2003, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 365-378 To Measure or Not To Measure Total Factor Productivity Growth?
by Renuka Mahadevan - 379-400 Civil Society as Idea and Civil Society as Process: The Case of Ghana
by Lindsay Whitfield
2003, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 123-148 Chinese Peasant Choices: Migration, Rural Industry or Farming
by John Knight & Lina Song - 149-158 Social Organization, Civic Responsibility and Collective Action: Game Theory Models of Community Participation in Development Projects
by Howard White - 159-171 Spatial Integration of Wheat Markets in India: Evidence from Cointegration Tests
by Madhusudan Ghosh - 173-196 Concepts and Perceptions of Human Well-being: Some Evidence from South Africa
by David Clark - 197-217 The Evolution of Wood-based Industries in Brazil and their Means of Securing Wood
by Carlos Jose Caetano Bacha - 219-233 Trade Reforms and the Efficiency of Firms in India
by Uma Kambhampati
2003, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 21-32 Kicking Away the Ladder: Infant Industry Promotion in Historical Perspective 1
by Ha-Joon Chang - 33-35 Symposium on Infant Industries: A Comment
by Gustav Ranis - 37-58 Studying Development and Explaining Policies
by Gavin Williams - 59-84 Are Millennium Goals of Poverty Reduction Useful?
by Raghav Gaiha - 85-98 Economic Liberalization and Productivity Growth: Further Evidence From Bangladesh
by Ruhul Amin Salim - 99-113 The Internet and Economic Growth in Less-developed Countries: A Case of Managing Expectations? 1
by Charles Kenny
2002, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 229-249 Do IMF Programmes Have a Catalytic Effect on Other International Capital Flows?
by Graham Bird & Dane Rowlands - 251-266 International Tax Co-operation and Capital Mobility
by Valpy Fitzgerald - 267-287 Do Migrants Insure Those who Stay Behind? Evidence from the Kayes Area (Western Mali)
by Flore Gubert - 289-306 Innovation and Growth: A Schumpeterian Model of Innovation Applied to Taiwan
by Haider Khan - 307-315 Is External Development Assistance Fungible? The Case of Mauritius
by Shyam Nath & Sanjeev Sobhee - 317-331 Trade Policy, Equipment Investment and Growth in India
by Kunal Sen
2002, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 133-136 The Global and the Local; The Cultural Interfaces of Self-determination Movements
by Cathie Lloyd & Sandra Dudley & Frances Stewart - 137-149 Changing Narratives of Violence, Struggle and Resistance: Bangladeshis and the Competition for Resources in the Global City
by John Eade & David Garbin - 151-163 Thinking about the Local and the Global in the Algerian Context
by Cathie Lloyd - 165-176 Local Identities and Global Flows of Objects and Images
by Sandra Dudley - 177-187 The Virtual and the Imaginary: The Role of Diasphoric New Media in the Construction of a National Identity during the Break-up of Yugoslavia
by Joshua Kaldor-Robinson - 189-203 The Wild Terrorist Gang: The Semantics of Violence and Self-determination in West Papua
by S. Eben Kirksey & J. A. D. Roemajauw - 205-222 The Basque Conflict Globally Speaking: Material Culture, Media and Basque Identity in the Wider World
by J. P. Linstroth
2002, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 3-5 Professor George Peters: Born September 1934: Died November, 2001
by Frances Stewart - 9-19 Transforming Economic Growth to Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Elite Political Instability
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu - 21-40 Women, Wives and Land Rights in Africa: Situating Gender Beyond the Household in the Debate Over Land Policy and Changing Tenure Systems
by Ingrid Yngstrom - 41-62 The Joint Estimation of Child Participation in Schooling and Employment: Comparative Evidence from Three Continents
by Pushkar Maitra & Ranjan Ray - 63-85 The Achievements and Failures of Argentina's Neo-liberal Economic Policies
by Werner Baer & Pedro Elosegui & Andres Gallo - 87-104 Firm Size, Technological Capabilities and Market-oriented Policies in Mauritius
by Ganeshan Wignaraja - 105-121 Income Risk, Consumption Security and the Poor
by J. G. M. Hoogeveen
2001, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 213-223 Amartya Sen's Contribution to Development Economics
by Meghnad Desai - 225-244 Amartya Sen's 100 Million Missing Women
by Elisabeth Croll - 245-263 Sen's Entitlement Approach: Critiques and Counter-critiques
by Stephen Devereux - 265-278 Corruption and Human Development: A Conceptual Discussion
by Mozaffar Qizilbash - 279-304 Child Labour as a Human Security Problem: Evidence from India
by Manabi Majumdar - 305-320 Capital Controls and the National Advantage: India in the 1990s and Beyond
by Vijay Joshi
2001, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 125-144 When do Agricultural Exports Help the Rural Poor? A Political-economy Approach
by Albert Berry - 145-154 Incorporating Trade into the Investment Development Path: A Case Study of Korea and Taiwan
by John Dunning & Chang-Su Kim & Jyh-Der Lin - 155-171 R&D and Technological Learning in Indian Industry: Econometric Estimation of the Research Production Function
by Amit Ray & Saradindu Bhaduri - 173-187 Environmental Regulation and Development: A Cross-country Empirical Analysis
by Susmita Dasgupta & Ashoka Mody & Subhendu Roy & David Wheeler - 189-207 Food Insecurity, Soil Degradation and Agricultural Markets in West Africa: Why Current Policy Approaches Fail
by Niek Koning & Nico Heerink & Sjef Kauffman
2001, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 5-29 South Asia's Export Structure in a Comparative Perspective
by Jorg Mayer & Adrian Wood - 31-44 External Debt and Capital Flight in the Indian Economy
by Niranjan Chipalkatti & Meenakshi Rishi - 45-55 Does China Have a Grain Problem? An Empirical Analysis
by K. P. Kalirajan & Yiping Huang - 57-76 Technology Support for Small-scale Industry in Developing Countries: A Review of Concepts and Project Practices
by Henny Romijn - 77-100 Technical and Organizational Change and Economies of Scale and Scope in Developing Countries
by Ludovico Alcorta - 101-114 The Impact of Technology Accumulation on Technical Efficiency: An Analysis of the Sri Lankan Clothing and Agricultural Machinery Industries
by Sonali Deraniyagala
2000, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 245-262 Crisis Prevention: Tackling Horizontal Inequalities
by Frances Stewart - 263-287 The Welfare of Children in Central India: Econometric Analysis and Policy Simulation
by Vani Borooah - 289-308 Some Links Between Education, Household Well-being and Credit Markets: Evidence from Rural Philippines
by Rena Dela Cruz-Dona & Alan Martina - 309-322 Economic Liberalization and the Vintages of Machinery Imports in Developing Countries: An Empirical Test for India's Imports from the United Kingdom
by Homi Katrak - 323-336 Does Local Co-operation Matter? Evidence from Industrial Clusters in South Asia and Latin America
by Hubert Schmitz - 337-369 The Technological Structure and Performance of Developing Country Manufactured Exports, 1985-98
by Sanjaya Lall
2000, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 117-139 Indonesia: The Strange and Sudden Death of a Tiger Economy
by Hal Hill - 141-167 Industrial Development, Globalization and Multinational Enterprises: New Realities for Developing Countries
by Rajneesh Narula & John Dunning - 169-185 An Empirical Investigation of Short- and Long-run Agricultural Wage Formation in Ghana
by Awudu Abdulai & Christopher Delgado - 187-204 Complex Emergencies versus Natural Disasters: An Analytical Comparison of Causes and Effects
by J. M. Albala-Bertrand - 205-222 Liberalization and Productivity Growth: The Case of Manufacturing Industry in Nepal
by Kishor Sharma & Sisira Jayasuriya & Edward Oczkowski - 223-236 Labour Migration as a Social Security Mechanism for Smallholder Households in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Cameroon
by Gertrud Schrieder & Beatrice Knerr
2000, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 5-18 Assessing Aid: A Manifesto for Aid in the 21st Century?
by Robert Lensink & Howard White - 19-32 The Disinvestment of Public Sector Enterprises: The Indian Experience
by T. G. Arun & F. I. Nixson - 33-49 How Important is Agriculture in China's Economic Growth?
by Shujie Yao - 51-69 Convergence, Catch-up and Growth Sustainability in Asia: Some Pitfalls
by Jesus Felipe - 71-95 Do Anti-poverty Programmes Reach the Rural Poor in India?
by Raghav Gaiha - 97-110 Equity, Growth and Insurrection: Liberalization and the Welfare Debate in Contemporary Sri Lanka
by David Dunham & Sisira Jayasuriya
1999, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 277-278 Special issue introduction: Economic liberalization and the Brazilian industrial sector in the 1990s
by Edmund Amann - 279-304 Macro/Micro interactions: Economic and institutional uncertainties and structural change in Brazilian industry
by Joao Carlos Ferraz & David Kupfer & Franklin Serrano - 305-327 A note on foreign direct investment and industrial competitiveness in Brazil
by Regis Bonelli - 329-357 Technological self-reliance in Brazil: Achievements and prospects—some evidence from the non-serial capital goods sector
by Edmund Amann - 359-383 The short-run regional effects of new investments and technological upgrade in the Brazilian automobile industry: An interregional computable general equilibrium analysis
by Eduardo Haddad & Geoffrey Hewings - 385-404 The state and industry in the development process: How universal is the Evans vision?
by Werner Baer & Hadi Salehi Esfahani & Salim Rashid
1999, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 149-164 Japanese multinationals in Asia: Drivers and attractors
by Ashoka Mody & Susmita Dasgupta & Sarbajit Sinha - 165-186 A new map of Indian industrial society: The cartographer all at sea
by Mark Holmstrom - 187-210 Social sectors during economic reforms: The Indian experience
by K. Seeta Prabhu - 211-231 Botswana: Poverty amid plenty
by K. R. Jefferis & T. F. Kelly - 233-250 Modelling of aid motivation using time series data: The case of Papua New Guinea
by Rukmani Gounder - 251-270 Perverse supply response in peasant agriculture: A review
by Adam Ozanne
1999, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 5-32 Fiscal decentralization: Incentives, redistribution and reform in China
by John Knight & Li Shi - 33-55 Singapore's economic development: Four lessons and some doubts
by W. G. Huff - 57-79 Comparative productivity performance in manufacturing in South and East Asia, 1960-93
by Marcel Timmer & Adam Szirmai - 81-107 The cutting Edge: Collective efficiency and international competitiveness in Pakistan
by Khalid Nadvi - 109-127 Liberalization and labour: The fate of retrenched workers in the cotton textile industry in India
by Jude Howell & Uma Kambhampati - 129-144 The demand for labour in risky agriculture
by Sunil Kanwar
1998, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 271-286 “The tribe of pundits called economists” and economic debate in post-independence India
by Terence Byres - 287-309 Development studies and the development of India: An awkward case?
by John Harriss - 311-331 From “book view” to “field view”: Social anthropological constructions of the Indian village
by Surinder Jodhka - 333-350 India's economic reforms: Progress, problems, prospects
by Vijay Joshi - 351-373 Terms of trade effects on endogenous growth rates in LDCs
by Ben Peletier - 375-390 The European union's green paper on relations with the African, Caribbean and pacific countries
by Marjorie Lister
1998, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 133-151 Reforming the state: A study of the peruvian tax reform
by Francisco Durand & Rosemary Thorp - 153-169 Interest rates, saving and investment: Evidence from India
by Prema-Chandra Athukorala - 171-190 Who gets what jobs in China's countryside? A multinomial logit analysis
by Sarah Cook - 191-212 International production networks and changing trade patterns in East Asia: The case of the electronics industry
by Dieter Ernst & Paolo Guerrieri - 213-243 Technological capabilities in emerging Asia
by Sanjaya Lall - 245-265 Human capital, targeting and social safety nets: An analysis of household data from Zimbabwe
by Lucia Hanmer
1998, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 5-13 Editorial introduction. Globalization: Definitions, debates and implications
by Ngaire Woods - 15-31 Globalization and the modes of operation of major institutional actors
by Thomas Biersteker - 33-45 Globalization and world trade: From multilateralism to regionalism
by Diana Tussie - 47-69 Globalization and the new geography of foreign direct investment
by John Dunning - 71-97 Shrinking states? Globalization and national autonomy in the oecd
by Geoffrey Garrett - 99-110 Global civil society: Perspectives, initiatives, movements
by Richard Falk - 111-125 Money in a globalized world: From monopoly to oligopoly
by Benjamin Cohen
1997, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 261-277 New problems and opportunities for industrial development in Latin America
by Jose Miguel Benavente & Gustavo Crespi & Jorge Katz & Giovanni Stumpo - 279-300 St Adam and the Dragons: Neo-classical economics and the East Asian miracle
by Jonathan Temple - 301-314 Do rural public works influence agricultural wages? The case of the employment guarantee scheme in India
by Raghav Gaiha - 315-343 The perils of measuring poverty: Identifying the 'poor' in rural Ethiopia
by Philippa Bevan & Sandra Fullerton Joireman - 345-360 Poverty and its many dimensions: The role of income as an indicator
by Caterina Ruggeri Laderchi - 361-369 The demand for calories in developing countries
by P. J. Dawson
1997, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 149-172 Cumulative causation and inequality among villages in China
by John Knight & Li Shi - 173-188 Market or policy driven? The Foreign direct investment boom in Argentina
by Daniel Chudnovsky & Andres Lopez & Fernando Porta - 189-207 The determinants of technological capability: A cross-country analysis
by Jeffrey James & Henny Romijn - 209-223 Embedded markets: Hired labour arrangements in west Bengal agriculture
by Ben Rogaly - 225-236 Heteroscedastic price forecasting for food security management in developing countries
by Christopher Barrett - 237-243 'Paradigms of development: The East Asian debate': A comment
by Pan-Long Tsai - 245-253 Paradigms of development: A Rejoinder
by Sanjaya Lall
1997, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 5-10 Editors' introduction
by E. V. K. Fitzgerald & Frances Stewart - 11-41 Civil conflict in developing countries over the last quarter of a century: An empirical overview of economic and social consequences
by Frances Stewart & Frank Humphreys & Nick Lea - 43-65 Paying for the war: Macroeconomic stabilization in poor countries under conflict conditions
by E. V. K. Fitzgerald - 67-75 A rational kind of madness
by David Keen - 77-94 War and ethnicity: Global connections and local violence in North East Africa and former Yugoslavia
by David Turton - 95-121 Household entitlements during wartime: The experience of Sri Lanka
by Meghan O'Sullivan - 123-141 Estimating the economic costs of conflict: An examination of the two-gap estimation model for the case of Nicaragua
by Sabrina DiAddario