January 2025, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-14 Obstacles to Covenantal Pluralism in Contemporary Russia
by Jekatyerina Dunajeva & Karrie Koesel - 15-29 War as a Path to a Crossroads: The Fate of Covenantal Pluralism in Ukraine
by Catherine Wanner - 30-42 Challenges and Opportunities for Covenantal Pluralism in Romania
by Lucian N. Leustean - 43-56 Prospects for Covenantal Pluralism in Bulgaria
by Daniela Kalkandjieva - 57-74 (Re)Conceptualizing Covenantal Pluralism in Georgia: Interfaith Dynamics on Orthodox Terms
by Tornike Metreveli - 75-87 Political Regimes and Religious Co-existence: When is the Covenant Possible? The Case of Armenia
by Yulia Antonyan - 88-101 Covenantal Pluralism in Eastern Europe? A Bleak Outlook from Serbia
by Marko Veković - 102-115 Albania’s “Religious Harmony” Diplomacy
by Islam Jusufi - 116-118 The New Governance of Religious Diversity
by Robert W. Hefner - 119-120 Religious Minorities at Risk
by Robert J. Joustra
October 2024, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 1-13 South Africa at 30: What Lessons for Covenantal Pluralism from a Laboratory of Ubuntu and Nation Building?
by Ebrahim Rasool - 14-26 Covenantal Pluralism’s Enabling Conditions in South African Context: The Example of Multi-Faith Schools
by Helena van Coller - 27-41 Problems and Prospects of Developing Covenantal Pluralism in Zambia, a “Christian Nation”
by Jeffrey Haynes - 42-57 The Religious Landscape of Malawi and Prospects for Covenantal Pluralism
by Dorothy Tembo - 58-69 Covenantal Pluralism in Multi-Religious Mozambique: Precedents, Problems, and Potentials
by Chapane Mutiua & Devaka Premawardhana - 70-83 Covenantal Pluralism in Zimbabwe—from Ecumenical Councils to Grassroots Ecumenism
by David Maxwell - 84-88 Covenantal Pluralism in the Era of HIV and AIDS in Zambia: A Reflection on the Zambia Interfaith Networking Group (ZINGO)
by Nelly Mwale - 89-92 Religious Freedom and Reasonable Accommodation in South Africa: A Framework for Living with Deep Difference
by Daniela Ellerbeck - 93-104 The South African Charter of Religious Rights and Freedoms
by Rassie Malherbe - 105-107 Accidental Diplomats: American Missionaries and the Cold War in Africa
by Joel Cabrita - 108-108 Correction
by The Editors
July 2024, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 1-10 The Hindu Right and India's Religious Diplomacy
by Ian Hall - 11-26 Why the European Union Needs to Clarify and Codify its Engagement with Religion
by Fearghas O’Beara - 27-38 Pope Francis’ Vision and Whole Child Education, Part II: Exploring the Foundational Beliefs of Imago Dei, Magis, and Dios en Todo
by Melodie Wyttenbach & Anne-Marie Grejdus & Marissa Browne - 39-54 The Role of Faith in Child Marriage: Empirical Evidence from Mozambique, Nepal, and the Philippines
by Kanykey Bayalieva Jailobaeva & Kathryn Kraft & Hazel Barrett & Pascal Niyonkuru & Desmond Lim & Alberto Marin & Eduardo Cossa - 55-66 Legal Status of Vietnamese Protestant Churches: The Pros and Cons
by Tuyen Van Le & Filip Kraus - 67-79 A Catholic Approach to Dialogue as a Tool of Diplomacy
by Marián Sekerák - 80-91 The Art of the (Im)possible: Ethical Limits and Christian “Kenotic” Inspirations for Diplomacy
by Vojtěch Mašek - 92-95 Religion and the Prevention of Election Violence: Lessons from Kenya
by Simon Polinder - 96-97 The Political Economy of Heaven and Earth in Ghana
by Jeffrey Haynes - 98-100 Security After Christendom: Global Politics and Political Theology for Apocalyptic Times
by Jodok Troy - 101-103 Liberal Arts and the Legacy of China’s Christian Universities
by Zhijin Cui - 104-105 Letter to the Editor
by Neha Khetrapal
April 2024, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 1-5 Introduction: Making Sense of “Likelihood of Success” in the Just War Tradition
by Robert J. Joustra - 6-12 Worse Things Than Losing: Underdogs Defining Likelihood of Success
by Eric Patterson - 13-25 Likelihood of Success, the Science of War, and the False Security of a Technical Principle
by Valerie Morkevičius - 26-36 Just War and Likelihood of Success: Wars of Necessity vs. Wars of Choice
by Christian Nikolaus Braun - 37-42 What Should We Hope For? In Search of Reasonable Definitions of Success
by Henrik Syse - 43-50 From Likelihood of Success to Likely Consequences
by Bryan T. McGraw - 51-60 Humanitarian Success Post Bellum
by Rebecca Munson - 61-72 When You Can’t Afford to Miss: Likelihood of Success and Discrimination in Cyberwarfare
by Adam Knight - 73-87 Atomic Signaling: Exploring Likelihood of Success and Military Necessity through the Bargaining Model of War
by Jon Askonas & Joshua Hastey - 88-98 Success in Battle—Failure in War
by Pauletta Otis - 99-101 Origins of the Just War: Military Ethics and Culture in the Ancient Near East
by Ian DeJong - 102-104 A Basic Guide to the Just War Tradition: Christian Foundations and Practices
by Isaac Van Pelt
January 2024, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction: Educating for Engagement
by Chris Seiple - 5-8 Clerics Should be Champions of Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy: And Yet …
by Bob Roberts - 9-13 Why the Secular Academy Needs Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy
by James K. Wellman - 14-17 Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy and Faith-Based Social Service Organizations’ Boards
by Stephanie Summers - 18-23 Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy Formation and Women’s Leadership for FoRB
by Chelsea Langston Bombino - 24-27 What Can Chaplains Teach About Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy?
by Wendy Cadge - 28-32 An Experiential & Informal Pedagogy for Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy: Lessons from South Africa for a Troubled Muslim World
by Ebrahim Rasool - 33-37 Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy Education for Religious Freedom Progress in Vietnam
by Hien Vu - 38-42 Building Bridges of Understanding: Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy Initiatives in Pakistan
by Minhas Majeed Khan - 43-58 Curating Buddhism, Fostering Diplomacy: The “Secrets of the Fallen Pagoda” Exhibition in Singapore
by Jack Meng-Tat Chia & Darryl Kangfu Lim - 59-74 Faith Leaders and Child Well-Being in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study
by Shafi Md Mostofa & Muhammad Sazzad Hossain Siddiqui - 75-86 Theorizing Catholicism in International Relations: An English School Framework
by Marianne Rozario - 87-96 In Search of a Welcoming Environment for Religions in the “New Kazakhstan”
by Wade Kusack - 97-101 The Silence of the Roman Catholic Church on the Ukraine War
by Katharina McLarren - 102-107 Christian Nationalism's Threat to Global Democracy
by Nilay Saiya - 108-115 Know Your Enemy: Understanding the Worldview and Motives of Osama Bin Laden and the Jihadist Movement He Inspired
by Douglas M. Johnston - 116-122 A Bridge Over Troubled Water: How Worldview Helps Overcome the Religious-Secular Divide in Development Cooperation and Beyond
by Yannicke Goris & Simon Polinder - 123-123 Correction
by The Editors
October 2023, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 1-5 Introduction: Faith and the Founding Figures of Human Dignity
by Brett G. Scharffs - 6-14 The Loveliness Men Hide: Eleanor Roosevelt on Human Dignity
by Brett G. Scharffs & Leah Blake & Kimberley Farnsworth & Holly Hinckley Lesan & Marianna Richardson - 15-21 Drafting on the Basis of Dignity: John Peters Humphrey’s Contribution to the UDHR
by Paul Martens - 22-31 P.C. Chang, Multicultural Confucian Philosopher and Human Rights Champion
by Hans Ingvar Roth - 32-40 Being and Becoming: The Human Person and Human Dignity in Charles Malik’s Contribution to the UDHR
by Peter Petkoff - 41-49 Lives on Hyphens: Contributions of Hernán Santa Cruz from Chile and Guy Pérez Cisneros from Cuba to the UDHR
by Kristina Arriaga - 50-57 A Courageous Muslim Voice: How Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan Saved Article 18 of the UDHR
by Amjad Mahmood Khan - 58-68 Charles Dukes, the Deist and Labor Unionist who Shaped the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
by Fearghas O’Beara - 69-78 Colonel William Roy Hodgson: A Soldier of Principle, Peace, and Pugnacity for Human Rights
by Renae Barker - 79-86 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Soviet Political Religion, and Soviet Law
by Dmytro Vovk - 87-95 UNESCO and the Drafting of the UDHR: Navigating Theories and Practices
by Phinith Chanthalangsy - 96-106 Contending Discourses on Human Rights and Dignity in the Post-World War II Era
by Dicky Sofjan - 107-109 The Global Politics of Jesus: A Christian Case for Church-State Separation
by Chan Woong Shin - 110-112 The Godless Crusade: Religion, Populism and Right-Wing Identity Politics in the West
by Robert J. Joustra - 113-115 The Flag and the Cross: White Christian Nationalism and the Threat to American Democracy
by Robert J. Joustra
July 2023, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 1-6 Introduction: Ethnic Nationalism and Politicized Religion in the Pakistan-Afghanistan Borderland
by Ryan Brasher & Charles Ramsey - 7-21 Hybrid Extremism: Ethnonationalism and Territorialized Islamic Fundamentalism in Afghanistan
by Mohammad Qasim Wafayezada - 22-37 A Violent Nexus: Ethnonationalism, Religious Fundamentalism, and the Taliban
by Niamatullah Ibrahimi - 38-45 The Conflicting Synthesis of the Taliban’s Religious and Cultural Identity
by Faiz Muhammad Zaland - 46-54 Neo-Taliban? Thinking Through Typological Differences
by Faiz Muhammad Zaland & Charles Ramsey - 55-68 Ideology, Clericalism, and Socialization: Some Reflections on the Sociology of the Afghan Taliban
by William Maley - 69-85 Salafizing Hanafiyya? Madrasa Teachers in Afghanistan, State Actors, and Salafis
by Jamal Malik - 86-102 The Causal Impact of the Taliban’s Insurgency and Return to Power on Economic Well-being in Afghanistan
by Musa Shafiq & Mohammad Qasim Wafayezada - 103-123 In the Province of Faith: Disaggregating Pakistani Religious Parties’ Electoral Performance at the Sub-national and Denominational Levels
by Johann Chacko - 124-136 Pakistan’s Ethnic Parties’ Religious Narratives and Practices
by Abdullah Khoso & Muhammad Rovidad - 137-150 Pashtun Neo-Ethnonationalism
by Husnul Amin - 151-164 Memory and National Identity Among Afghan Refugees in Peshawar
by Abdullah Burki & Ryan Brasher
April 2023, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 1-12 Measuring Subnational Variation in Freedom of Religion or Belief Violations: Reflections on a Path Forward
by Jason Klocek & Dennis P. Petri - 13-24 Revisiting Religious Freedom as a National Security Lens: The Case of China
by Eric Patterson & Piper Smith & Linda Kamau - 25-30 Can We Have Religious Freedom and Social Harmony?
by Dennis R. Hoover - 31-43 Clergy as First Responders: Rethinking Leadership in Religion and Peacebuilding
by Gladys Ganiel - 44-56 Religious Communitarianism, Covenants, and Liberal Theory: On the Political Thought of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
by Nahshon Perez - 57-66 Jus Post Bellum and the Decision to Withdraw from Afghanistan
by Christian Nikolaus Braun - 67-82 Is Interreligious Dialogue in International Relations “Dialogue-Washing” for Authoritarian Regimes? an Exploration of KAICIID and ICCS as Track 1.5 Diplomacy
by Paul Hedges - 83-94 China’s Religious Diplomacy for its Belt and Road Initiative: A Review and Assessment
by Juyan Zhang - 95-106 The Effectiveness of Freedom of Religion or Belief as a Framework in International Relations: The Case of Uyghur Muslims and Other Religious Minorities in Xinjiang, China
by David Garciandía Igal - 107-120 Indonesia’s Fragmented Responses to International Pressure During the 2016–2017 Blasphemy Case
by Rizky Alif Alvian - 121-127 Pluralistic Islamic Religious Education: A Vision for Indonesia
by Abdul Mu’ti
January 2023, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-6 Education, Integral Human Development, and Pope Francis' Call for a Global Compact: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Quentin Wodon - 7-14 Pope Francis' Vision for Education and the Call for a Global Compact on Education
by Luiz Fernando Klein & Philippe Richard & Quentin Wodon - 15-27 Pope Francis' Vision and Whole Child Education: Exploring the Foundational Beliefs of Cura Personalis and Accompaniment
by Michael O. Warner & Melodie Wyttenbach & Molly McMahon - 28-35 A New Jesuit School in Brussels: Going to the Periphery
by Alain Deneef - 36-43 Catholic Universities in an Increasingly Competitive Environment
by Quentin Wodon - 44-52 Service-learning in Catholic Universities: Results from a Global Mapping Survey
by Tomás Argarate & Richard Brosse & Agustina Budani & Rodrigo Bustamante & Leandro Elesgaray & Maximiliano Luft & David Pisano & María Rosa Tapia & Nieves Tapia & Tamara Ulla & Quentin Wodon - 53-65 Advancing the Common Good Through Purpose-led Business: Catholic Social Teaching and a Blueprint for Better Business
by Charles Wookey & Helen Alford & Loughlin Hickey - 66-78 Catholic Social Teaching and Economics: Reflections on the Economy of Francesco
by Simona Beretta & Mario A. Maggioni - 79-95 Reducing Petty Corruption in Schools in Africa: A Role for Faith?
by Ada Nayihouba & Quentin Wodon - 96-104 Our Common Home: Climate Shocks, Educational Outcomes, and Education for Sustainable Development in Africa
by Nelly Elmallakh & Quentin Wodon
October 2022, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 1-3 Introduction: Religion and Comprehensive Security
by Pasquale Annicchino & Judd Birdsall - 4-11 Freedom of Religion or Belief is Security: The 2019 OSCE Policy Guidance on FoRB and Security
by Gabriele Fattori - 12-20 Counter-terrorism, Discrimination, and Freedom of Thought, Conscience, Religion, or Belief
by Susan Kerr & Johannes Heiler - 21-27 A Commitment to Religious Freedom as the Bond that Makes Us Free: Reinvigorating Security, Religious Autonomy, and the Good Society
by Brett G. Scharffs - 28-36 Comprehensive Security and the Environment: The Challenge for Religions
by Marco Ventura - 37-44 Russia’s Spiritual Security Doctrine as a Challenge to European Comprehensive Security Approaches
by Kristina Stoeckl - 45-53 Evangelicals and Comprehensive Security
by Judd Birdsall - 54-61 Comprehensive Security and LGBTQ Rights
by Nausica Palazzo - 62-67 Comprehensive Security and Religion: Moving Away from the Securitization Zeitgeist in the Digital Transition
by Pasquale Annicchino - 68-79 Diplomatic Leadership Development after the “Weaponization of Everything”: Approaching Religion or Belief as a Professional Competence
by Francis Davis - 80-90 COVID-19 and Religion: Pandemic Lessons and Legacies
by Katherine Marshall - 91-106 Re-framing Common Themes in Religions and Development Research
by Olivia Wilkinson - 107-118 An Examination of the Anti-impeachment Movement of Conservative Protestantism in Korea
by Hyung Chull Jang & Chull Lee - 119-120 We God’s People: Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism in the World of Nations
by Jeffrey Haynes
July 2022, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 1-3 Introduction
by Elizabeth A. Clark & Dmytro Vovk - 4-18 Piecing the Puzzle—Women and Freedom of Religion or Belief
by Nazila Ghanea - 19-31 Advancing Gender Equality Without Forfeiting Religious Autonomy: Squaring the Circle?
by Montserrat Gas-Aixendri - 32-46 Church-State Cooperation and its Impact on Freedom of Religion or Belief and on Gender Issues in Russia
by Mikhail Antonov - 47-62 International Obligations and Internal Tensions: Individual Religious Autonomy and Gender Equality in Russia and Central Asia
by Merilin Kiviorg - 63-76 Ukrainian Churches and the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Ukraine: Being Europe Without Accepting “Gender”
by Regina Elsner - 77-88 Freedom of Religion or Belief and Gender Equality in the Netherlands: Between Pillars, Polders, and Principles
by Jeroen Temperman - 89-94 Becoming Through Belonging: Women of Faith and Global Leadership
by Margaret J. Weber - 95-96 Rethinking Religion and Politics in a Plural World: The Bahá’í International Community and the United Nations
by Geoffrey Cameron
April 2022, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 1-12 Introduction: Freedom of Religion or Belief as a Human Right
by Heiner Bielefeldt & Thiago Alves Pinto & Marie Juul Petersen - 13-26 Breaking the Conservative Monopoly on Religious Liberty
by Elizabeth Reiner Platt - 27-39 Contesting Unfreedom: To be Queer and Christian in the Philippines
by Jayeel Cornelio & Robbin Dagle - 40-48 Freedom of Religion or Belief and Freedom of Expression
by Marie Juul Petersen - 49-60 Freedom of Religion or Belief and Cultural Heritage Protection: Synergistic not Competitive
by Knox Thames & Emily Scolaro - 61-68 Reflections on Freedom of Religion or Belief and Security
by Susan Kerr - 69-80 Blurring Boundaries or Deepening Discourses on FoRB? From Global to Local and Back Again
by Erin K. Wilson - 81-95 Clash of the Titans or Friendly Bedfellows? Freedom of Religion or Belief and Women’s Rights in India
by Saumya Uma - 96-108 Religious Equality and Freedom of Religion or Belief: International Development’s Blindspot
by Mariz Tadros
January 2022, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-10 Religious Diversity and Religious Governance in South Korea: From Nominal to Covenantal Pluralism
by Kwangsuk Yoo & Dong-Uhn Suh - 11-26 Covenantal Pluralism: Resonances and Dissonances in Cambodia
by Alexandra Kent - 27-42 Pluralizing Pluralism: Lessons from, and for, India
by Rochana Bajpai - 43-55 Covenantal Pluralism in “Homogenous” Japan: Finding a Space for Religious Pluralism
by Ernils Larsson - 56-68 Hindu Nuclear Politics and the Logic of Realism
by Bill Drexel - 69-81 The Diplomacy of the Holy See and its Transformation in the Context of Relations with the United Nations
by Marián Sekerák & Karol Lovaš - 82-88 The Tyranny of Religious Freedom Rankings
by Dennis P. Petri - 89-92 Responses to Religious Dissenters and Refugees: Lessons from Early Modern History
by John Coffey - 93-96 Theology and World Politics: Metaphysics, Genealogies, Political Theologies
by Miguel Vatter - 97-98 Indonesian Pluralities: Islam, Citizenship, and Democracy
by Paul Marshall
November 2021, Volume 19, Issue S1
- 1-11 Strategic Religious Engagement in International Development: Building a Basic Baseline
by Chris Seiple & Katherine Marshall & Hugo Slim & Sudipta Roy - 12-30 Impressions & Indications of Religious Engagement in Development
by Katherine Marshall - 31-41 Intrinsic and Strategic Leverage of Religion in Development
by Katherine Marshall & Sudipta Roy & Chris Seiple & Hugo Slim - 42-62 Religious Engagement in Development: What Impact Does it Have?
by Katherine Marshall & Sudipta Roy & Chris Seiple & Hugo Slim - 63-77 Implementing Strategic Religious Engagement in International Development
by Katherine Marshall & Sudipta Roy & Chris Seiple & Hugo Slim - 78-84 Putting the “Strategic” into Strategic Religious Engagement
by Olivia Wilkinson - 85-91 The USAID Strategic Religious Engagement Summit: What Was Not Said
by Azza Karam - 92-97 Right-Sizing Religion and Religious Engagement in Diplomacy and Development
by Peter Mandaville - 98-101 One Year Later: Reflections on USAID’s 2020 Evidence Summit on Strategic Religious Engagement
by Adam Nicholas Phillips
October 2021, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 1-4 Essays in Honor of Daniel Philpott: An Introduction in Two Parts
by Vendulka Kubálková & Renat Shaykhutdinov - 5-9 Bringing Ideas and Religions Back in Political Science: Contributions of Daniel Philpott
by Ahmet T. Kuru - 10-13 An Encounter in Three Phases with an Intellectual Giant
by Gregorio Bettiza - 14-19 Religion, Peace, and Inclusive Communication in Daniel Philpott’s Scholarship
by Nukhet A. Sandal - 20-22 Two Cantatas
by Ron E. Hassner - 23-25 Professor Philpott: A Perspective from the Classroom
by Kristen Noa - 26-29 Daniel Philpott's Constructivist, Historical, and Institutionalist Contributions to the Study of Religion and International Relations
by Jonathan C. Agensky - 30-35 The Radical Christian Witness of Daniel Philpott’s Scholarship
by Allen D. Hertzke - 36-39 Daniel Philpott: Bridging Secular and Religious Politics in International Relations
by Peter J. Katzenstein - 40-45 Religion and International Relations in Today’s Marketplace (or Industry?) of Ideas
by Vendulka Kubálková & Renat Shaykhutdinov - 46-56 Towards Religious Ways of Knowing: Reflections on the REL Symposium and the Future of the Field
by Daniel Philpott - 57-69 Covenantal Pluralism in Pakistan: Assessing the Conditions of Possibility
by Charles Ramsey - 70-84 “Turkmen Islam” and the Paucity of Real Pluralism in Turkmenistan’s Post-Soviet Nation-building
by Victoria Clement - 85-97 Authoritarian Governance and Ambiguous Religious Policy: An Uncertain Future for Covenantal Pluralism in Tajikistan
by Tim Epkenhans - 98-110 Building Pluralism in Central Asia: Outlining an Experiential Approach in Kyrgyzstan
by David W. Montgomery - 111-124 Warren G. Harding and the “Spirit of Christ” in Foreign Affairs
by Robert F. Schwarzwalder
July 2021, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 1-4 On Pendulum Effects in American Historical Memory
by Mark A. Noll - 5-19 Many Great Migrations: Colonial History and the Contest for American Identity
by Matthew Rowley - 20-32 Ghosts of Thanksgiving Past, Present, and Future
by Soong-Chan Rah - 33-45 “Inharmonious Elements” and “Racial Homogeneity”: New England Exceptionalism and Immigration Restriction
by Christine Arnold-Lourie - 46-54 Who Owns the Pilgrim Fathers? American Protestants and a Contested Legacy
by Margaret Bendroth - 55-64 The “First Thanksgiving” in the 21st Century—as Retold in Presidential Proclamations
by Judd Birdsall - 65-76 A Conversation about History, Race, Immigration, and the City on a Hill
by Matthew Rowley & Abram Van Engen - 77-88 Religious Responses to the Military Coup in Myanmar
by Iselin Frydenlund & Pum Za Mang & Phyo Wai & Susan Hayward - 89-103 Controlled Religious Plurality: Possibilities for Covenantal Pluralism in Vietnam
by Edyta Roszko - 104-114 Cultural Congruency and Covenantal Pluralism in the Lao PDR
by Stephen Bailey - 115-116 Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the Forty-Year Rivalry that Unraveled Culture, Religion, and Collective Memory in the Middle East
by Kristian Alexander
April 2021, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 1-13 Malaysia’s Creeping Islamization—and Dimming Prospects for Covenantal Pluralism
by Joseph Chinyong Liow - 14-28 Prospects for Covenantal Pluralism in the People's Republic of China: A Reflection on State Policy and Muslim Minorities
by Yuting Wang - 29-39 The Bahá’í Faith and Covenantal Pluralism: Promoting Oneness, Respecting Difference
by David A. Palmer & Temily Tavangar - 40-55 Barriers to Covenantal Pluralism in Bangladeshi Public Opinion
by C. Christine Fair & Parina Patel - 56-71 The “Ashoka Approach” and Indonesian Leadership in the Movement for Pluralist Re-Awakening in South and Southeast Asia
by Timothy Samuel Shah & C. Holland Taylor - 72-87 The Ambiguous Allure of Ashoka: Buddhist Kingship AS Precedent, Potentiality, and Pitfall for Covenantal Pluralism in Thailand
by Tomas Larsson - 88-101 Strategic Faith in Russia: Cultural DNA and Managed Pluralism
by Katya Drozdova - 102-109 Measuring Education Pluralism Globally
by Quentin Wodon - 110-118 Does Pluralism Matter for the Fulfillment of the Right to Education? Exploring New Indices
by Quentin Wodon
January 2021, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-13 A Case for Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy
by Chris Seiple & Dennis R. Hoover