March 2014, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 121-134 Why the psychology of collective action requires qualitative transformation as well as quantitative change
by Andrew G. Livingstone - 135-135 Special Issue of Contemporary Social Science The self in contemporary social science
by Charalambos Tsekeris
November 2013, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 167-175 Knowledge mobilisation and the social sciences: dancing with new partners in an age of austerity
by Jon Bannister & Irene Hardill - 176-190 Impact and knowledge mobilisation: what I have learnt as Chair of the Economic and Social Research Council Evaluation Committee
by Ann Buchanan - 191-206 A model for knowledge mobilisation and implications for the education of social researchers
by Paul Ellwood & Richard Thorpe & Charlotte Coleman - 207-222 Why social scientists should engage with natural scientists
by Philip Lowe & Jeremy Phillipson & Katy Wilkinson - 223-236 Researching with impact in the Global South? Impact-evaluation practices and the reproduction of 'development knowledge'
by Glyn Williams - 237-248 Research, policy and knowledge flows in education: what counts in knowledge mobilisation?
by Gemma Moss - 249-262 Knowledge mobilisation and the civic academy: the nature of evidence, the roles of narrative and the potential of contribution analysis
by Jon Bannister & Anthony O'Sullivan - 263-277 Everyday ethics in community-based participatory research
by Sarah Banks & Andrea Armstrong & Kathleen Carter & Helen Graham & Peter Hayward & Alex Henry & Tessa Holland & Claire Holmes & Amelia Lee & Ann McNulty & Niamh Moore & Nigel Nayling & Ann Stokoe & Aileen Strachan - 278-291 Mobilising knowledge in community - university partnerships: what does a community of practice approach contribute?
by Angie Hart & Ceri Davies & Kim Aumann & Etienne Wenger & Kay Aranda & Becky Heaver & David Wolff - 292-306 'It's what gets through people's radars isn't it': relationships in social work practice and knowledge exchange
by Mark Smith & Heather Wilkinson & Michael Gallagher - 307-320 Mobilising the experiential knowledge of clinicians, patients and carers for applied health-care research
by Pam Carter & Roger Beech & Domenica Coxon & Martin J. Thomas & Clare Jinks - 321-332 Enlivening evidence-based policy through embodiment and emotions
by Irene Hardill & Sarah Mills - 333-345 Rethinking policy-related research: charting a path using qualitative comparative analysis and complexity theory
by Tim Blackman - 346-361 Intangible assets, absorbing knowledge and its impact on firm performance: theory, measurement and policy implications
by Richard Harris & John Moffat
June 2013, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 83-91 Punishing children for their behaviour
by Raymond Arthur - 92-103 Competence and authority: adolescent treatment refusals for physical and mental health conditions
by Emma Cave - 104-119 Education in custody: young males' perspectives
by Anne Kennedy - 120-129 Teaching policy and practice: early years, neoliberalism and communities of practice
by Ewan Ingleby - 130-140 Sentencing mothers: the rights of the child and the duties of the criminal courts
by Rona Epstein - 141-155 Providers to enablers: reflections on the provision of positive activities targeting criminal and anti-social behaviour of young people
by Stuart Agnew - 156-165 Child labour: parameters, developmental implications, causes and consequences
by Mervyn Martin
February 2013, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-7 Alcohol and public policy
by Thom Brooks - 8-17 Alcohol and the family
by Woody Caan - 18-30 Two decades and a Category 5 hurricane later ... tracking homeless substance abusers in New Orleans
by Rachel L. Rayburn - 31-35 Storytelling: Walter Benjamin and recovery from alcoholism
by Joel C. Beaupre - 36-45 The borders of booze Britain: alcohol controls and nationality
by Tom Henri - 46-57 Respectable drinkers, sensible drinking, serious leisure: single-malt whisky enthusiasts and the moral panic of irresponsible Others
by Karl Spracklen - 58-70 Socially Responsible Investment in the alcohol industry: an assessment of investor attitudes and ethical arguments
by Boudewijn de Bruin - 71-82 Minimum pricing for alcohol: a Millian perspective
by Ben Saunders