Brazil: Identification of preliminary requirements to guide product development and the definition of public policies
by Ângela Maria Marx & Istefani Carísio De Paula & Fabiane Sum - 63-70 A differentiated approach for sustainable consumption and production policies
by Christian Brodhag - 71-84 The vertical integration of Lisbon and sustainable development strategies across the EU: How different governance architectures shape the European coherence of policy documents
by Reinhard Steurer & Gerald Berger & Markus Hametner - 85-88 “Should sustainable consumption and production be a policy priority for developing countries and if so, what areas should they focus on?”
by Zhenling Liu & Serban Scrieciu & Leena Srivastava & Luis G. García‐Montero & Gregory Borne & Xin Deng & Geurt Van De Kerk & Norbert Wohlgemuth & Chiung Ting Chang & Matty Demont & Luz Stenberg & José Rafael Peña de la Cruz & Rudzani Makhado & Kgabo Masehela - 89-90 Handbook on Trade and the Environment – Edited by Kevin P. Gallagher
by Jesper Stage - 90-91 Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe – Edited by Regina Barth and Franziska Wolff
by Paul C. Godfrey
November 2009, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 257-258 Climate change and sustainable development
by Tariq Banuri - 259-261 Climate change and sustainable development revisited: Implementation challenges
by David Le Blanc - 262-273 Climate and development economics: Balancing science, politics and equity
by Elizabeth A. Stanton & Frank Ackerman - 274-284 Climate Innovation Centres: A partnership approach to meeting energy and climate challenges
by Ambuj D. Sagar & Cath Bremner & Michael Grubb - 285-296 Cambodia's forests and climate change: Mitigating drivers of deforestation
by Mark Poffenberger - 297-309 Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change and variability in semi‐arid rural southeastern Arizona, USA
by Ashley R. Coles & Christopher A. Scott - 310-319 Global change in four semi‐arid transnational river basins: Analysis of institutional water sharing preparedness
by Malin Falkenmark & Charlotte de Fraiture & Margaret J. Vick - 320-333 Drivers of change in fragile environments: Challenges to governance in Indian wetlands
by N.C. Narayanan & Jean‐Philippe Venot - 334-337 ‘What would be the three key preconditions for jumpstarting or scaling up the transfer of environmentally sound technologies for climate change to developing countries?’
by Justin Mog & Wouter Kersten & Muhammad Mizanur Rahaman & Marko Keskinen & Timothy J. Downs & S M Wahid & Rafael D'Almeida Martins & Hélène Connor & Laura E. Williamson & Mithra Moezzi & Ahmad Houri & Bimlesh Kumar & Rahul B. Hiremath & Bert Scholtens & OC Ajayi & FK Akinnifesi & G Sileshi & Olufunso A. Somorin - 338-339 The Age of Ageing: How Demographics are Changing the Global Economy and Our World – By George Magnus
by Ira Sohn - 339-340 Integrated Water Resources Management in Practice: Better Water Management for Development – Edited by Roberto Lenton and Mike Muller
by Mirja Kattelus - 340-342 Ecotourism and Sustainable Development, 2nd edition – By Martha Honey
by Michael L. Dougherty
August 2009, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 175-188 Collective action in water‐point management: The case of pastoral and agropastoral communities in eastern Ethiopia
by Fekadu Beyene - 189-198 Adoption of sustainable agriculture practices: Evidence from a semi‐arid region of Ethiopia
by Menale Kassie & Precious Zikhali & Kebede Manjur & Sue Edwards - 199-210 What drives large South African corporations to invest in sub‐Saharan Africa? CEO's perspectives and implications for FDI policies
by Adriaan Dippenaar - 211-220 Handling uncertainty: Policy and organizational practices in Tanzania's small‐scale gold mining sector
by Jesper Bosse Jønsson & Niels Fold - 221-232 Labour challenges and mercury management at gold mills in Zimbabwe: Examining production processes and proposals for change
by Samuel J. Spiegel - 233-244 The TRIPS Agreement and transfer of climate‐change‐related technologies to developing countries
by Matthew Littleton - 245-249 “How can revenues from natural resources extraction be more efficiently utilized for local sustainable development?”
by Kuntala Lahiri‐Dutt & Keith Slack & Secretariat of the IGCP Programme & Lauren Baker & Timothy J. Downs & Jeffrey A. McNeely & Tulus Tambunan & M. S. Iftekhar & Daniel Franks & Waldemar Souza & Simon M. Munthali & Oscar Wambuguh & Sylvanus S. P. Doe & Carlos C. Peiter & Roberto C. Villas Boas - 250-251 Two Billion Cars: Driving towards Sustainability – By Daniel Sperling and Deborah Gordon
by Ralph Wahnschafft - 251-253 Gender and Natural Resources Management: Livelihoods, Mobility and Interventions – Edited by Bernadette P. Resurreccion and Rebecca Elmhirst
by Marcia Brewster - 253-254 The Transformation of Agri‐Food Systems: Globalization, Supply Chains and Smallholder Farmers – Edited by Ellen B. McCullough, Prabhu L. Pingali and Kostas G. Stamoulis
by Chantal Line Carpentier
May 2009, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 99-110 Working Wetland Potential: An index to guide the sustainable development of African wetlands
by Matthew P. McCartney & Helen A. Houghton‐Carr - 111-122 Agricultural policies and the emergence of cotton as the dominant crop in northern Côte d’Ivoire: Historical overview and current outlook
by Oluyede Clifford Ajayi & Festus K. Akinnifesi & Gudeta Sileshi & Adeola O. Ajayi - 123-133 Reconciling people's livelihoods and environmental conservation in the rural landscapes in Kenya: Opportunities and challenges in the Amboseli landscapes
by Moses Makonjio Okello & Simon K. Ole Seno & Rita Wairimu Nthiga - 134-149 Salt‐induced land and water degradation in the Aral Sea basin: A challenge to sustainable agriculture in Central Asia
by Manzoor Qadir & Andrew D. Noble & Asad S. Qureshi & Raj K. Gupta & Tulkun Yuldashev & Akmal Karimov - 150-159 The miombo woodlands at the cross roads: Potential threats, sustainable livelihoods, policy gaps and challenges
by Stephen Syampungani & Paxie W. Chirwa & Festus K. Akinnifesi & Gudeta Sileshi & Oluyede C. Ajayi - 160-170 Property rights and governance of Africa's rangelands: A policy overview
by Esther Mwangi - 171-173 Experts address the question: “Can the growing demand for biofuels be met without threatening food security?”
by Jeffrey A. McNeely & Mahmoud Solh & R. B. Hiremath & Bimlesh Kumar & Paulo A. Z. Suarez & Kishor Uprety & Marufdeen Adekunle Abdulrahim & François Ruf & Jean‐Claude Legoupil
February 2009, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-1 Integrated Water Resources Management: Seeking sustainable solutions to water management
by Tariq Banuri - 2-5 Integrated Water Resources Management: Theory versus practice
by Jean‐Michel Chéné - 6-18 Cities vs. agriculture: A review of intersectoral water re‐allocation
by Francois Molle & Jeremy Berkoff - 19-28 Practicalities of participation in urban IWRM: Perspectives of wastewater management in two cities in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
by Alexandra Evans & Samyuktha Varma - 29-38 Local IWRM organizations for groundwater regulation: The experiences of the Aquifer Management Councils (COTAS) in Guanajuato, Mexico
by Philippus Wester & Jaime Hoogesteger & Linden Vincent - 39-48 Harvesting of rainwater and brooklets water to increase mountain agricultural productivity: A case study from a dry valley of southwestern China
by Yang Wu & Ya Tang & Chengmin Huang - 49-59 Integrated Water Resources Management: From general principles to its implementation by the state. The case of Burkina Faso
by Olivier Petit & Catherine Baron - 60-75 Integrated water management of the Brahmaputra basin: Perspectives and hope for regional development
by Muhammad Mizanur Rahaman & Olli Varis - 76-86 Critical review of Integrated Water Resources Management: Moving beyond polarised discourse
by V. S. Saravanan & Geoffrey T. McDonald & Peter P. Mollinga - 87-89 Experts address the question: Is IWRM implementation possible without strong regulatory, participatory and incentive frameworks at the river‐basin level?
by Simon Thuo & Iñaki Urrutia Garayo & Carlos María Serrentino & Eric Mollard & Hervé Lévite & Santosh Nepal - 90-91 Climate Change and Agriculture in Africa. Impact Assessment and Adaptation Strategies ‐ By Ariel Dinar, Rashid Hassan, Robert Mendelssohn, James Benhin and others
by David Le Blanc - 91-92 International Water Treaties: Negotiation and Cooperation along Transboundary Rivers ‐ By Shlomi Dinar
by Gregg B. Walker - 92-93 Outsourcing Energy Management: Saving Energy and Carbon through Partnership ‐ By Steven Fawkes
by Iryna Zaluzhna - 93-94 Energy in Nature and Society ‐ By Vaclav Smil
by Branko Milicevic - 94-95 Bridges Over Water, Understanding Transboundary Water Conflict, Negotiation and Cooperation ‐ By Ariel Dinar, Shlomi Dinar, Stephen McCaffrey & Daene McKinney
by Dr. Marwa Daoudy
November 2008, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 265-279 The need for integration of drought monitoring tools for proactive food security management in sub‐Saharan Africa
by Tsegaye Tadesse & Menghestab Haile & Gabriel Senay & Brian D. Wardlow & Cody L. Knutson - 280-289 International rivers and national security: The Euphrates, Ganges–Brahmaputra, Indus, Tigris, and Yarmouk rivers
by Neda A. Zawahri - 290-304 Degradation–environment–society spiral: A spatial auto‐logistic model in Thailand
by Shahriar M. Wahid & Mukand S. Babel & Ashim Das Gupta & Jayant K. Routray & Roberto S. Clemente - 305-315 Seeking calm water: Exploring policy options for India's water future
by Upali A. Amarasinghe & Tushaar Shah & Peter G. McCornick - 316-326 Spatial and temporal projected distribution of four crop plants in Egypt
by Ahmad K. Hegazy & Mahmoud A. Medany & Hanan F. Kabiel & Mona M. Maez - 327-342 Sustainability assessment of national rural water supply program in Tanzania
by Ricard Giné & Agustí Pérez‐Foguet - 343-346 Experts address the question: “Are women more severely affected by desertification, . . . and if so, how?”
by Eyob Balcha Gebremariam & Rita Yembilah & Sayyed Ahang Kowsar & Hari Eswaran & Noura Fatchima Djibrilla & Marian Stuiver & Tenin Toure & Todzro Mensha & Oscar Wambuguh - 347-348 Climate and Trade Policy. Bottom‐up approaches towards global agreement ‐ Edited by Carlo Carraro and Christian Hegenhofer
by Romain Perez - 348-349 Zoom: The Global Race to Fuel the Car of the Future ‐ By Vijay Vaitheeswaran and Iain Carson
by Ira Sohn - 349-351 The Bridge at the End of the World: Capitalism, the Environment and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability ‐ By James Gustave Speth
by Friedrich Soltau - 351-352 Sustainability Indicators Measuring the Immeasurable ‐ By Simon Bell and Stephen Morse
by Branko Milicevic
August 2008, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 175-184 Turning the tide: Enabling sustainable development for Africa's mobile pastoralists
by Jonathan Davies - 185-202 Investments in agricultural water management for poverty reduction in Africa: Case studies of Limpopo, Nile, and Volta river basins
by Munir A. Hanjra & Francis Gichuki - 203-214 Whither La Plata? Assessing the state of transboundary water resource cooperation in the basin
by Patrick Gilman & Víctor Pochat & Ariel Dinar - 215-227 Dryland characteristics and its optimized eco‐productive paradigms for sustainable development in China
by Xiaohui Yang & Longjun Ci & Xinshi Zhang - 228-238 Re‐thinking water scarcity: Can science and technology solve the global water crisis?
by Elena Lopez‐Gunn & Manuel Ramón Llamas - 239-251 Water management in the world of globalization
by István Orlóci & Károly Szesztay - 252-256 Experts address the question: “How can sustainable land management contribute to mitigating climate change?”
by Chencho Norbu & Timothy J. Downs & Edward Yeboah & L.J.R. (Bert) Scholtens & Jyotsna Bapat & Maren Oelbermann & Sayyed Ahang Kowsar & Jaime Alexandra Webbe & Bram Govaerts & Nele Verhulst & Goodspeed Kopolo & Maria Rosário Partidário & N’guessan Alphonse Kouassi & John All & Narcisa Pricope & Leslie Lipper - 257-258 Sharing power: A global guide to collaborative management of natural resources ‐ By Grazia Borrini‐Feyerabend, Michel Pimbert, M. Taghi Farvar, Ashish Kothari, Yves Renard
by John R. Parkins - 258-259 Improving Access to Finance for India's Rural Poor ‐ By Priya Basu
by Joeli Veitayaki - 260-261 A New Diplomacy for Sustainable Development: The Challenge of Global Change ‐ By Bo Kjellén
by Markku Lehtonen - 261-262 Multi‐stakeholder platforms for integrated water management. (Ashgate studies in environmental policy and practice) ‐ Edited by Jeroen Warner
by Richard D. Margerum
May 2008, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 89-89 Special Issue on Sustainable Development in Africa
by Kathleen Abdalla - 90-92 Driving forward sustainable development agendas in Africa
by Ousmane Laye & Isatou Gaye - 93-102 Building resilience to drought in desertification‐prone savannas in Sub‐Saharan Africa: The water perspective
by Malin Falkenmark & Johan Rockström - 103-115 Toward sustainable livelihoods after war: Reconstituting rural land tenure systems
by Jon D. Unruh - 116-130 Forestry‐based carbon sequestration projects in Africa: Potential benefits and challenges
by Rohit Jindal & Brent Swallow & John Kerr - 131-141 Climate change adaptation and livestock activity choices in Kenya: An economic analysis
by Jane Kabubo‐Mariara - 142-151 HIV and AIDS: Responding to a threat to education for sustainable development
by Eric Allemano - 152-162 Toward energy and livelihoods security in Africa: Smallholder production and processing of bioenergy as a strategy
by Mersie Ejigu - 163-166 Experts address the question: “What are the most important constraints to achieving food security in various parts of Africa?”
by M. A. AbdulRahim & D. J. Shehu & Sabina Anokye Mensah & Alfred E. Hartemink & Francois Ruf & Kishor Uprety & Barbara van Koppen & Akiça Bahri & Reyes Tirado & Paul Johnston & James J. Riley & George I. Abalu & David Hall‐Matthews & Jean‐François Bissonnette - 167-168 The Future Control of Food A Guide to International Negotiations and Rules on Intellectual Property, Biodiversity and Food Security ‐ edited by Geoff Tansey and Tasmin Rajotte
by David Le Blanc - 168-169 Environmental History of Water ‐ edited by Petri S. Juuti, Tapio S. Katko and Heikki S. Vuorinen
by Terje Oestigaard - 169-171 Sustainable Development in Water‐Stressed Countries A Quantitative Policy Analysis ‐ by Satoshi Kojima
by David Le Blanc - 171-173 Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change Exploring the Real Risks and How We Can Avoid Them ‐ edited by Michael C. MacCracken, Frances Moore, and John C. Topping, Jr
by Phillip LeBel
February 2008, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-10 Protecting the environment through public procurement: The case of South Africa
by Phoebe Bolton - 11-24 Toward an improved legislative framework for China's land degradation control
by Zhou Ke & Cao Xia & Tan Baiping - 25-38 Rural market imperfections and the role of institutions in collective action to improve markets for the poor
by Bekele Shiferaw & Gideon Obare & Geoffrey Muricho - 39-52 Dissemination of food crops with nutritional benefits: Adoption and disadoption of soybeans in Togo and Benin
by Kelly J. Wendland & Erin O. Sills - 53-63 Assessment of the Enabling Rural Innovation (ERI) approach: Case studies from Malawi and Uganda
by Susan Kaaria & Jemimah Njuki & Annet Abenakyo & Robert Delve & Pascal Sanginga - 64-76 Comparative capitalism and sustainable development: Stakeholder capitalism and co‐management in the Kenyan fisheries sub sector
by Cosmas Milton Obote Ochieng - 77-80 Experts address the question: “Are poverty and land degradation inevitable in desert‐prone areas?”
by Jose Luis Flores‐Flores & Sunil D. Santha & David Thomas & Uriel N. Safriel & Hari Eswaran & Mahmoud Solh & Jonathan Davies & Sayyed Ahang Kowsar & Jean‐François Bissonnette - 81-84 A Contract with the Earth ‐ By Newt Gingrich and Terry Maple, Surviving the Century: Facing Climate Change and Other Global Challenges ‐ Edited by Herbert Girardet and Voluntary Carbon Markets: An International Business Guide to What They Are and How They Work ‐ Edited by Ricardo Bayon, Amanda Hawn and Katherine Hamilton
by Ralph Chipman - 84-85 Voices from the forest Integrating indigenous knowledge into sustainable upland farming ‐ Edited by Malcolm Cairns
by K.F. Wiersum - 85-86 The Revenge of Gaia ‐ By James Lovelock
by Friedrich Soltau - 86-87 Theory and Practice of Strategic Environmental Assessment. Towards a more systematic approach ‐ By Thomas B. Fischer
by Maria Rosário Partidário
November 2007, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 249-249 Global theme issue on poverty and human development
by Hiroko Morita‐Lou - 250-252 Managing agriculture and rural development for poverty reduction
by Muhammad Aslam Chaudhry - 253-262 Sustainable agriculture and eradication of rural poverty in Pakistan
by Abdul Waheed Bhutto & Aqeel Ahmed Bazmi - 263-272 Improving food security in Swaziland: The transition from subsistence to communally managed cash cropping
by Alan Terry & Matthew Ryder - 273-285 Enhanced learning from multi‐stakeholder partnerships: Lessons from the Enabling Rural Innovation in Africa programme
by Pascal C. Sanginga & Colletah A. Chitsike & Jemimah Njuki & Susan Kaaria & Rogers Kanzikwera - 286-296 Managing fodder trees as a solution to human–livestock food conflicts and their contribution to income generation for smallholder farmers in southern Africa
by Sebastian Chakeredza & Lewis Hove & Festus K. Akinnifesi & Steven Franzel & Oluyede C. Ajayi & Gudeta Sileshi - 297-305 The potential of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) in Africa
by Damaris Achieng Odeny - 306-317 Adoption of renewable soil fertility replenishment technologies in the southern African region: Lessons learnt and the way forward
by Oluyede Clifford Ajayi & Festus K. Akinnifesi & Gudeta Sileshi & Sebastian Chakeredza - 318-321 Experts address the question: “In your view, do agricultural subsidies in developed countries benefit or harm the majority of the poor in developing countries?”
by Barbara Van Koppen & Jon Unruh & Waldemar Souza & Saleem H. Ali & Anandajit Goswami & Annuciate Nakiganda & Joko Mariyono & Monty Jones & C. Peter Timmer & Kulbhushan Balooni & Sam Oglesby - 322-323 Landslides Processes, Prediction, and Land Use: Water Resources Monograph 18 ‐ by Roy C. Sidle and Hirotaka Ochiai
by Rafi Ahmad - 323-324 Brewing Justice: Fair Trade, Sustainability, and Survival ‐ by Daniel Jaffee
by Gabriel Eidelman - 324-325 International Environmental Law: Fairness, Effectiveness, and World Order ‐ by Elli Louka
by Frederik Pischke - 325-326 Reality Check: The Nature and Performance of Voluntary Environmental Programs in the United States, Europe and Japan ‐ Edited by Richard D. Morgenstern and William A. Pizer
by Ralph Chipman
August 2007, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 175-175 Introducing a new series
by Hiroko Morita‐Lou - 176-187 The incidence of land tenure insecurity in Southern Africa: Policy implications for sustainable development
by Gladys Mutangadura - 188-197 Land pressure and customary tenure: Cropland allocations in Swaziland
by Erik J. Van Waveren - 198-211 Implementing the UNCCD: Participatory challenges
by Lindsay C. Stringer & Mark S. Reed & Andrew J. Dougill & Mary K. Seely & Martin Rokitzki - 212-225 Application of the DPSIR framework to environmental degradation assessment in northern Ghana
by Isaac Agyemang & Adrian McDonald & Steve Carver - 226-237 Assessment of public–private–NGO partnerships: Water and sanitation services in slums
by Bipasha Baruah - 238-240 Experts address the question: How important is security of land tenure for achieving sustainable development goals?
by Kadir Osman Gyasi & Estebancio Castro Diaz & María Elena Martínez‐Torres & Peter M. Rosset & Dr. Charles Palmer & Komen Kibii & Dr. Michelle Mycoo & Dr. Talia Vela de Eiden & Esther Mwangi & Lya Mainé Astonitas - 241-241 Campesino a Campesino: Voices from Latin America's Farmer to Farmer Movement for Sustainable Agriculture ‐ By Eric Holt‐Gimenez
by Miguel A. Altieri - 241-242 Global Governance of Food and Agriculture Industries Transatlantic Regulatory Harmonization and Multilateral Policy Cooperation for Food Safety ‐ Edited by Reba A. Carruth
by Mónica Kjöllerström - 242-243 Trade, Aid and Security, an agenda for peace and development ‐ Edited by Oli Brown, Mark Halle, Sonia Peña Moreno, Sebastian Winkler
by Romain Perez - 243-245 Small‐Scale Mining, Rural Subsistence and Poverty in West Africa ‐ Edited by Gavin Hilson
by Samuel J. Spiegel - 245-246 Natural Resources Neither Curse nor Destiny ‐ Edited by Daniel Lederman and William F. Maloney
by Ira Sohn
May 2007, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 99-101 Addressing the vulnerability of SIDS
by Diane Quarless - 102-110 Critical considerations for future action during the second commitment period: A small islands’ perspective
by Leonard Nurse & Rawleston Moore - 111-118 Environment and development in the Republic of the Marshall Islands: Linking climate change with sustainable fisheries development
by Rhea M. Moss - 119-127 Coconut oil as a fuel in the Pacific Islands
by Jan Cloin - 128-131 Linkages between biodiversity conservation and global climate change in small island developing States (SIDS)
by Anilla Cherian - 132-141 From climate change impacts to adaptation: A development perspective for India
by Amit Garg & P. R. Shukla & Manmohan Kapshe - 142-150 Analysis of a rural water supply project in three communities in Mali: Participation and sustainability
by Brett A. Gleitsmann & Margaret M. Kroma & Tammo Steenhuis - 151-161 Global localism: Recentering the research agenda for biodiversity conservation
by Kimberly E. Medley & Humphrey W. Kalibo - 162-165 Experts address the question: “Given its relatively high cost, is renewable energy the answer for SIDS?”
by David Barrett & Paul Fairbairn & Tomoavao (Tom) Wichman & Espen Ronneberg & Kishan Kumarsingh & Cletus I. Springer - 166-167 The Atlas of Climate Change: Mapping the World's Greatest Challenge ‐ by Kristin Dow and Thomas E. Downing
by David le Blanc - 167-169 Winds of Change Climate, Weather, and the Destruction of Civilization ‐ by Eugene Linden
by Vina Ram‐Bidesi - 169-170 Emissions Trading Principles and Practice ‐ by T.H. Tietenberg
by Philip Andrews‐Speed - 170-171 Suiting Themselves How Corporations Drive the Global Agenda ‐ by Sharon Beder
by Ruth Rosenbaum - 171-172 Small Firms and the Environment in Developing Countries Collective Impacts, Collective Action ‐ edited by Allen Blackman
by Lorraine Ruffing - 173-173 Call for Papers for a Special Series on Africa, Agriculture, Desertification, Drought, Land, and Rural Development
by Hiroko Morita‐Lou
February 2007, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-10 Possibilities and options for the Clean Development Mechanism and the Green Investment Scheme in Central and Eastern Europe: Macedonian and Romanian perspectives
by Maria Khovanskaia & Zsuzsanna Ivanyi - 11-20 Social features of energy production and use in Brazil: Goals for a sustainable energy future
by Márcio Macedo Da Costa & Claude Cohen & Roberto Schaeffer - 21-34 Can China control the side effects of motor vehicle growth?
by Michael P. Walsh - 35-50 A systematic integrated approach for crafting poverty reduction and sustainable development projects
by Timothy J. Downs - 51-60 Transfrontier conservation areas: Integrating biodiversity and poverty alleviation in Southern Africa
by Simon M. Munthali - 61-70 State interventions and natural resource management: A study on social interfaces in a riverine fisheries setting in Kerala, India
by D. Santha Sunil - 71-86 Social‐environmental certification: Sustainable development and competitiveness in the mineral industry of the Brazilian Amazon
by Maria Amélia Rodrigues da Silva Enríquez & José Drummond - 87-90 Experts address the question: How has the globalization of industrial supply chains impacted sustainable development in developing countries?
by Julia Schreiner Alves & Thomas Bergmark & Chaiyod Bunyagidj & Bert Scholtens & Evans Kituyi & Jan Mazurek & Michael Storper & Uchita De Zoysa & Olivia L. Castillo & Gerard Jude L. Castillo & Roberto Villas Boas - 91-92 The Distributional Effects of Environmental Policy ‐ edited by Ysé Serret and Nick Johnstone
by Richard Perkins - 92-93 Social and Gender Analysis in Natural Resource Management Learning Studies and Lessons from Asia ‐ edited by Ronnie Vernooy
by Laura S. Meitzner Yoder - 93-95 Governing Global Desertification Linking Environmental Degradation, Poverty and Participation ‐ edited by Pierre Marc Johnson, Karel Mayrand and Marc Paquin
by Parviz Koohafkan - 95-96 Geography Against Development A Case for Landlocked Developing Countries ‐ by Anwarul Chowdhury and Sandagdorj Erdenebileg
by Jan Hoffmann - 97-97 Call for Papers for a Special Series on Africa, Agriculture, Rural Development, Land, Drought and Desertification
by Hiroko Morita‐Lou
November 2006, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 251-252 Climate change and sustainable development
by JoAnne DiSano - 253-255 Climate change and sustainable development: Understanding the linkages
by Friedrich Soltau - 256-271 Transaction costs and the clean development mechanism
by Bruce P. Chadwick - 272-279 Greenhouse gas emission reductions in the post‐Kyoto period: Emission intensity changes required under the ‘contraction and convergence’ approach
by E. Kuntsi‐Reunanen & J. Luukkanen - 280-293 Review of climate policies in the Baltic States
by Dalia Streimikiene & Remigijus Ciegis & Rasa Pusinaite - 294-305 Adapting to climate variability: Pumpkins, people and policy
by Gina Ziervogel & Sukaina Bharwani & Thomas E. Downing - 306-317 Water and economic development: The role of variability and a framework for resilience
by Casey Brown & Upmanu Lall - 318-327 Energy efficiency: The best immediate option for a secure, clean, healthy future
by Richard L. Ottinger