- wp_gob_2025_03_20 Generative AI in Education: A Framework for Leveraging Digital Tools in Latin American Classrooms
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Virginia Robano & Emiliano Pereiro & Camila Porto & Víctor Koleszar - wp_gob_2025_03 AI regulation: A primer for Latin American lawmakers
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Ángeles Cortesi
- wp_gob_2024_04 When did Argentina lose its mojo? A short note on economic divergence
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati
- wp_gob_2022_08 Institutional trust in national governments during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Lucia Freira & Dario Judzik - wp_gob_2022_06 Classifying Exchange Rate Regimes: 20 Years Later
by Eduardo Levy-Yeyati & Federico Sturzenegger - wp_gob_2022_05 State-owned enterprises: In search for a new consensus
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Juan Javier Negri Malbran - wp_gob_2022_04 The role of public–private coordination: the case of sweet cherries in Argentina 2000–2020
by Florencia Jaureguiberry & Mariano Tappata - wp_gob_2022_1 Should I stay or should I go? The effect of high dismissal protection on the turnover and productivity of public sector employees
by María Lombardi & Ricardo Estrada
- wp_gob_2021_18 Labor conflict and sectoral wage setting in Argentina
by Eduardo Levy-Yeyati & Darío Judzik & Alfonso Gauna - wp_gob_2021_17 Liderazgo heroico en las escuelas. Dimensión socioemocional en Directivos Escolares durante la pandemia COVID 19 en Argentina
by Claudia Romero & Mayra Covos & Fernando Zullo - wp_gob_2021_16 How Precarious Public Jobs Are Even More Precarious for Women: The Case of Mexican Police Forces
by Mariana Chudnovsky & Ana Laura Reyes Millán - wp_gob_2021_15 Not far enough: Public health policies to combat COVID-19 in Mexico’s states
by Mariana Chudnovsky - wp_gob_2021_14 ¿Dónde están y qué hacen las mujeres dentro de la administración pública? El caso del sector público argentino
by Mariana Chudnovsky - wp_gob_2021_13 Education Policies beyond Ideological Labels: Private Education in the New Latin American Left-wing Governments
by Mariano Narodowski & Agustina Lenzi - wp_gob_2021_12 Creative Destruction in School Education during COVID-19
by Mariano Narodowski & Delfina Campetella - wp_gob_2021_11 Infancias trans: otra disrupción en las escuelas de la modernidad
by Veronica Stewart & Mariano Narodowski & Maria Delfina Campetella - wp_gob_2021_10 “Escuelas WhatsApp y Escuelas Zoom” Desigualdad y segregación educativa durante la pandemia Covid 19 en Argentina
by Claudia Romero & Gabriela Krichesky & Natalia Zacarías - wp_gob_2021_09 Social and Economic Impact of COVID-19
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Federico Filippini. - wp_gob_2021_08 Information Structure and Word Order Canonicity in the Comprehension of Spanish Texts: An Eye-Trancking Study
by Carolina Gattei & Luis París & Diego Shalom - wp_gob_2021_07 La comprensión de las oraciones de relativo en español: los efectos de la intervención sintáctica en las relativas semilibres y en las encabezadas
by Marisol Murujosa & Carolina Gattei & Diego Shalom & Yamila Sevilla - wp_gob_2021_06.rdf Pandemic divergence: A short note on COVID-19 and global income inequality
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Federico Filippini - wp_gob_2021_05.rdf A Balance-Sheet Approach to Fiscal Sustainability
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Federico Sturzenegger - wp_gob_2021_04.rdf En busca del nicho apropiado. Lógicas de acción de las escuelas y el surgimiento de un escenario institucional diversificado
by Verónica Gottau & Liliana Mayer - wp_gob_2021_03 A new Labor Conflict Index for Argentina: Preliminary Findings
by Darío Judzik & Eduardo Levy-Yeyati & Martín Montané - wp_gob_2021_02 Financial dollarization and de-dollarization in the new millennium
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati - wp_gob_2021_01 Lockdown fatigue: The diminishing effects of quarantines on the spread of COVID-19
by Patricio Goldstein & Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Luca Sartorio
- wp_gob_2020_12 Dolarización y desdolarización financiera en el nuevo milenio
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati - wp_gob_2020_11 Will you marry me, later? Age-of-marriage laws and child marriage in Mexico
by Cristina Bellés-Obreroy & María Lombardi - wp_gob_2020_10 Skills and Selection into Teaching: Evidence from Latin America
by Ricardo Estrada & María Lombardi - wp_gob_2020_09 COVID-19 database
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Luca Sartorio - wp_gob_2020_08 Take me out: De facto limits on strict lockdowns in developing countries
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Luca Sartorio - wp_gob_2020_07 Revolución digital y empleo en América Latina
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati - wp_gob_2020_06 COVID-19 in Latin America: How is it different than in advanced economies?
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Rodrigo Valdés - wp_gob_2020_05 Interplay of chronotype and school timing predicts school performance
by Andrea P. Goldin & Mariano Sigman & Gisela Braier & Diego A. Golombek - wp_gob_2020_04 Teacher Performance Pay and Student Learning: Evidence from a Nationwide Program in Peru
by Cristina Bellés-Obrero & María Lombardi - wp_gob_2020_03 More than Words: Leaders' Speech and Risky Behavior During a Pandemic
by Nicolás Ajzenman & Tiago Cavalcanti & Daniel Da Mata - wp_gob_2020_02 Exposure to Transit Migration, Public Attitudes and Entrepreneurship
by Nicolás Ajzenman & Cevat Giray Aksoy & Sergei Guriev - wp_gob_2020_01 Specificity of human capital: Occupation and industry spaces based on job to job transitions
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Martín Montané
- 201905 Salience and Accountability: School Infrastructureand Last-Minute Electoral Punishment
by Nicolas Ajzenman & Ruben Durante - 201904 Is the Remedy Worse Than the Disease? The Impact of Teacher Remediation on Teacher and Student Performance in Chile
by María Lombardi - 201903 What works for Active Labor Market Policies?
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Martín Montané & Luca Sartorio - 201902 How econometrics can help us understand the effects of climate change on crop yields: the case of soybeans
by Hildegart Ahumada & Magdalena Cornejo - 201901 The cost of holding foreign exchange reserves
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Juan Francisco Gómez
- 201805 The Chile Experiment Comparing Chile’s Free School Choice Model with Quasi-Monopoly Educational Systems in Latin America on Academic Outcomes and School Segregation
by Mariano Narodowski - 201804 Do women ask for lower salaries? The supply side of the gender pay gap
by Martín González Rozada & Eduardo Levy Yeyati - 201803 La Educación de la Primera Infancia en Latinoamérica Las diversas modalidades de atención en Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia y Honduras
by Mariano Narodowski & Carolina Snaider, Columbia University & Verónica Cohen Sabban, Investigation assistent - 201802 Grandparents and Grandchildren in The SimpsonsIntergenerational Rupture and Prefigurative Culture
by Mariano Narodowski & Verónica Gottau - 201801 Radiografía del trabajo argentino
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Federico Favatta & Martín Montane & Daniel Schteingart
- 201702 How ETFs Amplify the Global Financial Cycle in Emerging Markets
by Eduardo Levy-Yeyati & Nathan Converse & Tomas Williams - 201701 Leader over policy? The influence of political leaders on policy preferences
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Lorena Moscovich & Constanza Abuin