December 2004, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 359-376 US public opinion on climate change issues: implications for consensus-building and policymaking
by Thomas L. Brewer - 377-398 The public perception of carbon dioxide capture and storage in the UK: results from focus groups and a survey
by Simon Shackley & Carly McLachlan & Clair Gough - 399-418 CDM wind-energy projects: exploring small capacity thresholds and low performances
by Luis Mundaca & H�kan Rodhe - 419-425 Sequestration rental policies and price path of carbon
by Andrew G. Keeler - 427-442 California RECLAIM's market failure: lessons for the Kyoto Protocol
by Anne Egelston & Maurie J. Cohen
September 2004, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 229-248 Economic and environmental effectiveness of a technology-based climate protocol
by Barbara Buchner & Carlo Carraro - 249-268 Statistical analysis of CDM capacity-building needs
by Lubomir Nondek & Anne Arquit Niederberger - 269-287 An emission intensity protocol for climate change: an application of FUND
by Richard S.J. Tol - 289-302 Implementing the Kyoto Protocol without the USA: the strategic role of energy tax adjustments at the border
by Frank Biermann & Rainer Brohm - 303-318 Surplus emission allowances as implicit side payments: could 'Hot Air' have saved the Kyoto Agreement?
by Urs Steiner Brandt & Gert Tinggaard Svendsen - 319-336 Economics of climate change mitigation forest policy scenarios for Ukraine
by Maria Nijnik - 337-340 Greenhouse gas emissions caused by the international climate negotiations
by Axel Michaelowa & David Lehmkuhl
June 2004, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 105-106 Editorial
by Michael Grubb - 107-128 Does climate adaptation policy need probabilities?
by Suraje Dessai & Mike Hulme - 129-142 Economics of the Kyoto Protocol for Russia
by D. Dudek & A. Golub & E. Strukova - 143-152 Implementing the Kyoto Protocol without Russia
by Erik Haites & Farhana Yamin & Odile Blanchard & Claudia Kemfert - 153-175 Global Triptych: a bottom-up approach for the differentiation of commitments under the Climate Convention
by Heleen Groenenberg & Kornelis Blok & Jeroen van der Sluijs - 177-192 Additionality reconsidered: lax criteria may not benefit developing countries
by Jusen Asuka & Kenji Takeuchi - 193-204 Accounting methods for carbon credits: impacts on the minimum area of forestry projects under the Clean Development Mechanism
by Bruno Locatelli & Lucio Pedroni - 205-216 The use of PPP or MER in the construction of emission scenarios is more than a question of 'metrics'
by Bjart J. Holtsmark & Knut H. Alfsen - 217-224 Improving the scientific assessment of carbon sinks
by Atsushi Ishii
March 2004, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Michael Grubb - 3-12 The WTO and the Kyoto Protocol: interaction issues
by Thomas L. Brewer - 13-24 Vikings and virtues: a decade of CO 2 taxation
by Mikael Skou Andersen - 25-43 Mainstreaming adaptation to climate change in Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
by Saleemul Huq & Hannah Reid & Mama Konate & Atiq Rahman & Youba Sokona & Florence Crick - 45-63 Application of the Multiple Benchmark System (MBS) to selected case study projects
by Konstantinos Anagnostopoulos & Alexandros Flamos & John Psarras - 65-74 Temporary sequestration credits: an instrument for carbon bears
by Kenneth M. Chomitz & Franck Lecocq - 75-80 Anticipated economic costs and benefits of ratification of the Kyoto Protocol by the State of Qatar
by Azhari F.M. Ahmed & M. J. Al Maslamani - 81-90 From Kyoto via Moscow to nowhere?
by Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz & Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber & Anastasia Svirejeva-Hopkins - 91-97 Reflections on the current state of global climate response
by Tom Jacob
December 2003, Volume 3, Issue sup2
- 1-2 Special Supplement on Defining and Trading Emission Targets
by Michael Grubb - 3-6 Special Supplement on Defining and Trading Emission Targets
by William A. Pizer & Andrei Marcu - 7-20 Absolute versus intensity-based emission caps
by A. Denny Ellerman & Ian Sue Wing - 21-28 "Intensity" targets: pathway or roadblock to preventing climate change while enhancing economic growth?
by D. Dudek & A. Golub - 29-41 Output-based allocation as a form of protection for internationally competitive industries
by Erik Haites - 43-57 Systems for carbon trading: an overview
by Henrik Hasselknippe - 59-74 Price-related sensitivities of greenhouse gas intensity targets
by Benito M�ller & Georg M�ller-F�rstenberger - 75-87 Hitting emissions targets with (statistical) confidence in multi-instrument Emissions Trading Schemes
by David Shipworth - 89-103 Combining rate-based and cap-and-trade emissions policies
by Carolyn Fischer - 105-124 The evolution of emissions trading in the EU: tensions between national trading schemes and the proposed EU directive
by Catherine Boemare & Philippe Quirion & Steve Sorrell - 125-141 Trading for climate without trading off on the environment An Australian perspective on integration between emissions trading and other environmental objectives and programs
by David Jones - 143-155 The Carbon Trading Game
by Roger Fouquet
November 2003, Volume 3, Issue sup1
- 1-1 Preface
by Michael Grubb - 3-8 Editorial
by Thomas E. Downing & Mohan Munasinghe & Joanna Depledge - 9-17 Integrating sustainable development into the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
by Adil Najam & Atiq A. Rahman & Saleemul Huq & Youba Sokona - 19-40 Climate change and sustainable development: expanding the options
by Rob Swart & John Robinson & Stewart Cohen - 41-56 Exploring equity and sustainable development in the new carbon economy
by Katrina Brown & Esteve Corbera - 57-79 Integrated assessment of CO 2 and SO 2 policies in North East Asia
by Yeora Chae & Chris Hope - 81-96 Synergy of adaptation and mitigation strategies in the context of sustainable development: the case of Vietnam
by Hanh H. Dang & Axel Michaelowa & Dao D. Tuan - 97-113 The development and climate nexus: the case of sub-Saharan Africa
by Ogunlade Davidson & Kirsten Halsnæs & Saleemul Huq & Marcel Kok & Bert Metz & Youba Sokona & Jan Verhagen - 115-133 Viable responses to the equity-responsibility dilemma: a consequentialist view
by Fr�d�ric Ghersi & Jean-Charles Hourcade & Patrick Criqui - 135-146 Sustainable consumption and greenhouse gas mitigation
by Laurie Michaelis - 147-154 Integrating climate change and sustainable development in a place-based context
by Thomas J. Wilbanks
December 2003, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 327-328 Global frameworks, grounded actions
by M. Grubb - 329-341 The trade regime and the climate regime: institutional evolution and adaptation
by Thomas L. Brewer - 343-358 Convergence or divergence? Status and prospects for US climate strategy
by Atle Christer Christiansen - 359-372 Global climate policy: will cities lead the way?
by Carolyn Kousky & Stephen H. Schneider - 373-397 Thirteen plus one: a comparison of global climate policy architectures
by Joseph E. Aldy & Scott Barrett & Robert N. Stavins - 399-415 Russian behaviour in the market for permits under the Kyoto Protocol
by Bjart Holtsmark - 417-434 The investment climate for climate investment: Joint Implementation in transition countries
by Samuel Fankhauser & Lucia Lavric - 435-444 Inter-trading permanent emissions credits and rented temporary carbon emissions offsets: some issues and alternatives
by Roger A. Sedjo & Gregg Marland - 445-461 Credited forest carbon sinks: how the cost reduction is allocated among countries and sectors
by Johanna Pohjola & Leena Kerkel� & Raisa M�kip�� - 463-465 Book reviews
by Roger Fouquet - 465-467 Book reviews
by Hadi Dowlatabadi - 467-469 Book reviews
by Semida Silveira - 471-471 Acknowledgement
by Michael Grubb & Ray Purdy - 473-474 Obituary
by Shuzo Nishioka - 475-477 Meeting Report
by Michael Grubb
September 2003, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 189-190 Editorial
by M. Grubb - 191-205 Institutional interaction to address greenhouse gas emissions from international transport: ICAO, IMO and the Kyoto Protocol
by Sebastian Oberth�r - 207-219 Air transport cruise altitude restrictions to minimize contrail formation
by Victoria Williams & Robert B. Noland & Ralf Toumi - 221-231 Climate negotiations beyond Kyoto: developing countries concerns and interests
by Adil Najam & Saleemul Huq & Youba Sokona - 233-248 Climate change and extreme weather events: can developing countries adapt?
by M. Monirul Qader Mirza - 249-259 The impact of private investor's transaction costs on the cost effectiveness of project-based Kyoto mechanisms
by W. Fichtner & S. Graehl & O. Rentz - 261-278 Transaction costs of the Kyoto Mechanisms
by Axel Michaelowa & Marcus Stronzik & Frauke Eckermann & Alistair Hunt - 279-294 Benefits from increased cooperation and energy trade under CO 2 commitments-The Nordic case
by Thomas Unger & Tomas Ekvall - 295-302 The special climate change fund: origins and prioritisation assessment
by Suraje Dessai - 303-307 Will the Clean Development Mechanism be effectively implemented in China?
by Kristian Tangen & G�rild Heggelund - 309-313 Report on UNFCCC Subsidiary Body Meetings, Bonn, June 2003
by Thomas R. Jacob - 315-317 Book reviews
by Hadi Dowlatabadi - 317-319 Book reviews
by Z. W. Kundzewicz - 319-322 Book reviews
by Benjamin L. Preston - 322-325 Book reviews
by Axel Michaelowa
June 2003, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 107-122 Replacing carbon lost from forests: an assessment of insurance, reserves, and expiring credits
by Susan Subak - 123-136 A conceptual framework and its application for addressing leakage: the case of avoided deforestation
by Louise Aukland & Pedro Moura Costa & Sandra Brown - 137-148 Great expectations: can international emissions trading deliver an equitable climate regime?
by Kevin A. Baumert & James F. Perkaus & Nancy Kete - 149-157 The climatic impacts of land surface change and carbon management, and the implications for climate-change mitigation policy
by Gregg Marland & Roger A. Pielke & Mike Apps & Roni Avissar & Richard A. Betts & Kenneth J. Davis & Peter C. Frumhoff & Stephen T. Jackson & Linda A. Joyce & Pekka Kauppi & John Katzenberger & Kenneth G. MacDicken & Ronald P. Neilson & John O. Niles & Dev dutta S. Niyogi & Richard J. Norby & Naomi Pena & Neil Sampson & Yongkang Xue - 159-170 Catching air? Climate change policy in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan
by Theresa Sabonis-Helf - 171-177 "Economic" and "Political" cooperation in various climate policy scenarios
by Bertrand Hamaide - 179-180 Book reviews
by Beverley Darkin - 181-182 Book reviews
by Alison Doig - 182-185 Book reviews
by Benjamin L. Preston - 185-187 Book reviews
by Axel Michaelowa
March 2003, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Axel Michaelowa - 3-18 The EU as a frontrunner on greenhouse gas emissions trading: how did it happen and will the EU succeed?
by Atle C. Christiansen & J�rgen Wettestad - 19-30 Spain: words that succeed and climate policies that fail
by J. David T�bara - 31-43 Germany-a pioneer on earthen feet?
by Axel Michaelowa - 45-56 Dutch climate policy A victim of economic growth?
by M. E. Minnesma - 57-66 Implications of early action for JI baselines
by Wytze van der Gaast - 67-76 Forging alliance with Russia: the example of a Green Investment Scheme
by Anna Korppoo - 77-88 Quantifying the UK's incentives for low carbon investment
by Andrew Wordsworth & Michael Grubb - 89-94 The EU emissions trading scheme (ETS): how linked to JI/CDM?
by Catrinus J. Jepma - 95-97 Book Review
by Hadi Dowlatabadi - 97-99 Book Reviews
by A. Michaelowa - 99-101 Book Reviews
by Michael Grubb - 103-106 Reflections on Delhi
by Tom Jacob
December 2002, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 267-268 A new phase for Climate Policy
by Michael Grubb - 269-271 The future of the intergovernmental panel on climate change
by Robert T. Watson - 273-292 Economic consequences of the US withdrawal from the Kyoto/Bonn Protocol
by Barbara Buchner & Carlo Carraro & Igor Cersosimo - 293-301 An evaluation of the level of ambition and implications of the Bush Climate Change Initiative
by Detlef van Vuuren & Michel den Elzen & Marcel Berk & Andre de Moor - 303-318 Comparing developing countries under potential carbon allocation schemes
by Harald Winkler & Randall Spalding-Fecher & Lwazikazi Tyani - 319-333 Biomass strategies for climate policies?
by D. J. Gielen & J. Fujino & S. Hashimoto & Y. Moriguchi - 335-351 Forest certification eligibility as a screen for CDM sinks projects
by Susan Subak - 353-365 Future restrictions for sinks in the CDM How about a cap on supply?
by Claudio Forner & Frank Jotzo - 367-377 Carbon sequestration in agroforestry systems
by Deep Narayan Pandey - 379-385 LULUCF-based CDM: too much ado for...a small carbon market
by Martial Bernoux & Vincent Eschenbrenner & Carlos C. Cerri & Jerry M. Melillo & Christian Feller - 387-393 Russian ratification process Why is the rest of the world waiting?
by Anna Korppoo - 395-396 Book review
by Axel Michaelowa - 397-398 On the impracticability of Emission Intensity Targets
by Georg Mueller-Furstenberger
September 2002, Volume 2, Issue 2-3
- 127-128 Editorial
by R. K. Pachauri & Sujata Gupta - 129-144 Linkages between climate change and sustainable development
by Noreen Beg & Jan Corfee Morlot & Ogunlade Davidson & Yaw Afrane-Okesse & Lwazikazi Tyani & Fatma Denton & Youba Sokona & Jean Philippe Thomas & Emilio L�bre La Rovere & Jyoti K. Parikh & Kirit Parikh & A. Atiq Rahman - 145-159 From impacts assessment to adaptation priorities: the shaping of adaptation policy
by Ian Burton & Saleemul Huq & Bo Lim & Olga Pilifosova & Emma Lisa Schipper - 161-177 The emperor's new clothes: redressing the Kyoto Protocol
by Michael Lisowski - 179-196 Estimating the CDM market under the Marrakech Accords
by Frank Jotzo & Axel Michaelowa - 197-209 Mitigation initiatives: Korea's experiences
by Hoesung Lee & Jin-Gyu Oh - 211-230 Towards an equitable global climate change regime: compatibility with Article 2 of the Climate Change Convention and the link with sustainable development
by Bert Metz & Marcel Berk & Michel den Elzen & Bert de Vries & Detlef van Vuuren - 231-239 Articles 4.8 and 4.9 of the UNFCCC: adverse effects and the impacts of response measures
by Jon Barnett & Suraje Dessai - 241-242 A New Delhi mandate?
by Benito M�ller - 243-246 The Bonn-Marrakech agreements on funding
by Saleemul Huq - 247-254 Domestic actions contributing to the mitigation of GHG emissions from power generation in Brazil
by Emilio L�bre La Rovere & Branca Bastos Americano - 255-258 Report on UNFCCC Subsidiary Body Negotiations 16, Bonn, 5-14 June 2002
by Thomas R. Jacob - 259-261 Book reviews
by M. J. Chadwick - 261-263 Book reviews
by Axel Michaelowa - 263-265 Book reviews
by M. Grubb
March 2002, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by R. Purdy - 3-18 The oil industry and climate change: strategies and ethical dilemmas
by Sybille van den Hove & Marc Le Menestrel & Henri-Claude de Bettignies - 19-33 Absolute or relative baselines for JI/CDM projects in the energy sector?
by Harri Laurikka - 35-49 Baseline, leakage and measurement issues: how do forestry and energy projects compare?
by Kenneth M. Chomitz - 51-70 Analysis of a commitment period reserve at national and global levels
by Fanny Missfeldt & Erik Haites - 71-88 Magnitude, distribution and causes of terrestrial carbon sinks and some implications for policy
by R. A. Houghton - 89-95 Precautionary climate policy and the somewhat flawed protocol: linking sinks to biofuel and the CDM to the convention
by Peter Read - 97-103 Why should emissions trading be restricted?
by Hege Westskog - 105-109 Benchmark-based emission allocation in a cap-and-trade system
by Heleen Groenenberg & Kornelis Blok - 111-117 Evaluating the Bonn-Marrakesh agreement
by Michel G.J. den Elzen & Andr� P.G. de Moor - 119-121 Book Reviews
by Silvia Llosa - 121-122 Book Reviews
by Joanna Depledge - 122-124 Book Reviews
by Axel Michaelowa - 124-126 Book Reviews
by A. Michaelowa
December 2001, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 431-432 Editorial
by Michael Grubb - 433-449 Integrated assessment of abrupt climatic changes
by Michael D. Mastrandrea & Stephen H. Schneider - 451-464 Technology transfer under the CDM Materializing the myth in the Japanese context?
by Malik Amin Aslam - 465-480 Options for differentiation of future commitments in climate policy: how to realise timely participation to meet stringent climate goals?
by Marcel M. Berk & Michel G.J. den Elzen - 481-497 Differentiation of mitigation commitments: the multi-sector convergence approach
by Jos Sijm & Jaap Jansen & Asbj�rn Torvanger - 499-515 Climate policy and dynamic efficiency gains A case study on Norwegian CO 2 -taxes and technological innovation in the petroleum sector
by Atle Christer Christiansen - 517-520 Influence of national governments for or against the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol: a Banzhaf index analysis
by Fabian Wagner & Niklas H�hne - 521-523 Book Reviews
by R. Fouquet - 523-525 Book Reviews
by A. Michaelowa - 525-528 Book Reviews
by A. Michaelowa - 528-530 Book Reviews
by Christophe de Gouvello
September 2001, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial
by Jonathan C. Pershing - 289-308 Russia: climate policy formation and implementation during the 1990s
by Nikitina Elena - 309-326 Carbon reduction in the real world: how the UK will surpass its Kyoto obligations
by Nick Eyre - 327-341 Burden sharing and cohesion countries in European climate policy: the Portuguese example
by Suraje Dessai & Axel Michaelowa - 343-362 Japanese ratification of the Kyoto Protocol
by Hiroshi Matsumura - 363-380 Greenhouse gas reductions in Germany-lucky strike or hard work?
by Joachim Schleich & Wolfgang Eichhammer & Ulla Boede & Frank Gagelmann & Eberhard Jochem & Barbara Schlomann & Hans-Joachim Ziesing - 381-395 US domestic climate change policy
by Henry Lee & Vicki Arroyo Cochran & Manik Roy - 397-401 The "Crunch issue" of additional sinks
by Reimund Schwarze - 403-410 The case for Japanese-Russian joint implementation in implementing the Kyoto Protocol
by Benito M�ller - 411-417 Carbon sinks and the CDM: could a bioenergy linkage offer a constructive compromise?
by Bernhard Schlamadinger & Michael Grubb & Christian Azar & Ausilio Bauen & G�ran Berndes - 419-421 Book Reviews
by Axel Michaelowa - 421-423 Book Reviews
by Shirin Elahi - 423-425 Book Reviews
by Axel Michaelowa - 426-429 Book Reviews
by M. Grubb
June 2001, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 153-154 Editorial
by Michael Grubb - 155-171 The European and global potential of carbon dioxide sequestration in tackling climate change
by M. C. Grimston & V. Karakoussis & R. Fouquet & R. van der Vorst & P. Pearson & M. Leach - 173-188 Implementing an international carbon sequestration program: can the leaky sink be fixed?
by Krister Andersson & Kenneth R. Richards - 189-210 Mitigation scenarios in a world oriented at sustainable development: the role of technology, efficiency and timing
by D. P. van Vuuren & H.J.M. de Vries - 211-227 Considering the options: climate targets for all countries
by C�dric Philibert & Jonathan Pershing - 229-249 Cleaner generation, free-riders, and environmental integrity: clean development mechanism and the power sector
by Stephen Bernow & Sivan Kartha & Michael Lazarus & Tom Page - 251-268 Clean development mechanism: leverage for development?
by Sandrine Mathy & Jean-Charles Hourcade & Christophe de Gouvello - 269-272 The Seven Myths of Kyoto
by Michael Grubb & Joanna Depledge - 273-275 Learning the lessons of Kyoto
by David M. Reiner & Henry D. Jacoby - 277-281 Reflections on The Hague
by Thomas R. Jacob - 283-285 Book Reviews
by Axel Michaelowa - 285-287 Book Reviews
by Katie Begg
March 2001, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-2 Welcome to Climate Policy
by Michael Grubb & Martin Hession & Tim Jackson & Hadi Dowlatabadi & Sujata Gupta & Axel Michaelowa & Emilio La Rovere & Yoshiki Yamagata - 3-4 Hold tight at The Hague
by Michael Grubb - 5-25 Sinks and the Kyoto Protocol
by Ian Noble & R. J. Scholes - 27-40 Would forestation alleviate the burden of emission reduction? An assessment of the future carbon sink from ARD activities
by Yoshiki Yamagata & Georgii A. Alexandrov - 41-54 The leaky sink: persistent obstacles to a forest carbon sequestration program based on individual projects
by Kenneth Richards & Krister Andersson - 55-73 Accounting for flexibility against uncertain baselines: lessons from case studies in the eastern European energy sector
by Stuart Parkinson & Katie Begg & Peter Bailey & Tim Jackson - 75-83 Reconciling the design of CDM with inborn paradox of additionality concept
by Taishi Sugiyama & Axel Michaelowa - 85-108 Liability rules for international trading of greenhouse gas emissions quotas
by Erik Haites & Fanny Missfeldt - 109-116 'Bubbling' and the Kyoto mechanisms
by Erik Haites - 117-123 Climate change impacts: can Africa cope with the challenges?
by Youba Sokona & Fatma Denton - 125-133 Post-Kyoto energy strategy of the Russian Federation, outlooks and prerequisites of the Kyoto mechanisms implementation in the country
by A. Mastepanov & O. Pluzhnikov & V. Berdin & V. Gavrilov - 135-136 Industry leaders accept the climate change challenge
by Eileen Claussen - 137-139 Institutional Dimension of Global Environmental Change (IDGEC) Carbon Management Research Activity (CMRA) Summary report of the Tokyo workshop
by Y. Yamagata & G. Sewell & M. Wasson & O. Young