- wp459 Delivered versus mill nonlinear pricing in free entry markets
by Silvia Ferreira Jorge & Cesaltina Pacheco Pires - wp458 The APEV scale: a measure of annual performance of an export venture
by Luis Filipe Lages & Cristiana Raquel Lages & Carmen Lages - wp457 The dynamics of managerial ideology: analyzing the cuban case
by Miguel Pina e Cunha & Rita Campos e Cunha - wp456 Human capital composition, R&D and the increasing role of services
by Ana Balcao Reis & Tiago Neves Sequeira - wp455 Mortality rate and property rights in a model with human capital and R&D
by Tiago Neves Sequeira - wp454 General equilibrium and endogenous creation of asset markets
by Marta Faias - wp453 Clues, cues and complexity: unpacking the concept of organizational surprise
by Miguel Pina e Cunha & Ken Kamoche & Stewart R. Clegg - wp452 Management ideologies and organizational spirituality: a typology
by Miguel Pina e Cunha & Armenio Rego & Teresa D'Oliveira - wp451 Adopting or adapting? The tension between local and international mindsets in portuguese management
by Miguel Pina e Cunha - wp450 What are the limits of european expansion? The secession clause and why it matters
by Leonor Rossi - wp449 Time dependent bounded recall strategies are enough to play the discounted repeated prisoners' dilemma
by Mehmet Barlo & Guilherme Carmona - wp448 On the existence of equilibrium bank runs in a Diamond-Dybvig environment
by Guilherme Carmona - wp447 The relqual scale: a measure of relationship quality in export market ventures
by Carmen Lages & Cristiana Raquel Lages & Luis Filipe Lages - wp446 The relationship between e-marketing strategy and performance: a conceptual framework in a web context
by Carmen Lages & Luis Filipe Lages & Paulo Rita - wp445 Main consequences of prior export performance results: an exploratory study of European exporters
by Luis Filipe Lages & Carmen Lages & Cristiana Raquel Lages - wp444 European perspectives on export performance determinants: an exploratory study
by Luis Filipe Lages & Carmen Lages & Cristiana Raquel Lages - wp443 The relationship between buyer and a B2B e-marketplace: cooperation determinants in an electronic market context
by Andrew Lancastre & Luis Filipe Lages - wp442 Nash and limit equilibria of games with a continuum of players
by Guilherme Carmona - wp441 Symmetric approximate equilibrium distributions with finite support
by Guilherme Carmona
- wp440 The infosource scale: a measure to assess the importance of external tourism information sources
by Claudia Seabra & Luis Filipe Lages & Jose Luis Abrantes - wp439 New network goods
by Joao Leao & Vasco Santos - wp438 On the existence of equilibria in discontinuous games: three counterexamples
by Guilherme Carmona - wp437 Trade, factor proportions and political rights
by Jose Tavares - wp436 On the purification of Nash equilibria of large games
by Guilherme Carmona - wp435 Central bank intervenyion under target zones: the portuguese escudo in the ERM
by Jorge Braga de Macedo & Luis Catela Nunes & Luis Brites Pereira - wp434 Human capital composition, growth and development in an R&D endogenous growth model
by Tiago Neves Sequeira - wp433 Women prefer larger governments: female labor supply and public spending
by Tiago V. de V. Cavalcanti & Jose Tavares - wp432 Wild cards, weak signals and organizational improvisation
by Sandro Mendonca & Miguel Pina e Cunha & Jari Kaivo-oja & Frank Ruff - wp431 Organizational time: a dialectical view
by Miguel Pina e Cunha - wp430 High-tech human capital: do the richest countries invest the most?
by Tiago Neves Sequeira - wp429 The MIXADAPT scale: a measure of marketing mix adaptation to the foreign market
by Luis Filipe Lages & Cristiana Raquel Lages - wp428 A simple proof of a theorem by Harris
by Guilherme Carmona - wp427 On games of perfect information: equilibria, e-equilibria and approximation by simple games
by Guilherme Carmona - wp426 Time travelling: organisational foresight as temporal reflexity
by Miguel Pina e Cunha - wp425 A re-interpretation of the concept of nash equilibrium based on the notion of social institutions
by Guilherme Carmona - wp424 Equilibrium non-panic bank failures
by Guilherme Carmona & Patrick Leoni
- wp423 The SERPVAL scale: a multi-item scale for measuring service personal values
by Joana Cosme Fernandes & Luis Filipe Lages - wp422 The STEP scale: a cross-national scale for short-term export performance improvement
by Luis Filipe Lages & Cristiana Raquel Lages - wp421 On the notion of social institutions
by Guilherme Carmona - wp420 Monetary trading: an optimal exchange system
by Guilherme Carmona - wp419 Equilibrium outcomes in repeated two-person, zero-sum games
by Guilherme Carmona - wp418 Social norms and monetary trading
by Guilherme Carmona - wp417 Should uniform pricing constraints be imposed on entrants?
by Steffen Hoernig - wp416 The "Iberian Tigers" versus The "Celtic Tiger": Economic Growth Paths in an Economic History perspective
by Tiago Neves Sequeira - wp415 Market forces, strategic management, HRM practices and organizational performance, a model based in European sample
by Rita Campos e Cunha & Miguel Pina e Cunha & Antonio Morgado & Chris Brewster - wp414 Dreaming of cockaigne: individual fantasies of the perfect workplace
by Miguel Pina e Cunha - wp412 Exchange rates and fiscal adjustments: evidence from the OECD and implications for EMU
by Lambertini, Luisa & Jose Tavares - wp411 A contingency approach to marketing mix adaptation and performance in international marketing relationships
by Luis Filipe Lages & Sandy D. Jap - wp410 Time and organizational improvisation
by Mary Crossan & Joao Vieira da Cunha & Miguel Pina e Cunha & Dusya Vera - wp409 "The best place to be": managing employee loyalty in a knowledge-intensive company
by Miguel Pina e Cunha - wp408 Writing new scripts: redefining managerial agency in Cuba
by Miguel Pina e Cunha & Rita Campos e Cunha - wp407 As duas faces da mudanca organizacional: planeada e emergente
by Miguel Pina e Cunha & Armenio Rego - wp406 Portuguese Yield curve: volatility and correlations
by J. C. Rodrigues da Costa
- wp413 The neglected effect of fiscal policy on stock and bond returns
by Jose Tavares & Rossen Valkanov - wp405 The hyperbolic forest owner
by Maria M. Ducla-Soares & Clara Costa-Duarte & Maria A. Cunha-e-Sa - wp404 Reputation deals: a theory of endogenous teams
by Gunther Lang - wp403 Governacao subnacional: legitimidade economica e descentralizacao da despesa publica
by Rui Nuno Baleiras - wp402 To be or not to be in office again, that is the question: political business cycles with local governments
by Rui Nuno Baleiras & Jose da Silva Costa - wp401 To fragment or to consolidate jurisdictions: the optimal architecture of government
by Rui Nuno Baleiras - wp400 Urban public facility location, multipurpose trips and spatial competition: equilibrium and welfare analysis
by Didier Baudewyns - wp399 The African economy
by Orlando Abreu
- wp398 Combining CV and RP data: a note on the relationship between consistency and rationality
by Maria M. Ducla-Soares & Maria A. Cunha-e-Sa & Luis C. Nunes - wp397 Buying the Option to say "No"
by Gunther Lang - wp396 A sociedade da informacao e do conhecimento um desafio epistemologico nos sistemas de informacao
by J. Dias Coelho - wp395 Management: thesis, antithesis, synthesis
by Miguel Pina e Cunha & Joao Vieira da Cunha & Stewart R. Clegg - wp394 Looking for complication: The case of management education
by Miguel Pina e Cunha & Joao Vieira da Cunha & Carlos Cabral Cardoso - wp393 Is more always better? An exploration of the differential effects of functional integration on performance in new product development
by Gomes, Jorge F. & Weerd-Nederhof, Petra C. de & Pearson, Alan W. & Miguel Pina e Cunha - wp392 Combining averting behavior and contingent valuation data: an application to drinking water treatment
by Marcia A. Rosado & Maria A. Cunha-e-Sa & Maria M. Ducla-Soares & Luis C. Nunes - wp391 A agricultura Portuguesa: em passeio aleatorio ou em regime estacionario?
by Jose Antonio Girao - wp390 Spatial competition within urban areas: hotelling and Bertrand reconciled
by Didier Baudewyns - wp389 The equilibrium dynamics for an endogeneous bid-ask spread in a monopolistic financial market
by Joao Amaro de Matos & Joao Sobral do Rosario - wp388 Existence and comparative statics in heterogeneous Cournot Oligopolies
by Steffen Hoernig - wp387 A model for the yield curve
by J. C. Rodrigues da Costa - wp386 Market illiquidity and the Bid-Ask spread of derivatives
by Joao Amaro de Matos & Paula Antao - wp384 Fiscal policy and budget deficit stability in a continuous time stochastic economy
by Joao L. M. Amador - wp383 Fiscal federalism in continuous time stochastic economies
by Joao L. M. Amador - wp382 The age of emergence: toward a new organizational mindset
by Miguel Pina e Cunha & Joao Vieira da Cunha & Ken Kamoche - wp381 Shopping for new glasses: looking beyond jazz in the study of organization improvisation
by Ken Kamoche & Miguel Pina e Cunha & Joao Vieira da Cunha - wp380 Stochastic bio-economic model of Northern Atlantic and Mediterranean Bluefin Tuna
by Ana Brasao - wp379 Does education reduce wage inequality? Quantile regressions evidence from fifteen European countries
by Pedro Telhado Pereira & Pedro Silva Martins - wp378 Internal labour markets: a case study
by Francisco Lima - wp377 Management of Southern Atlantic bluefin tuna: the time consistency of the cooperative management solution
by Ana Brasao - wp376 Integracao e cointegracao fraccional
by Antonio Rua - wp375 Portuguese population in France: a snapshot 25 years after their arrival
by Pedro Telhado Pereira & Lara Patricio Tavares - wp374 Breves reflexoes sobre os fundamentos da politica agricola na Uniao Europeia
by Fernando Brito Soares - wp373 The new member problem in the cooperative management of the Northern Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
by Pedro Pintassilgo - wp372 Afinity, animosity and organizational design
by Luis Almeida Costa & Joao Amaro de Matos
- wp385 Optimal budget deficit rules
by Joao L. M. Amador - wp371 Stable mergers and cartels involving asymmetric firms
by Margarida Catalao Lopes