October 2019, Volume 22, Issue S1
- 191-193 The effect of rectus femoris muscle modelling technique on knee joint kinematics: a preliminary study
by E. Elyasi & A. Perrier & Y. Payan - 194-196 Redundancy tubes: modelling individual and group range-of-motions along a path
by J. K. Pickard & N. Rezzoug & P. Gorce & D. Daney - 197-198 Gait analysis on chronic Low Back Pain clusters before rehabilitation program: Kinematic and kinetic approaches -
by Y. Delpierre & G. Audat & C. Garnier - 199-200 Why introducing biomechanical considerations into obstetrical management of women from pregnancy to delivery?
by B. Gachon & D. Desseauve - 201-202 Development of a surrogate limb model for knee brace evaluation
by A. Bacher & A. Nerot & A. Valgalier & A. Thouze & X. Bonnet - 203-205 Changes in shoulder muscle geometry at different level of isometric contraction
by M. Hoffmann & M. Begon & R. Abdelnour & S. Duprey - 206-208 Non-invasive thoracic and lumbar spine range of motion by motion acquisition system
by J. Mignot & V. Callot & A. Melot & P.-J Arnoux & M. Evin - 209-211 Biomechanical characterization of human small bowel wall under inflation conditions
by Y. Goudard & C. Masson & Y. Ammar & T. Bège - 212-213 Medial-lateral margin of stability for the comparison of two bone-anchored prostheses – a case study
by V. Gibeaux & A. Naaim & T. Robert & L. Frossard & R. Dumas - 214-215 Impact of a passive dynamic ankle foot orthosis on gait: Patients with dorsiflexion deficit
by C. Adel & R. Taiar & G. Belassian & D. Lamarre & H. Teyssedre & J. Dumont & A. Schneider & Y. Benabid & A. Chene & E. Abdi & F. C. Boyer - 216-218 Muscle coordination during robotic assisted walking using Lokomat
by Y. Cherni & M. Hajizadeh & M. Begon & N.A Turpin - 219-220 Influence of fear on the head kinematic under dynamic solicitations
by B. Sandoz & J. Chalhoub & C. Di Loreto & S. Laporte & P.-P. Vidal - 221-223 Investigating symmetry in amputee gait through the improved harmonic ratio: influence of the stride segmentation method
by E. Simonetti & H. Pillet & G. Vannozzi & I. Loiret & C. Villa & J. Bascou & E. Bergamini - 224-226 Head dynamics during emergency braking events
by C. Di Loreto & J. Dutschke & M. Forrest & A. Van Den Berg & J. Chardonnet & F. Mérienne & J. Mackenzie & B. Sandoz - 227-229 Short-term effects of thoracic spine manipulation on the biomechanical organisation of gait initiation: a pilot randomized study
by S. Ditcharles & E. Yiou & A. Delafontaine & A. Hamaoui - 230-232 Intervertebral forces computation: a non-invasive validation method
by G. Abedrabbo & P. Mahaudens & C. Detrembleur & M. Mousny & P. Fisette - 233-234 Benefits of a musculoskeletal modelling decision making procedure on hamstring lengthening outcomes: a retrospective study
by E. Desailly & N. Khouri - 235-237 Effect of unilateral femoral derotation osteotomy on transverse plane kinematics of children and adolescents with cerebral plasy
by E. Desailly & A. Badina & N. Khouri - 238-239 Does shoe heel-to-toe drop have an influence on performance in downhill trail running?
by Thomas Defer & Robin Juillaguet & Marlène Giandolini & Sebastien Pavailler & Nicolas Horvais & Johan Cassirame & Gregory Doucende - 240-242 Bow camber and mass distribution: violinist’s preferences and sound descriptors
by A. Tomezzoli & B. Michaud & M. Begon & S. Duprey - 243-244 Biomechanical modeling of the diabetic foot ulcer risk to guide surgery
by A. Perrier & L. Gatin & M. Bucki & A. Geffrier & P. Denormandie & Y. Payan - 245-247 Femoral residuum/socket kinematics using fusion between 3D motion capture and stereo radiography
by B. Panhelleux & N. Fourgeron & N. Ruyssen & P. Y. Rohan & X. Bonnet & H. Pillet - 248-250 A numerical analysis of the risk of rib fractures during blunt ballistic impacts on a human thorax
by A. Bracq & C. Maréchal & R. Delille & B. Bourel & F. Lauro & S. Roth & O. Mauzac - 251-252 In-vivo precision of a non-invasive ultrasound-based device to measure pelvic tilt for THA
by A. Guezou-Philippe & G. Dardenne & J.-P Pluchon & H. Letissier & R. Gérard & C. Lefèvre & E. Stindel - 253-254 On-body sensors for ergonomic analysis: influence of supports for order picking
by C. Besombes & C. Castanier & N. Vignais - 255-256 Insights into the effect of a craniotomy on the impact resistance of the skull
by A. Siegel & F. Sauter-Starace & S. Laporte - 257-259 Use of FeetMe monitor® connected soles for real-time measurement of spatial and temporal walking parameters: an illustrative case from the REWALK pilot study highlighting the objectivity of a spastic hemiparetic patient assessment
by R. David & M. Billot & L. Delaire & M. Roulaud & B. Lorgeoux & P. Foucault & F. Louis & E. Duprey & R. Lapoulvereyrie & H. Meklat & C. Visentin & L. Cognon & A. Germaneau & T. Vendeuvre & P. Rigoard - 260-261 Cancer cell microrheology using AFM
by C. Verdier & Y. Abidine & V. M Laurent & A. Duperray - 262-263 Role of mechanobiology and biomechanics in cancer: from cells to tissues
by D. Weihs - 264-266 Kinematic analysis of the speed climbing event at the 2018 Youth Olympic Games
by P. Legreneur & I. Rogowski & T. Durif - 267-269 Sport-related impact classification through a convolutional neural network
by R. Trama & C. Hautier & Y. Blache - 270-272 Influence of continuous vs. intermittent static stretching on repeated jump performance
by Q. Bretonneau & C. Faucher & D. Theurot & R. Goenarjo & A. Debray & M. Tanneau & M. Phomsoupha - 273-275 A modelisation of quantification of head and neck risks associated with tackles in rugby union
by L. Cogoluenhes & M. Evin & A. Forodighasemabadi & W. Wei & L. Thollon & M. Llari - 276-277 Atomic force microscopy for subcellular exploration of the mechanical properties of human aortic smooth muscle cells
by C. Petit & V. Barnier & S. Avril - 278-280 Review of pressure mat studies of saddle fitting to the horse’s back
by J.-N. Desbrosses-Déléage & S. Duprey & A. Olivier & R. Dumas & L. Dubuis - 281-282 A musculoskeletal modelling approach of the assessment of the risk of hamstring injuries in professional soccer players: a pilot study
by M. Ménard & A. Sorel & R. Boumpoutou & H.A Kerhervé & R. Kulpa & B. Bideau - 283-285 Energy exchange during running with an aiding and hindering force
by R. M. Mesquita & A. H. Dewolf & G. Catavitello & P. A. Willems - 286-288 Knee torque generation capacities modelled with physiological torque-angle-velocity relationships
by Pierre Puchaud & Georges Dumont & Nicolas Bideau & Charles Pontonnier - 289-290 Interest of PMMA filing to primary stabilization of the minimaly invasive osteosynthesis of schatzker type II tibial Plateau fractures
by T. Vendeuvre & C. Brèque & M. Severyns & A. Ounajim & J.-P. Richer & P. Rigoard & A. Germaneau - 291-293 The on-off ground asymmetry during running on sand
by A. H. Dewolf & T. Lejeune & P. A. Willems - 294-295 Biomechanics of the medical gesture for a peripheral venous catheter insertion
by K. Torossian & M. Ottenio & A.-C. Brulez & Y. Lafon & S. Benayoun - 296-298 Validation of a new technique dedicated to the mechanical characterisation of cartilage micropellets
by N. Petitjean & M. Maumus & G. Dusfour & P. Cañadas & C. Jorgensen & P. Royer & D. Noël & S. Le Floc’h - 299-301 Identification of the parameters of a hyperelastic fiber-reinforced model of the pig annulus fibrosus from tensile tests: on the necessity of using the transverse behavior in the cost function
by G. Dusfour & S. Le Floc’h & P. Cañadas & D. Ambard - 302-304 Biomechanical analysis of the lumbar-pelvic-femoral complex during the one-sided tilt test: a pilot study in triathletes
by P. Chenaut & M. Ménard & P. Vaucher & L. Lancelot & B. Bideau & M. Bourgin - 305-307 Bone drilling: a thermal model for bone temperature prediction
by F. Amewoui & G. Le Coz & A. S. Bonnet & A. Moufki - 308-310 Transversal elasticity of TIEG1 KO muscle and tendon fibers probed by atomic force microscopy
by M. Kammoun & V. Dupres & J. Landoulsi & M. Subramaniam & J. Hawse & S. F. Bensamoun - 311-313 Dynamic analysis of the BMX start: interactions between riders and their bike
by D. Princelle & T. Monnet & E. Brunet & J. Sastre & M. Domalain - 314-316 Assessment of mesenchymental stem cell micropellet as a relevant biomechanical in vitro model devoted to the study of cartilage growth
by G. Dusfour & M. Maumus & P. Cañadas & D. Ambard & C. Jorgensen & D. Noël & S. Le Floc’h - 317-319 Development of a new MR elastography protocol to measure the functional properties of facial muscles
by R. Ternifi & P. Pouletaut & S. Dakpé & S. Testelin & B. Devauchelle & F. Charleux & J. M. Constans & S. F. Bensamoun - 320-321 Influence of hysteresis on soleus Hoffmann reflex during plantar flexor muscles stretching: a pilot study
by M. Datoussaid & S. Baudry & N. Guissard - 322-323 Contribution of the collagen fibers to the skin mechanics
by J. S. Affagard & B. Lynch & S. Bancelin & G. Ducourthial & C. Bonod-Bidaud & F. Ruggiero & M.-C. Schanne-Klein & J.-M. Allain - 324-325 Effect of a specific training focusing on the trophy position to improve the tennis serve in children
by F. Tubez & B. Forthomme & M. Pierard & A. Van Belle & J.-L. Croisier & C. Schwartz - 326-328 The pattern of locomotor regulation during the approach run has no influence on the effectiveness of the following phases for male pole vaulters
by J. Frère & A. Garnier & H. Sanchez & J. Cassirame - 329-330 Highlighting the Kramer effect in swimming
by M. Samson & T. Monnet & L. David - 331-333 Inverse dynamics study of the parkour kong-vault during take-off
by G. Maldonado & F. Bailly & P. Souères & B. Watier - 334-335 On the importance of substrate deformations for cell migration
by A. Gagnieu & G. Chagnon & Y. Chemisky & A. Stephanou & A. Chauvière - 336-337 A joint numerical and experimental study on the self-organization of red blood cells in confined microfluidic channels
by S. Mendez & C. Iss & D. Midou & A. Moreau & D. Held & A. Charrier & A. Viallat & E. Helfer - 338-339 A computational framework to simulate bio-printed cells and extracellular matrix mechanobiochemical interactions
by A. Douillet & C. Douillet & M. Garcia & M. Nicodem & F. Guillemot & P. Ballet - 340-342 Analysis of some biomechanical variables influencing the accuracy of direct free kicks in soccer
by Hai Bessenouci & A. Haceini - 343-344 Harmonic decomposition and analysis of running gait
by D. Benjamin & B. Abbes & S. Odof & J. B. Nolot & F. Fourchet & X. Chiementin & R. Taiar - 345-347 A closed-loop multibody model to assess lower-limb kinematics in rowing
by M. Retailleau & P. Fisette & F. Colloud - 348-349 Remote palpation of the human brain with magnetic resonance imaging: protocol optimization for the study of glioblastoma
by M. Yushchenko & M. Sarracanie & M. Amann & R. Sinkus & J. Wuerfel & N. Salameh - 350-351 Effects of plantar flexors training (force vs. velocity) on plantar flexion and squat jump force-velocity relationships
by C. Giroux & R. Hager & J. Feugray & G. Lauby & S. Dorel & A. Nordez & G. Guilhem - 352-353 Gyro-based lower limb asymmetry during a 4-km time trial on a velodrome among high level female cyclists
by S. Cordillet & N. Bideau & M. Menard & G. Nicolas - 354-355 Mechanical impact of the antagonist muscles during maximal dorsiflexion is action mode dependent
by M. Billot & J. Duclay & R. David & A. Martin - 356-358 Shear viscoelasticity in the human brain by MR-elastography at low and high frequencies
by F. Andoh & M. Tardieu & C. Pellot-Barakat & X. Maître - 359-361 Repeatability and reproducibility of stance phase during running
by O. Larivière & T. Provot & L. Valdes-Tamayo & M. Bourgain & D. Chadefaux - 362-364 Influence of regular dance practice on the postural stability during quiet standing in healthy women
by T. Marin & N. Houel & T. Begou-Mazenc & A. Brikci & Wh. Bertucci - 365-366 Substrate regulation of vascular endothelial cell morphology and alignment
by A. I. Barakat & C. F. Natale & C. Leclech & J. Lafaurie-Janvore & A. Babataheri - 367-369 A quantitative high resolution computational cell model to unravel the mechanics in living tissues
by P. Van Liedekerke & J. Neitsch & T. Johann & E. Warmt & I. Gonzalez-Valverde & S. Hoehme & S. Grosser & J. Kaes & D. Drasdo - 370-372 Bioartificial liver: biomechanical considerations
by L. Boulais & M. Pasqua & C. De Lartigue & R. Jellali & U. Pereira & C. Legallais - 373-375 Jean Vivès award 2019 hydrodynamic of swimming: analyse the flow to understand the technique
by M. Samson - 376-378 Numerical study of manual wheelchair propulsion: highlight on the lever system
by N. Skendraoui & F. Bogard & S. Murer & F. Beaumont & R. Taïar & G. Polidori - 379-381 How do freezing to scorching environmental temperatures influence the aerodynamic performance in race cycling: a quasi-steady numerical analysis
by F. Beaumont & F. Bogard & S. Murer & G. Polidori - 382-383 A novel non-invasive method for estimating biomechanical properties of the internal carotid
by A. Asma Ayadi & B. Wassila Sahtout & C. Olivier Balédent - 384-386 Evaluation of novel implant topologies of disc in spine: custom cage implants design
by Y. Benabid & N. Zeroudi & S. Abid & A. Azouz & K. Chenaifi - 387-388 Does spinal fusion in the thoraco-lumbar spine modify neck, thorax, thorax-pelvis and pelvis kinematics during gait on the ground?
by Y. Delpierre & P. Vernet - 389-391 Lower limb prosthetics by 3D prototyping from North Africa people
by Y. Benabid & Y. Kebbab & A. Djidjeli - 392-394 Food puncture resistance, ingesting behavior and the curvature of upper second molars in Old World and New World monkeys
by G. Thiery & F. Guy & V. Lazzari - 395-397 Influence of workstation on muscular activity and perceived exertion: a preliminary study
by P. Faouën & Y. Blache & I. Rogowski & L. Rubinstein - 398-400 Vertical ground reactions of two types of lunges according to foot axis
by M. Phomsoupha & S. Deslauriers & M. Tanneau & S. Ibrahime - 401-402 Low cost and free setup for knee kinematic estimation during treadmill locomotion
by Félix Marcellin & Khalil Ben Mansour & Frédéric Marin - 403-404 Bone-cement interface mechanical behaviour in tibial Plateau fracture treated by tuberoplasty
by A. Y. Moufid & P. Bokam & V. Valle & A. Germaneau & P. Rigoard & T. Vendeuvre - 405-407 Intersession reliability of the upper quarter Y balance test score
by M. Degot & Y. Blache & L. Neyton & I. Rogowski - 408-410 Human gait simulation from a reduced set of low-dimensional tasks using hierarchical control
by M. Boukheddimi & F. Bailly & P. Soueres & B. Watier - 411-412 Manubrio-sternal joint mobility during forced ventilation using non-invasive opto-electronic plethysmography: cases studies
by L. Gaillard & L. Debraux & N. Houel - 413-414 Local ex-vivo evaluation of the biomechanical properties of the ascending aortic aneurysms
by Siyu Lin & Marie-Catherine Morgan & Alain Lalande & Alexandre Cochet & Olivier Bouchot - 415-417 Influence of the aortic morphological changes in aging on aortic flow
by Mohammed Amine Bouqentar & Patrice Sudres & W. Wei & Mourad Boufi & Michel Behr & M. Evin - 418-420 The interest of FE simulation for the reduction of tibial plateau fracture using balloon inflation
by K. Aubert & A. Germaneau & M. Rochette & P. Rigoard & T. Vendeuvre - 421-423 Shoulder muscles coordination during eccentric actions
by N. A. Turpin & R. Martinez & M. Begon - 424-426 Toward bio-kinematic for secure use of rehabilitation exoskeleton
by J. Charafeddine & D. Pradon & S. Alfayad & S. Chevallier & M. Khalil - 427-429 Robust control of the whole-body center of mass position during far reaching movements in the elderly
by A. Lesport & T. Caderby & N. Peyrot & N. A Turpin - 430-431 Biomechanical study between 4.5 mm and 3.5 mm distal locking screws in tibial plateau fractures
by D. Belaid & R. Delmon & K. Aubert & P. Rigoard & A. Germaneau & T. Vendeuvre - 432-433 Surface analysis during surgical balloon reduction of a tibial Plateau depression fracture
by N. Michel & K. Aubert & A. Germaneau & L.-E Gayet & V. Valle & C. Brèque & P. Rigoard & T. Vendeuvre - 434-435 Influence of implant and screw type on local bone strain field: a preliminary study
by J. Greenfield & K. Bruyère-Garnier & D. Mehler & P. Appelmann & S. Kuhn & P.M Rommens & Y. Lafon - 436-438 Impact of osteopathic manipulative treatment on range of motion of the pelvis during the one-sided tilt test: a pilot study
by M. Ménard & M. Ferrari & A. Bouchet & P. Puchaud & P. Vaucher & F. Sutre & B. Bideau & M. Bourgin - 439-441 Contribution of a new mesh concept on a compression sleeve on the intensity of vibratory constraints during exercise
by J. Romain & A. Arfaoui & W. Bertucci - 442-444 Identification of the reflection wave by its delay time in short artery with cepstral analysis
by Wassila Sahtout & Asma Ayadi & Olivier Balédent - 445-447 Improving the control of prostheses in arm amputees with approaches based on motor coordination
by M. Merad & E. de Montalivet & M. Legrand & A. Touillet & N. Martinet & J. Paysant & A. Roby-Brami & N. Jarrassé - 448-450 Evaluation of PAEXO, a novel passive exoskeleton for overhead work
by P. Maurice & J. Čamernik & D. Gorjan & B. Schirrmeister & J. Bornmann & L. Tagliapietra & C. Latella & D. Pucci & L. Fritzsche & S. Ivaldi & J. Babič - 451-453 How pole vaulters from different levels deal with speed to perform
by J. Cassirame & H. Sanchez & A. Garnier & J. Frère - 454-456 Influence of an adapted dynamic cycling activity on the motor function of children with cerebral palsy (CP)
by V. Leblanc & F. Tubez & C. Loge & E. Abdi & I. Verstraete & D. Jacquemin & G. Dorban & R. Taiar - 457-459 Comparative functional anatomy using rigid multibody simulation and anatomical transfer: Homo sapiens, Pan paniscus and Papio anubis
by A. Perrier & M. Bucki & A. Supiot & N. Delcroix & F. Lamberton & F. Druelle & A. Herrel & G. Berillon - 460-462 How to estimate the transparency assistance of a passive exoskeleton? a case study
by N. Sghaier & S. Bellhari-Trahin & F. Marin & K. Ben Mansour - 463-464 Ex vivo biomechanical study on a porcine model of three types of stabilisation in scoliosis treatment
by F. Labelle & O. Auger & C. Carozzo & M. Massenzio & L. Miladi & T. Odent & E. Viguier & T. Cachon - 465-467 Anisotropic bone response based on FEM simulation and real micro computed tomography of bovine bone
by S. Wronski & J. Kaminski & A. Wit & J. Tarasiuk & P. Lipinski - 468-470 Left ventricle hemodynamics induced by a new anatomical-shaped mitral valve
by C. Papolla & R. Rieu - 471-473 Overview on dynamic identification methods of floating base anthropomorphic structures
by V. Bonnet & M. Gautier & R. Dumas & S. Mohammed & T. Robert & G. Venture & P. Fraisse - 474-475 Effect of speed on mediolateral dynamic stability during stepping in older adults
by T. Caderby & J. Begue & N. Peyrot & G. Dalleau - 476-477 Fracture reduction with novel auto-adjust poly-axial pedicle screws: a cadaveric pilot study
by A. A. A. Duits & T. Vendeuvre & A. Germaneau & P. Rigoard & C. Brèque & A. de Gast & F. C. Öner & S. M. van Gaalen - 478-480 The use of a social assistive robot: NAO for post strokes rehabilitation therapy: a preliminary study
by L. Sanchez & A. Courtine & G. Gerard-Flavian & A. Dauber-Natali & J. Signeux & M. Bourgain & T. Provot & C.A Cifuentes & M. Munera - 481-483 Difference of stability between two elite boxing groups: a preliminary study
by S. El-Oujaji & T. Provot & M. Bourgain & D. Dinu - 484-486 Preliminary comparison between angular velocity and force measuring treadmill for running foot strike patterns classification
by D. Benjamin & B. Abbes & S. Odof & J.B. Nolot & F. Fourchet & X. Chiementin & R. Taiar - 487-488 Assessment of movement and pain variation before and after a MDT treatment for patient with low back pain
by J.-P. Deneuville & A. Germaneau & L. Fradet & T. Monnet & K. Aubert & M. Roulaud & K. Nivole & T. Vendeuvre & P. Rigoard - 489-491 Evaluation of a finite element model to predict radius bone strain in a fall configuration
by M. Revel & F. Bermond & D. Mitton & H. Follet - 492-493 The effect of regular walking with poles on the gait of elderly
by K. Ben Mansour & P. Gorce & N. Rezzoug - 494-496 Assessment of PMMA mechanical properties versus time polymerization to optimize fracture stabilizations
by T. Vendeuvre & J.-C Dupré & N. Courat & A. Léglise & F. Hesser & F. Brémand & C. Brèque & A. Germaneau & P. Rigoard - 497-499 Characterization of the porosity distribution and gradients in intracranial aneurysms treated with coils
by J. Romero Bhathal & F. Chassagne & M. Levitt & C. Geindreau & A. Aliseda - 500-501 Effect of tendon length in the estimation of musculotendon forces during an elbow flexion-extension
by O. Jemaa & S. Bennour & D. Daney & L. Romdhane - 502-504 ORHRO: OPEN Robotics Humanoid RObot - from a mechanical retrofit to a new real time industrial controller based walking robot
by A. Eon & J. Gastebois & P. Laguillaumie & P. Vulliez & P. Seguin & J. P. Gazeau - 505-506 Do smartphones allow the estimation of sport wheelchair rolling resistances?
by J. Bascou & F. Brassart & C. Sauret & T. Weissland - 507-509 Analysing human-exoskeleton interaction: on the human adaptation to modified gravito-inertial dynamics
by S. Bastide & N. Vignais & F. Geffard & B. Berret - 510-512 Humerus fractures in an infant: which causal mechanisms?
by A. Delbreil & M. Bouriat & A. Pin & P. Rigoard & T. Vendeuvre & A. Germaneau - 513-515 Stress distribution analysis on the femoral neck under different angle directions of loading by a finite element analysis
by D. Belaid & A. Germaneau & P. Bouget & R. Delmon & A. Bouchoucha & P. Rigoard & T. Vendeuvre - 516-518 External forces and impulses applied to the hind limb of 3 jumping horses at take-off-effects of the fence’s height
by F. Munoz-Nates & P. Pourcelot & M. Camus & B. Ravary-Plumioen & A. Van Hamme & C. Litaise & A.-L Emond & L. Beaud & H. Chateau & N. Crevier-Denoix - 519-520 Walking with hominins: from the reconstruction of a plausible anatomical model to gait energetics in Neandertals. Methodological aspects
by J. Duveau & F. Multon & F. Marchal & D. Anduze & G. Berillon - 521-522 Biomechanical analysis of lithic tools production: impact on the evolution of early hominin upper limb?
by R. Macchi & G. Daver & M. Brenet & L. Fradet & S. Prat & M. Domalain - 523-525 Ground reaction forces and moments prediction of challenging motions: fencing lunges
by C. Pontonnier & C. Livet & A. Muller & A. Sorel & G. Dumont & N. Bideau - 526-528 A study of the influence of arrow mass on ballistics
by A. Kuch & J.-F. Debril & J.-M. Tizzoni & P. Laguillaumie & T. Monnet - 529-531 The assessment of bearing and non-bearing cortical bones: tensile tests and three dimensional study of vascular architecture
by X. Roothaer & R. Delille & H. Morvan & E. Markiewicz & C. Fontaine - 532-534 Local measurement approach for fracture properties characterization of cancellous bone tissues using wedge splitting test (WST)
by P. Bokam & A. Germaneau & P. Rigoard & T. Vendeuvre & V. Valle - 535-536 Analysis of filling after internal reduction of a burst fracture of the thoracolumbar junction on a cadaveric model
by C. Peltier & A. Germaneau & J.-C Dupré & F. Hesser & C. Brèque & P. Rigoard & T. Vendeuvre - 537-537 Retraction: Pressure sore prevention in vet medicine: importance of the supports
by The Editors - 538-539 RETRACTED ARTICLE: Pressure sore prevention in vet medicine: importance of the supports
by J. Caraty & L. De Vreught & T. Cachon & P. Moissonnier & A. Bongartz & E. Viguier & C. Carozzo - 540-540 Retraction: The gait deviation index is differently affected in children with cerebral palsy hemiparesis and adults with post-stroke hemiparesis
by The Editors - 541-543 RETRACTED ARTICLE: The gait deviation index is differently affected in children with cerebral palsy hemiparesis and adults with post-stroke hemiparesis
by O. Galarraga & E. Desailly
December 2019, Volume 22, Issue 16
- 1239-1246 Influence of needling conditions on the corneal insertion force
by S. F. Han & Y. Yang - 1247-1257 Bone remodelling around the tibia due to total ankle replacement: effects of implant material and implant–bone interfacial conditions
by Subrata Mondal & Rajesh Ghosh - 1258-1268 Separate modeling of cortical and trabecular bone offers little improvement in FE predictions of local structural stiffness at the proximal tibia
by S. Mehrdad Hosseini Kalajahi & S. Majid Nazemi & James D. Johnston - 1269-1281 Parallel splitting solvers for the isogeometric analysis of the Cahn-Hilliard equation
by Vladimir Puzyrev & Marcin Łoś & Grzegorz Gurgul & Victor Calo & Witold Dzwinel & Maciej Paszyński - 1282-1293 Modeling and simulation of musculoskeletal system of human lower limb based on tensegrity structure
by Zhanxi Wang & Chaoran Yang & Kang Feng & Xiansheng Qin - 1294-1302 Investigation of effective intrusion and extrusion force for maxillary canine using finite element analysis
by Jianlei Wu & Yunfeng Liu & Dongcai Wang & Jianxing Zhang & Xingtao Dong & Xianfeng Jiang & Xu Xu - 1303-1310 Automated CT bone segmentation using statistical shape modelling and local template matching
by Elham Taghizadeh & Alexandre Terrier & Fabio Becce & Alain Farron & Philippe Büchler - 1311-1322 Modeling the effects of musculoskeletal geometry on scapulohumeral muscle moment arms and lines of action
by Daanish M. Mulla & Joanne N. Hodder & Monica R. Maly & James L. Lyons & Peter J. Keir - 1323-1333 Subject-specific geometry affects acetabular contact pressure during gait more than subject-specific loading patterns
by Mariska Wesseling & Sam Van Rossom & Ilse Jonkers & Corinne R. Henak - 1334-1344 Comparison of computational modelling techniques for braided stent analysis
by Nicola Kelly & Donnacha J. McGrath & Caoimhe A. Sweeney & Kathrin Kurtenbach & James A. Grogan & Stefan Jockenhoevel & Barry J. O’Brien & Mark Bruzzi & Peter E. McHugh
November 2019, Volume 22, Issue 15
- 1163-1173 Experimental platform to facilitate novel back brace development for the improvement of spine stability
by L. Cooper & A. Gullane & J. Harvey & A. Hills & M. Zemura & J. Martindale & A. Rennie & D. Cheneler - 1174-1185 A computational model to predict cell traction-mediated prestretch in the mitral valve
by M. A. J. van Kelle & M. K. Rausch & E. Kuhl & S. Loerakker - 1186-1196 Numerical investigation of the role of osteopontin on the mechanical strength of biological composites
by Zheng Bo Lai - 1197-1208 Comparative finite element modelling of aneurysm formation and physiologic inflation in the descending aorta
by Serena de Gelidi & Andrea Bucchi - 1209-1218 Musculoskeletal modeling of user groups for virtual product and process development
by Jörg Miehling - 1219-1228 In vivo measurement of surface skin strain during human gait to improve the design of rehabilitation devices
by Jorge Barrios-Muriel & Francisco Romero Sánchez & Francisco Javier Alonso Sánchez & David Rodríguez Salgado - 1229-1238 Effect of turbulent models on left ventricle diastolic flow patterns simulation
by Jahanbakhsh Jahanzamin & Nasser Fatouraee & Abbas Nasiraei-Moghaddam
October 2019, Volume 22, Issue 14
- 1103-1106 Beyond apical ballooning: computational modelling reveals morphological features of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
by Giulia Pontecorboli & Giovanni Biglino & Elena Giulia Milano & Froso Sophocleous & Benedetta Biffi & Amardeep Ghosh Dastidar & Silvia Schievano & Carlo Di Mario & Chiara Bucciarelli-Ducci - 1107-1115 Secondary hip dysplasia increases risk for early coxarthritis after Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. A study of 255 hips
by Andrej Moličnik & Jošt Janša & Boštjan Kocjančič & Veronika Kralj-Iglič & Drago Dolinar - 1116-1125 An automated magnetoencephalographic data cleaning algorithm
by Antonietta Sorriso & Pierpaolo Sorrentino & Rosaria Rucco & Laura Mandolesi & Giampaolo Ferraioli & Stefano Franceschini & Michele Ambrosanio & Fabio Baselice - 1126-1134 An upper bound computational model for investigation of fusion effects on adjacent segment biomechanics of the lumbar spine
by Chaochao Zhou & Thomas Cha & Guoan Li - 1135-1143 Sensitivity of muscle and intervertebral disc force computations to variations in muscle attachment sites
by Riza Bayoglu & Ogulcan Guldeniz & Nico Verdonschot & Bart Koopman & Jasper Homminga - 1144-1152 Repeatability, reproducibility, and agreement of three computational methods to approximate the functional flexion-extension axis of the tibiofemoral joint using 3D bone models of the femur
by Rocio Lozano & Stephen M. Howell & Maury L. Hull - 1153-1161 Tibiotalar cartilage stress corresponds to T2 mapping: application to barefoot running in novice and marathon-experienced runners
by Hyun Kyung Kim & Ali Mirjalili & Anthony Doyle & Justin Fernandez
October 2019, Volume 22, Issue 13
- 1033-1033 In memoriam Ivars Knets
by The Editors - 1034-1042 Structure and properties of a personalized bio-fixed implant prepared with selective laser melting
by Guoqing Zhang & Junxin Li & Jin Li & Xiaoyu Zhou & Anmin Wang - 1043-1046 Kinetic-based indexes for the functional evaluation of gait in diplegic children: a preliminary report
by Matteo Zago & Carolina Corsi & Claudia Condoluci & Manuela Galli - 1047-1060 The influence of impact force redistribution and redirection on maximum principal strain for helmeted head impacts
by Karen Taylor & T. Blaine Hoshizaki & Michael Gilchrist - 1061-1072 The effects of manufacturing tolerances and assembly force on the volumetric wear at the taper junction in modular total hip arthroplasty
by Thom Bitter & Imran Khan & Tim Marriott & Elaine Lovelady & Nico Verdonschot & Dennis Janssen - 1073-1082 The consequence of substrates of large-scale rigidity on actin network tension in adherent cells
by Ian Manifacier & Kevin M. Beussman & Sangyoon J. Han & Nathan J. Sniadecki & Imad About & Jean-Louis Milan - 1083-1092 Biomechanical effects of posterior pedicle fixation techniques on the adjacent segment for the treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures: a biomechanical analysis
by Wei Wang & Baoqing Pei & Yuyang Pei & Zhenpeng Shi & Chao Kong & Xueqing Wu & Nan Wu & Yubo Fan & Shibao Lu - 1093-1102 Study of age-related changes in Middle ear transfer function
by Lei Zhou & Na Shen & Miaolin Feng & Houguang Liu & Maoli Duan & Xinsheng Huang
September 2019, Volume 22, Issue 12
- 997-1008 The influence of model parameters on model validation
by Benjamin W. Infantolino & Steph E. Forrester & Matthew T.G. Pain & John H. Challis - 1009-1019 Real-time technique for conversion of skin temperature into skin blood flow: human skin as a low-pass filter for thermal waves
by Andrey Sagaidachnyi & Andrey Fomin & Dmitry Usanov & Anatoly Skripal - 1020-1031 A round-robin finite element analysis of human femur mechanics between seven participating laboratories with experimental validation
by Daniel Kluess & Ehsan Soodmand & Andrea Lorenz & Dieter Pahr & Michael Schwarze & Robert Cichon & Patrick A. Varady & Sven Herrmann & Bernhard Buchmeier & Christian Schröder & Stefan Lehner & Maeruan Kebbach
August 2019, Volume 22, Issue 11
- 961-971 Numerical study of hemodynamics in brain aneurysms treated with flow diverter stents using porous medium theory
by Hooman Yadollahi-Farsani & Erik Scougal & Marcus Herrmann & Wei Wei & David Frakes & Brian Chong - 972-980 Modeling the effect of blood vessel bifurcation ratio on occlusive thrombus formation
by Hari Hara Sudhan Lakshmanan & Joseph J. Shatzel & Sven R. Olson & Owen J.T. McCarty & Jeevan Maddala - 981-996 A minimum area discrepancy method (MADM) for force displacement response correlation
by Jeremie Peres & Christophe Bastien & Jesper Christensen & Zahra Asgharpour
July 2019, Volume 22, Issue 10
- 925-935 A screening method to analyse the sensitivity of a lower limb multibody kinematic model
by Eric Jacquelin & Denis Brizard & Raphael Dumas - 936-941 Three-dimensional finite element analysis of the composite and compomer onlays in primary molars
by Zuhal Kirzioglu & Derya Ceyhan & Fatih Sengul & Ayse Ceren Altun - 942-952 An image-based method to measure joint deformity in inflammatory arthritis: development and pilot study
by Travis F. Henchie & Ellen M. Gravallese & Todd L. Bredbenner & Karen L. Troy - 953-960 Influence of resin cement rigidity on the stress distribution of resin-bonded fixed partial dentures
by Marcela M. Penteado & João P. M. Tribst & Ana L. B. Jurema & Guilherme S. F. A. Saavedra & Alexandre L. S. Borges
July 2019, Volume 22, Issue 9
- 889-900 The effect of ventricular volume increase in the amplitude of intracranial pressure
by João Apura & Jorge Tiago & Alexandra Bugalho de Moura & José Artur Lourenço & Adélia Sequeira - 901-915 A fully coupled porous media and channels flow approach for simulation of blood and bile flow through the liver lobules
by Mehdi Mosharaf-Dehkordi - 916-924 Computational modal analysis of a composite pelvic bone: convergence and validation studies
by Petr Henyš & Lukáš Čapek
June 2019, Volume 22, Issue 8
- 797-805 Modelling of intracranial behaviour on occiput impact in judo
by Ryutaro Suzuki & Masaki Omiya & Hiroaki Hoshino & Takeshi Kamitani & Yusuke Miyazaki - 806-814 A multi-body model for comparative study of cervical traction simulation – development, improvement and validation
by Lawrence K. F. Wong & Zhiwei Luo & Nobuyuki Kurusu & Keiji Fujino - 815-826 Bicuspid aortic valve aortopathies: An hemodynamics characterization in dilated aortas
by Diana Oliveira & Sílvia Aguiar Rosa & Jorge Tiago & Rui Cruz Ferreira & Ana Figueiredo Agapito & Adélia Sequeira - 827-839 An interactive surgical simulation tool to assess the consequences of a partial glossectomy on a biomechanical model of the tongue
by K.D.R. Kappert & M.J.A. van Alphen & S. van Dijk & L.E. Smeele & A.J.M. Balm & F. van der Heijden - 840-852 A procedure to estimate normal and friction contact parameters in the stance phase of the human gait
by Joaquín Ojeda & Juana Mayo - 853-860 Simulation and evaluation of 3D traction force microscopy
by C.N. Holenstein & C.R. Lendi & Nino Wili & J.G. Snedeker - 861-868 A multi-body model for comparative study of cervical traction simulation – comparison between inclined and sitting traction
by Lawrence K. F. Wong & Zhiwei Luo & Nobuyuki Kurusu & Keiji Fujino - 869-879 Optimal control simulation predicts effects of midsole materials on energy cost of running
by Eva Dorschky & Daniel Krüger & Nicolai Kurfess & Heiko Schlarb & Sandro Wartzack & Bjoern M. Eskofier & Antonie J. van den Bogert - 880-887 A validated computational framework to evaluate the stiffness of 3D printed ankle foot orthoses
by Alessio Ielapi & Nicolas Lammens & Wim Van Paepegem & Malcolm Forward & Jan Patrick Deckers & Miguel Vermandel & Matthieu De Beule
May 2019, Volume 22, Issue 7
- 685-695 Mathematical modelling of ciliary propulsion of an electrically-conducting Johnson-Segalman physiological fluid in a channel with slip
by N. Manzoor & O. Anwar Bég & K. Maqbool & S. Shaheen - 696-705 Customized k-nearest neighbourhood analysis in the management of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis using 3D markerless asymmetry analysis
by Maliheh Ghaneei & Ronald Ekyalimpa & Lindsey Westover & Eric C. Parent & Samer Adeeb - 706-712 Stress distribution of three-unit fixed partial prostheses (conventional and pontic) supported by three or two implants: 3D finite element analysis of ductile materials
by Marcelo Bighetti Toniollo & Ligia Jaqueline Pereira Vieira & Mikaelly dos Santos Sá & Ana Paula Macedo & Jair Pereira de Melo & Andrea Sayuri Silveira Dias Terada - 713-726 The influence of impact source on variables associated with strain for impacts in ice hockey
by Andrew Post & Lauren Dawson & T. Blaine Hoshizaki & Michael D. Gilchrist & Michael D. Cusimano - 727-739 A validated combined musculotendon path and muscle-joint kinematics model for the human hand
by Jumana Ma’touq & Tingli Hu & Sami Haddadin - 740-751 A comprehensive and volumetric musculoskeletal model for the dynamic simulation of the shoulder function
by Fabien Péan & Christine Tanner & Christian Gerber & Philipp Fürnstahl & Orcun Goksel - 752-763 Relationship between myocardial bridge compression severity and haemodynamic perturbations
by Ashkan Javadzadegan & Abouzar Moshfegh & Hamid Hassanzadeh Afrouzi - 764-771 Effects of gleno-humeral joint centre mislocation on gleno-humeral kinematics and kinetics
by Mathieu Lempereur & Sylvain Brochard & Julien Leboucher & Fabien Leboeuf & Olivier Rémy-Néris & Bhushan Borotikar