May 2014, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 381-393 Impact of sedimentation on groundwater recharge at Sahalanowt Dam, Salalah, Oman
by S. A. Prathapar & Abdulla Ali Bawain - 394-397 Ralph Pentland and Chris Wood, Down the drain: how we are failing to protect our water resources
by David B. Brooks - 397-400 Flavia Rocha Loures and Alistair Rieu-Clarke (eds), The UN Watercourses Convention in force: strengthening international law for transboundary water management
by Stefano Burchi
March 2014, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 129-142 Equitable water governance: future directions in the understanding and analysis of water inequities in the global South
by Flora Lu & Constanza Ocampo-Raeder & Ben Crow - 143-158 Defining, researching and struggling for water justice: some conceptual building blocks for research and action
by Margreet Z. Zwarteveen & Rutgerd Boelens - 159-171 What is water equity? The unfortunate consequences of a global focus on 'drinking water'
by Matthew Goff & Ben Crow - 172-186 Examining the emerging role of groundwater in water inequity in India
by Veena Srinivasan & Seema Kulkarni - 187-200 The colonial roots of inequality: access to water in urban East Africa
by Brian Dill & Ben Crow - 201-215 Popular participation, equity, and co-production of water and sanitation services in Caracas, Venezuela
by Rebecca McMillan & Susan Spronk & Calais Caswell - 216-232 Creating equitable water institutions on disputed land: a Honduran case study
by Catherine M. Tucker - 233-245 What kind of governance for what kind of equity? Towards a theorization of justice in water governance
by Tom Perreault
January 2014, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-9 Statistical analysis of Philippine water district characteristics and how these affect water tariffs
by Carlos Primo C. David & Peter Julian A. Cayton & Theresa E. Lorenzo & Eduardo C. Santos - 10-22 Situating water in peacebuilding: revisiting the Middle East peace process
by Karin Aggestam & Anna Sundell-Eklund - 23-34 Assessment of rural and highly seasonal tourist activity plus drought effects on reservoir operation in a semi-arid region of Greece using the WEAP model
by K.A. Demertzi & D.M. Papamichail & P.E. Georgiou & D.N. Karamouzis & V.G. Aschonitis - 35-48 Macro, meso, and micro-efficiencies and terminologies in water resources management: a look at urban and agricultural differences
by Naim Haie & Andrew A. Keller - 49-62 Roman water law in rural Africa: the unfinished business of colonial dispossession
by Barbara van Koppen & Pieter van der Zaag & Emmanuel Manzungu & Barbara Tapela - 63-80 The Cycles and Spirals of Justice in water-allocation decision making
by Marian J. Patrick - 81-96 Including cultural water requirements in environmental flow assessment: an example from the upper Ganga River, India
by Chicu Lokgariwar & Ravi Chopra & Vladimir Smakhtin & Luna Bharati & Jay O'Keeffe - 97-112 From an open-access to a state-controlled resource: the case of groundwater in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
by Vishnu Prasad Pandey & Futaba Kazama - 113-127 A framework for assessing effective urban water management: lessons from the Canadian Prairie
by Jostein Kevinsen & Robert J. Patrick & Lalita A. Bharadwaj
November 2013, Volume 38, Issue 7
- 867-874 Water supply and sanitation as a 'preventive medicine': challenges in rapidly growing economies
by V.S. Saravanan & Daphne Gondhalekar - 875-887 Urbanizing diseases: contested institutional terrain of water- and vector-borne diseases in Ahmedabad, India
by V.S. Saravanan - 888-901 Water, sanitation and health: an intra-urban comparison in the municipality of Caraguatatuba, Brazil
by Igor C. Johansen & Roberto Luiz do Carmo & Maria do Carmo D. Bueno - 902-920 Water-related health risks in rapidly developing towns: the potential of integrated GIS-based urban planning
by Daphne Gondhalekar & Sven Nussbaum & Adris Akhtar & Jenny Kebschull & Pascal Keilmann & Sonam Dawa & Phuntsok Namgyal & Lobzang Tsultim & Tsering Phuntsog & Stanzin Dorje & Phunchok Namgail & Tsering Mutup - 921-929 Water, sanitation and hygiene practices among primary-school children in Lagos: a case study of the Makoko slum community
by Babatope Babalobi - 930-940 Urbanization, peri-urban water (in)security and human well-being: a perspective from four South Asian cities
by Vishal Narain & M. Shah Alam Khan & Rajesh Sada & Sreoshi Singh & Anjal Prakash - 941-953 Health as a sustainability indicator within water resources management in rural and peri-urban areas of central northern Namibia
by M. Zimmermann - 954-966 Water and sanitation in six villages in Guizhou and Guangxi Provinces, China: a critical perspective
by Theresa Carino & Ying Xie - 967-976 Towards systematic comparative water and health research
by Daphne Gondhalekar & Peter P. Mollinga & V.S. Saravanan
October 2013, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 671-686 Changing the nature of transboundary water agreements: the Israeli-Palestinian case
by David B. Brooks & Julie Trottier & Laura Doliner - 687-700 Assessing the existing knowledge base and opinions of decision makers on the regulation and monitoring of unconventional gas mining in South Africa
by Surina Esterhuyse & Marthie Kemp & Nola Redelinghuys - 701-723 Assessing the economic impact of North China's water scarcity mitigation strategy: a multi-region, water-extended computable general equilibrium analysis
by Changbo Qin & Z.(Bob) Su & Hans Th.A. Bressers & Yangwen Jia & Hao Wang - 724-743 Integrated river basin planning and management: a case study of the Zayandehrud River basin, Iran
by Morteza Safaei & Hamid R. Safavi & Daniel Peter Loucks & Azadeh Ahmadi & Wil van der Krogt - 744-757 Attitudes toward post-earthquake water and sanitation management and payment options in Leogane, Haiti
by Heather C. Galada & Patrick L. Gurian & Franco Montalto & Mimi Sheller & Michael Piasecki & Tibebu B. Ayalew & Steve O'Connor - 758-773 Lost in transition? The introduction of water users associations in Uzbekistan
by Gert Jan A. Veldwisch & Peter P. Mollinga - 774-789 Managed aquifer recharge in community water supply: the Finnish experience and some international comparisons
by V. Kurki & A. Lipponen & T. Katko - 790-808 Do policy and institutional factors explain the low levels of smallholder groundwater use in Sub-Saharan Africa?
by Srinivas Chokkakula & Mark Giordano - 809-826 Understanding smallholder irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa: results of a sample survey from nine countries
by Tushaar Shah & Shilp Verma & Paul Pavelic - 827-839 Small pumps and poor farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa: an assessment of current extent of use and poverty outreach
by Regassa E. Namara & Gebrehawaria Gebregziabher & Meredith Giordano & Charlotte De Fraiture - 840-851 Gender aspects of smallholder private groundwater irrigation in Ghana and Zambia
by Barbara Van Koppen & Lesley Hope & Willem Colenbrander - 852-863 Cost-benefit analysis and ideas for cost sharing of groundwater irrigation: evidence from north-eastern Ethiopia
by Gebrehaweria Gebregziabher & Karen G. Villholth & Munir A. Hanjra & Muleta Yirga & Regassa E. Namara
September 2013, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 505-514 Water for food security: challenges for Pakistan
by Claudia Ringler & Arif Anwar - 515-535 Progress of constitutional change and irrigation management transfer in Pakistan: insights from a net-map exercise
by Andrew Reid Bell & Noora-Lisa Aberman & Fatima Zaidi & Benjamin Wielgosz - 536-551 An old-new measure of canal water inequity
by Arif A. Anwar & Zia Ul Haq - 552-570 Is a surface-water market physically feasible in Pakistan's Indus Basin Irrigation System?
by Agha Ali Akram - 571-586 Energy use in large-scale irrigated agriculture in the Punjab province of Pakistan
by Afreen Siddiqi & James L. Wescoat - 587-600 Using fallout -super-137Cs for evaluation of watershed management in a sub-catchment of Mangla, Pakistan
by M. Rafiq & M. Ahmad & N. Ahmad & N. Iqbal - 601-619 Comparative institutional analysis of customary rights and colonial law in spate irrigation systems of Pakistani Punjab
by Muhammad Asif Kamran & Ganesh Prasad Shivakoti - 620-631 Droughts in Pakistan: a spatiotemporal variability analysis using the Standardized Precipitation Index
by Hua Xie & Claudia Ringler & Tingju Zhu & Ahmad Waqas - 632-650 An introduction to the IBMR, a hydro-economic model for climate change impact assessment in Pakistan's Indus River basin
by Yi-Chen E. Yang & Casey M. Brown & Winston H. Yu & Andre Savitsky - 651-669 Climate change impacts and adaptation options for water and food in Pakistan: scenario analysis using an integrated global water and food projections model
by Tingju Zhu & Claudia Ringler & M. Mohsin Iqbal & Timothy B. Sulser & M. Arif Goheer
July 2013, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 363-368 Identifying the barriers and pathways forward for expanding the use of groundwater for irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Paul Pavelic & Karen G. Villholth & Shilp Verma - 369-391 Groundwater irrigation for smallholders in Sub-Saharan Africa - a synthesis of current knowledge to guide sustainable outcomes
by Karen G. Villholth - 392-407 Smallholder groundwater irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa: country-level estimates of development potential
by Paul Pavelic & Karen G. Villholth & Yunqiao Shu & Lisa-Maria Rebelo & Vladimir Smakhtin - 408-432 Predicting groundwater recharge in Ghana by estimating evapotranspiration
by Fathi M. Anayah & Jagath J. Kaluarachchi & Paul Pavelic & Vladimir Smakhtin - 433-448 Groundwater potential for dry-season irrigation in north-eastern Ghana
by Emmanuel Obuobie & Deborah Ofori & Sampson Kwaku Agodzo & Collins Okrah - 449-464 Small pumps and the poor: a field survey in the Upper East Region of Ghana
by Saa Dittoh & Joseph A. Awuni & Margaret A. Akuriba - 465-479 Constraints and opportunities for groundwater irrigation arising from hydrologic shifts in the Iullemmeden Basin, south-western Niger
by Bio Mohamadou Torou & Guillaume Favreau & Bruno Barbier & Paul Pavelic & Mahamadou Illou & Fatoumata Sidibé - 480-492 Integrated assessment of hydrogeology and water quality for groundwater-based irrigation development in the Raya Valley, northern Ethiopia
by Tenalem Ayenew & Merhawi GebreEgziabher & Seifu Kebede & Sileshi Mamo - 493-503 Improving the supply chain of motor pumps to accelerate mechanized small-scale private irrigation in Zambia
by Willem Colenbrander & Barbara van Koppen
May 2013, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 231-249 Polycentrism and pitfalls: the formation of water users forums in the Kikuletwa catchment, Tanzania
by Hans C. Komakech & Pieter van der Zaag - 250-262 The Gila River Indian Community Water Rights Settlement and its impact on water resource management
by Peter D. Rogers & Stephanie M. Edmiston - 263-282 Impacts of supply duration on the design and performance of intermittent water distribution systems in the West Bank
by Maher Abu-Madi & Nemanja Trifunovic - 283-296 Attitudes and behaviours towards water conservation on the Mediterranean coast: the role of socio-demographic and place-attachment factors
by Xavier Garcia & Melanie Muro & Anna Ribas & Albert Llausàs & Paul Jeffrey & David Saurí - 297-311 A SWAT evaluation of the effect of climate change on the hydrology of the Volta River basin
by Aditya Sood & Lal Muthuwatta & Matthew McCartney - 312-325 Drivers of change in agricultural water productivity and its improvement at basin scale in developing economies
by M. Dinesh Kumar & Jos C. van Dam - 326-339 Dissolved and particulate organic carbon concentrations in stream water and relationships with land use in multiple-use watersheds of the Han River (Korea)
by Jai-Ku Kim & Sungmin Jung & Jae-sung Eom & Changwon Jang & Yunkyoung Lee & Jeffrey S. Owen & Myoung-Sook Jung & Bomchul Kim - 340-352 Private-sector participation in water service provision: revealing governance gaps
by Aziza Akhmouch & Céline Kauffmann - 353-360 A GIS analysis of the spatial relation between evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the United States
by Sami Khanal & Shrinidhi Ambinakudige & John Rodgers
March 2013, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 109-111 Guest editorial
by Alistair Rieu-Clarke & Remy Kinna & Flavia Loures - 112-129 Utilization of shared international freshwater resources - the meaning and role of "equity" in international water law
by Owen McIntyre - 130-145 Does Article 6 (Factors Relevant to Equitable and Reasonable Utilization) in the UN Watercourses Convention misdirect riparian countries?
by Bruce Lankford - 146-155 The UN Watercourses Convention: the éminence grise behind cooperation on transboundary water resources
by Christina Leb - 156-165 The preservation of freshwater ecosystems of international watercourses and the integration of rules - an interpretative mechanism
by Jing Lee - 166-179 Article 33 of the UN Watercourses Convention: a step forward for dispute settlement?
by Attila Tanzi & Enrico Milano - 180-191 A new human rights-based approach to the UN Watercourses Convention
by Claudia Cinelli - 192-203 The influence of the UN Watercourses Convention on the development of a treaty regime in the Nile River basin
by Musa M. Abseno - 204-216 Revisiting the 1960 Indus Waters Treaty
by Hamid Sarfraz - 217-230 Exploring China's transboundary water treaty practice through the prism of the UN Watercourses Convention
by Huiping Chen & Alistair Rieu-Clarke & Patricia Wouters
January 2013, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-2 Letter from the president
by Dogan Altinbilek - 3-5 Editorial
by Philippus Wester & James E. Nickum - 6-6 IWRA XIV World Water Congress Keynote Speeches
by James E. Nickum & Philippus Wester - 6-11 No universal remedies: design for contexts
by Helen Ingram - 11-16 Water-related disaster management and adaptation to climate change: bridges and challenges?
by Guéladio Cissé - 17-29 The Nile Basin Cooperative Framework Agreement: a peacefully unfolding African spring?
by Salman M.A. Salman - 30-42 International river basin organizations: variation, options and insights
by Jonathan Lautze & Kai Wegerich & Jusipbek Kazbekov & Murat Yakubov - 43-60 Using GPS and recall to understand water collection in Kenyan informal settlements
by Ben Crow & James Davies & Susan Paterson & Julio Miles - 61-77 Regional variability of disinfection by-products in Canadian drinking water
by Shakhawat Chowdhury - 78-94 Water quality assessment at a global scale: a comparison between world regions
by Gabriela da Costa Silva & Monique G. Dubé - 95-107 ABCDE+F: a framework for thinking about water resources management
by Chris Perry - 108-108 In Memoriam: Aly Shady
by Aly Shady