October 2019, Volume 14, Issue 3-4
- 361-378 Forever young: creative responses to challenging issues in biographical research
by Ana Caetano & Magda Nico - 379-393 Sociological biography and socialisation process: a dispositionalist-contextualist conception
by Bernard Lahire - 394-406 Tapping and assessing the concept of educational regret: methodological techniques for opening up biographical reflection
by Pamela Aronson & Matthew Fleming - 407-422 Using reflexive lifelines in biographical interviews to aid the collection, visualisation and analysis of resilience
by Jane Gray & Jennifer Dagg - 423-446 Self-administered event history calendars: a possibility for surveys?
by Davide Morselli & Jean-Marie Le Goff & Jacques-Antoine Gauthier - 447-462 There is more than one way – a study of mixed analytical methods in biographical narrative research
by Marta Eichsteller - 463-474 Subjects analysing subjects in the biographical approach: a generational study of Chilean musicians
by Camila Moyano Dávila & Francisca Ortiz Ruiz - 475-499 Creative biographical responses to epistemological and methodological challenges in generating a deaf life story telling instrument
by Goedele A. M. De Clerck - 500-514 Migrants’ lives matter: biographical research, recognition and social participation
by Elsa Lechner - 515-527 Facilitating the voice of disabled women: the biographic narrative interpretive method (BNIM) in action
by Christine Peta & Tom Wengraf & Judith McKenzie - 528-541 Searching for pearls: ‘Doing’ biographical research on Pearl Jephcott
by John Goodwin - 542-559 A moment of biographical analysis under the microscope: reading Felipe’s autobiographical narrative
by Me-Linh Hannah Riemann
April 2019, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 157-173 Brexit and beyond: a Pandora’s Box?
by David Bailey & Leslie Budd - 174-188 Brexit, foreign investment and employment: some implications for industrial policy?
by David Bailey & Nigel Driffield & Erika Kispeter - 189-207 The product and sector level impact of a hard Brexit across the EU
by Martina Lawless & Edgar L. W. Morgenroth - 208-225 The economic impact of potential migration policies in the UK after Brexit
by Gabriela Ortiz Valverde & María C. Latorre - 226-241 Negotiating as One Europe or several? The variable geometry of the EU’s approach to Brexit
by Ed Turner & Andrew Glencross & Vladimir Bilcik & Simon Green - 242-255 Making sense of the social policy impacts of Brexit
by Linda Hantrais & Kitty Stewart & Kerris Cooper - 256-275 Neither Brexit nor remain: disruptive solidarity initiatives in a time of false promises and anti-democracy
by David J. Bailey - 276-293 Brexit and the territorial governance of the United Kingdom
by Tom Mullen - 294-311 Sense making of Brexit for economic citizenship in Northern Ireland
by Graham Brownlow & Leslie Budd - 312-326 Rural policy after Brexit
by Mark Shucksmith - 327-340 Brexit and the future of UK fisheries governance: learning lessons from Iceland, Norway and the Faroe Islands
by Christopher Huggins & John Connolly & Craig McAngus & Arno van der Zwet - 341-360 The Commonwealth: a panacea for the UK’s post-Brexit trade ills?
by David Hearne & Alex De Ruyter & Haydn Davies
January 2019, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-13 Political communication in election processes: an overview
by Guillermo López-García & José M. Pavía - 14-25 Mediatisation, neoliberalism and populisms: the case of Trump
by Daniel C. Hallin - 26-42 The tandem of populism and Euroscepticism: a comparative perspective in the light of the European crises
by Marianne Kneuer - 43-53 Exploring the accuracy of electoral polls during campaigns in 2016: only bad press?
by Óscar G. Luengo & Jaime Peláez-Berbell - 54-70 Preaching to the choir: ideology and following behaviour in social media
by Gonzalo Rivero - 71-88 Negative campaign in the Brazilian presidential race: an analysis of the attacks posted on Facebook by the main candidates
by Ícaro Joathan - 89-101 Social media election campaigning: who is working for whom? A conceptual exploration of digital political labour
by Kajsa Falasca & Mikolaj Dymek & Christina Grandien - 102-113 Engagement of politicians and citizens in the cyber campaign on Facebook: a comparative analysis between Mexico and Spain
by Carlos Muñiz & Eva Campos-Domínguez & Alma Rosa Saldierna & José Luis Dader - 114-131 Frame building and frame sponsorship in the 2011 Spanish election: the practices of polarised pluralism
by Lidia Valera-Ordaz - 132-143 The formation of aggregate expectations: wisdom of the crowds or media influence?
by Jose M. Pavía & Itziar Gil-Carceller & Alfredo Rubio-Mataix & Vicente Coll & Jose A. Alvarez-Jareño & Cristina Aybar & Salvador Carrasco-Arroyo - 144-156 Political candidates in infotainment programmes and their emotional effects on Twitter: an analysis of the 2015 Spanish general elections pre-campaign season
by Tomás Baviera & Àlvar Peris & Lorena Cano-Orón
October 2018, Volume 13, Issue 3-4
- 305-322 Introduction: identity, jeopardy and moral dilemmas in conducting research in ‘risky’ environments
by Monique Marks & Julten Abdelhalim - 323-336 Field, ethics and self: negotiating methodology in a Hindu right wing camp
by Aastha Tyagi - 337-353 ‘Don’t say “research”’: reducing bidirectional risk in Kibera slum
by E. Ashley Wilson - 354-371 Environmentalist protection: feminist methodology and participant risk for research with Chinese NGOs
by Angela Leggett - 372-385 Ethical and methodological responses to risks in fieldwork with deaf Ugandans
by Goedele A. M. De Clerck & Sam Lutalo-Kiingi - 386-396 ‘We are your brothers, we will know where you are at all times’: risk, violence and positionality in Karachi
by Sarwat Viqar - 397-411 Accommodating fieldwork to irreconcilable equations of citizenship, authoritarianism, poverty and fear in Egypt
by Julten Abdelhalim - 412-428 Where the dust settles: fieldwork, subjectivity and materiality in Cairo
by Aya Nassar - 429-443 Risky closeness and distance in two fieldwork sites in Brazil
by Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos - 444-456 Rumours, fears and solidarity in fieldwork in times of political turmoil on the verge of war in Southern Yemen
by Anne-Linda Amira Augustin - 457-457 Urban animals – shifting ecologies of proximities
by The Editors
April 2018, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 131-144 Twenty-first century grandparents: global perspectives on changing roles and consequences
by Ann Buchanan & Anna Rotkirch - 145-158 Global demographic change and grandparenthood
by George W. Leeson - 159-174 Interdisciplinary perspectives on grandparental investment: a journey towards causality
by David A. Coall & Sonja Hilbrand & Rebecca Sear & Ralph Hertwig - 175-186 Grandparents as substitute parents in the UK
by Joan Hunt - 187-202 Variations in grandfathering: characteristics of involved, passive, and disengaged grandfathers
by James S. Bates & Alan C. Taylor & M. Hunter Stanfield - 203-218 Marital disruption and intergenerational relations among older Finns
by Mirkka Danielsbacka & Antti O. Tanskanen - 219-231 Grandparenting and adolescent well-being: evidence from the UK and Israel
by Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz & Ann Buchanan - 232-245 Grandparental involvement and South African adolescents’ emotional and behavioural health: a summary of research findings
by Lauren Gail Wild - 246-260 Do grandparents matter? Intergenerational relationships between the closest grandparents and Malaysian adolescents
by Jo-Pei Tan - 261-274 Outdated assumptions about maternal grandmothers? Gender and lineage in grandparent–grandchild relationships
by Lynn Jamieson & Eloi Ribe & Pamela Warner - 275-287 Grandparents’ social identities in cultural context
by Ziarat Hossain & Giovanna Eisberg & David W. Shwalb - 288-304 Assessing associations in substance use across three generations: from grandparents to sons and from sons to their children
by Deborah M. Capaldi & Stacey S. Tiberio & David C. R. Kerr
January 2018, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-1 Erratum
by The Editors - 1-16 Sustaining natural resources in a changing environment: evidence, policy and impact
by Ruth Kattumuri - 17-29 International water targets and national realities in Sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Uganda
by Kevin Sansom & David Hirst & Sam Kayaga - 30-43 Towards sustainable development: planning surface coal mine closures in India
by Raman Srikanth & Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan - 44-57 The impact of urbanisation on land resources in Chongqing, China, 1997–2015
by Huiming Zong & Bingjie Cai - 58-71 Negotiating transparency: NGOs and contentious politics of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Ghana
by Nelson Oppong - 72-84 Gendered participation in community forest governance in India
by Satyapriya Rout - 85-99 Community empowerment in changing environments: creating value through food security
by Nicole Kenton & Sumita Singha - 100-111 Environmental impact assessment: evidence-based policymaking in Brazil
by Kathryn Hochstetler - 112-127 Low carbon energy and international development: from research impact to policymaking
by Ed Brown & Ben Campbell & Jon Cloke & Long Seng To & Britta Turner & Alistair Wray - 128-128 Call for Papers: Female killers in contemporary society
by Helen Gavin - 129-129 The changing world of work and employment
by Polly Lord
October 2017, Volume 12, Issue 3-4
- 165-174 Youngsters and adolescents in troubled contexts: worldwide perspectives
by Charalambos Tsekeris & Lily Stylianoudi - 175-188 The contribution of guardian care and peer support for psychological resilience among orphaned adolescents in Ethiopia
by Daniel Sewasew & Orna Braun-Lewensohn & Ebabush Kassa - 189-201 Ethnicity, politics and Zambian youth
by Derek Roberts & Simusa Silwamba - 202-214 Youth identity in desegregated schools of Johannesburg
by Marie Jacobs - 215-226 Violence and youth voter turnout in sub-saharan Africa
by Dabesaki Mac-Ikemenjima - 227-241 Marginalised youth, violence and policing: a qualitative study in Recife, Brazil
by Roxana Pessoa Cavalcanti - 242-257 Struggling for tomorrow: the future orientations of youth activism in a democratic crisis
by Tin-yuet Ting - 258-271 Resistant identities: culture and politics among Kuwaiti youth
by Emanuela Buscemi - 272-284 Between rap and jihad: spectacular subcutlures, terrorism and visuality
by Uliano Conti - 285-296 ‘Squashing the Beef’: Combatting Gang Violence and Reforming Masculinity in East London
by Gary Armstrong & James Rosbrook-Thompson - 297-315 Disadvantaged students and art school: the outcasts on the inside between acquiescence and contestation
by Anna Uboldi - 316-332 Aspiring workers or striving consumers? Rethinking social exclusion in the era of consumer capitalism
by Lara Monticelli & Simone Baglioni - 333-346 Youth in the age of anxiety: the case of a southern European location
by Valerie Visanich - 347-360 Imagining the future in a difficult present: storylines from Spanish youth
by María Luz Morán & Laura Fernández de Mosteyrín - 361-375 Young individuals as microcosms of the Portuguese crisis
by Magda Nico - 376-392 Investigating the roots of political disengagement of young Greek Cypriots
by Ioanna Christodoulou & Charis Pashias & Sotiris Theocharides & Bettina Davou
April 2017, Volume 12, Issue 1-2
- 1-12 Political activism across the life course
by Sevasti-Melissa Nolas & Christos Varvantakis & Vinnarasan Aruldoss - 13-26 Embodying ‘the Next Generation’: children’s everyday environmental activism in India and England
by Catherine Walker - 27-39 Teenage girls’ narratives of becoming activists
by Jessica K. Taft - 40-51 Narrative resources and political violence: the life stories of former clandestine militants in Portugal
by Raquel da Silva - 52-67 Politicisation in later life: experience and motivations of older people participating in a protest for the first time
by Jonathan R. Guillemot & Debora J. Price - 68-83 Talking politics in everyday family lives
by Sevasti-Melissa Nolas & Christos Varvantakis & Vinnarasan Aruldoss - 84-95 Digital citizens? Data traces and family life
by Veronica Barassi - 96-109 Welfare mothers’ grassroots activism for economic justice
by Sheila Marie Katz - 110-122 Play as activism? Early childhood and (inter)generational politics
by Rachel Rosen - 123-137 Educational activism across the divide: empowering youths and their communities
by Thalia Dragonas & Anni Vassiliou - 138-152 Housing choices in later life as unclaimed forms of housing activism
by Andrea Jones - 153-163 Enduring ideals: revisiting Lifetimes of Commitment twenty-five years later
by Molly Andrews
October 2016, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 283-288 Crime and society
by David Canter & Donna Youngs - 289-303 Fragile masculinity: social inequalities in the narrative frame and discursive construction of a mass shooter’s autobiography/manifesto
by Chrystie Myketiak - 304-314 Pride and prejudice: the context of reception for Muslims in the United States
by Elif Bulut - 315-333 Does Islam deter crime in a secular Islamic country? The case of Turkey
by Ozden Ozbay - 334-346 Is there a natural rate of crime in India?
by Jagadish Prasad Sahu & Chandan Kumar Mohanty - 347-361 Use of drugs and criminal behaviour among female adolescent prostitutes in Lagos metropolis, Nigeria
by Sogo Angel Olofinbiyi & Babatunde Ajayi Olofinbiyi & John Lekan Oyefara - 362-372 A reason for reasonable doubt in social justice: the weight of poverty, race and gender in lopsided homicide case clearances outcomes
by Alonzo DeCarlo - 373-391 A consideration of the social impact of cybercrime: examples from hacking, piracy, and child abuse material online
by Mary Aiken & Ciaran Mc Mahon & Ciaran Haughton & Laura O'Neill & Edward O'Carroll - 392-402 The impacts of organised crime in the EU: some preliminary thoughts on measurement difficulties
by Michael Levi - 403-413 Homelessness among formerly incarcerated African American men: contributors and consequences
by Myia C. Egleton & Diari Marcus Banigo & Branden A. McLeod & Halaevalu F.O. Vakalahi - 414-431 An inside look at Israeli police critical incident first responders
by Brenda Geiger - 432-437 Tackling sexual violence at UK universities: a case study
by Graham Towl
July 2016, Volume 11, Issue 2-3
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 103-112 Social inequality and its consequences in the twenty-first century
by Jennifer Jarman - 113-124 Rethinking class analysis: some reflections on current issues and possible new forms of empirical research
by Roger Penn - 125-153 A new international measure of social stratification
by Cinzia Meraviglia & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom & Deborah De Luca - 154-168 How well can we predict educational outcomes? Examining the roles of cognitive ability and social position in educational attainment
by Tim Morris & Danny Dorling & George Davey Smith - 169-182 Social stratification, secondary school tracking and university enrolment in Italy
by Gabriele Ballarino & Nazareno Panichella - 183-202 Parental socioeconomic influences on filial educational outcomes in Scotland: patterns of school-level educational performance using administrative data
by Christopher James Playford & Vernon Gayle & Roxanne Connelly & Susan Murray - 203-221 Do young people not in education, employment or training experience long-term occupational scarring? A longitudinal analysis over 20 years of follow-up
by Kevin Ralston & Zhiqiang Feng & Dawn Everington & Chris Dibben - 222-237 Social mobility, social network and subjective well-being in the UK
by Yaojun Li - 238-252 Understanding gender inequality in employment and retirement
by Robert M. Blackburn & Jennifer Jarman & Girts Racko - 253-269 Tax policy, social inequality and growth
by Jonathan E. Leightner & Zhang Haiqi - 270-281 Trends in economic growth and levels of wealth inequality in G20 nations: 2001–2013
by Jenny Chesters - 282-282 Spaces, places and states of mind …
by Eric Weissman
January 2016, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-17 Recent trends in civic disengagement
by Robin G. Milne - 18-29 Entitlement and adherence in schools
by George Head - 30-39 Absence from work
by Ewan B. Macdonald & Kaveh Asanati - 40-51 Housing benefit: slow on the take-up?
by Kenneth Gibb - 52-63 School and local authority characteristics associated with take-up of free school meals in Scottish secondary schools, 2014
by Stephanie Chambers & Ruth Dundas & Ben Torsney - 64-78 Using administrative innovation to address missed consultant outpatient appointments
by Robin G. Milne - 79-91 Using economic analysis to increase civic engagement
by Robin G. Milne & Kenneth Gibb - 92-101 (Dis)appointment: conspicuous absence in contemporary society
by Harvie Ferguson
October 2015, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 337-348 Populism, protest and democracy in the twenty-first century
by Thomas O’Brien - 349-363 The origins of labour autonomy in authoritarian Tunisia
by Keenan Wilder - 364-374 Context, image and the case of the Shahbag movement
by Sanchari De - 375-385 Social movements and constitutional politics in Latin America: reconfiguring alliances, framings and legal opportunities in the judicialisation of abortion rights in Brazil
by Alba Ruibal - 386-400 Political activists' frames in times of post-politics: evidence from Kirchnerism in Argentina and Podemos in Spain
by Iban Diaz-Parra & Beltran Roca & Silvina Romano - 401-412 Intellectual radicals challenging the state: the case of Hizb ut-Tahrir in the west
by Elisa Orofino - 413-426 Political religion and the rise of transnational right and left-wing social movements since 9/11
by David Martin Jones
September 2015, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 235-248 What is social death?
by Jana Králová - 249-261 Agency in the context of social death: dying alone at home
by Glenys Caswell & Mórna O'Connor - 262-271 Social death and the moral identity of the fourth age
by Chris Gilleard & Paul Higgs - 272-283 Social death in end-of-life care policy
by Erica Borgstrom - 284-295 Post-mortem social death - exploring the absence of the deceased
by Annika Jonsson - 296-309 To resist or to embrace social death? Photographs of couples on Romanian gravestones
by Adela Toplean - 310-322 (Social) Death is not the end: resisting social exclusion due to suicide
by Zohar Gazit - 323-335 The agency of dead musicians
by Lisa McCormick
June 2015, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 101-113 Evidence-based policy: exploring international and interdisciplinary insights
by Linda Hantrais & Ashley Thomas Lenihan & Susanne MacGregor - 114-125 Institutionalising evidence-based policy: international insights into knowledge brokerage
by Ashley Thomas Lenihan - 126-137 Using evidence to improve policy and practice: the UK What Works Centres
by Dan Bristow & Lauren Carter & Steve Martin - 138-147 Evidence-based policy as iterative learning: the case of EU biofuels targets
by Karen Anderton & James R. Palmer - 148-159 Creating and using the evidence base: the case of the Active Ageing Index
by Asghar Zaidi - 160-170 Media and evidence-informed policy development: the case of mental health in Australia
by Carla Meurk & Harvey Whiteford & Brian Head & Wayne Hall & Nicholas Carah - 171-181 Using evidence to reconstruct second-language learning policies in Estonia
by Tatjana Kiilo & Dagmar Kutsar - 182-190 CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis: Dutch (economic) policy-making
by Edwin van de Haar - 191-201 Evidence and the policy process from an Indian perspective
by Ruth Kattumuri - 202-211 (Mis)use of evidence in microfinance programming in the global south: a critique
by Maren Duvendack & Kate Maclean - 212-220 Evidence and alcohol policy: lessons from the Italian case
by Franca Beccaria - 221-231 Evidence-based research, epidemiology and alcohol policy: a critique
by Alfred Uhl
March 2015, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-14 Contextualising the self in contemporary social science
by Charalambos Tsekeris - 15-25 Self-construction and multiple modernities
by Vulca Fidolini - 26-38 Selfhood and its pragmatic coherence in the context of social entropy: towards a new framework of the social self
by Jeff Vass - 39-51 The dilemma of 'the capable actor' and the case of disrupted lives
by Kaisa Ketokivi & Mianna Meskus - 52-69 The self in family coexistence: developing youth's agency and prosociality
by Melissa Lopez Reyes & Katrina F. Resurreccion - 70-85 Portraying the self in online contexts: context-driven and user-driven online identity profiles
by Mónica Aresta & Luis Pedro & Carlos Santos & António Moreira - 86-98 'I have never cared for particular disciplines' - negotiating an interdisciplinary self in biographical narrative
by Carlos Adrian Cuevas-Garcia
December 2014, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 359-373 Critical issues in social science climate change research
by Catherine Leyshon - 374-392 Values, identity and pro-environmental behaviour
by Birgitta Gatersleben & Niamh Murtagh & Wokje Abrahamse - 393-414 Urban experiments and climate change: securing zero carbon development in Bangalore
by Harriet Bulkeley & Vanesa Castán Broto - 415-429 Putting practice into policy: reconfiguring questions of consumption and climate change
by Elizabeth Shove - 430-455 Input-output analyses of the pollution content of intra- and inter-national trade flows
by Karen Turner & Cathy Xin Cui & Soo Jung Ha & Geoffrey Hewings - 456-470 Decentralising energy: comparing the drivers and influencers of projects led by public, private, community and third sector actors
by Bouke Wiersma & Patrick Devine-Wright
September 2014, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 285-297 Asylum-seeking migration, identity-building and social cohesion: policy-making vs. social action for cultural recognition
by Amadu Wurie Khan - 298-310 Identities in diaspora: social, national and political identities of the Irish and Northern Irish in England
by Eve Binks & Neil Ferguson - 311-321 Understanding human trafficking: perspectives from social science, security matters, business and human rights
by Michael Chibba - 322-337 Motivations to remit: evidence from Chitwan, Nepal
by Pratikshya Bohra-Mishra - 338-344 The crisis in economics: What can it tell us about social science?
by Martyn Hammersley - 345-355 The perils of 'impact' for academic social science
by Martyn Hammersley - 356-357 A Map of the Social Sciences
by David Canter
June 2014, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 137-158 Olympic legacies: recurrent rhetoric and harsh realities
by Alan Tomlinson - 159-172 The Beijing Olympics: complicit consumerism and the re-invention of citizenship
by Steven Miles - 173-195 The legacies of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games: a bitter-sweet burden
by Roy Panagiotopoulou - 196-209 Making the Olympics work: interpreting diversity and inclusivity in employment and skills development pre-London 2012
by Lynn Minnaert - 210-226 Training of Vancouver 2010 volunteers: a legacy opportunity?
by Angela M. Benson & Tracey J. Dickson & F. Anne Terwiel & Deborah A. Blackman - 227-241 Landscapes of London 2012: 'adiZones' and the production of (corporate) Olympic space
by Francesca Weber-Newth - 242-252 Legacies of 2012: putting women's boxing into discourse
by Kath Woodward - 253-270 London's shadow legacies: security and activism at the 2012 Olympics
by Jules Boykoff & Pete Fussey - 271-283 The 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games and Brazil's soft power
by Bárbara Schausteck de Almeida & Wanderley Marchi Júnior & Elizabeth Pike - 284-284 Crime and society
by Donna Youngs
March 2014, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-14 Social sciences and social movements: the theoretical context
by Giovanni A. Travaglino - 15-30 Unity within diversity: a social psychological analysis of the internal diversity of the Indignados movement
by Tiina Likki - 31-48 The political economy of Israel's 'social justice' protests: a class and generational analysis
by Zeev Rosenhek & Michael Shalev - 49-62 Hashtags, ruling relations and the everyday: institutional ethnography insights on social movements
by Bram Meuleman & Corra Boushel - 63-78 A matter of law and order: reporting the Salford riots in local news webpages
by Sharon Coen & Caroline Jones - 79-91 The moral economy of the UK student protest movement 2010-2011
by Joseph Ibrahim - 92-105 Networks, counter-networks and political socialisation - paths and barriers to high-cost/risk activism in the 2010/11 student protests against fees and cuts
by Alexander Hensby - 106-120 Something's wrong here: transnational dissent and the unimagined community
by Brian Callan