August 1988, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 221-233 Evolution and Reform: The Art of Transition in Energy Pricing Policy
by Edward N. Krapels - 235-242 A Comparison of Decentralized Minigrids and Dispersed Diesels for Irrigation Pumping in Sahelian Africa
by Robert D. Perlack & Carl H. Petrich & Samuel Schweitzer - 243-253 Encouraging Natural Gas Exploration in Developing Countries
by Gerald B. Greenwald - 255-266 Implementation of the Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Andres Planas - 267-273 Issues in Groundwater Economics
by Enzo Fano & Marcia Brewster - 275-286 Joint Development of Offshore Mineral Resources — Progress and Prospects for the Future
by Ian Townsend Gault - 287-289 The World Aluminium Industry, a view from Venezuela
by Celestino Martínez Pérez - 291-296 Dug Wells and Collector Wells in the Crystalline Basement Aquifers of Africa
by E. P. Wright
May 1988, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 113-114 Introducing this Issue
by Raymond Knowles - 115-128 Photovoltaics for Rural Electrification in the Dominican Republic
by Richard D. Hansen & José G. Martin - 129-136 Comparison of Cost Structures at Selected US and Colombian Coal Mines
by Joseph J. Yancik & Sam J. Fraser - 137-148 Non‐metallic Minerals and the Developing Countries: Patterns, Constraints, Initiatives
by Richard Nötstaller - 149-158 Changing Trends in World Metal Demand: The Case of Tin
by Sergio Zica De Castro - 159-167 Techno‐economic Considerations for Groundwater Development in India
by D. K. Dutt - 169-174 Energy Investments and the Pacific Rim LDCs
by ANIL K. MALHOTRA & EUGENE D. McCARTHY - 175-180 Mineral Development Legislation: Result and Instrument of Mineral Development Planning
by Thomas Wälde - 181-186 Analysis of Rural Energy Choices in Nigeria
by Edward I. Onyebuchi - 187-190 World Petroleum Resources — Sources of the Divergence in Experts' Estimates
by M. S. Modelevski & I. G. Gritcevich
February 1988, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 3-4 Introducing this Issue
by Raymond Knowles - 5-17 Copper Overcapacity and the Adjustment Process
by Raymond F. Mikesell - 19-30 Rare‐Earth Oxide Availability in Market Economy Countries
by T. F. Anstett & J. B. Hedrick & W. D. Jackson - 31-44 Problems and Prospects of Meeting the Basic Energy Needs of Rural Communities in Developing Countries Through the Utilization of Wind and Solar Energy Systems
by Alan S. Wyatt - 45-56 Institutional Aspects of Water Supply and Sanitation in Asia
by Akbar Ali Khan - 57-67 Implementing Energy Price Reform in Developing Countries
by Lawrence J. Hill - 69-77 The Indus Water Treaty: a Case Study in the Resolution of an International River Basin Conflict
by Jagat S. Mehta - 79-89 A Study of Zinc‐Processing Location, 1950–1985
by Gary A. Campbell - 91-94 Volatile Oil Prices: Two Propositions from Economics and “Realpolitik”
by Franz Wirl - 95-98 Combating Drought and Desertification: an Overview of the Recommendations of the Intergovernmental Committee on Science and Technology for Development
by United Nations Secretariat
November 1987, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 299-300 Introducing this Issue
by Raymond R. Knowles - 301-323 Offshore Oil Prospects for the Year 2000
by Jean‐Luc Gadon - 325-334 Is the Intensity of Copper Use Still Declining in the USA?
by Roger S. Hutchison & John E. Tilton - 353-361 The International Law Commission and Legal Principles Related to the Non‐navigational Uses of the Waters of International Rivers
by Miguel Solanes - 363-368 Study Groups Versus Commodity Agreements: An Appraisal
by W. Keith Buck - 369-372 Coal and Its Competitors in the Energy Market
by David Jones - 373-377 Aluminium and Copper are No Longer Substitutes
by Thomas D. Kaufmann & Robert C. Drury - 379-384 Benefit‐Cost Analysis of Biogas Plants Using Hog Waste In Greece
by Joseph N. Lekakis - 385-390 Pricing of Urban Water Supply in India: Policy Issues
by B. Bowonder & S. S. R. Prasad & Muddu Vinay - 391-392 The Current Market Situation and Outlook for Tungsten
by Unctad Secretariat
August 1987, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 205-206 Introducing This Issue
by Raymond Knowles - 207-218 Tin: The End of an Agreement
by Isabel Marques & Pierre‐Noel Giraud - 219-227 Small‐scale Mining and Development: The Case of Gold Mining in Papua New Guinea
by D. F. Stewart - 229-240 Electric Utility Planning in Developing Countries: A Review of Issues and Analytical Methods
by P. Meier & R. Chatterjee - 241-249 Trials and Tribulations of Third World Petroleum Development: Lessons and Advice for Prospective Producers
by Harry G. Broadman & Ernest J. Wilson - 251-258 Ten Years After Mar del Plata
by Marcia Brewster & Miguel Solanes - 259-269 Floods
by Akbar Ali Khan - 271-277 Pricing of Raw Materials Can be a Controversial Issue
by Simon D. Strauss - 279-283 The Current Market Situation and Outlook for Iron Ore
by The Unctad Secretariat - 285-290 The Role of Small‐scale Power Generation Based on Solid Fuels in Developing Countries
by Kurt Goldsmith - 291-292 Earth Mineral Resources Cadastre
by A. Kunarev - 293-294 Oil Economist's Handbook
by Vladimir Baum - 295-296 Renewable Energy Technologies: Their Applications in Developing Countries
by Derek Lovejoy - 297-298 Trouble in the Third Kingdom
by Geoffrey Robson
May 1987, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 111-126 China's Minerals Future: 1985–2005
by Charles J. Johnson & Allen L. Clark - 127-140 The Worldwide Availability of Fluorspar
by C. C. Kilgore & L. Pelham - 141-151 Matching Water Supply Technology to the Needs and Resources of Developing Countries
by M.G. McGARRY - 153-163 The Economics of Geothermal Power Development in the Philippines
by Nazario C. Vasquez - 165-178 Political Risks of Transnational Petroleum Investment: the Mitigating Role of National and International Insurance Programmes
by Hasan S. Zakariya - 179-188 The Impact of the New OPEC Downstream Operations on Oil Industry Structure
by Fariborz Ghadar - 189-195 Fuelwood Use in Urban Centres: A Case Study of Hyderabad
by B. Bowonder & S.S.R. Prasad & K. Raghuram - 197-199 The International Gas Market: Prospects and Trends
by Vladimir Baum - 201-202 Economic Valuation Techniques for the Environment: a Case Study Workbook
by Ralph A. Luken - 203-204 Ground Water in Continental Asia (Central, Eastern, Southern, South‐Eastern Asia)
by Karen S. Kuhlke
February 1987, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 3-4 Introducing this Issue
by Raymond Knowles - 5-26 Indigenous Resource Rights and Mining Companies in North America and Australia
by STUART McGILL & GREG CROUGH - 27-35 Cogeneration in Developing Countries: Prospects and Problems
by Pirooz M. Sharafi - 37-47 Hazardous Waste Generation and Disposal: Options for Developing Countries
by G. Anandalingam & Mark Westfall - 49-57 Improved Efficiency in the Management of Water Quality
by NINA I. McCLELLAND - 59-65 Do the Mining Countries of the Third World Have a Future?
by Olivier Bomsel - 67-76 The New Future of World Metals: A Conference Report
by David A. Gulley - 77-83 Undisciplined Oil Prices ‐ A Lesson for Bauxite?
by Thomas D. Kaufmann - 85-91 Macroeconomic Impacts of Oil Shocks in Pakistan
by Wen S. Chern - 93-98 Discovery and Development of Phosphate Rock Resources in Phosphate‐deficient Third World Countries
by Richard P. Sheldon & David F. Davidson - 99-100 Growing Power: Bioenergy for Development and Industry
by Derek Lovejoy - 101-104 State Mineral Enterprises: An Investigation into their Impact on International Mineral Markets
by Thomas Wälde - 105-106 Transnational Oil: Issues, Policies and Perspectives
by Harry G. Boardman
November 1986, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 313-314 Introducing this Issue
by Raymond Knowles - 315-330 External Debt and Prospects for Minerals‐exporting Developing Countries
by Ira Sohn - 331-342 Worldwide Availability of Silver
by Edward H. Boyle & Sam J. Fraser & Robert G. Reese - 343-349 Small Gold Mines — The Production and Declaration Problem: Another Dilemma for a Small Developing Country
by G.W. Walrond - 351-361 Analysis of Feedstock Supply Costs for Wood‐fired Electric Power Plants in Liberia, West Africa
by William F. Barron & Robert D. Perlack & Garland Samuels - 363-372 The Economics of Small Photovoltaic Systems for Village Energy Supply
by B. McNELIS - 373-378 Legislative Approaches to Drought Management
by Miguel R. Solanes - 379-388 Towards a New Petroleum Order
by Zuhayr Mikdashi - 389-397 Energy Use in Rural Areas: A Study of Ten Villages in India
by B. Bowonder & B. Das Gupta & Sanjeev Gupta & S.S.R. Prasad
August 1986, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 203-204 Introducing this Issue
by Raymond Knowles - 205-219 Recent Evolution of Petroleum Exploration and Exploitation Agreements in Developing Countries: New Approaches to Introduce More Flexibility and Progressivity in the Contractual Terms
by H. Le Leuch - 221-229 Operating Experience with Biogas Plants in Sri Lanka
by L.C.A. de S. WIJESINGHE & J.A. CHANDRASIRI - 231-238 Utilization of Shales for Power Generation and Processing: Method of Producing Power‐generation and Engine Fuels
by G.P. Stelmakh & B.I. Tyagunov - 239-254 Expanding the Range of Choice in Water Management: An Evaluation of Policy Approaches
by James L. Wescoat - 255-265 Microcomputers in the Third World: Recommendations for Use in Water Resources
by Frank R. Rijsberman - 267-280 Tin Availability in Market Economy Countries
by A.E. Sabin & D.I. Bleiwas & G.R. Peterson - 281-291 Structural Change in World Copper Supply
by Marian Radetzki - 293-297 The Small‐scale Mining Sector in Africa; Restructuring for Profitability
by John Hollaway - 299-301 Development of Non‐conventional Water Sources in Cyprus
by Savvas A. Theodosiou
May 1986, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 107-123 Economic Analysis of Selected Offshore Petroleum Arrangements
by A. P. H. Van Meurs - 125-132 Methods of Combustion of Low‐Grade Fuels and Industrial Gases for Power Generation
by O. V. Shimanovsky - 133-143 The Assessment of Water Resources Projects Involving Economic, Social and Environmental Costs and Benefits: The World Bank's View
by José Olivares - 155-163 Copper and the Challenge Facing CIPEC
by José Luís Mardones & Isabel Marshall & Silva R. Enrique - 165-172 The Price of Oil—the Prospects for the 1990s
by Paul Stevens - 173-179 Hedging a Commodity Power Rate
by Thomas D. Kauffman & Stephen B. Doppler - 181-183 Centralized Basinwide River Forecasting for the Lower Mekong Basin
by Thaipuck Thammongkol - 185-188 The United Nations and Mineral Resources Development
by Geoffrey R. Robson - 189-192 Countertrade or Barter in Mineral Resources
by Leonarda Marazzi
February 1986, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 5-16 Fuelwood Prices in India: Policy Implications
by B. Bowonder & S. S. R. Prasad & N. V. M. Unni - 17-38 Practical Application of Integrated National Energy Planning (INEP) Using Microcomputers
by Mohan Munasinghe - 39-50 The Worldwide Availability of Gold
by P. R. Thomas & E. H. Boyle & J. M. Lucas - 51-60 Getting to Grips with Groundwater Pollution Protection in Developing Countries
by S. S. D. Foster - 61-75 Multiobjective Assessment of Multipurpose Water Resources Projects for Developing Countries
by Daniel P. Loucks & László Somlyódy - 77-87 Managing Water Quality in Developing Countries
by Enzo Fano & Marcia Brewster & Terrence Thompson - 89-93 The Role of Small‐scale Hydropower in Energy Planning and Supply, Globally Seen
by K. Goldsmith - 95-97 The Role of Government in Promoting Small‐scale Mining
by S. Alpan
November 1985, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 239-251 Problems and Prospects for Water Reallocation in Australia
by A. K. Dragun - 253-263 Experience with Rainwater Catchment Systems in Kenya and Botswana
by H. J. McPHERSON & J. GOULD - 265-282 Government Ownership Versus Regulation of Mining Enterprises in Less‐developed Countries
by Rod Sims - 283-291 Oil Funding and International Financial Arrangements
by Z. Mikdashi - 293-302 Oil Exploration in the Developing Countries: Poor Geology or Poor Contracts?
by C. R. Blitzer & P. E. Cavoulacos & D. R. Lessard & J. L. Paddock - 303-310 An Assessment of Future Energy Demand in Developing Countries
by Wen S. Chern - 311-315 Remote Sensing of Rock Fractures and Groundwater Development Success in Parts of South Western Nigeria
by I. B. Odeyemi & S. Malomo & Y. A. Okufarasin
August 1985, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 167-177 The Role of the Private Sector in Providing Water in Developing Countries
by Gabriel Roth - 179-186 Potential of Pacific Ocean Nodule, Crust, and Sulfide Mineral Deposits
by Charles J. Johnson & Allen L. Clark - 187-195 Exploration's Role in Iron and Aluminum Supply Since the Second World War
by Roderick G. Eggert - 197-204 Energy Conservation in Rapid‐Growth Economies of Asia
by William E. James - 205-213 Fuelwood Use in the Cities of the Developing World: Two Case Studies from India
by Manzoor Alam & Joy Dunkerley & Amulya Kumar Reddy - 215-218 The Harmful Effects of Fluoride Pollution in India
by A. K. Susheela - 219-222 Trends in the Shape of Metal Processing done by Developing Countries
by Gary A. Campbell - 223-226 The Indian Coal Mining Industry's Future
by Boris Vorobjev - 227-229 Soviet Natural Resources in the World Economy
by István Dobozi - 231-232 SADCC: Energy and Development to the Year 2000
by Yuko Yano - 233-235 Petroleum Company Operations and Agreements in the Developing Countries
by Hasan S. Zakariya
May 1985, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 97-105 Innovative Approach to Financing Energy Conservation Investments in Developing Countries
by Michael Fisher - 107-117 The Future of Large, Low Grade, Hard‐rock Tin Deposits
by Camillo Premoli - 119-124 The Contribution of Small‐Scale Mining to World Mineral Production
by J. S. Carman - 125-132 Potable Groundwater Supplies and Low‐cost Sanitary Engineering — How Compatible?
by S. S. D. Foster - 133-142 Non‐conventional Water Resources Economics and Experiences in Developing Countries (II)
by Marcia R. Brewster & O. K. Buros - 143-146 Recent Accomplishments of Geology in the USSR
by A. Yanshin & L. Golovanov - 147-153 Petroleum Industry Drilling in Industrialized and Developing Areas
by Emild. Attanasi
February 1985, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-24 The Worldwide Availability of Phosphate Rock
by R. J. Fantel & G. R. Peterson & W. F. Stowasser - 25-32 Long‐term Bauxite Sales Contracts
by Duke E. Pollard - 33-40 Pricing of Natural Gas in Developing Countries
by Afsaneh Mashayekhi - 41-52 Energy Planning in Developing Countries: The Role of Microcomputers
by Peter Meier - 53-64 Analysis of the Recent Climatic Evolution in Burkina Faso (Upper Volta)
by Jean‐Pierre Carbonnel - 65-75 Non‐conventional Water Resources
by Marcia R. Brewster & O. K. Buros - 77-80 Technical Note on Comparative Costs of Solar, Wind and Diesel Pumping at Village Sites in Nigeria and Somalia
by Derek Lovejoy
October 1984, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 307-313 Crisis in the Commodities Market Are the LDCs to Blame?
by Patrick Viterbo & Henri‐Edme Wallard - 315-325 Copper Investment Policy in Chile 1973–1984
by Carlos Fortin - 327-341 Economics of Energy Conservation in Developing Countries and Analysis of Investment Incentives
by G. Anandalingam - 343-356 A Conceptual Framework for Analysis of Water Resources Management in Asia
by Blair T. Bower & Maynard M. Hufschmidt - 357-366 The Development of Groundwater for Irrigation in China
by Zhang Weizhen - 367-369 Short Notes Heavy Crude and Tar Sands — The Long Term Oil Reserve
by Joseph Barnea - 371-374 Financing the Next Generation of Copper Projects
by M. Desmond Fitzgerald & Gerald Pollio - 375-377 Small‐Scale Natural Gas Development in Kathmandu Valley
by G. S. Thapa - 379-380 United Nations Department of Technical Co‐operation for Development Groundwater‐related Activities in Asia
by Robert Dijon - 381-381 Water Economics
by Robert Dijon - 382-382 Biomass Energy Technologies
by Derek Lovejoy - 383-383 Coal Supply Agreements
by Thomas Wälde - 384-385 Mine Management
by R. V. Ramani
July 1984, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 219-240 Research in Water Resources and Environmental Systems Modeling Some Historical Perspectives, Current Issues, and Future Directions
by Daniel P. Loucks & Jery R. Stedinger & Uri Shamir - 241-248 Progress in the Development of Natural Resource Legislation in Latin America
by Guillermo J. Cano - 249-258 World Oil Market
by Øystein Noreng - 259-266 The Effect of Government Involvement on the Economics of the Base Metals Industry
by Christopher Stobart - 267-278 Copper, Cobalt, Nickel and Manganese Availability from Land‐based Endowments A Perspective
by Aldo F. Barsotti - 279-290 The Selebi‐Phikwe Nickel/Copper Mine in Botswana
by Raymond F. Mikesell - 291-294 Cost Trends for Photovoltaic Systems for Developing Countries
by Derek Lovejoy
April 1984, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 103-115 The Evolution and Role of Non‐OPEC Production in the International Oil Market
by Paul S. Basile & Baudoin De La Grandville - 117-126 Rural Energy
by Shem Arungu‐Olende - 127-133 Project Development in Support of National Energy Strategies
by K. Goldsmith - 135-145 No Easy Management: Irrigation Development in the Chao Phya Basin, Thailand
by Ruangdej Srivardhana - 147-161 Economic Impact of Sea‐bed Mineral Resources Development in Light of the Convention on the Law of the Sea
by Jean‐Pierre Lévy & Nii Allotey Odunton - 163-174 Assessment of Cobalt‐Rich Manganese Crusts in the Hawaiian, Johnston and Palmyra Islands' Exclusive Economic Zones
by Allen Clark & Charles Johnson & Pauline Chinn - 175-177 A New Chance for Lake Chad
by Michele L. Faloci - 179-183 Water Supply from Seawater Desalination: Considerations for State‐of‐the‐art Technologies
by S. V. Cabibbo & R. M. Szostak - 185-189 Technical Costs and Economics of some Typical Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Projects
by P. Kassler - 191-192 Foreign Investment in Mining Projects
by Thomas Wälde - 193-194 Hydrology and Water Resources in Tropical Regions
by C. C. Patel - 195-196 Alcohol Fuels
by Derek Lovejoy
January 1984, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-23 The World Bank and Petroleum Development in the Third World
by Hasan S. Zakariya - 25-36 A Review of the External Positions of the Oil‐Importing Developing Countries and their Relationship to the World Oil Market
by James M. Boughton - 37-49 Coal Receiving Terminals in Relation to Electricity Generation in Developing Countries
by J. Kraaijeveld Van Hemert - 51-62 A Rural Energy Study in Tanzania The Case of Bundilya Village
by Simon R. Nkonoki & Bent Sørensen - 63-68 Water Resources Development in Small Islands Perspectives and Needs
by Robert S. Goodwin - 69-76 Application of Resource Assessment Data to Policy Decisions in Developing Countries
by Charles J. Johnson & James P. Dorian - 77-86 Econometric Models of Minerals Markets Uses and Limitations
by Gerhard Wagenhals - 87-90 Economics and World Bank Financing of Coal‐Based Electric Power Projects in Developing Countries
by Robert Sadove - 91-94 Overview of the Groundwater Programme of the United Nations
by R. Dijon - 95-96 Geopolitics of Mineral Resources
by Thomas W. Wälde - 97-97 Remote Sensing For Resource Management
by Karl‐Heinz Szekielda
October 1983, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 299-310 Coal: A Development Challenge
by Walter C. Labys & Rajendra K. Pachuri & Charles L. Blitzer - 311-320 Coal Use for Electricity Generation in Developing Countries
by Satoru Murai & Akira Kinoshita - 321-328 Permanent Sovereignty Over Natural Resources
by Stephen Zorn - 329-338 Potential Mineral and Energy Resources at Submerged Plate Boundaries
by Peter A. Rona - 339-350 Arrangements for Mineral Development Cooperation between Socialist Countries and Developing Countries
by István Dobozi - 351-362 Managing Water Supply Operations in the Caribbean
by Donald C. Francois & Terrence P. Thompson & Owolabi Ajayi - 363-371 Remote Sensing and Geophysical Methods in Groundwater Investigations
by M. Oluic & S. Kovacevic - 373-376 Present and Future Coal Trade Patterns (with Particular Emphasis on Developing Countries)
by H. J. Alkema - 377-383 Concepts for the Utilization of Non‐renewable Groundwater Resources in Regional Development
by J. Margat & Kamal F. Saad
July 1983, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 201-216 The ‘Invisible’ Source of ‘Alternative’ Energy Comparing Energy Conservation Performance of the East and the West
by István Dobozi - 217-226 India—Energy Supply Policy and Management
by K. Dharmarajan - 227-238 Exploitation of the Mineral Resources of the Oceans as Affected by the Provisions of the Convention on the Law of the Sea
by E. J. Langevad