October 2013, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 812-844 Taking the modern for nature: methodological individualism as an interesting mistake
by Robert Urquhart - 845-849 Unintended consequences: on the political economy of Karl Marx
by Heinz D. Kurz - 850-853 Economists in the Americas
by Ana Maria Bianchi - 853-854 A Bibliography of Female Economic Thought to 1940
by Pat Hudson - 854-857 Jean-Baptiste Say: Revolutionary, Entrepreneur, Economist
by Thomas Hopkins
August 2013, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 547-571 Bank liquidity risk: From John Law (1705) to Walter Bagehot (1873)
by Jérôme de Boyer des Roches - 572-602 Utilitarianism and the role of utility in Adam Smith
by Amos Witztum & Jeffrey T. Young - 603-624 The specificity of manufacturing in Marx's economic thought
by Fiona Tregenna - 625-645 General equilibrium as competitive equilibrium: The significance of Walras' achievement from a Cournotian viewpoint
by Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira & Ragip Ege - 646-665 John Atkinson Hobson and the roots of John Dewey's economic thought
by Phillip Deen - 666-671 Istvan Hont (1947–2013)
by Keith Tribe - 672-677 The Economic Reader. Textbooks, Manuals and the Dissemination of the Economic Sciences During the 19th and Early 20th Centuries
by Christopher Stray - 677-679 Wealth and Life: A Study in Values
by P. J. Cain - 680-683 Money and Banking in Jean-Baptiste Say's Economic Thought
by Alain Béraud - 684-687 Schumpeter für Jedermann: Von der Rastlosigkeit des Kapitalismus
by Esben Sloth Andersen - 688-690 Markets, Planning and the Moral Economy: Business Cycle in the Progressive Era and the New Deal
by Roger E. Backhouse
June 2013, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 399-425 Beyond the principle of population: Malthus's Essay
by Klaus Hofmann - 426-438 On the origins of vertical unbundling: The case of the French transportation industry in the nineteenth century
by Guy Numa - 439-465 Sraffa's 1930 manuscripts on the representative firm and Marshall's theory of value and business profit
by Antonella Stirati - 466-488 Vilfredo Pareto's influence on the Italian tradition in public finance: A critical assessment of Mauro Fasiani's appraisal
by Amedeo Fossati - 489-512 The comparability of the aggregates revisited
by Erik K. Olsen - 513-517 Foundations of Modern International Thought
by Ryan Walter - 517-522 The Great Persuasion. Reinventing Free Markets since the Depression
by Sylvie Rivot - 522-532 Revolutionary Commerce. Globalization and the French Monarchy
by Thierry Demals - 532-536 William Petty and the Ambitions of Political Arithmetick
by Alessandro Roncaglia - 536-542 Essays on Marx's theory of money
by Susumu Takenaga
April 2013, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 167-173 Irving Fisher's restatement of the quantity theory
by Rebeca Gomez Betancourt & Jérôme de Boyer des Roches - 174-205 Professor Fisher and the quantity theory -- a significant encounter
by David Laidler - 206-237 Fisher and Wicksell on money: A reconstructed conversation
by Mauro Boianovsky - 238-260 The reception of Fisher's Purchasing Power of Money in England
by Sylvie Diatkine - 261-283 Origins and developments of Irving Fisher's compensated dollar plan
by Rebeca Gomez Betancourt & Jérôme de Boyer des Roches - 284-304 David Hume and Irving Fisher on the quantity theory of money in the long run and the short run
by Robert W. Dimand - 305-322 Irving Fisher's debt deflation analysis: From the Purchasing Power of Money (1911) to the Debt-deflation Theory of the Great Depression (1933)
by Michael Assous - 323-348 The impact of Fisher's Purchasing Power of Money in the German Language Area
by Harald Hagemann - 349-371 French economists and the purchasing power of money
by Alain B�raud - 372-398 The reception of Irving Fisher in Argentina: Alejandro Bunge and Raúl Prebisch
by Florencia Sember
February 2013, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-28 An unpublished letter of David Ricardo on the double standard of money
by Ghislain Deleplace & Christophe Depoortère & Nicolas Rieucau - 29-57 Richard Price, miracles and the origins of Bayesian decision theory
by Geoffrey Poitras - 58-88 Humboldt and the economists on natural resources, institutions and underdevelopment (1752 to 1859)
by Mauro Boianovsky - 89-124 L. Walras and C. Menger: two ways on the path of modern monetary theory
by Andrés Álvarez & Vincent Bignon - 125-147 On Robinson, Penrose, and the resource-based view
by Lowell Jacobsen - 148-150 A Theory of Social and Economic Evolution. Great Thinkers in Economics Series
by Richard Sturn - 150-158 The Economies of Hellenistic Societies, Third to First Centuries BC
by Bertram Schefold - 158-162 Finanzkapital und Finanzsysteme “Das Finanzkapital” von Rudolf Hilferding
by Günther Chaloupek - 162-165 Die Wissenschaft der Außenseiter. Die Krise der Nationalökonomie in der Weimarer Republik
by Carsten Kasprzok
December 2012, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 851-851 Editors' Note
by Fikret Adaman & Ragip Ege & Gilbert Faccarello & Amos Witztum - 852-867 Two views of competition: “Is it peace or war?”
by Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira - 868-907 ‘Something wonderful and incomprehensible in their œconomy’: The English versions of Richard Cantillon's Essay on the Nature of Trade in General
by Richard van den Berg - 908-943 Before Schumpeter: forerunners of the theory of the entrepreneur in 1900s German political economy -- Werner Sombart, Friedrich von Wieser
by Gilles Campagnolo & Christel Vivel - 944-975 The modernisation of the Turkish University after 1933: The contributions of refugees from Nazism
by Ragip Ege & Harald Hagemann - 976-1003 A.W. Phillips and his curve: Stabilisation policies, inflation expectations and the ‘menu of choice’
by Johannes A. Schwarzer
October 2012, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 691-708 The foundations of Chinese attitudes towards advocating luxury spending
by Hsiao Ping Peng & Ming Chung Chang - 709-732 From merchants to speakers: The common origins of trade and language
by Ángel Alonso-Cortés & Francisco Cabrillo - 733-764 Ricardo's critique of Bentham's French manuscript: Secure currency versus secure banks
by Ghislain Deleplace & Nathalie Sigot - 765-783 Marshall and Walras: Incompatible bedfellows?
by Michel De Vroey - 785-795 A historiographical exhumation of J.A. Hobson's Over-Saving Thesis: General theory versus historiography
by Craig Medlen - 797-828 Three explanations for the Kahneman-Tversky Programme of the 1970s
by Floris Heukelom - 829-836 American institutionalism at Chicago: A documentary note
by Luca Fiorito - 837-839 Ragnar Frisch, A Dynamic Approach to Economic Theory. Lectures by Ragnar Frisch at Yale University
by Lutz Beinsen - 839-844 The Economy in Jewish History: New Perspectives on the Interrelationship between Ethnicity and Economic life
by Bertram Schefold - 844-846 The Genesis of Macroeconomics: New Ideas from Sir William Petty to Henry Thornton
by Heinz D. Kurz
August 2012, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 587-624 Luigi Einaudi's economics of liberalism
by Francesco Forte & Roberto Marchionatti - 625-651 The making of a Schumpeterian economist: Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen
by Roxana Bobulescu - 679-683 Thomas Tooke and the Monetary Thought of Classical Economics
by Carlo Panico - 683-686 The Genesis of Macroeconomics. New Ideas from Sir William Petty to Henry Thornton
by Heinz D. Kurz
September 2012, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 551-586 Sensitivity to prosperity and adversity: What would a Smithian function of happiness look like?
by Laurie Bréban
June 2012, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 529-549 Rousseau's notion of envy: A comparison with modern economic theory
by Claire Pignol
February 2012, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 653-677 Izrail G. Blyumin -- the fate of a Soviet historian of economic thought under Stalin
by Leonid D. Shirokorad & Joachim Zweynert
July 2012, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 501-528 Public credit and liquidity in James Steuart's Principles
by Nesrine Bentemessek
September 2012, Volume 19, Issue 3
May 2012, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 385-408 Rhetoric and logic in Smith's Description of the Division of Labor
by Jean-Louis Peaucelle
June 2012, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 325-353 ‘Philosophie économique’ and money in France, 1750--1776: the stakes of a transformation
by Gilbert Faccarello & Philippe Steiner - 409-429 Adam Smith and Malthus on high wages
by A M. C Waterman - 453-473 Speculation and buffer stocks: The legacy of Keynes and Kahn
by Luca Fantacci & Maria Cristina Marcuzzo & Annalisa Rosselli & Eleonora Sanfilippo - 475-480 Mark Blaug, 1927--2011
by Anthony Brewer - 481-484 Andrew Skinner, 1935--2011
by Donald Winch - 485-487 Crises and Cycles in Economics Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
by J.E. King - 488-490 Keynes on Monetary Policy, Finance and Uncertainty
by Ingo Barens - 490-495 Crises and Cycles in Economics Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
by Tony Aspromourgos
July 2012, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 355-384 Pleasure and belief in Hume's Decision Process
by Marc-Arthur Diaye & André Lapidus
May 2012, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 287-301 Jacob Viner on Adam Smith: Development and reception of a theological reading
by Paul Oslington
March 2012, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 165-195 The Spitalfields Acts and the classics: Ricardo, J.S. Mill, Bowring, and Senior on the London silk industry (1823 to 1841)
by Simon Hupfel - 227-248 Marshall's organic growth theory
by Kenichi Yamamoto & Susumu Egashira
April 2012, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 149-163 Economies in transition and in development: A possible warning from Adam Smith
by Maria Pia Paganelli - 197-225 ‘Catholic in its faith, Catholic in its manner of conceiving science’: French Catholic political economy in the 1830s
by António Almodovar & Pedro Teixeira - 249-286 The reception of Lionel Robbins in Italy
by Fabio Masini - 303-311 Pierangelo Garegnani (1930--2011)
by Heinz D. Kurz - 313-315 Austrian and German Economic Thought. From subjectivism to social evolution
by Hansjoerg Klausinger - 315-320 The Impact of Alfred Marshall's Ideas. The Global Diffusion of His Work
by Alain Béraud
December 2012, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 45-65 Consumption and income distribution: a proposal for a new reading of Keynes' thinking
by Antonio García-Lizana & Salvador Pérez-Moreno
May 2012, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 109-114 On Marshall's idealism
by Simon J. Cook
March 2012, Volume 19, Issue 1
April 2012, Volume 19, Issue 1
February 2012, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 115-124 Warren J. Samuels (1933--2011)
by John B. Davis - 125-128 Studien zur Entwicklung der ökonomischen Theorie
by Carsten Kasprzok - 129-131 Political Economy after Economics. Scientific Method and Radical Imagination
by Andreas Rainer - 131-135 Von Neumann, Morgenstern, and the Creation of Game Theory: From Chess to Social Science, 1900--1960
by Manfred J. Holler - 135-140 Aristotle, Adam Smith and Karl Marx: On Some Fundamental Issues in 21st Century Political Economy
by Tony Aspromourgos - 140-144 Competing Schools of Economic Thought
by Tony Aspromourgos
November 2012, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 23-43 Knight, Habermas and Rawls on freedom, personhood and constitutional choice
by Dalibor Roháč
January 2012, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-22 Adam Smith on thumos and irrational economic ‘man’
by Lisa Hill
December 2011, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 635-642 Introduction: The history of economics as a history of practice
by Harro Maas & Tiago Mata & John B. Davis - 643-671 European émigrés and the ‘Americanization’ of economics
by Harald Hagemann - 673-695 A reluctant founding father: Placing Jacob Mincer in the history of (labor) economics
by Pedro Nuno Teixeira - 697-714 Working the peripheral into the picture: The case of Thomas Hepburn in eighteenth-century Orkney
by H. Furuya - 715-732 Pigouvian versus Marshallian tax: market failure, public intervention and the problem of externalities
by Katia Caldari & Fabio Masini - 733-753 The Great Depression and the corporatist shift of Italian economists
by Mario Pomini - 755-776 Three ways of linking laboratory endeavours to the realm of policies
by Kyu Sang Lee - 777-806 When low is no good: Predatory pricing and U.S. antitrust law (1950--1980)
by Nicola Giocoli
October 2011, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 487-519 The making of institutional credit in England, 1600 to 1688
by Seiichiro Ito - 521-550 Lombard Enlightenment and Classical Political Economy
by Pier Luigi Porta - 551-578 On the affiliation of phenomenology and ordoliberalism: Links between Edmund Husserl, Rudolf and Walter Eucken
by Rainer Klump & Manuel Wörsdörfer - 579-600 Hayek's Geldtheoretische Untersuchungen : New insights from a 1925--29 typescript
by Hansjoerg Klausinger - 601-607 Will the true Francesco Ferrara please stand up?
by Antonio Guccione - 609-614 The ‘true’ Francesco Ferrara on exchange and income distribution
by Stefano Perri - 615-616 Gilles Dostaler (1946--2011)
by Bradley W. Bateman & Catherine Martin - 617-619 Political Economy and Industrialism. Banks in Saint-Simonian Economic Thought
by Philippe Steiner - 619-622 From Political Economy to Economics
by H. Hanappi - 622-626 Die Disziplinierung des ökonomischen Wandels. Soziologische Analysen der Konjunkturforschung in Österreich
by Hansjoerg Klausinger - 626-627 John Kenneth Galbraith
by Peter Rosner
2011, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 321-352 'Preferring that which you desire less': A Condillacian approach to choice under uncertainty
by Arnaud Orain - 353-379 The creator, human conduct and the maximisation of utility in Gossen's economic theory
by Philippe Steiner - 381-405 Richard Kahn's fellowship dissertation: The fate of 'The Economics of the Short Period'
by Nahid Aslanbeigui & Guy Oakes - 407-440 Straightening the Phillips curve, 1968-1976
by John Maloney - 441-464 The neglect of comparison income: An historical perspective
by Stavros Drakopoulos - 465-468 The Neoliberal Revolution in Eastern Europe. Economic Ideas in the Transition from Communism
by Krzysztof Bandasz - 468-471 Adam Smith and the Character of Virtue Adam Smith and the Economy of the Passions
by Monika Streissler - 471-475 Complex Economics. Individual and Collective Rationality
by Ulrich Krause - 476-479 The Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution: A Critical History
by Fabio Petri
2011, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 175-202 R.G. Hawtrey on the national and international lender of last resort
by Jerome de Boyer des Roches & Ricardo Solis Rosales - 203-215 Pigou on business cycles and unemployment: an anti-gold-standard view
by Norikazu Takami - 217-242 Visiting-economists through Hirschman's eyes
by Ana Maria Bianchi - 243-267 The Janus face of Eli Heckscher: theory, history and method
by Mats Lundahl - 269-285 Beauty contested: how much of Keynes' remains in behavioural economics' beauty contests?
by Alessandro Lanteri & Anna Carabelli - 287-289 Economic Theory and Economic Thought, Essays in Honour of Ian Steedman
by Fabio Petri - 289-290 Economic Theory and Economic Thought. Essays in Honour of Ian Steedman
by Edwin Burmeister - 290-293 Criticisms of Classical Political Economy. Menger, Austrian economics and the German Historical School
by Nikolay Nenovsky - 293-296 Barriers to Competition: The Evolution of the Debate
by Alessandro Roncaglia - 296-306 Œuvres economiques completes
by Manuela Mosca - 306-308 Auf der Suche nach Klarheit im Kosmos der Okonomie. Beitrage zur Wirtschaftstheorie. Wirtschaft - Forschung und Wissenschaft, Band 25
by Karl-Heinz Schmidt - 308-313 Allgemeine ('theoretische') Nationalokonomie. Vorlesungen 1894-1898
by Keith Tribe
2011, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-18 Democritus's economic ideas in the context of classical political economy
by Panayotis Michaelides & Ourania Kardasi & John Milios - 19-54 The Anglo-Irish context for William Edward Hearn's economic beliefs and the ultimate failure of his Plutology
by Gregory Moore - 55-84 From the Great Depression to Bretton Woods: Jacob Viner and international monetary stabilization (1930-1945)
by Sebastiano Nerozzi - 85-123 A social innovation or a product of its time? The Rehn-Meidner model's relation to contemporary economics and the Stockholm school
by Lennart Erixon - 125-153 The remarkable transformation of the UV curve in economic theory
by Peter Rodenburg - 155-158 La pensee economique allemande
by Keith Tribe - 159-164 The Return to Keynes
by G. C. Harcourt - 164-167 Michal Kalecki
by J. E. King
2010, Volume 17, Issue 5
- 1111-1112 Preface
by Harald Hagemann & Heinz Kurz & Persefoni Tsaliki & Lefteris Tsoulfidis - 1113-1126 Stories about economics and technology
by Robert Solow - 1127-1147 Cliometrics and technological change: a survey
by Nicholas Crafts - 1149-1168 Technological progress and economic analysis from Petty to Smith
by Hugh Goodacre - 1169-1182 'Universal opulence': Adam Smith on technical progress and real wages
by Tony Aspromourgos - 1183-1222 Technical progress, capital accumulation and income distribution in Classical economics: Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Karl Marx
by Heinz Kurz - 1223-1251 Marx on technical change in the critical edition
by Regina Roth - 1253-1269 Marshall's treatment of technological change in Industry and Trade
by Peter Groenewegen - 1271-1291 Measuring productivity increase by long-run prices: the early analyses of G.R. Porter and R. Giffen
by Arrigo Opocher
2010, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 537-542 The challenge of the history of public economics
by Gilbert Faccarello & Richard Sturn - 543-557 Public economics and history of economic thought: a personal memoir
by Alan Peacock - 559-577 Two unpublished papers from the 1950s
by Alan Peacock & Jack Wiseman - 579-605 Jeremy Bentham, the French Revolution, and the political economy of representation (1788 to 1789)
by Marco Guidi - 607-634 Collective interest versus individual interest in Bentham's felicific calculus. Questioning welfarism and fairness
by Antoinette Baujard - 635-657 Pareto, Pigou and third-party consumption: divergent approaches to welfare theory with implications for the study of public finance
by Michael McLure - 659-685 Progressive indirect taxation and social justice in eighteenth-century France: Forbonnais and Graslin's fiscal system
by Arnaud Orain - 687-718 History of public economics: The historical French school
by Serge-Christophe Kolm - 719-758 Bold ideas. French liberal economists and the state: Say to Leroy-Beaulieu
by Gilbert Faccarello - 759-792 Utility and justice: French liberal economists in the nineteenth century
by Nathalie Sigot - 793-812 The foundations of justice in Jules Dupuit's thought
by Philippe Poinsot - 813-835 Gustave Fauveau's contribution to fiscal theory
by Claire Silvant - 837-864 Non-welfarism Avant la Lettre: Alfred Fouillee's political economy of justice
by Laurent Dobuzinskis - 865-879 Natural law as inspiration to Adolph Wagner's theory of public intervention
by Daniele Corado & Stefano Solari - 881-907 The idea of State in the Italian tradition of public finance
by Amedeo Fossati - 909-931 Public expenditure in Italian public finance theory
by Domenicantonio Fausto - 933-956 Common welfare versus the spirit of private enterprise: the experience of Italian municipalization from 1880 to 1930
by Piero Bini & Daniela Parisi - 957-973 The residual character of externalities
by Maurice Lagueux - 975-1000 The three roles of the 'Coase theorem' in Coase's works
by Elodie Bertrand - 1001-1030 Rawls's justice theory and its relations to the concept of merit goods
by Ragip Ege & Herrade Igersheim - 1031-1046 Get by with a little help from my friends: A recent history of charitable organisations in economic theory
by Alasdair Rutherford - 1047-1077 Government and the provision of public goods:from equilibrium models to mechanismdesign
by Monique Florenzano - 1079-1106 Public economics after neoliberalism: a theoretical-historical perspective
by Yahya Madra & Fikret Adaman
2010, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 383-404 Vanity and the love of system in Theory of Moral Sentiments
by Daniel Diatkine - 405-437 Marshall on welfare, or: the 'utilitarian' meets the 'evolver'
by Marco Dardi - 439-470 Conventionalism and liberalism in Jacques Rueff's early works (1922 to 1929)
by Ludovic Frobert - 471-492 The arrow of time in economics: from Robinson's critique to the new historical economics
by Michael Turk - 493-511 The historical place of the 'Friedman—Phelps' expectations critique
by James Forder - 513-520 Aiming for a 'Higher Prize'Paul Anthony Samuelson (1915-2009)
by Heinz Kurz - 521-525 The Intellectual Foundations of Alfred Marshall's Economic Science: A Rounded Globe of Knowledge
by Marco Dardi - 525-527 The Isolated State in Relation to Agriculture and Political Economy, Part III: Principles for the Determination of Rent, the Most Advantageous Rotation Period and the Value of Stands of Varying Age in Pinewoods
by Ernst Helmstadter
2010, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 163-197 Rabbinical perspectives on money in seventeenth-century Ottoman Egypt
by Daniel Schiffman - 199-228 Money, exchange and division of labour in Rousseau's economic philosophy
by Claire Pignol - 229-253 The future of the working classes: a comparison between J.S. Mill and A. Marshall
by Arrigo Opocher - 255-277 Function, mind and novelty: organismic concepts and Richard M. Goodwin formation at Harvard, 1932 to 1934
by Mauro Caminati - 279-312 'Public goods' before Samuelson: interwar Finanzwissenschaft and Musgrave's synthesis
by Richard Sturn - 313-343 Stabilizing consumer choice: the role of 'true dynamic stability' and related concepts in the history of consumer choice theory
by D. Wade Hands - 345-348 Keeping Faith, Losing Faith: Religious Belief and Political Economy
by Ian Steedman - 349-352 Carl Menger entre Aristote et Hayek. Aux sources de l'economie moderne
by Keith Tribe - 352-356 The General Theory of Economic Evolution
by Rita Strohmaier