2010, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 356-359 Mathematical Economics and the Dynamics of Capitalism, Goodwin's Legacy Continued
by Wolfgang Eichert - 359-364 Joan Robinson
by Harvey Gram - 364-367 Piero Sraffa
by Susan Pashkoff - 367-370 The Political Economy of Work
by Enrico Sergio Levrero - 370-375 Free Riding
by Richard Sturn
2010, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-28 The valuation of decision and individual welfare: a Humean approach
by Andre Lapidus - 29-48 In defence of Adam Smith's theory of value
by Ajit Sinha - 49-85 Paper money and national distress: William Huskisson and the early theories of credit, speculation and crises
by Daniele Besomi - 87-113 The corporative third way in Social Catholicism (1830 to 1918)
by Stefano Solari - 115-140 E. W. Kemmerer's contribution to the quantity theory of money
by Rebeca Gomez Betancourt - 141-144 The Economics of Karl Marx: Analysis and Applications
by Fabio Petri - 145-147 A History of Economic Theory Essays in honour of Takashi Negishi
by Warren Young - 151-155 Jacob Mincer: A Founding Father of Modern Labour Economics
by Robert Goldfarb
2009, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 539-558 Knowledge, coordination and the firm: Historical perspectives
by Brian Loasby - 559-574 A nostalgic retrospect on a debate on various aspects of welfare economics
by Kurt Rothschild - 575-597 The history of economics as economics?
by Yuichi Shionoya - 599-624 Max Weber's critical response to theoretical economics
by Patrick Mardellat - 625-664 Continuity and change: Mapping the community of economists in Greece (1944 to 1967)
by Andreas Kakridis - 665-694 Average cost and marginal cost pricing in Marshall: Textual analysis and interpretation
by Luca Zamparelli - 695-702 Hobbes, Economie, Terreur et Politique
by Thierry Demals - 702-705 Johann Heinrich von Thunen als Vordenker einer Sozialen Marktwirtschaft
by Carsten Pallas
2009, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 409-430 Cameralism as 'political metaphysics': Human nature, the state, and natural law in the thought of Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi
by Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch - 431-453 A return to Bentham's felicific calculus: From moral welfarism to technical non-welfarism
by Antoinette Baujard - 455-473 Why John Stuart Mill should not be enlisted among neoclassical economists
by Dimitris Sotiropoulos - 475-487 Frank H. Knight, pragmatism, and American institutionalism: A note
by Luca Fiorito - 489-510 Keynes and probability: An assessment
by Alessandro Roncaglia - 511-522 Wassily Leontief: In appreciation
by William Baumol & Thijs ten Raa - 523-524 Il pensiero economico nei ducati emiliani e negli stati pontifici, dalle origini al 1848
by Cosimo Perrotta - 524-527 Alfred Marshall
by Tiziano Raffaelli - 527-529 From Political Economy to Economics. Method, the Social and the Historical in the Evolution of Economic Theory
by Alessandro Roncaglia - 529-532 Fejezetek a modern kozgazdasagtudomanybol [Chapters from Modern Economic Theory]
by Julius Horvath
2009, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 221-249 Interdependence and independence in Cantillon's Essai
by John Berdell - 251-265 Bilateral monopoly: a contribution by Francesco Ferrara
by Gioacchino Fazio - 267-300 The Italian contribution to early economic dynamics
by Gianfranco Tusset - 301-324 Keynes and India, 1909-1913: a study on foreign investment policy
by Carlo Cristiano - 325-356 Schumpeter on money, banking and finance: an institutionalist perspective
by Agnes Festre & Eric Nasica - 357-360 Professor Robert Denis Collison Black (1922-2008)
by Antoin Murphy & Renee Prendergast - 361-374 'If some people looked like elephants and others like cats, or fish …' On the difficulties of understanding each other: the case of Wittgenstein and Sraffa
by Heinz Kurz - 375-380 The French Revolution and the Creation of Benthamism
by Marco Guidi - 380-384 Le panoptique des pauvres - Jeremy Bentham et la reforme de l'assistance en Angleterre
by Nathalie Sigot - 384-389 A History of Econometrics in France. From Nature to Models
by Michel Armatte - 389-392 Money and Markets: A Doctrinal Approach (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics 86)
by David Laidler - 392-397 Adam Smith: a Moral Philosopher and His Political Economy
by Tony Aspromourgos - 397-402 Traite d'economie politique ou simple exposition de la maniere dont se forment, se distribuent et se consomment les richesses
by Alain Beraud
2009, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-40 The enigmatic Mr Graslin. A Rousseauist bedrock for classical economics?
by Gilbert Faccarello - 41-64 Adam Smith's theory of economic history and economic development
by Kwangsu Kim - 65-96 Hunting a precursor: The limits of Mountifort Longfield on utility and value
by Michael White - 97-122 Work in utopia: Pro-work sentiments in the writings of four critics of classical economics
by David Spencer - 123-154 'Our daily bread': Maurice Potron, from Catholicism to mathematical economics
by Christian Bidard & Guido Erreygers & Wilfried Parys - 155-190 On the origin and rise of central bank independence in West Germany
by Jorg Bibow - 191-213 Book reviews
by Hans-Jurgen Wagener & Monika Streissler & Loic Charles & Ryuzo Kuroki & Erich Streissler
2008, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 555-570 The German tradition in late medieval value theory
by Odd Langholm - 571-594 Philosophers and practical men: Charles Babbage, Irish merchants and the economics of information
by Frank Geary & Renee Prendergast - 595-609 A note on Juglar, Bonnet and the intuition of the interest parity relation
by Claude Diebolt & Antoine Parent - 611-639 John Wade's early endogenous dynamic model: 'commercial cycle' and theories of crises
by Daniele Besomi - 641-671 Economic theorist and 'entrepreneur of popularisation': Schumpeter as Finance Minister and journalist
by Karsten von Blumenthal - 673-693 Keynes's realisms
by Ricardo Crespo
2008, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 401-432 Smith's theory of actions and the moral significance of unintended consequences
by Amos Witztum - 433-454 Producer choice and technical unemployment: John E. Tozer's mathematical model (1838)
by Paola Tubaro - 455-473 Carl Menger's monetary theory: A revisionist view
by Yukihiro Ikeda - 475-501 Calculation in kind and marketless socialism: On Otto Neurath's utopian economics
by Thomas Uebel - 503-527 Foucault, Weber and the history of the economic subject
by Philippe Steiner - 529-538 Between Keynes and Sraffa: Pasinetti on the Cambridge School
by Axel Leijonhufvud
2008, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 181-209 British monetary orthodoxy in the 1870s: A victory for the Currency Principle
by Sylvie Diatkine & Jerome de Boyer - 211-246 Thoreau's economic philosophy
by Christian Becker - 247-274 The industry supply curve: Two different traditions
by Arrigo Opocher & Ian Steedman - 275-291 Keynes's degree of competition
by M. G. Hayes - 293-315 The Italian theories of progressive taxation
by Domenicantonio Fausto - 317-353 On the origins of the concept of natural monopoly: Economies of scale and competition
by Manuela Mosca
2008, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-23 Interest, sensationism and the science of the legislator: French 'philosophie economique', 1695-1830
by Gilbert Faccarello & Philippe Steiner - 25-47 Rawls with Hegel: The concept of 'Liberalism of freedom'
by Ragip Ege & Herrade Igersheim - 49-84 Thomas Tooke on the Bullionist controversies
by Matthew Smith - 85-103 Contesting the autonomy of political economy: The early positivist criticism of economic knowledge
by Michel Zouboulakis - 105-127 On the microeconomic foundations of macroeconomics in the Hayek-Keynes controversy
by Abdallah Zouache - 129-133 A. W. Bob Coats, 1924-2007
by John Maloney - 135-149 A theory of socialism inoculated against Hayek?
by Warren Samuels
2007, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 629-655 Bazaars of the Thousand and One Nights
by Eyup Ozveren - 657-680 Interest rate gaps and monetary policy in the work of Henry Thornton: Beyond a retrospective Wicksellian reading
by Jean-Stephane Mesonnier - 681-700 Economists on Darwin's theory of social evolution and human behaviour
by Alain Marciano - 701-724 Wage behaviour and unemployment in Keynes' and New Keynesians' views: A comparison
by Nicola Meccheri - 725-739 Keynes vs. the Post Keynesians on the Principle of Effective Demand
by Jochen Hartwig - 741-744 Lluis Argemi d'Abadal (1945 - 2007)
by Jordi Pascual
2007, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 415-421 Early contributions to quantitative business cycle research: An introduction
by Mauro Boianovsky & Guido Erreygers - 423-448 About the role, in older days, of econometrics in quantitative economics
by Edmond Malinvaud - 449-486 Ragnar Frisch's business cycle approach: The genesis of the propagation and impulse model
by Olav Bjerkholt - 487-517 Johan Åkerman vs. Ragnar Frisch on Quantitative Business Cycle Analysis
by Mauro Boianovsky & Hans-Michael Trautwein - 519-542 Charles F. Roos, Harold T. Davis and the Quantitative Approach to Business Cycle Analysis at the Cowles Commission in the 1930s and early 1940s
by Robert Dimand & William Veloce - 543-571 Perturbation, networks and business cycles: Bernard Chait's pioneering work in econometrics
by Guido Erreygers & Albert Jolink - 573-585 Samuelson's misses: A rejoinder
by Pierangelo Garegnani - 587-595 Richard Abel Musgrave 1910 - 2007
by Richard Sturn
2007, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 181-242 Professor Samuelson on Sraffa and the classical economists
by Pierangelo Garegnani - 243-271 Classical and Neoclassical harmonies and dissonances
by Paul A. Samuelson - 273-289 Alfred Marshall's use of Adam Smith: Coming to grips with an aspect of Alfred Marshall's citation practice
by Peter Groenewegen - 291-323 American institutionalism and its British connections
by Malcolm Rutherford - 325-348 How did Keynes transform his theory from the Tract into the Treatise ?—Consideration through primary material
by Toshiaki Hirai - 349-372 Parametric external economies and the Cambridge controversy on returns
by Roxana Bobulescu - 373-381 Milton Friedman - a brief obituary
by David Laidler
2007, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-24 'The Elements of Commerce Delineated in Aphorisms' - An analysis of a newly discovered manuscript written by Joseph Massie
by Antoin Murphy - 25-53 Cause and effect in the gold points mechanism: A criticism of Ricardo's criticism of Thornton
by Jerome de Boyer des Roches - 55-78 Alfred Marshall's critical analysis of scientific management
by Katia Caldari - 79-96 Edgeworth on the foundations of ethics and probability
by Alberto Baccini - 97-118 Kalecki's 1934 model VS. the IS-LM model of Hicks (1937) and Modigliani (1944)
by Michaël Assous - 119-156 History of consumer demand theory 1871 - 1971: A Neo-Kantian rational reconstruction
by Ivan Moscati
2006, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 463-488 Whither the history of economic thought? Going nowhere rather slowly?
by Heinz Kurz - 489-512 Adam Smith's use of multiple references for his pin making example
by Jean-Louis Peaucelle - 513-531 Britain's single currency debate of the late 1860s
by John Maloney - 533-541 Slonimsky's view on Antoine-Augustin Cournot
by Andres Vazquez - 543-570 From economic stability to social order: The debate about business cycle theory in the 1920s and its relevance for the development of theories of social order by Lowe, Hayek and Eucken
by Gerold Blumle & Nils Goldschmidt - 571-605 Frank Knight and pragmatism
by D. Wade Hands - 607-611 In memory of Paolo Sylos Labini (1920 - 2005)
by Marcella Corsi - 613-620 Shigeto Tsuru (1912 - 2006): Life, work and legacy
by Kotaro Suzumura
2006, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 311-335 The double emergence of the Modified Internal Rate of Return: The neglected financial work of Duvillard (1755 - 1832) in a comparative perspective
by Yuri Biondi - 337-363 Jules Dupuit, Societe d'economie politique de Paris and the issue of population in France (1850 - 66)
by Yves Breton & Gerard Klotz - 365-386 The idea of increasing returns in neoclassical growth models
by Mario Pomini & Giovanni Tondini - 387-410 The interdependence between economic analysis and methodology in the work of Joseph A. Schumpeter
by Peter Kesting - 411-432 Chancing an interpretation: Slutsky's random cycles revisited
by Vincent Barnett
2006, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 183-194 Grain prices and mortality: A note on 'La Michodiere's Law'
by Jean-Michel Chevet & Cormac O Grada - 195-212 The fault line of axiomatization: Walras' linkage of physics with economics
by Michael Turk - 213-231 On Hayek's denationalization of money, free banking and inflation targeting
by J. Stephen Ferris & John Galbraith - 233-258 Hayek and the General Theory
by Nicolo De Vecchi - 259-278 The temporary equilibrium method: Hicks against Hicks
by Michel De Vroey
2006, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-38 An 'exception culturelle'? French sensationist political economy and the shaping of public economics
by Gilbert Faccarello - 39-67 Subjectivism, joint consumption and the state: Public goods in Staatswirtschaftslehre
by Richard Sturn - 69-98 The Italian approach to the theory of public goods
by Domenicantonio Fausto - 99-112 Morally ruled behaviour: The neglected contribution of Scholasticism
by Oscar De-Juan & Fabio Monsalve - 113-140 Money, interest and capital accumulationin Karl Marx's economics: a monetary interpretation and some similaritiesto post-Keynesian approaches
by Eckhard Hein - 141-161 The Kaldor/Knight controversy: Is capital a distinct and quantifiable factor of production?
by Avi Cohen
2005, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 565-582 Adolphe Quetelet, the average man and the development of economic methodology
by Bert Mosselmans - 583-608 Strange brew: The antinomies of distribution in W.S. Jevons' Theory of Political Economy
by Michael White - 609-633 Equilibrium and Italian fiscal sociology: A reflection on the Pareto-Griziotti and Pareto-Sensini letters on fiscal theory
by Michael McLure - 635-661 Measurement, incentives and constraintsin Stigler's economics of science
by Arthur Diamond - 663-688 To be an independent thinker: an intellectual portrait of Staffan Burenstam Linder
by Mats Lundahl - 689-700 The contributions of Celso Furtado (1920-2004) to development economics
by Tamas Szmrecsanyi - 701-712 A tale of two traditions: Pierre Force's Self-interest before Adam Smith
by Gilbert Faccarello - 713-721 Pity, sympathy and self-interest: review of Pierre Force's Self-interest before Adam Smith
by Jimena Hurtado - 723-731 Two concepts of providence and two concepts of pity: A reply to Gilbert Faccarello and Jimena Hurtado
by Pierre Force
2005, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 373-378 The Sraffa-enigma: Introduction
by Luigi Pasinetti - 379-402 Piero Sraffa: emigration and scientific activity (1921 - 45)
by Nerio Naldi - 403-423 Sraffa and the Marshallian tradition
by Annalisa Rosselli - 425-452 Piero Sraffa at the university of Cambridge
by Maria Cristina Marcuzzo - 453-492 On a turning point in Sraffa's theoretical and interpretative position in the late 1920s
by Pierangelo Garegnani - 493-523 Removing an 'insuperable obstacle' in the way of an objectivist analysis: Sraffa's attempts at fixed capital
by Heinz Kurz & Neri Salvadori - 525-552 Joint production: Triumph of economic over mathematical logic?
by Bertram Schefold - 553-557 Michio Morishima and history: an obituary
by Takashi Negishi
2005, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 191-213 Rationality in Leviathan: Hobbes and his game-theoretic admirers
by Mark Peacock - 215-239 Jean Antoine Chaptal: from chemistry to political economy
by Elsa Bolado & Lluis Argemi - 241-259 De Viti de Marco, historian of economic analysis
by Manuela Mosca - 261-278 A question of incentive? Lionel Robbins and Dennis H. Robertson on the nature and determinants of the supply of labour
by David Spencer - 279-319 The Italian economists in parliament from 1860 to 1922: a quantitative analysis
by Massimo Augello & Marco EL Guidi - 321-328 Treating schizophrenia: a comment on Antoin Murphy's diagnosis of Henry Thornton's theoretical condition
by Neil Skaggs - 329-332 Rejoinder to Skaggs's Treating schizophrenia: a comment on Antoin Murphy's diagnosis of Henry Thornton's theoretical condition
by Antoin Murphy - 333-336 In Memoriam: Robert Heilbroner, 1919 - 2005
by William Milberg - 337-355 Roy Harrod and the Keynesian revolution: his newly published correspondence
by Walter Eltis
2005, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-24 The invention of the concept of social surplus: Petty in the Hartlib Circle
by Tony Aspromourgos - 25-45 'Misguided monetary messages': The Austrian case, 1931 - 34
by Hansjorg Klausinger - 47-72 Patinkin and the Pigou effect: or how a Keynesian came to accept an anti-Keynesian argument
by Goulven Rubin - 73-88 Migration and Americanization: The special case of Belgian economics
by Ivo Maes & Erik Buyst - 89-111 A Humean theory of choice of which rationality may be one consequence
by Marc-Arthur Diaye & Andre Lapidus - 113-118 Why rationality is not a consequence of Hume's theory of choice
by Robert Sugden - 119-126 Why rationality may be a consequence of Hume's theory of choice
by Marc-Arthur Diaye & Andre Lapidus - 127-146 Perspectives on Michael A. Bernstein's A Perilous Progress: Economists and Public Purpose in Twentieth-Century America
by Esther-Mirjam Sent & Roger Backhouse & AW Bob Coats & John Davis & Harald Hagemann - 147-156 The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics Edited by J. E. King
by Edward Nell - 183-184 The Dutch and Portuguese-Jewish background of David Ricardo
by Arnold Heertje
2004, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 507-523 Renaissance Cicero. The 'economic' virtues of >emph type="2">De Officiis>/emph> I, 22 in some sixteenth century commentaries
by Gloria Vivenza - 525-554 The theory of internal goods in nineteenth-century Russian classical economic thought
by Joachim Zweynert - 555-578 Missing links in Marshall's early thoughts on education
by Simon Cook - 579-606 Ferdinand Tonnies, Thorstein Veblen and Karl Marx: From community to society and back?
by Rick Tilman - 607-621 Eli Heckscher on intermittently free goods: A neglected anticipation of the theory of imperfect competition?
by Andrea Maneschi - 623-628 The hidden theology of Adam Smith: A belated reply to Hill
by James Alvey - 629-635 Further reflections on the 'Hidden Theology' of Adam Smith
by Lisa Hill
2004, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 341-343 Introduction
by Marco EL Guidi - 345-375 The sceptic as an economist's philosopher? Humean utility as a positive principle
by Richard Sturn - 377-403 Ricardo and the Utilitarians
by Sergio Cremaschi - 405-431 'My Own Utopia'. The economics of Bentham's Panopticon
by Marco EL Guidi - 433-451 The 'Happiness transformation problem' in the Cambridge tradition
by Luigino Bruni - 453-478 Sympathy and its discontents: 'Greatest happiness' versus the 'general good'
by Sandra Peart & David Levy
2004, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 183-207 Samuel Johnson on consumer demand, status, and positional goods
by Peter Law - 209-229 Whatever happened to Marshall's industrial economics?
by Tiziano Raffaelli - 231-253 Historical political economy in Russia, 1870 - 1913
by Vincent Barnett - 255-280 The making of Beveridge's Unemployment (1909): three concepts blended
by Atsushi Komine - 281-294 The Dutch and Portuguese-Jewish background of David Ricardo
by Arnold Heertje - 295-307 Francis Ysidro Edgeworth's Catalan grandfather
by Lluis Barbe
2004, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-31 Bernard Mandeville's heir: Adam Smith or Jean Jacques Rousseau on the possibility of economic analysis
by Jimena Hurtado Prieto - 33-52 Hegel's theory of economic nationalism: political economy in the Philosophy of Right
by Takeshi Nakano - 53-78 Learning to choose a commodity-money: Carl Menger's theory of imitation and the search monetary framework
by Andres Alvarez - 79-106 An example of untranslatability: the conceptual structures of Marshall's and Keynes' conceptions of investment
by Miguel Angel Duran & Manuel Montalvo - 107-127 History of economics, economics and economic history in Britain, 1824 - 2000
by Roger Backhouse - 131-145 Reason and sentiments: review of Emma Rothschild's Economic Sentiments: Adam Smith, Condorcet and the Enlightenment
by Pascal Bridel & Christophe Salvat - 147-159 Emma Rothschild on economic sentiments: and the true Adam Smith
by Walter Eltis
2003, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 525-526 Mini-symposium on economics and visual representation
by Robert Leonard - 527-550 The visual history of the Tableau Economique
by Loic Charles - 551-572 Visualizing the gains from trade, mid-1870s to 1962
by Neil De Marchi - 573-585 The Lorenz curve as an archetype: A historico-epistemological study
by Laurent Derobert & Guillaume Thieriot - 587-606 Carl Menger and the network theory of money
by Mikael Stenkula - 607-608 Rational vs historical reconstruction - a counter-note on Signorino's note on Blaug
by Mark Blaug - 609-610 A rejoinder
by Rodolfo Signorino - 611-622 Mirowski's Machine Dreams
by Alexander Field
2003, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 379-407 Decline and progress: the economic agent in Condillac's theory of history
by Arnaud Orain