January 2021, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 14-26 Chinese Protestantism, Cyber Public Space, and the Possibility of Covenantal Pluralism
by Li Ma & Jin Li - 27-41 Multi-faith Dynamics in Hong Kong: From Pluralism to Politicization
by Kim-kwong Chan - 42-55 Taiwan’s Covenantal Pluralism
by André Laliberté - 56-68 As Children of Adam: (Re)Discovering a History of Covenantal Pluralism in Afghan Constitutionalism
by Palwasha L. Kakar & Julia Schiwal - 69-82 Possibilities for Covenantal Pluralism in Nepal
by Luke Wagner & Ramkanta Tiwari - 83-94 Pandemic Politics in South Asia: Muslims and Democracy
by Matthew J. Nelson - 95-110 Child Protection Practices and Attitudes of Faith Leaders Across Senegal, Uganda, and Guatemala
by Kanykey Jailobaeva & Karin Diaconu & Alastair Ager & Carola Eyber - 111-113 God’s Internationalists: World Vision and the Age of Evangelical Humanitarianism
by Olivia Wilkinson - 114-116 Christian Faith, Philosophy & International Relations: The Lamb and the Wolf
by Luke Cahill
October 2020, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 1-17 Toward a Global Covenant of Peaceable Neighborhood: Introducing the Philosophy of Covenantal Pluralism
by W. Christopher Stewart & Chris Seiple & Dennis R. Hoover - 18-34 The Coordinates of Covenantal Pluralism: Mapping Pluralist Theory in the 21st Century
by Robert J. Joustra - 35-48 Legal Reform in Uzbekistan: Prospects for Freedom of Religion or Belief and Covenantal Pluralism
by Elizabeth A. Clark & Dmytro Vovk - 49-62 Promoting Covenantal Pluralism amidst Embedded Majoritarianism in Sri Lanka
by Neil DeVotta - 63-73 Religious Pluralism and State Paternalism in Kazakhstan
by Roman Podoprigora & Nargis Kassenova - 74-85 Religious Diversity and Covenantal Pluralism in the Philippines
by Jayeel Cornelio & Prince Kennex Aldama - 86-98 Buddhist Protectionism, Political Imaginaries of Belonging, and Prospects for Covenantal Pluralism in Myanmar
by Alexander Horstmann - 99-104 Why Religious Literacy Requires Emotional Literacy
by James K. Wellman & Mitu Choksi - 105-107 To Bring the Good News to All Nations: Evangelical Influence on Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Relations
by Chan Woong Shin - 108-110 Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: A Global and Historical Comparison
by Turan Kayaoglu - 111-113 Political Theology of International Order
by Robert J. Joustra
July 2020, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 1-15 Regulating Pluralism: Laws on Religious Harmony and Possibilities for Robust Pluralism in Singapore
by Jaclyn L. Neo - 16-24 Negotiating Religious Freedom in India and Malaysia: Electoral Politics, Transreligious Alliances, and Cross-cutting Identities
by Kristina M. Teater - 25-39 Religious Freedom, Conspiracies, and Faith: The Geopolitics of Ukrainian Autocephaly
by Denys Shestopalets - 40-52 Finding Belonging, Finding Agency: Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Converting to Christianity in the Church of Sweden
by Jonathan Morgan - 53-59 Narrowing the Options: Power and Glory in the Late Modern Religious Imagination
by R. Scott Appleby - 60-68 Faith in Numbers: Can we Trust Quantitative Data on Religious Affiliation and Religious Freedom?
by Judd Birdsall & Lori Beaman - 69-75 The Personal is Political: Pentecostal Approaches to Governance and Security
by Brenda Bartelink - 76-86 Evangelicals and Governance in the Global South
by Stephen Offutt - 87-96 Religion and Coloniality in Diplomacy
by Joram Tarusarira - 97-100 Opening the Red Door: The Inside Story of Russia’s First Christian Liberal Arts University
by Perry L. Glanzer - 101-103 Governing the Sacred: Political Toleration in Five Contested Sacred Sites
by Robert J. Joustra
January 2020, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-11 Four Questions about De-sectarianization
by Simon Mabon - 12-22 Countering Sectarianism: The Many Paths, Promises, and Pitfalls of De-sectarianization
by Morten Valbjørn - 23-33 De-securitizing through Diplomacy: De-sectarianization and the View from the Islamic Republic
by Samira Nasirzadeh & Edward Wastnidge - 34-42 Mom, are we Shi’a? Neg(oti)ating Sectarian Identity in Everyday Life in Post-2011 Bahrain
by Thomas Fibiger - 43-57 Was There a Bahraini Genocide? Sovereignty and State-Sponsored Sectarian Violence in 1920s Bahrain
by Staci Strobl - 58-69 Sectarianization and De-sectarianization in the Struggle for Iraq’s Political Field
by Toby Dodge & Renad Mansour - 70-86 From Existential Struggle to Political Banality: The Politics of Sect in Post-2003 Iraq
by Fanar Haddad - 87-96 The Development and Negotiation of Frames During Non-sectarian Mobilizations in Lebanon
by Anne Kirstine Rønn - 97-108 Sectarianism and Constitutional Identity
by Sanaa Alsarghali - 109-113 Sectarianism from the Top Down or Bottom Up? Explaining the Middle East’s Unlikely De-sectarianization after the Arab Spring
by Justin Gengler
October 2019, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 1-11 Religion, Secularism, and the Pursuit of Peace in Myanmar
by Susan Hayward & Iselin Frydenlund - 12-22 Pluralism and Peace in South Asia
by Nilay Saiya - 23-35 Desectarianization: Looking Beyond the Sectarianization of Middle Eastern Politics
by Simon Mabon - 36-47 The Resistance of the Protestant Church in Nazi Germany and its Relevance for Contemporary Politics
by Tobias Cremer - 48-51 Symposium on Catholic Schools and the Changing Global Landscape for Faith-Based Education: An Introduction
by Quentin Wodon - 52-62 Implications of Demographic, Religious, and Enrollment Trends for the Footprint of Faith-Based Schools Globally
by Quentin Wodon - 63-71 Does Catholic Distinctiveness Matter in Catholic Schools?
by Charles L. Glenn - 72-75 Avoiding the “Nokia Fate” in Catholic Education: The Case of the United States and the National Catholic Education Association
by Kevin Baxter - 76-88 Faith-Based Education in Changing Social, Economic, and Political Contexts: Perspectives from Catholic Educators in Kenya
by T. J. D’Agostino & Robert Dowd & John Mugo - 89-93 Representing Catholic Education Globally: The Role and Potential of the International Office of Catholic Education
by Philippe Richard - 94-102 Measuring the Contribution of Faith-based Schools to Human Capital Wealth: Estimates for the Catholic Church
by Quentin Wodon - 103-105 Finding Faith in Foreign Policy: Religion & American Diplomacy in a Postsecular World
by Robert J. Joustra - 106-108 Faking Liberties: Religious Freedom in American-Occupied Japan
by Judd Birdsall
July 2019, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 1-6 Populism and Internationalism, Evangelical Style: An Introduction to the Fall 2019 Issue
by Dennis R. Hoover - 7-19 What is an Evangelical? Examining the Politics, History, and Theology of a Contested Label
by Jessica Joustra - 20-35 Are White Evangelicals Populists? The View from the 2016 American National Election Study
by James L. Guth - 36-49 The Global—and Globalist—Roots of Evangelical Action
by Paul S. Rowe - 50-67 Populism, Evangelicalism, and the Polarized Politics of Immigration
by Ruth Melkonian-Hoover & Lyman A. Kellstedt - 68-79 A Just and Durable Peace? American Evangelicals and the Quest for Peace after WWII
by Robert J. Joustra - 80-93 Internationalism with Evangelical Characteristics: The Case of Evangelical Responses to Southeast Asian Refugees
by Melissa Borja & Jacob Gibson - 94-104 “Rescue Sells”: Narrating Human Trafficking to Evangelical Populists
by David R. Swartz - 105-117 Evangelical Populist Internationalism and the Politics of Persecution
by Melani McAlister - 118-121 Religious Freedom in Islam: The Fate of a Universal Human Right in the Muslim World Today
by Robert W. Hefner - 122-124 How Violence Shapes Religion: Belief and Conflict in the Middle East and Africa
by Laura M. Fabrycky - 125-126 Realist Ethics: Just War Traditions as Power Politics
by Daniel Edward Young - 127-128 Muslim Educators in American Communities
by Beth Green
April 2019, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 1-12 American Evangelicals, the Changing Global Religious Environment, and Foreign Policy Activism
by Melani McAlister - 13-25 Encouraging Active Citizen Voices on International Policy? The Record of U.S. Faith-based NGOs
by Paul Nelson - 26-36 Strange Bedfellows at the United Nations: African Religions, Humans Rights Covenants, and Faith-Based Initiatives for Peace and Development
by William F. S. Miles - 37-46 South Sudan’s Costly Conflict and the Urgent Role of Religious Leaders
by Lucy Poni Modi & Elias O. Opongo & R. Drew Smith - 47-58 The Sectarian Dynamics of the Syrian Conflict
by Ignacio Alvarez-Ossorio - 59-75 Contrasting Remedies to Social Tensions over Schooling
by Charles L. Glenn - 76-86 Pluralism, the Public Purse, and Education: An International Estimate of Savings to State Budgets from K-12 Catholic Schools
by Quentin Wodon - 87-96 Quantifying Persecution: Developing an International Law-based Measurement of Freedom of Religion or Belief
by Mauro Gatti & Pasquale Annicchino & Judd Birdsall & Valeria Fabretti & Marco Ventura - 97-101 Saudi Arabia and the Limits of Religious Reform
by Stéphane Lacroix - 102-118 Religion and the Sustainable Development Goals
by Emma Tomalin & Jörg Haustein & Shabaana Kidy - 119-121 The Religious Problem with Religious Freedom
by Timothy Sherratt
January 2019, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-10 Introduction: The “Clash of Civilizations” and Relations between the West and the Muslim World
by Jeffrey Haynes - 11-23 From Huntington to Trump: Twenty-Five Years of the “Clash of Civilizations”
by Jeffrey Haynes - 24-33 Civilization as Disciplinization and the Consequences for Religion and World Politics
by Jocelyne Cesari - 34-48 Civilizational Clash or Balderdash? The Causes of Religious Discrimination in Western and European Christian-Majority Democracies
by Jonathan Fox - 49-64 Europe versus Islam?: Right-Wing Populist Discourse and the Construction of a Civilizational Identity
by Ayhan Kaya & Ayşe Tecmen - 65-77 Religion, Cleavages, and Right-Wing Populist Parties: The Italian Case
by Luca Ozzano - 78-88 Religion as a Weapon: Invoking Religion in Secularized Societies
by Petr Kratochvíl - 89-103 Cultural Barbarism in Relation to Women?: Huntington’s Theory and the German Case of Mass Sexual Assaults on New Year’s Eve 2015
by Barbara Pasamonik - 104-116 Muslim Calls to Prayer in the Swedish Welfare State
by Erik Ringmar
October 2018, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 1-3 Introduction: Freedom of Religion or Belief Across the Commonwealth
by Monica Duffy Toft - 4-18 Progress on Freedom of Religion or Belief?: An Analysis of European and North American Government and Parliamentary Initiatives
by Monica Duffy Toft & M. Christian Green - 19-33 Freedom of Religion or Belief Across the Commonwealth: Hard Cases, Diverse Approaches
by M. Christian Green & Monica Duffy Toft - 34-46 Whither Democracy, Secularism, and Minority Rights in India?
by Amrita Basu - 47-59 The Prospects and Problems of the Marrakesh Declaration on the Rights of Religious Minorities in Muslim Majority Communities
by Ahmed Salisu Garba - 60-74 Africa’s Muslim Authorities and Ahmadis: Curbed Freedoms, Circumvented Legalities
by Muhammed Haron - 75-87 Framing Freedom of Religion or Belief for Countering Violent Extremism in Kenya: The Equivalency Framework of the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya
by Loreen Maseno - 88-101 Universal or Particular … or Both? The Right to Freedom of Religion or Belief in Cross-Cultural Perspective
by Christoph Grüll & Erin K. Wilson - 102-115 Culture, Religion, and Freedom of Religion or Belief
by Mariam Rawan Abdulla - 116-121 Of Hedgehogs and Representation: Chasing Religious Persecution in Law
by Nazila Ghanea - 122-124 Under Caesar’s Sword: How Christians Respond to Persecution
by Judd Birdsall
July 2018, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 1-8 Introduction: Interfaith on the World Stage
by John Fahy & Jeffrey Haynes - 9-22 Religious Peacemakers on the International Scene: Hopes and Motivations
by Anne Stensvold & Ingrid Vik - 23-33 Including the Exclusivists in Interfaith
by James Patton - 34-47 A Critical Reading of Christian Peacemaker Teams’ International Accompaniment and Solidarity Work Through a Peace and Conflict Studies Lens
by Christopher Hrynkow - 48-60 The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and Interfaith Dialogue: What is it Good For?
by Jeffrey Haynes - 61-75 The Golden Rule: Interfaith Peacemaking and the Charter for Compassion
by Lee Marsden - 76-88 International Relations and Faith-based Diplomacy: The Case of Qatar
by John Fahy - 89-101 Interfaith on the World Stage: Much Ado About Nothing?
by Sarah Markiewicz - 102-113 How Effective is Interfaith Dialogue as an Instrument for Bridging International Differences and Achieving Conflict Resolution?
by Shireen Hunter - 114-118 Afterword: A Reflection on the Crucial Importance of Interfaith Dialogue
by Akbar Ahmed - 119-120 Have a Little Faith: Religion, Democracy, and the American Public School
by Eric Farr - 121-122 A Living Tradition: Catholic Social Doctrine and Holy See Diplomacy
by Robert J. Joustra
April 2018, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 1-14 Faith and Spirituality Informing Public Policy: Joseph Wresinski and our Understanding of Extreme Poverty
by Quentin Wodon - 15-22 Faith Affiliation, Religiosity, and Altruistic Behaviors: An Analysis of Gallup World Poll Data
by Hoa Nguyen & Quentin Wodon - 23-35 Political Tradition and Foreign Affairs: A Study in Jewish Foreign Policy
by Shmuel Sandler - 36-49 On Religion and the Politics of Security: How Religion’s Involvement in Domestic Politics Affects National Securitymaking
by Moria Bar-Maoz - 50-61 Civic Education for Muslim Students in the Era of Democracy: Lessons Learned from Indonesia
by Achmad Ubaedillah - 62-70 Cuius regio, eius religio: church-state dynamics and implications on religiosity, representation, and religious freedom in Spain and the Philippines
by Isabel Udal Perucho - 71-83 Started but Contested: Analyzing US and British Counter-Extremism Strategies
by Sean Oliver-Dee - 84-89 Gender Bias in Bangladeshi School Textbooks: Not Just a Matter of Politics or Growing Influence of Islamists
by M. Niaz Asadullah & Kazi Md Mukitul Islam & Zaki Wahhaj - 90-95 International Instruments Influencing Religious Freedom in Kazakhstan
by Roman Podoprigora & Alexandr Klyushev - 96-98 Constitutionalism, Democracy, and Religious Freedom: To Be Fully Human
by Robert Joustra
January 2018, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-15 Approaching Religious Literacy in International Affairs: A Conference Report
by Elizabeth H. Prodromou & Clare D. Gooding & Sasha Lipton Galbraith - 16-36 A Trajectory Toward the Periphery: Francis of Assisi, Louis Massignon, Pope Francis, and Muslim–Christian Relations
by Scott M. Thomas - 37-50 When to Speak? Church Advocacy on Galamsey and Mental Health in Ghana
by Amy S. Patterson - 51-60 Religious Organizations as Partners in the Global and Local Fight Against Human Trafficking
by Mary Graw Leary - 61-73 Religion and Fake News: Faith-Based Alternative Information Ecosystems in the US and Europe
by Christopher Douglas - 74-84 Freedom of Religion in the Midst of Indonesia’s Plural Society
by Hamid Chalid - 85-96 The Ambiguities of Religious Freedom in Indonesia
by Paul Marshall - 97-98 Seven Ways of Looking at Religion: The Major Narratives
by Geoffrey Cameron
October 2017, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 1-5 Introduction: Popes on the Rise
by Mariano Barbato & Robert Joustra - 6-20 Sovereignty, Supranationalism, and Soft Power: The Holy See in International Relations
by Timothy A. Byrnes - 21-30 Beyond Integration and Differentiation? The Holy See and the Pope in the System of World Politics
by Mathias Albert - 31-38 Diplomacy, Papacy, and the Transformation of International Society
by Thomas Diez - 39-47 and the Right to Work: 19-Century Lessons for 21-Century Labor
by Robert Joustra - 48-66 Among Spies, Popes, and the Good Cyrenians: as a Transnational Catholic Actor in the Cold War
by Adrian Hänni - 67-78 Two “Popes” to Speak for the World: The Pope and the United Nations Secretary General in World Politics
by Jodok Troy - 79-92 Papal Geopolitics: The World According to Urbi et Orbi
by Petr Kratochvíl & Jana Hovorková - 93-104 Diplomatic Language in the Deepavali Messages of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue
by Melanie Barbato
July 2017, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 1-13 Sectarianization: Mapping the New Politics of the Middle East
by Nader Hashemi & Danny Postel - 14-23 Combating the Cult of ISIS: A Social Approach to Countering Violent Extremism
by Joel Day & Scott Kleinmann - 24-34 Freedom of Religion, Tolerance, and Security in Central Asia
by Martha Brill Olcott - 35-43 All Shari’a is Local: Islam and Democracy in Practice in Northern Nigeria
by Brandon Kendhammer - 44-53 The Role of Religion in Rebuilding the State of Syria: A Case Study of Sunni Islam
by Denis Dragovic - 54-65 Designating Muslims: Islam in the Western Policy Imagination
by Peter Mandaville - 66-75 Donald Trump, “Judeo-Christian Values,” and the “Clash of Civilizations”
by Jeffrey Haynes - 76-89 ISIS, Crabgrass, and Religious Imaginaries
by Scott Waalkes
April 2017, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 1-4 Reconsidering Religious Radicalism: An Introduction to the Summer 2017 Issue
by Judd Birdsall & Drew Collins - 5-9 Radicalism, Anxiety, and Inquiry
by Nicholas Adams - 10-23 Soteriological Uncertainty and the Development of Religious Resistance Identities
by Aidan Cottrell-Boyce - 24-33 Moderating Religious Identity and the Eclipse of Religious Wisdoms: Lessons from Hans Frei
by Ben Fulford - 34-44 Nationalism by Another Name: Examining “Religious Radicalism” from the Perspective of Iraq’s Christians
by Erin Hughes - 45-54 Apostasy and Counter-narratives—Two Sides of the Same Coin: The Example of the Islamic State
by Göran Larsson - 55-65 Engaging “Moderates” Against “Extremists” in German Politics on Islam
by Tobias Müller - 66-76 “All Pretend an Holy War”: Radical Beliefs and the Rejection of Persecution in the Mind of Roger Williams
by Matthew Rowley - 77-86 Expertise and (In)Security: Lessons from Prison and Probation Contexts on Counter-terrorism, Trust, and Citizenship
by Ryan J. Williams - 87-89 Islamic Exceptionalism: How the Struggle Over Islam Is Reshaping the World
by Naseim Omeish - 90-92 The Tragedy of U.S. Foreign Policy: How America's Civil Religion Betrayed the National Interest
by Robert Joustra
January 2017, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-11 In Response to Persecution: Essays from the Under Caesar’s Sword Project
by Daniel Philpott & Timothy Samuel Shah - 12-20 Christians’ Response to Persecution Under ISIS
by Mindy Belz - 21-30 Christians Coping with Insecurities in the Aftermath of the Arab Revolts: Converging and Diverging Strategies
by Mariz Tadros - 31-42 Understanding How Christians Respond to Religious Persecution: Evidence from Kenya and Nigeria
by Robert Dowd - 43-55 Faith and Reason: Christian Strategies Under Post-Soviet Repression in Central Asia
by Kathleen Collins - 56-67 “Us Versus Them”: The Politics of Religion in Contemporary Russia
by Jekatyerina Dunajeva & Karrie J. Koesel - 68-78 Christian Responses to Discrimination and Violence in India and Sri Lanka: Avoidance, Advocacy, and Interfaith Engagement
by Chad M. Bauman & James Ponniah - 79-90 From Cooperation to Resistance: Christian Responses to Intensified Suppression in China Today
by Fenggang Yang - 91-101 Christians, Conflict, and Citizenship in Muslim-Majority Indonesia
by Robert W. Hefner - 102-113 Western Christians’ Responses to Denials of Religious Freedom
by Paul Marshall
October 2016, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 1-15 Religious Freedom and the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration: Prospects and Challenges
by Jaclyn L. Neo - 16-27 Trends in Regulating Religion in Southeast Asia: Differentiating Core, Important, and Desirable Factors Regarding Religion and the Rule of Law
by Brett G. Scharffs - 28-40 Freedom of Religion in Southeast Asia: An Empirical Analysis
by Jonathan Fox - 41-52 Theravada Buddhism and Buddhist Nationalism: Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Thailand
by Charles Keyes - 53-64 Religious Diversity and Politico-Religious Intolerance in Indonesia and Malaysia
by Dicky Sofjan - 65-77 Law, Religion, and the State in Singapore
by Kevin Y.L. Tan - 78-88 Towards the Rule of Law for Freedom of Religion and Belief in Vietnam
by Reg Reimer & Hien Vu - 89-97 Many Identities, Many Communities: Religious Freedom amidst Religious Diversity in Southeast Asia
by Veronica Louise B. Jereza - 98-106 The Role of Religious Education in Promoting Religious Freedom: A Mutual Enrichment Between “My Story,” “Your Story,” and “Our Stories”
by Jeniffer Pelupessy-Wowor
July 2016, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 1-4 Religion and Sustainable Development
by Michel Sidibé - 5-21 Innovative Faith-Community Responses to HIV and AIDS: Summative lessons from Over Two Decades of Work
by Jill Olivier & Sally Smith - 22-35 Getting dirty: Working with Faith Leaders to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence
by Elisabet le Roux & Neil Kramm & Nigel Scott & Maggie Sandilands & Lizle Loots & Jill Olivier & Diana Arango & Veena O’Sullivan - 36-50 Interventions with Local Faith Communities on Immunization in Development contexts
by Jill Olivier - 51-64 Faith Affiliation, Religiosity, and Attitudes Towards the Environment and Climate Change
by Clarence Tsimpo & Quentin Wodon - 65-72 Religion and Social Cooperation: Results from an Experiment in Ghana
by Juan Carlos Parra & George Joseph & Quentin Wodon - 73-80 Religion and Development: the Norwegian AID Discourse
by Arne Olav Øyhus - 81-88 Does AID Effectiveness Mean Repairing the World?: an Examination Of Tikkun Olam's Implications for Modern AID Effectiveness Standards
by Benjamin Miller - 89-94 Religion Sustainable Development
by James R. Cochrane - 95-100 High-Level Collaboration between the Public Sector and Religious and Faith-Based Organizations: Fad or Trend?
by Jean Duff & Mike Battcock & Azza Karam & Adam Russell Taylor - 101-105 Sustainable Development and Religion: Accommodating Diversity in a Post-Secular age
by Alastair Ager & Joey Ager - 106-109 Religion, Human Rights, and Development: Focusing on Health
by Azza Karam & Katherine Marshall - 110-117 Reflections on HIV-Related Experiences of Two Global Funding Mechanisms Supporting Religious Health Providers
by John Blevins & Christoph Benn & Sandra Thurman - 118-123 Lessons from the Faith-Driven Response to the West africa Ebola Epidemic
by Christo Greyling & Jolly Ann Maulit & Susan Parry & David Robinson & Sally Smith & Anne Street & Robert Vitillo - 124-128 Negotiating a Language of Gender: SDG5 and the Roman Catholic Church
by Gillian Paterson - 129-133 Is the Problem Really Religious Freedom?
by Robert Joustra
June 2016, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 1-5 American Leadership Amidst Complexity and Crisis
by John Gallagher - 6-13 Religion and Responsible American Engagement of the Middle East
by Chris Seiple - 14-22 Getting Turkey Back on Track to Democracy, Human Rights, and Religious Freedom
by Turan Kayaoglu - 23-30 Religious Freedom in Pakistan: Glimmers of Light on a Darkening Horizon
by Lisa Curtis - 31-39 Faith and Foreign Policy in India: Legal Ambiguity, Selective Xenophobia, and Anti-minority Violence
by Chad M. Bauman - 40-48 Toward a Strategy for Engaging a Resurgent Russia on Democracy, Human Rights, and Religious Liberty
by Christopher Marsh & Karrie J. Koesel - 49-58 Religion and Security in Central Asia: Recommendations for the Next U.S. Administration
by Martha Brill Olcott