January 2017, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 201-203 Tiziano Raffaelli (1950–2016)
by Marco Dardi
November 2016, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 867-869 Introduction
by José Luís Cardoso & Antonella Stirati & Hans-Michael Trautwein - 870-896 A neglected contribution to monetary theory in the eighteenth century: Anders Wappengren on paper money, floating exchange rates, and purchasing power parity
by Anders Ögren - 897-918 State versus market in the early historiography of the industrial revolution in Britain c.1890–1914
by Anthony Howe - 919-945 Financial diversification before modern portfolio theory: UK financial advice documents in the late nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century
by Janette Rutterford & Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos - 946-970 Secular stagnation: The history of a macroeconomic heresy
by Roger E. Backhouse & Mauro Boianovsky - 971-1000 The interaction between Leontief and Sraffa: No meeting, no citation, no attention?
by Wilfried Parys - 1001-1031 Patinkin as a reader of Keynes’ : Are wage cuts a good remedy to unemployment?
by Sylvie Rivot - 1032-1058 On the Samuelson–Etula Master Function and the capital controversy
by Ariel Dvoskin & Saverio M. Fratini
September 2016, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 693-717 Hayek, Mach, and the re-ordering of mind
by Maria N. Ivanova - 718-742 J.A. Schumpeter and T.B. Veblen on economic evolution: the dichotomy between statics and dynamics
by Marlies Schütz & Andreas Rainer - 743-763 How should Engel's law be formulated?
by Manisha Chakrabarty & Werner Hildenbrand - 764-793 Adam Smith and the “rich country–poor country” debate: eighteenth-century views on economic progress and international trade
by Reinhard Schumacher - 794-813 Readings and translations of Karl Marx in Portugal (1852–1914)
by Carlos Bastien - 814-834 The Hayek–Sraffa controversy in 1932 – a philosophy of science perspective
by Christian Ydesen - 835-862 Whither Keynesian probability? Impolite techniques for decision-making
by Carlo Zappia
August 2016, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 521-543 Transcendental vs. comparative approaches to justice: a reappraisal of Sen's dichotomy
by Ragip Ege & Herrade Igersheim & Charlotte Le Chapelain - 544-560 How to pay for the war in times of imperfect commitment: Adam Smith and David Ricardo on the sinking fund
by Rodolfo Signorino - 561-596 Solow's Harrod: Transforming macroeconomic dynamics into a model of long-run growth
by Verena Halsmayer & Kevin D. Hoover - 597-610 All in the best possible taste: Adam Smith and the leaders of fashion
by Craig Smith - 611-640 Contrived desires, affluence, and welfare: J.K. Galbraith's Pigovian redistribution argument reconsidered
by Alexander Douglas - 641-672 Thorstein Veblen's Darwinian framework and gene-culture coevolution theory
by Serhat Kologlugil - 673-679 Conservative Economic Policymaking and the Birth of Thatcherism, 1964--1979, by Adrian Williamson/UK Monetary Policy from Devaluation to Thatcher, 1967--82, by Duncan Needham/Expansionary Fiscal Contraction: The Thatcher Government's 1981 Budget in Perspective, edited by Duncan Needham and Anthony Hotson
by Roger Middleton - 679-681 Merkantilismus. Wiederaufnahme einer Debatte, Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte -- Beihefte 228, edited by Moritz Isenmann
by Marten Seppel - 682-685 Revisiting Classical Economics: Studies in Long-Period Analysis, by Heinz D. Kurz and Neri Salvadori
by Lefteris Tsoulfidis - 685-688 Rosa Luxemburg: Theory of Accumulation and Imperialism, by Tadeusz Kowalik
by Alexandre Mendes Cunha
June 2016, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 349-377 Malthus on causality
by John Pullen - 378-399 Marx's critique of “eternal” political economy: how Mill is alien to Marx's attacks
by Philippe Gillig - 400-424 The value and security of money. Metallic and fiduciary media in Ferdinando Galiani's Della moneta
by Lilia Costabile - 425-452 The individual and the market: Paul Samuelson on (homothetic) Santa Claus economics
by D.W. Hands - 453-477 The monetary economics of Jules Dupuit
by Guy Numa - 478-507 “Psychological” elements in business cycle theories: old approaches and new insights
by Niels Geiger - 508-510 Mark Blaug: Rebel with Many Causes, edited by Marcel Boumans and Matthias Klaes
by James Forder - 510-512 The Idea of Commercial Society in the Scottish Enlightenment, by Christopher J. Berry
by Alexandre Mendes Cunha - 512-516 James Tobin . Great Thinkers in Economics Series, by Robert Dimand
by Michael McLure
April 2016, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 173-197 On some ‘Austrian’ misreadings of Cantillon's notions of intrinsic value and market price
by Matteo Menegatti - 198-225 An unpleasant dilemma for contemporary general equilibrium theory
by Ariel Dvoskin - 226-245 Progress beyond growth: Some insights from Marshall's final book
by Katia Caldari & Tamotsu Nishizawa - 246-271 Population and economic growth: Ancient and modern
by Elise S. Brezis & Warren Young - 272-296 Early contributions to the economics of consumption as a social phenomenon
by Attilio Trezzini - 297-322 Was Bentham a primitive rational choice theory predecessor?
by Svetoslav Danchev - 323-326 Economics and Other Branches -- In the Shade of the Oak Tree: Essays in Honour of Pascal Bridel, edited by Roberto Baranzini and François Allison
by Richard van den Berg - 326-328 Hayek: a collaborative biography. Part II: Austria, America and the rise of Hitler, 1899--1933/Part III: fraud, fascism and free market religion/Part IV: England, the ordinal revolution and the road to serfdom, 1931--1950/Part V: Hayek's great society of free men/Part VI: good dictators, sovereign producers and Hayek's ‘ruthless consistency’, edited by Robert Leeson
by Roger E. Backhouse - 329-332 Money as Organization, Gustavo del Vecchio's Theory, by G. Tusset
by Roberto Scazzieri - 332-337 Real Business Cycle Models in Economics, by Warren Young
by Pedro Garcia Duarte - 338-344 Giorgio Israel (6 March 1945--25 September 2015)
by Bruna Ingrao
February 2016, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-30 Joseph Schumpeter and Thorstein Veblen on technological determinism, individualism and institutions
by Theofanis Papageorgiou & Panayotis G. Michaelides - 31-58 Hayek and the Great Depression of 1929: Did he really change his mind?
by Antonio Magliulo - 59-81 Political economy and the ‘modern view’ as reflected in the history of economic thought
by Mário Graça Moura & António Almodovar - 82-101 On Keynes on inflation and unemployment
by Joan O'Connell - 102-126 The economics of the division of labour in early Chinese literature: With particular comparison to the ancient Greek thought
by Guang-Zhen Sun - 127-151 Causality and normal states in economics and other disciplines
by Sergio Parrinello - 152-154 Les Éphémérides du citoyen et les Nouvelles Éphémérides économiques 1765--1788. Documents et tables complètes, by Bernard Herencia
by Loïc Charles - 154-159 Keynes's Economic Consequences of the Peace: A Reappraisal, edited by Jens Hölscher and Matthias Klaes
by Roger Middleton - 159-164 Utilitarianism and Malthus' Virtue Ethics: Respectable, Virtuous and Happy, by Sergio Cremaschi/Malthus: The Life and Legacies of an Untimely Prophet, Robert J. Mayhew
by Ryan Walter - 164-167 Globalisation and the Critique of Political Economy. New Insights from Marx's Writings, by Lucia Pradella
by Rolf Peter Sieferle
December 2015, Volume 22, Issue 6
- 931-933 Introduction
by Roberto Baranzini & Annalisa Rosselli & Hans-Michael Trautwein - 934-948 Liberalism and enlightened political economy
by José Luís Cardoso - 949-977 Disparaging liberal economics in nineteenth-century Greece: The case of "The economist's duck"
by Michalis Psalidopoulos & Nicholas J. Theocarakis - 978-999 Comparative study of Lippmann's and Hayek's liberalisms (or neo-liberalisms)
by Francis Clavé - 1000-1041 Recursive utility, increasing impatience and capital deepening: F.A. Hayek's 'utility analysis and interest'
by Arash Molavi Vasséi - 1042-1063 Consumers' surplus when individuals lack integrated preferences: A development of some ideas from Dupuit
by Robert Sugden - 1064-1083 Interpersonal comparisons and individual welfare: back to James Mill
by Victor Bianchini - 1084-1114 Accident costs, resource allocation and individual rationality: Blum, Kalven and Calabresi
by Alain Marciano & Rustam Romaniuc - 1115-1148 On "fear of goods" in Keynes's thought
by Anna M. Carabelli & Mario A. Cedrini - 1149-1178 How it all began: the first Econometric Society meeting, Lausanne, September 1931
by Olav Bjerkholt
October 2015, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 753-753 Editorial
by Muriel Dal Pont Legrand & Gilbert Faccarello - 754-790 A calm investigation into Mr Ricardo's principles of international trade
by Gilbert Faccarello - 791-817 Ricardo's discovery of comparative advantage revisited: a critique of Ruffin's account
by Christian Gehrke - 818-851 David Ricardo: on the art of "elucidating economic principles" in the face of a "labyrinth of difficulties"
by Heinz D. Kurz - 852-871 From the laws of human nature to capital accumulation: James Mill's analysis of the states of society in the Elements of Political Economy
by Victor Bianchini - 872-895 Political economy at mid-nineteenth-century Cambridge: reform, free trade, and the figure of Ricardo
by Shin Kubo - 896-914 Krishna Bharadwaj's "Return to Classical Theory": an attempt towards an archaeological reconstruction
by Naveen Kanalu - 915-918 David Ricardo, by John E. King
by Christian Gehrke - 918-922 The Reception of David Ricardo in Continental Europe and Japan, edited by Gilbert Faccarello and Masashi Izumo
by Heinz D. Kurz - 923-926 John Forbes Nash (1928-2015)
by Vito Fragnelli & Gianfranco Gambarelli
August 2015, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 569-600 The scope and significance of William Thomas Thornton's literary works
by Mark Donoghue - 601-633 Rule-based frameworks in historical perspective: Keynes' and Friedman's monetary policies versus contemporary policy-rules
by Sylvie Rivot - 634-661 A Sraffian interpretation of classical monetary controversies
by Germán D. Feldman - 662-691 Bernard Mandeville's vision of the social utility of pride and greed
by Rudi Verburg - 692-727 Adam Smith on the subordination of wage-earners in the commercial society
by Jean Dellemotte & Benoît Walraevens - 728-730 Les Pensées monétaires dans l'histoire. L'Europe, 1517-1776, edited by Jérôme Blanc, Ludovic Desmedt
by Simon Adler - 730-734 Gli economisti accademici italiani dell'Ottocento. Una storia "documentale.", by Massimo M. Augello (with the collaboration of Francesco Celiano and Giovanna De Santi)
by Giuseppe Conti - 734-738 The Paretian Tradition during the Interwar Period. From Dynamics to Growth, by Mario Pomini
by Marco Dardi - 738-741 Alexandre Lamfalussy, The Wise Man of the Euro, by Christophe Lamfalussy, Ivo Maes, Sabine Péters
by Jérôme de Boyer des Roches - 741-742 Neoliberale Staatsverständnisse im Vergleich, by Stefan Kolev
by Giuseppe Franco - 743-744 Die europäische Wirtschaftsintegration aus der Perspektive Wilhelm Röpkes, by Sara Warneke
by Giuseppe Franco - 744-747 G.L.S. Shackle in A.P. Thirlwall's series, Great thinkers in economics, Houndmills, Basingstoke, by Peter E. Earl and Bruce Littleboy
by G.C. Harcourt
June 2015, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 349-358 On the difficulty of constituting an economic avant-garde in the French Enlightenment
by Arnaud Orain - 359-382 Jeux de mots , narrative and economic writing: The rhetoric of anti-physiocracy in French economic periodicals (1764-1769)
by Loïc Charles & Christine Théré - 383-419 Figures of mockery. The cultural disqualification of physiocracy (1760-1790)
by Arnaud Orain - 420-444 A body without a voice: A literary approach to Linguet's opposition to the physiocrats over the free trade in grain
by Florence Magnot-Ogilvy - 445-472 Forbonnais, the two balances and the Économistes
by Thierry Demals & Alexandra Hyard - 473-499 The political opposition of Rousseau to Physiocracy: government, interest, citizenship
by Théophile Pénigaud - 500-533 Turgot: a critic of physiocracy? An analysis of the debates in Éphémérides du Citoyen and in correspondence with Dupont
by Pierre Henri Goutte & Gérard Klotz - 534-563 Nicolas Baudeau, an anti-physiocrat? Éphémérides du citoyen prior to "conversion" (1765-1766)
by Alain Clément
April 2015, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 163-197 G.E. Moore's philosophy and Cambridge economics: Ralph Hawtrey on ethics and methodology
by Daniela Donnini Macciò - 198-235 Rawls's influence and counter-influence on Sen: Post-welfarism and impartiality
by Muriel Gilardone - 236-271 Behavioural economics: Classical and modern
by Ying-Fang Kao & K. Vela Velupillai - 272-299 Ivan Kinkel's (1883-1945) theory of economic development
by Nikolay Nenov Nenovsky - 300-321 A comprehensive graphical exposition of the macroeconomic theory of Böhm-Bawerk
by Renaud Fillieule - 322-325 Michał Kalecki: An Intellectual Biography . Volume I, Rendezvous in Cambridge 1899-1939 , by Jan Toporowski
by Roger E. Backhouse - 325-330 Œuvres Complètes Henri Saint-Simon
by Ludovic Frobert - 330-334 Worldly Philosopher. The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman , by Jeremy Adelman
by Ana Maria Bianchi - 334-338 Die Ökonomik im Spannungsfeld zwischen Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften. Alte und neue Perspektiven im Licht des jüngsten Methodenstreits , by Heinz D. Kurz (ed.)
by Elisabeth Allgoewer - 338-339 Interdisciplinary Economics. Kenneth E. Boulding's Engagement in the Sciences , by Wilfried Dolfsma and Stefan Kesting (eds.)
by Michalis Psalidopoulos - 340-343 The Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith , by Christopher J. Berry, Maria Pia Paganelli, Craig Smith
by Benoît Walraevens & Andreas Ormann
February 2015, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-25 Three revolutions in macroeconomics: their nature and influence
by David Laidler - 26-50 A peculiar archaeology: Searching for Mr Giffen's behaviour
by Michael V. White - 51-76 The question of inheritance in mid-nineteenth century French liberal thought
by Claire Silvant - 77-96 Hilferding on derivatives
by Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos - 97-122 Beyond strategy: A critical review of Penrose's 'single argument' and its implications for economic development
by Richard K. Blundel - 123-126 A Review of "A Re-Assessment of Aristotle's Economic Thought", by Ricardo F. Crespo
by Carlo Natali - 126-130 A Review of "Come servi. Figure del lavoro salariato dal diritto naturale all'economia politica", by Maria Luisa Pesante
by Cosimo Perrotta - 130-135 A Review of "Fortune Tellers: The Story of America's First Economic Forecasters", by Walter A. Friedman
by Roger Middleton - 135-140 A Review of "Adam Ferguson in the Scottish Enlightenment: The Roman Past and Europe's Future", by Iain McDaniel
by Ryan Walter - 140-144 A Review of "Réglementations et concurrence dans le chemins de fer français, 1823-1914", by Guy Numa
by Manuela Mosca - 144-149 A Review of "A History of Ottoman Economic Thought. Developments Before the Nineteenth Century", by Fatih Ermis
by Eyüp Özveren & Seven Ağır - 149-152 A Review of "Maurice Dobb: Political Economist", by Timothy Shenk
by Stuart Macintyre - 153-158 A Review of "German Utility Theory: Analysis and Translations", by John S. Chipman
by Erich W. Streissler
December 2014, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 947-949 Introduction
by Annalisa Rosselli & Richard van den Berg - 950-976 "Quorum pars magna fui": On the Cantillon-Marx connection
by Oleg Ananyin - 977-990 "Let your science be human": David Hume and the honourable merchant
by Margaret Schabas - 991-1014 Why didn't Charasoff and Remak use Perron-Frobenius mathematics?
by Wilfried Parys - 1015-1038 A history of the theories on Optimum Currency Areas
by Fabio Masini - 1039-1059 Keynes's activity on the cotton market and the theory of the 'normal backwardation': 1921-1929
by Carlo Cristiano & Nerio Naldi - 1060-1084 Keynes's General Theory , Treatise on Money and Tract on Monetary Reform : different theories, same methodological approach?
by Anna M. Carabelli & Mario A. Cedrini - 1085-1101 A reconsideration of the role of forward-market arbitrage in Keynes' and Hicks' theories of the term structure of interest rates
by Lucy Brillant - 1102-1108 A note on the notions of risk-premium and liquidity-premium in Hicks's and Keynes's analyses of the term structure of interest rates
by Luca Fantacci & Maria Cristina Marcuzzo & Eleonora Sanfilippo
October 2014, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 755-759 Special issue: Business cycle theory as a basis for economic policy
by Pascal Bridel & Muriel Dal Pont Legrand - 760-774 Economics of the crisis and the crisis of economics
by Axel Leijonhufvud - 775-800 On the importance of institutions and forms of organisation in Piero Sraffa's economics: the case of business cycles, money, and economic policy
by Richard Arena - 801-838 Mr Keynes, the Classics and the new Keynesians: A suggested formalisation
by Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira - 839-870 Three macroeconomic syntheses of vintage 1937: Hicks, Haberler, and Lundberg
by Hans-Michael Trautwein - 871-898 Lange's 1938 model: dynamics and the "optimum propensity to consume"
by Michaël Assous & Roberto Lampa - 899-919 Toward a non-linear theory of economic fluctuations: Allais's contribution to endogenous business cycle theory in the 1950s
by Alain Raybaut - 920-942 The "Treasury View": An (un-)expected return?
by Pascal Bridel
August 2014, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 549-582 Turgot's Valeurs et monnaies : our incomplete knowledge of an incomplete manuscript
by Richard van den Berg - 583-604 Liberal economic discourse on colonial practices and the rejection of the British Empire (1750-1815)1
by Alain Clément - 605-634 Public Finance in Spain in the early twentieth century
by Jesús Astigarraga & Juan Zabalza - 635-663 The 'Wigforss Connection': the Stockholm School vs. Keynes debate revisited
by Martin Kragh - 664-698 Enrico Barone's 'Ministry of Production': Content and Context
by Michael E. Bradley & Manuela Mosca - 699-723 Consumer power and market control: Exploring consumer behaviour in affluent contexts (1946-1980)
by José M. Edwards - 724-742 Backhouse and Boianovsky on "disequilibrium theory". A review article of transforming modern macroeconomics. Exploring disequilibrium microfoundations, 1956-2003
by Michel De Vroey - 743-749 Response to De Vroey
by Roger E. Backhouse & Mauro Boianovsky
June 2014, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 359-391 Smith on happiness: towards a gravitational theory
by Laurie Bréban - 392-420 From bounties on exportation to the natural and market price of labour: Smith versus Ricardo1
by Ferdinando Meacci - 421-447 Sarantis Archigenes (Serandi Arsizen), Pellegrino Rossi and the spread of the classical approach in the Ottoman Empire
by Erdem Ozgur & Hamdi Genc - 448-466 Beveridge's analysis of unemployment in 1909: the reserve of labour
by Jocelyn Poirel - 467-484 The instability principle revisited: an essay in Harrodian dynamics
by Olivier Bruno & Muriel Dal-Pont Legrand - 485-519 Neither Lausanne nor Cambridge: Pantaleoni and the missing boundary between economics and sociology
by Marco Dardi - 520-525 Ronald Harry Coase, 1910-2013
by Matthias Klaes - 526-529 The Historiography of Economics: The Collected Papers of A.W. Coats: Volume III
by John Maloney - 529-532 The Great Depression in Europe: Economic Thought and Policy in a National Context
by Roger Middleton - 533-536 Casualties of Credit: The English Financial Revolution, 1620-1720
by Tony Aspromourgos - 537-541 Shaky Foundations: The Politics-Patronage-Social Science Nexus in Cold War America. Studies in Modern Science, Technology, and the Environment series
by Beatrice Cherrier - 541-544 The Hesitant Hand: Taming Self-Interest in the History of Economic Ideas
by Bülent Temel
April 2014, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 201-229 The ancient art of economics
by Dotan Leshem - 230-251 Wages and work effort in English economic thought, 1670-1770
by Anastassios D. Karayiannis & Ioannis A. Katselidis - 252-277 Bentham and Owen on entrepreneurship and social reform
by Estrella Trincado & Manuel Santos-Redondo - 278-303 Scitovsky's The Joyless Economy and the economics of happiness
by Maurizio Pugno - 304-341 Multinational firms, peripheral industrialisation and the recovery of national decision centres: the contribution of Celso Furtado
by Renata Bianconi & Alexandre Minda - 342-344 Geschichte des ökonomischen Denkens by Heinz D. Kurz
by Keith Tribe - 344-350 Keynes and Friedman on Laissez-Faire and Planning. Where to Draw the Line? by Sylvie Rivot
by Stephanie Blankenburg - 350-354 Œuvres économiques complètes by Jean-Claude-Léonard Simonde de Sismondi
by Philippe Steiner
February 2014, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by José Luís Cardoso & Gilbert Faccarello & Heinz D. Kurz & Antoin E. Murphy - 4-20 Scholastic just price versus current market price: is it merely a matter of labelling?
by Fabio Monsalve - 21-40 Entrepreneurship, risk and income distribution in Adam Smith
by Tony Aspromourgos - 41-77 Negotiating free trade in fact and theory: the diplomacy and doctrine of Condy Raguet
by Stephen Meardon - 78-106 The institutionalisation of political economy in Italy and Spain (1860-1900): a comparative approach
by Javier San-Juli�n-Arrupe - 107-141 Carl Menger's theory of money's origins: Responding to revisionism
by Alla Semenova - 142-157 The Hicks-Malinvaud average period of production and 'marginal productivity': A critical assessment
by Saverio M. Fratini - 158-166 Monetary Theory and Policy from Hume and Smith to Wicksell. Money, Credit, and the Economy
by Ghislain Deleplace - 167-170 Rethinking the Keynesian Revolution
by Neil T. Skaggs - 170-172 Economic Essays by David Ricardo
by Terry Peach - 172-176 Defending the History of Economic Thought
by Heinz D. Kurz - 177-178 Oeconomica. Introduction, Translation and Commentaries
by Bertram Schefold - 178-183 Hayek: A Collaborative Biography Part 1. Influences from Mises to Bartley
by Birsen Filip - 183-187 The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Myths
by Andreas Rainer - 187-192 The Institutional Movement in American Economics, 1918-1947
by Pedro N. Teixeira - 192-196 Keynes Hayek: The Clash that Defined Modern Economics
by Jeremy Shearmur
December 2013, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 863-864 Editors' note
by Gilbert Faccarello & Harald Hagemann & Danila Raskov & Amos Witztum - 865-881 Economic history and history of economics: In praise of an old relationship
by Annalisa Rosselli - 882-905 Mably and the liberalisation of the grain trade: An economically and socially inefficient policy
by Julie Ferrand - 906-939 How cardinal utility entered economic analysis: 1909--1944
by Ivan Moscati - 940-956 Race and nation in Marshall's histories
by Simon John Cook - 957-981 Come back Marshall, all is forgiven? Complexity, evolution, mathematics and Marshallian exceptionalism
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 982-999 Marshall and Ricardo on note convertibility and bimetallism
by Ghislain Deleplace - 1000-1031 Schumpeter's institution of money: Slipping off the border of economic theory and landing in economic sociology
by C�cile Dangel-Hagnauer - 1032-1070 Dealing with a dangerous golem: Gino Arias's corporative proposal
by Omar Ottonelli - 1071-1100 Further issues on the Keynes--Hume connection relating to the theory of financial markets in the General Theory
by Anna Maria Carabelli & Mario Aldo Cedrini - 1101-1121 Gustav Cassel's purchasing power parity doctrine in the context of his views on international economic policy coordination
by Denis V. Kadochnikov - 1122-1150 On the origins of the Triffin dilemma
by Ivo Maes
October 2013, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 695-714 The physiocrats' concept of labour: A difficulty in Marx's interpretation
by Romuald Dupuy - 715-740 Monetary policy on interest rates: a retrospective analysis since Thornton
by Sylvie Diatkine - 741-775 Mill versus Jevons on traditional sexual division of labour: Is gender equality efficient?
by Virginie Gouverneur - 776-811 When Italian economics "Was Second to None". Luigi Einaudi and the Turin School of Economics
by Roberto Marchionatti & Francesco Cassata & Giandomenica Becchio & Fiorenzo Mornati