June 2016, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 59-66 Indonesia, Islam, and the New U.S. Administration
by Robert W. Hefner - 67-75 Advancing Religious Freedom and Coexistence in Myanmar: Recommendations for the Next U.S. Administration
by Susan Hayward & Matthew J. Walton - 76-85 Engaging Sinhalese Buddhist Majoritarianism and Countering Religious Animus in Sri Lanka: Recommendations for the Incoming U.S. Administration
by Neil DeVotta - 86-92 Engaging Vietnam and Laos on Religious Freedom
by Hien Vu & Stephen Bailey & James Chen - 93-100 Violent Religious Extremism and U.S.--Africa Policy
by Robert A. Dowd - 101-104 Women and Islamist Extremism: Gender Rights Under the Shadow of Jihad
by Farahnaz Ispahani - 105-109 Advice for the Next American President: Commonwealth Collaboration, Cooperation, and Concern on Freedom of Religion or Belief
by Robert Joustra - 110-115 Keep the Faith: How American Diplomacy Got Religion, and How to Keep It
by Judd Birdsall - 116-117 Religious Actors and International Law
by Becca McBride
March 2016, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-8 Orthodox Christianity and Humanitarianism: An Introduction to Thought and Practice, Past and Present
by Elizabeth H. Prodromou & Nathanael Symeonides - 9-17 Orthodox Theological Foundations for an Ecclesial Humanitarianism
by Maxim Vasiljević - 18-25 Byzantine Philanthropic Institutions and Modern Humanitarianism
by Timothy S. Miller - 26-33 Orthodox Humanitarianisms: Patristic Foundations
by Susan R. Holman - 34-42 From Russia with Love, from the West with Ambivalence: Orthodox Christian Relief during the Greek Revolution and the New Historiography on Humanitarian Intervention
by Alexandros K. Kyrou - 43-50 Humanitarianism and the Churches in Ukraine
by Cyril Hovorun - 51-57 Faith Through Deeds: Case Studies of a Faith-Based Humanitarian Organization
by Pascalis Papouras - 58-65 Orthodoxy and Humanitarianism: Realities, Resources, and Future Research
by Dana L. Robert - 66-79 The Desecularization of Conflict: The Role of Religion in Russia's Confrontation with Chechnya, 1785--Today
by Christopher Marsh - 80-88 Religion and the Creation of European Identity: The Message of the Flags
by Brent F. Nelsen & James L. Guth - 89-101 Tocqueville and Qutb: Religion, Democracy, and the Needs of the Soul
by Ben Peterson - 102-104 The Russian Orthodox Church and Human Rights
by Cory Bender - 105-107 Christianity in Chinese Public Life: Religion, Society, and Rule of Law
by Brian Dijkema - 108-110 Political Secularism, Religion, and the State: A Time Series Analysis of Worldwide Data
by Robert Joustra
December 2015, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 1-11 Constructing Religion by Law in Myanmar
by Melissa Crouch - 12-24 Nationalism, Religion, and Violence: Old and New Wunthanu Movements in Myanmar
by Tharaphi Than - 25-35 The Double-Edged Sword of “Buddhist Democracy” in Myanmar
by Susan Hayward - 36-49 Women and Myanmar's “Religious Protection Laws”
by Matthew J. Walton & Melyn McKay & Daw Khin Mar Mar Kyi - 50-59 Alienation, Discrimination, and Securitization: Legal Personhood and Cultural Personhood of Muslims in Myanmar
by Nyi Nyi Kyaw - 60-70 The Contribution of Christianity to Myanmar's Social and Political Development
by Benedict Rogers - 71-78 Why Interfaith Dialogue is Essential for Myanmar's Future
by Saw Hlaing Bwa - 79-81 Responding to Child Abuse in Myanmar: Poverty, Ethnicity, and Religion in Pathein
by Seng Mai Aung - 82-86 International Engagement on Buddhist--Muslim Relations in Myanmar
by Owen Frazer - 87-90 Burma's Distinct Yet Flawed Approach to Religious Freedom: A Comparative Perspective
by Tina L. Mufford - 91-94 Toward a Future of Justice, Peace, and Development in Myanmar: a Christian Perspective
by Cardinal Charles Maung Bo - 95-96 Confronting Political Islam: Six Lessons from the West's Past
by Jennifer S. Bryson - 97-98 Their Second Republic: Islamism in the Sudan from Disintegration to Oblivion
by Areej Hassan - 99-100 Religion and Post-Conflict Statebuilding: Roman Catholic and Sunni Islamic Perspectives
by Laurie Johnston - 101-103 Confucian Perfectionism: A Political Philosophy for Modern Times
by Robert Joustra
September 2015, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 1-5 Child Marriage, Family Law, and Religion: An Introduction to the Fall 2015 Issue
by Quentin Wodon - 6-11 Global and Regional Trends in Child Marriage
by Minh Cong Nguyen & Quentin Wodon - 12-22 Economic Impacts of Child Marriage: A Review of the Literature
by Jennifer Parsons & Jeffrey Edmeades & Aslihan Kes & Suzanne Petroni & Maggie Sexton & Quentin Wodon - 23-31 Child Marriage Legislation in the Asia-Pacific Region
by Elisa Scolaro & Aleksandra Blagojevic & Brigitte Filion & Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli & Lale Say & Joar Svanemyr & Marleen Temmerman - 32-40 Family Law Reform, Gender Equality, and Underage Marriage: A view from Morocco and Jordan
by Paul Scott Prettitore - 41-47 Child Marriage and Faith Affiliation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Stylized Facts and Heterogeneity
by Regina Gemignani & Quentin Wodon - 48-58 Engaging Islamic Opinion Leaders on Child Marriage: Preliminary Results from Pilot Projects in Nigeria
by Judith-Ann Walker - 59-68 Faith-Inspired Initiatives to Tackle the Social Determinants of Child Marriage
by Azza Karam - 69-80 Child Marriage: A Critical Barrier to Girls' Schooling and Gender Equality in Education
by Jennifer McCleary-Sills & Lucia Hanmer & Jennifer Parsons & Jeni Klugman - 81-91 Islamic Law, Women's Rights, and State Law: The Cases of Female Genital Cutting and Child Marriage
by Quentin Wodon - 92-94 The Varieties of Religious Repression: Why Governments Restrict Religion
by Robert Joustra
June 2015, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 1-12 The Modern Chinese Secret To Sustainable Economic Growth: Religious Freedom And Diversity
by Brian J. Grim - 13-24 Global Religious Changes And Civil Life In Two Chinese Societies: A Comparison Of Jiangsu And Taiwan
by Robert P. Weller - 25-39 Conditions And Mechanisms For Terrorist Mobilization: Applying The Chechen Case To The Uighur Question
by Sarah Cornelison - 40-51 Encounter, Dialogue, And Knowledge: Italy As A Special Case Of Religious Engagement In Foreign Policy
by Fabio Petito & Scott M. Thomas - 52-63 The Arab Spring And The Shiite Crescent: Does Ongoing Change Serve Iranian Interests?
by Cenap Çakmak - 64-73 Religion, Reproductive Health, And Sexual Behavior In Ghana: Why Statistics From Large Surveys Don'T Tell The Whole Story
by Jill Olivier & Quentin Wodon - 74-84 Embezzlement In The Global Christian Community
by Todd M. Johnson & Gina A. Zurlo & Albert W. Hickman - 85-86 Shaping Public Theology: Selections from the Writings of Max L. Stackhouse
by Gideon Strauss
March 2015, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-4 Public (Dis)Order And Public (Im)Morality: An Introduction To The Spring 2015 Issue
by Asma Uddin - 5-12 Restricting Rights? The Public Order And Public Morality Limitations On Free Speech And Religious Liberty In Un Human Rights Institutions
by Elizabeth K. Cassidy - 13-22 Pakistan'S Anti-Blasphemy Laws And The Illegitimate Use Of The "Law, Public Order, And Morality" Limitation On Constitutional Rights
by Amjad Mahmood Khan - 23-30 Public Order And Egypt'S Statist Tradition
by Michael Wahid Hanna - 31-38 Freedom Of Religion And The Transformation Of Public Order In France
by Rim-Sarah Alouane - 39-50 Ordre Public And The First Amendment
by Marshall J. Breger - 51-58 The Public Disorder Of Blasphemy Laws: A Comparative Perspective
by Neil Hicks - 59-68 Empirical Evidence On The Influence Of Free Speech And Religious Freedom On Public Order And Public Morality
by Jonathan Fox - 69-74 The Quest For Permissible Limitations On Freedom Of Expression: Public Order And Public Morality Exceptions
by Mohamed Saeed M. Eltayeb - 75-82 The Problem With Hate Speech Laws
by Jacob Mchangama - 83-87 Integration Of Muslims Into Western Liberal Countries
by Geoffrey Cameron
December 2014, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 1-15 Religion And State Policy In Central Asia
by Martha Brill Olcott - 16-26 The Case Of Hamza Kashgari: Examining Apostasy, Heresy, And Blasphemy Under Shari'A
by Norman K. Swazo - 27-39 Advocacy For Religious Freedom In Democratizing Indonesia
by Zainal Abidin Bagir - 40-48 Pakistan'S Dangerous Game With Religious Extremism
by Knox Thames - 49-61 What Is "Postsecular" About Global Political Discourse?
by Benjamin Schewel - 62-75 Patterns Of Cooperation Between Churches And The European Union: Representations, Dialogue, And Influence
by Sergei A. Mudrov - 76-82 The Religious Turn In The Study Of International Relations
by Scott Thomas - 83-85 Rights, Rule Of Law, And World Poverty
by Roland Hoksbergen
September 2014, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 1-8 Forging A Trans-Atlantic Partnership On Religious Freedom
by Knox Thames - 9-17 Is There A Post-Secular Foreign Policy? A Uk Perspective
by Jane Lindsay - 18-24 Promoting Religious Freedom From The Outskirts Of Europe
by Kristin Storaker & Ed Brown - 25-32 The European Union'S Awkward Embrace Of Religious Freedom
by Sean Oliver-Dee - 33-40 Is The European Union Going Deep On Democracy And Religious Freedom?
by Pasquale Annicchino - 41-54 Three Rival Versions Of Religious Freedom: What Canada'S Office Of Religious Freedom Can Teach Us About Principled Pluralism
by Robert Joustra - 55-62 From Paradox To Possibility: Practicing The Golden Rule In A Global World
by Chris Seiple - 63-67 Jean-Nicolas Bitter On Swiss Foreign Policy And Religion
by Judd Birdsall - 68-71 Lionel Veer On Dutch Foreign Policy And Religion
by Frank Ubachs - 72-74 Eric Germain On French Foreign Policy And Religion
by Judd Birdsall - 75-77 Sue Breeze On British Foreign Policy And Religion
by Judd Birdsall - 78-79 Just War and International Order: The Uncivil Condition in World Politics
by Michael Di Gregorio - 80-82 Theorizing Medieval Geopolitics: War and World Order in the Age of the Crusades
by Richard J. Oosterhoff - 83-84 Pilgrimage, Politics, and International Relations: Religious Semantics for World Politics
by Robert Joustra
April 2014, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 1-4 Faith-Inspired Schools In Sub-Saharan Africa: An Introduction To The Summer 2014 Issue
by Quentin Wodon - 5-15 Assessing The Role Of Faith-Inspired Primary And Secondary Schools In Africa: Evidence From Multi-Purpose Surveys
by Clarence Tsimpo & Quentin Wodon - 16-26 Between Secular Public Schools And Qur'Anic Private Schools: The Growing Educational Presence Of Malian Medersas
by Helen N. Boyle - 27-37 Faith-Inspired Education In Ghana: A Historical Case Example
by Jill Olivier & Quentin Wodon - 38-50 Muslim Education In Africa: Trends And Attitudes Toward Faith-Based Schools
by Melina Platas Izama - 51-60 Public, Private, And Faith-Inspired Schools In Ghana: A Comparative Assessment
by Franck Adoho & Clarence Tsimpo & Quentin Wodon - 61-65 Substitution Between Formal And Qur'Anic Schools In Senegal
by Pierre Andr� & Jean-Luc Demonsant - 66-76 What Drives The Choice Of Faith-Inspired Schools By Households? Qualitative Evidence From Two African Countries
by Regina Gemignani & Mari Shojo & Quentin Wodon - 77-78 Religion and the Realist Tradition: From Political Theology to International Relations Theory and Back
by Robert Joustra - 79-80 Human Rights in an Advancing Civilization
by Benjamin Schewel - 81-82 Religion and Politics in a Global Society: Comparative Perspectives from the Portuguese-Speaking World
by Lucas G. Freire
January 2014, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-7 Faith-Inspired Health Care In Sub-Saharan Africa: An Introduction To The Spring 2014 Issue
by Jill Olivier & Quentin Wodon - 8-20 Market Share Of Faith-Inspired Health Care Providers In Africa
by Quentin Wodon & Jill Olivier & Clarence Tsimpo & Minh Cong Nguyen - 21-29 Contracting Between Faith-Based Health Care Organizations And The Public Sector In Africa
by Delphine Boulenger & Fran�oise Barten & Bart Criel - 30-44 Making Quality Care Affordable For The Poor: Faith-Inspired Health Facilities In Burkina Faso
by Regina Gemignani & Clarence Tsimpo & Quentin Wodon - 45-52 Hiv/Aids Prevention Strategies Within A Catholic Ngo In Tanzania
by Rosemary Morgan - 53-71 Increased Funding For Aids-Engaged Faith-Based Organizations In Africa?
by Jill Olivier & Quentin Wodon - 72-83 Mental Health And Psychosocial Support In Humanitarian Emergencies In Africa: Challenges And Opportunities For Engaging With The Faith Sector
by Joey Ager & Behailu Abebe & Alastair Ager - 84-96 Faith-Inspired Health Care Provision In Ghana: Market Share, Reach To The Poor, And Performance
by Jill Olivier & Mari Shojo & Quentin Wodon - 97-98 Global Institutions of Religion: Ancient Movers, Modern Shakers
by Geoffrey Cameron - 99-100 The Ashgate Research Companion to Religion and Conflict Resolution
by Paul S. Rowe - 101-102 Statecraft and Salvation: Wilsonian Liberal Internationalism as Secularized Eschatology
by David T. Koyzis
December 2013, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 1-4 In Search Of The Bottom Line On Religious Freedom: An Introduction To The Winter 2013 Issue
by Dennis R. Hoover & Thomas F. Farr - 5-23 Religious Liberty & Economic Development: Exploring The Causal Connections
by Anthony Gill - 24-27 Gill, Interrupted
by John M. Owen - 28-31 Religious Liberty: Between Strategy And Telos
by Kristine Kalanges - 32-36 Charitable Giving Model Or Muddle?
by Carolyn M. Warner - 37-40 The Invisible Woman
by Monica Duffy Toft - 41-45 Religion And Economic Empowerment Among The Enterprising Poor
by Rebecca Samuel Shah - 46-49 Models And Momentum In Religious Freedom Research And Advocacy
by William Inboden - 50-53 No Ordinary Freedom
by Roger Trigg - 54-56 The "Religious Liberty & Economic Development" Forum: A Reply
by Anthony Gill - 57-68 Religious Freedom: A Conversation With Rick Warren And Robert P. George
by John J. DiIulio - 69-72 Searching for Heaven in the Real World: A Sociological Discussion of Conversion in the Arab World
by Laura Merzig Fabrycky - 73-74 Just and Unjust Peace: An Ethic of Political Reconciliation
by Mark R. Amstutz - 75-76 The Global Public Square: Religious Freedom and the Making of a World Safe for Diversity
by Judd Birdsall
September 2013, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-2 Faith, Freedom, And Falsifiability: An Introduction To The Fall 2013 Issue
by Dennis R. Hoover - 3-9 Cross-National Influences On Social Hostilities Involving Religion And Government Restrictions On Religion
by Brian J. Grim - 10-19 The Politics Of Religious Outbidding
by Monica D. Toft - 20-39 Do The Promises Of Religion To Democracy Still Hold?
by Corwin E. Smidt - 40-51 Pentecostal Christianity And Church-State Relations In China: The Case Of The True Jesus Church Movement
by Jiexia Zhai Autry - 52-60 The Promise Of Canada'S Office Of Religious Freedom
by James C. Wallace & Richelle Wiseman - 61-68 Recent Developments Concerning The Promotion Of Freedom Of Religion Or Belief In Italian Foreign Policy
by Pasquale Annicchino - 69-79 Critical-Progressive Muslim Thought: Reflections On Its Political Ramifications
by Adis Duderija - 80-81 Christian Approaches to International Affairs
by Robert Joustra - 82-83 Muslim Nationalism and the New Turks
by Artyom Tonoyan - 84-85 Silenced: How Apostasy and Blasphemy Codes are Choking Freedom Worldwide
by Jennifer S. Bryson
June 2013, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-5 Religious Freedom Research And The Future Of Asian Studies: An Introduction To The Summer 2013 Issue
by Stephen Bailey & Jiexia Zhai Autry - 6-17 A Research Agenda On Religious Freedom In China
by Fenggang Yang - 18-27 The Study Of Religious Freedom In Indonesia
by Robert W. Hefner - 28-35 Understanding Religious Freedom In Singapore
by Mathews Mathew - 36-45 Religious Freedom In The Philippines: From Legalities To Lived Experience
by Jayeel Serrano Cornelio - 46-54 Spiritual Politics, Political Religion, And Religious Freedom In Burma
by Mikael Gravers - 55-63 Vietnamese Religions, Asian Studies, And The Rule Of Law
by James F. Lewis - 64-73 Laos And Religious Freedom Studies
by Stephen Bailey - 74-81 Religious Freedom In Japan: Research Needs In History And Social Science
by Kevin Cooney
March 2013, Volume 11, Issue 1
by Chris Seiple - 9-14 The First Human Right: Religious Liberty And The American Diplomatic Tradition
by Andrew Preston - 15-21 Religious Freedom And Us Public Diplomacy
by Philip Seib - 22-30 What They Say And Do: Religious Freedom As A National Security Lens
by Eric Patterson - 31-37 Religious Freedom And Peacebuilding: May I Introduce You Two?
by Daniel Philpott - 38-48 Religious Freedom In Us International Development Assistance And Humanitarian Relief: Ideas, Practice, And Issues
by Katherine Marshall - 49-55 Opportunities And Obstacles: Congress And International Religious Freedom Policy
by Amy E. Black - 56-65 Non-Governmental Organizations: Doing Their Share For International Religious Freedom
by Virginia L. Farris - 66-75 International Law And The Defamation Of Religion Conundrum
by Brett G. Scharffs - 76-78 Faith, Freedom, And Us Foreign Policy: Avoiding The Proverbial Clash Of Civilizations In East And Southeast Asia
by Eugene K.B. Tan - 79-81 Us International Religious Freedom Policy From An Egyptian Perspective
by Sondos Asem - 82-83 The Us Concern For Religious Freedom: An Indian Perspective
by Tahir Mahmood - 84-86 Us Foreign Policy And The Future Of Democracy And Religious Freedom In Pakistan
by Minhas Majeed Khan - 87-89 Religious Freedom Beyond Rights: Retrospective Lessons For Canada From America'S Office Of Religious Freedom
by Robert Joustra
December 2012, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-8 Global Politics And The Question Of Shari'A: An Introduction To The Winter 2012 Issue
by Robert W. Hefner - 9-17 DEBATING THE ISLAMIC SHARI'A IN 21-super-st-CENTURY EGYPT
by By Nathan J. Brown - 18-27 Shari'A In The Politics Of Saudi Arabia
by Frank E. Vogel - 28-34 Ethical Not Shari'A Islam: Islamic Debates In Turkey
by Hakan M. Yavuz - 35-44 The Islamic Republic Of Iran: Shari'A Politics And The Transformation Of Islamic Law
by Bahman Baktiari - 45-52 Shari'A In Afghanistan
by Thomas J. Barfield - 53-60 Shari'A And The State In Pakistan
by Muhammad Qasim Zaman - 61-69 Shari'A Politics And Indonesian Democracy
by Robert W. Hefner - 70-71 Fawaz A. Gerges, Obama and the Middle East: The End of America's Moment?
by Judd Birdsall - 72-74 Akbar Ahmed, Journey into America: The Challenge of Islam
by Eric Patterson - 75-76 Roger Trigg, Equality, Freedom, and Religion
by David T. Koyzis - 77-79 Jacqueline Maria Hagan, Migration Miracle: Faith, Hope, and Meaning on the Undocumented Journey
by Jeff Haanen
2012, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-4 Urgent Questions And Strategic Models For Religious Freedom Advocacy: An Introduction To The Fall 2012 Issue
by Allen Hertzke - 5-9 Protecting Religious Freedom Should Be A Priority For All Democracies
by Tony Blair - 11-15 Pioneering Religious Freedom Advocacy Behind The Iron Curtain: Lessons And Legacies
by Michael Bourdeaux - 17-24 Lessons In Leveraging Legal Protection For Religious Liberty
by Angela Wu Howard - 25-32 International Religious Freedom Advocacy In The Field: Challenges, Effective Strategies, And The Road Ahead
by Ziya Meral - 33-41 Obama And The Drama Over International Religious Freedom Policy: An Insider'S Perspective
by Judd Birdsall - 43-50 Back To The Beginning: Rebuilding An Intellectual Consensus For Religious Freedom
by Thomas Farr - 51-57 Advocacy Coalitions And Legislative Lobbying For International Religious Freedom
by Greg Mitchell - 59-66 A Public Diplomacy Approach To International Religious Freedom
by Liora Danan - 67-72 The Us Commission On International Religious Freedom: Challenging The Status Quo
by Leonard Leo & Don Argue - 73-79 “If Not Now, When?”: Jewish Advocacy For Freedom Of Religion
by Felice Gaer - 81-88 The Advocacy Of The Us Catholic Bishops For International Religious Freedom
by Stephen Colecchi - 89-96 The Civil Rights Model: Applying The “Montgomery Method” To The Middle East
by Zainab Al-Suwaij - 97-102 Building Religious Freedom: A Theory Of Change
by Chris Seiple
2012, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-4 Sharp-Edged Exceptionalism: An Introduction To The Summer 2012 Issue
by Dennis Hoover - 5-11 “Wee Shall Be As A Citty Upon A Hill”: John Winthrop'S Non-American Exceptionalism
by Mark Noll - 13-19 The Essence Of Exceptionalism: Roger Williams And The Birth Of Religious Freedom In America
by Chris Seiple - 33-40 American Exceptionalism And Political Religion In Republican Politics Today
by Mark Silk - 41-50 Barack Obama And American Exceptionalisms
by Philip Gorski & William McMillan - 51-58 Chosen Land, Chosen People: Religious And American Exceptionalism Among The Mormons
by Philip Barlow - 59-65 American Exceptionalism And American Muslims
by M. Muqtedar Khan - 67-76 Counterterrorism And The New American Exceptionalism
by Michael Vlahos - 77-85 The Religious Roots Of Foreign Policy Exceptionalism
by James Guth - 87-87 Erratum
by The Editors