2007, Volume 43, Issue 7
- 1270-1300 Where has all the education gone in sub-Saharan Africa? employment and other outcomes among secondary school and university leavers
by Samer Al-Samarrai & Paul Bennell - 1301-1320 Urbanization, rural land system and social security for migrants in China
by Ran Tao & Zhigang Xu
2007, Volume 43, Issue 6
- 961-986 Oil abundance and violent political conflict: A critical assessment
by Jonathan Di John - 987-1008 Poverty among the elderly in Sub-Saharan Africa and the role of social pensions
by Nanak Kakwani & Kalanidhi Subbarao - 1009-1036 Risk management in gathering economies
by Denise Stanley - 1037-1056 The 'Anti-politics machine' in India: Depoliticisation through local institution building for participatory watershed development
by Vasudha Chhotray - 1057-1083 Poverty traps and nonlinear income dynamics with measurement error and individual heterogeneity
by Francisca Antman & David McKenzie - 1084-1104 From technological catch-up to innovation-based economic growth: South Korea and Taiwan compared
by Jenn-Hwan Wang - 1105-1125 The impact of tariff removal on poverty in Zimbabwe: A computable general equilibrium microsimulation
by Margaret Chitiga & Ramos Mabugu & Tonia Kandiero - 1126-1143 Transfer payments, mothers' income and child health in ecuador
by Mauricio Leon & Stephen Younger
2007, Volume 43, Issue 5
- 787-811 The trade and fiscal impact of EU/ACP economic partnership agreements on West African countries
by Matthias Busse & Harald Grossmann - 812-829 The personal and the factor distributions of income in a cross-section of countries
by Emilie Daudey & Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa - 830-855 Can a developing democracy benefit from labour repression? Evidence from Sri Lanka
by Emmanuel Teitelbaum - 856-870 The IMF and the mobilisation of foreign aid
by Graham Bird & Dane Rowlands - 871-889 Diversification and livelihood sustainability in a semi-arid environment: A case study from southern Ethiopia
by Wassie Berhanu & David Colman & Bichaka Fayissa - 890-900 Considerations on the use of transgenic crops for insect control
by Anthony M. Shelton - 901-928 If you build it, will they come? School availability and school enrolment in 21 poor countries
by Deon Filmer - 929-953 No end to poverty
by Tim Unwin
2007, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 597-621 Of texts and practices: Empowerment and organisational cultures in world bank-funded rural development programmes
by Anthony Bebbington & David Lewis & Simon Batterbury & Elizabeth Olson & M. Shameem Siddiqi - 622-648 Foreign aid: An instrument for fighting communism?
by Anne Boschini & Anders Olofsgård - 649-674 Productivity growth of East Asia economies' manufacturing: A decomposition analysis
by Hailin Liao & Mark Holmes & Tom Weyman-Jones & David Llewellyn - 675-699 The end of textiles quotas: A case study of the impact on Bangladesh
by Yongzheng Yang & Montfort Mlachila - 700-720 Minimum wage effects across the private and public sectors in Brazil
by Sara Lemos - 721-742 Price policy, poverty, and power within rural West African households
by L. C. Smith & J. P. Chavas - 743-765 To share or not to share? (non-)violence, scarcity and resource access in Somali Region, Ethiopia
by Ayalneh Bogale & Benedikt Korf - 766-778 The least developed countries report, 2006: Developing productive capacities
by A. P. Thirlwall
2007, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 391-419 'Each to their own': Ethnographic notes on the economic organisation of poor households in urban Nicaragua
by Dennis Rodgers - 420-455 Maquiladoras and market mamas: Women's work and childcare in Guatemala City and Accra
by Agnes Quisumbing & Kelly Hallman & Marie Ruel - 456-489 Women's organisations, maternal knowledge, and social capital to reduce prevalence of stunted children: Evidence from rural Nepal
by Per Eklund & Katsushi Imai & Fabrizio Felloni - 490-511 Livelihood adaptation to risk: Constraints and opportunities for pastoral development in Ethiopia's Afar region
by Jonathan Davies & Richard Bennett - 512-536 Collective choice and community forestry management in Mexico: An empirical analysis
by Camille Antinori & Gordon Rausser - 537-561 Environmental resettlement and development, on the steppes of Inner Mongolia, PRC
by Debbie Dickinson & Michael Webber - 562-587 Economic liberalisation for high-tech industry development? Lessons from China's response in developing the ICT manufacturing sector compared with the strategies of Korea and Taiwan
by Lutao Ning
2007, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 237-244 Women, wars, citizenship, migration, and identity: Some illustrations from the Middle East
by Haleh Afshar - 245-264 The wives and mothers of heroes: Evolving identities of Palestinian refugee women in Lebanon
by Maria Holt - 265-293 Women, religion and the 'Afghan Education Movement' in Iran
by Homa Hoodfar - 294-311 Gender, agency and identity, the case of Afghan women in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran
by Elaheh Rostami-Povey - 312-339 Evaluating 35 years of Green Revolution technology in villages of Bulandshahr district, western UP, North India
by Kathleen Baker & Sarah Jewitt - 340-359 The impact of tourism on rural livelihoods in the Dominican Republic's coastal areas
by Yolanda Leon - 360-381 Measuring and explaining government efficiency in developing countries
by Glenn Rayp & Nicolas Van De Sijpe
2007, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-30 The genomics revolution and development studies: Science, poverty and politics
by Ronald Herring - 31-62 Plant breeding and poverty: Can transgenic seeds replicate the 'Green Revolution' as a source of gains for the poor?
by Michael Lipton - 63-78 The impact of agricultural biotechnology on yields, risks, and biodiversity in low-income countries
by David Zilberman & Holly Ameden & Matin Qaim - 79-96 The potential of genetically modified food crops to improve human nutrition in developing countries
by Howarth Bouis - 97-129 An ecological assessment of transgenic crops
by Janice Thies & Medha Devare - 130-157 Stealth seeds: Bioproperty, biosafety, biopolitics
by Ronald Herring - 158-176 Naturalising transgenics: Official seeds, loose seeds and risk in the decision matrix of Gujarati cotton farmers
by Devparna Roy & Ronald Herring & Charles Geisler - 177-191 The Adoption of genetically modified papaya in Hawaii and its implications for developing countries
by C. Gonsalves & D. R. Lee & D. Gonsalves - 192-217 Supplying crop biotechnology to the poor: Opportunities and constraints
by Carl Pray & Anwar Naseem - 218-236 Agroecological alternatives: Capitalising on existing genetic potentials
by Norman Uphoff
2006, Volume 42, Issue 8
- 1271-1300 The politics and bureaucratics of rural public works: Maharashtra's employment guaranteed scheme
by Mick Moore & Vishal Jadhav - 1301-1324 The success of a policy model: Irrigation management transfer in Mexico
by Edwin Rap - 1325-1349 Premature deagriculturalisation? Land inequality and rural dependency in Limpopo province, South Africa
by Robert Eastwood & Johann Kirsten & Michael Lipton - 1350-1378 Educational human capital and levels of income: Evidence from states in India, 1965 - 92
by Kamakshya Trivedi - 1379-1400 Non-linearities in returns to participation in Grameen Bank programs
by Nidhiya Menon - 1401-1416 How does trade openness influence budget deficits in developing countries?
by Jean-Louis Combes & Tahsin Saadi-Sedik
2006, Volume 42, Issue 7
- 1085-1107 The case for cross-disciplinary social science research on poverty, inequality and well-being
by David Hulme & John Toye - 1108-1129 Representing poverty and attacking representations: Perspectives on poverty from social anthropology
by Maia Green - 1130-1157 Pluralism, poverty and sharecropping: Cultivating open-mindedness in development studies
by Wendy Olsen - 1158-1179 Capabilities, reproductive health and well-being
by Jocelyn Dejong - 1180-1198 Development and social capital
by Marcel Fafchamps - 1199-1224 Subjective well-being poverty vs. Income poverty and capabilities poverty?
by Geeta Gandhi Kingdon & John Knight - 1225-1251 Poverty persistence and transitions in Uganda: A combined qualitative and quantitative analysis
by David Lawson & Andy Mckay & John Okidi - 1252-1269 Consumption and welfare in Ghana in the 1990s
by Francis Teal
2006, Volume 42, Issue 6
- 909-917 Population and income: Is there a puzzle?
by Joao Ricardo Faria & Miguel Leon-Ledesma & Adolfo Sachsida - 918-938 The impact of poor health on total factor productivity
by Matthew Cole & Eric Neumayer - 939-956 The impact of household income on child labour in urban Turkey
by Meltem Dayioğlu - 957-980 Deficiencies in education and poor prospects for economic growth in the Gulf countries: The case of the UAE
by Joan Muysken & Samia Nour - 981-999 Industrial concentration in a liberalising economy: A study of Indian manufacturing
by Suma Athreye & Sandeep Kapur - 1000-1022 Divergence in India: Income differentials at the state level, 1970-97
by Michelle Baddeley & Kirsty McNay & Robert Cassen - 1023-1055 Climbing the development ladder: Economic development and the evolution of occupations in rural China
by Sandeep Mohapatra & Scott Rozelle & Jikun Huang - 1056-1074 Exports, growth and threshold effects in Africa
by Neil Foster
2006, Volume 42, Issue 5
- 721-738 The oppression/emancipation nexus in ongoing power struggles: Village—Power dynamics in Western Nepal
by Katsuhiko Masaki - 739-760 Being poor, feeling poorer: Combining objective and subjective measures of welfare in Albania
by Gero Carletto & Alberto Zezza - 761-771 Setting weights for aggregate indices: An application to the commitment to development index and human development index
by Shyamal Chowdhury & Lyn Squire - 772-794 US politics and World Bank IDA-lending
by Thomas Barnebeck Andersen & Henrik Hansen & Thomas Markussen - 795-811 History, regionalism, and CARICOM trade: A gravity model analysis
by H. Mikael Sandberg & James Seale & Timothy Taylor - 812-836 Competition and entrepreneurs' human capital in small business longevity and growth
by Taye Mengistae - 837-867 Changes in human capital and earnings inequality: Recent evidence from Brazil
by G. Reza Arabsheibani & Francisco Galrao Carneiro & Andrew Henley - 868-880 Small-Scale irrigation and income distribution in Ethiopia
by Marrit Van Den Berg & Ruerd Ruben - 881-901 Fixed capital stock depreciation in developing countries: Some evidence from firm level data
by Yisheng Bu
2006, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 541-558 Entitlement failure and deprivation: a critique of Sen's famine philosophy
by Khandakar Qudrat-I Elahi - 559-591 Robustness of subjective welfare analysis in a poor developing country: Madagascar 2001
by Michael Lokshin & Nithin Umapathi & Stefano Paternostro - 592-610 Trends in poverty and destitution in Wollo, Ethiopia
by Stephen Devereux & Kay Sharp - 611-639 A client-community assessment of the NGO sector in Uganda
by Abigail Barr & Marcel Fafchamps - 640-661 The political determinants of fiscal policies in the states of India: An empirical investigation
by Kausik Chaudhuri & Sugato Dasgupta - 662-677 The economic impact of genetically modified cotton on South African smallholders: Yield, profit and health effects
by Richard Bennett & Stephen Morse & Yousouf Ismael - 678-697 Technology spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): the active role of MNC subsidiaries in Argentina in the 1990s
by Anabel Marin & Martin Bell - 698-712 Futures for farmers: Hedging participation and the Mexican corn scheme
by G. Benavides & P. N. Snowden
2006, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 371-401 Awareness and quality of knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS among women in India
by Rimjhim Aggarwal & Jeffrey Rous - 402-425 Responding to fiscal stress: Fiscal institutions and fiscal adjustment in four Brazilian states
by Aaron Schneider - 426-445 Institutions and collective action: Does heterogeneity matter in community-based resource management?
by Bhim Adhikari & Jon Lovett - 446-468 Management response to the demands of global fresh fruit markets: Rewarding harvesters with financial incentives
by Sutti Ortiz & Susana Aparicio - 469-489 A statistical approach to identifying poorly performing countries
by Edward Anderson & Oliver Morrissey - 490-508 Currie's 'leading sector' strategy of growth: an appraisal
by Ramesh Chandra - 509-529 Higher education and economic growth in Africa
by Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong & Oliver Paddison & Workie Mitiku
2006, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 167-177 Understanding and reducing persistent poverty in Africa: Introduction to a special issue
by Christopher Barrett & Michael Carter & Peter Little - 178-199 The economics of poverty traps and persistent poverty: An asset-based approach
by Michael Carter & Christopher Barrett - 200-225 'Moving in place': Drought and poverty dynamics in South Wollo, Ethiopia
by Peter Little & M. Priscilla Stone & Tewodaj Mogues & A. Peter Castro & Workneh Negatu - 226-247 Exploring poverty traps and social exclusion in South Africa using qualitative and quantitative data
by Michelle Adato & Michael Carter & Julian May - 248-277 Welfare dynamics in rural Kenya and Madagascar
by Christopher Barrett & Paswel Phiri Marenya & John Mcpeak & Bart Minten & Festus Murithi & Willis Oluoch-Kosura & Frank Place & Jean Claude Randrianarisoa & Jhon Rasambainarivo & Justine Wangila - 278-300 Persistent poverty in North East Ghana
by Ann Whitehead - 301-321 Shocks and their consequences across and within households in Rural Zimbabwe
by John Hoddinott - 322-345 Rural income and poverty in a time of radical change in Malawi
by Pauline Peters - 346-370 Escaping poverty and becoming poor in 36 villages of Central and Western Uganda
by Anirudh Krishna & Daniel Lumonya & Milissa Markiewicz & Firminus Mugumya & Agatha Kafuko & Jonah Wegoye
2006, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-21 Proliferation and fragmentation: Transactions costs and the value of aid
by Arnab Acharya & Ana Teresa Fuzzo de Lima & Mick Moore - 22-40 Unravelling the linkages between the millennium development goals for poverty, education, access to water and household water use in developing countries: Evidence from Madagascar
by Bruce Larson & Bart Minten & Ramy Razafindralambo - 41-69 Waste pickers and collectors in Delhi: Poverty and environment in an urban informal sector
by Yujiro Hayami & A. K. Dikshit & S. N. Mishra - 70-89 Consumption vulnerability to risk in rural Pakistan
by Takashi Kurosaki - 90-109 Women's labour force participation and child care in Romania
by Michael Lokshin & Monica Fong - 110-138 Fertility and the household's economic status: A natural experiment using Indian micro data
by Nabanita Datta Gupta & Amaresh Dubey - 139-157 Macroeconomic performance and poverty in Brazil
by Orlando Sotomayor
2005, Volume 41, Issue 8
- 1339-1368 Sen's capability approach and the many spaces of human well-being
by David Clark - 1369-1404 Vidya, Veda, and Varna: The influence of religion and caste on education in rural India
by Vani Borooah & Sriya Iyer - 1405-1416 Heterogeneity in returns to schooling: Econometric evidence from Ethiopia
by Sourafel Girma & Abbi Kedir - 1417-1443 Decentralisation and government provision of public goods: The public health sector in Uganda
by John Akin & Paul Hutchinson & Koleman Strumpf - 1444-1466 New Institutional Arrangements for Rural Development: The Case of Local Woolgrowers' Associations in the Transkei Area, South Africa
by Marijke D'haese & Wim Verbeke & Guido Van Huylenbroeck & Johann Kirsten & Luc D'haese - 1467-1492 Regime changes, economic policies and the effect of aid on growth
by Muhammed Islam
2005, Volume 41, Issue 7
- 1163-1192 Why growth is not enough: Household poverty dynamics in Northeast Gujarat, India
by Anirudh Krishna & Mahesh Kapila & Mahendra Porwal & Virpal Singh - 1193-1220 The importance of household asset diversity for livelihood diversity and welfare among small farm colonists in the Amazon
by Stephen Perz - 1221-1246 Wage - labour activities by agricultural households in Nicaragua
by Nikolaj Malchow-Møller & Michael Svarer - 1247-1287 Self-employment earnings and returns to education in rural Peru
by Sonia Laszlo - 1288-1302 Compassionate conservatives or conservative compassionates? US political parties and bilateral foreign assistance to Africa
by Markus Goldstein & Todd Moss - 1303-1324 Technical efficiency measurement within the manufacturing sector in Cote d'Ivoire: A stochastic frontier approach
by Karine Chapelle & Patrick Plane
2005, Volume 41, Issue 6
- 937-970 Grounding the State: Devolution and Development in India's Panchayats
by Craig Johnson & Priya Deshingkar & Daniel Start - 971-997 Growth and Distress in a South Indian Peasant Economy During the Era of Economic Liberalisation
by Vamsi Vakulabharanam - 998-1022 FDI, AGOA and Manufactured Exports by a Landlocked, Least Developed African Economy: Lesotho
by Sanjaya Lall - 1023-1050 The Evolution of the Racial Wage Hierarchy in Post-Apartheid South Africa
by Paul Allanson & Jonathan Atkins - 1051-1070 Do Currency Unions Deliver More Economic Integration than Fixed Exchange Rates? Evidence from the Franc Zone and the ECCU
by David Fielding & Kalvinder Shields - 1071-1091 Biased Lending and Non-performing Loans in China's Banking Sector
by Ding Lu & Shandre Thangavelu & Qing Hu - 1092-1117 The Impact of Foreign Aid on Economic Growth in Papua New Guinea
by Simon Feeny - 1118-1125 Africa's Great Transformation?
by Richard Sandbrook - 1126-1132 Report of the Commission for Africa: What is New?
by Steve Kayizzi-Mugerwa - 1133-1153 Imports and Implementation: Neglected Aspects of Trade in the Report of the Commission for Africa
by Oliver Morrissey
2005, Volume 41, Issue 5
- 727-758 Hegemony, Politics and Ideology: the Role of Legislation in NGO-Government Relations in Asia
by Susannah Mayhew - 759-787 The Strategic Choices of NGOs: Location Decisions in Rural Bangladesh
by Anna Fruttero & Varun Gauri - 788-838 The Social Impact of Social Funds in Jamaica: A 'Participatory Econometric' Analysis of Targeting, Collective Action, and Participation in Community-Driven Development
by Vijayendra Rao & Ana Maria Ibanez - 839-864 Targeting at the Margin: the 'Glass of Milk' Subsidy Programme in Peru
by David Stifel & Harold Alderman - 865-897 Determinants of Income Mobility and Household Poverty Dynamics in South Africa
by Ingrid Woolard & Stephan Klasen - 898-926 Accounting for Changing Earnings Inequality in Costa Rica, 1980-99
by TH Gindling & Juan Diego Trejos
2005, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 513-541 Privatisation in Developing Countries: A Review of the Evidence and the Policy Lessons
by David Parker & Colin Kirkpatrick - 542-557 Political Violence and Excess Liquidity in Egypt
by David Fielding & Anja Shortland - 558-588 Governmental and Societal Support for Environmental Enforcement in China: An Empirical Study in Guangzhou
by Carlos Wing-Hung Lo & Gerald Erick Fryxell - 589-616 Work Contracts and Earnings Inequality: The Case of Chile
by Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes - 617-630 Determinants of Efficiency in Least Developed Countries: Further Evidence from Nepalese Manufacturing Firms
by Edward Oczkowski & Kishor Sharma - 631-635 Finance and Development: Overview and Introduction
by Colin Kirkpatrick - 636-656 Does Financial Development Contribute to Poverty Reduction?
by Hossein Jalilian & Colin Kirkpatrick - 657-674 Making the Financial Sector Work for the Poor
by Strahan Spencer & Adrian Wood - 675-702 Portfolio Behaviour in a Flow of Funds Model for the Household Sector in India
by Tomoe Moore & Christopher Green & Victor Murinde - 703-718 Reconstructing and Reforming the Financial System in Conflict and 'Post-Conflict' Economies
by Tony Addison & Alemayehu Geda & Philippe Le Billon & S Mansoob Murshed - 719-724 W.W. Rostow and His Contribution to Development Studies: A Note
by Luigi Solivetti - 725-726 Charles Cooper
by Valpy Fitzgerald
2005, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 353-375 Questioning Women's Solidarity: The Case of Land Rights, Santal Parganas, Jharkhand, India
by Nitya Rao - 376-393 Evidence and Implications of Non-Tradability of Food Staples in Tanzania 1983-98
by Christopher Delgado & Nicholas Minot & Marites Tiongco - 394-411 Is the Allocation of Food Aid Free from Donor Interest Bias?
by Eric Neumayer - 412-439 The Impact of Adult Mortality and Parental Deaths on Primary Schooling in North-Western Tanzania
by Martha Ainsworth & Kathleen Beegle & Godlike Koda - 440-466 The Impact of the AIDS Epidemic on Teachers in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Paul Bennell - 467-488 The Impact of the AIDS Epidemic on the Schooling of Orphans and Other Directly Affected Children in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Paul Bennell - 489-499 'The Impact of the Aids Epidemic' Articles by Paul Bennell: Some Comments
by Anthony Kinghorn & MJ Kelly - 500-511 Book Reviews
by Patrick Chabal
2005, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 183-196 Introduction: East Asia and the Trials of Neo-liberalism
by Richard Robison & Kevin Hewison - 197-219 Neo-liberalism and East Asia: Resisting the Washington Consensus
by Mark Beeson & Iyanatul Islam - 220-241 Neo-liberal Reforms and Illiberal Consolidations: The Indonesian Paradox
by Vedi Hadiz & Richard Robison - 242-260 A Legitimate Paradox: Neo-liberal Reform and the Return of the State in Korea
by David Hundt - 261-283 The Politics of State Sector Reforms in Vietnam: Contested Agendas and Uncertain Trajectories
by Martin Painter - 284-309 Malaysia: New Reforms, Old Continuities, Tense Ambiguities
by William Case - 310-330 Neo-liberalism and Domestic Capital: The Political Outcomes of the Economic Crisis in Thailand
by Kevin Hewison - 331-352 China's Engagement with Neo-liberalism: Path Dependency, Geography and Party Self-Reinvention
by Leong Liew
2005, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-32 Public Participation and Environmental Impact Assessment in Mainland China and Taiwan: Political Foundations of Environmental Management
by Shui-Yan Tang & Ching-Ping Tang & Carlos Wing-Hung Lo - 33-61 Estimating Sectoral and Geographical Industrial Pollution Inventories in India: Implications for Using Effluent Charge Versus Regulation
by Rita Pandey - 62-89 Evaluation of a Hybrid Seed Contract between Smallholders and a Multinational Company in East Java, Indonesia
by Paul Winters & Phil Simmons & Ian Patrick - 90-134 Can Redistributive Reform be Achieved via Market-Based Voluntary Land Transfer Schemes? Evidence and Lessons from the Philippines
by Saturnino Borras - 135-159 Inequality and Economic Growth: The Empirical Relationship Reconsidered in the Light of Comparable Data
by Stephen Knowles - 160-182 FDI and the Dynamics of Productivity in Indonesian Manufacturing
by Yumiko Okamoto & Fredrik Sjoholm
2004, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 1-29 Revisiting Foucauldian Approaches: Power Dynamics in Development Projects
by Benedetta Rossi - 30-58 The IMF Forever: An Analysis of the Prolonged Use of Fund Resources
by Graham Bird - 59-81 The Evolution of 'Homegrown Conditionality' in India: IMF Relations
by Praveen Chaudhry & Vijay Kelkar & Vikash Yadav - 82-105 Maternal Nutrition Knowledge and the Demand for Micronutrient-Rich Foods: Evidence from Indonesia
by Steven Block - 106-121 The Impact of War on Calorie Food Demand in Bangladesh
by Ana Sanjuan & PJ Dawson - 122-145 Disease, Microdams and Natural Resources in Tigray, Ethiopia: Impacts on Productivity and Labour Supplies
by Gregory Amacher & Lire Ersado & Donald Leo Grebner & William Hyde - 146-168 MNE Affiliation, Firm Size and Exports Revisited: A Study of Information Technology Firms in India
by NS Siddharthan & Stanley Nollen
2004, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 1-32 World Income Distribution: Which Way?
by Peter Svedberg - 33-64 Exploring Social Capital Debates at the World Bank
by Anthony Bebbington & Scott Guggenheim & Elizabeth Olson & Michael Woolcock - 65-90 Relationships between Household Consumption and Inequality in the Indian States
by Andrew McKay & Sarmistha Pal - 91-119 Women's Wellbeing and the Sex Ratio at Birth: Some Suggestive Evidence from India
by Dhairiyarayar Jayaraj & Sreenivasan Subramanian - 120-142 Resource Management under Climatic Risk: A Case Study from Niger
by Nancy McCarthy & Jean-Paul Vanderlinden - 143-173 Developing Country Economic Structure and the Pricing of Syndicated Credits
by Yener Altunbas & Blaise Gadanecz
2004, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 1-30 Rural Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction Strategies in Four African Countries
by Frank Ellis & H Ade Freeman - 31-49 Institutionalised Co-production: Unorthodox Public Service Delivery in Challenging Environments
by Anuradha Joshi & Mick Moore - 50-77 The Political Economy of Improving Health Care for the Poor in Rural Africa: Institutional Solutions to the Principal-Agent Problem
by Kenneth Leonard & David Leonard - 78-114 The Impact of Resource Inflows on Child Health: Evidence from Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, 1993-98
by Pushkar Maitra & Ranjan Ray - 115-136 Is it Better to be a Boy? A Disaggregated Outlay Equivalent Analysis of Gender Bias in Papua New Guinea
by John Gibson & Scott Rozelle - 137-166 Induced Wage Effects of Changes in Food Prices in Egypt
by Gaurav Datt & Jennifer Olmsted - 167-192 Openness and Growth: Re-Examining Foreign Direct Investment, Trade and Output Linkages in Latin America
by Ana Cuadros & Vicente Orts & Maite Alguacil
2004, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 1-26 Tenure, Diversity and Commitment: Community Participation for Urban Service Provision
by Somik Lall & Uwe Deichmann & Mattias KA Lundberg & Nazmul Chaudhury - 27-58 State-Community Synergies in Community-Driven Development
by M Das Gupta & H. Grandvoinnet & M. Romani - 59-86 Non-farm Income and Employment in Rural Honduras: Assessing the Role of Locational Factors
by Alberto Isgut - 87-114 Trade Liberalisation and Technical Efficiency: Evidence from Bangladesh Manufacturing Industries
by MA Hossain & ND Karunaratne