November 2012, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 784-786 Is all demand-side mitigation policy doomed to fail?
by Axel Michaelowa
September 2012, Volume 12, Issue 5
- 527-533 Negotiating climate change
by Katharina Michaelowa & Axel Michaelowa - 534-551 Strategy in the climate change negotiations: do democracies negotiate differently?
by Stefanie Bailer - 552-574 Determinants of bargaining success in the climate change negotiations
by Florian Weiler - 575-590 India as an emerging power in international climate negotiations
by Katharina Michaelowa & Axel Michaelowa - 591-613 AOSIS in the UNFCCC negotiations: from unity to fragmentation?
by Carola Betzold & Paula Castro & Florian Weiler - 614-629 Continuity and change in Russia's climate negotiations position and strategy
by Liliana B. Andonova & Assia Alexieva - 630-644 Negotiating challenges and climate change
by Joyeeta Gupta
July 2012, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 393-409 Ecosystem services in the National Adaptation Programmes of Action
by Emilia Pramova & Bruno Locatelli & Maria Brockhaus & Sandra Fohlmeister - 410-423 A case for introducing an explicit carbon price into China's export tax
by Xin Wang & Ji Feng Li & Ya Xiong Zhang - 424-439 Achieving additional emission reductions under a cap-and-trade scheme
by Paul Twomey & Regina Betz & Iain MacGill - 440-452 Optimal liability apportionment in programmatic credit-based emissions trading
by Katja S. Halbritter & Markus Ohndorf - 453-473 Shaping climate policy in the housing sector in northern Chinese cities
by Michel Colombier & Jun Li - 474-490 Social safety nets and US climate policy costs
by Joshua Blonz & Dallas Burtraw & Margaret Walls - 491-504 Adaptation financing in a global agreement: is the adaptation levy appropriate?
by Klaus Eisenack - 505-520 Creating a mutual gains climate regime through universal clean energy services
by William Moomaw & Mihaela Papa - 521-523 Hubris, climate engineering and climate control
by Axel Michaelowa - 524-526 The challenge of reconciliation: climate change, development, and international trade
by Susanne Droege
May 2012, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 273-287 Combining cap-and-trade with offsets: lessons from the EU-ETS
by Raphael Trotignon - 288-300 Initial public reactions to carbon capture and storage (CCS): differentiating general and local views
by Bart W. Terwel & Dancker D.L. Daamen - 301-319 Implications of different climate protection regimes for the EU-27 and its member states through 2050
by Markus Blesl & Tom Kober & Ralf Kuder & David Bruchof - 320-340 How to increase technology transfers to developing countries: a synthesis of the evidence
by Ana Pueyo & Mar�a Mendiluce & Mar�a Sanchez Naranjo & Julio Lumbreras - 341-355 LULUCF in the post-2012 regime: fixing the problems of the past?
by Andrew Kerr Macintosh - 356-377 National GHG emissions reduction pledges and 2°C: comparison of studies
by Niklas H�hne & Christopher Taylor & Ramzi Elias & Michel Den Elzen & Keywan Riahi & Claudine Chen & Joeri Rogelj & Giacomo Grassi & Fabian Wagner & Kelly Levin & Emanuele Massetti & Zhao Xiusheng - 378-389 Ocean acidification and climate change: synergies and challenges of addressing both under the UNFCCC
by Ellycia R. Harrould-Kolieb & Doroth�e Herr - 390-391 Climate change for the common man
by Axel Michaelowa
March 2012, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 143-163 Community-based adaptation: lessons from a grant competition
by Rasmus Heltberg & Habiba Gitay & Radhika G. Prabhu - 164-186 The future of old industrial regions in a carbon-constrained world
by Mikel Gonz�lez-Eguino & Ibon Galarraga & Alberto Ansuategi - 187-197 Financing climate adaptation with a credit mechanism: initial considerations
by Karl Harvey Schultz - 198-218 Does the CDM discourage emission reduction targets in advanced developing countries?
by Paula Castro - 219-236 Marginal abatement cost curves: a call for caution
by Fabian Kesicki & Paul Ekins - 237-254 Efficiency of policy instruments for CCS deployment
by Dominique Finon - 255-271 Credible commitment in carbon policy
by Steffen Brunner & Christian Flachsland & Robert Marschinski
January 2012, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-22 Examining the willingness of Americans to alter behaviour to mitigate climate change
by Samuel Brody & Himanshu Grover & Arnold Vedlitz - 23-37 The role of non-nation-state actors and side events in the international climate negotiations
by Heike Schroeder & Heather Lovell - 38-49 Effects of economic recession and local weather on climate change attitudes
by Robert Y. Shum - 50-69 Macroeconomic impacts of the Florida Energy and Climate Change Action Plan
by Adam Rose & Dan Wei - 70-81 Brazil's Amazon forest in mitigating global warming: unresolved controversies
by Philip M. Fearnside - 82-97 Who and what are carbon markets for? Politics and the development of climate policy
by Matthew Paterson - 98-114 Waste energy recovery CDM projects in China: status, challenges and suggestions
by Fang Rong & Yuxin Lan & Shaojun Zeng & Huijin Yu - 115-134 Community perceptions of REDD+: a case study from Papua New Guinea
by Matthew Leggett & Heather Lovell - 135-139 The political economy of carbon markets: The CDM and other stories
by Peter Newell - 140-142 Alternatives for an international climate regime?
by Axel Michaelowa
November 2011, Volume 11, Issue 6
- 1269-1271 Durban: the darkest hour?
by Michael Grubb - 1272-1288 Estimated supply of RED credits 2011-2035
by Michael J. Coren & Charlotte Streck & Erin Myers Madeira - 1289-1302 Climate change and total factor productivity in the Tanzanian economy
by Mintewab Bezabih & Muyeye Chambwera & Jesper Stage - 1303-1314 CDM and international technology transfer: empirical evidence on wind power
by Ivan Haščič & Nick Johnstone - 1315-1336 Importance of programme design for potential US domestic GHG offset supply and quality
by Peter A. Erickson & Michael Lazarus & Alexia Kelly - 1337-1349 Assessing the designs and effectiveness of Japan's emissions trading scheme
by Junko Mochizuki - 1350-1366 Asian Development Bank's support for clean energy
by Laurence L. Delina - 1367-1385 Climate policy and financial institutions
by Matthew Haigh - 1386-1388 Book review: North American climate policy: active, innovative, dissonant - and effective?
by Alexander Ochs - 1389-1392 Commentary: Fault lines in climate policy: what role for carbon markets?
by Steffen B�hm & Siddhartha Dhabi
September 2011, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 1185-1190 Do border measures have a role in climate policy?
by Susanne Droege - 1191-1201 Using border measures to address carbon flows
by Susanne Droege - 1202-1211 The legal interface between carbon border measures and trade rules
by Ludivine Tamiotti - 1212-1225 A border adjustment for the EU ETS: reconciling WTO rules and capacity to tackle carbon leakage
by St�phanie Monjon & Philippe Quirion - 1226-1245 International flows of embodied CO 2 with an application to aluminium and the EU ETS
by Graham E. Sinden & Glen P. Peters & Jan Minx & Christopher L. Weber - 1246-1256 A proposal for the renewal of sectoral approaches building on the Cement Sustainability Initiative
by Gregory Cook & Jean-Pierre Ponssard - 1257-1261 Getting the carbon price right through climate border measures: a Chinese perspective
by Tancr�de Voituriez & Xin Wang - 1262-1268 The case for taxing carbon at the border
by Daniel Gros & Christian Egenhofer
July 2011, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 1071-1085 Capacities across scales: local to national adaptation policy in four European countries
by Lisa Westerhoff & E. Carina H. Keskitalo & Sirkku Juhola - 1086-1096 Operationalizing the Adaptation Fund: challenges in allocating funds to the vulnerable
by Britta Horstmann - 1097-1112 Does the framing of climate policies make a difference to public support? Evidence from UK marginal constituencies
by Matthew Lockwood - 1113-1130 Effective, efficient or equitable: using allowance allocations to mitigate emissions leakage
by Robert Heilmayr & James A. Bradbury - 1131-1158 Role of renewable energy in climate mitigation: a synthesis of recent scenarios
by Volker Krey & Leon Clarke - 1159-1176 Is industrialization still a viable development strategy for developing countries under climate change?
by Le-Yin Zhang - 1177-1183 Hard and soft paths for climate change adaptation
by Benjamin K. Sovacool
May 2011, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 963-969 Climate change finance
by Erik Haites - 970-986 Estimates of incremental investment for and cost of mitigation measures in developing countries
by Susanne Olbrisch & Erik Haites & Matthew Savage & Pradeep Dadhich & Manish Kumar Shrivastava - 987-1000 Development and climate change adaptation funding: coordination and integration
by Joel B. Smith & Thea Dickinson & Joseph D.B. Donahue & Ian Burton & Erik Haites & Richard J.T. Klein & Anand Patwardhan - 1001-1019 Estimating costs of adaptation to climate change
by Urvashi Narain & Sergio Margulis & Timothy Essam - 1020-1036 Raising climate finance to support developing country action: some economic considerations
by Alex Bowen - 1037-1049 Spending adaptation money wisely
by Samuel Fankhauser & Ian Burton - 1050-1057 International climate finance from border carbon cost levelling
by Michael Grubb - 1058-1068 Beyond climate finance: from accountability to productivity in addressing the climate challenge
by Simon Zadek
March 2011, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 847-850 Cancun: the art of the possible
by Michael Grubb - 851-864 Perverse incentives under the CDM: an evaluation of HFC-23 destruction projects
by Lambert Richard Schneider - 865-882 Towards a low-carbon economy: scenarios and policies for the UK
by Paul Ekins & Gabrial Anandarajah & Neil Strachan - 883-900 Border carbon adjustments and the potential for protectionism
by Peter Holmes & Tom Reilly & Jim Rollo - 901-921 Does leadership promote cooperation in climate change mitigation policy?
by Ulrike Saul & Christian Seidel - 922-943 Carbon taxes: a review of experience and policy design considerations
by Jenny Sumner & Lori Bird & Hillary Dobos - 944-957 GHG emission estimates for road transport in national GHG inventories
by Tinus Pulles & Hongwei Yang - 958-960 Corporate responses to climate change
by Axel Michaelowa
January 2011, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 731-751 Sectoral targets for developing countries: combining 'common but differentiated re-sponsibilities' with 'meaningful participation'
by Meriem Hamdi-Cherif & Céline Guivarch & Philippe Quirion - 752-767 The future of the CDM: same same, but differentiated?
by Stefan Bakker & Constanze Haug & Harro Van Asselt & Joyeeta Gupta & Raouf Saïdi - 768-788 The costs of climate policies in a second-best world with labour market imperfections
by Céline Guivarch & Renaud Crassous & Olivier Sassi & Stéphane Hallegatte - 789-812 The promise of carbon capture and storage: evaluating the capture-readiness of new EU fossil fuel power plants
by Wina Graus & Mauro Roglieri & Piotr Jaworski & Luca Alberio & Ernst Worrell - 813-828 Municipal emissions trading: reducing transport emissions through cap-and-trade
by Istv�N Bart - 829-831 Reflections on implementing EU ETS
by Karsten Neuhoff - 832-833 An outsider view of climate politics
by Axel Michaelowa - 834-835 Communicating climate change to the wider public
by Joyeeta Gupta - 836-838 Does exasperation mean despair?
by Axel Michaelowa - 839-841 Failures of global carbon markets and CDM?
by Axel Michaelowa
November 2010, Volume 10, Issue 6
- 593-599 Beyond Copenhagen: next steps
by Navroz K. Dubash & Lavanya Rajamani - 600-614 The architecture of the global climate regime: a top-down perspective
by William Hare & Claire Stockwell & Christian Flachsland & Sebastian Oberth�R - 615-621 How to eat an elephant: a bottom-up approach to climate policy
by Steve Rayner - 622-637 Global regime and national change
by Xinyuan Dai - 638-654 Fair and effective multilateralism in the post-Copenhagen climate negotiations
by Harald Winkler & Judy Beaumont - 655-671 Financing adaptation in Least Developed Countries in West Africa: is finance the 'real deal'?
by Fatima Denton - 672-677 Legal symmetry and legal differentiation under a future deal on climate
by Jake Werksman - 678-683 Irresistible forces and immovable objects: a debate on contemporary climate politics
by Shyam Saran - 684-704 The effect of different historical emissions datasets on emission targets of the sectoral mitigation approach Triptych
by Andries F. Hof & Michel G.J. Den Elzen - 705-718 Auctioning of CO 2 emission allowances in Phase 3 of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme
by Eva Benz & Andreas Löschel & Bodo Sturm - 719-720 Remembering Stephen Schneider (1945-2010)
by Christian Azar
September 2010, Volume 10, Issue 5
- 489-493 Putting a price on carbon in the context of development
by Harald Winkler & Andrew Marquard - 494-510 Carbon pricing and industrial policy in South Africa
by Brent Cloete & Genna Robb - 511-526 Comparison of emissions trading and carbon taxation in South Africa
by Michael Goldblatt - 527-542 Structuring approaches to pricing carbon in energy- and trade-intensive sectors in South Africa
by Harald Winkler & Meagan Jooste & Andrew Marquard - 543-559 Meeting a national emission reduction target in an experimental setting
by Kerri Brick & Martine Visser - 560-574 Is emission trading a possible policy option for India?
by Prabhat Upadhyaya - 575-588 Aligning South African energy and climate change mitigation policy
by Emily Tyler
July 2010, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 329-338 An introduction to personal carbon trading
by Tina Fawcett & Yael Parag - 339-352 Personal carbon trading in different national contexts
by Tina Fawcett - 353-368 Barriers to personal carbon trading in the policy arena
by Yael Parag & Nick Eyre - 369-384 Effects of personal carbon allowances on decision-making: evidence from an experimental simulation
by Stuart Bryce Capstick & Alan Lewis - 385-409 Public attitudes to personal carbon allowances: findings from a mixed-method study
by Andrew A. Wallace & Katherine N. Irvine & Andrew J. Wright & Paul D. Fleming - 410-431 Attitudes to personal carbon allowances: political trust, fairness and ideology
by Sverker C. Jagers & Åsa Löfgren & Johannes Stripple - 432-446 Policing carbon: design and enforcement options for personal carbon trading
by Nick Eyre - 447-461 The economics of personal carbon trading
by Matthew Lockwood - 462-476 Personal carbon trading in the context of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme
by Arnaud Brohé - 477-480 Upstream, downstream: the importance of psychological framing for carbon emission reduction policies
by Laurence Matthews - 481-486 An upstream alternative to personal carbon trading
by Steve Sorrell
May 2010, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 247-260 Sharing the reduction effort to limit global warming to 2°C
by Michel Den Elzen & Niklas Höhne - 261-276 The public consultation to the UK Climate Change Act 2008: a critical analysis
by Adela Maciejewski Scheer & Corina Höppner - 277-288 Dysfunctional delegation: why the design of the CDM's supervisory system is fundamentally flawed
by Emma Lund - 289-297 Stern, climate policy and saving rates
by Kathryn Smith - 298-316 Economics of climate change: risk and responsibility by world region
by U. Thara Sinivasan - 317-321 Could Taiwan be included in UNFCCC negotiations?
by Chi-Jen Yang & Hui-Chen Chien - 322-323 Impacts of EU ETS
by Frank J. Convery
March 2010, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 131-147 Burden-sharing and global climate negotiations: the case of the Kyoto Protocol
by Yosef Bhatti & Kasper Lindskow & Lene Holm Pedersen - 148-166 The impact of the unilateral EU commitment on the stability of international climate agreements
by Thierry Bréchet & Johan Eyckmans & François Gerard & Philippe Marbaix & Henry Tulkens & Jean-Pascal Van Ypersele - 167-180 Functions of COP side-events in climate-change governance
by Mattias Hjerpe & Björn-Ola Linnér - 181-189 CDM in sub-Saharan Africa and the prospects of the Nairobi Framework Initiative
by Alfred D. Byigero & Joy Clancy & Margaret Skutsch - 190-215 Transaction costs for firms in the EU ETS: lessons from Ireland
by Jūratė Jaraitė & Frank Convery & Corrado Di Maria - 216-231 Financing REDD in developing countries: a supply and demand analysis
by Jordan Isenberg & Catherine Potvin - 232-238 A 'safety deposit' mechanism for US climate policy
by Bryan K. Mignone - 239-240 Voluntary carbon markets
by Axel Michaelowa - 241-242 Carbon markets for the uninitiated
by Axel Michaelowa
January 2010, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 3-16 Climate change, equity and the relevance of European 'effort-sharing' for global mitigation efforts
by Paule Stephenson & Jonathan Boston - 17-37 Performance of renewable energy technologies under the CDM
by Malte Schneider & Tobias S. Schmidt & Volker H. Hoffmann - 38-50 An assessment of the climate change policies and performance of large European companies
by Rory Sullivan - 51-69 Wide and narrow approaches to national emission policies: a case study of Spain
by Xavier Labandeira & Miguel Rodr�Guez - 70-86 Reducing vulnerability to climate change in the Swiss Alps: a study of adaptive planning
by Margot Hill & Astrid Wallner & Jose Furtado - 87-102 Quota allocation rules in Romania assessed by a dynamic CGE model
by Rodica Loisel - 103-119 Overcoming inertia: insights from evolutionary economics into improved energy and climate policies
by Kevin Marechal & Nathalie Lazaric - 120-122 Sustainable development and international law
by Thiago Chagas & Charlotte Streck - 123-124 A wider context for adaptation
by Yuri Okubo
November 2009, Volume 9, Issue 6
- 575-592 Historic versus output-based allocation of GHG tradable allowances: a comparison
by Philippe Quirion - 593-611 Differentiating (historic) responsibilities for climate change
by Benito M�Ller & Niklas Höhne & Christian Ellermann - 612-633 Assessing the value of price caps and floors
by Cédric Philibert - 634-651 Who picks up the remainder? Mitigation in developed and developing countries
by Harald Winkler & Shaun Vorster & Andrew Marquard - 652-668 Sectoral approaches for a post-2012 climate regime: a taxonomy
by Jonas O. Meckling & Gu Yoon Chung - 669-680 Synergies in addressing air quality and climate change
by HELEN ApSIMON & MARKUS AMANN & STEFAN ÅSTRÖM & TIM OXLEY - 681-683 CDM: from policy to practice
by Sandra Greiner - 684-686 Rethinking political theory: ethics, justice and global climate change
by Charles Palmer
September 2009, Volume 9, Issue 5
- 435-449 Understanding the roles and interactions of international cooperation on domestic climate policies
by Karsten Neuhoff - 450-463 Using intermediate indicators: lessons for climate policy
by James Cust - 464-480 Policy targets: lessons for effective implementation of climate actions
by Sarah Lester & Karsten Neuhoff - 481-494 A history of conditionality: lessons for international cooperation on climate policy
by Maike Sippel & Karsten Neuhoff - 495-507 Brazilian low-carbon transportation policies: opportunities for international support
by Haroldo Machado-Filho - 508-516 Policy and regulatory framework for renewable energy and energy efficiency development in Ghana
by William Gboney - 517-528 Domestic climate policy for the Indian steel sector
by Umashankar Sreenivasamurthy - 529-543 Climate co-benefit policies for the Indian power sector: domestic drivers and North-South cooperation
by Anoop Singh - 544-552 Concentrated solar power in South Africa
by Kate Grant - 553-564 China's wind industry: policy lessons for domestic government interventions and international support
by Xiliang Zhang & Shiyan Chang & Molin Huo & Ruoshui Wang - 565-570 Twinning: lessons for a South-North climate policy context
by Zsuzsanna Pat�
July 2009, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 339-340 Linking emissions trading schemes
by Michael Grubb - 341-357 Linking carbon markets: concepts, case studies and pathways
by Andreas Tuerk & Michael Mehling & Christian Flachsland & Wolfgang Sterk - 358-372 To link or not to link: benefits and disadvantages of linking cap-and-trade systems
by Christian Flachsland & Robert Marschinski & Ottmar Edenhofer - 373-388 Linking existing and proposed GHG emissions trading schemes in North America
by Erik Haites & Michael Mehling - 389-401 Establishing a transatlantic carbon market
by Wolfgang Sterk & Joseph Kruger - 402-414 Australia's emissions trading scheme: opportunities and obstacles for linking
by Frank Jotzo & Regina Betz - 415-430 Linking emissions trading schemes for international aviation and shipping emissions
by Erik Haites
May 2009, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 227-241 The effectiveness of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme
by Stefano Clò - 242-254 Assessing the additionality of CDM projects: practical experiences and lessons learned
by Lambert Schneider - 255-272 Corporate responses to the CDM: the Indian pulp and paper industry
by Malte Schneider & Volker H. Hoffmann & Bhola R. Gurjar - 273-287 The road less travelled: difficulties in moving between annexes in the climate change regime
by Joanna Depledge - 288-305 Country stakes in climate change negotiations: two dimensions of vulnerability
by Piet Buys & Uwe Deichmann & Craig Meisner & Thao Ton That & David Wheeler - 306-315 Lessons from carbon markets for designing an effective REDD architecture
by Till Neeff & Francisco Ascui - 316-329 Emissions trading and competitiveness: lessons from Germany
by Steffen Hentrich & Patrick Matschoss & Peter Michaelis - 330-333 Reflection on the climate negotiations: a Southern perspective
by Mukul Sanwal - 334-336 Achieving local sustainable development and emissions reduction
by Randall Spalding-Fecher
January 2009, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 119-138 Interactions between climate and energy policies: the case of Spain
by Pablo Del R�O - 139-154 Carbon tax under the Clean Development Mechanism: a unique approach for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries
by Govinda R. Timilsina - 155-168 Economic costs of managing of an electricity grid with increasing wind power penetration
by Ryan Prescott & G. Cornelis Van Kooten - 169-184 Mechanisms for linking emissions trading schemes
by Michael Mehling & Erik Haites - 185-206 Soft energy paths in Japan: a backcasting approach to energy planning
by Aki Suwa - 207-220 Creating incentives for avoiding further deforestation: the nested approach
by Lucio Pedroni & Michael Dutschke & Charlotte Streck & Manuel Estrada Porrúa - 221-222 The role of forests in climate policies
by H. Carolyn Peach Brown
January 2009, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 3-8 How deep should the deep cuts be? Optimal CO 2 emissions over time under uncertainty
by Chris Hope - 9-21 Commitments through financial options: an alternative for delivering climate change obligations
by Roland Ismer & Karsten Neuhoff - 22-39 Energy markets, capital inertia and economic instrument impacts
by Ian Bailey & Christopher Ditty - 40-55 Marginal abatement cost estimates for non-CO 2 greenhouse gases: lessons from RECLAIM
by Robert C. Anderson & Richard D. Morgenstern - 56-70 A load-based CO 2 cap in the power sector
by Hal T. Nelson - 71-87 Risk governance for geological storage of CO 2 under the Clean Development Mechanism
by Melisa Pollak & Elizabeth J. Wilson - 88-108 Conceptualizations of justice in climate policy
by Sonja Klinsky & Hadi Dowlatabadi - 109-114 Does adequate financing exist for adaptation in developing countries?
by Karoline Hægstad Flåm & Jon Birger Skjærseth