2010, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 371-378 Global Inequality in Well-being Dimensions
by Mark McGillivray & Nora Markova
2010, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-13 Migration, Transfers and Economic Decision Making among Agricultural Households: an Introduction
by Benjamin Davis & Gero Carletto & Paul Winters - 14-38 The Impact of Conditional Cash Transfers on Consumption and Investment in Nicaragua
by John Maluccio - 39-67 Conditional Cash Transfers and Agricultural Production: Lessons from the Oportunidades Experience in Mexico
by Jessica Erin Todd & Paul Winters & Tom Hertz - 68-90 Does Migration Make Rural Households More Productive? Evidence from Mexico
by J. Edward Taylor & Alejandro Lopez-Feldman - 91-113 Moving Forward, Looking Back: the Impact of Migration and Remittances on Assets, Consumption, and Credit Constraints in the Rural Philippines
by Agnes Quisumbing & Scott McNiven - 114-139 Seasonal Migration and Agricultural Production in Vietnam
by Alan De Brauw - 140-161 The Vanishing Farms? The Impact of International Migration on Albanian Family Farming
by Juna Miluka & Gero Carletto & Benjamin Davis & Alberto Zezza - 162-189 Agricultural Land Use and Asset Accumulation in Migrant Households: the Case of El Salvador
by Amy Lynne Damon
2009, Volume 45, Issue 10
- 1579-1593 Product Market Competition and Productivity in the Indian Manufacturing Industry
by Atsushi Kato - 1594-1614 Firm Productivity and Exports: Evidence from Ethiopian Manufacturing
by Arne Bigsten & Mulu Gebreeyesus - 1615-1632 Does Group Affiliation Improve Firm Performance? The Case of Chinese State-Owned Firms
by Huanjun Yu & Hans Van Ees & Robert Lensink - 1633-1650 Technical Change and the Returns and Investments in Firm-level Training: Evidence from Thailand
by Futoshi Yamauchi & Nipon Poapongsakorn & Nipa Srianant - 1651-1662 Long-term Impacts of Droughts on Labour Markets in Developing Countries: Evidence from Brazil
by Valerie Mueller & Daniel Osgood - 1663-1683 Do Community Members Share Development Priorities? Results of a Ranking Exercise in East African Rangelands
by John Mcpeak & Cheryl Doss & Christopher Barrett & Patti Kristjanson - 1684-1706 The Impact of Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Programme and its Linkages
by Daniel Gilligan & John Hoddinott & Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse - 1707-1730 What Determines Productivity in Senegal? Sectoral Disparities and the Dual Labour Market
by Damien Echevin & Fabrice Murtin - 1731-1746 Community Wealth Ranking and Household Surveys: An Integrative Approach
by Bereket Kebede - 1747-1767 Conditional Cash Transfers, Shocks, and School Enrolment in Nicaragua
by Seth Richard Gitter & Bradford Barham - 1768-1769 The Post-Colonial Politics of Development
by Ray Kiely - 1769-1770 The Political Economy of the World Bank: The Early Years
by Axel Dreher - 1770-1772 Power and Politics after Financial Crises: Rethinking Foreign Opportunism in Emerging Markets
by Heather Gibson - 1772-1773 Land Reform in Developing Countries: Property Rights and Property Wrongs
by Christine Valente
2009, Volume 45, Issue 9
- 1381-1402 Between Decisiveness and Credibility: Transforming the Securities Industry in Singapore and Thailand
by Xiaoke Zhang - 1403-1425 Reranking and Pro-Poor Growth: Decompositions for China and Vietnam
by Adam Wagstaff - 1426-1452 Why is Poverty So High Among Afro-Brazilians? A Decomposition Analysis of the Racial Poverty Gap
by Carlos Gradin - 1453-1471 Excluded Again: Village Politics at the Aid Interface
by Ben D'Exelle - 1472-1493 The Impact of Socio-Political Integration and Press Freedom on Corruption
by Nicholas Charron - 1494-1512 Corruption, Governance and FDI Location in China: A Province-Level Analysis
by Matthew Cole & Robert Elliott & Jing Zhang - 1513-1525 Privatised Firms and Labour Outcomes in Emerging Markets
by Alberto Chong & Gianmarco Leon - 1526-1544 Technology Trade
by Jose Groizard - 1545-1578 The Effectiveness of Inputs in Primary Education: Insights from Recent Student Surveys for Sub-Saharan Africa
by Sebastian Fehrler & Katharina Michaelowa & Annika Wechtler
2009, Volume 45, Issue 8
- 1211-1224 Trade and Growth at Different Stages of Economic Development
by Dong-Hyeon Kim & Shu-Chin Lin - 1225-1248 The Effects of Competition Policy on Development - Cross-Country Evidence Using Four New Indicators
by Stefan Voigt - 1249-1266 International Trade, R&D Spillovers and Productivity: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Industry
by Mavannoor Parameswaran - 1267-1283 State Business Relations and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Kunal Sen & Dirk Te Velde - 1284-1306 Labour and Its Discontents: The Consequences of Orthodox Reform in Venezuela and Mexico
by Jon Jonakin - 1307-1324 Towards a Working Definition and Application of Social Age in International Development Studies
by Christina Rose Clark-Kazak - 1325-1343 Private Transfers, Informal Loans and Risk Sharing Among Poor Urban Households in Ethiopia
by Eskander Alvi & Seife Dendir - 1344-1359 Household Saving Behaviour in an Extended Life Cycle Model: A Comparative Study of China and India
by James Ang - 1360-1380 Reverse Gender Gap in Schooling in Bangladesh: Insights from Urban and Rural Households
by Mohammad Niaz Asadullah & Nazmul Chaudhury
August 2009, Volume 45, Issue 7
- 1027-1047 Releasing Constraints to Growth or Pushing on a String? Policies and Performance of Mexican Micro-Firms
by Pablo Fajnzylber & William F. Maloney & Gabriel V. Montes-Rojas - 1048-1069 Enterprise Growth and Survival in Vietnam: Does Government Support Matter?
by Henrik Hansen & John Rand & Finn Tarp - 1070-1092 Viability of Self-Employment
by M. T. Nziramasanga & S. Bhattacharjee & M. Lee - 1093-1112 Coordination Risk and Cost Impacts on Economic Development in Poor Rural Areas
by Andrew Dorward & Jonathan Kydd & Colin Poulton & Dirk Bezemer - 1113-1133 Too Many People and Too Few Livestock in West Africa? An Evaluation of Sandford's Thesis
by Mark Moritz & Britney R. Kyle & Kevin C. Nolan & Steve Patrick & Marnie F. Shaffer & Gayatri Thampy - 1134-1149 Compensatory Aid and Debt Relief: A Case Study of Uganda
by Benno Ferrarini - 1150-1164 Development Strategy and Export-Led Growth: Lessons Learned from Taiwan's Experience
by Tay-Cheng Ma - 1165-1183 Employment Effects of FDI in Mexico's Non-Maquiladora Manufacturing
by Andreas Waldkirch & Peter Nunnenkamp & Jose Eduardo Alatorre Bremont - 1184-1202 Aid and Trade - A Donor's Perspective
by Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann D. & Inmaculada Mart�nez-Zarzoso & Stephan Klasen & Dierk Herzer - 1203-1204 Health and Development. Toward a Matrix Approach
by Peter Lloyd-Sherlock - 1204-1206 Domestic Resource Mobilisation and Financial Development
by Jos� R. S�nchez-Fung - 1206-1207 Development Aid: A Fresh Look
by Mak Arvin - 1207-1209 Growth Divergences: Explaining Differences in Economic Performance
by Chris Tsoukis - 1209-1210 Income Distribution and Sustainable Economic Development in East Asia. A Comparative Analysis
by Colin Barlow
2009, Volume 45, Issue 6
- 831-863 Insecurity and Welfare: Evidence from County Data
by Marcel Fafchamps & Bart Minten - 864-888 Rainfall Uncertainty and Occupational Choice in Agricultural Households of Rural Nepal
by Nidhiya Menon - 889-910 Shocks, Coping, and Outcomes for Pakistan's Poor: Health Risks Predominate
by Rasmus Heltberg & Niels Lund - 911-933 Are Fishers Poor or Vulnerable? Assessing Economic Vulnerability in Small-Scale Fishing Communities
by Christophe Bene - 934-946 Health and Death Risk and Income Decisions: Evidence from Microfinance
by Grant Jacobsen - 947-965 Why Don't 'the Poor' Make Common Cause? The Importance of Subgroups
by Anirudh Krishna - 966-989 Migration and the Sending Economy: A Disaggregated Rural Economy-Wide Analysis
by J. Edward Taylor & George Dyer - 990-1009 Changing the Rules? State-Building and Local Government in Afghanistan
by Sarah Lister - 1010-1025 Estimating Border Tax Evasion in Mozambique
by Joao Ernesto Van Dunem & Channing Arndt
2009, Volume 45, Issue 5
- 653-671 Globalisation and Developing Countries - a Shrinking Tax Base?
by Joshua Aizenman & Yothin Jinjarak - 672-692 Volatility of Short-term Capital Flows and Private Investment in Emerging Markets
by Firat Demir - 693-725 Trade Liberalisation, the Peso, and Mexico's Commodity Trade Flows with the United States
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Scott Hegerty - 726-745 Inequality and the Impact of Growth on Poverty: Comparative Evidence for Sub-Saharan Africa
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu - 746-768 Microeconomic Determinants of Income Inequality in Rural Pakistan
by Felix Naschold - 769-788 Exporting, Technical Efficiency and Product Quality: An Empirical Analysis of the Agricultural Sector in the Mediterranean Countries
by Nadia Belhaj Hassine-Belghith - 789-814 The Linkage between Security, Governance and Development: the European Union in Africa
by Niagale Bagoyoko & Marie Gibert - 815-823 Aid and Power - The Next Generation
by Aram Ziai - 823-825 Poverty Dynamics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
by Paul Shaffer - 825-826 Democracy and Development
by Jan Kees van Donge - 826-828 Reforming Pensions. Principles and Policy Choices
by Christian Toft - 828-830 Sustainable Development in Western China: Managing People, Livestock and Grasslands in Pastoral Areas
by Sascha Klotzbucher
2009, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 441-470 Estimating Consumption Deprivation in India Using Survey Data: A State-Level Rural-Urban Analysis Before and During Reform Period
by T. Krishna Kumar & Sushanta Mallick & Jayarama Holla - 471-495 Determinants and Benefits of Household Level Participation in Rural Drinking Water Projects in India
by Linda Stalker Prokopy - 496-521 Land Reforms, Poverty Reduction, and Economic Growth: Evidence from India
by K. Deininger & S. Jin & H. K. Nagarajan - 522-543 Job Recruitment Networks and Migration to Cities in India
by Vegard Iversen & Kunal Sen & Arjan Verschoor & Amaresh Dubey - 544-571 Is Development Path Dependent or Political? A Reinterpretation of Mineral-Dependent Development in Botswana
by Amy Poteete - 572-592 Following in the Footsteps of Policy Entrepreneurs: Policy Advocates and Pro Forma Adopters
by Brian Wampler - 593-620 Intervening in Value Chains: Lessons from Zambia's Task Force on Acceleration of Cassava Utilisation
by Maureen Chitundu & Klaus Droppelmann & Steven Haggblade - 621-640 The Entitlement Approach: A Case for Framework Development Rather than Demolition: A Comment on 'Entitlement Failure and Deprivation: A Critique of Sen's Famine Philosophy'
by Olivier Rubin - 641-645 The Entitlement Approach - A Case for Framework Development Rather than Demolition: A Reply to Rubin
by K. Qudrat-I. Elahi - 646-648 The Entitlement Approach - A Case for Framework Development Rather than Demolition: Rejoinder
by Olivier Rubin
2009, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 295-313 Morality, Corruption and the State: Insights from Jharkhand, Eastern India
by Alpa Shah - 314-332 Measuring Corruption in Infrastructure: Evidence from Transition and Developing Countries
by Charles Kenny - 333-350 Privatisation Discontent and Utility Reform in Latin America
by Daniele Checchi & Massimo Florio & Jorge Carrera - 351-368 A Macro-Micro Analysis of the Effects of Electricity Reform in Senegal on Poverty and Distribution
by Dorothee Boccanfuso & Antonio Estache & Luc Savard - 369-390 Participation in a School Incentive Programme in India
by Sharon Barnhardt & Dean Karlan & Stuti Khemani - 391-411 The Changing Determinants of Schooling Investments: Evidence from Villages in the Philippines, 1985-89 and 2002-04
by Jonna Estudillo & Yasuyuki Sawada & Keijiro Otsuka - 412-440 I-Dollar EYI One! -Ethnolinguistic Fractionalisation, Communication Networks and Economic Participation-Lessons from Cape Town, South Africa
by Ana Deumert & Nkululeko Mabandla
2009, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 151-171 Using Stated Preferences and Beliefs to Identify the Impact of Risk on Poor Households
by Ruth Vargas Hill - 172-196 Are Alternative Livelihood Projects Alleviating Poverty in Mining Communities? Experiences from Ghana
by Gavin Hilson & Sadia Mohammed Banchirigah - 197-226 Sand in the Engine: The Travails of an Irrigated Rice Scheme in Bwanje Valley, Malawi
by Gert Jan Veldwisch & Alex Bolding & Philippus Wester - 227-255 Exploring Seasonal Poverty Traps: The 'Six-Week Window' in Southern Malawi
by Alastair Orr & Blessings Mwale & Donata Saiti-Chitsonga - 256-275 The Economics of Communist Party Membership: The Curious Case of Rising Numbers and Wage Premium during China's Transition
by Simon Appleton & John Knight & Lina Song & Qingjie Xia - 276-294 Did Public Transfers Crowd Out Private Transfers in Korea During the Financial Crisis?
by Sung Jin Kang & Yasuyuki Sawada
2009, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-23 Real Income Stagnation of Countries 1960-2001
by Sanjay Reddy & Camelia Minoiu - 24-54 Understanding Long-Run African Growth: Colonial Institutions or Colonial Education?
by Jutta Bolt & Dirk Bezemer - 55-75 Corruption and Democracy
by Michael Rock - 76-95 Long Live Democracy: The Determinants of Political Instability in Latin America
by Luisa Blanco & Robin Grier - 96-123 Social Capital, Human Capital and the Community Mechanism: Toward a Conceptual Framework for Economists
by Yujiro Hayami - 124-149 Degrees of Separation: Informal Social Protection, Relatedness and Migration in Biswanath, Bangladesh
by Katy Gardner & Zahir Ahmed
2008, Volume 44, Issue 10
- 1405-1423 The Politics of Telecommunications Regulation: State-Industry Alliance Favouring Foreign Investment in India
by Rahul Mukherji - 1424-1449 Distributional Consequences of Globalisation: Empirical Evidence from Panel Data
by Mahvash Saeed Qureshi & Guanghua Wan - 1450-1473 The Persistence of Social Differentiation in the Philippine Uplands
by Wolfram Dressler & Sarah Turner - 1474-1505 Sugar Co-operatives in Maharashtra: A Political Economy Perspective
by Mala Lalvani - 1506-1530 Can Schools Reduce the Indigenous Test Score Gap? Evidence from Chile
by Patrick McEwan - 1531-1553 Small-Business Participation in the Informal Sector of an Emerging Economy
by Sandra Sookram & Patrick Kent Watson - 1554-1555 Greening Aid? Understanding the Environmental Impact of Development Assistance
by Mak Arvin - 1555-1557 In Defence of Labour Market Institutions
by Michael Nolan - 1557-1558 Development, Security and Unending War: Governing the World of Peoples
by Alex Kirkup - 1559-1560 Economists with Guns: Authoritarian Development and US-Indonesian Relations. 1960-1968
by Anne Booth
2008, Volume 44, Issue 9
- 1243-1261 Institutional Flaws and Corruption Incentives in India
by Alan Heston & Vijay Kumar - 1262-1288 Rent-Seeking and Gender in Local Governance
by V. Vijayalakshmi - 1289-1308 The Effectiveness of India's Anti-Poverty Programmes
by Anjini Kochar - 1309-1341 The 'Nowhere' Children: Patriarchy and the Role of Girls in India's Rural Economy
by Uma Kambhampati & Raji Rajan - 1342-1353 The Performance of Privatised Enterprises in Developing Countries
by Paul Cook & Yuichiro Uchida - 1354-1381 Market Integration and Uncertainty: The Impact of Domestic and International Commodity Price Variability on Rural Household Income and Welfare in Ghana and Peru
by George Rapsomanikis & Alexander Sarris - 1382-1404 The Rise of the Skill Premium in Mexican Maquiladoras
by Andre Varella Mollick
2008, Volume 44, Issue 8
- 1081-1099 Cows and Conquistadors: A Contribution on the Colonial Origins of Comparative Development
by David Fielding & Sebastian Torres - 1100-1121 Decentralisation's Effects on Public Investment: Evidence and Policy Lessons from Bolivia and Colombia
by Jean-Paul Faguet - 1122-1144 The Depoliticisation of Development and the Democratisation of Politics in Tanzania: Parallel Structures as Obstacles to Delivering Services to the Poor
by Siri Lange - 1145-1168 Can the World Bank Build Social Capital? The Experience of Social Funds in Malawi and Zambia
by Anju Vajja & Howard White - 1169-1189 A Dynamic Equalisation Model for Economic and Social Capital Grants with a South African Example
by Jaya Josie & Garry MacDonald & Jeffrey Petchey - 1190-1213 Robbing the Riches: Capital Flight, Institutions and Debt
by Valerie Cerra & Meenakshi Rishi & Sweta Saxena - 1214-1235 The Politics of Subversion in Development Practice: An Exploration of Microfinance in Nepal and Vietnam
by Yogendra Shakya & Katharine Rankin - 1236-1237 India's Economic Transition: The Politics of Reforms
by Matthew McCartney - 1237-1239 The Poverty Regime in Village India
by Aditya Mishra - 1239-1240 African Development: Making Sense of the Issues and Actors
by Andrew Lawrence - 1240-1242 The Political Economy of Saudi Arabia
by Steffen Hertog
2008, Volume 44, Issue 7
- 913-934 Is There a Social Kuznets Curve? The Influence of Labour Standards on Inequality
by Remi Bazillier & Nicolas Sirven - 935-960 Conditional Cash Transfers, Adult Work Incentives, and Poverty
by Emmanuel Skoufias & Vincenzo Di Maro - 961-990 Daughter Elimination in Tamil Nadu, India: A Tale of Two Ratios
by Sharada Srinivasan & Arjun Singh Bedi - 991-1022 Making Land Rights Accessible: Social Movements and Political-Legal Innovation in the Rural Philippines
by Jennifer Franco - 1023-1036 How Concessional is Aid Lending?
by David Potts & Woo Yong Chung - 1037-1055 Vertical Specialisation and its Determinants
by Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås - 1056-1079 The Political Economy of Institutions, Stability and Investment: A Simultaneous Equation Approach in an Emerging Economy. The Case of South Africa
by J. W. Fedderke & J. M. Luiz
2008, Volume 44, Issue 6
- 769-778 Literacies, Identities and Social Change: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Literacy and Development
by Kaushik Basu & Bryan Maddox & Anna Robinson-Pant - 779-796 'Why Literacy Matters': Exploring A Policy Perspective on Literacies, Identities and Social Change
by Anna Robinson-Pant - 797-838 Literacy Sharing, Assortative Mating, or What? Labour Market Advantages and Proximate Illiteracy Revisited
by Vegard Iversen & Richard Palmer-Jones - 839-848 Externality and Literacy: A Note
by S. Subramanian - 849-862 Literacies of Distinction: (Dis)Empowerment in Social Movements
by Dorothy Holland & Debra Skinner - 863-879 Literacies and Discourses of Development Among the Rabaris of Kutch, India
by Caroline Dyer - 880-891 Mail that Feeds the Family: Popular Correspondence and Official Literacy Campaigns
by Virginia Zavala - 892-912 'Making Things Happen': Literacy and Agency in Housing Struggles in South Africa
by Catherine Kell
2008, Volume 44, Issue 5
- 613-621 Technology, Development and Innovation Systems: An Introduction
by Jorge Niosi - 622-644 Why Do Multinational Corporations Locate Their Advanced R&D Centres in Beijing?
by Yun-Chung Chen - 645-677 Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers and the Absorptive Capabilities of Domestic Firms in the Argentine Manufacturing Sector (1992-2001)
by Daniel Chudnovsky & Andres Lopez & Gaston Rossi - 678-700 Catching Up and Academic Institutions: A Comparative Study of Past National Experiences
by Roberto Mazzoleni - 701-727 Openness and Technological Innovations in Developing Countries: Evidence from Firm-Level Surveys
by Rita Almeida & Ana Margarida Fernandes - 728-749 FDI, Linkages and the Efficiency of State-Owned Enterprises in China
by Sourafel Girma & Yundan Gong - 750-760 Bottom Billion: Countries or People?
by Michael Lipton - 761-763 Land, Poverty and Livelihoods in an Era of Globalization. Perspectives from Developing and Transition Countries
by Steve Wiggins - 763-764 Transforming the Rural Nonfarm Economy: Opportunities and Threats in the Developing World
by Frank Ellis - 764-765 Growing Apart: Oil, Politics and Economic Change in Indonesia and Nigeria
by Jan Kees van Donge - 766-767 Can NGOs Make a Difference: The Challenge of Development Alternatives
by Michael Jennings
April 2008, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 463-484 The Benefits and Costs of Microfinance: Evidence from Bangladesh
by Matthieu Chemin - 485-503 Formal and Informal Rural Credit in Four Provinces of Vietnam
by Mikkel Barslund & Finn Tarp - 504-518 Overcoming Selection Bias in Microcredit Impact Assessments: A Case Study in Peru
by Gwendolyn Alexander Tedeschi - 519-544 Core Poverty, Vagueness and Adaptation: A New Methodology and Some Results for South Africa
by David A Clark & Mozaffar Qizilbash - 545-561 Multiple Dimensions of Social Assistance: The Case of Peru's 'Glass of Milk' Programme
by James Copestake - 562-585 Health as a Family Matter: Do Intra-household Education Externalities Matter for Maternal and Child Health?
by Magnus Lindelow - 586-612 Moving Towards More Effective Seed Aid
by Louise Sperling & H David Cooper & Tom Remington
2008, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 311-338 Behavioural Development Economics: Lessons from Field Labs in the Developing World
by Juan Camilo Cardenas & Jeffrey Carpenter - 339-364 State Failure and Success in Uganda and Zimbabwe: The Logic of Political Decay and Reconstruction in Africa
by E. A. Brett - 365-383 Poverty Effects from Trade Liberalisation in Argentina
by Ariel Barraud & German Calfat - 384-408 Community Formation, 'Ideal' Villages and Watershed Development in Western India
by Priya Sangameswaran - 409-424 Barriers to Efficiency and the Privatisation of Township-Village Enterprises
by Xiangming Fang & Rodney Smith - 425-448 Civic Environmental NGOs, Civil Society, and Democratisation in China
by Shui-Yan Tang & Xueyong Zhan
2008, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 165-197 The 'Feminisation of Poverty' and the 'Feminisation' of Anti-Poverty Programmes: Room for Revision?
by Sylvia Chant - 198-216 The Fiction of Development: Literary Representation as a Source of Authoritative Knowledge
by David Lewis & Dennis Rodgers & Michael Woolcock - 217-232 Non-market Returns to Traditional Human Capital: Nutritional Status and Traditional Knowledge in a Native Amazonian Society
by Victoria Reyes-Garcia & Thomas McDade & Vincent Vadez & Tomas Huanca & William Leonard & Susan Tanner & Ricardo Godoy - 233-257 Regional Returns to Education, Child Labour and Schooling in India
by Rubiana Chamarbagwala - 258-288 Education, Employment and Earnings of Secondary School and University Leavers in Tanzania: Evidence from a Tracer Study
by Samer Al-Samarrai & Barry Reilly - 289-310 Factor Proportions, Openness and Factor Prices in Kenya 1965-2000
by Arne Bigsten & Dick Durevall
2008, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-20 Globalisation, Power and Integration: The Political Economy of Regional and Bilateral Trade Agreements in the Americas
by Ken Shadlen - 21-48 Developing Country Exports of Manufactures: Moving Up the Ladder to Escape the Fallacy of Composition?
by Arslan Razmi & Robert Blecker - 49-59 North-South and South-South Trade-Related Technology Diffusion: How Important Are They in Improving TFP Growth?
by Maurice Schiff & Yanling Wang - 60-79 Trade, Technology and Employment in South Africa
by Rhys Jenkins - 80-102 Tripling Africa's Primary Exports: What, How, Where?
by Jorg Mayer & Pilar Fajarnes - 103-126 Corruption, Taxation and Natural Resource Management in Tanzania
by Dan Brockington - 127-152 Post-Civil War San Salvador: Social Inequalities of Household and Basic Infrastructure in a Central American City
by Richard Tardanico
2007, Volume 43, Issue 8
- 1331-1350 Development under patrimonial conditions: Suriname's state oil company as a development agent
by Wil Hout - 1351-1380 Poverty and productivity in female-headed households in Zimbabwe
by Sara Horrell & Pramila Krishnan - 1381-1422 Population, economy and society in West Bengal since the 1970s
by Arup Maharatna - 1423-1447 Safety in small numbers: Local strategies for survival and growth in Romania and the Kyrgyz Republic
by Rachel Sabates-Wheeler - 1448-1474 Interlinked contracts and social power: Patronage and exploitation in India's waste recovery market
by Kaveri Gill - 1475-1500 The joint demand for health care, leisure, and commodities: Implications for health care finance and access in Vietnam
by Chad Meyerhoefer & David Sahn & Stephen Younger - 1501-1519 Do double taxation treaties increase foreign direct investment to developing countries?
by Eric Neumayer
2007, Volume 43, Issue 7
- 1151-1176 Ethnic minority development in Vietnam
by Bob Baulch & Truong Thi Kim Chuyen & Dominique Haughton & Jonathan Haughton - 1177-1188 Are Vietnamese farmers concerned with their relative position in society?
by Fredrik Carlsson & Pham Khanh Nam & Martin Linde-Rahr & Peter Martinsson - 1189-1214 Risk-adjusted poverty in Argentina: measurement and determinants
by Guillermo Cruces & Quentin Wodon - 1215-1233 Timber access in the Indian Himalaya: Rethinking social capital in public policy
by Sudha Vasan - 1234-1247 Openness and the International allocation of foreign direct investment
by Manuel Agosin & Roberto Machado - 1248-1269 No miracles here: Trade policy, fiscal policy and economic growth
by Richard Kneller