2011, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-24 Does Economic Growth Raise Happiness in China?
by John Knight & Ramani Gunatilaka - 25-47 Human Capital and the Quality of Education in a Poverty Trap Model
by Maria Emma Santos - 49-68 Market-Based Price-Risk Management: Welfare Gains for Coffee Producers from Efficient Allocation of Resources
by Firdu Gemech & Sushil Mohan & Alan Reeves & John Struthers - 69-95 Information, Access and Targeting: The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in India
by Shylashri Shankar & Raghav Gaiha & Raghbendra Jha - 97-130 Groups, Networks and Hierarchy in Household Private Transfers: Evidence from Fiji
by Yoshito Takasaki
2010, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 389-389 Roger Hay (1940-2010)
by Alex Duncan & Martin Evans & Simon Hunt & Frances Stewart - 391-410 Can Governance Indicators Make Sense? Towards a New Approach to Sector-Specific Measures of Governance
by Matt Andrews & Roger Hay & Jerrett Myers - 411-436 Conceptualizing and Measuring Ethnicity
by Graham Brown & Arnim Langer - 437-459 Latin American Women's Protection after Adjustment: A Feminist Critique of Conditional Cash Transfers in Chile and Argentina
by Constanza Tabbush - 461-476 Equity of Health Care Financing in Iran: The Effect of Extending Health Insurance to the Uninsured
by Mohammad Hajizadeh & Luke Connelly - 477-496 Is Pakistan's Growth Rate Balance-of-Payments Constrained? Policies and Implications for Development and Growth
by Jesus Felipe & J. S. L. McCombie & Kaukab Naqvi - 497-518 India as a Source of Outward Foreign Direct Investment
by Rabin Hattari & Ramkishen Rajan
2010, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 261-262 John H. Dunning (1927-2009)
by Xiaolan Fu & John Toye & Frances Stewart - 263-287 Multinational Enterprises, Development and Globalization: Some Clarifications and a Research Agenda
by Rajneesh Narula & John Dunning - 289-307 Whose Sustainability? Environmental Domination and Sen's Capability Approach
by Fabian Scholtes - 309-337 Is the Millennium Development Goal on Poverty Still Achievable? The Role of Institutions, Finance and Openness
by Katsushi Imai & Raghav Gaiha & Ganesh Thapa - 339-356 Effects of Flood on Agricultural Productivity in Bangladesh
by Lopamudra Banerjee - 357-382 Does Child Labour Have a Negative Impact on Child Education and Health? A Case Study in Rural Cambodia
by Miwa Kana & Han Phoumin & Fukui Seiichi - 383-388 Book Review
by Severine Deneulin
2010, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 117-143 Tiny, Poor, Land-locked, Indebted, but Growing: Lessons for Late Reforming Transition Economies from Laos
by Kelly Bird & Hal Hill - 145-170 Does the Technology Gap Influence Spillovers? A Post-liberalization Analysis of Indian Manufacturing Industries
by Vinish Kathuria - 171-198 Uncovering Trends in the Accumulation of Technological Capabilities and Skills in the Mozambican Manufacturing Sector
by Alex Warren-Rodriguez - 199-217 Heterogeneity in the Cost Structure of Water and Sanitation Services: A Cross-country Comparison of Conditions for Scale Economies
by Celine Nauges & Caroline van den Berg - 219-239 Private Sector Participation, Regulation and Social Policies in Water Supply in France
by Arnaud Reynaud - 241-257 Do Groups Matter? Using a Wellbeing Framework to Understand Collective Activities in Northeast Thailand
by Rebecca Schaaf - 259-260 Book Review
by Jorg Friedrichs
2010, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-24 Education and the Poverty Trap in Rural China: Closing the Trap
by John Knight & Li Shi & Deng Quheng - 25-42 Mass Education-led Growth and Non-agrarian Villages: Long-term Results of the Kerala Model
by Narendar Pani & K. Jafar - 43-62 Migration as Emancipation? The Impact of Internal and International Migration on the Position of Women Left Behind in Rural Morocco
by Hein de Haas & Aleida van Rooij - 63-82 Ironies of Subordination: Ambivalences of Gender in Religious AIDS Interventions in South Africa
by Marian Burchardt - 83-112 Gender Wage Discrimination in Rural and Urban Labour Markets of Bangladesh
by Salma Ahmed & Pushkar Maitra - 113-115 Book Review
by Philip Quarles van Ufford
2009, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 311-332 Education and the Poverty Trap in Rural China: Setting the Trap
by John Knight & Li Shi & Deng Quheng - 333-362 Did China Hurt the Textiles and Clothing Exports of Other Asian Economies, 1990-2005?
by Edmund Amann & Barry Lau & Frederick Nixson - 363-395 Safety Net Perception and its Effects on Household Investment in Developing Countries: Chemical Fertilizer Input by Cambodian Farmers
by Kenjiro Yagura - 397-421 Is Fiscal Decentralization Conflict Abating? Routine Violence and District Level Government in Java, Indonesia
by Syed Mansoob Murshed & Mohammad Zulfan Tadjoeddin & Anis Chowdhury - 423-437 Contentious Care: Foster Care Grants and the Caregiver-Orphan Relationship in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa
by Christopher Hearle & Kanchana Ruwanpura - 439-456 Social Protection for the Poor and Poorest in Developing Countries: Reflections on a Quiet Revolution
by Armando Barrientos & David Hulme - 457-478 Fair Trade, Diversification and Structural Change: Towards a Broader Theoretical Framework of Analysis
by Alastair Smith
2009, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 183-191 Measuring Vulnerability: An Overview and Introduction
by Wim Naude & Amelia Santos-Paulino & Mark McGillivray - 193-228 An Economic Vulnerability Index: Its Design and Use for International Development Policy
by Patrick Guillaumont - 229-247 Economic Vulnerability and Resilience: Concepts and Measurements
by Lino Briguglio & Gordon Cordina & Nadia Farrugia & Stephanie Vella - 249-276 Measuring the Vulnerability of Subnational Regions in South Africa
by Wim Naude & Mark McGillivray & Stephanie Rossouw - 277-287 How Precisely Can We Estimate Vulnerability to Poverty?
by Yuan Zhang & Guanghua Wan - 289-309 The Impact of Violent Conflicts on Households: What Do We Know and What Should We Know about War Widows?
by Tilman Bruck & Kati Schindler
2009, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 81-100 Buddhist Feminist Transnational Networks, Female Ordination and Women's Empowerment
by Emma Tomalin - 101-122 Capital Flows and Growth in Developing Countries: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis
by K. Sandar Kyaw & Ronald Macdonald - 123-144 A Political Economy of Education in India: The Case of Uttar Pradesh
by Geeta Kingdon & Mohd. Muzammil - 145-169 Technological Efforts, Firm Size and Exports in the Basic Chemical Industry in India
by Savita Bhat & K. Narayanan - 171-182 Herbert Frankel: From Colonial Economics to Development Economics
by John Toye
2009, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-17 Total Factor Productivity Growth in Chinese Industry: 1952-2005
by Selin Ozyurt - 19-32 Vertical Integration and Sunk Capital in Transition Economies
by Vladimir Dvoracek - 33-46 Teacher Incentives and Performance: An Application of Principal-Agent Theory
by Rosalind Levacic - 47-61 Human Capital Development, War and Foreign Direct Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Adil Suliman & Andre Varella Mollick - 63-76 Deconstructing Reconstruction in Post-tsunami Aceh: Governmentality, Displacement and Politics
by Eva-Lotta Hedman - 77-80 Book Review
by Rodney Bruce Hall
2008, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 363-377 Implications of the External Debt-servicing Constraint for Public Health Expenditure in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu - 379-407 The Good Governance Agenda: Beyond Indicators without Theory
by Matt Andrews - 409-438 Aiding Middle-income Countries? The Case of Spain
by Sergio Tezanos Vazquez - 439-460 Microeconomic Efficiencies and Macroeconomic Inefficiencies: On Sustainable Fisheries Policies in Very Poor Countries
by James Wilson & Jean Boncoeur - 461-484 Income Polarization in Latin America: Patterns and Links with Institutions and Conflict
by Leonardo Gasparini & Matias Horenstein & Ezequiel Molina & Sergio Olivieri
2008, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 259-280 Learning to Unlearn from Development
by Deepak Nayyar - 281-294 Global Taxation Governance after the 2002 UN Monterrey Conference
by Dries Lesage - 295-322 How Much Does Turnover Matter? Evidence from Indonesian Manufacturing Total Factor Productivity Growth, 1975-95
by Virginie Vial - 323-337 From Privatization to Re-nationalization: What went Wrong with Privatizations in Argentina?
by Werner Baer & Gabriel Montes-Rojas - 339-361 A Study of the Sensitivity of Longevity-adjusted Income Measures
by Gregory Ponthiere
2008, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 133-157 Household Expenditure Patterns and Gender Bias: Evidence from Selected Indian States
by Geoffrey Lancaster & Pushkar Maitra & Ranjan Ray - 159-186 Groundnut Sector Liberalization in Senegal: A Multi-household CGE Analysis
by Dorothee Boccanfuso & Luc Savard - 187-208 The Impact of Industrial Market Access Negotiations on African Economies
by Hakim Ben Hammouda & Stephen Karingi & Nassim Oulmane & Mustapha Sadni Jallab - 209-233 Women's Organizations and Social Capital to Reduce Prevalence of Child Malnutrition in Papua New Guinea
by Katsushi Imai & Per A. Eklund - 235-258 Decentralization and the Limits to Poverty Reduction: Findings from Ghana
by Gordon Crawford
2008, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-8 Introduction
by Carlo Pietrobelli & Frances Stewart - 9-21 Economic Development from the Perspective of Evolutionary Economic Theory
by Richard Nelson - 23-37 The Possibility of Industrial Policy
by Wolfram Latsch - 39-58 Global Value Chains and Technological Capabilities: A Framework to Study Learning and Innovation in Developing Countries
by Andrea Morrison & Carlo Pietrobelli & Roberta Rabellotti - 59-88 Government Policies and Sources of Latecomer Firms' Capability Building: A Learning Story from Brazil
by Paulo Figueiredo - 89-110 Foreign Direct Investment, Absorptive Capacity and Regional Innovation Capabilities: Evidence from China
by Xiaolan Fu - 111-131 The Internationalization of Firms From India: Investment, Mergers and Acquisitions
by Deepak Nayyar
2007, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 347-359 The Missing Dimensions of Poverty Data: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Sabina Alkire - 361-378 Employment: A Proposal for Internationally Comparable Indicators
by Maria Ana Lugo - 379-403 Agency and Empowerment: A Proposal for Internationally Comparable Indicators
by Solava Ibrahim & Sabina Alkire - 405-430 The Ability to go about Without Shame: A Proposal for Internationally Comparable Indicators of Shame and Humiliation
by Diego Zavaleta Reyles - 431-458 Physical Safety and Security: A Proposal for Internationally Comparable Indicators of Violence
by Rachael Diprose - 459-486 Psychological and Subjective Well-being: A Proposal for Internationally Comparable Indicators
by Emma Samman
2007, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 225-250 Specifying and Justifying a Basic Capability Set: Should the International Human Rights Framework be given a more Direct Role?
by Polly Vizard - 251-272 “Rights to Stop the Wrong”: Cultural Change and Collective Mobilization—The Case of Kolkata Sex Workers
by Nandini Gooptu & Nandinee Bandyopadhyay - 273-293 A Subjective Well-being Equivalence Scale for Mexico: Estimation and Poverty and Income-distribution Implications
by Mariano Rojas - 295-327 Albert Hirschman's Exit-voice Framework and its Relevance to Problems of Public Education Performance in Latin America
by Jonathan Di John - 329-346 Bundling of Basic Public Services and Household Welfare in Developing Countries: An Empirical Exploration for the Case of Peru
by Alberto Chong & Jesko Hentschel & Jaime Saavedra
2007, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 131-148 Constructing and Contesting a Gujarati-Hindu Ethno-religious Identity Through Development Programmes in an Indian Province
by Nikita Sud - 149-169 Rapid Growth with Limited Learning: Industrial Policy and Indonesia's Pulp and Paper Industry
by Michiel Van Dijk & Martin Bell - 171-195 Determinants of Schooling in Egypt: The Role of Gender and Rural/Urban Residence
by Diane Dancer & Anu Rammohan - 197-217 What's Behind the Inequality We Measure? An Investigation Using Latin American Data
by Miguel SzEkely & Marianne Hilgert - 219-223 What a Difference a Few Years Makes: China and the Competitiveness of Mexican Exports
by Kevin P. Gallagher & Roberto Porzecanski
2007, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-31 Aid and the Millennium Development Goal Poverty Target: How Much is Required and How Should it be Allocated?
by Edward Anderson & Hugh Waddington - 33-46 Foreign Aid, Public Savings Displacement and Aid Dependency in Cote d'Ivoire: An Aid Disaggregation Approach
by Bazoumana Ouattara - 47-82 How Does the Composition of Public Spending Matter?
by Stefano Paternostro & Anand Rajaram & Erwin R. Tiongson - 83-104 Foreign Direct Investment and International Skill Inequality
by Dirk Willem Te Velde & Theodora Xenogiani - 105-130 Boosting Investment and Growth: The Role of Social Pacts in the Brazilian Automotive Industry
by Mahrukh Doctor
2006, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 373-385 Introduction: Asia's Position in the New Global Demography
by Roger Goodman & Sarah Harper - 387-400 Economic Reform and Intergenerational Relationships in China
by Charlotte Ikels - 401-418 “No Wasting” and “Empty Nesters”: “Old Age” in Beijing
by Anna Boermel - 419-440 Political and Economic Influences on the Health and Welfare of the Elderly in the USSR and Russia: 1955-2005
by Christopher Mark Davis - 441-456 The Economic Marginalization of Post-Soviet Russia's Elderly Population and the Failure of State Ageing Policy: A Case Study of Magadan City
by John Round - 457-472 Experiences in Old Age: A South Indian Example of how Functional Age is Socially Structured
by Penny Vera-Sanso - 473-491 The Intergenerational Contract in the Changing Asian Family
by Elisabeth J. Croll
2006, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 293-298 Alfred Maizels (1917-2006): Challenging Economic Dependence on Commodities
by John Toye - 299-322 International Trade and Manufacturing Employment in the South: Four Country Case Studies
by Rhys Jenkins & Kunal Sen - 323-339 Is Korea Catching Up? An Analysis of the Labour Productivity Growth in South Korea
by Giulio Guarini & Vasco Molini & Roberta Rabellotti - 341-355 The Political Economy of Indonesian Economic Reforms: 1983-2000
by Budy Resosudarmo & Ari Kuncoro - 357-371 Tribals, Forests and Resource Conflicts in Kerala, India: The Status Quo of Policy Change
by A. Damodaran
2006, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 117-149 On the Transmission Mechanism of Policy Shocks in Developing Countries
by Magda Kandil - 151-191 Evaluating the Success of Malaysia's Exchange Controls (1998-99)
by S. M. Ali Abbas & Raphael Espinoza - 193-217 The Role of Political Institutions in the Resolution of Economic Crises: The Case of Argentina 2001-05
by Andres Gallo & Juan Pablo Stegmann & Jeffrey Steagall - 219-241 Economic Orthodoxy Versus Social Development? The Dilemmas Facing Brazil's Labour Government
by Edmund Amann & Werner Baer - 243-263 The Evolution of Reforestation in Brazil
by Carlos Jose Caetano Bacha - 265-292 Estimates of Mincerian Returns to Schooling in Nigeria
by Adebayo Aromolaran
2006, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-13 Encountering Order and Disjuncture: Contemporary Anthropological Perspectives on the Organization of Development
by David Lewis & David Mosse - 15-29 Unpacking the Anti-corruption Agenda: Dilemmas for Anthropologists
by Elizabeth Harrison - 31-46 Which Order? Whose Order? Balinese Irrigation Management in Sulawesi, Indonesia
by Dik Roth - 47-64 Dining with Devils? Ethnographic Enquiries into the Conflict-Development Nexus in Sri Lanka
by Benedikt Korf - 65-79 Community Participation the Tanzanian Way: Conceptual Contiguity or Power Struggle?
by Rebecca Marsland - 81-97 Dealing with Dirt and the Disorder of Development: Managing Rubbish in Urban Pakistan
by Jo Beall - 99-115 The Moral Setting for Governance in Keonjhar: The Cultural Framing of Public Episodes and Development Processes in Northern Orissa, India
by Alan Rew & Shahzad Khan
2005, Volume 33, Issue 3-4
- 333-355 Innovation and Competitiveness: Trends in Unit Prices in Global Trade
by Raphael Kaplinsky & Amelia Santos Paulino - 357-375 Fragmentation and Embeddedness: An Alternative Approach to the Analysis of Rural Financial Markets
by Susan Johnson - 377-389 Building State Capacity: Reforming Mexican State Food Aid Programmes in the 1990 s
by Kenneth Mitchell - 391-416 Great Expectations: Microfinance and Poverty Reduction in Asia and Latin America
by John Weiss & Heather Montgomery - 417-426 AIDS, Economic Growth and the Epidemic Trap in Africa
by Nicolas Couderc & Bruno Ventelou - 427-451 Late Industrialization and Structural Change: Indonesia, 1975-2000
by Jojo Jacob - 453-471 Openness and Governance: Evidence Across Countries
by Fahim Al-Marhubi - 473-491 Spatial Inequality, Polarization and its Dimensions in Iran: New Empirical Evidence
by Farhad Noorbakhsh - 493-510 Development as Freedom and the Costa Rican Human Development Story
by Severine Deneulin - 511-529 The Importance of Exchange Rate Policy in Promoting Vietnam's Exports
by Nguyen Ngoc Thanh & Kaliappa Kalirajan
2005, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 149-162 Foreign Investment in Developing Countries: Does it Crowd in Domestic Investment?
by Manuel Agosin & Roberto Machado - 163-194 China's Competitive Threat to Latin America: An Analysis for 1990-2002
by Sanjaya Lall & John Weiss & Hiroshi Oikawa - 195-210 Patterns of Change in Child Labour and Schooling in Turkey: The Impact of Compulsory Schooling
by Meltem Dayioğlu - 211-227 Are Foreign Firms More Productive and Export- and Technology-intensive than Local Firms in Kenyan Manufacturing?
by Rajah Rasiah & Geoffrey Gachino - 229-243 Policy Reform, Economic Growth and the Digital Divide
by Susmita Dasgupta & Somik Lall & David Wheeler - 245-267 Global Standards and the Dynamics of Environmental Compliance in India's Leather Industry
by Meenu Tewari & Poonam Pillai - 269-304 On the Effects of Government Spending Shocks in Developing Countries
by Magda Kandil - 305-329 The Evolution of Rice Price Policies over Four Decades: Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines
by Kei Kajisa & Takamasa Akiyama
2005, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-5 Introduction
by Frances Stewart & Rajesh Venugopal - 7-23 The Study of Ethnicity in Nigeria
by Ukoha Ukiwo - 25-45 Horizontal Inequalities and Violent Group Mobilization in Cote d'Ivoire
by Arnim Langer - 47-62 The Political Economy of Civil Conflict in Nepal
by Sonali Deraniyagala - 63-79 Development, Inequality and Ethnic Accommodation: Clues from Malaysia, Mauritius and Trinidad and Tobago
by Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah - 81-97 Fighting for the Plenty: The Banana Trade in Southern Somalia
by Christian Webersik - 99-106 Military Effectiveness and Economic Efficiency in Peacekeeping: Public Versus Private
by Jared Lawyer - 107-115 Private Military Companies Against Development
by Xavier Renou - 117-131 International Regulation of Multinational Corporations
by Salil Tripathi - 133-147 Transnational Corporations in Conflict-prone Zones: Public Policy Responses and a Framework for Action
by Jessica Banfield & Virginia Haufler & Damian Lilly
2004, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 459-484 Civil war, public goods and the social wealth of nations
by David Pottebaum & Ravi Kanbur - 485-505 Foreign direct investment-facilitated development: the case of the natural gas industry of Trinidad and Tobago
by Lou Anne Barclay - 507-521 Jane Jacobs on development
by David Ellerman - 523-558 Do we know how much poverty there is?
by Miguel Szekely & Nora Lustig & Martin Cumpa & Jose Antonio Mejia - 559-583 Internationalization of innovative capabilities: counter-evidence from the electronics industry in Malaysia and Brazil
by Norlela Ariffin & Paulo Figueiredo - 585-604 Modelling the privatization process in transition economies
by John Marangos - 605-617 From Aba to Ugborodo: gender identity and alternative discourse of social protest among women in the oil delta of Nigeria
by Charles Ukeje - 619-639 The determinants of outward foreign direct investment: a firm-level analysis of Indian manufacturing
by Jaya Prakash Pradhan
2004, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 339-339 Learning, capability building and innovation at the firm level: An introduction
by Lynn Mytelka - 341-363 The multifaceted evolution of Korean technological capabilities and its implications for contemporary policy
by Linsu Kim - 365-374 The challenge of building an effective innovation system for catch-up
by Richard Nelson - 375-387 Market-oriented reforms, globalization and the recent transformation of Latin American innovation systems
by Jorge Katz - 389-405 Catching up in new wave technologies
by Lynn Mytelka - 407-432 Mapping fragmentation: Electronics and automobiles in East Asia and Latin America
by Sanjaya Lall & Manuel Albaladejo & Jinkang Zhang - 433-455 Technological intensities in East and Southeast Asian electronics firms: Does network strength matter?
by Rajah Rasiah
2004, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 155-178 Does e-commerce fulfil its promise for developing country (South African) garment export producers?
by Sagren Moodley & Mike Morris - 179-203 The human right to development
by Arjun Sengupta - 205-224 Are the poor willing to pay a premium for designer labels? a field experiment in Bolivia
by Luuk Van Kempen - 225-239 Sectoral gender wage gap in Vietnam
by Amy Liu - 241-260 International technology transfer through local business linkages: the case of Volvo Trucks and their domestic suppliers in India
by Inge Ivarsson & Claes Goran Alvstam - 261-281 Vulnerability, shocks and persistence of poverty: estimates for semi-arid rural South India
by Raghav Gaiha & Katsushi Imai - 283-307 Industrialization in an age of globalization: some comparisons between East and South East Asia and Latin America
by John Weiss & Hossein Jalilian - 309-320 Removing some harm from the World Trade Organization
by William Kingston - 321-327 To measure or not to measure TFP growth? A reply to Mahadevan
by Jesus Felipe & J. S. L. McCombie - 329-330 To measure or not to measure TFP growth? Comment on "unequivocal no" reply
by Renuka Mahadevan
2004, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 3-18 Beyond the social contract: capabilities and global justice. an Olaf Palme lecture, delivered in Oxford on 19 June 2003
by Martha Nussbaum - 19-35 Africa in Asia? the development challenges facing Eastern Indonesia and East Timor
by Anne Booth - 37-57 Agricultural development and pro-poor economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa: potential and policy
by Jonathan Kydd & Andrew Dorward & Jamie Morrison & Georg Cadisch - 59-86 Economic reform or social development? the challenges of a period of reform in Latin America: case study of Mexico
by Diana Alarcon & Eduardo Zepeda - 87-100 Exporting through technological capability: econometric evidence from India's pharmaceutical and electrical/electronics firms
by Saradindu Bhaduri & Amit Ray - 101-118 Modelling inter-temporal aid allocation: a new application with an emphasis on Papua New Guinea
by Simon Feeny & Mark Mcgillivray - 119-134 An analysis of India's reform dynamics
by Kaliappa Kalirajan - 135-152 The two-way interaction between globalization and labour market policies
by Andrew Downes & Rafael Gomez & Morley Gunderson
2003, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 403-404 Editor's introduction
by Abdul Raufu Mustapha - 405-425 Colonialism and environmental perception in Northern Nigeria
by Abdul Raufu Mustapha - 427-439 Practising “biodiversity” in Guinea: nature, nation and an international convention
by James Fairhead & Melissa Leach - 441-459 Land use, the environment and development in post-socialist Mongolia
by David Sneath - 461-478 Networks of knowledge: how farmers and scientists understand soils and their fertility. a case study from Ethiopia
by Data Dea & Ian Scoones - 479-501 The meanings of forest governance in Esmeraldas, Ecuador
by Laura Rival - 503-518 Long-term change in African drylands: can recent history point towards development pathways?
by Michael Mortimore - 519-529 Why do savings institutions differ within the same region? The role of environment and social capital in the creation of savings arrangements in Eastern Burkina Faso
by Valentina Mazzucato & David Niemeijer
2003, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 243-274 Does it Matter that we do not Agree on the Definition of Poverty? A Comparison of Four Approaches
by Caterina Ruggeri Laderchi & Ruhi Saith & Frances Stewart - 275-292 Dynamic Clusters in Developing Countries: Collective Efficiency and Beyond
by Marjolein Canie¨ls & Henny Romijn - 293-314 Innovation in Asian Industrialization: A Gerschenkronian Perspective
by Mike Hobday - 315-339 Small-holders and Water Resources: A Review Essay on the Economics of Locally-managed Irrigation
by Jeff Dayton-Johnson - 341-363 Decentralization in Peru's Agricultural Policy: A Critical Review from 1993 to 1998
by Anja Heuft & Gertrud Buchenrieder