February 2017, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 121-141 Infrastructure development and the economics of cooperation in the Eastern Nile
by Marc Jeuland & Xun Wu & Dale Whittington - 142-162 China’s transboundary river policies towards Kazakhstan: issue-linkages and incentives for cooperation
by Selina Ho - 163-186 River activism, policy entrepreneurship and transboundary water disputes in Asia
by Pichamon Yeophantong - 187-206 Dam diplomacy? China’s new neighbourhood policy and Chinese dam-building companies
by Carla P. Freeman - 207-221 The remarkable restoration of the Rhine: plural rationalities in regional water politics
by Marco Verweij - 222-239 The dilemma of autonomy: decentralization and water politics at the subnational level
by Scott M. Moore - 240-240 Crystal Drop Award and Ven Te Chow Memorial Lecture
by The Editors
January 2017, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-17 Mortality awareness and water decisions: a social psychological analysis of supply-management, demand-management and soft-path paradigms
by S. E. Wolfe & David B. Brooks - 18-33 Incorporation of environmental flows in water allocation in Texas
by Ralph A. Wurbs - 34-53 The river-border complex: a border-integrated approach to transboundary river governance illustrated by the Ganges River and Indo-Bangladeshi border
by Kimberley Anh Thomas - 54-72 Envisioning the future of cooperation on common rivers in South Asia: a cooperative security approach by Bangladesh and India to the Tipaimukh Dam
by Mirza Sadaqat Huda - 73-91 The social conditions of self-organized utilities: water cooperatives in La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia
by Franck Poupeau & Sébastien Hardy - 92-96 A new transboundary freshwater dispute before the International Court of Justice
by Tamar Meshel
November 2016, Volume 41, Issue 7
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 945-947 The need to put practice into policy: editors’ introduction to the special issue of papers from the IWRA XV World Water Congress
by James E. Nickum & Cecilia Tortajada & Philippus Wester - 948-965 Towards best water management policies: how current irrigation reservoir operation practices compare with theory in Alberta
by Marie-Ève Jean & Evan G.R. Davies - 966-981 Can water users’ associations improve water governance in China? A tale of two villages in the Shiyang River basin
by Haiyan Yu - 982-997 The cultural dimensions of household water security: the case of Kathmandu’s stone spout systems
by Olivia Molden & Nicholas Griffin & Katie Meehan - 998-1015 A framework for strategic river restoration in China
by Robert A. Speed & Yuanyuan Li & David Tickner & Huojian Huang & Robert J. Naiman & Jianting Cao & Gang Lei & Lili Yu & Paul Sayers & Zhongnan Zhao & Yu Wei - 1016-1034 A typology of water market intermediaries
by Jennifer Möller-Gulland & Guillermo Donoso - 1035-1043 A water-energy-food security analysis tool for mining in Suriname: operationalizing the Mining Policy Framework of the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development
by Dimple Roy & Darren Swanson & Carter Borden & Alec Crawford & Livia Bizikova & Gabriel Huppe - 1044-1048 Rethinking China’s water policy: the worst water quality despite the most stringent standards
by Xueqiang Lu & Bin Zhou & Rolf D. Vogt & Hans M. Seip & Zhiwei Xin & Östen Ekengren - 1049-1051 Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Anik Bhaduri and Joyeeta Gupta
by Andrea Beck
September 2016, Volume 41, Issue 6
- 811-812 Introduction
by Stefano Burchi & Ariella D’Andrea & Gabriel Eckstein & Marcella Nanni - 813-834 Adaptation in the Tisza: innovation and tribulation at the sub-basin level
by Shanna N. McClain & Carl Bruch & Silvia Secchi - 835-850 Joint infrastructure and the sharing of benefits in the Senegal and Niger watersheds
by Mara Tignino - 851-865 Ad hoc legal mechanisms governing transboundary aquifers: current status and future prospects
by Laura Movilla Pateiro - 866-882 Governing water augmentation under the Watercourse Convention
by Rhett B. Larson - 883-899 Adapting water laws to increasing demand and a changing climate
by Eric L. Garner - 900-915 Scottish Water: a public-sector success story
by Sarah Hendry - 916-927 Compulsory licensing under South Africa’s National Water Act
by Michael Kidd - 928-943 Water governance reform in the context of inequality: securing rights or legitimizing dispossession?
by Helle Munk Ravnborg
July 2016, Volume 41, Issue 5
- 655-661 Water-Energy-Food Nexus Framework for facilitating multi-stakeholder dialogue
by Rabi H. Mohtar & Bassel Daher - 662-681 Creating accountability: representation and responsiveness of the irrigation bureaucracy in Punjab, Pakistan
by Kai Wegerich & Asghar Hussain - 682-697 Tourism leads to wealth but increased vulnerability: a double-edged sword in Lijiang, South-West China
by Y. Su & J. Hammond & G. B. Villamor & R. E. Grumbine & J. Xu & K. Hyde & T. Pagella & N. M. Sujakhu & X. Ma - 698-715 Building hydroliteracy among stakeholders for effective water benefit sharing in the Andes
by Marisa Escobar & Beth-Sua Carvajal & Jorge Rubiano & Mark Mulligan & Carmen Candelo - 716-737 Criteria for assessing the level of land–water integration in planning instruments in Andalusia, Spain
by Mercedes Rosa España-Villanueva & Luis Miguel Valenzuela-Montes - 738-755 Agricultural land investments and water management in the Office du Niger, Mali: options for improved water pricing
by Yoro Sidibé & Timothy O. Williams - 756-775 Desalination and water security in the US–Mexico border region: assessing the social, environmental and political impacts
by Margaret O. Wilder & Ismael Aguilar-Barajas & Nicolás Pineda-Pablos & Robert G. Varady & Sharon B. Megdal & Jamie McEvoy & Robert Merideth & Adriana A. Zúñiga-Terán & Christopher A. Scott - 776-800 Field investigations of the 2013–14 drought through quali-quantitative freshwater monitoring at the headwaters of the Cantareira System, Brazil
by Denise Taffarello & Guilherme Samprogna Mohor & Maria do Carmo Calijuri & Eduardo Mario Mendiondo - 801-803 Daanish Mustafa
by Charlotte Grech-Madin - 803-805 Naho Mirumachi
by Kyungmee Kim - 805-808 Bjørn-Oliver Magsig
by Stephanie Hawkins - 808-810 Nathaniel Matthews and Kim Geheb
by Milton Osborne
June 2016, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 501-502 Letter from the president
by Patrick Lavarde - 503-511 How has the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam changed the legal, political, economic and scientific dynamics in the Nile Basin?
by Zeray Yihdego & Alistair Rieu-Clarke & Ana Elisa Cascão - 512-527 The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: the road to the declaration of principles and the Khartoum document
by Salman M. A. Salman - 528-549 An exploration of fairness in international law through the Blue Nile and GERD
by Zeray Yihdego & Alistair Rieu-Clarke - 550-573 GERD: new norms of cooperation in the Nile Basin?
by Ana Elisa Cascão & Alan Nicol - 574-592 The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: a benefit-sharing project in the Eastern Nile?
by Rawia Tawfik - 593-610 Filling the GERD: evaluating hydroclimatic variability and impoundment strategies for Blue Nile riparian countries
by Ying Zhang & Solomon Tassew Erkyihum & Paul Block - 611-634 Cooperative filling approaches for the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
by Kevin G. Wheeler & Mohammed Basheer & Zelalem T. Mekonnen & Sami O. Eltoum & Azeb Mersha & Gamal M. Abdo & Edith A. Zagona & Jim W. Hall & Simon J. Dadson - 635-651 Water challenges in the IGAD region: towards new legal frameworks for cooperation
by Marcella Nanni - 652-654 W. Hall C. Maxwell: In remembrance
by James E. Nickum
May 2016, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 325-329 Introduction
by David B. Brooks & James E. Nickum & Anthony Turton & Surina Esterhuyse - 330-350 Untying the Gordian Knot: unintended consequences of water policy for the gold mining industry in South Africa
by Anthony Turton - 351-370 Mine site water-reporting practices, groundwater take and governance frameworks in the Hunter Valley coalfield, Australia
by Wendy Timms & Cameron Holley - 371-391 Non-discrimination and liability for transboundary acid mine drainage pollution of South Africa’s rivers: could the UN Watercourses Convention open Pandora’s mine?
by Rémy Kinna - 392-408 A pilot study of the Social Water Assessment Protocol in a mining region of Ghana
by Anastasia N. Danoucaras & Alidu Babatu Adam & Kathryn Sturman & Nina K. Collins & Alan Woodley - 409-425 Unconventional oil and gas extraction in South Africa: water linkages within the population--environment--development nexus and its policy implications
by Surina Esterhuyse & Nola Redelinghuys & Marthie Kemp - 426-446 Lessons from Yanacocha: assessing mining impacts on hydrological systems and water distribution in the Cajamarca region, Peru
by Diana Vela-Almeida & Froukje Kuijk & Guido Wyseure & Nicolas Kosoy - 447-467 Disputes over land and water rights in gold mining: the case of Cerro de San Pedro, Mexico
by Didi Stoltenborg & Rutgerd Boelens - 468-482 Mining and campesino engagement: an opportunity for integrated water resources management in Ancash, Peru
by Robert Patrick & Lalita Bharadwaj - 483-500 Questioning the effectiveness of planned conflict resolution strategies in water disputes between rural communities and mining companies in Peru
by Milagros Sosa & Margreet Zwarteveen
March 2016, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 191-212 Bringing water markets down to Chile’s Atacama Desert
by Manuel Prieto - 213-230 A method to assess hydrological drought in semi-arid environments and its application to the Jaguaribe River basin, Brazil
by José Carlos de Araújo & Axel Bronstert - 231-250 Characterizing local water governance structure in the Philippines: results of the water managers’ 2013 survey
by Agnes C. Rola & Corazon L. Abansi & Rosalie Arcala-Hall & Joy C. Lizada - 251-270 Telecoupling in urban water systems: an examination of Beijing’s imported water supply
by Jillian M. Deines & Xiao Liu & Jianguo Liu - 271-289 Eco-compensation for watershed services in China
by Huijie Wang & Zhanfeng Dong & Yuan Xu & Chazhong Ge - 290-307 A Bayesian method to support global out-scaling of water-efficient rice technologies from pilot project areas
by Jorge E. Rubiano M. & Simon Cook & Maya Rajasekharan & Boru Douthwaite - 308-324 Slums and informal housing in India: a critical look at official statistics with regard to water and sanitation
by K. Christ & K. Baier & R. Azzam
January 2016, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-14 Hydrosocial territories: a political ecology perspective
by Rutgerd Boelens & Jaime Hoogesteger & Erik Swyngedouw & Jeroen Vos & Philippus Wester - 15-36 Disputes over territorial boundaries and diverging valuation languages: the Santurban hydrosocial highlands territory in Colombia
by Bibiana Duarte-Abadía & Rutgerd Boelens - 37-53 Virtual water trade and the contestation of hydrosocial territories
by Jeroen Vos & Leonith Hinojosa - 54-73 From Spain’s hydro-deadlock to the desalination fix
by Erik Swyngedouw & Joe Williams - 74-90 Democratizing discourses: conceptions of ownership, autonomy and ‘the state’ in Nicaragua’s rural water governance
by Sarah T. Romano - 91-106 Territorial pluralism: water users’ multi-scalar struggles against state ordering in Ecuador’s highlands
by Jaime Hoogesteger & Rutgerd Boelens & Michiel Baud - 107-124 Diverging realities: how framing, values and water management are interwoven in the Albufera de Valencia wetland in Spain
by Mieke Hulshof & Jeroen Vos - 125-139 Water scarcity and the exclusionary city: the struggle for water justice in Lima, Peru
by Antonio A. R. Ioris - 140-156 PES hydrosocial territories: de-territorialization and re-patterning of water control arenas in the Andean highlands
by Jean Carlo Rodríguez-de-Francisco & Rutgerd Boelens - 157-172 Inclusive recognition politics and the struggle over hydrosocial territories in two Bolivian highland communities
by Miriam Seemann - 173-188 Adjudicating hydrosocial territory in New Mexico
by Eric P. Perramond
November 2015, Volume 40, Issue 7
- 949-968 The relevance of international water law to later-developing upstream states
by Mark Zeitoun - 969-983 Good transboundary water governance in the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals: a legal perspective
by Mallory Orme & Zoë Cuthbert & Francesco Sindico & Julie Gibson & Renice Bostic - 984-1003 A framework to assess plan implementation maturity with an application to flood management in Vietnam
by Ho Long Phi & Leon M. Hermans & Wim J.A.M. Douven & Gerardo E. Van Halsema & Malik Fida Khan - 1004-1020 Impact of planned water resource development on current and future water demand in the Koshi River basin, Nepal
by Pennan Chinnasamy & Luna Bharati & Utsav Bhattarai & Ambika Khadka & Vaskar Dahal & Shahriar Wahid - 1021-1039 Water conflicts in tropical watersheds: hydroeconomic simulations of water sharing policies between upstream small private irrigators and downstream large public irrigation schemes in Burkina Faso
by Baba A. Rivaldo Kpadonou & Bruno Barbier & Joost Wellens & Elie Sauret & B. V. C. Adolphe Zangré - 1040-1058 Changing to more efficient irrigation technologies in southern Alberta (Canada): an empirical analysis
by Jinxia Wang & K. K. Klein & Henning Bjornlund & Lijuan Zhang & Wencui Zhang - 1059-1070 Water productivity and water footprints are not helpful in determining optimal water allocations or efficient management strategies
by Dennis Wichelns - 1071-1074 Amit Gross, Adi Maimon, Yuval Alfiya, and Eran Friedler, Greywater reuse
by Ryan H. Lee - 1074-1077 Emma S. Norman Governing transboundary waters: Canada, the United States, and indigenous communities
by David B. Brooks
September 2015, Volume 40, Issue 5-6
- 723-732 Sustainability in the water-energy-food nexus
by Anik Bhaduri & Claudia Ringler & Ines Dombrowski & Rabi Mohtar & Waltina Scheumann - 733-747 The impact of water users' associations on the productivity of irrigated agriculture in Pakistani Punjab
by Dawit K. Mekonnen & Hira Channa & Claudia Ringler - 748-771 Water-energy-food (WEF) Nexus Tool 2.0: guiding integrative resource planning and decision-making
by Bassel T. Daher & Rabi H. Mohtar - 772-790 Bioenergy, food security and poverty reduction: trade-offs and synergies along the water-energy-food security nexus
by Alisher Mirzabaev & Dawit Guta & Jann Goedecke & Varun Gaur & Jan Börner & Detlef Virchow & Manfred Denich & Joachim von Braun - 791-808 Application of a water-energy-food nexus framework for the Duero river basin in Spain
by Beatriz Mayor & Elena López-Gunn & Fermín I. Villarroya & Esperanza Montero - 809-823 Reuse of oil and gas produced water in south-eastern New Mexico: resource assessment, treatment processes, and policy
by Enid J. Sullivan Graham & Anne C. Jakle & F. David Martin - 824-838 Water-energy-food nexus in a transboundary context: the Euphrates-Tigris river basin as a case study
by Aysegül Kibaroglu & Sezin Iba Gürsoy - 839-855 Water-food-energy nexus in Chile: the challenges due to global change in different regional contexts
by Francisco J. Meza & Sebastian Vicuna & Jorge Gironás & David Poblete & Francisco Suárez & Melanie Oertel - 856-876 How would the Rogun Dam affect water and energy scarcity in Central Asia?
by Maksud Bekchanov & Claudia Ringler & Anik Bhaduri & Marc Jeuland - 877-894 Governance of transitions towards sustainable development - the water-energy-food nexus in Cyprus
by Johannes Halbe & Claudia Pahl-Wostl & Manfred A. Lange & Christina Velonis - 895-910 The water-energy-food (WEF) security nexus: the policy perspective of Bangladesh
by Animesh K. Gain & Carlo Giupponi & David Benson - 911-928 Where is the power? Transnational networks, authority and the dispute over the Xayaburi Dam on the Lower Mekong Mainstream
by Oliver Hensengerth - 929-948 Application of payments for hydrological ecosystem services to solve problems of fit and interplay in integrated water resources management
by Jochen Hack
July 2015, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 535-545 Forty years of Water International : on track but not in a rut
by James E. Nickum - 546-555 The reminiscences
by James E. Nickum - 556-558 XVth World Water Congress overview
by Cecilia Tortajada - 559-567 Ven Te Chow Memorial Lecture: Localizing water and food security
by Rabi H. Mohtar - 568-592 Crystal Drop Award Speech: Connecting the dots: a unifying theory for modelling in water engineering
by Vijay P. Singh - 593-613 Hydropolitics in the Harirud/Tejen River Basin: Afghanistan as hydro-hegemon?
by Vincent Thomas & Jeroen Warner - 614-634 Using water insecurity to predict domestic water demand in the Palestinian West Bank
by S. E. Galaitsi & Annette Huber-Lee & Richard M. Vogel & Elena N. Naumova - 635-646 Assessing the performance of water user associations in the Gash Irrigation Project, Sudan
by Lee A. Ngirazie & Ageel I. Bushara & Jerry W. Knox - 647-663 Predicting water quality associated with land cover change in the Grootdraai Dam catchment, South Africa
by Anja du Plessis & Tertius Harmse & Fethi Ahmed - 664-688 A counterfactual assessment for interagency collaboration on water quality: the case of the Geum River basin, South Korea
by J.H. Koo & J.Y. Yoon & K.H. Sim & H.K. Cho - 689-702 An assessment of Kalpana-1 rainfall product for drought monitoring over India at meteorological sub-division scale
by Shashikant Patel & Satya Prakash & Bindu Bhatt - 703-705 Earthea Nance, Engineers and communities: transforming sanitation in contemporary Brazil , reviewed by Paulo Augusto Cunha Libanio
by Paulo Augusto Cunha Libanio
May 2015, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 377-400 Transboundary groundwater governance in the Guarani Aquifer System: reflections from a survey of global and regional experts
by Zachary P. Sugg & Robert G. Varady & Andrea K. Gerlak & Rafael de Grenade - 401-416 Evolution of water management in coastal Bangladesh: from temporary earthen embankments to depoliticized community-managed polders
by Camelia Dewan & Aditi Mukherji & Marie-Charlotte Buisson - 417-431 Drought, distress, and a conditional cash transfer programme to mitigate the impact of drought in Bihar, India
by Avinash Kishore & P.K. Joshi & Divya Pandey - 432-445 Performing the success of an innovation: the case of smallholder drip irrigation in Burkina Faso
by Jonas Wanvoeke & Jean-Philippe Venot & Margreet Zwarteveen & Charlotte de Fraiture - 446-462 Using backcasting to explore ways to improve the national water department's contribution to good groundwater governance in South Africa
by P. Seward & Y. Xu & A. Turton - 463-482 Firms' willingness to invest in a water fund to improve water-related ecosystem services in the Lake Naivasha basin, Kenya
by Dawit W. Mulatu & Pieter R. van Oel & Anne van der Veen - 483-498 Bilateral virtual water trade in agricultural products: a case study of Germany and China
by Wei Jiang & Rainer Marggraf - 499-512 The relation between water pollution and economic growth using the environmental Kuznets curve: a case study in South Korea
by Jaesung Choi & Robert Hearne & Kihoon Lee & David Roberts - 513-533 Pollution of inland waters in Brazil: the case for goal-oriented initiatives
by Paulo Augusto Cunha Libanio
March 2015, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 215-230 The UN Peacebuilding Commission and the potential of water in post-conflict development, governance and reconciliation
by Andrea Beck - 231-250 Against the current: transboundary water management in small states on two continents
by Harlan Koff & Carmen Maganda - 251-272 A perfect storm: the causes and consequences of severe water scarcity, institutional breakdown and conflict in Yemen
by Matthew I. Weiss - 273-285 Water allocation reform: what makes it so difficult?
by Petra Hellegers & Xavier Leflaive - 286-296 Editors' introduction to The China Water Papers - transboundary water cooperation in Asia with a focus on China (III)
by Patricia Wouters & Huiping Chen - 297-311 The human right to water and foreign investment: friends or foes?
by Huiping Chen - 312-327 China's practice on the non-navigational uses of transboundary waters: transforming diplomacy through rules of international law
by Yanmei He - 328-341 Identifying China's transboundary water risks and vulnerabilities - a multidisciplinary analysis using hydrological data and legal/institutional settings
by Yan Feng & Daming He & Wenling Wang - 342-353 Water security in Himalayan Asia: first stirrings of regional cooperation?
by Bjørn-Oliver Magsig - 354-374 Transboundary water cooperation on the Yarlung Zangbo/Brahmaputra - a legal analysis of riparian state practice
by Yang Liu - 375-376 Key concepts in water resource management: a review and critical evaluation , edited by Jonathan Lautze, Routledge (Earthscan), Abingdon, UK and New York, USA, 2014, 131 pp., $49.95 (paperback), ISBN 978-0-415-71172-9
by James E. Nickum
January 2015, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-20 Editors' Introduction
by Patricia Wouters & Huiping Chen - 21-32 One step at a time: international law and the duty to cooperate in the management of shared water resources
by Christina Leb - 33-47 The governance of wetland ecosystems and the promotion of transboundary water cooperation - opportunities presented by the Ramsar Convention
by Jing Lee - 48-70 Benefit-sharing and upstream/downstream cooperation for ecological protection of transboundary waters: opportunities for China as an upstream state
by Owen McIntyre - 71-86 Approaches to investment in Chinese transboundary waters
by Xiuli Han - 87-99 A new perspective on water governance in China: Captain of the River
by Liping Dai - 100-112 Mapping Asia's trans-boundary waters, with a focus on China
by Vivian Louis Forbes - 113-138 China's southbound transboundary river basins: a case of asymmetry
by Mirja Kattelus & Matti Kummu & Marko Keskinen & Aura Salmivaara & Olli Varis - 139-152 Benefit sharing in the Mekong River basin
by Seungho Lee - 153-167 An analysis of Turkey's water diplomacy and its evolving position vis-à-vis international water law
by Aysegül Kibaroglu - 168-182 The UNECE Water Convention and the development of transboundary cooperation in the Chu-Talas, Kura, Drin and Dniester River basins
by Bo Libert - 183-198 Transboundary water management: lessons learnt from North America
by Velma I. Grover & Gail Krantzberg - 199-213 Do good fences make good neighbours? Canada-United States transboundary water governance, the Boundary Waters Treaty, and twenty-first-century challenges
by Emma S. Norman & Karen Bakker
November 2014, Volume 39, Issue 7
- 921-932 Understanding and confronting cultural complexities characterizing water, sanitation and hygiene in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Emmanuel M. Akpabio & Kaoru Takara - 933-951 Data-sharing bottlenecks in transboundary integrated water resources management: a case study of the Mekong River Commission's procedures for data sharing in the Thai context
by Bunthida Plengsaeng & Uta Wehn & Pieter van der Zaag - 952-968 Water service delivery in Kenya and Ghana: an area-based assessment of water utility performance
by Francesc Bellaubi & Jan Teun Visscher - 969-982 The human right to water and sanitation: is the obligation deliverable?
by Salman M.A. Salman - 983-999 Factors influencing water level changes in China's largest freshwater lake, Poyang Lake, in the past 50 years
by Xuchun Ye & Yunliang Li & Xianghu Li & Qi Zhang - 1000-1017 Water productivity and water footprint: misguided concepts or useful tools in water management and policy?
by Upali A. Amarasinghe & Vladimir Smakhtin - 1018-1029 Developing partnership approaches for flood risk management: implementation of inter-local co-operations in Austria
by Thomas Thaler
October 2014, Volume 39, Issue 6
- 791-797 Frontiers of land and water governance in urban regions
by Thomas Hartmann & Tejo Spit - 798-812 Groundwater governance and spatial planning challenges: examining sustainability and participation on the ground
by Gabriela Cuadrado-Quesada - 813-825 Impact of short-rotation coppice on water and land resources
by Jens Hartwich & Jens Bölscher & Achim Schulte - 826-841 Regional governance vis-a-vis water supply and wastewater disposal: research and applied science in two disconnected fields
by Martin Schmidt - 842-857 Managing urban riverscapes: towards a cultural perspective of land and water governance
by Meike Levin-Keitel - 858-871 The governance dilemma in the Flanders coastal region between integrated water managers and spatial planners
by Karel Van den Berghe & Renaat De Sutter - 872-883 A co-evolving frontier between land and water: dilemmas of flexibility versus robustness in flood risk management
by Barbara Tempels & Thomas Hartmann - 884-900 Urban planning lock-in: implications for the realization of adaptive options towards climate change risks
by Karen Hetz & Antje Bruns - 901-920 Land and water governance on the shores of the Laurentian Great Lakes
by Richard K. Norton & Guy A. Meadows
September 2014, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 587-605 A long-term view of water consumption in Barcelona (1860-2011): from deprivation to abundance and eco-efficiency?
by Joan Ramon Ostos & Enric Tello - 606-619 Subsidizing the sustainability of rural water supply: the experience of the Brazilian rural rainwater-harvesting programme
by Uende A. F. Gomes & Léo Heller & Sandy Cairncross & Laia Domenèch & João L. Pena - 620-634 Irrigation infrastructure development in the Limarí Basin in Central Chile: implications for adaptation to climate variability and climate change
by S. Vicuna & P. Alvarez & O. Melo & L. Dale & F. Meza - 635-648 Towards sustainable irrigated Mediterranean agriculture: implications for water conservation in semi-arid environments
by Iván Francisco García-Tejero & Víctor Hugo Durán-Zuazo & José Luis Muriel-Fernández - 649-670 Are hydropower and irrigation development complements or substitutes? The example of the Nam Ngum River in the Mekong Basin
by G. Lacombe & S. Douangsavanh & J. Baker & C.T. Hoanh & R. Bartlett & M. Jeuland & C. Phongpachith - 671-685 The political economy of metering agricultural tube wells in West Bengal, India
by Aditi Mukherji & Arijit Das - 686-700 Let's bring in the floods: de-poldering in the Netherlands as a strategy for long-term delta survival?
by Martijn F. van Staveren & Jeroen F. Warner & Jan P.M. van Tatenhove & Philippus Wester - 701-704 Introduction to 'The China Water Papers' - transboundary water cooperation in Asia with a focus on China
by Patricia Wouters & Huiping Chen - 705-724 Contemporary legal analysis of China's transboundary water regimes: international law in practice
by Yu Su - 725-742 Ten building blocks for sustainable water governance: an integrated method to assess the governance of water
by Marleen van Rijswick & Jurian Edelenbos & Petra Hellegers & Matthijs Kok & Stefan Kuks - 743-754 Transboundary water law and vulnerable people: legal interpretations of the 'equitable use' principle
by Karina Vink - 755-773 Exploring China's approach to implementing 'eco-compensation' schemes: the Lake Tai watershed as case study considered through a legal lens
by Liping Dai
July 2014, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 401-416 The use of goal-oriented strategies in the building of water governance in Brazil
by Paulo Augusto Cunha Libanio - 417-430 Downspout politics, upstream conflict: formalizing rainwater harvesting in the United States
by Katie M. Meehan & Anna W. Moore - 431-450 Quantitative goals for large-scale fog collection projects as a sustainable freshwater resource in northern Chile
by Richard LeBoeuf & Emilio de la Jara - 451-468 Water conservation through trade: the case of Kenya
by Mesfin M. Mekonnen & Arjen Y. Hoekstra - 469-485 Pathways for effective groundwater governance in the least-developed-country context of the Lao PDR
by Paul Pavelic & Ounakone Xayviliya & Oualaphone Ongkeo - 486-503 Fluoride contamination in the Bongo District of Ghana, West Africa: geogenic contamination and cultural complexities
by Katherine A. Alfredo & Desmond F. Lawler & Lynn E. Katz - 504-516 Heavy metals in the midstream of the Ganges River: spatio-temporal trends in a seasonally dry tropical region (India)
by Anand V. Singh & Jitendra Pandey - 517-519 Managing water commons: a new look at changing systems: Introduction to the special section
by Mark Giordano & Everisto Mapedza & Bryan Bruns - 520-533 Whither collective action? Upscaling collective actions, politics and basin management in the process of 'legitimizing' an informal groundwater economy
by Marta Rica & Aurélien Dumont & Fermín Villarroya & Elena López-Gunn - 534-548 Rethinking commons management in Sub-Saharan West Africa: public authority and participation in the agricultural water sector
by Jean-Philippe Venot - 549-562 Tragedy? What tragedy? Swords of Damocles and common property irrigation
by Torsten Rødel Berg - 563-576 Productivity and the poor? Political economy of village pond fishery in the Indo-Gangetic Basin
by Tushaar Shah & Rajnarayan Indu - 577-579 Takele Soboka Bulto, The extraterritorial application of the human right to water in Africa
by Anthony Richard Turton - 579-581 Mike Young and Christine Esau, Investing in water for a green economy: services, infrastructure, policies and management
by Shaofeng Jia
May 2014, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 263-276 Minute 319: a cooperative approach to Mexico-US hydro-relations on the Colorado River
by Regina M. Buono & Gabriel Eckstein - 277-293 Water, sanitation and hygiene and indigenous peoples: a review of the literature
by Alejandro Jiménez & Moa Cortobius & Marianne Kjellén - 294-314 Development aid and access to water and sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Adeleke O. Salami & Marco Stampini & Abdul B. Kamara & Caroline A. Sullivan & Regassa Namara - 315-332 International water law and supporting water management principles in the development of a model transboundary agreement between riparians in international river basins
by Malcolm J. Gander - 333-347 Water governance and scalar politics across multiple-boundary river basins: states, catchments and regional powers in the Iberian Peninsula
by Leandro Del Moral & Afonso Do Ó - 348-359 Water distribution systems and on-farm irrigation practices: limitations and consequences for Afghanistan's agricultural productivity
by S. Alan Walters & John W. Groninger - 360-380 Satellite precipitation products and hydrologic applications
by Kenneth J. Tobin & Marvin E. Bennett